-- Sub-Volume IV ASN.1 reference definitions for ICAO Doc. 9705, -- Second Edition -- Version 1.1, 03 Oct 2001 -- protected mode PDR's -- 2011-10-25 Doc 9705 Draft Ed 3 (ICAO web site - 11/00) including "9705 PDRS FOR CPDLC" -- based on "ACP WGN SG/N2 Version 1.1 (Output Montreal - May 2005)" -- plain old CPDLC CPDLCAPDUsVersion1 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ATCUplinkMessage, ATCDownlinkMessage FROM PMCPDLCMessageSetVersion1 ATCForwardMessage, ATCForwardResponse FROM PMCPDLCAPDUsVersion1; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ground Generated Messages - Top level -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GroundPDUs ::= CHOICE { abortUser [0] CPDLCUserAbortReason, abortProvider [1] CPDLCProviderAbortReason, startup [2] UplinkMessage, send [3] ATCUplinkMessage, forward [4] ATCForwardMessage, forwardresponse [5] ATCForwardResponse, ... } UplinkMessage ::= CHOICE { noMessage [0] NULL, aTCUplinkMessage [1] ATCUplinkMessage } AircraftPDUs::= CHOICE { abortUser [0] CPDLCUserAbortReason, abortProvider [1] CPDLCProviderAbortReason, startdown [2] StartDownMessage, send [3] ATCDownlinkMessage, ... } StartDownMessage ::= SEQUENCE { mode Mode DEFAULT cpdlc, startDownlinkMessage DownlinkMessage } Mode ::= ENUMERATED { cpdlc (0), dsc (1) } DownlinkMessage ::= CHOICE { noMessage [0] NULL, aTCDownlinkMessage [1] ATCDownlinkMessage } CPDLCUserAbortReason ::= ENUMERATED { undefined (0), no-message-identification-numbers-available (1), duplicate-message-identification-numbers (2), no-longer-next-data-authority (3), current-data-authority-abort (4), commanded-termination (5), invalid-response (6), ... } CPDLCProviderAbortReason ::= ENUMERATED { timer-expired (0), undefined-error (1), invalid-PDU (2), protocol-error (3), communication-service-error (4), communication-service-failure (5), invalid-QOS-parameter (6), expected-PDU-missing (7), ... } END -- protected mode PMCPDLC PMCPDLCAPDUsVersion1 DEFINITIONS::= BEGIN IMPORTS DateTimeGroup, AircraftFlightIdentification, AircraftAddress FROM PMCPDLCMessageSetVersion1; -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ground Generated Messages - Top level -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProtectedGroundPDUs ::= CHOICE { abortUser [0] PMCPDLCUserAbortReason, abortProvider [1] PMCPDLCProviderAbortReason, startup [2] ProtectedUplinkMessage, send [3] ProtectedUplinkMessage, forward [4] ATCForwardMessage, forwardresponse [5] ATCForwardResponse, ... } ProtectedUplinkMessage::= SEQUENCE { algorithmIdentifier [0] AlgorithmIdentifier OPTIONAL, protectedMessage [1] CPDLCMessage OPTIONAL, -- PER encoded ATCUplinkMessage -- (see Module PMCPDLCMessageSetVersion1) integrityCheck [2] BIT STRING, ... } ATCForwardMessage ::= SEQUENCE { forwardHeader ForwardHeader, forwardMessage ForwardMessage } ForwardHeader ::= SEQUENCE { dateTime DateTimeGroup, aircraftID AircraftFlightIdentification, aircraftAddress AircraftAddress } ForwardMessage ::= CHOICE { upElementIDs [0] BIT STRING, --PER encoded ATCUplinkMessageData, -- (see Module PMCPDLCMessageSetVersion1) downElementIDs [1] BIT STRING --PER encoded ATCDownlinkMessageData, -- (see Module PMCPDLCMessageSetVersion1) } ATCForwardResponse ::= ENUMERATED { success (0), service-not-supported (1), version-not-equal (2), ... } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Aircraft Generated Messages - Top level -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProtectedAircraftPDUs::= CHOICE { abortUser [0] PMCPDLCUserAbortReason, abortProvider [1] PMCPDLCProviderAbortReason, startdown [2] ProtectedStartDownMessage, send [3] ProtectedDownlinkMessage, ... } ProtectedStartDownMessage ::= SEQUENCE { mode ProtectedMode DEFAULT cpdlc, startDownlinkMessage ProtectedDownlinkMessage } ProtectedMode ::= ENUMERATED { cpdlc (0), dsc (1) } ProtectedDownlinkMessage::= SEQUENCE { algorithmIdentifier [0] AlgorithmIdentifier OPTIONAL, protectedMessage [1] CPDLCMessage OPTIONAL, --PER encoded ATCDownlinkMessage, -- (see Module PMCPDLCMessageSetVersion1) integrityCheck [2] BIT STRING, ... } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Uplink and Downlink messages - Common Elements -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AlgorithmIdentifier ::= RELATIVE-OID --root is {icao-arc atn-algorithms(9)} CPDLCMessage ::= BIT STRING PMCPDLCUserAbortReason ::= ENUMERATED { undefined (0), no-message-identification-numbers-available (1), duplicate-message-identification-numbers (2), no-longer-next-data-authority (3), current-data-authority-abort (4), commanded-termination (5), invalid-response (6), time-out-of-synchronisation (7), unknown-integrity-check (8), validation-failure (9), unable-to-decode-message (10), invalid-pdu (11), invalid-CPDLC-message (12), ... } PMCPDLCProviderAbortReason ::= ENUMERATED { timer-expired (0), undefined-error (1), invalid-PDU (2), protocol-error (3), communication-service-error (4), communication-service-failure (5), invalid-QOS-parameter (6), expected-PDU-missing (7), ... } END PMCPDLCMessageSetVersion1 DEFINITIONS::= BEGIN ATCUplinkMessage ::= SEQUENCE { header ATCMessageHeader, messageData ATCUplinkMessageData } ATCUplinkMessageData ::= SEQUENCE { elementIds SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF ATCUplinkMsgElementId, constrainedData SEQUENCE { routeClearanceData SEQUENCE SIZE (1..2) OF RouteClearance OPTIONAL, ... } OPTIONAL } ATCDownlinkMessage ::= SEQUENCE { header ATCMessageHeader, messageData ATCDownlinkMessageData } ATCDownlinkMessageData ::= SEQUENCE { elementIds SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF ATCDownlinkMsgElementId, constrainedData SEQUENCE { routeClearanceData SEQUENCE SIZE (1..2) OF RouteClearance OPTIONAL, ... } OPTIONAL } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Uplink and Downlink messages - Common Elements -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATCMessageHeader ::= SEQUENCE { messageIdNumber [0] MsgIdentificationNumber, messageRefNumber [1] MsgReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, dateTime [2] DateTimeGroup, logicalAck [3] LogicalAck DEFAULT notRequired } MsgIdentificationNumber ::= INTEGER (0..63) MsgReferenceNumber ::= INTEGER (0..63) LogicalAck ::= ENUMERATED { required (0), notRequired (1) } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Uplink message element -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATCUplinkMsgElementId ::= CHOICE { -- UNABLE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) uM0NULL [0] NULL, -- STANDBY -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM1NULL [1] NULL, -- REQUEST DEFERRED -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM2NULL [2] NULL, -- ROGER -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM3NULL [3] NULL, -- AFFIRM -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM4NULL [4] NULL, -- NEGATIVE Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM5NULL [5] NULL, -- EXPECT [level] Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM6Level [6] Level, -- EXPECT CLIMB AT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM7Time [7] Time, -- EXPECT CLIMB AT [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM8Position [8] Position, -- EXPECT DESCENT AT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM9Time [9] Time, -- EXPECT DESCENT AT [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM10Position [10] Position, -- EXPECT CRUISE CLIMB AT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM11Time [11] Time, -- EXPECT CRUISE CLIMB AT [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM12Position [12] Position, -- AT [time] EXPECT CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM13TimeLevel [13] TimeLevel, -- AT [position] EXPECT CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM14PositionLevel [14] PositionLevel, -- AT [time] EXPECT DESCENT TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM15TimeLevel [15] TimeLevel, -- AT [position] EXPECT DESCENT TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM16PositionLevel [16] PositionLevel, -- AT [time] EXPECT CRUISE CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM17TimeLevel [17] TimeLevel, -- AT [position] EXPECT CRUISE CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM18PositionLevel [18] PositionLevel, -- MAINTAIN [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM19Level [19] Level, -- CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM20Level [20] Level, -- AT [time] CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM21TimeLevel [21] TimeLevel, -- AT [position] CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM22PositionLevel [22] PositionLevel, -- DESCEND TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM23Level [23] Level, -- AT [time] DESCEND TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM24TimeLevel [24] TimeLevel, -- AT [position] DESCEND TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM25PositionLevel [25] PositionLevel, -- CLIMB TO REACH [level] BY [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM26LevelTime [26] LevelTime, -- CLIMB TO REACH [level] BY [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM27LevelPosition [27] LevelPosition, -- DESCEND TO REACH [level] BY [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM28LevelTime [28] LevelTime, -- DESCEND TO REACH [level] BY [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM29LevelPosition [29] LevelPosition, -- MAINTAIN BLOCK [level] TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM30LevelLevel [30] LevelLevel, -- CLIMB TO AND MAINTAIN BLOCK [level] TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM31LevelLevel [31] LevelLevel, -- DESCEND TO AND MAINTAIN BLOCK [level] TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM32LevelLevel [32] LevelLevel, -- Reserved -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM33NULL [33] NULL, -- CRUISE CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM34Level [34] Level, -- CRUISE CLIMB ABOVE [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM35Level [35] Level, -- EXPEDITE CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM36Level [36] Level, -- EXPEDITE DESCENT TO [level] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM37Level [37] Level, -- IMMEDIATELY CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(W/U) uM38Level [38] Level, -- IMMEDIATELY DESCEND TO [level] -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(W/U) uM39Level [39] Level, -- Reserved -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM40NULL [40] NULL, -- Reserved Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM41NULL [41] NULL, -- EXPECT TO CROSS [position] AT [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM42PositionLevel [42] PositionLevel, -- EXPECT TO CROSS [position] AT OR ABOVE [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM43PositionLevel [43] PositionLevel, -- EXPECT TO CROSS [position] AT OR BELOW [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM44PositionLevel [44] PositionLevel, -- EXPECT TO CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM45PositionLevel [45] PositionLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM46PositionLevel [46] PositionLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT OR ABOVE [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM47PositionLevel [47] PositionLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT OR BELOW [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM48PositionLevel [48] PositionLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM49PositionLevel [49] PositionLevel, -- CROSS [position] BETWEEN [level] AND [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM50PositionLevelLevel [50] PositionLevelLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM51PositionTime [51] PositionTime, -- CROSS [position] AT OR BEFORE [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM52PositionTime [52] PositionTime, -- CROSS [position] AT OR AFTER [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM53PositionTime [53] PositionTime, -- CROSS [position] BETWEEN [time] AND [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM54PositionTimeTime [54] PositionTimeTime, -- CROSS [position] AT [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM55PositionSpeed [55] PositionSpeed, -- CROSS [position] AT OR LESS THAN [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM56PositionSpeed [56] PositionSpeed, -- CROSS [position] AT OR GREATER THAN [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM57PositionSpeed [57] PositionSpeed, -- CROSS [position] AT [time] AT [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM58PositionTimeLevel [58] PositionTimeLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT OR BEFORE [time] AT [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM59PositionTimeLevel [59] PositionTimeLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT OR AFTER [time] AT [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM60PositionTimeLevel [60] PositionTimeLevel, -- CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [level] AT [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM61PositionLevelSpeed [61] PositionLevelSpeed, -- AT [time] CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM62TimePositionLevel [62] TimePositionLevel, -- AT [time] CROSS [position] AT AND MAINTAIN [level] AT [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM63TimePositionLevelSpeed [63] TimePositionLevelSpeed, -- OFFSET [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM64DistanceSpecifiedDirection [64] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- AT [position] OFFSET [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM65PositionDistanceSpecifiedDirection[65] PositionDistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- AT [time] OFFSET [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM66TimeDistanceSpecifiedDirection [66] TimeDistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- PROCEED BACK ON ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM67NULL [67] NULL, -- REJOIN ROUTE BY [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM68Position [68] Position, -- REJOIN ROUTE BY [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM69Time [69] Time, -- EXPECT BACK ON ROUTE BY [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM70Position [70] Position, -- EXPECT BACK ON ROUTE BY [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM71Time [71] Time, -- RESUME OWN NAVIGATION -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM72NULL [72] NULL, -- [DepartureClearance] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM73DepartureClearance [73] DepartureClearance, -- PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM74Position [74] Position, -- WHEN ABLE PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM75Position [75] Position, -- AT [time] PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM76TimePosition [76] TimePosition, -- AT [position] PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM77PositionPosition [77] PositionPosition, -- AT [level] PROCEED DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM78LevelPosition [78] LevelPosition, -- CLEARED TO [position] VIA [routeClearance] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM79PositionRouteClearance [79] PositionRouteClearanceIndex, -- CLEARED [routeClearance] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM80RouteClearance [80] RouteClearanceIndex, -- CLEARED [procedureName] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM81ProcedureName [81] ProcedureName, -- CLEARED TO DEVIATE UP TO [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM82DistanceSpecifiedDirection [82] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- AT [position] CLEARED [routeClearance] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM83PositionRouteClearance [83] PositionRouteClearanceIndex, -- AT [position] CLEARED [procedureName] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM84PositionProcedureName [84] PositionProcedureName, -- EXPECT [routeClearance] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM85RouteClearance [85] RouteClearanceIndex, -- AT [position] EXPECT [routeClearance] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM86PositionRouteClearance [86] PositionRouteClearanceIndex, -- EXPECT DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM87Position [87] Position, -- AT [position] EXPECT DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM88PositionPosition [88]PositionPosition, -- AT [time] EXPECT DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM89TimePosition [89] TimePosition, -- AT [level] EXPECT DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM90LevelPosition [90] LevelPosition, -- HOLD AT [position] MAINTAIN [level] INBOUND