(This is a consolidation of documentation written by stig, sahlberg, and gram) What is the display filter system? ================================== The display filter system allows the user to select packets by testing for values in the proto_tree that Wireshark constructs for that packet. Every proto_item in the proto_tree has an 'abbrev' field and a 'type' field, which tells the display filter engine the name of the field and its type (what values it can hold). For example, this is the definition of the ip.proto field from packet-ip.c: { &hf_ip_proto, { "Protocol", "ip.proto", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC | BASE_EXT_STRING, &ipproto_val_ext, 0x0, NULL, HFILL }}, This definition says that "ip.proto" is the display-filter name for this field, and that its field-type is FT_UINT8. The display filter system has 3 major parts to it: 1. A type system (field types, or "ftypes") 2. A parser, to convert a user's query to an internal representation 3. An engine that uses the internal representation to select packets. code: epan/dfilter/* - the display filter engine, including scanner, parser, syntax-tree semantics checker, DFVM bytecode generator, and DFVM engine. epan/ftypes/* - the definitions of the various FT_* field types. epan/proto.c - proto_tree-related routines The field type system ===================== The field type system is stored in epan/ftypes. The proto_tree system #includes ftypes.h, which gives it the ftenum definition, which is the enum of all possible ftypes: /* field types */ enum ftenum { FT_NONE, /* used for text labels with no value */ FT_PROTOCOL, FT_BOOLEAN, FT_CHAR, /* 1-octet character as 0-255 */ FT_UINT8, FT_UINT16, FT_UINT24, /* really a UINT32, but displayed as 6 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/ FT_UINT32, FT_UINT40, /* really a UINT64, but displayed as 10 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/ FT_UINT48, /* really a UINT64, but displayed as 12 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/ FT_UINT56, /* really a UINT64, but displayed as 14 hex-digits if FD_HEX*/ FT_UINT64, etc., etc. } It also provides the definition of fvalue_t, the struct that holds the *value* that corresponds to the type. Each proto_item (proto_node) holds an fvalue_t due to having a field_info struct (defined in proto.h). The fvalue_t is mostly just a gigantic union of possible C-language types (as opposed to FT_* types): typedef struct _fvalue_t { ftype_t *ftype; union { /* Put a few basic types in here */ uint32_t uinteger; int32_t sinteger; uint64_t uinteger64; int64_t sinteger64; double floating; wmem_strbuf_t *strbuf; GByteArray *bytes; ipv4_addr_and_mask ipv4; ipv6_addr_and_prefix ipv6; e_guid_t guid; nstime_t time; protocol_value_t protocol; uint16_t sfloat_ieee_11073; uint32_t float_ieee_11073; } value; } fvalue_t; Defining a field type --------------------- The ftype system itself is designed to be modular, so that new field types can be added when necessary. Each field type must implement an ftype_t structure, defined in ftypes-int.h. This is the way a field type is registered with the ftype engine. If you take a look at ftype-integer.c, you will see that it provides an ftype_register_integers() function, that fills in many such ftype_t structs. It creates one for each integer type: FT_UINT8, FT_UINT16, FT_UINT32, etc. The ftype_t struct defines the things needed for the ftype: * its ftenum value * a string representation of the FT name ("FT_UINT8") * how much data it consumes in the packet * how to store that value in an fvalue_t: new(), free(), various value-related functions * how to compare that value against another * how to slice that value (strings and byte ranges can be sliced) Using an fvalue_t ----------------- Once the value of a field is stored in an fvalue_t (stored in each proto_item via field_info), it's easy to use those values, thanks to the various fvalue_*() functions defined in ftypes.h. Functions like fvalue_get(), fvalue_eq(), etc., are all generic interfaces to get information about the field's value. They work on any field type because of the ftype_t struct, which is the lookup table that the field-type engine uses to work with any field type. The display filter parser ========================= The display filter parser (along with the comparison engine) is stored in epan/dfilter. The scanner/parser pair read the string representing the display filter and convert it into a very simple syntax tree. The syntax tree is very simple in that it is possible that many of the nodes contain unparsed chunks of text from the display filter. There are four phases to parsing a user's request: 1. Scanning the string for dfilter syntax 2. Parsing the keywords according to the dfilter grammar, into a syntax tree 3. Doing a semantic check of the nodes in that syntax tree 4. Converting the syntax tree into a series of DFVM byte codes The dfilter_compile() function, in epan/dfilter/dfilter.c, runs these 4 phases. The end result is a dfwork_t object (dfw), that can be passed to dfilter_apply() to actually run the display filter against a set of proto_trees. Scanning the display filter string ---------------------------------- epan/dfilter/scanner.l is the lex scanner for finding keywords in the user's display filter string. Its operation is simple. It finds the special function and comparison operators ("==", "!