#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2014 Roland Knall # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # """ This is a generic example, which produces pcap packages every n seconds, and is configurable via extcap options. @note { To use this script on Windows, please generate an extcap_example.bat inside the extcap folder, with the following content: ------- @echo off C:\Windows\py.exe C:\Path\to\extcap_example.py %* ------- Windows is not able to execute Python scripts directly, which also goes for all other script-based formats beside VBScript } """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import re import argparse import time import struct import array from threading import Thread ERROR_USAGE = 0 ERROR_ARG = 1 ERROR_INTERFACE = 2 ERROR_FIFO = 3 ERROR_DELAY = 4 CTRL_CMD_INITIALIZED = 0 CTRL_CMD_SET = 1 CTRL_CMD_ADD = 2 CTRL_CMD_REMOVE = 3 CTRL_CMD_ENABLE = 4 CTRL_CMD_DISABLE = 5 CTRL_CMD_STATUSBAR = 6 CTRL_CMD_INFORMATION = 7 CTRL_CMD_WARNING = 8 CTRL_CMD_ERROR = 9 CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE = 0 CTRL_ARG_DELAY = 1 CTRL_ARG_VERIFY = 2 CTRL_ARG_BUTTON = 3 CTRL_ARG_HELP = 4 CTRL_ARG_RESTORE = 5 CTRL_ARG_LOGGER = 6 CTRL_ARG_NONE = 255 initialized = False message = '' delay = 0.0 verify = False button = False button_disabled = False """ This code has been taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5943249/python-argparse-and-controlling-overriding-the-exit-status-code - originally developed by Rob Cowie http://stackoverflow.com/users/46690/rob-cowie """ class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): def _get_action_from_name(self, name): """Given a name, get the Action instance registered with this parser. If only it were made available in the ArgumentError object. It is passed as its first arg... """ container = self._actions if name is None: return None for action in container: if '/'.join(action.option_strings) == name: return action elif action.metavar == name: return action elif action.dest == name: return action def error(self, message): exc = sys.exc_info()[1] if exc: exc.argument = self._get_action_from_name(exc.argument_name) raise exc super(ArgumentParser, self).error(message) #### EXTCAP FUNCTIONALITY """@brief Extcap configuration This method prints the extcap configuration, which will be picked up by the interface in Wireshark to present a interface specific configuration for this extcap plugin """ def extcap_config(interface, option): args = [] values = [] multi_values = [] args.append((0, '--delay', 'Time delay', 'Time delay between packages', 'integer', '{range=1,15}{default=5}')) args.append((1, '--message', 'Message', 'Package message content', 'string', '{required=true}{placeholder=Please enter a message here ...}')) args.append((2, '--verify', 'Verify', 'Verify package content', 'boolflag', '{default=yes}')) args.append((3, '--remote', 'Remote Channel', 'Remote Channel Selector', 'selector', '{reload=true}{placeholder=Load interfaces ...}')) args.append((4, '--fake_ip', 'Fake IP Address', 'Use this ip address as sender', 'string', '{save=false}{validation=\\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\b}')) args.append((5, '--ltest', 'Long Test', 'Long Test Value', 'long', '{default=123123123123123123}{group=Numeric Values}')) args.append((6, '--d1test', 'Double 1 Test', 'Long Test Value', 'double', '{default=123.456}{group=Numeric Values}')) args.append((7, '--d2test', 'Double 2 Test', 'Long Test Value', 'double', '{default= 123,456}{group=Numeric Values}')) args.append((8, '--password', 'Password', 'Package message password', 'password', '')) args.append((9, '--ts', 'Start Time', 'Capture start time', 'timestamp', '{group=Time / Log}')) args.append((10, '--logfile', 'Log File Test', 'The Log File Test', 'fileselect', '{group=Time / Log}')) args.append((11, '--radio', 'Radio Test', 'Radio Test Value', 'radio', '{group=Selection}')) args.append((12, '--multi', 'MultiCheck Test', 'MultiCheck Test Value', 'multicheck', '{group=Selection}')) if option == "remote": values.append((3, "if1", "Remote Interface 1", "false")) values.append((3, "if2", "Remote Interface 2", "true")) values.append((3, "if3", "Remote Interface 3", "false")) values.append((3, "if4", "Remote Interface 4", "false")) if option == "radio": values.append((11, "r1", "Radio Option 1", "false")) values.append((11, "r2", "Radio Option 2", "false")) values.append((11, "r3", "Radio Option 