/* packet-camel-template.c * Routines for Camel * Copyright 2004, Tim Endean * Copyright 2005, Olivier Jacques * Copyright 2005, Javier Acuna * Updated to ETSI TS 129 078 V6.4.0 (2004-3GPP TS 29.078 version 6.4.0 Release 6 1 12) * Copyright 2005-2010, Anders Broman * Updated to 3GPP TS 29.078 version 7.3.0 Release 7 (2006-06) * Built from the gsm-map dissector Copyright 2004, Anders Broman * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * References: ETSI 300 374 */ /* * Indentation logic: this file is indented with 2 spaces indentation. * there are no tabs. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "packet-ber.h" #include "packet-camel.h" #include "packet-q931.h" #include "packet-e164.h" #include "packet-isup.h" #include "packet-gsm_map.h" #include "packet-gsm_a_common.h" #include "packet-inap.h" #include "packet-tcap.h" #define PNAME "Camel" #define PSNAME "CAMEL" #define PFNAME "camel" /* Initialize the protocol and registered fields */ static int proto_camel = -1; int date_format = 1; /*assume european date format */ int camel_tap = -1; /* Global variables */ static guint32 opcode=0; static guint32 errorCode=0; static guint32 camel_ver = 0; /* When several Camel components are received in a single TCAP message, we have to use several buffers for the stored parameters because else this data are erased during TAP dissector call */ #define MAX_CAMEL_INSTANCE 10 static int camelsrt_global_current=0; static struct camelsrt_info_t camelsrt_global_info[MAX_CAMEL_INSTANCE]; /* ROSE context */ static rose_ctx_t camel_rose_ctx; static int hf_digit = -1; static int hf_camel_extension_code_local = -1; static int hf_camel_error_code_local = -1; static int hf_camel_cause_indicator = -1; static int hf_camel_PDPTypeNumber_etsi = -1; static int hf_camel_PDPTypeNumber_ietf = -1; static int hf_camel_PDPAddress_IPv4 = -1; static int hf_camel_PDPAddress_IPv6 = -1; static int hf_camel_cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength = -1; static int hf_camel_RP_Cause = -1; static int hf_camel_CAMEL_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1; static int hf_camel_CAMEL_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1; static int hf_camel_CAMEL_FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1; static int hf_camel_CAMEL_FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1; static int hf_camel_CAMEL_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1; static int hf_camel_CAMEL_SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics = -1; static int hf_camel_CAMEL_CallResult = -1; /* Used by persistent data */ static int hf_camelsrt_SessionId=-1; //static int hf_camelsrt_RequestNumber=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_Duplicate=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_RequestFrame=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_ResponseFrame=-1; //static int hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime=-1; //static int hf_camelsrt_SessionTime=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime31=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime75=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime65=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime22=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime35=-1; static int hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime80=-1; static int hf_camel_timeandtimezone_time = -1; static int hf_camel_timeandtimezone_tz = -1; #include "packet-camel-hf.c" static struct camelsrt_info_t * gp_camelsrt_info; /* Forward declarations */ static int dissect_invokeData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,asn1_ctx_t *actx); static int dissect_returnResultData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,asn1_ctx_t *actx); static int dissect_returnErrorData(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset,asn1_ctx_t *actx); static int dissect_camel_CAMEL_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics(bool implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_); static int dissect_camel_CAMEL_AChBillingChargingCharacteristicsV2(bool implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_); static