=", "eq", "ne", etc.), it finds slice operations ( "[0:1]" ), quoted strings, IP addresses, numbers, and any other "special" keywords or string types. Anything it doesn't know how to handle is passed to the grammar parser as an unparsed string (TOKEN_UNPARSED). This includes field names. The scanner does not interpret any protocol field names at all. The scanner has to return a token type (TOKEN_*, and in many cases, a value. The value will be an stnode_t struct, which is a syntax tree node object. Since the final storage of the parse will be in a syntax tree, it is convenient for the scanner to fill in syntax tree nodes with values when it can. The stnode_t definition is in epan/dfilter/syntax-tree.h Parsing the keywords according to the dfilter grammar ----------------------------------------------------- The grammar parser is implemented with the 'lemon' tool, rather than the traditional yacc or bison grammar parser, as lemon grammars were found to be easier to work with. The lemon parser specification (epan/dfilter/grammar.lemon) is much easier to read than its bison counterpart would be, thanks to lemon's feature of being able to name fields, rather then using numbers ($1, $2, etc.) The lemon tool is located in tools/lemon in the Wireshark distribution. An on-line introduction to lemon is available at: http://www.sqlite.org/src/doc/trunk/doc/lemon.html The grammar specifies which type of constructs are possible within the dfilter language ("dfilter-lang") An "expression" in dfilter-lang can be a relational test or a logical test. A relational test compares a value against another, which is usually a field (or a slice of a field) against some static value, like: ip.proto == 1 eth.dst != ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff A logical test combines other expressions with "and", "or", and "not". At the end of the grammatical parsing, the dfw object will have a valid syntax tree, pointed at by dfw->st_root. If there is an error in the syntax, the parser will call dfilter_fail() with an appropriate error message, which the UI will need to report to the user. The syntax tree system ---------------------- The syntax tree is created as a result of running the lemon-based grammar parser on the scanned tokens. The syntax tree code is in epan/dfilter/syntax-tree* and epan/dfilter/sttype-*. It too uses a set of code modules that implement different syntax node types, similar to how the field-type system registers a set of ftypes with a central engine. Each node (stnode_t) in the syntax tree has a type (sttype). These sttypes are very much related to ftypes (field types), but there is not a one-to-one correspondence. The syntax tree nodes are slightly higher-level abstractions. The root node of the syntax tree is the main test or comparison being done. Semantic Check -------------- After the parsing is done and a syntax tree is available, the code in semcheck.c does a semantic check of what is in the syntax tree. The semantics of the simple syntax tree are checked to make sure that the fields that are being compared are being compared to appropriate values. For example, if a field is an integer, it can't be compared to a string, unless a value_string has been defined for that field. During the process of checking the semantics, the simple syntax tree is fleshed out and no longer contains nodes with unparsed information. The syntax tree is no longer in its simple form, but in its complete form. For example, if the dfilter is slicing a field and comparing against a set of bytes, semcheck.c has to check that the field in question can indeed be sliced. Or, can a field be compared against a certain type of value (string, integer, float, IPv4 address, etc.) The semcheck code also makes adjustments to the syntax tree when it needs to. The parser sometimes stores raw, unparsed strings in the syntax tree, and semcheck has to convert them to certain types. For example, the display filter may contain a value_string string (the "enum" type that protocols can use to define the possible textual descriptions of numeric fields), and semcheck will convert that value_string string into the correct integer value. Truth be told, the semcheck.c code is a bit disorganized, and could be re-designed & re-written. DFVM Byte Codes --------------- The syntax tree is analyzed to create a sequence of bytecodes in the "DFVM" language. "DFVM" stands for Display Filter Virtual Machine. The DFVM is similar in spirit, but not in definition, to the BPF VM that libpcap uses to analyze packets. A virtual bytecode is created and used so that the actual process of filtering packets will be fast. That is, it should be faster to process a list of VM bytecodes than to attempt to filter packets directly from the syntax tree. (heh... no measurement has been made to support this supposition) The DFVM opcodes are defined in epan/dfilter/dfvm.h (dfvm_opcode_t). Similar to how the BPF opcode system works in libpcap, there is a limited set of opcodes. They operate by loading values from the proto_tree into registers, loading pre-defined values into registers, and comparing them. The opcodes are checked in sequence, and there are only 2 branching opcodes: IF_TRUE_GOTO and IF_FALSE_GOTO. Both of these can only branch forwards, and never backwards. In this way sets of DFVM instructions will never get into an infinite loop. The epan/dfilter/gencode.c code