[#wsluarm] // Attributes :build_dir: .. == Lua Support in Wireshark [#wsluarm_intro] === Introduction Lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Wireshark contains an embedded Lua interpreter which can be used to write dissectors, taps, and capture file readers and writers. Wireshark versions 4.2.x and earlier support Lua 5.1 and 5.2, and newer versions support Lua 5.3 and 5.4. The Lua BitOp library is bundled with all version of Wireshark; Lua 5.3 and later also have native support for https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#3.4.2[bitwise operators]. If Lua is enabled, Wireshark will first try to load a file named `init.lua` from the global link:{wireshark-users-guide-url}ChPluginFolders.html[_plugins directory_]. and then from the user’s link:{wireshark-users-guide-url}ChAppFilesConfigurationSection.html[_personal plugins directory_]. Then all files ending with _.lua_ are loaded from the global plugins directory and its subdirectories. Then all files ending with _.lua_ in the personal Lua plugins directory and its subdirectories are loaded. The files are processed in ASCIIbetical order (compared byte-by-byte, as `strcmp`), descending into each subdirectory depth-first in order. Whether or not Lua scripts are enabled can be controlled via the _$$enable_lua$$_ variable. Lua scripts are enabled by default. To disable Lua scripts, set the _$$enable_lua$$_ variable to _false_. Wireshark 2.6 and earlier enabled or disabled Lua scripts using the variable _$$disable_lua$$_ (deprecated). If both _$$enable_lua$$_ and _$$disable_lua$$_ are present, _$$disable_lua$$_ is ignored. .Example for init.lua [source,lua] ---- -- Set enable_lua to false to disable Lua support. enable_lua = true if not enable_lua then return end -- If false and Wireshark was started as (setuid) root, then the user -- will not be able to execute custom Lua scripts from the personal -- configuration directory, the -Xlua_script command line option or -- the Lua Evaluate menu option in the GUI. -- Note: Not checked on Windows. running_superuser is always false. run_user_scripts_when_superuser = true ---- The command line option _$$-X lua_script:$$++file.lua++_ can also be used to load specific Lua scripts. Arguments can be given to a script loaded at the command line with the option _$$-X lua_scriptN:$$++arg++_, where _N_ is the ordinal index of the script on the command line. For example, if two scripts were loaded on the command line with _$$-X lua_script:$$++my.lua++_ and _$$-X lua_script:$$++other.lua++_ in that order, then _$$-X lua_script1:$$++foo++_ would pass _foo_ to _my.lua_ and _$$-X lua_script2:$$++bar++_ would pass _bar_ to _other.lua_. Multiple command line options could be passed to _my.lua_ by repeating the option _$$-X lua_script1:$$_. Arguments are available in a script in a global table called _arg_, similar to when link:https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#7[running Lua standalone]. [IMPORTANT] .Loading order matters ==== Lua dissectors, unlike <>, do not have separate <> stages yet (see wsbuglink:15907[]). Each Lua dissector's registration and handoff is completed before moving to the next Lua file in turn. That means that the order in which Lua files are read is quite important; in order for a Lua dissector to register in a dissector table set up by another dissector, the latter dissector must have been already processed. The easiest way to ensure this is to put Lua dissectors that need to be registered first in files whose name is earlier in ASCIIbetical order (the name of the script does not necessarily need to relate to the name of the dissector.) The Lua code is executed after all compiled dissectors, both built-in and plugin, are initialized and before reading any file. This means that Lua dissectors can add themselves to tables registered by compiled dissectors, but not vice versa; compiled dissectors cannot add themselves to dissector tables registered by Lua dissectors. ==== Wireshark for Windows uses a modified Lua runtime (link:https://github.com/Lekensteyn/lua-unicode[lua-unicode]) to support Unicode (UTF-8) filesystem paths. This brings consistency with other platforms (for example, Linux and macOS). [#wslua_menu_example] === Example: Creating a Menu with Lua The code below adds a menu "Lua Dialog Test" under the Tools menu. When selected, it opens a dialog prompting the user for input and then opens a text window with the output. [source,lua] ---- -- Define the menu entry's callback local function dialog_menu() local function dialog_func(person,eyes,hair) local window = TextWindow.new("Person Info"); local message = string.format("Person %s with %s eyes and %s hair.", person, eyes, hair); window:set(message); end new_dialog("Dialog Test",dialog_func,"A Person","Eyes","Hair") end -- Create the menu entry register_menu("Lua Dialog Test",dialog_menu,MENU_TOOLS_UNSORTED) -- Notify the user that the menu was created if gui_enabled() then local splash = TextWindow.new("Hello!"); splash:set("Wireshark has been enhanced with a useless feature.