// WSUG Chapter Statistics [#ChStatistics] == Statistics [#ChStatIntroduction] === Introduction Wireshark provides a wide range of network statistics which can be accessed via the menu:Statistics[] menu. These statistics range from general information about the loaded capture file (like the number of captured packets), to statistics about specific protocols (e.g., statistics about the number of HTTP requests and responses captured). .General statistics - *Capture File Properties* about the capture file. - *Protocol Hierarchy* of the captured packets. - *Conversations* e.g., traffic between specific IP addresses. - *Endpoints* e.g., traffic to and from IP addresses. - *I/O Graphs* visualizing the number of packets (or similar) in time. .Protocol specific statistics - *Service Response Time* between request and response of some protocols. - Various other protocol specific statistics. [NOTE] ==== The protocol specific statistics require detailed knowledge about the specific protocol. Unless you are familiar with that protocol, statistics about it may be difficult to understand. ==== Wireshark has many other statistics windows that display detailed information about specific protocols and might be described in a later version of this document. Some of these statistics are described at {wireshark-wiki-url}Statistics. [#ChStatSummary] === The “Capture File Properties” Dialog General information about the current capture file. .The “Capture File Properties” dialog image::images/ws-capture-file-properties.png[{screenshot-attrs}] This dialog shows the following information: Details:: Notable information about the capture file. File::: General information about the capture file, including its full path, size, cryptographic hashes, file format, and encapsulation. Time::: The timestamps of the first and the last packet in the file along with their difference. Capture::: Information about the capture environment. This will only be shown for live captures or if this information is present in a saved capture file. The pcapng format supports this, while pcap doesn’t. Interfaces::: Information about the capture interface or interfaces. Statistics::: A statistical summary of the capture file. If a display filter is set, you will see values in the _Captured_ column, and if any packets are marked, you will see values in the _Marked_ column. The values in the _Captured_ column will remain the same as before, while the values in the _Displayed_ column will reflect the values corresponding to the packets shown in the display. The values in the _Marked_ column will reflect the values corresponding to the marked packages. Capture file comments:: Some capture file formats (notably pcapng) allow a text comment for the entire file. You can view and edit this comment here. btn:[Refresh]:: Updates the information in the dialog. btn:[Save Comments]:: Saves the contents of the “Capture file comments” text entry. btn:[Close]:: Closes the dialog btn:[Copy To Clipboard]:: Copies the “Details” information to the clipboard. btn:[Help]:: Opens this section of the User’s Guide. [#ChStatResolvedAddresses] === Resolved Addresses The Resolved Addresses window shows the list of resolved addresses and their host names. Users can choose the `Hosts` field to display IPv4 and IPv6 addresses only. In this case, the dialog displays host names for each IP address in a capture file with a known host. This host is typically taken from DNS answers in a capture file. In case of an unknown host name, users can populate it based on a reverse DNS lookup. To do so, follow these steps: . Enable `Resolve Network Addresses` in the menu:View[Name Resolution] menu as this option is disabled by default. . Select `Use an external network name resolver` in the menu:Preferences[Name Resolution] menu. This option is enabled by default. NOTE: The resolved addresses are not updated automatically after a user changes the settings. To display newly available names, the user has to reopen the dialog. The `Ports` tab shows the list of service names, ports and types. Wireshark reads the entries for port mappings from the `hosts` service configuration files. See <> section for more information. .Resolved Addresses window image::images/ws-resolved-addr.png[{screenshot-attrs}] [#ChStatHierarchy] === The “Protocol Hierarchy” Window The protocol hierarchy of the captured packets. .The “Protocol Hierarchy” Window image::images/ws-stats-hierarchy.png[{screenshot-attrs}] This is a tree of all the protocols in the capture. Each row contains the statistical values of one protocol. Two of the columns (_Percent Packets_ and _Percent Bytes_) serve double duty as bar graphs. If a