int dissect_camel_CAMEL_CallResult(bool implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_); static int dissect_camel_EstablishTemporaryConnectionArgV2(bool implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_); static int dissect_camel_SpecializedResourceReportArgV23(bool implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_); /* XXX - can we get rid of these and always do the SRT work? */ static gboolean gcamel_PersistentSRT=FALSE; static gboolean gcamel_DisplaySRT=FALSE; gboolean gcamel_StatSRT=FALSE; /* Initialize the subtree pointers */ static gint ett_camel = -1; static gint ett_camelisup_parameter = -1; static gint ett_camel_AccessPointName = -1; static gint ett_camel_pdptypenumber = -1; static gint ett_camel_cause = -1; static gint ett_camel_RPcause = -1; static gint ett_camel_stat = -1; static gint ett_camel_calledpartybcdnumber = -1; static gint ett_camel_callingpartynumber = -1; static gint ett_camel_originalcalledpartyid = -1; static gint ett_camel_redirectingpartyid = -1; static gint ett_camel_locationnumber = -1; static gint ett_camel_additionalcallingpartynumber = -1; static gint ett_camel_calledAddressValue = -1; static gint ett_camel_callingAddressValue = -1; static gint ett_camel_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress = -1; static gint ett_camel_correlationID = -1; static gint ett_camel_dTMFDigitsCompleted = -1; static gint ett_camel_dTMFDigitsTimeOut = -1; static gint ett_camel_number = -1; static gint ett_camel_digitsResponse = -1; static gint ett_camel_timeandtimezone = -1; #include "packet-camel-ett.c" static expert_field ei_camel_unknown_invokeData = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_camel_unknown_returnResultData = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_camel_unknown_returnErrorData = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_camel_par_wrong_length = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_camel_bcd_not_digit = EI_INIT; /* Preference settings default */ #define MAX_SSN 254 static range_t *global_ssn_range; static dissector_handle_t camel_handle; static dissector_handle_t camel_v1_handle; static dissector_handle_t camel_v2_handle; static dissector_handle_t camel_v3_handle; static dissector_handle_t camel_v4_handle; /* Global variables */ static guint8 PDPTypeOrganization; static guint8 PDPTypeNumber; const char *camel_obj_id = NULL; gboolean is_ExtensionField =FALSE; /* Global hash tables*/ static wmem_map_t *srt_calls = NULL; static guint32 camelsrt_global_SessionId=1; static int camel_opcode_type; #define CAMEL_OPCODE_INVOKE 1 #define CAMEL_OPCODE_RETURN_RESULT 2 #define CAMEL_OPCODE_RETURN_ERROR 3 #define CAMEL_OPCODE_REJECT 4 static const value_string camel_Component_vals[] = { { 1, "invoke" }, { 2, "returnResultLast" }, { 3, "returnError" }, { 4, "reject" }, { 0, NULL } }; const value_string camelSRTtype_naming[]= { { CAMELSRT_SESSION, "TCAP_Session" }, { CAMELSRT_VOICE_INITIALDP, "InitialDP/Continue" }, { CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1, "Slice1_ACR/ACH" }, { CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2, "Slice2_ACR/ACH" }, { CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3, "Slice3_ACR/ACH" }, { CAMELSRT_VOICE_DISC, "EvtRepBSCM/Release" }, { CAMELSRT_SMS_INITIALDP, "InitialDP/ContinueSMS" }, { CAMELSRT_GPRS_INITIALDP, "InitialDP/ContinueGPRS" }, { CAMELSRT_GPRS_REPORT, "EvtRepGPRS/ContinueGPRS" }, { 0,NULL} }; #define EUROPEAN_DATE 1 #define AMERICAN_DATE 2 #define CAMEL_DATE_AND_TIME_LEN 20 /* 2*5 + 4 + 5 + 1 (HH:MM:SS;mm/dd/yyyy) */ static const enum_val_t date_options[] = { { "european", "DD/MM/YYYY", EUROPEAN_DATE }, { "american", "MM/DD/YYYY", AMERICAN_DATE }, { NULL, NULL, 0 } }; static const value_string digit_value[] = { { 0, "0"}, { 1, "1"}, { 2, "2"}, { 3, "3"}, { 4, "4"}, { 5, "5"}, { 6, "6"}, { 7, "7"}, { 8, "8"}, { 9, "9"}, { 10, "spare"}, { 11, "spare"}, { 12, "spare"}, { 13, "spare"}, { 0, NULL} }; #if 0 static const value_string camel_nature_of_addr_indicator_values[] = { { 0x00, "unknown" }, { 0x01, "International Number" }, { 0x02, "National Significant Number" }, { 0x03, "Network Specific Number" }, { 