\n") splash:append("Go to 'Tools->Lua Dialog Test' and check it out!") end ---- [#wslua_dissector_example] === Example: Dissector written in Lua [source,lua] ---- local p_multi = Proto("multi", "MultiProto"); local vs_protos = { [2] = "mtp2", [3] = "mtp3", [4] = "alcap", [5] = "h248", [6] = "ranap", [7] = "rnsap", [8] = "nbap" } local f_proto = ProtoField.uint8("multi.protocol", "Protocol", base.DEC, vs_protos) local f_dir = ProtoField.uint8("multi.direction", "Direction", base.DEC, { [1] = "incoming", [0] = "outgoing"}) local f_text = ProtoField.string("multi.text", "Text") p_multi.fields = { f_proto, f_dir, f_text } local data_dis = Dissector.get("data") local protos = { [2] = Dissector.get("mtp2"), [3] = Dissector.get("mtp3"), [4] = Dissector.get("alcap"), [5] = Dissector.get("h248"), [6] = Dissector.get("ranap"), [7] = Dissector.get("rnsap"), [8] = Dissector.get("nbap"), [9] = Dissector.get("rrc"), [10] = DissectorTable.get("sctp.ppi"):get_dissector(3), -- m3ua [11] = DissectorTable.get("ip.proto"):get_dissector(132), -- sctp } function p_multi.dissector(buf, pkt, tree) local subtree = tree:add(p_multi, buf(0,2)) subtree:add(f_proto, buf(0,1)) subtree:add(f_dir, buf(1,1)) local proto_id = buf(0,1):uint() local dissector = protos[proto_id] if dissector ~= nil then -- Dissector was found, invoke subdissector with a new Tvb, -- created from the current buffer (skipping first two bytes). dissector:call(buf(2):tvb(), pkt, tree) elseif proto_id < 2 then subtree:add(f_text, buf(2)) -- pkt.cols.info:set(buf(2, buf:len() - 3):string()) else -- fallback dissector that just shows the raw data. data_dis:call(buf(2):tvb(), pkt, tree) end end local wtap_encap_table = DissectorTable.get("wtap_encap") local udp_encap_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port") wtap_encap_table:add(wtap.USER15, p_multi) wtap_encap_table:add(wtap.USER12, p_multi) udp_encap_table:add(7555, p_multi) ---- [#wslua_tap_example] === Example: Listener written in Lua [source,lua] ---- -- This program will register a menu that will open a window with a count of occurrences -- of every address in the capture local function menuable_tap() -- Declare the window we will use local tw = TextWindow.new("Address Counter") -- This will contain a hash of counters of appearances of a certain address local ips = {} -- this is our tap local tap = Listener.new(); local function remove() -- this way we remove the listener that otherwise will remain running indefinitely tap:remove(); end -- we tell the window to call the remove() function when closed tw:set_atclose(remove) -- this function will be called once for each packet function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb) local src = ips[tostring(pinfo.src)] or 0 local dst = ips[tostring(pinfo.dst)] or 0 ips[tostring(pinfo.src)] = src + 1 ips[tostring(pinfo.dst)] = dst + 1 end -- this function will be called once every few seconds to update our window function tap.draw(t) tw:clear() for ip,num in pairs(ips) do tw:append(ip .. "\t" .. num .. "\n"); end end -- this function will be called whenever a reset is needed -- e.g. when reloading the capture file function tap.reset() tw:clear() ips = {} end -- Ensure that all existing packets are processed. retap_packets() end -- using this function we register our function -- to be called when the user selects the Tools->Test->Packets menu register_menu("Test/Packets", menuable_tap, MENU_TOOLS_UNSORTED) ---- [#wslua_require_example] === Example: Lua scripts with shared modules Lua plugins that depend on protocols, dissectors, dissector tables, and other items registered with Wireshark by other Lua scripts can access those through the Wireshark Lua API. The key is ensuring that the providing script is read first, as previously mentioned. It is also possible to depend on Lua functions defined in other Lua scripts. The recommended method is to load those scripts as link:https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#6.3[modules] via link:https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#pdf-require[require]. Modules preferably should avoid defining globals, and should return a table containing functions indexed by name. Globals defined in modules will leak into the global namespace when `require()` is used, and name collisions can cause unexpected results. (As an aside, local variables are faster in Lua because global variables require extra table lookups.) Directories containing loaded Lua scripts (including those specified on the command line with _$$-X lua_script:$$++my.lua++_) are automatically added to the `require()` search path. For example, suppose there is a Lua script in the personal plugins directory named _bar.lua_ as follows: [source,lua] ---- -- bar.lua -- Converts an integer representing an IPv4 address into its dotted quad -- string representation. -- This is the module object, which will be returned at the end of this file. local M = { } M.GetIPAddressString = function(ip) -- Lua BitOp library, included in all versions of Wireshark --local octet1 = bit.rshift(bit.band(0xFF000000, ip), 24) --local octet2 = bit.rshift(bit.band(0x00FF0000, ip), 16) --local octet3 = bit.rshift(bit.band(0x0000FF00, ip), 8) --local octet4 = bit.band(0x000000FF, ip) -- Lua >= 5.3 native bit operators, supported in Wireshark >= 4.4 local octet1 = ip >> 24 local octet2 = ip >> 16 & 0xFF local octet3 = ip >> 8 & 0xFF local octet4 = ip & 0xFF return octet1 .. "." .. octet2 .. "." .. octet3 .. "." .. octet4 end -- Return the table we've created, which will be accessible as the return -- value of require() or dofile(), and at the global package.loaded["bar"] return