3", "true")) if len(option) <= 0: for arg in args: print("arg {number=%d}{call=%s}{display=%s}{tooltip=%s}{type=%s}%s" % arg) values.append((3, "if1", "Remote1", "true")) values.append((3, "if2", "Remote2", "false")) values.append((11, "r1", "Radio1", "false")) values.append((11, "r2", "Radio2", "true")) if len(option) <= 0: multi_values.append(((12, "m1", "Checkable Parent 1", "false", "true"), None)) multi_values.append(((12, "m1c1", "Checkable Child 1", "false", "true"), "m1")) multi_values.append(((12, "m1c1g1", "Uncheckable Grandchild", "false", "false"), "m1c1")) multi_values.append(((12, "m1c2", "Checkable Child 2", "false", "true"), "m1")) multi_values.append(((12, "m2", "Checkable Parent 2", "false", "true"), None)) multi_values.append(((12, "m2c1", "Checkable Child 1", "false", "true"), "m2")) multi_values.append(((12, "m2c1g1", "Checkable Grandchild", "false", "true"), "m2c1")) multi_values.append(((12, "m2c2", "Uncheckable Child 2", "false", "false"), "m2")) multi_values.append(((12, "m2c2g1", "Uncheckable Grandchild", "false", "false"), "m2c2")) for value in values: print("value {arg=%d}{value=%s}{display=%s}{default=%s}" % value) for (value, parent) in multi_values: sentence = "value {arg=%d}{value=%s}{display=%s}{default=%s}{enabled=%s}" % value extra = "{parent=%s}" % parent if parent else "" print("".join((sentence, extra))) def extcap_version(): print("extcap {version=1.0}{help=https://www.wireshark.org}{display=Example extcap interface}") def extcap_interfaces(): print("extcap {version=1.0}{help=https://www.wireshark.org}{display=Example extcap interface}") print("interface {value=example1}{display=Example interface 1 for extcap}") print("interface {value=example2}{display=Example interface 2 for extcap}") print("control {number=%d}{type=string}{display=Message}{tooltip=Package message content. Must start with a capital letter.}{placeholder=Enter package message content here ...}{validation=^[A-Z]+}" % CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE) print("control {number=%d}{type=selector}{display=Time delay}{tooltip=Time delay between packages}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY) print("control {number=%d}{type=boolean}{display=Verify}{default=true}{tooltip=Verify package content}" % CTRL_ARG_VERIFY) print("control {number=%d}{type=button}{display=Turn on}{tooltip=Turn on or off}" % CTRL_ARG_BUTTON) print("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=help}{display=Help}{tooltip=Show help}" % CTRL_ARG_HELP) print("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=restore}{display=Restore}{tooltip=Restore default values}" % CTRL_ARG_RESTORE) print("control {number=%d}{type=button}{role=logger}{display=Log}{tooltip=Show capture log}" % CTRL_ARG_LOGGER) print("value {control=%d}{value=1}{display=1}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY) print("value {control=%d}{value=2}{display=2}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY) print("value {control=%d}{value=3}{display=3}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY) print("value {control=%d}{value=4}{display=4}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY) print("value {control=%d}{value=5}{display=5}{default=true}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY) print("value {control=%d}{value=60}{display=60}" % CTRL_ARG_DELAY) def extcap_dlts(interface): if interface == '1': print("dlt {number=147}{name=USER0}{display=Demo Implementation for Extcap}") elif interface == '2': print("dlt {number=148}{name=USER1}{display=Demo Implementation for Extcap}") def validate_capture_filter(capture_filter): if capture_filter != "filter" and capture_filter != "valid": print("Illegal capture filter") """ ### FAKE DATA GENERATOR Extcap capture routine This routine simulates a capture by any kind of user defined device. The parameters are user specified and must be handled by the extcap. The data captured inside this routine is fake, so change this routine to present your own input data, or call your own capture program via Popen for example. See for more details. """ def unsigned(n): return int(n) & 0xFFFFFFFF def pcap_fake_header(): header = bytearray() header += struct.pack('> 16) csum = csum & 0xFFFF ^ 0xFFFF return csum iterateCounter = 0 def pcap_fake_package(message, fake_ip): global iterateCounter pcap = bytearray() #length = 14 bytes [ eth ] + 20 bytes [ ip ] + messagelength caplength = len(message) + 14 + 20 timestamp = int(time.time()) pcap += struct.pack('H', unsigned(len(message)+20)) # length of data + payload pcap += struct.pack('L', ipadr) # Source IP pcap += struct.pack('>L', int('7F000001', 16)) # Dest IP pcap += message return pcap def control_read(fn): try: header = fn.read(6) sp, _, length, arg, typ = struct.unpack('>sBHBB', header) if length > 2: payload = fn.read(length - 2).decode('utf-8', 'replace') else: payload = '' return arg, typ, payload except Exception: return None, None, None def control_read_thread(control_in, fn_out): global initialized, message, delay, verify, button, button_disabled with open(control_in, 'rb', 0) as fn: arg = 0 while arg is not None: arg, typ, payload = control_read(fn) log = '' if typ == CTRL_CMD_INITIALIZED: initialized = True elif arg == CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE: message = payload log = "Message = " + payload elif arg == CTRL_ARG_DELAY: delay = float(payload) log = "Time delay = " + payload elif arg == CTRL_ARG_VERIFY: # Only read this after initialized if initialized: verify = (payload[0] != '\0') log = "Verify = " + str(verify) control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_NONE, CTRL_CMD_STATUSBAR, "Verify changed") elif arg == CTRL_ARG_BUTTON: control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_DISABLE, "") button_disabled = True if button: control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Turn on") button = False log = "Button turned off" else: control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Turn off") button = True log = "Button turned on" if len(log) > 0: control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_ADD, log + "\n") def control_write(fn, arg, typ, payload): packet = bytearray() packet += struct.pack('>sBHBB', b'T', 0, len(payload) + 2, arg, typ) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and isinstance(payload, str): packet += payload.encode('utf-8') else: packet += payload fn.write(packet) def control_write_defaults(fn_out): global initialized, message, delay, verify while not initialized: time.sleep(.1) # Wait for initial control values # Write startup configuration to Toolbar controls control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_MESSAGE, CTRL_CMD_SET, message) control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_SET, str(int(delay))) control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_VERIFY, CTRL_CMD_SET, struct.pack('B', verify)) for i in range(1, 16): item = '%d\x00%d sec' % (i, i) control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_ADD, item) control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_DELAY, CTRL_CMD_REMOVE, str(60)) def extcap_capture(interface, fifo, control_in, control_out, in_delay, in_verify, in_message, remote, fake_ip): global message, delay, verify, button_disabled delay = in_delay if in_delay != 0 else 5 message = in_message verify = in_verify counter = 1 fn_out = None data = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nost rud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugi at nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culp a qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. """ with open(fifo, 'wb', 0) as fh: fh.write(pcap_fake_header()) if control_out is not None: fn_out = open(control_out, 'wb', 0) control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_SET, "Log started at " + time.strftime("%c") + "\n") if control_in is not None: # Start reading thread thread = Thread(target=control_read_thread, args=(control_in, fn_out)) thread.start() if fn_out is not None: control_write_defaults(fn_out) dataPackage = int(0) dataTotal = int(len(data) / 20) + 1 while True: if fn_out is not None: log = "Received packet #" + str(counter) + "\n" control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_LOGGER, CTRL_CMD_ADD, log) counter = counter + 1 if button_disabled: control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_BUTTON, CTRL_CMD_ENABLE, "") control_write(fn_out, CTRL_ARG_NONE, CTRL_CMD_INFORMATION, "Turn action finished.") button_disabled = False if (dataPackage * 20 > len(data)): dataPackage = 0 dataSub = data[dataPackage * 20:(dataPackage + 1) * 20] dataPackage += 1 out = ("%c%s%c%c%c%s%c%s%c" % (len(remote), remote.strip(), dataPackage, dataTotal, len(dataSub), dataSub.strip(), len(message), message.strip(), verify)).encode("utf8") fh.write(pcap_fake_package(out, fake_ip)) time.sleep(delay) thread.join() if