display filter is set it will be shown at the bottom. The btn:[Copy] button will let you copy the window contents as CSV or YAML. .Protocol hierarchy columns Protocol:: This protocol’s name. Percent Packets:: The percentage of protocol packets relative to all packets in the capture. Packets:: The total number of packets that contain this protocol. Percent Bytes:: The percentage of protocol bytes relative to the total bytes in the capture. Bytes:: The total number of bytes of this protocol. Bits/s:: The bandwidth of this protocol relative to the capture time. End Packets:: The absolute number of packets of this protocol where it was the highest protocol in the stack (last dissected). End Bytes:: The absolute number of bytes of this protocol where it was the highest protocol in the stack (last dissected). End Bits/s:: The bandwidth of this protocol relative to the capture time where was the highest protocol in the stack (last dissected). PDUs:: The total number of PDUs of this protocol. Packets usually contain multiple protocols. As a result, more than one protocol will be counted for each packet. Example: In the screenshot 100% of packets are IP and 99.3% are TCP (which is together much more than 100%). Protocol layers can consist of packets that won’t contain any higher layer protocol, so the sum of all higher layer packets may not sum to the protocol's packet count. This can be caused by segments and fragments reassembled in other frames, TCP protocol overhead, and other undissected data. Example: In the screenshot 99.3% of the packets are TCP but the sum of the subprotocols (TLS, HTTP, Git, etc.) is much less. A single packet can contain the same protocol more than once. In this case, the entry in the `PDUs` column will be greater than that of `Packets`. Example: In the screenshot there are many more TLS and Git PDUs than there are packets. [#ChStatConversations] === Conversations A network conversation is the traffic between two specific endpoints. For example, an IP conversation is all the traffic between two IP addresses. The description of the known endpoint types can be found in <>. The conversations are influenced by the _Deinterlacing conversations key_ preference. [#ChStatConversationsWindow] ==== The “Conversations” Window The conversations window is similar to the endpoint Window. See <> for a description of their common features. Along with addresses, packet counters, and byte counters the conversation window adds four columns: the start time of the conversation (“Rel Start”) or (“Abs Start”), the duration of the conversation in seconds, and the average bits (not bytes) per second in each direction. A timeline graph is also drawn across the “Rel Start” / “Abs Start” and “Duration” columns. .The “Conversations” window image::images/ws-stats-conversations.png[{screenshot-attrs}] Each row in the list shows the statistical values for exactly one conversation. _Name resolution_ will be done if selected in the window and if it is active for the specific protocol layer (MAC layer for the selected Ethernet endpoints page). _Limit to display filter_ will only show conversations matching the current display filter. _Absolute start time_ switches the start time column between relative (“Rel Start”) and absolute (“Abs Start”) times. Relative start times match the “Seconds Since First Captured Packet” time display format in the packet list and absolute start times match the “Time of Day” display format. If a display filter had been applied before the dialog is opened, _Limit to display filter_ will be set automatically. Additionally, after a display filter had been applied, two columns ("Total Packets") and ("Percent Filtered") show the number of unfiltered total packets and the percentage of packets in this filter display. The btn:[Copy] button will copy the list values to the clipboard in CSV (Comma Separated Values), YAML format or JSON format. The numbers are generally exported without special formatting, but this can be enabled if needed. The btn:[Follow Stream...] button will show the stream contents as described in <> dialog. The btn:[Graph...] button will show a graph as described in <>. btn:[Conversation Types] lets you choose which traffic type tabs are shown. See <> for a list of endpoint types. The enabled types are saved in your profile settings. [TIP] ==== This window will be updated frequently so it will be useful even if you open it before (or while) you are doing a live capture. ==== // Removed: // [[ChStatConversationListWindow]] [#ChStatEndpoints] === Endpoints A network endpoint is the logical endpoint of separate protocol traffic of a specific protocol layer. The endpoint statistics of Wireshark will take the following endpoints into account: [TIP] ==== If you are looking for a feature other network tools call a _hostlist_, here is the right place to look. The list of Ethernet or IP endpoints is usually what you’re looking for. ==== .Endpoint and Conversation types Bluetooth:: A MAC-48 address similar to Ethernet. Ethernet:: Identical to the Ethernet device’s MAC-48 identifier. Fibre Channel:: A MAC-48 address similar to Ethernet. IEEE 802.11:: A MAC-48 address similar to Ethernet. FDDI:: Identical to the FDDI MAC-48 address. IPv4:: Identical to the 32-bit IPv4 address. IPv6:: Identical to the 128-bit IPv6 address. IPX:: A concatenation of a 32-bit network number and 48-bit node address, by default the Ethernet interface’s MAC-48 address. JXTA:: A 160-bit SHA-1 URN. NCP:: Similar to IPX. RSVP:: A combination of various RSVP session attributes and IPv4 addresses. SCTP:: A combination of the host IP addresses (plural) and the SCTP port used. So different SCTP ports on the same IP address are different SCTP endpoints, but the same SCTP port on different IP addresses of the same host are still the same endpoint. TCP:: A combination of the IP address and the TCP port used. Different TCP ports on the same IP address are different TCP endpoints. Token Ring:: Identical to the Token Ring MAC-48 address. UDP:: A combination of the IP address and the UDP port used, so different UDP ports on the same IP address are different UDP endpoints. USB:: Identical to the 7-bit USB address. [NOTE] .Broadcast and multicast endpoints ==== Broadcast and multicast traffic will be shown separately as additional endpoints. Of course, as these aren’t physical endpoints the real traffic will be received by some or all of the listed unicast endpoints. ==== [#ChStatEndpointsWindow] ==== The “Endpoints” Window This window shows statistics about the endpoints captured. .The “Endpoints” window image::images/ws-stats-endpoints.png[{screenshot-attrs}] For each supported protocol, a tab is shown in this window. Each tab label shows the number of endpoints captured (e.g., the tab label “Ethernet · 4” tells you that four ethernet endpoints have been captured). If no endpoints of a specific protocol were captured, the tab label will be greyed out (although the related page can still be selected). Each row in the list shows the statistical values for exactly one endpoint. _Name resolution_ will be done if selected in the window and if it is active for the specific protocol layer (MAC layer for the selected Ethernet endpoints page). _Limit to display filter_ will only show conversations matching the current display filter. Note that in this example we have MaxMind DB configured which gives us extra geographic columns. See <> for more information. If a display filter had been applied before the dialog is opened, _Limit to display filter_ will be set automatically. Additionally, after a display filter had been applied, two columns ("Total Packets") and ("Percent Filtered") show the number of unfiltered total packets and the percentage of packets in this filter display. The btn:[Copy] button will copy the list values to the clipboard in CSV (Comma Separated Values), YAML format or JSON format. The numbers are generally exported without special formatting, but this can be enabled if needed. The btn:[Map] button will show the endpoints mapped in your web browser. btn:[Endpoint Types] lets you choose which traffic type tabs are shown. See <> above for a list of endpoint types. The enabled types are saved in your profile settings. [TIP] ==== This window will be updated frequently, so it will be useful even if you open it before (or while) you are doing a live capture. ==== // Removed: // [[ChStatEndpointListWindow]] [#ChStatPacketLengths] === Packet Lengths Shows the distribution of packet lengths and related information. .The “Packet Lengths” window image::images/ws-stats-packet-lengths.png[{medium-screenshot-attrs}] Information is broken down by packet length ranges as shown above. Packet Lengths:: The range of packet lengths. + Ranges can be configured in the “Statistics -> Stats Tree” section of the <>. Count:: The number of packets that fall into this range. Average:: The arithmetic mean of the packet lengths in this range. Min Val, Max Val:: The minimum and maximum lengths in this range. Rate (ms):: The average packets per millisecond for the packets in this range. Percent:: The percentage of packets in this range, by count. Burst Rate:: Packet bursts are detected by counting the number of packets in a given time interval and comparing that count to the intervals across a window of time. Statistics for the interval