M ---- Other Lua plugins that wish to use the module can then `require()` it (note that the _.lua_ extension is not used in `require()`, unlike the similar `dofile()`): [source,lua] ---- -- Foo dissector local p_foo = Proto("foo", "Foo") local bar = require("bar") local f_ip = ProtoField.ipv4("foo.ip", "IP") local f_ipint = ProtoField.uint32("foo.ipint", "IP as Uint32") local f_ipstr = ProtoField.string("foo.ipstr", "IP as String") p_foo.fields = { f_ip, f_ipint, f_ipstr } function p_foo.dissector(tvbuf, pktinfo, tree) -- Set the protocol column to show this name pktinfo.cols.protocol:set("FooMessage") local pktlen = tvbuf:reported_length_remaining() local subtree = tree:add(p_foo, tvbuf:range(0,pktlen)) local child, ipaddr = subtree:add_packet_field(f_ip, tvbuf(8, 4), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) local child, ipint = subtree:add_packet_field(f_ipint, tvbuf(8, 4), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) -- These two are the same string subtree:add(f_ipstr, tvbuf(8,4), bar.GetIPAddressString(ipint)) subtree:add(f_ipstr, tvbuf(8,4), tostring(ipaddr)) return pktlen end DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(2012, p_foo) ---- Using `require()` is another way to control the order in which files are loaded. Lua `require()` ensures that a module is only executed once. Subsequent calls will return the same table already loaded. [IMPORTANT] .Avoid duplicate registration ==== In versions of Wireshark before 4.4, the initial loading of Lua plugins in the plugins directory does not register them in the table of already loaded modules used by `require()`. This means that Lua script in the plugins directory that are initially loaded can be executed a second time by `require()`. For scripts that register dissectors or tables with Wireshark, this will result in errors like `Proto new: there cannot be two protocols with the same description`. It is safer to `require()` only Lua scripts that define common functions but do not call the Wireshark Lua API to register protocols, dissectors, etc. In 4.4 and later, scripts in the plugin directories are loaded using the same internal methods as `require()`, which eliminates duplicate registration errors from loading of files in the plugin directory and using `require()`. This also means that the order in which plugins are loaded can be adjusted by using `require()` in addition to changing file names. However, duplicate registration errors can still happen with other methods of executing a file that do not check if it has already been loaded, like `dofile()`. ==== Lua scripts loaded on the command line are sandboxed into their own environment and globals defined in them do not leak in the general global environment. Modules loaded via `require()` within those scripts can escape that sandboxing, however. Plugins in the personal (but not global) directory had similar sandboxing prior to Wireshark 4.4, but now globals defined in plugins in the personal directory will enter the global namespace for other plugins, as has always been the case for plugins in the global plugin directory. [#wsluarm_modules] == Wireshark’s Lua API Reference Manual This Part of the User Guide describes the Wireshark specific functions in the embedded Lua. Classes group certain functionality, the following notational conventions are used: * _Class.function()_ represents a class method (named _function_) on class _Class_, taking no arguments. * _Class.function(a)_ represents a class method taking one argument. * _Class.function(...)_ represents a class method taking a variable number of arguments. * _class:method()_ represents an instance method (named _method_) on an instance of class _Class_, taking no arguments. Note the lowercase notation in the documentation to clarify an instance. * _class.prop_ represents a property _prop_ on the instance of class _Class_. Trying to access a non-existing property, function or method currently gives an error, but do not rely on it as the behavior may change in the future. include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_utility.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_gui.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_proto.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_field.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_pinfo.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_tvb.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_tree.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_listener.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_dumper.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_wtap.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_file.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_dir.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_int64.adoc[] include::{build_dir}/wsluarm_src/wslua_struct.adoc[] [#lua_module_PCRE2] === PCRE2 Regular Expressions Lua has its own native _pattern_ syntax in the string library, but sometimes a real regex engine is more useful. Wireshark comes with Perl Compatible Regular Expressions version 2 (PCRE2). This engine is exposed into Wireshark’s Lua engine through the well-known Lrexlib library. The module is loaded in the global environment using the "rex_pcre2" table. The manual is available at https://rrthomas.github.io/lrexlib/manual.html.