include::../attributes.adoc[] = randpktdump(1) :doctype: manpage :stylesheet: ws.css :linkcss: :copycss: {css_dir}/{stylesheet} == NAME randpktdump - Provide an interface to generate random captures using randpkt == SYNOPSIS [manarg] *randpktdump* [ *--help* ] [ *--version* ] [ *--extcap-interfaces* ] [ *--extcap-dlts* ] [ *--extcap-interface*= ] [ *--extcap-config* ] [ *--capture* ] [ *--fifo*= ] [ *--maxbytes*= ] [ *--count*= ] [ *--delay*= ] [ *--random-type*= ] [ *--all-random*= ] [ *--type*= ] == DESCRIPTION *randpktdump* is a extcap tool that provides access to the random packet generator (randpkt). It is mainly used for testing and educational purpose. == OPTIONS --help:: Print program arguments. --version:: Print program version. --extcap-interfaces:: List available interfaces. --extcap-interface=:: Use specified interfaces. --extcap-dlts:: List DLTs of specified interface. --extcap-config:: List configuration options of specified interface. --capture:: Start capturing from specified interface save saved it in place specified by --fifo. --fifo=:: Save captured packet to file or send it through pipe. --maxbytes=:: Set the max number of bytes per packet. --count=:: Number of packets to generate (-1 for infinite). --delay=:: Wait a number of milliseconds after writing each packet. --random-type:: Choose a random packet type for all packets if set to true. --all-random:: Choose a different random packet type for each packet if set to true. --type=:: Use the selected packet type. To list all the available packet type, run randpktdump --help. == EXAMPLES To see program arguments: randpktdump --help To see program version: randpktdump --version To see interfaces: randpktdump --extcap-interfaces .Example output interface {value=randpkt}{display=Random packet generator} To see interface DLTs: randpktdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --extcap-dlts .Example output dlt {number=1}{name=randpkt}{display=Ethernet} To see interface configuration options: randpktdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --extcap-config .Example output arg {number=0}{call=--maxbytes}{display=Max bytes in a packet}{type=unsigned}{range=1,5000}{default=5000}{tooltip=The max number of bytes in a packet} arg {number=1}{call=--count}{display=Number of packets}{type=long}{default=1000}{tooltip=Number of packets to generate (-1 for infinite)} arg {number=2}{call=--delay}{display=Packet delay (ms)}{type=long}{default=0}{tooltip=Milliseconds to wait after writing each packet} arg {number=3}{call=--random-type}{display=Random type}{type=boolflag}{default=false}{tooltip=The packets type is randomly chosen} arg {number=4}{call=--all-random}{display=All random packets}{type=boolflag}{default=false}{tooltip=Packet type for each packet is randomly chosen} arg {number=5}{call=--type}{display=Type of packet}{type=selector}{tooltip=Type of packet to generate} value {arg=5}{value=arp}{display=Address Resolution Protocol} [...] value {arg=5}{value=usb-linux}{display=Universal Serial Bus with Linux specific header} To capture: randpktdump --extcap-interface=randpkt --fifo=/tmp/randpkt.pcapng --capture NOTE: To stop capturing CTRL+C/kill/terminate the application. == SEE ALSO xref:wireshark.html[wireshark](1), xref:tshark.html[tshark](1), xref:dumpcap.html[dumpcap](1), xref:extcap.html[extcap](4), xref:randpkt.html[randpkt](1) == NOTES *randpktdump* is part of the *Wireshark* distribution. The latest version of *Wireshark* can be found at HTML versions of the Wireshark project man pages are available at == AUTHORS .Original Author [%hardbreaks] Dario Lombardo