fn_out is not None: fn_out.close() def extcap_close_fifo(fifo): # This is apparently needed to workaround an issue on Windows/macOS # where the message cannot be read. (really?) fh = open(fifo, 'wb', 0) fh.close() #### def usage(): print("Usage: %s <--extcap-interfaces | --extcap-dlts | --extcap-interface | --extcap-config | --capture | --extcap-capture-filter | --fifo>" % sys.argv[0] ) if __name__ == '__main__': interface = "" option = "" # Capture options delay = 0 message = "" fake_ip = "" ts = 0 parser = ArgumentParser( prog="Extcap Example", description="Extcap example program for Python" ) # Extcap Arguments parser.add_argument("--capture", help="Start the capture routine", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument("--extcap-interfaces", help="Provide a list of interfaces to capture from", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--extcap-interface", help="Provide the interface to capture from") parser.add_argument("--extcap-dlts", help="Provide a list of dlts for the given interface", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--extcap-config", help="Provide a list of configurations for the given interface", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--extcap-capture-filter", help="Used together with capture to provide a capture filter") parser.add_argument("--fifo", help="Use together with capture to provide the fifo to dump data to") parser.add_argument("--extcap-control-in", help="Used to get control messages from toolbar") parser.add_argument("--extcap-control-out", help="Used to send control messages to toolbar") parser.add_argument("--extcap-version", help="Shows the version of this utility", nargs='?', default="") parser.add_argument("--extcap-reload-option", help="Reload elements for the given option") # Interface Arguments parser.add_argument("--verify", help="Demonstrates a verification bool flag", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument("--delay", help="Demonstrates an integer variable", type=int, default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ) parser.add_argument("--remote", help="Demonstrates a selector choice", default="if1", choices=["if1", "if2", "if3", "if4"] ) parser.add_argument("--message", help="Demonstrates string variable", nargs='?', default="" ) parser.add_argument("--fake_ip", help="Add a fake sender IP address", nargs='?', default="" ) parser.add_argument("--ts", help="Capture start time", action="store_true" ) try: args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() except argparse.ArgumentError as exc: print("%s: %s" % (exc.argument.dest, exc.message), file=sys.stderr) fifo_found = 0 fifo = "" for arg in sys.argv: if arg == "--fifo" or arg == "--extcap-fifo": fifo_found = 1 elif fifo_found == 1: fifo = arg break extcap_close_fifo(fifo) sys.exit(ERROR_ARG) if len(sys.argv) <= 1: parser.exit("No arguments given!") if args.extcap_version and not args.extcap_interfaces: extcap_version() sys.exit(0) if not args.extcap_interfaces and args.extcap_interface is None: parser.exit("An interface must be provided or the selection must be displayed") if args.extcap_capture_filter and not args.capture: validate_capture_filter(args.extcap_capture_filter) sys.exit(0) if args.extcap_interfaces or args.extcap_interface is None: extcap_interfaces() sys.exit(0) if len(unknown) > 1: print("Extcap Example %d unknown arguments given" % len(unknown)) m = re.match('example(\d+)', args.extcap_interface) if not m: sys.exit(ERROR_INTERFACE) interface = m.group(1) message = args.message if args.message is None or len(args.message) == 0: message = "Extcap Test" fake_ip = args.fake_ip if args.fake_ip is None or len(args.fake_ip) < 7 or len(args.fake_ip.split('.')) != 4: fake_ip = "" ts = args.ts if args.extcap_reload_option and len(args.extcap_reload_option) > 0: option = args.extcap_reload_option if args.extcap_config: extcap_config(interface, option) elif args.extcap_dlts: extcap_dlts(interface) elif args.capture: if args.fifo is None: sys.exit(ERROR_FIFO) # The following code demonstrates error management with extcap if args.delay > 5: print("Value for delay [%d] too high" % args.delay, file=sys.stderr) extcap_close_fifo(args.fifo) sys.exit(ERROR_DELAY) try: extcap_capture(interface, args.fifo, args.extcap_control_in, args.extcap_control_out, args.delay, args.verify, message, args.remote, fake_ip) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: usage() sys.exit(ERROR_USAGE)