%include { #include "config.h" #define WS_LOG_DOMAIN LOG_DOMAIN_DFILTER #include #include "dfilter-int.h" #include "syntax-tree.h" #include "sttype-field.h" #include "sttype-slice.h" #include "sttype-op.h" #include "sttype-function.h" #include "sttype-set.h" #include "drange.h" #include #include "grammar.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable:4671) #endif static stnode_t * new_reference(dfsyntax_t *dfs, stnode_t *node); static stnode_t * new_function(dfsyntax_t *dfs, stnode_t *node); static stnode_t * resolve_unparsed(dfsyntax_t *dfs, stnode_t *node); #define FAIL(dfs, node, ...) \ do { \ ws_noisy("Parsing failed here."); \ dfilter_fail(dfs, DF_ERROR_GENERIC, stnode_location(node), __VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) DIAG_OFF_LEMON() } /* end of %include */ %code { DIAG_ON_LEMON() } /* Parser Information */ %name Dfilter %token_prefix TOKEN_ %extra_argument {dfsyntax_t *dfs} /* Terminal and Non-Terminal types and destructors */ %token_type {stnode_t*} %token_destructor { (void)dfs; stnode_free($$); } %default_type {stnode_t*} %default_destructor {stnode_free($$);} %type range_node_list {GSList*} %destructor range_node_list {drange_node_free_list($$);} %type func_params_list {GSList*} %destructor func_params_list {st_funcparams_free($$);} %type set_list {GSList*} %destructor set_list {set_nodelist_free($$);} %type set_element_list {GSList*} %destructor set_element_list {set_nodelist_free($$);} /* This is called as soon as a syntax error happens. After that, any "error" symbols are shifted, if possible. */ %syntax_error { if (!TOKEN) { dfilter_fail(dfs, DF_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_END, DFILTER_LOC_EMPTY, "Unexpected end of filter expression."); return; } FAIL(dfs, TOKEN, "\"%s\" was unexpected in this context.", stnode_token(TOKEN)); } /* ----------------- The grammar -------------- */ /* Associativity */ %left TEST_OR. %left TEST_XOR. %left TEST_AND. %right TEST_NOT. %nonassoc TEST_ALL_EQ TEST_ANY_EQ TEST_ALL_NE TEST_ANY_NE TEST_LT TEST_LE TEST_GT TEST_GE TEST_CONTAINS TEST_MATCHES. %left BITWISE_AND. %left PLUS MINUS. %left STAR RSLASH PERCENT. %nonassoc UNARY_PLUS UNARY_MINUS. /* Top-level targets */ sentence ::= expr(X). { dfs->st_root = X; } sentence ::= . { dfs->st_root = NULL; } expr(X) ::= relation(R). { X = R; } expr(X) ::= arithmetic_expr(E). { X = E; } /* Logical tests */ expr(X) ::= expr(Y) TEST_AND(T) expr(Z). { X = T; sttype_oper_set2(X, STNODE_OP_AND, Y, Z); stnode_merge_location(X, Y, Z); } expr(X) ::= expr(Y) TEST_OR(T) expr(Z). { X = T; sttype_oper_set2(X, STNODE_OP_OR, Y, Z); stnode_merge_location(X, Y, Z); } expr(X) ::= expr(Y) TEST_XOR(T) expr(Z). { stnode_t *A = stnode_new(STTYPE_TEST, NULL, NULL, DFILTER_LOC_EMPTY); sttype_oper_set2(A, STNODE_OP_OR, stnode_dup(Y), stnode_dup(Z)); stnode_t *B = stnode_new(STTYPE_TEST, NULL, NULL, DFILTER_LOC_EMPTY); sttype_oper_set2(B, STNODE_OP_AND, Y, Z); stnode_t *C = stnode_new(STTYPE_TEST, NULL, NULL, DFILTER_LOC_EMPTY); sttype_oper_set1(C, STNODE_OP_NOT, B); X = T; sttype_oper_set2(X, STNODE_OP_AND, A, C); stnode_merge_location(X, Y, Z); } expr(X) ::= TEST_NOT(T) expr(Y). { X = T; sttype_oper_set1(X, STNODE_OP_NOT, Y); stnode_merge_location(X, T, Y); } /* Any expression inside parens is simply that expression */ expr(X) ::= LPAREN(L) expr(Y) RPAREN(R). { X = Y; stnode_merge_location(X, L, R); stnode_free(L); stnode_free(R); } /* Entities, or things that can be compared/tested/checked */ atom(A) ::= STRING(S). { A = S; } atom(A) ::= CHARCONST(N). { A = N; } atom(A) ::= LITERAL(S). { A = S; } atom(A) ::= NUMBER(N). { A = N; } %code { static stnode_t * resolve_unparsed(dfsyntax_t *dfs, stnode_t *node) { if (stnode_type_id(node) != STTYPE_UNPARSED) { ws_assert(stnode_type_id(node) == STTYPE_FIELD); return node; } const char *name = stnode_token(node); header_field_info *hfinfo = dfilter_resolve_unparsed(name, dfs->deprecated); if (hfinfo == NULL) { FAIL(dfs, node, "\"%s\" is not a valid protocol or protocol field.", name); } stnode_replace(node, STTYPE_FIELD, hfinfo); // NULL is OK here, we will fail later return node; } } field(X) ::= FIELD(F). { X = F; } field(X) ::= IDENTIFIER(U). { X = U; } field(X) ::= UNPARSED(U). { X = U; } layered_field(X) ::= field(F). { X = F; } layered_field(X) ::= field(F) HASH LBRACKET range_node_list(L) RBRACKET(R). { X = resolve_unparsed(dfs, F); sttype_field_set_range(X, L); g_slist_free(L); stnode_merge_location(X, F, R); stnode_free(R); } layered_field(X) ::= field(F) HASH INDEX(N). { X = resolve_unparsed(dfs, F); char *err_msg = NULL; drange_node *range = drange_node_from_str(stnode_token(N), &err_msg); if (err_msg != NULL) { FAIL(dfs, N, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } sttype_field_set_range1(X, range); stnode_merge_location(X, F, N); stnode_free(N); } rawable_field(X) ::= layered_field(F). { X = F; } rawable_field(X) ::= ATSIGN(A) layered_field(F). { X = resolve_unparsed(dfs, F); sttype_field_set_raw(X, true); stnode_merge_location(X, A, F); stnode_free(A); } %code { static stnode_t * new_reference(dfsyntax_t *dfs _U_, stnode_t *node) { /* convert field to reference */ stnode_t *ref = stnode_new(STTYPE_REFERENCE, sttype_field_hfinfo(node), g_strdup(stnode_token(node)), stnode_location(node)); sttype_field_set_drange(ref, sttype_field_drange_steal(node)); sttype_field_set_raw(ref, sttype_field_raw(node)); return ref; } } reference(X) ::= DOLLAR(D) LBRACE rawable_field(F) RBRACE(R). { F = resolve_unparsed(dfs, F); X = new_reference(dfs, F); stnode_merge_location(X, D, R); stnode_free(F); stnode_free(D); stnode_free(R); } reference(X) ::= DOLLAR(D) rawable_field(F). { F = resolve_unparsed(dfs, F); X = new_reference(dfs, F); stnode_merge_location(X, D, F); stnode_free(F); stnode_free(D); } entity(E) ::= atom(A). { E = A; } entity(E) ::= slice(R). { E = R; } entity(E) ::= function(F). { E = F; } entity(E) ::= rawable_field(F). { E = F; } entity(E) ::= reference(R). { E = R; } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= entity(N). { T = N; } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= PLUS(P) arithmetic_expr(N). [UNARY_PLUS] { T = N; stnode_merge_location(T, P, N); stnode_free(P); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= MINUS(M) arithmetic_expr(N). [UNARY_MINUS] { T = M; sttype_oper_set1(T, STNODE_OP_UNARY_MINUS, N); stnode_merge_location(T, M, N); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(F) BITWISE_AND(O) arithmetic_expr(M). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_BITWISE_AND, F, M); stnode_merge_location(T, F, M); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(F) PLUS(O) arithmetic_expr(M). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_ADD, F, M); stnode_merge_location(T, F, M); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(F) MINUS(O) arithmetic_expr(M). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_SUBTRACT, F, M); stnode_merge_location(T, F, M); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(F) STAR(O) arithmetic_expr(M). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_MULTIPLY, F, M); stnode_merge_location(T, F, M); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(F) RSLASH(O) arithmetic_expr(M). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_DIVIDE, F, M); stnode_merge_location(T, F, M); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(F) PERCENT(O) arithmetic_expr(M). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_MODULO, F, M); stnode_merge_location(T, F, M); } arithmetic_expr(T) ::= LBRACE(L) arithmetic_expr(F) RBRACE(R). { T = F; stnode_merge_location(T, L, R); stnode_free(L); stnode_free(R); } /* Relational tests */ cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_ALL_EQ(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_ALL_EQ); } cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_ANY_EQ(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_ANY_EQ); } cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_ALL_NE(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_ALL_NE); } cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_ANY_NE(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_ANY_NE); } cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_GT(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_GT); } cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_GE(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_GE); } cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_LT(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_LT); } cmp_op(O) ::= TEST_LE(L). { O = L; sttype_oper_set_op(O, STNODE_OP_LE); } comparison_test(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(E) cmp_op(O) arithmetic_expr(F). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2_args(O, E, F); stnode_merge_location(T, E, F); } /* 'a == b == c' or 'a < b <= c <= d < e' */ comparison_test(T) ::= arithmetic_expr(E) cmp_op(O) comparison_test(R). { stnode_t *L, *F; F = R; while (stnode_type_id(F) == STTYPE_TEST) { sttype_oper_get(F, NULL, &F, NULL); } L = O; sttype_oper_set2_args(L, E, stnode_dup(F)); T = stnode_new_empty(STTYPE_TEST); sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_AND, L, R); stnode_merge_location(T, E, R); } relation_test(T) ::= comparison_test(C). { T = C; } relation_test(T) ::= entity(E) TEST_CONTAINS(L) entity(F). { T = L; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_CONTAINS, E, F); stnode_merge_location(T, E, F); } relation_test(T) ::= entity(E) TEST_MATCHES(L) entity(F). { T = L; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_MATCHES, E, F); stnode_merge_location(T, E, F); } relation_test(T) ::= entity(E) TEST_IN(O) set(S). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(T, STNODE_OP_IN, E, S); stnode_merge_location(T, E, S); } relation_test(T) ::= entity(E) TEST_NOT TEST_IN(O) set(S). { T = O; sttype_oper_set2(O, STNODE_OP_NOT_IN, E, S); stnode_merge_location(T, E, S); } relation(R) ::= relation_test(T). { R = T; } relation(R) ::= ANY(A) relation_test(T). { R = T; sttype_test_set_match(R, STNODE_MATCH_ANY); stnode_merge_location(R, A, T); stnode_free(A); } relation(R) ::= ALL(A) relation_test(T). { R = T; sttype_test_set_match(R, STNODE_MATCH_ALL); stnode_merge_location(R, A, T); stnode_free(A); } /* Sets */ set_element_list(N) ::= arithmetic_expr(X). { N = g_slist_append(NULL, X); N = g_slist_append(N, NULL); } set_element_list(N) ::= arithmetic_expr(X) DOTDOT arithmetic_expr(Y). { N = g_slist_append(NULL, X); N = g_slist_append(N, Y); } set_list(L) ::= set_element_list(N). { L = g_slist_concat(NULL, N); } set_list(L) ::= set_list(P) COMMA set_element_list(N). { L = g_slist_concat(P, N); } set(S) ::= LBRACE(LB) set_list(L) RBRACE(RB). { S = stnode_new(STTYPE_SET, L, NULL, DFILTER_LOC_EMPTY); stnode_merge_location(S, LB, RB); stnode_free(LB); stnode_free(RB); } /* Slices */ slice(R) ::= entity(E) LBRACKET range_node_list(L) RBRACKET. { R = stnode_new(STTYPE_SLICE, NULL, NULL, DFILTER_LOC_EMPTY); sttype_slice_set(R, E, L); /* Delete the list, but not the drange_nodes that * the list contains. */ g_slist_free(L); } range_node_list(L) ::= RANGE_NODE(N). { char *err_msg = NULL; drange_node *rn = drange_node_from_str(stnode_token(N), &err_msg); if (err_msg != NULL) { FAIL(dfs, N, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } L = g_slist_append(NULL, rn); stnode_free(N); } range_node_list(L) ::= range_node_list(P) COMMA RANGE_NODE(N). { char *err_msg = NULL; drange_node *rn = drange_node_from_str(stnode_token(N), &err_msg); if (err_msg != NULL) { FAIL(dfs, N, "%s", err_msg); g_free(err_msg); } L = g_slist_append(P, rn); stnode_free(N); } /* Functions */ %code { static stnode_t * new_function(dfsyntax_t *dfs, stnode_t *node) { const char *name = stnode_token(node); df_func_def_t *def = df_func_lookup(name); if (!def) { FAIL(dfs, node, "Function '%s' does not exist", name); } stnode_replace(node, STTYPE_FUNCTION, def); return node; } } /* A function can have one or more parameters */ function(F) ::= IDENTIFIER(U) LPAREN func_params_list(P) RPAREN(R). { F = new_function(dfs, U); sttype_function_set_params(F, P); stnode_merge_location(F, U, R); stnode_free(R); } /* A function can have zero parameters. */ function(F) ::= IDENTIFIER(U) LPAREN RPAREN(R). { F = new_function(dfs, U); stnode_merge_location(F, U, R); stnode_free(R); } func_params_list(P) ::= arithmetic_expr(E). { P = g_slist_append(NULL, E); } func_params_list(P) ::= func_params_list(L) COMMA arithmetic_expr(E). { P = g_slist_append(L, E); }