/* dot11decrypt_util.c * * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Sam Leffler, Errno Consulting * Copyright (c) 2006 CACE Technologies, Davis (California) * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only) */ /****************************************************************************/ /* File includes */ #include "config.h" #include "dot11decrypt_debug.h" #include "dot11decrypt_int.h" #include "dot11decrypt_util.h" /****************************************************************************/ /* Internal definitions */ #define FC0_AAD_MASK 0x8f #define FC1_AAD_MASK 0xc7 #define FC1_AAD_QOS_MASK 0x47 /****************************************************************************/ /* Internal macros */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Internal function prototypes declarations */ /****************************************************************************/ /* Function definitions */ /* From IEEE 802.11 2016 Chapter and Construct AAD */ void dot11decrypt_construct_aad( PDOT11DECRYPT_MAC_FRAME wh, uint8_t *aad, size_t *aad_len) { uint8_t mgmt = (DOT11DECRYPT_TYPE(wh->fc[0]) == DOT11DECRYPT_TYPE_MANAGEMENT); int alen = 22; /* AAD: * FC with bits 4..6 and 11..13 masked to zero; 14 is always one; 15 zero when QoS Control field present * A1 | A2 | A3 * SC with bits 4..15 (seq#) masked to zero * A4 (if present) * QC (if present) */ /* NB: aad[1] set below */ if (!mgmt) { aad[0] = (uint8_t)(wh->fc[0] & FC0_AAD_MASK); } else { aad[0] = wh->fc[0]; } if (DOT11DECRYPT_IS_QOS_DATA(wh)) { aad[1] = (uint8_t)((wh->fc[1] & FC1_AAD_QOS_MASK) | 0x40); } else { aad[1] = (uint8_t)((wh->fc[1] & FC1_AAD_MASK) | 0x40); } memcpy(aad + 2, (uint8_t *)wh->addr1, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); memcpy(aad + 8, (uint8_t *)wh->addr2, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); memcpy(aad + 14, (uint8_t *)wh->addr3, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); aad[20] = (uint8_t)(wh->seq[0] & DOT11DECRYPT_SEQ_FRAG_MASK); aad[21] = 0; /* all bits masked */ /* * Construct variable-length portion of AAD based * on whether this is a 4-address frame/QOS frame. */ if (DOT11DECRYPT_IS_4ADDRESS(wh)) { alen += 6; DOT11DECRYPT_ADDR_COPY(aad + 22, ((PDOT11DECRYPT_MAC_FRAME_ADDR4)wh)->addr4); if (DOT11DECRYPT_IS_QOS_DATA(wh)) { PDOT11DECRYPT_MAC_FRAME_ADDR4_QOS qwh4 = (PDOT11DECRYPT_MAC_FRAME_ADDR4_QOS) wh; aad[28] = (uint8_t)(qwh4->qos[0] & 0x0f);/* just priority bits */ aad[29] = 0; alen += 2; } } else { if (DOT11DECRYPT_IS_QOS_DATA(wh)) { PDOT11DECRYPT_MAC_FRAME_QOS qwh = (PDOT11DECRYPT_MAC_FRAME_QOS) wh; aad[22] = (uint8_t)(qwh->qos[0] & 0x0f); /* just priority bits */ aad[23] = 0; alen += 2; } } *aad_len = alen; } /** * IEEE 802.11-2016 PRF (Pseudo Random Function) * * @param key Derivation input key. * @param key_len Length of the key in bytes. * @param label Unique label for each different purpose of the PRF (named 'A' in the standard). * @param context Provides context to identify the derived key (named 'B' in the standard). * @param context_len Length of context in bytes. * @param hash_algo Hash algorithm to use for the PRF. * See gcrypt available hash algorithms: * https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gcrypt/Available-hash-algorithms.html * @param[out] output Derived key. * @param output_len Length of derived key in bytes. * @return false on error */ #define MAX_R_LEN 256 #define MAX_TMP_LEN 1024 #define MAX_CONTEXT_LEN 256 bool dot11decrypt_prf(const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const char *label, const uint8_t *context, size_t context_len, int hash_algo, uint8_t *output, size_t output_len) { uint8_t R[MAX_R_LEN]; /* Will hold "label || 0 || context || i" */ size_t label_len = strlen(label); uint8_t tmp[MAX_TMP_LEN]; uint16_t hash_len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(hash_algo); size_t offset = 0; uint8_t i; if (!key || !label || !context || !output) { return false; } if (label_len + 1 + context_len + 1 > MAX_R_LEN || output_len > 64) { ws_warning("Invalid input or output sizes"); return false; } /* Fill R with "label || 0 || context || i" */ memcpy(R + offset, label, label_len); offset += label_len; R[offset++] = 0; memcpy(R + offset, context, context_len); offset += context_len; for (i = 0; i <= output_len * 8 / 160; i++) { R[offset] = i; if (ws_hmac_buffer(hash_algo, tmp + hash_len * i, R, offset + 1, key, key_len)) { return false; } } memcpy(output, tmp, output_len); return true; } /** * Key derivation function (KDF) * * @param key Derivation input key. * @param key_len Length of the key in bytes. * @param label A string identifying the purpose of the keys derived using this KDF. * @param context Provides context to identify the derived key. * @param context_len Length of context in bytes. * @param hash_algo Hash algorithm to use for the KDF. * See gcrypt available hash algorithms: * https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gcrypt/Available-hash-algorithms.html * @param[out] output Derived key. * @param output_len Length of derived key in bytes. * @return false on error */ bool dot11decrypt_kdf(const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const char *label, const uint8_t *context, size_t context_len, int hash_algo, uint8_t *output, size_t output_len) { uint8_t R[MAX_R_LEN]; /* Will hold "i || Label || Context || Length" */ uint8_t tmp[MAX_TMP_LEN]; size_t label_len = strlen(label); uint16_t hash_len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(hash_algo); unsigned iterations = (unsigned)output_len * 8 / hash_len; uint16_t len_le = GUINT16_TO_LE(output_len * 8); size_t offset = 0; uint16_t i; if (!key || !label || !context || !output) { return false; } if (2 + label_len + context_len + 2 > MAX_R_LEN || iterations * hash_len > MAX_TMP_LEN) { ws_warning("Invalid input sizes"); return false; } /* Fill tmp with "i || Label || Context || Length" */ offset += 2; /* Skip "i" (will be copied in for loop below) */ memcpy(R + offset, label, label_len); offset += label_len; memcpy(R + offset, context, context_len); offset += context_len; memcpy(R + offset, &len_le, 2); offset += 2; for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { uint16_t count_le = GUINT16_TO_LE(i + 1); memcpy(R, &count_le, 2); if (ws_hmac_buffer(hash_algo, tmp + hash_len * i, R, offset, key, key_len)) { return false; } } memcpy(output, tmp, output_len); return true; } static bool sha256(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, uint8_t output[32]) { gcry_md_hd_t ctx; gcry_error_t result = gcry_md_open(&ctx, GCRY_MD_SHA256, 0); uint8_t *digest; if (result) { return false; } gcry_md_write(ctx, data, len); digest = gcry_md_read(ctx, GCRY_MD_SHA256); if (!digest) { return false; } memcpy(output, digest, 32); gcry_md_close(ctx); return true; } /** * Derive PMK-R0 and PMKR0Name. See IEEE 802.11-2016 PMK-R0 * * @param xxkey PSK / MPMK or certain part of MSK. * @param xxkey_len Length of xxkey in bytes. * @param ssid SSID * @param ssid_len Length of SSID in bytes. * @param mdid MDID (Mobility Domain Identifier). * @param r0kh_id PMK-R0 key holder identifier in the Authenticator. * @param r0kh_id_len Length of r0kh_id in bytes. * @param s0kh_id PMK-R0 key holder in the Supplicant (STA mac address) * @param hash_algo Hash algorithm to use for the KDF. * See gcrypt available hash algorithms: * https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gcrypt/Available-hash-algorithms.html * @param[out] pmk_r0 Pairwise master key, first level * @param pmk_r0_len Length of pmk_r0 in bytes. * @param[out] pmk_r0_name Pairwise master key (PMK) R0 name. */ bool dot11decrypt_derive_pmk_r0(const uint8_t *xxkey, size_t xxkey_len, const uint8_t *ssid, size_t ssid_len, const uint8_t mdid[2], const uint8_t *r0kh_id, size_t r0kh_id_len, const uint8_t s0kh_id[DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN], int hash_algo, uint8_t *pmk_r0, size_t *pmk_r0_len, uint8_t pmk_r0_name[16]) { const char *ft_r0n = "FT-R0N"; const size_t ft_r0n_len = strlen(ft_r0n); uint8_t context[MAX_CONTEXT_LEN]; uint8_t r0_key_data[DOT11DECRYPT_WPA_PMK_MAX_LEN + 16]; uint8_t sha256_res[32]; size_t offset = 0; unsigned q = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(hash_algo); uint16_t mdid_le = GUINT16_TO_LE(*(uint16_t*)mdid); if (!xxkey || !ssid || !mdid || !r0kh_id || !s0kh_id || !pmk_r0 || !pmk_r0_len || !pmk_r0_name) { return false; } if (1 + ssid_len + 2 + 1 + r0kh_id_len + DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN > MAX_CONTEXT_LEN) { ws_warning("Invalid input sizes"); return false; } // R0-Key-Data = // KDF-Hash-Length(XXKey, "FT-R0", // SSIDlength || SSID || MDID || R0KHlength || R0KH-ID || S0KH-ID) // PMK-R0 = L(R0-Key-Data, 0, Q) * PMK-R0Name-Salt = L(R0-Key-Data, Q, 128) context[offset++] = (uint8_t)ssid_len; memcpy(context + offset, ssid, ssid_len); offset += ssid_len; memcpy(context + offset, &mdid_le, 2); offset += 2; context[offset++] = (uint8_t)r0kh_id_len; memcpy(context + offset, r0kh_id, r0kh_id_len); offset += r0kh_id_len; memcpy(context + offset, s0kh_id, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); offset += DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN; dot11decrypt_kdf(xxkey, xxkey_len, "FT-R0", context, offset, hash_algo, r0_key_data, q + 16); memcpy(pmk_r0, r0_key_data, q); *pmk_r0_len = q; // PMK-R0Name-Salt = L(R0-Key-Data, Q, 128) // PMKR0Name = Truncate-128(SHA-256("FT-R0N" || PMK-R0Name-Salt)) offset = 0; memcpy(context + offset, ft_r0n, ft_r0n_len); offset += ft_r0n_len; memcpy(context + offset, r0_key_data + q, 16); offset += 16; if(!sha256(context, offset, sha256_res)) return false; memcpy(pmk_r0_name, sha256_res, 16); return true; } /** * Derive PMK-R1 and PMKR1Name. See IEEE 802.11-2016 PMK-R1 * */ bool dot11decrypt_derive_pmk_r1(const uint8_t *pmk_r0, size_t pmk_r0_len, const uint8_t *pmk_r0_name, const uint8_t *r1kh_id, const uint8_t *s1kh_id, int hash_algo, uint8_t *pmk_r1, size_t *pmk_r1_len, uint8_t *pmk_r1_name) { const char *ft_r1n = "FT-R1N"; const size_t ft_r1n_len = strlen(ft_r1n); // context len = MAX(R1KH-ID || S1KH-ID, "FT-R1N" || PMKR0Name || R1KH-ID || S1KH-ID) uint8_t context[6 + 16 + 6 + 6]; uint8_t sha256_res[32]; size_t offset = 0; if (!pmk_r0 || !pmk_r0_name || !r1kh_id || !s1kh_id || !pmk_r1 || !pmk_r1_len || !pmk_r1_name) { return false; } *pmk_r1_len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(hash_algo); // PMK-R1 = KDF-Hash-Length(PMK-R0, "FT-R1", R1KH-ID || S1KH-ID) memcpy(context + offset, r1kh_id, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); offset += DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN; memcpy(context + offset, s1kh_id, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); offset += DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN; dot11decrypt_kdf(pmk_r0, pmk_r0_len, "FT-R1", context, offset, hash_algo, pmk_r1, *pmk_r1_len); // PMKR1Name = Truncate-128(SHA-256("FT-R1N" || PMKR0Name || R1KH-ID || S1KH-ID)) offset = 0; memcpy(context + offset, ft_r1n, ft_r1n_len); offset += ft_r1n_len; memcpy(context + offset, pmk_r0_name, 16); offset += 16; memcpy(context + offset, r1kh_id, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); offset += DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN; memcpy(context + offset, s1kh_id, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); offset += DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN; if(!sha256(context, offset, sha256_res)) return false; memcpy(pmk_r1_name, sha256_res, 16); return true; } /** * Derive PTK for FT AKMS. See IEE 802.11-2016 PTK * * PTK = KDF-Hash-Length(PMK-R1, "FT-PTK", SNonce || ANonce || BSSID || STA-ADDR) * PTKName = Truncate-128( * SHA-256(PMKR1Name || "FT-PTKN" || SNonce || ANonce || BSSID || STA-ADDR)) */ bool dot11decrypt_derive_ft_ptk(const uint8_t *pmk_r1, size_t pmk_r1_len, const uint8_t *pmk_r1_name _U_, const uint8_t *snonce, const uint8_t *anonce, const uint8_t *bssid, const uint8_t *sta_addr, int hash_algo, uint8_t *ptk, const size_t ptk_len, uint8_t *ptk_name _U_) { uint8_t context[32 + 32 + 6 + 6]; unsigned offset = 0; // PTK = KDF-Hash-Length(PMK-R1, "FT-PTK", SNonce || ANonce || BSSID || STA-ADDR) memcpy(context + offset, snonce, 32); offset += 32; memcpy(context + offset, anonce, 32); offset += 32; memcpy(context + offset, bssid, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); offset += DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN; memcpy(context + offset, sta_addr, DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN); offset += DOT11DECRYPT_MAC_LEN; dot11decrypt_kdf(pmk_r1, pmk_r1_len, "FT-PTK", context, offset, hash_algo, ptk, ptk_len); // TODO derive PTKName return true; } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */