--*********************************************** -- ASN.1+ version of CAMEL3 message set. -- -- Ref : CAMEL Application Part (CAP) specification -- (3GPP TS 29.078 version 3.5.0 Release 1999) -- ETSI TS 129 078 V3.5.0 (2000-09) -- Updated to 3GPP TS 29.078 version 7.3.0 Release 7 (2006-06) -- --*********************************************** --********************************************* -- Core-INAP-CS1-Operations DEFINITIONS --********************************************* CAP-datatypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-network(1) modules(3) cap-datatypes(52) version5(4)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- exports everything IMPORTS CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, Ext-BasicServiceCode, IMEI, IMSI, LAIFixedLength FROM MAP-CommonDataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CommonDataTypes(18) version9(9)} CUG-Index, CUG-Interlock, Ext-QoS-Subscribed, Ext2-QoS-Subscribed, GeographicalInformation, GSN-Address, LocationInformation, LSAIdentity, MS-Classmark2, QoS-Subscribed, RAIdentity, GPRSChargingID FROM MAP-MS-DataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-MS-DataTypes(11) version9(9)} UU-Data FROM MAP-CH-DataTypes {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) modules(3) map-CH-DataTypes(13) version9(9)} ; -- ================================ -- MACRO OPERATION -- ================================ -- ROS def's -- Module Remote-Operations-Apdus (H.450.1:02/1998) --Remote-Operations-Apdus {itu-t recommendation h 450 1 version1(0) -- remote-operations-apdus(11)} DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= --BEGIN Component ::= CHOICE { invoke [1] IMPLICIT Invoke, returnResultLast [2] IMPLICIT ReturnResult, returnError [3] IMPLICIT ReturnError, reject [4] IMPLICIT Reject } Invoke ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, linkedID [0] IMPLICIT InvokeIdType OPTIONAL, opCode OPERATION, invokeparameter InvokeParameter OPTIONAL } InvokeParameter ::= ANY -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword PARAMETER or the keyword ARGUMENT -- in the type definition of a particular operation. ReturnResult ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, resultretres SEQUENCE { opCode OPERATION, returnparameter ReturnResultParameter OPTIONAL } OPTIONAL } ReturnResultParameter ::= ANY -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword RESULT in the type definition -- of a particular operation. ReturnError ::= SEQUENCE { invokeID InvokeIdType, errorCode ERROR, parameter ReturnErrorParameter OPTIONAL } ReturnErrorParameter ::= ANY -- ANY is filled by the single ASN.1 data type following the keyword PARAMETER in the type definition -- of a particular error. Reject ::= SEQUENCE { invokeIDRej CHOICE { derivable InvokeIdType, not-derivable NULL }, problem CHOICE { generalProblem [0] IMPLICIT GeneralProblem, invokeProblem [1] IMPLICIT InvokeProblem, returnResultProblem [2] IMPLICIT ReturnResultProblem, returnErrorProblem [3] IMPLICIT ReturnErrorProblem } } InvokeIdType ::= INTEGER (-128..127) OPERATION ::= CHOICE { localValue OperationLocalvalue, globalValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } CAMELOperationLocalvalue ::= INTEGER{ initialDP (0), assistRequestInstructions (16), establishTemporaryConnection (17), disconnectForwardConnection (18), connectToResource (19), connect (20), releaseCall (22), requestReportBCSMEvent (23), eventReportBCSM (24), collectInformation (27), continue (31), initiateCallAttempt (32), resetTimer (33), furnishChargingInformation (34), applyCharging (35), applyChargingReport (36), callGap (41), callInformationReport (44), callInformationRequest (45), sendChargingInformation (46), playAnnouncement (47), promptAndCollectUserInformation (48), specializedResourceReport (49), cancel (53), activityTest (55), continueWithArgument (56), initialDPSMS (60), furnishChargingInformationSMS (61), connectSMS (62), requestReportSMSEvent (63), eventReportSMS (64), continueSMS (65), releaseSMS (66), resetTimerSMS (67), activityTestGPRS (70), applyChargingGPRS (71), applyChargingReportGPRS (72), cancelGPRS (73), connectGPRS (74), continueGPRS (75), entityReleasedGPRS (76), furnishChargingInformationGPRS (77), initialDPGPRS (78), releaseGPRS (79), eventReportGPRS (80), requestReportGPRSEvent (81), resetTimerGPRS (82), sendChargingInformationGPRS (83), dFCWithArgument (86), continueWithArgument (88), disconnectLeg (90), moveLeg (93), splitLeg (95), entityReleased (96), playTone (97) } OperationLocalvalue ::= CAMELOperationLocalvalue ERROR ::= CHOICE { localErrorValue LocalErrorcode, globalErrorValue OBJECT IDENTIFIER } CAMELLocalErrorcode ::= INTEGER{ canceled (0), cancelFailed (1), eTCFailed (3), improperCallerResponse (4), missingCustomerRecord (6), missingParameter (7), parameterOutOfRange (8), requestedInfoError (10), systemFailure (11), taskRefused (12), unavailableResource (13), unexpectedComponentSequence (14), unexpectedDataValue (15), unexpectedParameter (16), unknownLegID (17), unknownPDPID (50), unknownCSID (51) } LocalErrorcode ::= CAMELLocalErrorcode -- PROBLEMS GeneralProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedComponent (0), mistypedComponent (1), badlyStructuredComponent (2) } InvokeProblem ::= INTEGER { duplicateInvokeID (0), unrecognizedOperation (1), mistypedParameter (2), resourceLimitation (3), initiatingRelease (4), unrecognizedLinkedID (5), linkedResponseUnexpected (6), unexpectedLinkedOperation (7) } ReturnResultProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvokeID (0), returnResultUnexpected (1), mistypedParameter (2) } ReturnErrorProblem ::= INTEGER { unrecognizedInvokeID (0), returnErrorUnexpected (1), unrecognizedError (2), unexpectedError (3), mistypedParameter (4) } --END -- -- -- -- AccessPointName notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 5 times, import refd 0 times AccessPointName ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminAccessPointNameLength .. cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxAccessPointNameLength )) -- Indicates the AccessPointName, refer to 3GPP TS 24.008 [9] for the encoding. -- It shall be coded as in the value part defined in 3GPP TS 24.008, -- i.e. the 3GPP TS 24.008 IEI and 3GPP TS 24.008 octet length indicator -- shall not be included. -- AChBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times AChBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { actimeDurationCharging [0] SEQUENCE { maxCallPeriodDuration [0] INTEGER (1..864000), releaseIfdurationExceeded [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, tariffSwitchInterval [2] INTEGER (1..86400) OPTIONAL, actone [3] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL } } AChChargingAddress ::= CHOICE { legID [2] LegID, srfConnection [50] CallSegmentID } -- AdditionalCallingPartyNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times AdditionalCallingPartyNumber ::= Digits -- AlertingPattern notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times AlertingPattern ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) -- Indicates a specific pattern that is used to alert a subscriber -- (e.g. distinctive ringing, tones, etc.). -- The encoding of the last octet of this parameter is as defined in 3GPP TS 29.002 [11]. -- This one Commented out by Javier Acuna (javier.acuna@sixbell.cl) -- Because I added a new Errortypes section at the end. --CancelFailedPARAM ::= SEQUENCE --{ -- operation [1] InvokeID --} -- AOCBeforeAnswer notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times AOCBeforeAnswer ::= SEQUENCE { aOCInitial [0] CAI-Gsm0224, aOCSubsequent [1] AOCSubsequent OPTIONAL } -- AOCGprs notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times AOCGprs ::= SEQUENCE { aOCInitial [0] CAI-Gsm0224, aOCSubsequent [1] AOCSubsequent OPTIONAL } -- AOCSubsequent notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times AOCSubsequent ::= SEQUENCE { cAI-GSM0224 [0] CAI-Gsm0224, tariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (1..86400) OPTIONAL } -- AppendFreeFormatData notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times AppendFreeFormatData ::= ENUMERATED { overwrite (0), append (1) } -- ApplicationTimer notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ApplicationTimer ::= INTEGER (0..2047) -- AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress ::= Digits AudibleIndicator ::= CHOICE { istone BOOLEAN, burstList [1] BurstList } -- BackwardServiceInteractionInd notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times BackwardServiceInteractionInd ::= SEQUENCE { conferenceTreatmentIndicator [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, -- acceptConferenceRequest 'xxxx xx01'B -- rejectConferenceRequest 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect conference treatement callCompletionTreatmentIndicator [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, -- acceptCallCompletionServiceRequest 'xxxx xx01'B, -- rejectCallCompletionServiceRequest 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect call completion treatment ... } -- BasicGapCriteria notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times BasicGapCriteria ::= CHOICE { calledAddressValue [0] Digits, gapOnService [2] GapOnService, calledAddressAndService [29] SEQUENCE { calledAddressValue [0] Digits, serviceKey [1] ServiceKey, ... }, callingAddressAndService [30] SEQUENCE { callingAddressValue [0] Digits, serviceKey [1] ServiceKey, ... } } -- Both calledAddressValue and callingAddressValue can be -- incomplete numbers, in the sense that a limited amount of digits can be given. -- For the handling of numbers starting with the same digit string refer to the detailed -- procedure of the CallGap operation -- BCSMEvent notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times BCSMEvent ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeBCSM [0] EventTypeBCSM, monitorMode [1] MonitorMode, legID6 [2] LegID OPTIONAL, dpSpecificCriteria [30] DpSpecificCriteria OPTIONAL, automaticRearm [50] NULL OPTIONAL, ... } -- Indicates the BCSM Event information for monitoring. BCSM-Failure ::= SEQUENCE { legID [0] LegID OPTIONAL, cause [2] Cause OPTIONAL, ... } -- BearerCapability notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times BearerCapability ::= CHOICE { bearerCap [0] BearerCap } BearerCap ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxBearerCapabilityLength )) -- Indicates the type of bearer capability connection to the user. For bearerCap, the ISUP User -- Service Information, ETSI EN 300 356-1 [23] -- encoding shall be used. Burst ::= SEQUENCE { numberOfBursts [0] INTEGER (1..3) DEFAULT 1, burstInterval [1] INTEGER (1..1200) DEFAULT 2, numberOfTonesInBurst [2] INTEGER (1..3) DEFAULT 3, toneDuration [3] INTEGER (1..20) DEFAULT 2, toneInterval [4] INTEGER (1..20) DEFAULT 2, ... } -- burstInterval, toneDurartion and toneInterval are measured in 100 millisecond units BurstList ::= SEQUENCE { warningPeriod [0] INTEGER (1..1200) DEFAULT 30, bursts [1] Burst, ... } -- warningPeriod is measured in 1 second units. -- CAI-Gsm0224 notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times CAI-Gsm0224 ::= SEQUENCE { e1 [0] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e2 [1] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e3 [2] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e4 [3] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e5 [4] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e6 [5] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL, e7 [6] INTEGER (0..8191) OPTIONAL } -- Indicates Charge Advice Information to the Mobile Station. For information regarding -- parameter usage, refer to 3GPP TS 22.024 [2]. -- CalledPartyBCDNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 4 times, import refd 0 times -- See 3GPP TS 29.078 -- and 3GPP TS 24.008, section CalledPartyBCDNumber ::= ISDN-AddressString -- Indicates the Called Party Number, including service selection information. -- Refer to 3GPP TS 24.008 [9] for encoding. -- This data type carries only the 'type of number', 'numbering plan -- identification' and 'number digit' fields defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 [9]; -- it does not carry the 'called party BCD number IEI' or 'length of called -- party BCD number contents'. -- In the context of the DestinationSubscriberNumber field in ConnectSMSArg or -- InitialDPSMSArg, a CalledPartyBCDNumber may also contain an alphanumeric -- character string. In this case, type-of-number '101'B is used, in accordance -- with 3GPP TS 23.040 [6]. The address is coded in accordance with the -- GSM 7-bit default alphabet definition and the SMS packing rules -- as specified in 3GPP TS 23.038 [15] in this case. -- CalledPartyNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 6 times, import refd 0 times CalledPartyNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminCalledPartyNumberLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCalledPartyNumberLength )) -- Indicates the Called Party Number. Refer to ETS EN 300 356-1 [23] for encoding. -- A CalledPartyNumber may contain