with the maximum number of packets are shown. By default, bursts are detected across 5 millisecond intervals and intervals are compared across 100 millisecond windows. + These calculations can be adjusted in the “Statistics” section of the <>. Burst Start:: The start time, in seconds from the beginning of the capture, for the interval with the maximum number of packets. You can show statistics for a portion of the capture by entering a display filter into the _Display filter_ entry and pressing btn:[Apply]. btn:[Copy] copies the statistics to the clipboard. btn:[Save as...] lets you save the data as text, CSV, YAML, or XML. [#ChStatIOGraphs] === The “I/O Graphs” Window Lets you plot packet and protocol data in a variety of ways. .The “I/O Graphs” window image::images/ws-stats-iographs.png[{screenshot-attrs}] As shown above, this window contains a chart drawing area along with a customizable list of graphs. Graphs are saved in your current <>. They are divided into time intervals, which can be set as described below. Hovering over the graph shows the last packet in each interval except as noted below. Clicking on the graph takes you to the associated packet in the packet list. Individual graphs can be configured using the following options: Enabled:: Draw or don’t draw this graph. Graph Name:: The name of this graph. Display Filter:: Limits the graph to packets that match this filter. Color:: The color to use for plotting the graph’s lines, bars, or points. Style:: How to visually represent the graph’s data, e.g., by drawing a line, bar, circle, plus, etc. Y Axis:: The value to use for the graph’s Y axis. Can be one of: Packets, Bytes, or Bits::: The total number of packets, packet bytes, or packet bits that match the graph’s display filter per interval. <> are omitted in some cases. SUM(Y Field)::: The sum of the values of the field specified in “Y Field” per interval. COUNT FRAMES(Y Field)::: The number of frames that contain the field specified in “Y Field” per interval. // Unlike the plain “Packets” graph, this always displays <>. // Above is no longer true. COUNT FRAMES is now exactly the same as Packets, except that the Y Field // is used instead of just the filter. Everything you can graph with one you can graph with the other. COUNT FIELDS(Y Field)::: The number of instances of the field specified in “Y Field” per interval. Some fields, such as _dns.resp.name_, can show up multiple times in a packet. MAX(Y Field), MIN(Y Field), AVG(Y Field)::: The maximum, minimum, and arithmetic mean values of the specified “Y Field” per interval. For MAX and MIN values, hovering and clicking the graph will show and take you to the packet with the MAX or MIN value in the interval instead of the most recent packet. LOAD(Y Field)::: The queue depth, i.e., number of concurrent requests or calls, in each interval expressed in Erlangs. Requires “Y Field” be a relative time value, and treats it as the duration of an event which ended in the containing packet. Useful for response time fields like `smb.time`. THROUGHPUT(Y Field)::: If the “Y Field” is a payload counted in Bytes (as frame.len, ip.len, ipv6.plen..), this is the throughput expressed in bits per second. Y Field:: The display filter field from which to extract values for the Y axis calculations listed above. SMA Period:: Show a simple moving average of values over a specified period of intervals. Y Axis Factor:: Scale the Y axis for this graph by multiplying by a constant factor, e.g. to graph bits if the “Y Field” contains bytes, or to present multiple graphs at a similar scale. The chart as a whole can be configured using the controls under the graph list: btn:[{plus}]:: Add a new graph. btn:[-]:: Remove the selected graph(s). btn:[Copy]:: Copy the selected graph(s). btn:[⌃]:: Move the selected graph(s) up in the list. btn:[⌄]:: Move the selected graph(s) down in the list. btn:[Clear]:: Remove all graphs. Mouse drags / zooms:: When using the mouse inside the graph area, either drag the graph contents or select a zoom area. Interval:: Set the interval period for the graph. Time of day:: Switch between showing the absolute time of day or the time relative from the start of capture in the X axis. Log scale:: Switch between a logarithmic or linear Y axis. Automatic updates:: Redraw each graph automatically. Enable legend:: Show a graph legend. The main dialog buttons along the bottom let you do the following: btn:[Help] will take you to this section of the User’s Guide. btn:[Reset] will autoscale the axes to full display all graphs. btn:[Copy] will copy values from selected graphs to the clipboard in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. btn:[Copy