TRACK [degrees][direction] TURNS [legtype] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM91HoldClearance [91] HoldClearance, -- HOLD AT [position] AS PUBLISHED MAINTAIN [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM92PositionLevel [92] PositionLevel, -- EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE AT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM93Time [93] Time, -- TURN [direction] HEADING [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM94DirectionDegrees [94] DirectionDegrees, -- TURN [direction] GROUND TRACK [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM95DirectionDegrees [95] DirectionDegrees, -- CONTINUE PRESENT HEADING -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM96NULL [96] NULL, -- AT [position] FLY HEADING [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM97PositionDegrees [97] PositionDegrees, -- IMMEDIATELY TURN [direction] HEADING [degrees] -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(W/U) uM98DirectionDegrees [98] DirectionDegrees, -- EXPECT [procedureName] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM99ProcedureName [99] ProcedureName, -- AT [time] EXPECT [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM100TimeSpeed [100] TimeSpeed, -- AT [position] EXPECT [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM101PositionSpeed [101] PositionSpeed, -- AT [level] EXPECT [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM102LevelSpeed [102] LevelSpeed, -- AT [time] EXPECT [speed] TO [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM103TimeSpeedSpeed [103] TimeSpeedSpeed, -- AT [position] EXPECT [speed] TO [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM104PositionSpeedSpeed [104] PositionSpeedSpeed, -- AT [level] EXPECT [speed] TO [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM105LevelSpeedSpeed [105] LevelSpeedSpeed, -- MAINTAIN [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM106Speed [106] Speed, -- MAINTAIN PRESENT SPEED -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM107NULL [107] NULL, -- MAINTAIN [speed] OR GREATER -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM108Speed [108] Speed, -- MAINTAIN [speed] OR LESS -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM109Speed [109] Speed, -- MAINTAIN [speed] TO [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM110SpeedSpeed [110] SpeedSpeed, -- INCREASE SPEED TO [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM111Speed [111] Speed, -- INCREASE SPEED TO [speed] OR GREATER -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM112Speed [112] Speed, -- REDUCE SPEED TO [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM113Speed [113] Speed, -- REDUCE SPEED TO [speed] OR LESS -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM114Speed [114] Speed, -- DO NOT EXCEED [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM115Speed [115] Speed, -- RESUME NORMAL SPEED -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM116NULL [116] NULL, -- CONTACT [unitname] [frequency] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM117UnitNameFrequency [117] UnitNameFrequency, -- AT [position] CONTACT [unitname] [frequency] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM118PositionUnitNameFrequency [118] PositionUnitNameFrequency, -- AT [time] CONTACT [unitname] [frequency] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM119TimeUnitNameFrequency [119] TimeUnitNameFrequency, -- MONITOR [unitname] [frequency] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM120UnitNameFrequency [120] UnitNameFrequency, -- AT [position] MONITOR [unitname] [frequency] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM121PositionUnitNameFrequency [121] PositionUnitNameFrequency, -- AT [time] MONITOR [unitname] [frequency] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM122TimeUnitNameFrequency [122] TimeUnitNameFrequency, -- SQUAWK [code] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM123Code [123] Code, -- STOP SQUAWK -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM124NULL [124] NULL, -- SQUAWK MODE CHARLIE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM125NULL [125] NULL, -- STOP SQUAWK MODE CHARLIE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM126NULL [126] NULL, -- REPORT BACK ON ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(W/U) uM127NULL [127] NULL, -- REPORT LEAVING [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(W/U) uM128Level [128] Level, -- REPORT MAINTAINING [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(W/U) uM129Level [129] Level, -- REPORT PASSING [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(W/U) uM130Position [130] Position, -- REPORT REMAINING FUEL AND PERSONS ON BOARD -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM131NULL [131] NULL, -- REPORT POSITION -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM132NULL [132] NULL, -- REPORT PRESENT LEVEL -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM133NULL [133] NULL, -- REPORT [speedtype] [speedtype] [speedtype]SPEED -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM134SpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeedType [134] SpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeedType, -- CONFIRM ASSIGNED LEVEL -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM135NULL [135] NULL, -- CONFIRM ASSIGNED SPEED -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM136NULL [136] NULL, -- CONFIRM ASSIGNED ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM137NULL [137] NULL, -- CONFIRM TIME OVER REPORTED WAYPOINT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM138NULL [138] NULL, -- CONFIRM REPORTED WAYPOINT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM139NULL [139] NULL, -- CONFIRM NEXT WAYPOINT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM140NULL [140] NULL, -- CONFIRM NEXT WAYPOINT ETA -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM141NULL [141] NULL, -- CONFIRM ENSUING WAYPOINT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM142NULL [142] NULL, -- CONFIRM REQUEST -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM143NULL [143] NULL, -- CONFIRM SQUAWK -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM144NULL [144] NULL, -- REPORT HEADING -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM145NULL [145] NULL, -- REPORT GROUND TRACK -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM146NULL [146] NULL, -- REQUEST POSITION REPORT -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y ) uM147NULL [147] NULL, -- WHEN CAN YOU ACCEPT [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM148Level [148] Level, -- CAN YOU ACCEPT [level] AT [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(A/N) uM149LevelPosition [149] LevelPosition, -- CAN YOU ACCEPT [level] AT [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(A/N) uM150LevelTime [150] LevelTime, -- WHEN CAN YOU ACCEPT [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM151Speed [151] Speed, -- WHEN CAN YOU ACCEPT [specifiedDistance] [direction] OFFSET -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM152DistanceSpecifiedDirection [152] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- ALTIMETER [altimeter] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM153Altimeter [153] Altimeter, -- RADAR SERVICE TERMINATED -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM154NULL [154] NULL, -- RADAR CONTACT [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM155Position [155] Position, -- RADAR CONTACT LOST -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM156NULL [156] NULL, -- CHECK STUCK MICROPHONE [frequency] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) uM157Frequency [157] Frequency, -- ATIS [atiscode] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM158AtisCode [158] ATISCode, -- ERROR [errorInformation] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) uM159ErrorInformation [159] ErrorInformation, -- NEXT DATA AUTHORITY [facility] -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM160Facility [160] Facility, -- END SERVICE -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM161NULL [161] NULL, -- SERVICE UNAVAILABLE -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N ) uM162NULL [162] NULL, -- [facilitydesignation] -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM163FacilityDesignation [163] FacilityDesignation, -- WHEN