AIN-Parameters{ ainParametersObjectIdentifier } --This module contains the type definitions for the AIN parameters. DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- ainParametersObjectIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= ? - -not yet defined -- TYPE DEFINITIONS FOR AIN PARAMETERS FOLLOWS AccessCode ::= [1] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 1 - 5 digits ACGEncountered ::= [2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) ACGGlobalOverride ::= [110] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ allItems(0), scpOverloadItems(1), smsInitCntrlExceptZeroGap(2), smsInitCntrl(3), ntmOSInitCntrlExceptZeroGap(4), ntmOSInitCntrl(5), craftInitCntrlExceptZeroGap(6), craftInitCntrl(7) } AdministrableObject ::= CHOICE{ triggerItemAssignment TriggerItemAssignment, sSPUserResource SSPUserResource, srhrGroup SrhrGroup, networkTestDesignator NetworkTestDesignator, operationsMonitoringAssignment OperationsMonitoringAssignment } TriggerItemAssignment ::= [102] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ sSPUserResourceID [1] SSPUserResourceID, triggerItemID [2] IMPLICIT TriggerItemID, activationStateCode [3] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode OPTIONAL, potentialUse [4] IMPLICIT PotentialUse OPTIONAL, sSPUserResourceSubID [5] SSPUserResourceSubID OPTIONAL } SSPUserResourceID ::= CHOICE{ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, --see Section 6.151 of this GR for encoding dnCtID [2] IMPLICIT DnCtID, spid [3] IMPLICIT Spid, --see Section 6.129 of this GR for encoding trunkGroupID [4] IMPLICIT TrunkGroupID, --see Section 6.151 of this GR for encoding localSSPID [5] IMPLICIT LocalSSPID, publicDialingPlanID [6] IMPLICIT PublicDialingPlanID, pRIOfficeEquipmentID [7] IMPLICIT PRIOfficeEquipmentID, basicBusinessGroupID [8] IMPLICIT BasicBusinessGroupID, basicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID [9] IMPLICIT BasicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID, aFRPatternID [10] IMPLICIT AFRPatternID, officeEquipmentID [11] IMPLICIT OfficeEquipmentID } DnCtID ::= SEQUENCE{ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, --see Section 6.151 of this GR for encoding ct [2] IMPLICIT Ct } Ct ::= ENUMERATED{ voicebandInformation(0), circuitModeData(1) } LocalSSPID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..8)) --References office - wide triggers PublicDialingPlanID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..8)) PRIOfficeEquipmentID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..12)) BasicBusinessGroupID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..10)) BasicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..4)) AFRPatternID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..4)) OfficeEquipmentID ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..12)) TriggerItemID ::= SEQUENCE{ dPNumber [1] IMPLICIT DPNumber, triggerItemSubnumber [2] IMPLICIT TriggerItemSubnumber } DPNumber ::= INTEGER(1..33) --Identifies a Detection Point within the AIN Call Model TriggerItemSubnumber ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..8)) --Identifies triggers and events within DPs ActivationStateCode ::= ENUMERATED{ off(0), on(1) } PotentialUse ::= ENUMERATED{ notApplicable(0), callForwarding(1) } SSPUserResourceSubID ::= CHOICE{ aFRPatternID [1] IMPLICIT AFRPatternID, basicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID [2] IMPLICIT BasicBusinessGroupDialingPlanID, iSDNBChannelID [3] IMPLICIT ISDNBChannelID } ISDNBChannelID ::= SEQUENCE{ pRIDS1ID [1] IMPLICIT PRIDS1ID OPTIONAL, pRIDS0ID [2] IMPLICIT PRIDS0ID OPTIONAL } PRIDS1ID ::= INTEGER(1..28) PRIDS0ID ::= INTEGER(1..24) SSPUserResource ::= [103] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ sSPUserResourceID [1] SSPUserResourceID, --see Section 6.4.1 for encoding serviceProviderID ServiceProviderID OPTIONAL, updateGroups UpdateGroups OPTIONAL, oNoAnswerTimer ONoAnswerTimer OPTIONAL, tNoAnswerTimer TNoAnswerTimer OPTIONAL, displayText DisplayText OPTIONAL, dPConverter DPConverter OPTIONAL, cancelInterdigitTimer CancelInterdigitTimer OPTIONAL } --For the encoding of the ServiceProviderID parameter, see Section 6.127 of this GR. --For the encoding of the UpdateGroups parameter, see below. --For the encoding of the ONoAnswerTimer parameter, see Section 6.102 of this GR. --For the encoding of the TNoAnswerTimer, see Section 6.143 of this GR. --For the encoding of the DisplayText parameter, see Section 6.62 of this GR. --For the encoding of the DPConverter parameter, see Section 6.63 of this GR. --For the encoding of the CancelInterdigitTimer parameter, see below. UpdateGroups::= CHOICE{ updateGroup1 [2] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup1, updateGroup2 [3] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup2, updateGroup3 [4] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup3, updateGroup4 [5] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup4, updateGroup5 [6] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup5, updateGroup6 [7] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup6, updateGroup7 [8] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup7, updateGroup8 [9] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup8, updateGroup9 [10] IMPLICIT UpdateGroup9 } UpdateGroup1::= SEQUENCE{ service1 [1] IMPLICIT Service1, action1 Action1 } Service1::= ENUMERATED{ messageWaitingIndicator(0), visualMessageWaitingIndicator(1), anonymousCallRejection(2), automaticCallback(3), automaticRecall(4), callScreening(5), outsideCallingAreaAlerting(6), callingIdPresentAndSuppress(7), callWaiting(8) } Action1::= CHOICE{ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode--see Section 6.4.1 for encoding } UpdateGroup2::= SEQUENCE{ service2 [1] IMPLICIT Service2, action2 Action2 } Service2::= ENUMERATED{ audioMessageWaitingIndicator(0) } Action2::= CHOICE{ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode, delayInterval [3] IMPLICIT DelayInterval } DelayInterval::= INTEGER(1..60) --used to convey to the switch --a) the number of rings the switch should -- generate prior to forwarding a call; or --b) the number of minutes the switch should -- wait to generate a “ping” ring for an MWI, --i.e., number of minutes between “ping” rings. UpdateGroup3::= SEQUENCE{ service3 [1] IMPLICIT Service3, action3 Action3 } Service3::= ENUMERATED{ distinctiveRingingCallWaiting(0), selectiveCallRejection(1) } Action3::= CHOICE{ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode, editSpecificEntry [3] IMPLICIT EditSpecificEntry, editAllEntries [4] IMPLICIT EditAllEntries } EditSpecificEntry::= SEQUENCE{ entry Entry, editListType [105] IMPLICIT EditListType--see Section 6.66 for encoding } Entry ::= CHOICE{ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, speedCallingCode [2] IMPLICIT SpeedCallingCode, memorySlot [3] IMPLICIT MemorySlot1 } SpeedCallingCode ::= IA5String(SIZE(1..3)) --The contents of this field shall be numbers 2 through 9 or numbers 20 through 39. --each number shall be allowed to be sent with or without a # sign. MemorySlot1 ::= ENUMERATED{ incoming(0) } EditAllEntries ::= ENUMERATED{ deleteAllEntries(0), deleteAllPrivateEntries(1) } UpdateGroup4::= SEQUENCE{ service4 [1] IMPLICIT Service4, action4 Action4 } Service4::= ENUMERATED{ callForwardingVariable(0), callForwardingDontAnswer(1), callForwardingBusyLine(2) } Action4::= CHOICE{ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode,--See Section 6.4.1 for encoding forwardingDn ForwardingDn } ForwardingDn ::= CHOICE{ set Set, clear [3] IMPLICIT Clear } Set ::= CHOICE{ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, speedCallingCode [4] IMPLICIT SpeedCallingCode } Clear ::= ENUMERATED{ remove(0) } UpdateGroup5::= SEQUENCE{ service5 [1] IMPLICIT Service5, action5 Action5 } Service5::= ENUMERATED{ selectiveCallAcceptance(0), selectiveCallForwarding(1) } Action5::= CHOICE{ activationStateCode [2] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode,--see above for encoding forwardingDn [3] IMPLICIT ForwardingDn,--see above for the encoding editSpecificEntry [4] IMPLICIT EditSpecificEntry,--see above for the encoding editAllEntries [5] IMPLICIT EditAllEntries--see above for the encoding } UpdateGroup6::= SEQUENCE{ service6 [1] IMPLICIT Service6, action6 Action6 } Service6::= ENUMERATED{ ringControl(0) } Action6::= CHOICE{ delayInterval [2] IMPLICIT DelayInterval--See above for the encoding } UpdateGroup7::= SEQUENCE{ service7 [1] IMPLICIT Service7, action7 Action7 } Service7::= ENUMERATED{ callingNumberDeliveryBlocking(0), callingNameDeliveryBlocking(1) } Action7::= CHOICE{ toggle [2] IMPLICIT Toggle } Toggle ::= ENUMERATED{ presentationStatusValue(0) } UpdateGroup8::= SEQUENCE{ service8 [1] IMPLICIT Service8, action8 Action8 } Service8::= ENUMERATED{ customerOriginatedTrace(0), cancelCallWaiting(1) } Action8::= CHOICE{ invoke [2] IMPLICIT Invoke8 } Invoke8 ::= ENUMERATED{ on(0) } UpdateGroup9 ::= SEQUENCE{ service9 [1] IMPLICIT Service9, action9 Action9 } Service9::= ENUMERATED{ speedCalling(0) } Action9::= CHOICE{ changeList [2] IMPLICIT ChangeList } ChangeList ::= SEQUENCE{ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn,--see Section 6.151 for the encoding speedCallingCode [2] IMPLICIT SpeedCallingCode--see above for the encoding } CancelInterdigitTimer::= ActivationStateCode SrhrGroup ::= [104] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ srhrGroupID SrhrGroupID, --see Section 6.130 for encoding srhrID [1] IMPLICIT SrhrID OPTIONAL } SrhrID ::= AINDigits -- range - 10 digits NetworkTestDesignator ::= [97] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ ntdID NtdID, amp1 Amp1 OPTIONAL, amp2 Amp2 OPTIONAL } NtdID ::= CHOICE{ ntdIndirectID [1] NtdIndirectID } NtdIndirectID ::= SSPUserResourceID -- see above for encoding -- For the encoding of the Amp1 parameter, see Section 6.23. --For the encoding of the Amp2 parameter, see Section 6.24. OperationsMonitoringAssignment ::= [118] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ operationsMonitoredItemID OperationsMonitoredItemID, activationStateCode [3] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode OPTIONAL } OperationsMonitoredItemID ::= CHOICE{ sSPUserResourceID [1] SSPUserResourceID -- see above for encoding } -- For the encoding of the ActivationStateCode, see above. ActResult::= [164]IMPLICIT ENUMERATED { transactionClosed(0), transactionOpen(1), deniedProcessOverload(2) } AINDigits ::= OCTET STRING AlternateBillingIndicator ::= [3] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator AlternateCarrier ::= [4] IMPLICIT CarrierFormat -- range - 4 digits AlternateTrunkGroup ::= [5] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5)) AlternateDialingPlanInd ::= [115] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 10 digits AMAAlternateBillingNumber ::= [6] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range 1 - 11 digits AMABAFModules ::= [95] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..128)) --Contains one or more AMA modules in Bellcore AMA Format(BAF). AMABillingFeature ::= [88] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 4 - 24 digits AMABusinessCustomerID ::= [7] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 11 digits AMADigitsDialedWC ::= [8] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 3 - 27 digits AMALineNumber ::= [9] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 3 - 15 digits AMAMeasure ::= [71] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ connectTimeRecordedDestinationSSP(0), connectTimeRecordedDestinationSCP(1), connectTimeNotRecorded(2) } AMAMeasurement ::= [73] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ aMATimeDuration [0] IMPLICIT AMATimeDuration, aMATimeGuard [1] IMPLICIT AMATimeGuard } AMAServiceProviderID::= [101] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(7)) AMATimeDuration ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(8)) AMATimeGuard ::= ENUMERATED{ noTimingGuard(0), timingGuardExists(1) } AMASetHexABIndicator ::= [82] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN -- TRUE = Set BCD character 2 of Hexadecimal Identifier in -- the BAF structure to which the contents of the -- AMABAFModules parameter are appended -- FALSE = Default to switch - based control of Hexadecimal -- Identifier table in structure code AMASequenceNumber ::= [89] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2)) -- AMAslpID ::= [10] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5)) AMAslpID ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(5)) Amp1 ::= [11] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) Amp2 ::= [109] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ ampAINNodeID AmpAINNodeID, ampCLogSeqNo [3] IMPLICIT AmpCLogSeqNo OPTIONAL, ampCLogRepInd [4] IMPLICIT AmpCLogRepInd OPTIONAL, ampCallProgInd [5] IMPLICIT AmpCallProgInd OPTIONAL, ampTestReqInd [6] IMPLICIT AmpTestReqInd OPTIONAL, ampCLogName [7] IMPLICIT AmpCLogName OPTIONAL, ampSvcProvID [8] IMPLICIT AmpSvcProvID OPTIONAL } AmpAINNodeID ::= CHOICE{ spcID [1] IMPLICIT SpcID, iSDNDeviceID [2] IMPLICIT ISDNDeviceID } SpcID ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) --See Figure 1B of Chapter T1.111.4 of GR-246-CORE for the -- definition of the contents of the SpcID OCTET STRING. ISDNDeviceID ::= AINDigits -- range - 10 digits AmpCLogSeqNo ::= INTEGER(0..32767) -- 0 = sequence number should not be generated; 0 is used to support -- asynchronous messages AmpCLogRepInd ::= ENUMERATED{ autoReportOS(0), requestReport(1), autoReportISDN(2) } AmpCallProgInd ::= ENUMERATED{ callProgressVoiceAnnouncements(0), callProgressTextMessages(1) } AmpTestReqInd ::= INTEGER(0..127) AmpCLogName ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..10)) AmpSvcProvID ::= CHOICE{ ocn Ocn -- see Section 6.121 for encoding } AnswerIndicator ::= [12] IMPLICIT NULL -- Presence = return answer supervision -- Absence = do not return answer supervision ApplicationErrorString ::= [55] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ errorCause ErrorCause, failedMessage FailedMessage OPTIONAL, userID UserID OPTIONAL } ApplicationIndicator ::= [90] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ routeToApplicationProcessOrSLP(0), processEchoRequestMessage(1) } ApplyRestrictions ::= [152] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{ code(0), toll(1) } BCMType ::= [134] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ oBcm(0), tBcm(1) } BearerCapability ::= [13] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ speech(0), f31kHzaudio(1), f7kHzaudio(2), b56kbps(3), b64kbps(4), packetModeData(5), multiRate(6) -- (64 kbit / s base) } --packetModeData, 7KHz audio, and multiRate will NOT be used for AIN . BillingIndicator ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) BusinessGroup ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(7)) BusyCause ::= [14] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..3)) BusyType ::= [94] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ callCanBeOffered(0), callCannotBeOffered(1) } CalledPartyID ::= [15] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 0 - 15 digits CalledPartyStationType ::= [16] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..99) CallingGeodeticLocation ::= [162] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(8..13)) CallingPartyBGID ::= [17] IMPLICIT BusinessGroup CallingPartyID ::= [18] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 3 - 15 CallType ::= [165] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ noIndication(0), local(1), intraLATAToll(2), interLATAToll(3) } Carrier ::= [41] IMPLICIT CarrierFormat -- range - 4 digits CarrierFormat ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) CarrierUsage ::= [79] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ alwaysOverride(0), onlyInterLATAOverride(1) } CcID ::= [133] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ null(0), originatingSetup(1), stable2Party(2), terminatingSetup(3), threePartySetup(4), threePartySetupComplement(5), partyOnHold(6), partyOnHoldComplement(7), callWaiting(8), callWaitingComplement(9), stableMParty(10), transfer(11), forward(12) } ChargeNumber ::= [19] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 0 - 10 digits ChargePartyStationType ::= [20] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..99) ClearCause ::= [21] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..255) ClearCauseData ::= [74] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)) CloseCause ::= [72] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ callTerminated(0), eDPsCompleted(1), unexpectedCommunication(2), calledPartyAnswered(3), callForwardedEDPsCompleted(4), newRequestedEvent(5) } CollectedAddressInfo ::= [22] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range 0 - 15 digits CollectedDigits ::= [23] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range 0 - 32 digits CongestionLevel ::= [117] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ noCongestion(0), mc1(1), mc2(2), mc3(3) } ConnectTime ::= [58] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5)) ControlCauseIndicator ::= [59] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) ControlEncountered ::= [127] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) ControllingLegTreatment ::= [24] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ dialToneOn(0), ringBackAudibleRingingToneOn(1), networkCongestionReorderToneOn(3), busyToneOn(4), confirmationTone(5), callWaitingTone(7), tonesOff(63), alertingOnPattern0Normal(64), alertingOnPattern1DistinctiveIntergroup(65), alertingOnPattern2DistinctiveSpecial(66), alertingOnPattern3EKTS(67), alertingOnPattern4ReminderRing(68), alertingOff(79), recallDialToneOn(17), bargeInToneOn(18), incomingAdditionalCallTone(251), priorityAdditionalCallTone(252), expensiveRouteWarningTone(253), campOnTone(19), receiverOffHookTone(20), callingCardServiceTone(21), stutterDialTone(22), silence(23), onHookTR30WithIndication(24), onHookTR30NoIndication(25) } CTRConnection ::= [141] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN -- TRUE = reported event caused by Connect_To_Resource -- FALSE = reported event not caused by Connect_To_Resource CsID ::= [137] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..2) --The range is 1 - 2 for CsIDs. DestinationAddress ::= [86] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 10 digits DisconnectCause ::= [116] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ farEnd(0) } DisconnectFlag ::= [25] IMPLICIT NULL -- Presence = disconnect leg -- Absence = do not disconnect leg DisplayText ::= [26] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE(1..15) OF DisplayInformation DisplayInformation ::= CHOICE{ blank[0] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), skip[1] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), continuation[2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), calledAddress[3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), cause[4] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), progressIndicator[5] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), notificationIndicator[6] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), prompt[7] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), accumulatedDigits[8] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), status[9] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), inband[10] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), callingAddress[11] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), reason[12] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), callingPartyName[13] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), calledPartyName[14] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), originalCalledName[15] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), redirectingName[16] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), connectedName[17] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), origRestrictions[18] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), dateTimeOfDay[19] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), callAppearanceID[20] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), featureAddress[21] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), redirectionName[22] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), redirectionNumber[23] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), redirectingNumber[24] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), originalCalledNumber[25] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), connectedNumber[26] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..20)), text[30] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)), redirectingReason[31] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)) } --Each DisplayInformation field can be from 1 - 20 octets. The information shown in italics is not required for AIN and is reserved for future releases. DPConverter ::= [76] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN -- True = the switch should perform Dial Pulse to DTMF conversion -- False = the switch should not perform Dial Pulse to DTMF conversion DTMFDigitsDetected ::= [153] IMPLICIT AINDigits --The range is 1 - 4 EchoData ::= [60] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) EditListType ::= ENUMERATED{ addListElement(0), deleteListElement(1) } EDPNotification ::= [93] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{ oCalledPartyBusy(0), --always "0" oNoAnswer(1), --always "0" oTermSeized(2), oAnswer(3), tBusy(4), --always "0"* tNoAnswer(5), --always "0"* termResourceAvailable(6), -- * tAnswer(7), -- * networkBusy(8), --always “0”* oSuspended(9), --always “0” oDisconnectCalled(10), --always “0” oDisconnect(11), --always “0” oAbandon(12), --always “0” featureActivator(13), --always “0” switchHookFlash(14), --always “0” success(15), --always “0” tDisconnect(16), timeout(17), originationAttempt(18), oDTMFEntered(19), tDTMFEntered(20) } --Bit = 1 - request is requested, Bit = 0 - request is not requested -- *These values are conditional requirements, based on the condition that the SSP supports -- the corresponding EDP shown as an objective in GR - 1298 - CORE, Section 4, Table 4 - 1. EDPRequest ::= [92] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{ oCalledPartyBusy(0), oNoAnswer(1), oTermSeized(2), --always "0" oAnswer(3), --always "0" tBusy(4), --* tNoAnswer(5), --* termResourceAvailable(6), --always "0"* tAnswer(7), --always "0"* networkBusy(8), oSuspended(9), oDisconnectCalled(10), oDisconnect(11), oAbandon(12), featureActivator(13), switchHookFlash(14), success(15), tDisconnect(16), timeout(17), originationAttempt(18), oDTMFEntered(19), tDTMFEntered(20) } --Bit = 1 - request is requested, Bit = 0 - request is not requested -- *These values are conditional requirements, based on the condition that the SSP supports -- the corresponding EDP shown as an objective in GR - 1298 - CORE, Section 4, Table 4 - 1. EnvelopContent ::= [75] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..180)) EnvelopeEncodingAuthority ::= [98] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- Maximum of 15 octets ErrorCause ::= [56] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ erroneousDataValue(0), missingConditionalParameter(1), responseMessageTimerExpired(2), unexpectedCommunication(3), unexpectedMessage(4), unexpectedMessageSequence(5), unexpectedParameterSequence(6) } ExtendedRinging ::= [146] IMPLICIT NULL -- Presence = apply extended ringing -- Absence = do not apply extended ringing ExtensionParameter ::= SEQUENCE{ assignmentAuthority OBJECT IDENTIFIER, parameters ANY DEFINED BY assignmentAuthority } --The maximum length of the assignmentAuthority is 15 octets FacilityGID ::= CHOICE{ mlhg Mlhg } Mlhg ::= [29] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..2047) FacilityMemberID ::= [31] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..2047) --The range is 1 - 2047 for MLHG member IDs. FacilityStatus ::= [61] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ busy(0), busyInService(1), busyOutOfService(2), idle(3), idleInService(4), idleOutOfService(5), inService(6), outOfService(7) } FailedMessage ::= [57] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ opCode INTEGER, parameter OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, invParms [1] IMPLICIT InvParms OPTIONAL } --The opCode field is equivalent to the value of the Operation Code that -- represents the failed message. --The parameter field represents the parameter, including the identifier, --length and contents, of the received message that contains the -- erroneous data value. InvParms ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1) OF Parms Parms ::= CHOICE{ accessCode AccessCode, aCGEncountered ACGEncountered, alternateBillingIndicator AlternateBillingIndicator, alternateCarrier AlternateCarrier, alternateTrunkGroup AlternateTrunkGroup, aMAAlternateBillingNumber AMAAlternateBillingNumber, aMABusinessCustomerID AMABusinessCustomerID, aMAslpID [10] IMPLICIT AMAslpID, amp1 Amp1, amp2 Amp2, answerIndicator AnswerIndicator, bearerCapability BearerCapability, busyCause BusyCause, calledPartyID CalledPartyID, calledPartyStationType CalledPartyStationType, callingGeodeticLocation CallingGeodeticLocation, callingPartyBGID CallingPartyBGID, callingPartyID CallingPartyID, callType CallType, chargeNumber ChargeNumber, chargePartyStationType ChargePartyStationType, clearCause ClearCause, collectedAddressInfo CollectedAddressInfo, collectedDigits CollectedDigits, controllingLegTreatment ControllingLegTreatment, disconnectFlag DisconnectFlag, displayText DisplayText, dTMFDigitsDetected DTMFDigitsDetected, facilityGID FacilityGID, facilityMemberID FacilityMemberID, failureCause FailureCause, genericName GenericName, lata Lata, oDTMFDigitsString ODTMFDigitsString, oDTMFNumberofDigits ODTMFNumberOfDigits, originalCalledPartyID OriginalCalledPartyID, outpulseNumber OutpulseNumber, overflowBillingIndicator OverflowBillingIndicator, passiveLegTreatment PassiveLegTreatment, partyID PartyID, partyOnHold PartyOnHold, primaryBillingIndicator PrimaryBillingIndicator, carrier Carrier, primaryTrunkGroup PrimaryTrunkGroup, redirectingPartyID RedirectingPartyID, redirectionInformation RedirectionInformation, resourceType ResourceType, secondAlternateBillingIndicator SecondAlternateBillingIndicator, secondAlternateCarrier SecondAlternateCarrier, secondAlternateTrunkGroup SecondAlternateTrunkGroup, spid Spid, sSPResponseMessageTimerT1 SSPResponseMessageTimerT1, strParameterBlock StrParameterBlock, tcm Tcm, tDTMFDigitString TDTMFDigitString, tDTMFNumberOfDigits TDTMFNumberOfDigits, timerUpdated TimerUpdated, triggerCriteriaType TriggerCriteriaType, triggerInformation TriggerInformation, userID UserID, verticalServiceCode VerticalServiceCode, connectTime ConnectTime, controlCauseIndicator ControlCauseIndicator, echoData EchoData, facilityStatus FacilityStatus, gapDuration GapDuration, gapInterval GapInterval, globalTitleAddress GlobalTitleAddress, monitorTime MonitorTime, statusCause StatusCause, terminationIndicator TerminationIndicator, translationType TranslationType, triggerCriteriaFlag TriggerCriteriaFlag, tSTRCTimer TSTRCTimer, aMAMeasure AMAMeasure, aMAMeasurement AMAMeasurement, clearCauseData ClearCauseData, envelopContent EnvelopContent, iPReturnBlock IPReturnBlock, sap Sap, aMASetHexABIndicator AMASetHexABIndicator, serviceContext ServiceContext, extensionParameter [84] IMPLICIT ExtensionParameter, securityEnvelope SecurityEnvelope, destinationAddress DestinationAddress, derviceProviderID ServiceProviderID, aMABillingFeature AMABillingFeature, aMASequenceNumber AMASequenceNumber, applicationIndicator ApplicationIndicator, oNoAnswerTimer ONoAnswerTimer, eDPRequest EDPRequest, eDPNotification EDPNotification, busyType BusyType, aMABAFModules AMABAFModules, sTRConnection STRConnection, errorCause ErrorCause, resultCause ResultCause, cTRConnection CTRConnection, rTPReroutingNumber RTPReroutingNumber, rTPServiceIndicator RTPServiceIndicator, administrableObject AdministrableObject, envelopeEncodingAuthority EnvelopeEncodingAuthority, tNoAnswerTimer TNoAnswerTimer, editListType EditListType, aCGGlobalOverride ACGGlobalOverride, notificationIndicator [111] IMPLICIT NotificationIndicator, -- TRUE = Switch Notification Message -- FALSE = Switch Request Message aMALineNumber AMALineNumber, aMADigitsDialedWC AMADigitsDialedWC, carrierUsage CarrierUsage, closeCause CloseCause, dPConverter DPConverter, failureCauseData FailureCauseData, genericAddress GenericAddress, srhrGroupID