from] will let you copy graphs from another profile to the current dialog. btn:[Close] will close this dialog. btn:[Save As...] will save the currently displayed graph as an image or CSV data. [TIP] ==== You can see a list of useful keyboard shortcuts by right-clicking on the graph. ==== [#ChStatIOGraphsMissingValues] [discrete] ==== Missing Values Are Zero Wireshark's I/O Graph window counts or calculates summary statistics over intervals. If a packet or field does not occur in a given interval, the calculation might yield zero. This is particularly likely for very small intervals. For "counting" graphs (Packets, Bytes, Bits, COUNT FRAMES, COUNT FIELDS) zero values are omitted from scatter plots, but shown in line graphs and bar charts. For the summary statistics SUM, MAX, and AVG, values are always omitted if the Y field was not present in the interval. For LOAD graphs, values are omitted if no field's time indicated that an event was was present in the interval. (Note for LOAD graphs that a response time can contribute to earlier intervals than the one containing the packet if the duration is longer than the interval.) // If you need to display zero values in a scatter plot, you can do so by making the Y Axis a calculated field. // For example, the calculated equivalent of “Packets” is a “COUNT FRAMES” Y Axis with a Y Field set to “frame”. // XXX - No longer true as of eb4e2cca69. [#ChStatSRT] === Service Response Time The service response time is the time between a request and the corresponding response. This information is available for many protocols, including the following: * AFP * CAMEL * DCE-RPC * Diameter * Fibre Channel * GTP * GTPv2 * H.225 RAS * LDAP * MEGACO * MGCP * NCP * ONC-RPC * PFCP * RADIUS * SCSI * SMB * SMB2 * SNMP As an example, the SMB2 service response time is described below in more detail. The other Service Response Time windows will show statistics specific to their respective protocols, but will offer the same menu options. [#ChStatSRTSMB2] ==== The “SMB2 Service Response Time Statistics” Window This window shows the number of transactions for each SMB2 opcode present in the capture file along with various response time statistics. Right-clicking on a row will let you apply or prepare filters for, search for, or colorize a specific opcode. You can also copy all of the response time information or save it in a variety of formats. .The “SMB2 Service Response Time Statistics” window image::images/ws-stats-srt-smb2.png[{screenshot-attrs}] You can optionally apply a display filter in order to limit the statistics to a specific set of packets. The main dialog buttons along the bottom let you do the following: The btn:[Copy] button will copy the response time information as text. btn:[Save As...] will save the response time information in various formats. btn:[Close] will close this dialog. [#ChStatDHCPBOOTP] === DHCP (BOOTP) Statistics The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an option of the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP). It dynamically assigns IP addresses and other parameters to a DHCP client. The DHCP (BOOTP) Statistics window displays a table over the number of occurrences of a DHCP message type. The user can filter, copy or save the data into a file. [#ChStatNetPerfMeter] === NetPerfMeter Statistics The NetPerfMeter Protocol{nbsp}(NPMP) is the control and data transfer protocol of NetPerfMeter, the transport protocol performance testing tool. It transmits data streams over TCP, SCTP, UDP and DCCP with given parameters, such as frame rate, frame size, saturated flows, etc. With these statistics you can: * Observed number of messages and bytes per message type. * The share of messages and bytes for each message type. * See the first and last occurrence of each message type. * See the interval between first and last occurrence of each message type (if there are at least 2 messages of the corresponding type). * See the message and byte rate within the interval for each message type (if there are at least 2 messages of the corresponding type). See link:https://www.uni-due.de/~be0001/netperfmeter/[NetPerfMeter – A TCP/MPTCP/UDP/SCTP/DCCP Network Performance Meter Tool] and Section{nbsp}6.3 of link:https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/duepublico_derivate_00029737/Dre2012_final.pdf[Evaluation and Optimisation of Multi-Path Transport using the Stream Control Transmission Protocol] for more details about NetPerfMeter and the NetPerfMeter Protocol. .NetPerfMeter Statistics window image::images/ws-netperfmeter-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] [#ChStatONCRPC] === ONC-RPC Programs Open