# # Find PowerShell # This module looks for PowerShell and sets the following: # POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE - Path to PowerShell. # POWERSHELL_COMMAND - Command suitable for running .ps1 scripts # # To do: # - Add a version check # find_program(POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE NAMES powershell pwsh DOC "PowerShell command" ) INCLUDE(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(PowerShell DEFAULT_MSG POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE) set(_powershell_command "POWERSHELL_COMMAND-NOTFOUND") if(POWERSHELL_FOUND) # Calling a script using "-File" doesn't properly return exit codes. # Use dot sourcing instead # https://connect.microsoft.com/PowerShell/feedback/details/777375/powershell-exe-does-not-set-an-exit-code-when-file-is-used set(_powershell_command "${POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE}" -NoProfile -NonInteractive -executionpolicy bypass .) endif() set(POWERSHELL_COMMAND ${_powershell_command} CACHE STRING "Command suitable for running PowerShell scripts." ) mark_as_advanced(POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE POWERSHELL_COMMAND)