SrhrGroupID, genericAddressList GenericAddressList, networkSpecificFacilities NetworkSpecificFacilities, forwardCallIndicator ForwardCallIndicator, alternateDialingPlanInd AlternateDialingPlanInd, disconnectCause DisconnectCause, aMAServiceProviderID AMAServiceProviderID, congestionLevel CongestionLevel, controlEncountered ControlEncountered, infoProvided InfoProvided, provideInfo ProvideInfo, signalingPointCode SignalingPointCode, subsystemNumber SubsystemNumber, notificationDuration NotificationDuration, wakeUpDuration WakeUpDuration, oSIIndicator OSIIndicator, legID LegID, ccID CcID, bCMType BCMType, pointInCall PointInCall, featureActivatorID FeatureActivatorID, csID CsID, lampTreatment LampTreatment, timeoutTimer TimeoutTimer, transID TransID, actResult ActResult, extendedRinging ExtendedRinging, jurisdictionInformation JurisdictionInformation, prefix Prefix, genericDigitsList GenericDigitsList, applyRestrictions ApplyRestrictions } FailureCause ::= [32] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ rateTooHigh(1), unavailableResources(2), apTimeout(3), apBusy(4), channelsBusy(13), abort(14), resourceLimitation(15), applicationError(16), securityError(17), protocolError(18), timerExpired(19), temporaryFailure(20), msridDoesNotMatchUserProfile(21), segmentationError(22), ncasDisallowed(23), controlEncountered(24), improperCoding(25), inappropriateCondition(26), inappropriateUserInterface(27), inappropriateLegManipulation(28), callingInterfaceBusy(29) } FailureCauseData ::= [112] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..5)) FeatureActivatorID ::= [136] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..2)) ForwardCallIndicator ::= [113] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2)) GapDuration ::= [62] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ no1Second(1), no2Seconds(2), no4Seconds(3), no8Seconds(4), no16Seconds(5), no32Seconds(6), no64Seconds(7), no128Seconds(8), no256Seconds(9), no512Seconds(10), no1024Seconds(11), no2048Seconds(12), infinity(13) } GapInterval ::= CHOICE{ nationalGapInterval NationalGapInterval, privateGapInterval PrivateGapInterval } NationalGapInterval ::= [63] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ removeGapControl(0), no0Seconds(1), no010Seconds(2), -- 1 / 10 sec. no025Seconds(3), -- 1 / 4 sec. no050Seconds(4), -- 1 / 2 sec. no1Second(5), no2Seconds(6), no5Seconds(7), no10Seconds(8), no15Seconds(9), no30Seconds(10), no60Seconds(11), no120Seconds(12), no300Seconds(13), no600Seconds(14), stopAllCalls(15) } PrivateGapInterval ::= [64] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ no0Seconds(0), no3Seconds(1), no4Seconds(2), no6Seconds(3), no8Seconds(4), no11Seconds(5), no16Seconds(6), no22Seconds(7), no30Seconds(8), no42Seconds(9), no58Seconds(10), no81Seconds(11), no112Seconds(12), no156Seconds(13), no217Seconds(14), no300Seconds(15), removeGapControl(16), no010Seconds(17), -- 1 / 10 sec. no025Seconds(18), -- 1 / 4 sec. no050Seconds(19), -- 1 / 2 sec. no1Second(20), no2Seconds(21) } GenericAddress ::= [80] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(4..11)) GenericAddressList ::= [107] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE(1..5) OF GenericAddress GenericName ::= [33] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING GenericDigitsList ::= [150] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF GenericDigits GenericDigits ::= [149] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..11)) GlobalTitleAddress ::= [69] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING InfoProvided ::= [100] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ activationStateCode [1] IMPLICIT ActivationStateCode OPTIONAL, entireList [2] IMPLICIT EntireList OPTIONAL, memorySlot [3] IMPLICIT MemorySlot OPTIONAL, listSize [4] IMPLICIT ListSize OPTIONAL, forwardToDn [5] IMPLICIT ForwardToDn OPTIONAL, delayInterval [6] IMPLICIT DelayInterval OPTIONAL, empty [7] IMPLICIT Empty OPTIONAL } --For the encoding of the ActivationStateCode parameter, see Section 6.4.1. EntireList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..32) OF Entry2 Entry2 ::= CHOICE{ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, --see Section 6.151 for the encoding privateDn [2] IMPLICIT PrivateDn } PrivateDn ::= ENUMERATED{ private (0) } MemorySlot ::= SEQUENCE{ incoming [1] IMPLICIT Incoming OPTIONAL, outgoing [2] IMPLICIT Outgoing OPTIONAL } Incoming ::= SEQUENCE{ aINDigits AINDigits, timestamp Timestamp--See GR-246-CORE for values of this field. } Outgoing ::= SEQUENCE{ aINDigits AINDigits, timestamp Timestamp--See GR-246-CORE for values of this field. } Timestamp ::= INTEGER ListSize ::= INTEGER(1..32) ForwardToDn ::= Dn--See Section 6.151 for the encoding Empty ::= BIT STRING{ entireList(0), outgoingmemorySlot(1), incomingmemorySlot(2), forwardToDn(3) } IPReturnBlock ::= [78] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..120)) JurisdictionInformation::= [147] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) LampTreatment ::= [138] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..3)) Lata ::= [35] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 3 digits LegID ::= [132] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..2) --The range is 0 - 2 for IDs. MonitorTime ::= [65] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) NetworkSpecificFacilities ::= [108] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..12)) NotificationDuration ::= [128] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..99) NotificationIndicator ::= BOOLEAN -- TRUE = Switch Notification Message -- FALSE = Switch Request Message ODTMFDigitsString ::= [154] IMPLICIT AINDigits --The range is 1 - 4 ODTMFNumberOfDigits ::= [155] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..4) ONoAnswerTimer ::= [91] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..120) OriginalCalledPartyID ::= [36] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 3 - 15 digits OSIIndicator ::= [129] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN --True = the switch should apply Open Switching Interval --False = the switch should not apply Open Switching Interval OutpulseNumber ::= [37] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- 15 digits maximum OverflowBillingIndicator ::= [38] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator PartyID ::= [159] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ callingParty(0), calledParty(1), bothParties(2) } PartyOnHold ::= [146] IMPLICIT NULL -- Presence = place party on hold -- Absence = do not place party on hold PassiveLegTreatment ::= [39] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ dialToneOn(0), ringBackAudibleRingingToneOn(1), networkCongestionReorderToneOn(3), busyToneOn(4), confirmationTone(5), callWaitingTone(7), tonesOff(63), alertingOnPattern0Normal(64), alertingOnPattern1DistinctiveIntergroup(65), alertingOnPattern2DistinctiveSpecial(66), alertingOnPattern3EKTS(67), alertingOnPattern4ReminderRing(68), alertingOff(79), recallDialToneOn(17), bargeInToneOn(18), incomingAdditionalCallTone(251), priorityAdditionalCallTone(252), expensiveRouteWarningTone(253), campOnTone(19), receiverOffHookTone(20), callingCardServiceTone(21), stutterDialTone(22), silence(23) } --The values shown in italics are not required for AIN and are reserved for future -- AIN releases. Prefix ::= [148] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ onePlus(0) } PointInCall ::= [135] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ oNull(1), authorizeOrigAttempt(2), collectInformation(3), analyzeInformation(4), selectRoute(5), authorizeCallSetup(6), sendCall(7), oAlerting(8), oActive(9), oSuspended(10), tNull(11), authorizeTermination(12), selectFacility(13), presentCall(14), tAlerting(15), tActive(16), tSuspended(17) } PrimaryBillingIndicator ::= [40] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator PrimaryTrunkGroup ::= [42] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5)) ProvideInfo ::= [114] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ requestGroups RequestGroups OPTIONAL, requestMemorySlot [11] IMPLICIT RequestMemorySlot OPTIONAL } RequestGroups ::= CHOICE{ requestGroup1 [1] IMPLICIT RequestGroup1, requestGroup2 [2] IMPLICIT RequestGroup2, requestGroup3 [3] IMPLICIT RequestGroup3, requestGroup4 [4] IMPLICIT RequestGroup4, requestGroup5 [5] IMPLICIT RequestGroup5, requestGroup6 [6] IMPLICIT RequestGroup6 } RequestGroup1 ::= SEQUENCE{ service1 [1] IMPLICIT Service1,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding. request1 [2] IMPLICIT Request1 } Request1 ::= BIT STRING{ activationStatus(0) } RequestGroup2 ::= SEQUENCE{ service2 [1] IMPLICIT Service2,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding. request2 [2] IMPLICIT Request2 } Request2 ::= BIT STRING{ activationStatus(0), delayInterval(1) } RequestGroup3 ::= SEQUENCE{ service3 [1] IMPLICIT Service3,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding request3 [2] IMPLICIT Request3 } Request3 ::= BIT STRING{ activationStatus(0), entireList(1), listSize(2) } RequestGroup4 ::= SEQUENCE{ service4 [1] IMPLICIT Service4,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding request4 [2] IMPLICIT Request4 } Request4 ::= BIT STRING{ activationStatus(0), forwardingDn(1) } RequestGroup5 ::= SEQUENCE{ service5 [1] IMPLICIT Service5,--See Section 6.4.2 for the encoding request5[2] IMPLICIT Request5 } Request5 ::= BIT STRING{ activationStatus(0), forwardingDn(1), entireList(2), listSize(3) } RequestGroup6 ::= SEQUENCE{ service6 [1] IMPLICIT Service6,--See Section 6.4.2 for encoding request6 [2] IMPLICIT Request6 } Request6 ::= BIT STRING{ delayInterval(0) } RequestMemorySlot ::= BIT STRING{ incoming(0), outgoing(1) } RedirectingPartyID ::= [43] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 3 - 15 digits RedirectionInformation ::= [44] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2)) ResourceType ::= [45] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..127) ResultCause ::= [151] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ confServiceActivated(0), confServiceDeactivatedorCancelled(1), confAnonymousEntryAdded(2), confPublicEntryAdded(3), confAnonymousEntryRemoved(4), confPublicEntryRemoved(5), confAllAnonymousEntriesRemoved(6), confAllEntriesRemoved(7), confForwardingDnSet(8), confForwardingDnCleared(9), confDelayIntervalUpdated(10), confInterdigitTimerOn(11), confInterdigitTimerOff(12), confDPConverterOn(13), confDPConverterOff(14), deniedServiceAlreadyActive(15), deniedServiceNotActivated(16), deniedInvalidForwardingDn(17), deniedPermanentPresentationPrivate(18), deniedPermanentPresentationPublic(19), deniedListIsEmpty(20), deniedListIsFull(21), deniedAnonymousDnAlreadyOnList(22), deniedPublicDnAlreadyOnList(23), deniedNoMatch(24), deniedDnNotOnList(25), deniedIncomingMemorySlotEmpty(26), deniedUnsuccessfulUpdate(27) } RTPReroutingNumber::= [143] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- Range - 3 - 15 digits RTPServiceIndicator ::= [144] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) Sap ::= [81] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..10)) SecondAlternateBillingIndicator ::= [46] IMPLICIT BillingIndicator SecondAlternateCarrier ::= [47] IMPLICIT CarrierFormat -- range - 4 digits SecondAlternateTrunkGroup ::= [48] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(5)) SecurityEnvelope ::= [85] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3..75)) ServiceContext ::= [83] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..32767) ServiceProviderID ::= CHOICE{ ocn Ocn, msrID MsrID } Ocn ::= [87] IMPLICIT IA5String(SIZE(4..8)) MsrID ::= [106] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- range - 10 digits --identifies the Message Storage and Retrieval System SignalingPointCode ::= [142] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) --See Figure 1B of Chapter T1.111.4 of GR-246-CORE -- for the definition of the contents of the SignalingPointCode OCTET STRING. Spid ::= [49] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(3..20)) --This parameter includes a character string with 3 - 20 IA5 characters, --the last 2 are required to be numeric in the range of 00 - 62. SubsystemNumber ::= [130] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..255) --See Chapter T1.112.3 of GR-246-CORE for values of this parameter SrhrGroupID ::= [77] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..32767) SSPResponseMessageTimerT1 ::= [166] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..300) --Units of tenths of seconds StatusCause ::= [66] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ statusMatch(0), timeOut(1), error(2) } STRConnection ::= [96] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN -- TRUE = reported event caused by Send_To_Resource -- FALSE = reported event not caused by Send_To_Resource StrParameterBlock ::= [50] CHOICE { announcementBlock [0] IMPLICIT AnnouncementBlock, announcementDigitBlock [1] IMPLICIT AnnouncementDigitBlock, flexParameterBlock [2] IMPLICIT FlexParameterBlock } AnnouncementBlock ::= SEQUENCE{ uninterAnnounceBlock [1] IMPLICIT UninterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL, interAnnounceBlock [2] IMPLICIT InterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL } UninterAnnounceBlock ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..10) OF AnnounceElement InterAnnounceBlock ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..10) OF AnnounceElement AnnounceElement ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(3..131)) AnnouncementDigitBlock ::= SEQUENCE{ maximumDigits [0] IMPLICIT MaximumDigits, uninterAnnounceBlock [1] IMPLICIT UninterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL, interAnnounceBlock [2] IMPLICIT InterAnnounceBlock OPTIONAL } MaximumDigits ::= INTEGER(0..255) -- range: 0 - 32 is "fixed number of digits" (e.g., 5 means collect 5 digits) -- 33 - 252 is spare -- 253 is "normal number of digits" -- 254 is "variable number of digits" -- 255 is spare FlexParameterBlock ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..120)) Tcm ::= [51] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- Range 1 - 4 digits TDTMFDigitString ::= [157] IMPLICIT AINDigits --The range is 1 - 4 TDTMFNumberOfDigits ::= [158] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..4) TerminationIndicator ::= [67] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(1)) TimeoutTimer ::= [139] IMPLICIT CHOICE{ intervalTime [0] IMPLICIT IntervalTime, localSSPTime [1] IMPLICIT LocalSSPTime, absoluteSCPTime [2] IMPLICIT AbsoluteSCPTime } IntervalTime ::= INTEGER(1..86400) --IntervalTime is in units of seconds LocalSSPTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(7)) AbsoluteSCPTime ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(7)) TimerUpdated ::= [167] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ success(0), failure(1), transaction-already-closed(2) } TNoAnswerTimer ::= [99] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..120) TransID ::= [163] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) TranslationType ::= [70] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..255) --See Chapter T1.112.3 of GR-246-CORE for values of this parameter TriggerCriteriaFlag ::= [68] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING(SIZE(2)) TriggerCriteriaType ::= [52] IMPLICIT ENUMERATED{ featureActivator(0), verticalServiceCode(1), customizedAccess(2), customizedIntercom(3), npa(4), npaNXX(5), nxx(6), nxxXXXX(7), npaNXXXXXX(8), countryCodeNPANXXXXXX(9), carrierAccess(10), prefixes(11), n11(12), aFR(13), sharedIOTrunk(14), terminationAttempt(15), offHookImmediate(16), offHookDelay(17), channelSetupPRI(18), npaN(19), npaNX(20), npaNXXX(21), npaNXXXX(22), npaNXXXXX(23), networkBusy(24), tNoAnswer(25), tBusy(26), oCalledPartyBusy(27), specificFeatureCode(28), oNoAnswer(29), priNetworkServices(30), oSwitchHookFlashImmediate(31), oFeatureActivator(32), oSwitchHookFlashSpecifiedCode(33), tSwitchHookFlashImmediate(34), tFeatureActivator(35), tSwitchHookFlashSpecifiedCode(36), numberPortability(37), onePlus(38), specifiedCarrier(39), international(40), zeroPlus(41), zeroMinus(42), localNumberPortabilityPORC(43), localNumberPortabilityPORCdonor(44), reserved(45), termResourceAvailable(46), officePublicFeatureCode(47), trunkGroup(48), dedicatedTrunkGroup(49), reserved(50) } TSTRCTimer ::= [156] IMPLICIT INTEGER(0..300) --Units of minutes UserID ::= [53] CHOICE{ dn [1] IMPLICIT Dn, bri [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE { spid Spid, dn Dn }, --BRI(ISDNI) trunkGroupID [5] IMPLICIT TrunkGroupID, privateFacilityGID [6] IMPLICIT PrivateFacilityGID, aDSIcpeID ADSIcpeID } Dn ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(5)) TriggerInformation ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..31)) TrunkGroupID ::= INTEGER(0..9999) PrivateFacilityGID ::= INTEGER(0..9999) ADSIcpeID ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(4)) VerticalServiceCode ::= [54] IMPLICIT AINDigits -- Maximum 10 characters; the 1st character may be a * or digit. --The remaining characters are always digits. WakeUpDuration ::= [131] IMPLICIT INTEGER(1..999) END