Network Computing (ONC) Remote Procedure Call (RPC) uses TCP or UDP protocols to map a program number to a specific port on a remote machine and call a required service at that port. The ONC-RPC Programs window shows the description for captured program calls, such as program name, its number, version, and other data. [#ChStat29West] === 29West The 29West technology now refers to Ultra-Low Latency Messaging (ULLM) technology. It allows sending and receiving a high number of messages per second with microsecond delivery times for zero-latency data delivery. The menu:Statistics[29West] shows: [cols="1,1"] |=== |The `Topics` submenu shows counters for: a|* Advertisement by Topic * Advertisement by Source * Advertisement by Transport * Queries by Topic * Queries by Receiver * Wildcard Queries by Pattern * Wildcard Queries by Receiver |The `Queues` submenu shows counters for: a|* Advertisement by Queue * Advertisement by Source * Queries by Queue * Queries by Receiver |The `UIM` submenu shows `Streams`: | Each stream is provided by Endpoints, Messages, Bytes, and the First and Last Frame statistics. |The `LBT-RM` submenu |The LBT-RM Transport Statistics window shows the Sources and Receivers sequence numbers for transport and other data. |The `LBT-RU` submenu |The LBT-Ru Transport Statistics window shows the Sources and Receivers sequence numbers for transport and other data. |=== [#ChStatANCP] === ANCP The Access Node Control Protocol (ANCP) is an TCP based protocol, which operates between an Access Node and Network Access Server. The Wireshark ANCP dissector supports the listed below messages: * Adjacency Message * Topology Discovery Extensions, such as Port-Up and Port-Down Messages * Operation And Maintenance (OAM) Extension, such as Port Management Message. The ANCP window shows the related statistical data. The user can filter, copy or save the data into a file. [#ChStatBACnet] === BACnet Building Automation and Control Networks (BACnet) is a communication protocol which provides control for various building automated facilities, such as light control, fire alarm control, and others. Wireshark provides the BACnet statistics which is a packet counter. You can sort packets by instance ID, IP address, object type or service. [#ChStatCollectd] === Collectd Collectd is a system statistics collection daemon. It collects various statistics from your system and converts it for the network use. The Collectd statistics window shows counts for values, which split into type, plugin, and host as well as total packets counter. You can filter, copy or save the data to a file. [#ChStatDNS] === DNS The Domain Name System (DNS) associates different information, such as IP addresses, with domain names. DNS returns different codes, request-response and counters for various aggregations. The DNS statistics window enlists a total count of DNS messages, which are divided into groups by request types (opcodes), response code (rcode), query type, and others. .DNS statistics window image::images/ws-dns.png[{screenshot-attrs}] You might find these statistics useful for quickly examining the health of a DNS service or other investigations. See the few possible scenarios below: * The DNS server might have issues if you see that DNS queries have a long request-response time or, if there are too many unanswered queries. * DNS requests with abnormally large requests and responses might be indicative of DNS tunneling or command and control traffic. * The order of magnitude more DNS responses than requests and the responses are very large might indicate that the target is being attacked with a DNS-based DDoS. You can filter, copy or save the data into a file. [#ChStatFlowGraph] === Flow Graph The Flow Graph window shows connections between hosts. It displays the packet time, direction, ports and comments for each captured connection. You can filter all connections by ICMP Flows, ICMPv6 Flows, UIM Flows and TCP Flows. Flow Graph window is used for showing multiple different topics. Based on it, it offers different controls. .Flow Graph window image::images/ws-flow-graph.png[{screenshot-attrs}] Each vertical line represents the specific host, which you can see in the top of the window. The numbers in each row at the very left of the window represent the time packet. You can change the time format in the menu:View[Time Display Format]. If you change the time format, you must relaunch the Flow Graph window to observe the time in a new format. The numbers at the both ends of each arrow between hosts represent the port numbers. Left-click a row to select a corresponding packet in the packet list. Right-click on the graph for additional