national-specific values of the Nature Of Address -- indicator. The filling-in of the national-specific Nature Of Address indicator -- values shall be done in accordance with the national ISUP of the gsmSSF country, e.g. -- ANSI T1.113-1995 [92]. -- In terms of ETS EN 300 356-1 [23], the Destination Address Field is not present if the -- destination address length is set to zero. This is the case e.g. when the ANSI -- ISUP Nature Of Address indicator indicates no number present, operator requested -- (1110100) or no number present, cut-through call to carrier (1110101). -- See also see 3GPP TS 23.078 [7]. -- CallingPartyNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times CallingPartyNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminCallingPartyNumberLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCallingPartyNumberLength )) -- Indicates the Calling Party Number. Refer to ETSI EN 300 356-1 [23] for encoding. -- CallResult notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times CallResult ::= CAMEL-CallResult --OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminCallResultLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCallResultLength)) -- shall be the result of the BER-encoded value of type -- CAMEL-CallResult CallSegmentFailure ::= SEQUENCE { callSegmentID [0] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, cause [2] Cause OPTIONAL, ... } CallSegmentID ::= INTEGER (1..cAPSpecificBoundsSetnumOfCSs) CallSegmentToCancel ::= SEQUENCE { callInvokeID [0] InvokeID OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [1] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, ... } -- CAMEL-AChBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CAMEL-AChBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { timeDurationCharging [0] SEQUENCE { maxCallPeriodDuration [0] INTEGER (1..864000), releaseIfdurationExceeded [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, tariffSwitchInterval [2] INTEGER (1..86400) OPTIONAL, audibleIndicator [3] AudibleIndicator, extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } } -- CAMEL-CallResult notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times --CAMEL-CallResult ::= CHOICE --{ -- timeDurationChargingResult [0] SEQUENCE { -- partyToCharge [0] ReceivingSideID, -- timeInformation [1] TimeInformation, -- legActive [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, -- callLegReleasedAtTcpExpiry [3] NULL OPTIONAL, -- extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, -- aChChargingAddress [5] AChChargingAddress, -- ... -- } -- } CAMEL-CallResult ::= CHOICE { timeDurationChargingResult [0] TimeDurationChargingResult, void [99] NULL } TimeDurationChargingResult ::= SEQUENCE { partyToCharge [0] ReceivingSideID, timeInformation [1] TimeInformation, legActive [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, callLegReleasedAtTcpExpiry [3] NULL OPTIONAL, extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, aChChargingAddress [5] AChChargingAddress OPTIONAL, ... } -- CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { fCIBCCCAMELsequence1 [0] SEQUENCE { freeFormatData [0] FreeFormatData, partyToCharge4 [1] SendingSideID DEFAULT '01'H, appendFreeFormatData [2] AppendFreeFormatData DEFAULT overwrite } } -- CAMEL-FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CAMEL-FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= SEQUENCE { fCIBCCCAMELsequence2 [0] SEQUENCE { freeFormatData [0] FreeFormatData, pDPID [1] PDPId OPTIONAL, appendFreeFormatData [2] AppendFreeFormatData DEFAULT overwrite } } -- CCAMEL-FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CAMEL-FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { fCIBCCCAMELsequence3 [0] SEQUENCE { freeFormatData [0] FreeFormatData, appendFreeFormatData [1] AppendFreeFormatData DEFAULT overwrite } } -- CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { aOCBeforeAnswer [0] AOCBeforeAnswer, aOCAfterAnswer [1] AOCSubsequent, aOC-extension [2] CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristicsAlt } CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristicsAlt ::= SEQUENCE { ... } -- This datatype is for extension in future releases. -- CAMEL-SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times CamelSCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= SEQUENCE { aOCGPRS [0] AOCGprs, pDPID [1] PDPId OPTIONAL } -- Carrier notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 5 times, import refd 0 times Carrier ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminCarrierLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCarrierLength )) -- This parameter is used for North America (na) only. -- It contains the carrier selection field (first octet) followed by Carrier ID -- information (North America (na)). -- The Carrier selection is one octet and is encoded as: -- 00000000 No indication -- 00000001 Selected carrier identification code (CIC) pre subscribed and not -- input by calling party -- 00000010 Selected carrier identification code (CIC) pre subscribed and input by -- calling party -- 00000011 Selected carrier identification code (CIC) pre subscribed, no -- indication of whether input by calling party (undetermined) -- 00000100 Selected carrier identification code (CIC) not pre subscribed and -- input by calling party -- 00000101 -- to Spare -- 11111110 -- 11111111 Reserved -- Refer to ANSI T1.113-1995 [92] for encoding of na carrier ID information (3 octets). -- CGEncountered notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CGEncountered ::= ENUMERATED { noCGencountered (0), manualCGencountered (1), scpOverload (2) } ChangeOfPositionControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..cAPSpecificBoundsSetnumOfChangeOfPositionControlInf) OF ChangeOfLocation ChangeOfLocation ::= CHOICE { cellGlobalId [0] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, serviceAreaId [1] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, locationAreaId [2] LAIFixedLength, inter-SystemHandOver [3] NULL, inter-PLMNHandOver [4] NULL, inter-MSCHandOver [5] NULL, changeOfLocationAlt [6] ChangeOfLocationAlt } -- The cellGlobalId shall contain a Cell Global Identification. -- The serviceAreaId shall contain a Service Area Identification. ChangeOfLocationAlt ::= SEQUENCE { ... } ChargeIndicator ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- As specified in ITU-T Recommendation Q.763 as follows: -- no indication 'xxxx xx00'B -- no charge 'xxxx xx01'B -- charge 'xxxx xx10'B -- spare 'xxxx xx11'B -- Sending entity shall fill the upper six bits with '0's. -- Receiving entity shall ignore the upper six bits. -- ChargeNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 4 times, import refd 0 times ChargeNumber ::= LocationNumber -- ChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ChargingCharacteristics ::= CHOICE { maxTransferredVolume [0] INTEGER (1..4294967295), maxElapsedTime [1] INTEGER (1..86400) } -- ChargingResult notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ChargingResult ::= CHOICE { transferredVolume [0] TransferredVolume, elapsedTime [1] ElapsedTime } ChargingRollOver ::= CHOICE { transferredVolumeRollOver [0] TransferredVolumeRollOver, elapsedTimeRollOver [1] ElapsedTimeRollOver } -- CollectedDigits notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CollectedDigits ::= SEQUENCE { minimumNbOfDigits [0] INTEGER (1..30) DEFAULT 1, maximumNbOfDigits [1] INTEGER (1..30), endOfReplyDigit [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, cancelDigit [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, startDigit [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, firstDigitTimeOut [5] INTEGER (1..127) OPTIONAL, interDigitTimeOut [6] INTEGER (1..127) OPTIONAL, errorTreatment [7] ErrorTreatment DEFAULT stdErrorAndInfo, interruptableAnnInd [8] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, voiceInformation [9] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, voiceBack [10] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE } -- The use of voiceBack and the support of voice recognition via voiceInformation -- is network operator specific. -- The endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit, and startDigit parameters have been -- designated as OCTET STRING, and are to be encoded as BCD, one digit per octet -- only, contained in the four least significant bits of each OCTET. The following encoding shall -- be applied for the non-decimal characters: -- 1011 (*), 1100 (#). -- The usage is service dependent. -- firstDigitTimeOut and interDigitTimeOut are measured in seconds. -- CollectedInfo notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CollectedInfo ::= CHOICE { collectedDigits [0] CollectedDigits } -- ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd ::= ENUMERATED { noINImpact (0), presentationRestricted (1), presentCalledINNumber (2), presentCallINNumberRestricted (3) } -- ControlType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ControlType ::= ENUMERATED { sCPOverloaded (0), manuallyInitiated (1) } -- CompoundCriteria notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CompoundCriteria ::= SEQUENCE { basicGapCriteria [0] BasicGapCriteria, scfID [1] ScfID OPTIONAL } -- CorrelationID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times CorrelationID ::= Digits -- used by gsmSCF for correlation with a previous operation. -- DateAndTime notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times DateAndTime ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (7)) -- DateAndTime is BCD encoded. The year digit indicating millenium occupies bits -- 0-3 of the first octet, and the year digit indicating century occupies bits -- 4-7 of the first octet. -- The year digit indicating decade occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, -- whilst the digit indicating the year within the decade occupies bits 4-7 of -- the second octet. -- The most significant month digit occupies bits 0-3 of the third octet, -- and the least significant month digit occupies bits 4-7 of the third octet. -- The most significant day digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, -- and the least significant day digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fourth octet. -- The most significant hours digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fifth octet, -- and the least significant digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fifth octet. -- The most significant minutes digit occupies bits 0-3 of the sixth octet, -- and the least significant digit occupies bits 4-7 of the sixth octet. -- The most significant seconds digit occupies bits 0-3 of the seventh octet, -- and the least seconds significant digit occupies bits 4-7 of the seventh octet. -- For the encoding of digits in an octet, refer to the timeAndtimezone parameter. -- DestinationRoutingAddress notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times DestinationRoutingAddress ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1) OF CalledPartyNumber -- Digits notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 9 times, import refd 0 times Digits ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminDigitsLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxDigitsLength )) -- Indicates the address signalling digits. -- Refer to ETSI EN 300 356-1 [23] Generic Number & Generic Digits parameters for encoding. -- The coding of the subfields 'NumberQualifier' in Generic Number and 'TypeOfDigits' in -- Generic Digits are irrelevant to the CAP; -- the ASN.1 tags are sufficient to identify the parameter. -- The ISUP format does not allow to exclude these subfields, -- therefore the value is network operator specific. -- -- The following parameters shall use Generic Number: -- - AdditionalCallingPartyNumber for InitialDP -- - AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress for EstablishTemporaryConnection -- - CorrelationID for AssistRequestInstructions -- - CalledAddressValue for all occurrences, CallingAddressValue for all occurrences. -- -- The following parameters shall use Generic Digits: -- - CorrelationID in EstablishTemporaryConnection -- - number in VariablePart -- - digitsResponse in ReceivedInformationArg -- - midCallEvents in oMidCallSpecificInfo and tMidCallSpecificInfo -- -- In the digitsResponse and midCallevents, the digits may also include the '*', '#', -- a, b, c and d digits by using the IA5 character encoding scheme. If the BCD even or -- BCD odd encoding scheme is used, then the following encoding shall be applied for the -- non-decimal characters: 1011 (*), 1100 (#). -- -- AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress in EstablishTemporaryConnection and CorrelationID in -- AssistRequestInstructions may contain a Hex B digit as address signal. Refer to -- Annex A.6 for the usage of the Hex B digit. -- -- Note that when CorrelationID is transported in Generic Digits, then the digits shall -- always be BCD encoded. -- DpSpecificCriteria notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times DpSpecificCriteria ::= CHOICE { applicationTimer [1] ApplicationTimer, midCallControlInfo [2] MidCallControlInfo, dpSpecificCriteriaAlt [3] DpSpecificCriteriaAlt } DpSpecificCriteriaAlt ::= SEQUENCE { ..., changeOfPositionControlInfo [0] ChangeOfPositionControlInfo, numberOfDigits [1] NumberOfDigits OPTIONAL, interDigitTimeout [2] INTEGER (1..127) OPTIONAL } -- interDigitTimeout duration in seconds. DpSpecificInfoAlt ::= SEQUENCE { ..., oServiceChangeSpecificInfo [0] SEQUENCE { ext-basicServiceCode [0] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ..., initiatorOfServiceChange [1] InitiatorOfServiceChange OPTIONAL, natureOfServiceChange [2] NatureOfServiceChange OPTIONAL }, tServiceChangeSpecificInfo [1] SEQUENCE { ext-basicServiceCode [0] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ..., initiatorOfServiceChange [1] InitiatorOfServiceChange OPTIONAL, natureOfServiceChange [2] NatureOfServiceChange OPTIONAL } } -- This datatype is for extension in future releases. -- ElapsedTime notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ElapsedTime ::= CHOICE { timeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0..86400), timeGPRSIfTariffSwitch [1] SEQUENCE { timeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0..86400), timeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (0..86400) OPTIONAL } } ElapsedTimeRollOver ::= CHOICE { rOTimeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0..255), rOTimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch [1] SEQUENCE { rOTimeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, rOTimeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL } } -- Indicates the EndUserAddress, refer to 3GPP TS 29.060 for the encoding. -- The pDPTypeOrganization shall use the least significant 4 bits of the octet encoded. -- The sender of this parameter shall set the most significant 4 bits of the octet to 1. -- The receiver of this parameter shall ignore the most significant 4 bits of this octet. -- Not used anymore, replaced by PDPType -- EndUserAddress ::= SEQUENCE -- { -- pDPTypeOrganization [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)), -- pDPTypeNumber [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)), -- pDPAddress [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminPDPAddressLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxPDPAddressLength)) OPTIONAL -- } -- Indicates the EndUserAddress, refer to 3GPP TS 29.060 [12] for the encoding. -- The pDPTypeOrganization shall use the least significant 4 bits of the octet encoded. -- The sender of this parameter shall set the most significant 4 bits of the octet to 1. -- The receiver of this parameter shall ignore the most significant 4 bits of this octet. -- ErrorTreatment notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ErrorTreatment ::= ENUMERATED { stdErrorAndInfo (0), help (1), repeatPrompt (2) } -- EventSpecificInformationBCSM notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times EventSpecificInformationBCSM ::= CHOICE { routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo [2] SEQUENCE { failureCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ... }, oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo [3] SEQUENCE { busyCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ... }, oNoAnswerSpecificInfo [4] SEQUENCE { -- no specific info defined -- ... }, oAnswerSpecificInfo [5] SEQUENCE { destinationAddress [50] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, or-Call [51] NULL OPTIONAL, forwardedCall [52] NULL OPTIONAL, chargeIndicator [53] ChargeIndicator OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode [54] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode2 [55] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ... }, oMidCallSpecificInfo [6] SEQUENCE { omidCallEvents [1] CHOICE { dTMFDigitsCompleted [3] Digits, dTMFDigitsTimeOut [4] Digits } OPTIONAL, ... }, oDisconnectSpecificInfo [7] SEQUENCE { releaseCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ... }, tBusySpecificInfo [8] SEQUENCE { busyCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, callForwarded [50] NULL OPTIONAL, routeNotPermitted [51] NULL OPTIONAL, forwardingDestinationNumber [52] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, ... }, tNoAnswerSpecificInfo [9] SEQUENCE { callForwarded [50] NULL OPTIONAL, forwardingDestinationNumber [52] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, ... }, tAnswerSpecificInfo [10] SEQUENCE { destinationAddress [50] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, or-Call [51] NULL OPTIONAL, forwardedCall [52] NULL OPTIONAL, chargeIndicator [53] ChargeIndicator OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode [54] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode2 [55] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, ... }, tMidCallSpecificInfo [11] SEQUENCE { tmidCallEvents [1] CHOICE { dTMFDigitsCompleted [3] Digits, dTMFDigitsTimeOut [4] Digits } OPTIONAL, ... }, tDisconnectSpecificInfo [12] SEQUENCE { releaseCause [0] Cause OPTIONAL, ... }, oTermSeizedSpecificInfo [13] SEQUENCE { locationInformation [50] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, ... }, callAcceptedSpecificInfo [20] SEQUENCE { locationInformation [50] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, ... }, oAbandonSpecificInfo [21] SEQUENCE { routeNotPermitted [50] NULL OPTIONAL, ... }, oChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo [50] SEQUENCE { locationInformation [50] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, ..., metDPCriteriaList [51] MetDPCriteriaList OPTIONAL }, tChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo [51] SEQUENCE { locationInformation [50] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, ..., metDPCriteriaList [51] MetDPCriteriaList OPTIONAL }, dpSpecificInfoAlt [52] DpSpecificInfoAlt } -- EventSpecificInformationSMS notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times EventSpecificInformationSMS ::= CHOICE { o-smsFailureSpecificInfo [0] SEQUENCE { smsfailureCause [0] MO-SMSCause OPTIONAL }, o-smsSubmittedSpecificInfo [1] SEQUENCE { -- no specific info defined- foo INTEGER(0) OPTIONAL }, t-smsFailureSpecificInfo [2] SEQUENCE { failureMTSMSCause [0] MT-SMSCause OPTIONAL, ... }, t-smsDeliverySpecificInfo [3] SEQUENCE { -- no specific info defined- ... } } -- EventTypeBCSM notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times EventTypeBCSM ::= ENUMERATED { collectedInfo (2), analyzedInformation (3), routeSelectFailure (4), oCalledPartyBusy (5), oNoAnswer (6), oAnswer (7), oMidCall (8), oDisconnect (9), oAbandon (10), termAttemptAuthorized (12), tBusy (13), tNoAnswer (14), tAnswer (15), tMidCall (16), tDisconnect (17), tAbandon (18), oTermSeized (19), callAccepted (27), oChangeOfPosition (50), tChangeOfPosition (51), ..., oServiceChange (52), tServiceChange (53) } -- Indicates the BCSM detection point event. -- Values collectedInfo, analyzedInformation and termAttemptAuthorized may be used -- for TDPs only. -- Exception handling: reception of an unrecognized value shall be treated -- like reception of no detection point. -- EventTypeSMS notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times EventTypeSMS ::= ENUMERATED { sms-CollectedInfo (1), o-smsFailure (2), o-smsSubmission (3), sms-DeliveryRequested (11), t-smsFailure (12), t-smsDelivery (13) } -- Values sms-CollectedInfo and sms-DeliveryRequested may be used for TDPs only. -- Replace by ExtensionsArray --Extensions ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField -- -- FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics -- FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CAMEL-FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics -- shall be the result of the BER-encoded value of type -- CAMEL-FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics -- FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times --FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminFCIBillingChargingLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxFCIBillingChargingLength )) -- (CONSTRAINED BY { shall be the result of the BER-encoded value of type -- CAMEL-FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics {bound}}) FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= CAMEL-FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics -- ForwardServiceInteractionInd notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ForwardServiceInteractionInd ::= SEQUENCE { conferenceTreatmentIndicator [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, -- acceptConferenceRequest 'xxxx xx01'B -- rejectConferenceRequest 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect conference treatment callDiversionTreatmentIndicator [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, -- callDiversionAllowed 'xxxx xx01'B -- callDiversionNotAllowed 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect call diversion treatment callingPartyRestrictionIndicator [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, -- noINImpact 'xxxx xx01'B -- presentationRestricted 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect calling party restriction treatment ... } -- GapCriteria notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times GapCriteria ::= CHOICE { basicGapCriteria BasicGapCriteria, compoundGapCriteria CompoundCriteria } -- GapIndicators notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times GapIndicators ::= SEQUENCE { duration1 [0] Duration, gapInterval [1] Interval, ... } -- GapOnService notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times GapOnService ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey, ... } -- GapTreatment notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times GapTreatment ::= CHOICE { informationToSend [0] InformationToSend, releaseCause [1] Cause } -- GenericNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times GenericNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminGenericNumberLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxGenericNumberLength)) -- GenericNumbers notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times GenericNumbers ::= SET SIZE (1..cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfGenericNumbers) OF GenericNumber -- GPRS-QoS notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times GPRS-QoS ::= CHOICE { short-QoS-format [0] QoS-Subscribed, long-QoS-format [1] Ext-QoS-Subscribed } GPRS-QoS-Extension ::= SEQUENCE { supplement-to-long-QoS-format [0] Ext2-QoS-Subscribed, ... } -- GPRSCause notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times GPRSCause ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminGPRSCauseLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxGPRSCauseLength)) -- 00000000 Unspecified -- All other values shall be interpreted as 'Unspecified'. -- -- This parameter indicates the cause for CAP interface related information. -- The GPRSCause mapping to/from GTP cause values specified in the 3GPP TS 29.060 [12] and -- to/from 3GPP TS 24.008 [9] GMM cause and SM cause values are outside scope of this document. -- GPRSEvent notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times GPRSEvent ::= SEQUENCE { gPRSEventType [0] GPRSEventType, monitorMode [1] MonitorMode } -- GPRSEventSpecificInformation notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times GPRSEventSpecificInformation ::= CHOICE { attachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation [0] SEQUENCE { locationInformationGPRS [0] LocationInformationGPRS OPTIONAL, ... }, pdp-ContextchangeOfPositionSpecificInformation [1] SEQUENCE { accessPointName [0] AccessPointName OPTIONAL, chargingID [1] GPRSChargingID OPTIONAL, locationInformationGPRS [2] LocationInformationGPRS OPTIONAL, pDPType [3] PDPType OPTIONAL, qualityOfService [4] QualityOfService OPTIONAL, timeAndTimeZone [5] TimeAndTimezone OPTIONAL, ..., gGSNAddress [6] GSN-Address OPTIONAL }, detachSpecificInformation [2] SEQUENCE { inititatingEntity [0] InitiatingEntity OPTIONAL, ..., routeingAreaUpdate [1] NULL OPTIONAL }, disconnectSpecificInformation [3] SEQUENCE { inititatingEntity [0] InitiatingEntity OPTIONAL, ..., routeingAreaUpdate [1] NULL OPTIONAL }, pDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation [4] SEQUENCE { accessPointName [0] AccessPointName OPTIONAL, pDPType [1] PDPType OPTIONAL, qualityOfService [2] QualityOfService OPTIONAL, locationInformationGPRS [3] LocationInformationGPRS OPTIONAL, timeAndTimeZone [4] TimeAndTimezone OPTIONAL, pDPInitiationType [5] PDPInitiationType OPTIONAL, ..., secondaryPDPContext [6] NULL OPTIONAL }, pDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation [5] SEQUENCE { accessPointName [0] AccessPointName OPTIONAL, chargingID [1] GPRSChargingID OPTIONAL, pDPType [2] PDPType OPTIONAL, qualityOfService [3] QualityOfService OPTIONAL, locationInformationGPRS [4] LocationInformationGPRS OPTIONAL, timeAndTimeZone [5] TimeAndTimezone OPTIONAL, ..., gGSNAddress [6] GSN-Address OPTIONAL } } -- GPRSEventType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times GPRSEventType ::= ENUMERATED { attach (1), attachChangeOfPosition (2), detached (3), pdp-ContextEstablishment (11), pdp-ContextEstablishmentAcknowledgement (12), disconnect (13), pdp-ContextChangeOfPosition (14) } -- GPRSMSClass notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times GPRSMSClass ::= SEQUENCE { mSNetworkCapability [0] MSNetworkCapability, mSRadioAccessCapability [1] MSRadioAccessCapability OPTIONAL } -- InbandInfo notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times InbandInfo ::= SEQUENCE { messageID [0] MessageID, numberOfRepetitions [1] INTEGER (1..127) OPTIONAL, duration2 [2] INTEGER (0..32767) OPTIONAL, interval [3] INTEGER (0..32767) OPTIONAL, ... } -- InformationToSend notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times InformationToSend ::= CHOICE { inbandInfo [0] InbandInfo, tone [1] Tone } -- InitiatingEntity notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times InitiatingEntity ::= ENUMERATED { mobileStation (0), sgsn (1), hlr (2), ggsn (3) } InitiatorOfServiceChange ::= ENUMERATED { a-side (0), b-side (1) } -- InvokeID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times --InvokeID ::= TCInvokeIdSet InvokeID ::= InvokeIdType -- IPRoutingAddress notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times IPRoutingAddress ::= CalledPartyNumber -- IPSSPCapabilities notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times IPSSPCapabilities ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminIPSSPCapabilitiesLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxIPSSPCapabilitiesLength )) -- Indicates the gsmSRF resources available. The parameter has two parts, a standard and a -- bilateral part. The standard part indicates capabilities defined as optional in CAP -- that shall be recognised (but not necessarily supported) by a gsmSCF. The bilateral -- part contains further information that is not specified in this standard, but which is set -- according to bilateral agreements between network operators and/or equipment vendors. -- The last octet of the standard part is indicated by bit 7 being set to 0, otherwise Bit 7 of -- a standard part octet is set to 1 indicating that the standard part continues in the following -- octet. Coding is as follows: -- Octet 1 Standard Part for CAP -- Bit Value Meaning -- 0 0 IPRoutingAddress not supported -- 1 IPRoutingAddress supported -- 1 0 VoiceBack not supported -- 1 VoiceBack supported -- 2 0 VoiceInformation not supported, via speech recognition -- 1 VoiceInformation supported, via speech recognition -- 3 0 VoiceInformation not supported, via voice recognition -- 1 VoiceInformation supported, via voice recognition -- 4 0 Generation of voice announcements from Text not supported -- 1 Generation of voice announcements from Text supported -- 5 - Reserved -- 6 - Reserved -- 7 0 End of standard part -- 1 This value is reserved in CAP -- -- Octets 2 to 4 Bilateral Part: Network operator/equipment vendor specific LegOrCallSegment ::= CHOICE { callSegmentID [0] CallSegmentID, legID [1] LegID } -- LegType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 6 times, import refd 0 times LegType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- LocationInformationGPRS notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 6 times, import refd 0 times LocationInformationGPRS ::= SEQUENCE { cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI [0] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI OPTIONAL, routeingAreaIdentity [1] RAIdentity OPTIONAL, geographicalInformation [2] GeographicalInformation OPTIONAL, sgsn-Number [3] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, selectedLSAIdentity [4] LSAIdentity OPTIONAL, extensionContainer [5] ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL, ..., saiPresent [6] NULL OPTIONAL } -- cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI shall contain the value part of the -- CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength type or the LAIFixedLength type (i.e. excluding tags -- and lengths) as defined in 3GPP TS 29.002 [13]. -- sai-Present indicates that the cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI parameter contains -- a Service Area Identity. -- LocationNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 4 times, import refd 0 times LocationNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminLocationNumberLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxLocationNumberLength )) -- Indicates the Location Number for the calling party. -- Refer to ETSI EN 300 356-1 [23] for encoding. LowLayerCompatibility ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminLowLayerCompatibilityLength .. cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxLowLayerCompatibilityLength )) -- indicates the LowLayerCompatibility for the calling party. -- Refer to 3GPP TS 24.008 [9] for encoding. -- It shall be coded as in the value part defined in 3GPP TS 24.008. -- i.e. the 3GPP TS 24.008 IEI and 3GPP TS 24.008 octet length indicator -- shall not be included. -- MessageID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times MessageID ::= CHOICE { elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, text [1] SEQUENCE { messageContent [0] IA5String (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminMessageContentLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxMessageContentLength)), attributes [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminAttributesLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxAttributesLength)) OPTIONAL }, elementaryMessageIDs [29] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfMessageIDs) OF Integer4, variableMessage [30] SEQUENCE { elementaryMessageID [0] Integer4, variableParts [1] VariablePartsArray } } -- Use of the text parameter is network operator/equipment vendor specific. MetDPCriteriaList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..cAPSpecificBoundsSetnumOfChangeOfPositionControlInf) OF MetDPCriterion MetDPCriterion ::= CHOICE { enteringCellGlobalId [0] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, leavingCellGlobalId [1] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, enteringServiceAreaId [2] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, leavingServiceAreaId [3] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, enteringLocationAreaId [4] LAIFixedLength, leavingLocationAreaId [5] LAIFixedLength, inter-SystemHandOverToUMTS [6] NULL, inter-SystemHandOverToGSM [7] NULL, inter-PLMNHandOver [8] NULL, inter-MSCHandOver [9] NULL, metDPCriterionAlt [10] MetDPCriterionAlt } -- The enteringCellGlobalId and leavingCellGlobalId shall contain a Cell Global Identification. -- The enteringServiceAreaId and leavingServiceAreaId shall contain a Service Area Identification. MetDPCriterionAlt ::= SEQUENCE { ... } MidCallControlInfo ::= SEQUENCE { minimumNumberOfDigits [0] INTEGER (1..30) DEFAULT 1, maximumNumberOfDigits [1] INTEGER (1..30) DEFAULT 30, endOfReplyDigit [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, cancelDigit [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, startDigit [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..2)) OPTIONAL, interDigitTimeout [6] INTEGER (1..127) DEFAULT 10, ... } -- -- - minimumNumberOfDigits specifies the minumum number of digits that shall be collected -- - maximumNumberOfDigits specifies the maximum number of digits that shall be collected -- - endOfReplyDigit specifies the digit string that denotes the end of the digits -- to be collected. -- - cancelDigit specifies the digit string that indicates that the input shall -- be erased and digit collection shall start afresh. -- - startDigit specifies the digit string that denotes the start of the digits -- to be collected. -- - interDigitTimeout specifies the maximum duration in seconds between successive -- digits. -- -- endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit and startDigit shall contain digits in the range 0..9, '*' and '#' -- only. The collected digits string, reported to the gsmSCF, shall include the endOfReplyDigit and -- the startDigit, if present. -- -- endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit and startDigit shall be encoded as BCD digits. Each octet shall -- contain one BCD digit, in the 4 least significant bits of each octet. -- The following encoding shall be used for the over-decadic digits: 1011 (*), 1100 (#). -- MonitorMode notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times MonitorMode ::= ENUMERATED { interrupted (0), notifyAndContinue (1), transparent (2) } -- Indicates the event is relayed and/or processed by the SSP. -- Transparent means that the gsmSSF or gprsSSF does not notify the gsmSCF of the event. -- For the use of this parameter refer to the procedure descriptions in clause 11. -- For the RequestNotificationCharging operation, 'interrupted' shall not be used in MonitorMode. -- MO-SMSCause notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times MO-SMSCause ::= ENUMERATED { systemFailure (0), unexpectedDataValue (1), facilityNotSupported (2), sM-DeliveryFailure (3), releaseFromRadioInterface (4) } MT-SMSCause ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- This variable is sent to the gsmSCF for a Short Message delivery failure -- notification. -- If the delivery failure is due to RP-ERROR RPDU received from the MS, -- then MT-SMSCause shall be set to the RP-Cause component in the RP-ERROR RPDU. -- Refer to 3GPP TS 24.011 [10] for the encoding of RP-Cause values. -- Otherwise, if the delivery failure is due to internal failure in the MSC or SGSN -- or time-out from the MS, then MT-SMSCause shall be set to 'Protocol error, -- unspecified', as defined in 3GPP TS 24.011 [10]. -- MSNetworkCapability notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times MSNetworkCapability ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) -- MS Network Capability describes the GPRS terminal capabilites related to the network, i.e. SMS -- point to point service over packet data channels. For encoding refer to 3GPP TS 24.008 [12]. -- It shall contain the value part defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 only. I.e. the 3GPP TS 24.008 IEI -- and 3GPP TS 24.008 octet length indicator shall not be included. -- MSRadioAccessCapability notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times MSRadioAccessCapability ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..50)) -- MS Radio Access Capability describes the terminal capabilites relevant for the radio network, -- which may affect the way the network handles the mobile. -- For encoding refer to 3GPP TS 24.008 [12]. -- It shall contain the value part defined in 3GPP TS 24.008 only. I.e. the 3GPP TS 24.008 IEI -- and 3GPP TS 24.008 octet length indicator shall not be included. -- NAOliInfo notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times NAOliInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- NA Oli information takes the same value as defined in ANSI T1.113-1995 [92] -- e.g. '3D'H - Decimal value 61 - Cellular Service (Type 1) -- '3E'H - Decimal value 62 - Cellular Service (Type 2) -- '3F'H - Decimal value 63 - Cellular Service (roaming) NatureOfServiceChange ::= ENUMERATED { userInitiated (0), networkInitiated (1) } NumberOfDigits ::= INTEGER (1..255) -- Indicates the number of digits to be collected. -- OCSIApplicable notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times OCSIApplicable ::= NULL -- Indicates that the Originating CAMEL Subscription Information, if present, shall be -- applied on the outgoing call leg created with a Connect operation. For the use of this -- parameter see 3GPP TS 23.078 [7]. -- OriginalCalledPartyID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times OriginalCalledPartyID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminOriginalCalledPartyIDLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxOriginalCalledPartyIDLength )) -- PDPId notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 11 times, import refd 0 times PDPId ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- PDPInitiationType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times PDPInitiationType ::= ENUMERATED { mSInitiated (0), networkInitiated (1) } -- QualityOfService notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 5 times, import refd 0 times QualityOfService ::= SEQUENCE { requested-QoS [0] GPRS-QoS OPTIONAL, subscribed-QoS [1] GPRS-QoS OPTIONAL, negotiated-QoS [2] GPRS-QoS OPTIONAL, ..., requested-QoS-Extension [3] GPRS-QoS-Extension OPTIONAL, subscribed-QoS-Extension [4] GPRS-QoS-Extension OPTIONAL, negotiated-QoS-Extension [5] GPRS-QoS-Extension OPTIONAL } -- ReceivingSideID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times ReceivingSideID ::= CHOICE { receivingSideID [1] LegType } -- RedirectingPartyID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times RedirectingPartyID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminRedirectingPartyIDLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxRedirectingPartyIDLength )) -- Indicates redirecting number. -- Refer to ETSI EN 300 356-1 [23] Redirecting number for encoding. -- RequestedInformationList notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times RequestedInformationList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformation -- RequestedInformationTypeList notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times RequestedInformationTypeList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..numOfInfoItems) OF RequestedInformationType -- RequestedInformation notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times RequestedInformation ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationType [0] RequestedInformationType, requestedInformationValue [1] RequestedInformationValue } -- RequestedInformationType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times RequestedInformationType ::= ENUMERATED { callAttemptElapsedTime (0), callStopTime (1), callConnectedElapsedTime (2), releaseCause (30) } -- RequestedInformationValue notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times RequestedInformationValue ::= CHOICE { callAttemptElapsedTimeValue [0] INTEGER (0..255), callStopTimeValue [1] DateAndTime, callConnectedElapsedTimeValue [2] Integer4, releaseCauseValue [30] Cause } -- RPCause notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times RPCause ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- RP cause according to 3GPP TS 24.011 [10] or 3GPP TS 29.002 [11]. -- GsmSCF shall send this cause in the ReleaseSMS operation. -- For a MO-SMS service, the MSC or SGSN shall send the RP Cause to the originating MS. -- It shall be used to overwrite the RP-Cause element in the RP-ERROR RPDU. -- For a MT-SMS service, the MSC or SGSN shall send the RP Cause to the sending SMS-GMSC. -- It shall be used to overwrite the RP-Cause element in the RP-ERROR RPDU. -- ScfID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times ScfID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminScfIDLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxScfIDLength )) -- SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminSCIBillingChargingLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxSCIBillingChargingLength )) -- SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminSCIBillingChargingLength ..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxSCIBillingChargingLength )) -- SendingSideID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 4 times, import refd 0 times SendingSideID ::= CHOICE { sendingSideID [0] LegType } -- ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 5 times, import refd 0 times ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo ::= SEQUENCE { forwardServiceInteractionInd [0] ForwardServiceInteractionInd OPTIONAL, backwardServiceInteractionInd [1] BackwardServiceInteractionInd OPTIONAL, bothwayThroughConnectionInd [2] BothwayThroughConnectionInd OPTIONAL, connectedNumberTreatmentInd [4] ConnectedNumberTreatmentInd OPTIONAL, nonCUGCall [13] NULL OPTIONAL, -- applicable to Connect and ContinueWithArgument -- indicates that no parameters for CUG shall be used for the call (i.e. the call shall -- be a non-CUG call). -- If not present, it indicates one of three things: -- a) continue with modified CUG information (when one or more of either CUG Interlock Code -- and Outgoing Access Indicator are present), or -- b) continue with original CUG information (when neither CUG Interlock Code or Outgoing -- Access Indicator are present), i.e. no IN impact. -- c) continue with the original non-CUG call. holdTreatmentIndicator [50] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, -- applicable to InitialDP, Connect and ContinueWithArgument -- acceptHoldRequest 'xxxx xx01'B -- rejectHoldRequest 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect call hold treatment cwTreatmentIndicator [51] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, -- applicable to InitialDP, Connect and ContinueWithArgument -- acceptCw 'xxxx xx01'B -- rejectCw 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect call waiting treatment ectTreatmentIndicator [52] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, -- applicable to InitialDP, Connect and ContinueWithArgument -- acceptEctRequest 'xxxx xx01'B -- rejectEctRequest 'xxxx xx10'B -- if absent from Connect or ContinueWithArgument, -- then CAMEL service does not affect explicit call transfer treatment ... } -- SGSNCapabilities notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times SGSNCapabilities ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- Indicates the SGSN capabilities. The coding of the parameter is as follows: -- Bit Value Meaning -- 0 0 AoC not supported by SGSN -- 1 AoC supported by SGSN -- 1 - This bit is reserved in CAP V.3 -- 2 - This bit is reserved in CAP V.3 -- 3 - This bit is reserved in CAP V.3 -- 4 - This bit is reserved in CAP V.3 -- 5 - This bit is reserved in CAP V.3 -- 6 - This bit is reserved in CAP V.3 -- 7 - This bit is reserved in CAP V.3 SMS-AddressString ::= AddressString -- (SIZE (1 .. maxSMS-AddressStringLength)) -- This data type is used to transport CallingPartyNumber for MT-SMS. -- If this data type is used for MO-SMS, then the maximum number of digits shall be 16. -- An SMS-AddressString may contain an alphanumeric character string. In this -- case, a nature of address indicator '101'B is used, in accordance with -- 3GPP TS 23.040 [6]. The address is coded in accordance with the GSM 7-bit -- default alphabet definition and the SMS packing rules as specified in -- 3GPP TS 23.038 [15] in this case. -- maxSMS-AddressStringLength INTEGER ::= 11 SMSEvent ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeSMS [0] EventTypeSMS, monitorMode [1] MonitorMode } -- TimeAndTimezone notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 7 times, import refd 0 times TimeAndTimezone ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminTimeAndTimezoneLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxTimeAndTimezoneLength)) -- Indicates the time and timezone, relative to GMT. This parameter is BCD encoded. -- The year digit indicating millenium occupies bits 0-3 of the first octet, and the year -- digit indicating century occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. -- The year digit indicating decade occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, whilst the digit -- indicating the year within the decade occupies bits 4-7 of the second octet. -- The most significant month digit occupies bits 0-3 of the third octet, and the least -- significant month digit occupies bits 4-7 of the third octet. -- The most significant day digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, and the least -- significant day digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fourth octet. -- The most significant hours digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fifth octet, and the least -- significant hours digit occupies bits 4-7 of the fifth octet. -- The most significant minutes digit occupies bits 0-3 of the sixth octet, and the least -- significant minutes digit occupies bits 4-7 of the sixth octet. -- The most significant seconds digit occupies bits 0-3 of the seventh octet, and the least -- significant seconds digit occupies bits 4-7 of the seventh octet. -- -- The timezone information occupies the eighth octet. For the encoding of Timezone refer to -- 3GPP TS 23.040 [6]. -- -- The BCD digits are packed and encoded as follows: -- -- Bit 7 6 5 4 | 3 2 1 0 -- 2nd digit | 1st digit Octet 1 -- 3rd digit | 4th digit Octet 2 -- .. .. -- nth digit | n-1th digit Octet m -- -- 0000 digit 0 -- 0001 digit 1 -- 0010 digit 2 -- 0011 digit 3 -- 0100 digit 4 -- 0101 digit 5 -- 0110 digit 6 -- 0111 digit 7 -- 1000 digit 8 -- 1001 digit 9 -- 1010 spare -- 1011 spare -- 1100 spare -- 1101 spare -- 1110 spare -- 1101 spare -- -- where the leftmost bit of the digit is either bit 7 or bit 3 of the octet. -- TimeIfNoTariffSwitch notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times TimeIfNoTariffSwitch ::= INTEGER (0..864000) -- TimeIfTariffSwitch notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times TimeIfTariffSwitch ::= SEQUENCE { timeSinceTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0..864000), tttariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (1..864000) OPTIONAL } -- TimeInformation notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times TimeInformation ::= CHOICE { timeIfNoTariffSwitch [0] TimeIfNoTariffSwitch, timeIfTariffSwitch [1] TimeIfTariffSwitch } -- TimerID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times TimerID ::= ENUMERATED { tssf (0) } -- TimerValue notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times TimerValue ::= Integer4 -- Tone notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times Tone ::= SEQUENCE { toneID [0] Integer4, duration3 [1] Integer4 OPTIONAL } -- TPDataCodingScheme notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times TPDataCodingScheme ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- TP Data Coding Scheme according to 3GPP TS 23.040 [6] -- TPProtocolIdentifier notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times TPProtocolIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- indicates the protocol used above the SM-Transfer Layer as specified in 3GPP TS 23.040 [6]. TPShortMessageSpecificInfo ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- contains the 1st octect of the applicable TPDU or the SMS-COMMAND TPDU as specified in -- 3GPP TS 23.040 [6]. -- TPValidityPeriod notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times TPValidityPeriod ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..7)) -- indicates the length of the validity period or the absolute time of the validity -- period termination as specified in 3GPP TS 23.040 [6]. -- the length of ValidityPeriod is either 1 octet or 7 octets -- TransferredVolume notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times TransferredVolume ::= CHOICE { volumeIfNoTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0..4294967295), volumeIfTariffSwitch [1] SEQUENCE { volumeSinceLastTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0..4294967295), volumeTariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL } } -- volumeIfNoTariffSwitch, volumeSinceLastTariffSwitch and volumeTariffSwitchInterval -- are measured in bytes. TransferredVolumeRollOver ::= CHOICE { rOVolumeIfNoTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0.. 255), rOVolumeIfTariffSwitch [1] SEQUENCE { rOVolumeSinceLastTariffSwitch [0] INTEGER (0.. 255) OPTIONAL, rOVolumeTariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (0.. 255) OPTIONAL } } -- rO-VolumeIfNoTariffSwitch, rO-VolumeSinceLastTariffSwitch and rO-VolumeTariffSwitchInterval -- present counters indicating the number of parameter range rollovers. UnavailableNetworkResource ::= ENUMERATED { unavailableResources (0), componentFailure (1), basicCallProcessingException (2), resourceStatusFailure (3), endUserFailure (4) } -- Indicates the network resource that failed. -- VariablePart notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times VariablePart ::= CHOICE { integer [0] Integer4, number [1] Digits, time [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)), date [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)), price [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) } -- Indicates the variable part of the message. Time is BCD encoded. -- The most significant hours digit occupies bits 0-3 of the first octet, and the least -- significant digit occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. The most significant minutes digit -- occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, and the least significant digit occupies bits 4-7 -- of the second octet. -- -- Date is BCD encoded. The year digit indicating millenium occupies bits 0-3 of the first octet, -- and the year digit indicating century occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. The year digit -- indicating decade occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, whilst the digit indicating the year -- within the decade occupies bits 4-7 of the second octet. -- The most significant month digit occupies bits 0-3 of the third octet, and the least -- significant month digit occupies bits 4-7 of the third octet. The most significant day digit -- occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, and the least significant day digit occupies bits 4-7 -- of the fourth octet. -- Price is BCD encoded. The digit indicating hundreds of thousands occupies bits 0-3 of the -- first octet, and the digit indicating tens of thousands occupies bits 4-7 of the first octet. -- The digit indicating thousands occupies bits 0-3 of the second octet, whilst the digit -- indicating hundreds occupies bits 4-7 of the second octet. The digit indicating tens occupies -- bits 0-3 of the third octet, and the digit indicating 0 to 9 occupies bits 4-7 of the third -- octet. The tenths digit occupies bits 0-3 of the fourth octet, and the hundredths digit -- occupies bits 4-7 of the fourth octet. -- -- For the encoding of digits in an octet, refer to the timeAndtimezone parameter -- SpecializedResourceReportArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times -- SpecializedResourceReportArg ::= NULL SpecializedResourceReportArg ::= CHOICE { allAnnouncementsComplete [50] NULL, firstAnnouncementStarted [51] NULL } -- CUG-Interlock notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times -- imported from gsmmap -- CUG-Interlock ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) -- CUG-Index notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times -- imported from gsmmap -- CUG-Index ::= INTEGER (0..32767) -- CallReferenceNumber notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CallReferenceNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) -- SuppressionOfAnnouncement notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times SuppressionOfAnnouncement ::= NULL -- NotReachableReason notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times NotReachableReason ::= ENUMERATED { msPurged (0), imsiDetached (1), restrictedArea (2), notRegistred (3) } -- AddressString notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times AddressString ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..maxAddressLength)) -- LAIFixedLength notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times -- IMPORTED fom GSM MAP -- LAIFixedLength ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (5)) -- Refers to Location Area Identification defined in TS GSM 03.03. -- Octets ares encoded according to TS GSM 04.08. -- The internal structure is defined as follows: -- Mobile Country Code: 3 digits according to CCITT Rec E.212. -- 1 digits filler (1111) -- Mobile Network Code: 2 digits according to CCITT Rec E.212. -- Location Area Code: 2 octets according to TS GSM 04.08. -- ServiceKey notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 6 times, import refd 0 times ServiceKey ::= INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- Duration notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times Duration ::= INTEGER (-2..86400) -- Integer4 notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 8 times, import refd 0 times Integer4 ::= INTEGER (0..2147483647) -- Interval notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times Interval ::= INTEGER (-1..60000) -- CallingPartysCategory notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times CallingPartysCategory ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) -- RedirectionInformation notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times RedirectionInformation ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) -- HighLayerCompatibility notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times HighLayerCompatibility ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (highLayerCompatibilityLength)) -- BothwayThroughConnectionInd notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times BothwayThroughConnectionInd ::= ENUMERATED { bothwayPathRequired (0), bothwayPathNotRequired (1) } -- TCInvokeIdSet notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times -- TCInvokeIdSet ::= INTEGER (-128..127) -- ExtensionSetExtensionType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times -- FIXME: add to decode this: ExtensionSetExtensionType ::= ANY -- ExtensionSetextensionId notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ExtensionSetextensionId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- Import from GSM MAP -- GSN-Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..17)) -- PDPType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 5 times, import refd 0 times -- Equivalent to EndUserAddress PDPType ::= SEQUENCE { pDPTypeOrganization [0] PDPTypeOrganization, pDPTypeNumber [1] PDPTypeNumber, pDPAddress [2] PDPAddress OPTIONAL } PDPTypeOrganization ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) PDPTypeNumber ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) PDPAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminPDPAddressLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxPDPAddressLength)) -- Indicates the PDPType, refer to 3GPP TS 29.060 for the encoding. -- The pDPTypeOrganization shall use the least significant 4 bits of the octet encoded. -- The sender of this parameter shall set the most significant 4 bit of the octet to 0. -- The receiver of this parameter shall ignore the most significant 4 bits of this octet. -- TS 29.060 "The PDP Type Organisation and PDP Type Number are encoded as in the End User Address information element." -- Code notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 63 times, import refd 0 times Code ::= CHOICE { local INTEGER, global OBJECT IDENTIFIER } -- PCS-Extensions notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times PCS-Extensions ::= SEQUENCE { foo INTEGER (0) OPTIONAL } -- MiscCallInfo notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 3 times, import refd 0 times MiscCallInfo ::= SEQUENCE { messageType [0] ENUMERATED { request (0), notification (1) } } -- SupportedExtensionsExtensionType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times SupportedExtensionsExtensionType ::= CHOICE { firstExtensionExtensionType NULL --, -- secondExtensionExtensionType NULL } -- PrivateExtension notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times PrivateExtension ::= SEQUENCE { extId ExtensionSetextensionId -- FIXME: add to decode this: extType ExtensionSetExtensionType OPTIONAL } FreeFormatData ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminSCIBillingChargingLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxSCIBillingChargingLength )) -- The endOfReplyDigit, cancelDigit, and startDigit parameters have been -- designated as OCTET STRING, and are to be encoded as BCD, one digit per octet -- only, contained in the four least significant bits of each OCTET. The following encoding shall -- be applied for the non-decimal characters: -- 1011 (*), 1100 (#). -- ApplyChargingReportArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CallresultoctetPDU ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminCallResultLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCallResultLength)) --ApplyChargingReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { -- callresultOctet CallresultoctetPDU -- } -- ( -- CONTAINING CamelCallResult -- ENCODED BY enc-BER -- ) -- CallResult type ApplyChargingReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { callresultOctet CAMEL-CallResult } -- CancelArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CancelArg ::= CHOICE { callInvokeID [0] InvokeID, allRequests [1] NULL, callSegmentToCancel [2] CallSegmentToCancel } CollectInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { extensions [0] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- FurnishChargingInformationArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times FurnishChargingInformationArg ::= CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics -- FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics type. -- ReleaseCallArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times -- ReleaseCallArg ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (minCauseLength..32)) ReleaseCallArg ::= Q850Cause Q850Cause ::=OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminCauseLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetminCauseLength)) -- Cause notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 10 times, import refd 0 times Cause ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (cAPSpecificBoundSetminCauseLength..cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCauseLength)) -- -- ReceivedInformationArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ReceivedInformationArg ::= CHOICE { digitsResponse [0] Digits } -- FurnishChargingInformationSMSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times FurnishChargingInformationSMSArg ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..225)) -- FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics type. -- ConnectGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ConnectGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { accessPointName [0] AccessPointName, pdpID [1] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } -- EntityReleasedGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times EntityReleasedGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { gPRSCause [0] GPRSCause, pDPID [1] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } -- ReleaseGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ReleaseGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { gprsCause [0] GPRSCause, pDPID [1] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } -- RequestReportGPRSEventArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times RequestReportGPRSEventArg ::= SEQUENCE { gPRSEvent [0] GPRSEventArray, pDPID [1] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } GPRSEventArray ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfGPRSEvents) OF GPRSEvent -- SendChargingInformationGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times SendChargingInformationGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { sCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics, ... } -- SubscriberState notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times SubscriberState ::= CHOICE { assumedIdle [0] NULL, camelBusy [1] NULL, netDetNotReachable NotReachableReason, notProvidedFromVLR [2] NULL } -- PrivateExtensionList notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times PrivateExtensionList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..maxNumOfPrivateExtensions) OF PrivateExtension -- ISDN-AddressString notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 9 times, import refd 0 times ISDN-AddressString ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..maxISDN-AddressLength)) -- LegID notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times LegID ::= CHOICE { sendingSideID [0] LegType, receivingSideID [1] LegType } VariablePartsArray ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..5) OF VariablePart -- InitialDPArgExtension notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times -- Updated from ETSI TS 129 078 V6.4.0 (2004-3GPP TS 29.078 version 6.4.0 Release 6 1 12) InitialDPArgExtension ::= SEQUENCE { gmscAddress [0] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, forwardingDestinationNumber [1] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, ms-Classmark2 [2] MS-Classmark2 OPTIONAL, iMEI [3] IMEI OPTIONAL, supportedCamelPhases [4] SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL, offeredCamel4Functionalities [5] OfferedCamel4Functionalities OPTIONAL, bearerCapability2 [6] BearerCapability OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode2 [7] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility2 [8] HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, lowLayerCompatibility [9] LowLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, lowLayerCompatibility2 [10] LowLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, ..., enhancedDialledServicesAllowed [11] NULL OPTIONAL, uu-Data [12] UU-Data OPTIONAL, collectInformationAllowed [13] NULL OPTIONAL } InitiateCallAttemptArg ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress, extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, legToBeCreated [5] LegID OPTIONAL, newCallSegment [6] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [30] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callReferenceNumber [51] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, gsmSCFAddress [52] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, suppress-T-CSI [53] NULL OPTIONAL, ... } InitiateCallAttemptRes ::= SEQUENCE { supportedCamelPhases [0] SupportedCamelPhases OPTIONAL, offeredCamel4Functionalities [1] OfferedCamel4Functionalities OPTIONAL, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } MoveLegArg ::= SEQUENCE{ legIDToMove [0] LegID, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } PlayToneArg ::= SEQUENCE { legOrCallSegment [0] LegOrCallSegment, bursts [1] Burst, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (5..7)) -- The 3GPP TS 29.078 standard, about cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI: -- "CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI and LSAIdentity are coded in accordance with -- 3GPP TS 29.002 [13]. -- sai-Present indicates that the cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI parameter contains -- a Service Area Identity." -- GPP TS 29.078 version 6.4.0 Release 6 has it as: -- CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength type or the LAIFixedLength type (i.e. excluding tags -- and lengths) as defined in 3GPP TS 29.002 [13]. -- sai-Present indicates that the cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI parameter contains -- a Service Area Identity. -- 3GPP TS 29.002 [13] gives the folowing coding for CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI: -- CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI ::= CHOICE { -- cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength [0] CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, -- laiFixedLength [1] LAIFixedLength -- } -- -- CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength ::= -- implement size < 8 -- -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (7)) -- This coding would disrupt the backward compatibillity, so the cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI -- parameter is set as an OCTET STRING, as it was in previous implementations. -- Local imports SupportedCamelPhases ::= BIT STRING { phase1 (0 ), phase2 (1 ), phase3 (2 ), phase4 (3 )} OfferedCamel4Functionalities ::= BIT STRING { initiateCallAttempt (0), splitLeg (1), moveLeg (2), disconnectLeg (3), entityReleased (4), dfc-WithArgument (5), playTone (6), dtmf-MidCall (7), chargingIndicator (8), alertingDP (9), locationAtAlerting (10), changeOfPositionDP (11), or-Interactions (12), warningToneEnhancements (13), cf-Enhancements (14), subscribedEnhancedDialledServices (15), servingNetworkEnhancedDialledServices (16), criteriaForChangeOfPositionDP (17), serviceChangeDP (18) } (SIZE (15..64)) -- A node supporting Camel phase 4 shall mark in the BIT STRING all CAMEL4 -- functionalities it offers. -- Other values than listed above shall be discarded. -- EventReportGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times EventReportGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { gPRSEventType [0] GPRSEventType, miscGPRSInfo [1] MiscCallInfo OPTIONAL, gPRSEventSpecificInformation [2] GPRSEventSpecificInformation OPTIONAL, pDPID [3] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } -- SupportedExtensionsid notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times SupportedExtensionsid ::= Code -- Creation d'un nouveau type : NomObjetClasse-NomChampsClasse -- -- ExtensionField notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 24 times, import refd 0 times ExtensionField ::= SEQUENCE { type SupportedExtensionsid, criticality CriticalityType DEFAULT ignore, value [1] SupportedExtensionsExtensionType, ... } -- ApplyChargingArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ApplyChargingArg ::= SEQUENCE { aChBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] AChBillingChargingCharacteristics, partyToCharge1 [2] SendingSideID DEFAULT '01'H, extensions [3] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, aChChargingAddress [50] AChChargingAddress, ... } ExtensionsArray ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfExtensions) OF ExtensionField -- AssistRequestInstructionsArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times AssistRequestInstructionsArg ::= SEQUENCE { correlationID [0] CorrelationID, iPSSPCapabilities [2] IPSSPCapabilities, extensions [3] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- CallInformationRequestArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CallInformationRequestArg ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationTypeList [0] RequestedInformationTypeList, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, legID3 [3] SendingSideID OPTIONAL, ... } -- ConnectArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ConnectArg ::= SEQUENCE { destinationRoutingAddress [0] DestinationRoutingAddress, alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [6] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, extensions [10] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, carrier [11] Carrier OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [28] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, genericNumbers [14] GenericNumbers OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [15] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [19] ChargeNumber OPTIONAL, legToBeConnected [21] LegID OPTIONAL, cug-Interlock [31] CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, cug-OutgoingAccess [32] NULL OPTIONAL, suppressionOfAnnouncement [55] SuppressionOfAnnouncement OPTIONAL, oCSIApplicable [56] OCSIApplicable OPTIONAL, naOliInfo [57] NAOliInfo OPTIONAL, bor-InterrogationRequested [58] NULL OPTIONAL, ..., suppress-N-CSI [59] NULL OPTIONAL } -- ConnectToResourceArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ConnectToResourceArg ::= SEQUENCE { resourceAddress CHOICE { ipRoutingAddress [0] IPRoutingAddress, none [3] NULL }, extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [7] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [50] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, ... } -- ContinueWithArgumentArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ContinueWithArgumentArg ::= SEQUENCE { alertingPattern [1] AlertingPattern OPTIONAL, extensions [6] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [7] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [12] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, genericNumbers [16] GenericNumbers OPTIONAL, cug-Interlock [17] CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, cug-OutgoingAccess [18] NULL OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [50] ChargeNumber OPTIONAL, carrier [52] Carrier OPTIONAL, suppressionOfAnnouncement [55] SuppressionOfAnnouncement OPTIONAL, naOliInfo [56] NAOliInfo OPTIONAL, bor-InterrogationRequested [57] NULL OPTIONAL, suppress-O-CSI [58] NULL OPTIONAL, continueWithArgumentArgExtension [59] ContinueWithArgumentArgExtension OPTIONAL, ... } ContinueWithArgumentArgExtension ::= SEQUENCE { suppress-D-CSI [0] NULL OPTIONAL, suppress-N-CSI [1] NULL OPTIONAL, suppressOutgoingCallBarring [2] NULL OPTIONAL, legOrCallSegment [3] LegOrCallSegment OPTIONAL, ... } DisconnectLegArg ::= SEQUENCE { legToBeReleased [0] LegID, releaseCause [1] Cause OPTIONAL, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } EntityReleasedArg ::= CHOICE { callSegmentFailure [0] CallSegmentFailure, bCSM-Failure [1] BCSM-Failure } DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg ::= SEQUENCE { callSegmentID [1] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg ::= SEQUENCE { assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress [0] AssistingSSPIPRoutingAddress, correlationID [1] CorrelationID OPTIONAL, scfID [3] ScfID OPTIONAL, extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, carrier [5] Carrier OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [6] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [7] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, naOliInfo [50] NAOliInfo OPTIONAL, chargeNumber [51] ChargeNumber OPTIONAL, ..., originalCalledPartyID [52] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [53] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL } -- EventReportBCSMArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times EventReportBCSMArg ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeBCSM [0] EventTypeBCSM, eventSpecificInformationBCSM [2] EventSpecificInformationBCSM OPTIONAL, legID4 [3] ReceivingSideID OPTIONAL, miscCallInfo [4] MiscCallInfo OPTIONAL, extensions [5] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- ResetTimerArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ResetTimerArg ::= SEQUENCE { timerID [0] TimerID DEFAULT tssf, timervalue [1] TimerValue, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [3] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, ... } -- SendChargingInformationArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times SendChargingInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics [0] SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics, partyToCharge2 [1] SendingSideID, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } SplitLegArg ::= SEQUENCE { legToBeSplit [0] LegID, newCallSegment [1] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } CAPGPRSReferenceNumber ::= SEQUENCE { destinationReference [0] EXPLICIT Integer4 OPTIONAL, originationReference [1] EXPLICIT Integer4 OPTIONAL } -- EventReportSMSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times EventReportSMSArg ::= SEQUENCE { eventTypeSMS [0] EventTypeSMS, eventSpecificInformationSMS [1] EventSpecificInformationSMS OPTIONAL, miscCallInfo [2] MiscCallInfo OPTIONAL, extensions [10] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- ResetTimerSMSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ResetTimerSMSArg ::= SEQUENCE { timerID [0] TimerID DEFAULT tssf, timervalue [1] TimerValue, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- RequestReportBCSMEventArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times RequestReportBCSMEventArg ::= SEQUENCE { bcsmEvents [0] BCSMEventArray, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } BCSMEventArray ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfBCSMEvents) OF BCSMEvent -- ConnectSMSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times ConnectSMSArg ::= SEQUENCE { callingPartysNumber [0] SMS-AddressString OPTIONAL, destinationSubscriberNumber [1] CalledPartyBCDNumber OPTIONAL, sMSCAddress [2] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, extensions [10] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- CallInformationReportArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CallInformationReportArg ::= SEQUENCE { requestedInformationList [0] RequestedInformationList, extensions [2] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, legID5 [3] ReceivingSideID OPTIONAL, ... } -- PlayAnnouncementArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times PlayAnnouncementArg ::= SEQUENCE { informationToSend [0] InformationToSend, disconnectFromIPForbidden [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, requestAnnouncementComplete [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, extensions [3] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [5] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, requestAnnouncementStartedNotification [51] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, ... } -- PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg ::= SEQUENCE { collectedInfo [0] CollectedInfo, disconnectFromIPForbidden [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, informationToSend [2] InformationToSend OPTIONAL, extensions [3] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, callSegmentID [5] CallSegmentID OPTIONAL, requestAnnouncementStartedNotification [51] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, ... } --furnishChargingInformationGPRS {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} OPERATION ::= { -- ARGUMENT FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg {bound} -- RETURN RESULT FALSE -- ERRORS {missingParameter | -- taskRefused | -- unexpectedComponentSequence | -- unexpectedDataValue | -- unexpectedParameter | -- unknownPDPID} -- CODE opcode-furnishChargingInformationGPRS} -- Direction: gsmSCF -> gprsSSF, Timer: Tfcig -- This operation is used to request the gprsSSF to generate, register a logical record or to -- include some information in the default logical GPRS record. -- The registered logical record is intended for off line charging of the GPRS session -- or PDP Context. -- FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= -- FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics{bound} FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg ::= FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics -- InitialDPGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times InitialDPGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey, gPRSEventType [1] GPRSEventType, mSISDN [2] ISDN-AddressString, iMSI [3] IMSI, timeAndTimeZone [4] TimeAndTimezone, gPRSMSClass [5] GPRSMSClass OPTIONAL, pDPType [6] PDPType OPTIONAL, qualityOfService [7] QualityOfService OPTIONAL, accessPointName [8] AccessPointName OPTIONAL, routeingAreaIdentity [9] RAIdentity OPTIONAL, chargingID [10] GPRSChargingID OPTIONAL, sGSNCapabilities [11] SGSNCapabilities OPTIONAL, locationInformationGPRS [12] LocationInformationGPRS OPTIONAL, pDPInitiationType [13] PDPInitiationType OPTIONAL, extensions [14] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ..., gGSNAddress [15] GSN-Address OPTIONAL, secondaryPDPContext [16] NULL OPTIONAL, iMEI [17] IMEI OPTIONAL } -- CallGapArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times CallGapArg ::= SEQUENCE { gapCriteria [0] GapCriteria, gapIndicators [1] GapIndicators, controlType [2] ControlType OPTIONAL, gapTreatment [3] GapTreatment OPTIONAL, extensions [4] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } -- InitialDPArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times InitialDPArg ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey, calledPartyNumber [2] CalledPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumber [3] CallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartysCategory [5] CallingPartysCategory OPTIONAL, cGEncountered [7] CGEncountered OPTIONAL, iPSSPCapabilities [8] IPSSPCapabilities OPTIONAL, locationNumber [10] LocationNumber OPTIONAL, originalCalledPartyID [12] OriginalCalledPartyID OPTIONAL, extensions [15] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, highLayerCompatibility [23] HighLayerCompatibility OPTIONAL, additionalCallingPartyNumber [25] AdditionalCallingPartyNumber OPTIONAL, bearerCapability [27] BearerCapability OPTIONAL, eventTypeBCSM [28] EventTypeBCSM OPTIONAL, redirectingPartyID [29] RedirectingPartyID OPTIONAL, redirectionInformation [30] RedirectionInformation OPTIONAL, cause [17] Cause OPTIONAL, serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo [32] ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo OPTIONAL, carrier [37] Carrier OPTIONAL, cug-Index [45] CUG-Index OPTIONAL, cug-Interlock [46] CUG-Interlock OPTIONAL, cug-OutgoingAccess [47] NULL OPTIONAL, iMSI [50] IMSI OPTIONAL, subscriberState [51] SubscriberState OPTIONAL, locationInformation [52] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, ext-basicServiceCode [53] Ext-BasicServiceCode OPTIONAL, callReferenceNumber [54] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, mscAddress [55] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, calledPartyBCDNumber [56] CalledPartyBCDNumber OPTIONAL, timeAndTimezone [57] TimeAndTimezone OPTIONAL, gsm-ForwardingPending [58] NULL OPTIONAL, initialDPArgExtension [59] InitialDPArgExtension OPTIONAL, ... } -- InitialDPSMSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times InitialDPSMSArg ::= SEQUENCE { serviceKey [0] ServiceKey, destinationSubscriberNumber [1] CalledPartyBCDNumber OPTIONAL, callingPartyNumberas [2] SMS-AddressString OPTIONAL, eventTypeSMS [3] EventTypeSMS OPTIONAL, iMSI [4] IMSI OPTIONAL, locationInformationMSC [5] LocationInformation OPTIONAL, locationInformationGPRS [6] LocationInformationGPRS OPTIONAL, sMSCAddress [7] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, timeAndTimezone [8] TimeAndTimezone OPTIONAL, tPShortMessageSpecificInfo [9] TPShortMessageSpecificInfo OPTIONAL, tPProtocolIdentifier [10] TPProtocolIdentifier OPTIONAL, tPDataCodingScheme [11] TPDataCodingScheme OPTIONAL, tPValidityPeriod [12] TPValidityPeriod OPTIONAL, extensions [13] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ..., smsReferenceNumber [14] CallReferenceNumber OPTIONAL, mscAddress [15] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, sgsnNumber [16] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL, ms-Classmark2 [17] MS-Classmark2 OPTIONAL, gPRSMSClass [18] GPRSMSClass OPTIONAL, iMEI [19] IMEI OPTIONAL, calledPartyNumberSMS [20] ISDN-AddressString OPTIONAL } -- ReleaseSMSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times ReleaseSMSArg ::= RPCause -- RequestReportSMSEventArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 1 times, import refd 0 times RequestReportSMSEventArg ::= SEQUENCE { sMSEvents [0] SMSEventArray, extensions [10] ExtensionsArray OPTIONAL, ... } SMSEventArray ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfSMSEvents) OF SMSEvent -- ExtensionContainer notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times ExtensionContainer ::= SEQUENCE { privateExtensionList [0] PrivateExtensionList OPTIONAL, pcs-Extensions [1] PCS-Extensions OPTIONAL } -- ApplyChargingGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times ApplyChargingGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { chargingCharacteristics [0] ChargingCharacteristics, tariffSwitchInterval [1] INTEGER (1..86400) OPTIONAL, pDPID [2] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } -- CriticalityType notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 2 times, import refd 0 times CriticalityType ::= ENUMERATED { ignore (0), abort (1) } -- ApplyChargingReportGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times ApplyChargingReportGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { chargingResult [0] ChargingResult, qualityOfService [1] QualityOfService OPTIONAL, active [2] BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, pDPID [3] PDPId OPTIONAL, ..., chargingRollOver [4] ChargingRollOver OPTIONAL } -- CancelGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times CancelGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { pDPID [0] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } -- ContinueGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times ContinueGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { pDPID [0] PDPId OPTIONAL, ... } -- ResetTimerGPRSArg notes: not recursive, exported, -- locally refd 0 times, import refd 0 times ResetTimerGPRSArg ::= SEQUENCE { timerID [0] TimerID DEFAULT tssf, timervalue [1] TimerValue, ... } -- ############################# -- Definition of range constants -- ############################# leg1 LegType ::= '01'H leg2 LegType ::= '02'H numOfInfoItems INTEGER ::= 4 opcode-initialDP Code ::= 0 opcode-assistRequestInstructions Code ::= 16 opcode-establishTemporaryConnection Code ::= 17 opcode-disconnectForwardConnection Code ::= 18 opcode-dFCWithArgument Code ::= 86 opcode-connectToResource Code ::= 19 opcode-connect Code ::= 20 opcode-releaseCall Code ::= 22 opcode-requestReportBCSMEvent Code ::= 23 opcode-eventReportBCSM Code ::= 24 opcode-collectInformation Code ::= 27 opcode-continue Code ::= 31 opcode-initiateCallAttempt Code ::= 32 -- opcode-continueWithArgument Code ::= 56 (should be 88) opcode-resetTimer Code ::= 33 opcode-furnishChargingInformation Code ::= 34 opcode-applyCharging Code ::= 35 opcode-applyChargingReport Code ::= 36 opcode-callGap Code ::= 41 opcode-callInformationReport Code ::= 44 opcode-callInformationRequest Code ::= 45 opcode-sendChargingInformation Code ::= 46 opcode-playAnnouncement Code ::= 47 opcode-promptAndCollectUserInformation Code ::= 48 opcode-specializedResourceReport Code ::= 49 opcode-cancel Code ::= 53 opcode-activityTest Code ::= 55 opcode-initialDPSMS Code ::= 60 opcode-furnishChargingInformationSMS Code ::= 61 opcode-connectSMS Code ::= 62 opcode-requestReportSMSEvent Code ::= 63 opcode-eventReportSMS Code ::= 64 opcode-continueSMS Code ::= 65 opcode-releaseSMS Code ::= 66 opcode-resetTimerSMS Code ::= 67 opcode-activityTestGPRS Code ::= 70 opcode-applyChargingGPRS Code ::= 71 opcode-applyChargingReportGPRS Code ::= 72 opcode-cancelGPRS Code ::= 73 opcode-connectGPRS Code ::= 74 opcode-continueGPRS Code ::= 75 opcode-entityReleasedGPRS Code ::= 76 opcode-furnishChargingInformationGPRS Code ::= 77 opcode-initialDPGPRS Code ::= 78 opcode-releaseGPRS Code ::= 79 opcode-eventReportGPRS Code ::= 80 opcode-requestReportGPRSEvent Code ::= 81 opcode-resetTimerGPRS Code ::= 82 opcode-sendChargingInformationGPRS Code ::= 83 opcode-continueWithArgument Code ::= 88 opcode-disconnectLeg Code ::= 90 opcode-moveLeg Code ::= 93 opcode-splitLeg Code ::= 95 opcode-entityReleased Code ::= 96 opcode-playTone Code ::= 97 errcode-canceled Code ::= 0 errcode-cancelFailed Code ::= 1 errcode-eTCFailed Code ::= 3 errcode-improperCallerResponse Code ::= 4 errcode-missingCustomerRecord Code ::= 6 errcode-missingParameter Code ::= 7 errcode-parameterOutOfRange Code ::= 8 errcode-requestedInfoError Code ::= 10 errcode-systemFailure Code ::= 11 errcode-taskRefused Code ::= 12 errcode-unavailableResource Code ::= 13 errcode-unexpectedComponentSequence Code ::= 14 errcode-unexpectedDataValue Code ::= 15 errcode-unexpectedParameter Code ::= 16 errcode-unknownLegID Code ::= 17 errcode-unknownPDPId Code ::= 50 errcode-unknownCSId Code ::= 51 --cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfExtensions INTEGER ::= 10 maxNumOfPrivateExtensions INTEGER ::= 10 --cAPSpecificBoundSetminCalledPartyBCDNumberLength INTEGER ::= 1 --cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCalledPartyBCDNumberLength INTEGER ::= 41 maxISDN-AddressLength INTEGER ::= 9 -- for AddressString maxAddressLength INTEGER ::= 20 highLayerCompatibilityLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetminAccessPointNameLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxAccessPointNameLength INTEGER ::= 100 cAPSpecificBoundSetminAChBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 5 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxAChBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 177 cAPSpecificBoundSetminAttributesLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxAttributesLength INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxBearerCapabilityLength INTEGER ::= 11 cAPSpecificBoundSetminCalledPartyBCDNumberLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCalledPartyBCDNumberLength INTEGER ::= 41 cAPSpecificBoundSetminCalledPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCalledPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 18 cAPSpecificBoundSetminCallingPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCallingPartyNumberLength INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetminCallResultLength INTEGER ::= 12 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCallResultLength INTEGER ::= 193 cAPSpecificBoundSetminCarrierLength INTEGER ::= 4 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCarrierLength INTEGER ::= 4 cAPSpecificBoundSetminCauseLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxCauseLength INTEGER ::= 32 cAPSpecificBoundSetminDigitsLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxDigitsLength INTEGER ::= 16 cAPSpecificBoundSetminFCIBillingChargingDataLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxFCIBillingChargingDataLength INTEGER ::= 160 cAPSpecificBoundSetminFCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 5 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxFCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 225 cAPSpecificBoundSetminGenericNumberLength INTEGER ::= 3 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxGenericNumberLength INTEGER ::= 11 cAPSpecificBoundSetminGPRSCauseLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxGPRSCauseLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetminIPSSPCapabilitiesLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxIPSSPCapabilitiesLength INTEGER ::= 4 cAPSpecificBoundSetminLocationNumberLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxLocationNumberLength INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetminLowLayerCompatibilityLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxLowLayerCompatibilityLength INTEGER ::= 16 cAPSpecificBoundSetminMessageContentLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxMessageContentLength INTEGER ::= 127 cAPSpecificBoundSetminOriginalCalledPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxOriginalCalledPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetminPDPAddressLength INTEGER ::= 1 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxPDPAddressLength INTEGER ::= 63 cAPSpecificBoundSetminRedirectingPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxRedirectingPartyIDLength INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetminScfIDLength INTEGER ::= 2 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxScfIDLength INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetminSCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 4 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxSCIBillingChargingLength INTEGER ::= 225 cAPSpecificBoundSetminTimeAndTimezoneLength INTEGER ::= 8 cAPSpecificBoundSetmaxTimeAndTimezoneLength INTEGER ::= 8 cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfBCSMEvents INTEGER ::= 30 cAPSpecificBoundsSetnumOfChangeOfPositionControlInfo INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundsSetnumOfCSs INTEGER ::= 127 cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfSMSEvents INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfGPRSEvents INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfExtensions INTEGER ::= 10 cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfGenericNumbers INTEGER ::= 5 cAPSpecificBoundSetnumOfMessageIDs INTEGER ::= 16 END -- ############################# -- CAP ErrorTypes -- ############################# CAP-errortypes --{ccitt(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) umts-network(1) modules(3) cap-errortypes(51) version3(2)} -- This module contains the type definitions for the CAP Error Types. -- Where a parameter of type CHOICE is tagged with a specific tag value, the tag is automatically -- replaced with an EXPLICIT tag of the same value. DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- TYPE DEFINITION FOR CAP ERROR TYPES FOLLOWS --cancelFailed ERROR -- PARAMETER CancelFailedPARAM ::= SEQUENCE { cancelproblem [0] ENUMERATED { unknownOperation (0), tooLate (1), operationNotCancellable (2) }, operation [1] InvokeID } -- The operation failed to be canceled. --requestedInfoError ERROR ::= { -- PARAMETER RequestedInfoErrorPARAM ::= ENUMERATED { unknownRequestedInfo (1), requestedInfoNotAvailable (2) } -- The requested information cannot be found. SystemFailurePARAM ::= UnavailableNetworkResource -- The operation could not be completed due to a system failure at the serving physical entity. --taskRefused ERROR ::= { -- PARAMETER TaskRefusedPARAM ::= ENUMERATED { generic (0), unobtainable (1), congestion (2) } -- An entity normally capable of the task requested cannot or chooses not to perform the task at -- this time. This includes error situations like congestion and unobtainable address as used in -- e.g. the connect operation.) END