converts the syntax tree into a set of dfvm instructions. The constants that are in the DFVM instructions (the constant values that the user is checking against) are pre-loaded into registers via the dfvm_init_const() call, and stored in the dfilter_t structure for when the display filter is actually applied. DFVM Engine =========== Once the DFVM bytecode has been produced, it's a simple matter of running the DFVM engine against the proto_tree from the packet dissection, using the DFVM bytecodes as instructions. If the DFVM bytecode is known before packet dissection occurs, the proto_tree-related code can be "primed" to store away pointers to field_info structures that are interesting to the display filter. This makes lookup of those field_info structures during the filtering process faster. The dfilter_apply() function runs a single pre-compiled display filter against a single proto_tree function, and returns true or false, meaning that the filter matched or not. That function calls dfvm_apply(), which runs across the DFVM instructions, loading protocol field values into DFVM registers and doing the comparisons. There is a top-level Makefile target called 'dftest' which builds a 'dftest' executable that will print out the DFVM bytecode for any display filter given on the command-line. To build it, run: $ make dftest To use it, give it the display filter on the command-line: $ ./dftest 'ip.addr ==' Filter: ip.addr == Constants: 00000 PUT_FVALUE -> reg#1 Instructions: 00000 READ_TREE ip.addr -> reg#0 00001 IF-FALSE-GOTO 3 00002 ANY_EQ reg#0 == reg#1 00003 RETURN The output shows the original display filter, then the opcodes that put constant values into registers. The registers are numbered, and are shown in the output as "reg#n", where 'n' is the identifying number. Then the instructions are shown. These are the instructions which are run for each proto_tree. This is what happens in this example: 00000 READ_TREE ip.addr -> reg#0 Any ip.addr fields in the proto_tree are loaded into register 0. Yes, multiple values can be loaded into a single register. As a result of this READ_TREE, the accumulator will hold true or false, indicating if any field's value was loaded, or not. 00001 IF-FALSE-GOTO 3 If the load failed because there were no ip.addr fields in the proto_tree, then we jump to instruction 3. 00002 ANY_EQ reg#0 == reg#1 This checks to see if any of the fields in register 1 (which has the pre-loaded constant value of are equal to any of the fields in register 0 (which are all of the ip.addr fields in the proto tree). The resulting value in the accumulator will be true if any of the fields match, or false if none match. 00003 RETURN This returns the accumulator's value, either true or false. In addition to dftest, there is also a unit-test script for the display filter engine - test/suite_dfilter/dfiltertest.py. It makes use of tshark to run specific display filters against specific captures in test/captures. See the "Wireshark Tests" chapter in the Wireshark Developer’s Guide. Display Filter Functions ======================== You define a display filter function by adding an entry to the df_functions table in epan/dfilter/dfunctions.c. The record struct is defined in dfunctions.h, and shown here: typedef struct { char *name; DFFuncType function; ftenum_t retval_ftype; unsigned min_nargs; unsigned max_nargs; DFSemCheckType semcheck_param_function; } df_func_def_t; name - the name of the function; this is how the user will call your function in the display filter language function - this is the run-time processing of your function. retval_ftype - what type of FT_* type does your function return? min_nargs - minimum number of arguments your function accepts max_nargs - maximum number of arguments your function accepts semcheck_param_function - called during the semantic check of the display filter string. DFFuncType function ------------------- typedef bool (*DFFuncType)(GList *arg1list, GList *arg2list, GList **retval); The return value of your function is a bool; true if processing went fine, or false if there was some sort of exception. For now, display filter functions can accept a maximum of 2 arguments. The "arg1list" parameter is the GList for the first argument. The 'arg2list" parameter is the GList for the second argument. All arguments to display filter functions are lists. This is because in the display filter language a protocol field may have multiple instances. For example, a field like "ip.addr" will exist more than once in a single frame. So when the user invokes this display filter: somefunc(ip.addr) == true even though "ip.addr" is a single argument, the "somefunc" function will receive a GList of *all* the values of "ip.addr" in the frame. Similarly, the return value of the function needs to be a GList, since all values in the display filter language are lists. The GList** retval argument is passed to your function so you can set the pointer to your return value. DFSemCheckType -------------- typedef void (*DFSemCheckType)(dfwork_t *dfw, int param_num, stnode_t *st_node); For each parameter in the syntax tree, this function will be called. "param_num" will indicate the number of the parameter, starting with 0. The "stnode_t" is the syntax-tree node representing that parameter. If everything is okay with the value of that stnode_t, your function does nothing --- it merely returns. If