options, such as selecting the previous, current, or next packet in the packet list. This menu also contains shortcuts for moving the diagram. Available controls: * btn:[Limit to display filter] filters calls just to ones matching display filter. When display filter is active before window is opened, checkbox is checked. * btn:[Flow type] allows limit type of protocol flows should be based on. * btn:[Addresses] allows switch shown addresses in diagram. * btn:[Reset Diagram] resets view position and zoom to default state. * btn:[Export] allows export diagram as image in multiple different formats (PDF, PNG, BMP, JPEG and ASCII (diagram is stored with ASCII characters only)). .Flow Graph window showing VoIP call sequences image::images/ws-tel-seq-dialog.png[{screenshot-attrs}] Additional shortcuts available for VoIP calls: * On selected RTP stream ** kbd:[S] - Selects the stream in <> window (if not opened, it opens it and put it on background). ** kbd:[D] - Deselects the stream in <> window (if not opened, it opens it and put it on background). Additional controls available for VoIP calls: * btn:[Reset Diagram] resets view position and zoom to default state. * btn:[Play Streams] sends selected RTP stream to playlist of <> window. * btn:[Export] allows to export diagram as image in multiple different formats (PDF, PNG, BMP, JPEG and ASCII (diagram is stored with ASCII characters only)). [#ChStatHARTIP] === HART-IP Highway Addressable Remote Transducer over IP (HART-IP) is an application layer protocol. It sends and receives digital information between smart devices and control or monitoring systems. The HART-IP statistics window shows the counter for response, request, publish and error packets. You can filter, copy or save the data to a file. [#ChStatHPFEEDS] === HPFEEDS Hpfeeds protocol provides a lightweight authenticated publishing and subscription. It supports arbitrary binary payloads which can be separated into different channels. HPFEEDS statistics window shows a counter for payload size per channel and opcodes. You can filter, copy or save the data to a file. [#ChStatHTTP] === HTTP Statistics [#ChStatHTTPPacketCounter] ==== HTTP Packet Counter Statistics for HTTP request types and response codes. [#ChStatHTTPRequests] ==== HTTP Requests HTTP statistics based on the host and URI. [#ChStatHTTPLoadDistribution] ==== HTTP Load Distribution HTTP request and response statistics based on the server address and host. [#ChStatHTTPRequestSequences] ==== HTTP Request Sequences HTTP Request Sequences uses HTTP's Referer and Location headers to sequence a capture's HTTP requests as a tree. This enables analysts to see how one HTTP request leads to the next. .The “HTTP Request Sequences” window image::images/ws-stats-http-requestsequences.png[{screenshot-attrs}] [#ChStatHTTP2] === HTTP2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2 (HTTP/2) allows multiplexing various HTTP requests and responses over a single connection. It uses a binary encoding which is consisting of frames. The HTTP/2 statistics window shows the total number of HTTP/2 frames and also provides a breakdown per frame types, such as `HEADERS`, `DATA`, and others. As HTTP/2 traffic is typically encrypted with TLS, you must configure decryption to observe HTTP/2 traffic. For more details, see the link:{wireshark-wiki-url}TLS[TLS wiki page]. [#ChStatSametime] === Sametime Sametime is a protocol for the IBM Sametime software. The Sametime statistics window shows the counter for message type, send type, and user status. [#ChStatTCPStreamGraphs] === TCP Stream Graphs Show different visual representations of the TCP streams in a capture. Time Sequence (Stevens):: This is a simple graph of the TCP sequence number over time, similar to the ones used in Richard Stevens’ “TCP/IP Illustrated” series of books. Time Sequence (tcptrace):: Shows TCP metrics similar to the http://www.tcptrace.org/[tcptrace] utility, including forward segments, acknowledgements, selective acknowledgements, reverse window sizes, and zero windows. Throughput:: Average throughput and goodput. Round Trip Time:: Round trip time vs time or sequence number. RTT is based on the acknowledgment timestamp corresponding to a particular segment. Window Scaling:: Window size and outstanding bytes. [#ChStatUDPMulticastStreams] === UDP Multicast Streams The UDP Multicast Streams window shows statistics for all UDP multicast streams. It includes source addresses and ports, destination addresses and ports, packets counter and other data. You can specify the burst interval, the alarm limits and output speeds. To apply new settings, press btn:[Enter]. With these statistics you can: * Measure the burst size for a video stream. This uses the sliding window algorithm. * Measure of the output buffer size limit, that no packet drop will occur. This uses the Leaky bucket algorithm. * Detect the packet loss inside the MPEG2 video stream. .UDP Multicast Streams window image::images/ws-udp-multicast-stream.png[{screenshot-attrs}] [#ChStatRSerPool] === Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) The Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) windows show statistics for the different protocols of Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool): * Aggregate Server Access Protocol{nbsp}(ASAP) * Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol{nbsp}(ENRP) Furthermore, statistics for application protocols provided by link:https://www.uni-due.de/~be0001/rserpool/[RSPLIB] are provided as well: * Component Status Protocol{nbsp}(CSP) * CalcApp Protocol * Fractal Generator Protocol * Ping Pong Protocol * Scripting Service Protocol{nbsp}(SSP) With these statistics you can: * Observed number of messages and bytes per message type. * The share of messages and bytes for each message type. * See the first and last occurrence of each message type. * See the interval between first and last occurrence of each message type (if there are at least 2 messages of the corresponding type). * See the message and byte rate within the interval for each message type (if there are at least 2 messages of the corresponding type). See link:https://www.uni-due.de/~be0001/rserpool/[Thomas Dreibholz's Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) Page] and Chapter{nbsp}3 of link:https://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/servlets/DerivateServlet/Derivate-16326/Dre2006_final.pdf[Reliable Server Pooling – Evaluation, Optimization and Extension of a Novel IETF Architecture] for more details about RSerPool and its protocols. .ASAP Statistics window image::images/ws-asap-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] .ENRP Statistics window image::images/ws-enrp-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] .Component Status Protocol Statistics window image::images/ws-csp-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] .CalcApp Protocol Statistics window image::images/ws-calcappprotocol-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] .Fractal Generator Protocol Statistics window image::images/ws-fgp-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] .Ping Pong Protocol Statistics window image::images/ws-pingpongprotocol-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] .Scripting Service Protocol Statistics window image::images/ws-ssp-statistics.png[{screenshot-attrs}] [#ChStatF5] === F5 In F5 Networks, *TMM* stands for Traffic Management Microkernel. It processes all load-balanced traffic on the BIG-IP system. The F5 statistics menu shows packet and byte counts for both `Virtual Server Distribution` and `tmm Distribution` submenus. Each `Virtual Server Distribution` window contains the statistics for the following data: * A line for each named virtual server name. * A line for traffic with a flow ID and no virtual server name. * A line for traffic without a flow ID. Each `tmm Distribution` window contains the statistics for the following data: * A line for each tmm, which contains: ** A line for each ingress and egress (should add to tmm total), which contains: *** Traffic with a virtual server name. *** Traffic with a flow ID and no virtual server name. *** Traffic without a flow ID. [#ChStatIPv4] === IPv4 Statistics Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is a core protocol for the internet layer. It uses 32-bit addresses and allows packets routing from one source host to the next one. The menu:Statistics[IPv4] menu provides the packet counter by submenus: * `All Addresses`. Divides data by IP address. * `Destination and Ports`. Divides data by IP address, and further by IP protocol type, such as TCP, UDP, and others. It also shows port number. * `IP Protocol Types`. Divides data by IP protocol type. * `Source TTLs`. Divides data by source IP address and then by TTL. Also shows the destination IP address for each TTL value. * `Source and Destination addresses`. Divides data by source and destination IP address. You can see similar statistics in the menu:Statistics[Conversations] and menu:Statistics[Endpoints] menus. [#ChStatIPv6] === IPv6 Statistics Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a core protocol for the internet layer. It uses 128-bit addresses and routes internet traffic. Similar to <>, the menu:Statistics[IPv6] menu shows the packet counter in each submenu. // End of WSUG Chapter Statistics