READY -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM164NULL [164] NULL, -- THEN -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM165NULL [165] NULL, -- DUE TO [traffictype]TRAFFIC -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM166TrafficType [166] TrafficType, -- DUE TO AIRSPACE RESTRICTION -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM167NULL [167] NULL, -- DISREGARD -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM168NULL [168] NULL, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM169FreeText [169] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(R) uM170FreeText [170] FreeText, -- CLIMB AT [verticalRate] MINIMUM -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM171VerticalRate [171] VerticalRate, -- CLIMB AT [verticalRate] MAXIMUM -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM172VerticalRate [172] VerticalRate, -- DESCEND AT [verticalRate] MINIMUM -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM173VerticalRate [173] VerticalRate, -- DESCEND AT [verticalRate] MAXIMUM -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM174VerticalRate [174] VerticalRate, -- REPORT REACHING [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(W/U) uM175Level [175] Level, -- MAINTAIN OWN SEPARATION AND VMC -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM176NULL [176] NULL, -- AT PILOTS DISCRETION -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM177NULL [177] NULL, -- Reserved -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM178NULL [178] NULL, -- SQUAWK IDENT -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM179NULL [179] NULL, -- REPORT REACHING BLOCK [level] TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(W/U) uM180LevelLevel [180] LevelLevel, -- REPORT DISTANCE [tofrom] [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM181ToFromPosition [181] ToFromPosition, -- CONFIRM ATIS CODE -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM182NULL [182] NULL, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) uM183FreeText [183] FreeText, -- AT [time] REPORT DISTANCE [tofrom] [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM184TimeToFromPosition [184] TimeToFromPosition, -- AFTER PASSING [position] CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM185PositionLevel [185] PositionLevel, -- AFTER PASSING [position] DESCEND TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM186PositionLevel [186] PositionLevel, -- [freetext] -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM187FreeText [187] FreeText, -- AFTER PASSING [position] MAINTAIN [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM188PositionSpeed [188] PositionSpeed, -- ADJUST SPEED TO [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM189Speed [189] Speed, -- FLY HEADING [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM190Degrees [190] Degrees, -- ALL ATS TERMINATED -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM191NULL [191] NULL, -- REACH [level] BY [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM192LevelTime [192] LevelTime, -- IDENTIFICATION LOST -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM193NULL [193] NULL, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM194FreeText [194] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM195FreeText [195] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp uM196FreeText [196] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM197FreeText [197] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(W/U) uM198FreeText [198] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM199FreeText [199] FreeText, -- REPORT REACHING -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(W/U) uM200NULL [200] NULL, -- Not Used -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM201NULL [201] NULL, -- Not Used -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM202NULL [202] NULL, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM203FreeText [203] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM204FreeText [204] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(A/N) uM205FreeText [205] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(Y) uM206FreeText [206] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM207FreeText [207] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM208FreeText [208] FreeText, -- REACH [level] BY [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM209LevelPosition [209] LevelPosition, -- IDENTIFIED [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM210Position [210] Position, -- REQUEST FORWARDED -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM211NULL [211] NULL, -- [facilitydesignation] ATIS [atiscode] CURRENT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM212FacilityDesignationATISCode [212] FacilityDesignationATISCode, -- [facilitydesignation] ALTIMETER [altimeter] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM213FacilityDesignationAltimeter [213] FacilityDesignationAltimeter, -- RVR RUNWAY [runway] [rvr] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(R) uM214RunwayRVR [214] RunwayRVR, -- TURN [direction][degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM215DirectionDegrees [215] DirectionDegrees, -- REQUEST FLIGHT PLAN -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM216NULL [216] NULL, -- REPORT ARRIVAL -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) uM217NULL [217] NULL, -- REQUEST ALREADY RECEIVED -- Urg(L)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) uM218NULL [218] NULL, -- STOP CLIMB AT [level] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM219Level [219] Level, -- STOP DESCENT AT [level] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM220Level [220] Level, -- STOP TURN HEADING [degrees] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM221Degrees [221] Degrees, -- NO SPEED RESTRICTION -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM222NULL [222] NULL, -- REDUCE TO MINIMUM APPROACH SPEED -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM223NULL [223] NULL, -- NO DELAY EXPECTED -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM224NULL [224] NULL, -- DELAY NOT DETERMINED -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM225NULL [225] NULL, -- EXPECTED APPROACH TIME [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(R) uM226Time [226] Time, -- LOGICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) uM227NULL [227] NULL, -- REPORT ETA [position] --Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM228Position [228] Position, -- REPORT ALTERNATE AERODROME -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM229NULL [229] NULL, -- IMMEDIATELY -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(N) uM230NULL [230] NULL, -- STATE PREFERRED LEVEL -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM231NULL [231] NULL, -- STATE TOP OF DESCENT -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) uM232NULL [232] NULL, -- USE OF LOGICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT PROHIBITED -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) uM233NULL [233] NULL, -- FLIGHT PLAN NOT HELD -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM234NULL [234] NULL, -- ROGER 7500 -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(N) uM235NULL [235] NULL, -- LEAVE CONTROLLED AIRSPACE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(W/U) uM236NULL [236] NULL, ..., -- REQUEST AGAIN WITH NEXT UNIT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) uM237NULL [237]NULL } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Downlink message element -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATCDownlinkMsgElementId ::= CHOICE { -- WILCO -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM0NULL [0] NULL, --UNABLE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM1NULL [1] NULL, -- STANDBY -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM2NULL [2] NULL, -- ROGER -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM3NULL [3] NULL, -- AFFIRM -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM4NULL [4] NULL, -- NEGATIVE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM5NULL [5] NULL, -- REQUEST [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM6Level [6] Level, -- REQUEST BLOCK [level] TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM7LevelLevel [7] LevelLevel, -- REQUEST CRUISE CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM8Level [8] Level, -- REQUEST CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM9Level [9] Level, -- REQUEST DESCENT TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM10Level [10] Level, -- AT [position] REQUEST CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM11PositionLevel [11] PositionLevel, -- AT [position] REQUEST DESCENT TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM12PositionLevel [12] PositionLevel, -- AT [time] REQUEST CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM13TimeLevel [13] TimeLevel, -- AT [time] REQUEST DESCENT TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM14TimeLevel [14] TimeLevel, -- REQUEST OFFSET [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM15DistanceSpecifiedDirection [15] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- AT [position] REQUEST OFFSET [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM16PositionDistanceSpecifiedDirection [16] PositionDistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- AT [time] REQUEST OFFSET [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM17TimeDistanceSpecifiedDirection [17] TimeDistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- REQUEST [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM18Speed [18] Speed, -- REQUEST [speed] TO [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM19SpeedSpeed [19] SpeedSpeed, -- REQUEST VOICE CONTACT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM20NULL [20] NULL, -- REQUEST VOICE CONTACT [frequency] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM21Frequency [21] Frequency, -- REQUEST DIRECT TO [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM22Position [22] Position, -- REQUEST [procedureName] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM23ProcedureName [23] ProcedureName, -- REQUEST CLEARANCE [routeClearance] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM24RouteClearance [24] RouteClearanceIndex, -- REQUEST [clearanceType] CLEARANCE -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM25ClearanceType [25] ClearanceType, -- REQUEST WEATHER DEVIATION TO [position] VIA [routeClearance] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) dM26PositionRouteClearance [26] PositionRouteClearanceIndex, -- REQUEST WEATHER DEVIATION UP TO [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) dM27DistanceSpecifiedDirection [27] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- LEAVING [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM28Level [28] Level, -- CLIMBING TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM29Level [29]Level, -- DESCENDING TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM30Level [30] Level, -- PASSING [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM31Position [31] Position, -- PRESENT LEVEL [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM32Level [32] Level, -- PRESENT POSITION [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM33Position [33] Position, -- PRESENT SPEED [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM34Speed [34] Speed, -- PRESENT HEADING [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM35Degrees [35] Degrees, -- PRESENT GROUND TRACK [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM36Degrees [36] Degrees, -- MAINTAINING [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM37Level [37] Level, -- ASSIGNED LEVEL [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM38Level [38] Level, -- ASSIGNED SPEED [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM39Speed [39] Speed, -- ASSIGNED ROUTE [routeClearance] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM40RouteClearance [40] RouteClearanceIndex, -- BACK ON ROUTE -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM41NULL [41] NULL, -- NEXT WAYPOINT [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM42Position [42] Position, -- NEXT WAYPOINT ETA [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM43Time [43] Time, -- ENSUING WAYPOINT [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM44Position [44] Position, -- REPORTED WAYPOINT [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM45Position [45] Position, -- REPORTED WAYPOINT [time] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM46Time [46] Time, -- SQUAWKING [code] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM47Code [47] Code, -- POSITION REPORT [positionreport] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM48PositionReport [48] PositionReport, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM49Speed [49] Speed, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT [speed] TO [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM50SpeedSpeed [50] SpeedSpeed, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT BACK ON ROUTE -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM51NULL [51] NULL, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT LOWER LEVEL -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM52NULL [52] NULL, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT HIGHER LEVEL Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM53NULL [53] NULL, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT CRUISE CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM54Level [54] Level, -- PAN PAN PAN -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM55NULL [55] NULL, -- MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM56NULL [56] NULL, -- [remainingFuel] OF FUEL REMAINING AND [personsonboard] PERSONS ON BOARD -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM57RemainingFuelPersonsOnBoard [57] RemainingFuelPersonsOnBoard, -- CANCEL EMERGENCY -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(Y) dM58NULL [58] NULL, -- DIVERTING TO [position] VIA [routeClearance] -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM59PositionRouteClearance [59] PositionRouteClearanceIndex, -- OFFSETTING [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM60DistanceSpecifiedDirection [60] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- DESCENDING TO [level] -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM61Level [61] Level, -- ERROR [errorInformation] -- Urg(U)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM62ErrorInformation [62] ErrorInformation, -- NOT CURRENT DATA AUTHORITY -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM63NULL [63] NULL, -- [facilitydesignation] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM64FacilityDesignation [64] FacilityDesignation, -- DUE TO WEATHER -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM65NULL [65] NULL, -- DUE TO AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM66NULL [66] NULL, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM67FreeText [67] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM68FreeText [68] FreeText, -- REQUEST VMC DESCENT -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM69NULL [69] NULL, -- REQUEST HEADING [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM70Degrees [70] Degrees, -- REQUEST GROUND TRACK [degrees] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM71Degrees [71] Degrees, -- REACHING [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM72Level [72] Level, -- [versionnumber] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM73Versionnumber [73] VersionNumber, -- REQUEST TO MAINTAIN OWN SEPARATION AND VMC -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM74NULL [74] NULL, -- AT PILOTS DISCRETION -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM75NULL [75] NULL, -- REACHING BLOCK [level] TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM76LevelLevel [76] LevelLevel, -- ASSIGNED BLOCK [level] TO [level] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM77LevelLevel [77] LevelLevel, -- AT [time] [distance] [tofrom] [position] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM78TimeDistanceToFromPosition [78] TimeDistanceToFromPosition, -- ATIS [atiscode] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM79AtisCode [79] ATISCode, -- DEVIATING UP TO [specifiedDistance] [direction] OF ROUTE -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(Y) dM80DistanceSpecifiedDirection [80] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- WE CAN ACCEPT [level] AT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM81LevelTime [81] LevelTime, -- WE CANNOT ACCEPT [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM82Level [82] Level, -- WE CAN ACCEPT [speed] AT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM83SpeedTime [83] SpeedTime, -- WE CANNOT ACCEPT [speed] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM84Speed [84] Speed, -- WE CAN ACCEPT [specifiedDistance] [direction] AT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM85DistanceSpecifiedDirectionTime [85] DistanceSpecifiedDirectionTime, -- WE CANNOT ACCEPT [specifiedDistance] [direction] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM86DistanceSpecifiedDirection [86] DistanceSpecifiedDirection, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT CLIMB TO [level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM87Level [87] Level, -- WHEN CAN WE EXPECT DESCENT TO [level] --Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM88Level [88] Level, -- MONITORING [unitname] [frequency] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM89UnitnameFrequency [89] UnitNameFrequency, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM90FreeText [90] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM91FreeText [91] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM92FreeText [92] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(N) dM93FreeText [93] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(D)/Alr(H)/Resp(N) dM94FreeText [94] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(U)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM95FreeText [95] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(U)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM96FreeText [96] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM97FreeText [97] FreeText, -- [freetext] -- Urg(N)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) dM98FreeText [98] FreeText, -- CURRENT DATA AUTHORITY -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM99NULL [99] NULL, -- LOGICAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT -- Urg(N)/Alr(M)/Resp(N) dM100NULL [100] NULL, -- REQUEST END OF SERVICE -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM101NULL [101] NULL, -- LANDING REPORT -- Urg(N)/Alr(N)/Resp(N) dM102NULL [102] NULL, -- CANCELLING IFR -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(Y) dM103NULL [103] NULL, -- ETA[position][time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM104PositionTime [104] PositionTime, -- ALTERNATE AERODROME[airport] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM105Airport [105] Airport, -- PREFERRED LEVEL[level] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM106Level [106] Level, -- NOT AUTHORIZED NEXT DATA AUTHORITY -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM107NULL [107] NULL, -- DE-ICING COMPLETE -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM108NULL [108] NULL, -- TOP OF DESCENT [time] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM109Time [109] Time, -- TOP OF DESCENT [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM110Position [110] Position, -- TOP OF DESCENT [time] [position] -- Urg(L)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM111TimePosition [111] TimePosition, -- SQUAWKING 7500 -- Urg(U)/Alr(H)/Resp(N) dM112NULL [112] NULL, -- [speedType] [speedType] [speedType] SPEED [speed] -- Urg(N)/Alr(L)/Resp(N) dM113SpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeed [113] SpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeed, ... } AircraftAddress ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(24)) AircraftFlightIdentification ::= IA5String (SIZE (2..8)) Airport ::= IA5String (SIZE (4)) Altimeter ::= CHOICE { altimeterEnglish [0] AltimeterEnglish, altimeterMetric [1] AltimeterMetric } AltimeterEnglish ::= INTEGER (2200..3200) -- unit = Inches Mercury, Range (22.00 .. 32.00), resolution = 0.01 AltimeterMetric ::= INTEGER (7500..12500) -- unit = Hectopascal, Range (750.0..1250.0), resolution = 0.1 ATISCode ::= IA5String (SIZE (1)) ATSRouteDesignator ::= IA5String (SIZE (2..7)) ATWAlongTrackWaypoint ::= SEQUENCE { position [0] Position, aTWDistance [1] ATWDistance, speed [2] Speed OPTIONAL, aTWLevels [3] ATWLevelSequence OPTIONAL } ATWLevel ::= SEQUENCE { atw ATWLevelTolerance, level Level } ATWLevelSequence ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..2) OF ATWLevel ATWLevelTolerance ::= ENUMERATED { at (0), atorabove (1), atorbelow (2) } ATWDistance ::= SEQUENCE { atwDistanceTolerance ATWDistanceTolerance, distance Distance } ATWDistanceTolerance ::= ENUMERATED { plus (0), minus (1) } ClearanceType ::= ENUMERATED { noneSpecified (0), approach (1), departure (2), further (3), start-up (4), pushback (5), taxi (6), take-off (7), landing (8), oceanic (9), en-route (10), downstream (11), ... } Code ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (4) OF CodeOctalDigit CodeOctalDigit ::= INTEGER (0..7) ControlledTime ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, timeTolerance TimeTolerance } Date ::= SEQUENCE { year Year, month Month, day Day } DateTimeGroup ::= SEQUENCE { date Date, timehhmmss Timehhmmss } Day ::= INTEGER (1..31) --unit = Day, Range (1..31), resolution = 1 DegreeIncrement ::= INTEGER (1..20) --unit = Degree, Range (1..20), resolution = 1 Degrees ::= CHOICE { degreesMagnetic [0] DegreesMagnetic, degreesTrue [1] DegreesTrue } DegreesMagnetic ::= INTEGER (1..360) --unit = degree, Range (1..360), resolution = 1 DegreesTrue ::= INTEGER (1..360) --unit = degree, Range (1..360), resolution = 1 DepartureClearance ::= SEQUENCE { aircraftFlightIdentification [0] AircraftFlightIdentification, clearanceLimit [1] Position, flightInformation [2] FlightInformation OPTIONAL, furtherInstructions [3] FurtherInstructions OPTIONAL } DepartureMinimumInterval ::= INTEGER (1..150) --unit = Minute, Range (0.1..15.0), resolution = 0.1 Direction ::= ENUMERATED { left (0), right (1), eitherSide (2), north (3), south (4), east (5), west (6), northEast (7), northWest (8), southEast (9), southWest (10) } DirectionDegrees ::= SEQUENCE { direction Direction, degrees Degrees } Distance ::= CHOICE { distanceNm [0] DistanceNm, distanceKm [1] DistanceKm } DistanceKm ::= INTEGER (0..8000) -- unit = Kilometer, Range (0..2000), resolution = 0.25 DistanceNm ::= INTEGER (0..9999) -- unit = Nautical Mile, Range (0..999.9), resolution = 0.1 DistanceSpecified ::= CHOICE { distanceSpecifiedNm [0] DistanceSpecifiedNm, distanceSpecifiedKm [1] DistanceSpecifiedKm } DistanceSpecifiedDirection ::= SEQUENCE { distanceSpecified DistanceSpecified, direction Direction } DistanceSpecifiedDirectionTime ::= SEQUENCE { distanceSpecifiedDirection DistanceSpecifiedDirection, time Time } DistanceSpecifiedKm ::= INTEGER (1..500) -- unit = Kilometer, Range (1..500), resolution = 1 DistanceSpecifiedNm ::= INTEGER (1..250) -- unit = Nautical Mile, Range (1..250), resolution = 1 ErrorInformation ::= ENUMERATED { unrecognizedMsgReferenceNumber (0), logicalAcknowledgmentNotAccepted (1), insufficientResources (2), invalidMessageElementCombination (3), invalidMessageElement (4), ... } Facility ::= CHOICE{ noFacility [0] NULL, facilityDesignation [1] FacilityDesignation } FacilityDesignation ::= IA5String (SIZE (4..8)) FacilityFunction ::= ENUMERATED { center (0), approach (1), tower (2), final (3), groundControl (4), clearanceDelivery (5), departure (6), control (7), radio (8), ... } FacilityDesignationAltimeter ::= SEQUENCE { facilityDesignation FacilityDesignation, altimeter Altimeter } FacilityDesignationATISCode ::= SEQUENCE { facilityDesignation FacilityDesignation, aTISCode ATISCode } FacilityName ::= IA5String (SIZE (3..18)) Fix ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..5)) FixName ::= SEQUENCE { name [0] Fix, latlon [1] LatitudeLongitude OPTIONAL } FlightInformation ::= CHOICE { routeOfFlight [0] RouteInformation, levelsOfFlight [1] LevelsOfFlight, routeAndLevels [2] RouteAndLevels } FreeText ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..256)) Frequency ::= CHOICE { frequencyhf [0] Frequencyhf, frequencyvhf [1] Frequencyvhf, frequencyuhf [2] Frequencyuhf, frequencysatchannel [3] Frequencysatchannel } Frequencyhf ::= INTEGER (2850..28000) -- unit = Kilohertz, Range (2850..28000), resolution = 1 Frequencysatchannel ::= NumericString (SIZE (12)) -- Frequencysatchannel corresponds to a 12 digit telephone number Frequencyuhf ::= INTEGER (9000..15999) -- unit = Megahertz, Range (225.000..399.975), resolution = 0.025 Frequencyvhf ::= INTEGER (23600..27398) -- unit = Megahertz, Range (118.000..136.990), resolution = 0.005 FurtherInstructions ::= SEQUENCE { code [0] Code OPTIONAL, frequencyDeparture [1] UnitNameFrequency OPTIONAL, clearanceExpiryTime [2] Time OPTIONAL, airportDeparture [3] Airport OPTIONAL, airportDestination [4] Airport OPTIONAL, timeDeparture [5] TimeDeparture OPTIONAL, runwayDeparture [6] Runway OPTIONAL, revisionNumber [7] RevisionNumber OPTIONAL, aTISCode [8] ATISCode OPTIONAL } Holdatwaypoint ::= SEQUENCE { position [0] Position, holdatwaypointspeedlow [1] Speed OPTIONAL, aTWlevel [2] ATWLevel OPTIONAL, holdatwaypointspeedhigh [3] Speed OPTIONAL, direction [4] Direction OPTIONAL, degrees [5] Degrees OPTIONAL, eFCtime [6] Time OPTIONAL, legtype [7] LegType OPTIONAL } HoldClearance ::= SEQUENCE { position [0] Position, level [1] Level, degrees [2] Degrees, direction [3] Direction, legType [4] LegType OPTIONAL } Humidity ::= INTEGER (0..100) -- unit = Percent humidity, Range (0..100), resolution = 1 InterceptCourseFrom ::= SEQUENCE { fromSelection InterceptCourseFromSelection, degrees Degrees } InterceptCourseFromSelection ::= CHOICE { publishedIdentifier [0] PublishedIdentifier, latitudeLongitude [1] LatitudeLongitude, placeBearingPlaceBearing [2] PlaceBearingPlaceBearing, placeBearingDistance [3] PlaceBearingDistance } Icing ::= ENUMERATED { reserved (0), light (1), moderate (2), severe (3) } Latitude ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeType LatitudeType, latitudeDirection LatitudeDirection } LatitudeDegrees ::= INTEGER (0..90000) -- unit = Degree, Range (0..90), resolution = 0.001 LatitudeDegreesMinutes ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeWholeDegrees LatitudeWholeDegrees, minutesLatLon MinutesLatLon } LatitudeDegreesMinutesSeconds ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeWholeDegrees LatitudeWholeDegrees, latlonWholeMinutes LatLonWholeMinutes, secondsLatLon SecondsLatLon } LatitudeDirection ::= ENUMERATED { north (0), south (1) } LatitudeWholeDegrees ::= INTEGER (0..89) -- unit = Degree, Range (0..89), resolution = 1 LatitudeLongitude ::= SEQUENCE { latitude [0] Latitude OPTIONAL, longitude [1] Longitude OPTIONAL } LatitudeReportingPoints ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeDirection LatitudeDirection, latitudeDegrees LatitudeDegrees } LatitudeType ::= CHOICE { latitudeDegrees [0] LatitudeDegrees, latitudeDegreesMinutes [1] LatitudeDegreesMinutes, latitudeDMS [2] LatitudeDegreesMinutesSeconds } LatLonWholeMinutes ::= INTEGER (0..59) -- unit = Minute, Range (0..59), resolution = 1 LatLonReportingPoints ::= CHOICE { latitudeReportingPoints [0] LatitudeReportingPoints, longitudeReportingPoints [1] LongitudeReportingPoints } LegDistance ::= CHOICE { legDistanceEnglish [0] LegDistanceEnglish, legDistanceMetric [1] LegDistanceMetric } LegDistanceEnglish ::= INTEGER (0..50) -- unit = Nautical Mile, Range (0..50), resolution = 1 LegDistanceMetric ::= INTEGER (1..128) -- unit = Kilometer, Range (1..128), resolution = 1 LegTime ::= INTEGER (0..10) --unit = Minute, Range (0..10), resolution = 1 LegType ::= CHOICE { legDistance [0] LegDistance, legTime [1] LegTime } Level ::= CHOICE { singleLevel [0] LevelType, blockLevel [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (2) OF LevelType } LevelFeet ::= INTEGER (-60..7000) --unit = Feet, Range (-600..70000), resolution = 10 LevelFlightLevel ::= INTEGER (30..700) --unit = Level (100 Feet), Range (030..700), resolution = 1 LevelFlightLevelMetric ::= INTEGER (100..2500) --unit = Level (10 Meters), Range (100..2500), resolution = 1 LevelLevel ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (2) OF Level LevelMeters ::= INTEGER (-30..25000) --unit = Meter, Range (-30..25000), resolution = 1 LevelPosition ::= SEQUENCE { level Level, position Position } LevelProcedureName ::= SEQUENCE { level Level, procedureName ProcedureName } LevelsOfFlight ::= CHOICE { level [0] Level, procedureName [1] ProcedureName, levelProcedureName [2] LevelProcedureName } LevelSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { level Level, speed SpeedSpeed } LevelSpeedSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { level Level, speeds SpeedSpeed } LevelTime ::= SEQUENCE { level Level, time Time } LevelType ::= CHOICE { levelFeet [0] LevelFeet, levelMeters [1] LevelMeters, levelFlightLevel [2] LevelFlightLevel, levelFlightLevelMetric [3] LevelFlightLevelMetric } Longitude ::= SEQUENCE { longitudeType LongitudeType, longitudeDirection LongitudeDirection } LongitudeDegrees ::= INTEGER (0..180000) --unit = Degree, Range (0..180), resolution = 0.001 LongitudeDegreesMinutes ::= SEQUENCE { longitudeWholeDegrees LongitudeWholeDegrees, minutesLatLon MinutesLatLon } LongitudeDegreesMinutesSeconds ::= SEQUENCE { longitudeWholeDegrees LongitudeWholeDegrees, latLonWholeMinutes LatLonWholeMinutes, secondsLatLon SecondsLatLon } LongitudeDirection ::= ENUMERATED { east (0), west (1) } LongitudeWholeDegrees ::= INTEGER (0..179) -- unit = Degree, Range (0..179), resolution = 1 LongitudeReportingPoints ::= SEQUENCE { longitudeDirection LongitudeDirection, longitudeDegrees LongitudeDegrees } LongitudeType ::= CHOICE { longitudeDegrees [0] LongitudeDegrees, longitudeDegreesMinutes [1] LongitudeDegreesMinutes, longitudeDMS [2] LongitudeDegreesMinutesSeconds } MinutesLatLon ::= INTEGER (0..5999) --unit = Minute, Range (0..59.99), resolution = 0.01 Month ::= INTEGER (1..12) --unit = 1 Month, Range (1..12), resolution = 1 Navaid ::= SEQUENCE { name [0] NavaidName, latlon [1] LatitudeLongitude OPTIONAL } NavaidName ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..4)) PersonsOnBoard ::= INTEGER (1..1024) PlaceBearing ::= SEQUENCE { publishedIdentifier PublishedIdentifier, degrees Degrees } PlaceBearingDistance ::= SEQUENCE { publishedIdentifier PublishedIdentifier, degrees Degrees, distance Distance } PlaceBearingPlaceBearing ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (2) OF PlaceBearing Position ::= CHOICE { fixName [0] FixName, navaid [1] Navaid, airport [2] Airport, latitudeLongitude [3] LatitudeLongitude, placeBearingDistance [4] PlaceBearingDistance } PositionDegrees ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, degrees Degrees } PositionDistanceSpecifiedDirection ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, distanceSpecifiedDirection DistanceSpecifiedDirection } PositionLevel ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, level Level } PositionLevelLevel ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, levels LevelLevel } PositionLevelSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { positionlevel PositionLevel, speed Speed } PositionPosition ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (2) OF Position PositionProcedureName ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, procedureName ProcedureName } PositionReport ::= SEQUENCE { positioncurrent [0] Position, timeatpositioncurrent [1] Time, level [2] Level, fixnext [3] Position OPTIONAL, timeetaatfixnext [4] Time OPTIONAL, fixnextplusone [5] Position OPTIONAL, timeetaatdestination [6] Time OPTIONAL, remainingFuel [7] RemainingFuel OPTIONAL, temperature [8] Temperature OPTIONAL, winds [9] Winds OPTIONAL, turbulence [10] Turbulence OPTIONAL, icing [11] Icing OPTIONAL, speed [12] Speed OPTIONAL, speedground [13] SpeedGround OPTIONAL, verticalChange [14] VerticalChange OPTIONAL, trackAngle [15] Degrees OPTIONAL, heading [16] Degrees OPTIONAL, distance [17] Distance OPTIONAL, humidity [18] Humidity OPTIONAL, reportedWaypointPosition[19] Position OPTIONAL, reportedWaypointTime [20] Time OPTIONAL, reportedWaypointLevel [21] Level OPTIONAL } PositionRouteClearanceIndex ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, routeClearanceIndex RouteClearanceIndex } PositionSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, speed Speed } PositionSpeedSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, speeds SpeedSpeed } PositionTime ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, time Time } PositionTimeLevel ::= SEQUENCE { positionTime PositionTime, level Level } PositionTimeTime ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, times TimeTime } PositionUnitNameFrequency ::= SEQUENCE { position Position, unitname UnitName, frequency Frequency } Procedure ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..20)) ProcedureName ::= SEQUENCE { type [0] ProcedureType, procedure [1] Procedure, transition [2] ProcedureTransition OPTIONAL } ProcedureTransition ::= IA5String (SIZE (1..5)) ProcedureType ::= ENUMERATED { arrival (0), approach (1), departure (2) } PublishedIdentifier ::= CHOICE { fixName [0] FixName, navaid [1] Navaid } RemainingFuel ::= Time RemainingFuelPersonsOnBoard ::= SEQUENCE { remainingFuel RemainingFuel, personsOnBoard PersonsOnBoard } ReportingPoints ::= SEQUENCE { latLonReportingPoints [0] LatLonReportingPoints, degreeIncrement [1] DegreeIncrement OPTIONAL } RevisionNumber ::= INTEGER (1..16) RouteAndLevels ::= SEQUENCE { routeOfFlight RouteInformation, levelsOfFlight LevelsOfFlight } RouteClearance ::= SEQUENCE { airportDeparture [0] Airport OPTIONAL, airportDestination [1] Airport OPTIONAL, runwayDeparture [2] Runway OPTIONAL, procedureDeparture [3] ProcedureName OPTIONAL, runwayArrival [4] Runway OPTIONAL, procedureApproach [5] ProcedureName OPTIONAL, procedureArrival [6] ProcedureName OPTIONAL, routeInformations [7] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..128) OF RouteInformation OPTIONAL, routeInformationAdditional [8] RouteInformationAdditional OPTIONAL } RouteClearanceIndex ::= INTEGER (1..2) -- RouteClearanceIndex identifies the position of the RouteClearance data -- in the ASN.1 type for -- ATC UplinkMessage, constrained Data, routeClearance Data -- ATC DownlinkMessage, constrained Data, routeClearance Data RouteInformation ::= CHOICE { publishedIdentifier [0] PublishedIdentifier, latitudeLongitude [1] LatitudeLongitude, placeBearingPlaceBearing [2] PlaceBearingPlaceBearing, placeBearingDistance [3] PlaceBearingDistance, aTSRouteDesignator [4] ATSRouteDesignator } RouteInformationAdditional ::= SEQUENCE { aTWAlongTrackWaypoints [0] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..8) OF ATWAlongTrackWaypoint OPTIONAL, reportingpoints [1] ReportingPoints OPTIONAL, interceptCourseFroms [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..4) OF InterceptCourseFrom OPTIONAL, holdAtWaypoints [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..8) OF Holdatwaypoint OPTIONAL, waypointSpeedLevels [4] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..32) OF WaypointSpeedLevel OPTIONAL, rTARequiredTimeArrivals [5] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..32) OF RTARequiredTimeArrival OPTIONAL } RTARequiredTimeArrival ::= SEQUENCE { position [0] Position, rTATime [1] RTATime, rTATolerance [2] RTATolerance OPTIONAL } RTATime ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, timeTolerance TimeTolerance } RTATolerance ::= INTEGER (1..150) --unit= Minute, Range (0.1..15.0), resolution = 0.1 Runway ::= SEQUENCE { direction RunwayDirection, configuration RunwayConfiguration } RunwayDirection ::= INTEGER (1..36) RunwayConfiguration ::= ENUMERATED { left (0), right (1), center (2), none (3) } RunwayRVR ::= SEQUENCE { runway Runway, rVR RVR } RVR ::= CHOICE { rVRFeet [0] RVRFeet, rVRMeters [1] RVRMeters } RVRFeet ::= INTEGER (0..6100) -- unit = Feet, Range (0..6100), resolution = 1 RVRMeters ::= INTEGER (0..1500) -- unit = Meters (0..1500), resolution = 1 SecondsLatLon ::= INTEGER (0..59) --unit = Second, Range (0.. 59), resolution = 1 Speed ::= CHOICE { speedIndicated [0] SpeedIndicated, speedIndicatedMetric [1] SpeedIndicatedMetric, speedTrue [2] SpeedTrue, speedTrueMetric [3] SpeedTrueMetric, speedGround [4] SpeedGround, speedGroundMetric [5] SpeedGroundMetric, speedMach [6] SpeedMach } SpeedIndicated ::= INTEGER (0..400) -- unit = Knots, Range (0..400), resolution = 1 SpeedIndicatedMetric ::= INTEGER (0..800) -- unit = Kilometers/Hour, Range (0..800), resolution = 1 SpeedGround ::= INTEGER (-50..2000) -- unit = Knots, Range (-50..2000), resolution = 1 SpeedGroundMetric ::= INTEGER (-100..4000) -- unit = Kilometers/Hour, Range (-100..4000), resolution = 1 SpeedMach ::= INTEGER (500..4000) -- unit = Mach Range (0.5 to 4.0), resolution = 0.001 SpeedSpeed ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (2) OF Speed SpeedTime ::= SEQUENCE { speed Speed, time Time } SpeedTrue ::= INTEGER (0..2000) -- unit = Knots, Range (0..2000), resolution = 1 SpeedTrueMetric ::= INTEGER (0..4000) -- unit = Kilometers/Hour, Range (0..4000), resolution = 1 SpeedType ::= ENUMERATED { noneSpecified (0), indicated (1), true (2), ground (3), mach (4), approach (5), cruise (6), minimum (7), maximum (8), ... } SpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeedType ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (3) OF SpeedType SpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { speedTypes SpeedTypeSpeedTypeSpeedType, speed Speed } Temperature ::= INTEGER (-100..100) -- unit = Degree Celsius, Range (-100..100), resolution = 1 Time ::= SEQUENCE { hours TimeHours, minutes TimeMinutes } TimeLevel ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, level Level } TimeDeparture ::= SEQUENCE { timeDepartureAllocated [0] Time OPTIONAL, timeDepartureControlled [1] ControlledTime OPTIONAL, timeDepartureClearanceExpected [2] Time OPTIONAL, departureMinimumInterval [3] DepartureMinimumInterval OPTIONAL } TimeDistanceSpecifiedDirection ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, distanceSpecifiedDirection DistanceSpecifiedDirection } TimeDistanceToFromPosition ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, distance Distance, tofrom ToFrom, position Position } Timehhmmss ::= SEQUENCE { hoursminutes Time, seconds TimeSeconds } TimeHours ::= INTEGER (0..23) -- unit = Hour, Range (0..23), resolution = 1 TimeUnitNameFrequency ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, unitName UnitName, frequency Frequency } TimeMinutes ::= INTEGER (0..59) -- unit = Minute, Range (0..59), resolution = 1 TimePosition ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, position Position } TimePositionLevel ::= SEQUENCE { timeposition TimePosition, level Level } TimePositionLevelSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { timeposition TimePosition, levelspeed LevelSpeed } TimeSeconds ::= INTEGER (0..59) -- unit = Second, Range (0..59), resolution = 1 TimeSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, speed Speed } TimeSpeedSpeed ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, speedspeed SpeedSpeed } TimeTime ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (2) OF Time TimeToFromPosition ::= SEQUENCE { time Time, tofrom ToFrom, position Position } TimeTolerance ::= ENUMERATED { at (0), atorafter (1), atorbefore(2) } ToFrom ::= ENUMERATED { to (0), from (1) } ToFromPosition ::= SEQUENCE { toFrom ToFrom, position Position } TrafficType ::= ENUMERATED { noneSpecified (0), oppositeDirection (1), sameDirection (2), converging (3), crossing (4), diverging (5), ... } Turbulence ::= ENUMERATED { light (0), moderate (1), severe (2) } UnitName ::= SEQUENCE { facilityDesignation [0] FacilityDesignation, facilityName [1] FacilityName OPTIONAL, facilityFunction [2] FacilityFunction } UnitNameFrequency ::= SEQUENCE { unitName UnitName, frequency Frequency } VersionNumber ::= INTEGER (0..15) VerticalChange ::= SEQUENCE { direction VerticalDirection, rate VerticalRate } VerticalDirection ::= ENUMERATED { up (0), down (1) } VerticalRate ::= CHOICE { verticalRateEnglish [0] VerticalRateEnglish, verticalRateMetric [1] VerticalRateMetric } VerticalRateEnglish ::= INTEGER (0..3000) -- unit = Feet/Minute, Range (0..30000), resolution = 10 VerticalRateMetric ::= INTEGER (0..1000) -- unit = Meters/Minute, Range (0..10000), resolution = 10 WaypointSpeedLevel ::= SEQUENCE { position [0] Position, speed [1] Speed OPTIONAL, aTWLevels [2] ATWLevelSequence OPTIONAL } WindDirection ::= INTEGER (1..360) -- unit = Degree, Range (1..360), resolution = 1 Winds ::= SEQUENCE { direction WindDirection, speed WindSpeed } WindSpeed ::= CHOICE { windSpeedEnglish [0] WindSpeedEnglish, windSpeedMetric [1] WindSpeedMetric } WindSpeedEnglish ::= INTEGER (0..255) -- unit = Knot, Range (0..255), resolution = 1 WindSpeedMetric ::= INTEGER (0..511) -- unit = Kilometer/Hour, Range (0..511), resolution = 1 Year ::= INTEGER (1996..2095) -- unit = Year, Range (1996..2095), resolution = 1 END -- -- Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html -- -- Local variables: -- c-basic-offset: 4 -- tab-width: 8 -- indent-tabs-mode: nil -- End: -- -- vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: -- :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: --