something is wrong, however, it should call dfilter_fail(dfw,...) and THROW a TypeError exception. Example: add an 'in' display filter operation ============================================= This example has been discussed on ethereal-dev in April 2004. [Ethereal-dev] Need for an 'in' dfilter operator? (https://www.wireshark.org/lists/ethereal-dev/200404/msg00372.html) It illustrates how a more complex operation can be added to the display filter language. Question: If I want to add an 'in' display filter operation, I need to define several things. This can happen in different ways. For instance, every value from the "in" value collection will result in a test. There are 2 options here, either a test for a single value: (x in {a b c}) or a test for a value in a given range: (x in {a ... z}) or even a combination of both. The former example can be reduced to: ((x == a) or (x == b) or (x == c)) while the latter can be reduced to ((x >= MIN(a, z)) and (x <= MAX(a, z))) I understand that I can replace "x in {" with the following steps: first store x in the "in" test buffer, then add "(" to the display filter expression internally. Similarly I can replace the closing brace "}" with the following steps: release x from the "in" test buffer and then add ")" to the display filter expression internally. How could I do this? Answer: This could be done in grammar.lemon. The grammar would produce syntax tree nodes, combining them with "or", when it is given tokens that represent the "in" syntax. It could also be done later in the process, maybe in semcheck.c. But if you can do it earlier, in grammar.lemon, then you shouldn't have to worry about modifying anything in semcheck.c, as the syntax tree that is passed to semcheck.c won't contain any new type of operators... just lots of nodes combined with "or". How to add an operator FOO to the display filter language? ========================================================== Go to wireshark/epan/dfilter/ Edit grammar.lemon and add the operator. Add the operator FOO and the test logic (defining TEST_OP_FOO). Edit scanner.l and add the operator name(s) hence defining TOKEN_TEST_FOO. Also update the simple() or add the new operand's code. Edit sttype-test.h and add the TEST_OP_FOO to the list of test operations. Edit sttype-test.c and add TEST_OP_FOO to the num_operands() method. Edit gencode.c, add TEST_OP_FOO in the gen_test() method by defining ANY_FOO. Edit dfvm.h and add ANY_FOO to the enum dfvm_opcode_t structure. Edit dfvm.c and add ANY_FOO to dfvm_dump() (for the dftest display filter test binary), to dfvm_apply() hence defining the methods fvalue_foo(). Edit semcheck.c and look at the check_relation_XXX() methods if they still apply to the foo operator; if not, amend the code. Start from the check_test() method to discover the logic. Go to wireshark/epan/ftypes/ Edit ftypes.h and declare the fvalue_foo(), ftype_can_foo() and fvalue_foo() methods. Add the cmp_foo() method to the struct _ftype_t. This is the first time that a make in wireshark/epan/dfilter/ can succeed. If it fails, then some code in the previously edited files must be corrected. Edit ftypes.c and define the fvalue_foo() method with its associated logic. Define also the ftype_can_foo() and fvalue_foo() methods. Edit all ftype-*.c files and add the required fvalue_foo() methods. This is the point where you should be able to compile without errors in wireshark/epan/ftypes/. If not, first fix the errors. Go to wireshark/epan/ and run make. If this one succeeds, then we're almost done as no errors should occur here. Go to wireshark/ and run make. One thing to do is make dftest and see if you can construct valid display filters with your new operator. Or you may want to move directly to the generation of Wireshark. Also look at ui/qt/display_filter_expression_dialog.cpp and the display filter expression generator. How to add a new test to the test suite ======================================= All display filter tests are located in test/suite_dfilter. You can add a test to an existing file or create a new file. Each new test class must define "trace_file", which names a capture file in "test/captures". All the tests run in that class will use that one capture file. There are 2 fixtures you can use for testing: checkDFilterCount(dfilter, expected_count) This will run the display filter through tshark, on the file named by "trace_file", and assert that the number of resulting packets equals "expected_count". This also asserts that tshark does not fail; success with zero matches is not the same as failure to compile the display filter string. checkDFilterFail(dfilter, error) This will run dftest with the display filter, and check that it fails with a given error message. This is useful when expecting display filter syntax errors to be caught. To execute tests: # Run all dfilter tests $ test/test.py suite_dfilter # Run all tests from group_tvb.py: $ test/test.py suite_dfilter.group_tvb # For faster, parallel tests, install the "pytest-xdist" first # (for example, using "pip install pytest-xdist"), then: $ pytest -nauto test -k suite_dfilter # Run all tests from group_tvb.py, in parallel: $ pytest -nauto test -k case_tvb # Run a single test from group_tvb.py, case_tvb.test_slice_4: $ pytest test -k "case_tvb and test_slice_4" See also https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChapterTests.html