0x04, "Subscriber Number" }, { 0x05, "Reserved" }, { 0x06, "Abbreviated Number" }, { 0x07, "Reserved for extension" }, { 0, NULL } }; static const value_string camel_number_plan_values[] = { { 0x00, "unknown" }, { 0x01, "ISDN/Telephony Numbering (Rec ITU-T E.164)" }, { 0x02, "spare" }, { 0x03, "Data Numbering (ITU-T Rec. X.121)" }, { 0x04, "Telex Numbering (ITU-T Rec. F.69)" }, { 0x05, "spare" }, { 0x06, "Land Mobile Numbering (ITU-T Rec. E.212)" }, { 0x07, "spare" }, { 0x08, "National Numbering" }, { 0x09, "Private Numbering" }, { 0x0f, "Reserved for extension" }, { 0, NULL } }; #endif /* End includes from old" packet-camel.c */ static const value_string camel_RP_Cause_values[] = { { 1, "Unassigned (unallocated) number" }, { 8, "Operator determined barring" }, { 10, "Call barred" }, { 11, "Reserved" }, { 21, "Short message transfer rejected" }, { 27, "Destination out of order" }, { 28, "Unidentified subscriber" }, { 29, "Facility Rejected" }, { 30, "Unknown subscriber" }, { 38, "Network out of order" }, { 41, "Temporary failure" }, { 42, "Congestion" }, { 47, "Resources unavailable, unspecified" }, { 50, "Requested facility not subscribed" }, { 69, "Requested facility not implemented" }, { 81, "Invalid short message transfer reference value" }, { 95, "Semantically incorrect message" }, { 96, "Invalid mandatory information" }, { 97, " Message Type non-existent or not implemented" }, { 98, "Message not compatible with short message protocol state" }, { 99, "Information element non existent or not implemented" }, { 111, "Protocol error, unspecified" }, { 127, "Interworking, unspecified" }, { 22,"Memory capacity exceeded" }, { 0, NULL } }; static const value_string camel_holdTreatmentIndicator_values[] = { { 0x01, "acceptHoldRequest" }, { 0x02, "rejectHoldRequest" }, { 0, NULL } }; static const value_string camel_cwTreatmentIndicator_values[] = { { 0x01, "acceptCw" }, { 0x02, "rejectCw" }, { 0, NULL } }; static const value_string camel_ectTreatmentIndicator_values[] = { { 0x01, "acceptEctRequest" }, { 0x02, "rejectEctRequest" }, { 0, NULL } }; #include "packet-camel-val.h" #include "packet-camel-table.c" /* * DEBUG fonctions */ #undef DEBUG_CAMELSRT /* #define DEBUG_CAMELSRT */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT #include #include static guint debug_level = 99; static void dbg(guint level, char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (level > debug_level) return; va_start(ap,fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } #endif static void camelstat_init(struct register_srt* srt _U_, GArray* srt_array) { srt_stat_table *camel_srt_table; gchar* tmp_str; guint32 i; camel_srt_table = init_srt_table("CAMEL Commands", NULL, srt_array, NB_CAMELSRT_CATEGORY, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (i = 0; i < NB_CAMELSRT_CATEGORY; i++) { tmp_str = val_to_str_wmem(NULL,i,camelSRTtype_naming,"Unknown (%d)"); init_srt_table_row(camel_srt_table, i, tmp_str); wmem_free(NULL, tmp_str); } } static tap_packet_status camelstat_packet(void *pcamel, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *psi, tap_flags_t flags _U_) { guint idx = 0; srt_stat_table *camel_srt_table; const struct camelsrt_info_t * pi=(const struct camelsrt_info_t *)psi; srt_data_t *data = (srt_data_t *)pcamel; int i; for (i=1; ibool_msginfo[i] && pi->msginfo[i].is_delta_time && pi->msginfo[i].request_available && !pi->msginfo[i].is_duplicate ) { camel_srt_table = g_array_index(data->srt_array, srt_stat_table*, idx); add_srt_table_data(camel_srt_table, i, &pi->msginfo[i].req_time, pinfo); } } /* category */ return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW; } static char camel_number_to_char(int number) { if (number < 10) return (char) (number + 48 ); /* this is ASCII specific */ else return (char) (number + 55 ); } /* * 24.011 */ static guint8 dissect_RP_cause_ie(tvbuff_t *tvb, guint32 offset, _U_ guint len, proto_tree *tree, int hf_cause_value, guint8 *cause_value) { guint8 oct; guint32 curr_offset; curr_offset = offset; oct = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, curr_offset); *cause_value = oct & 0x7f; proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_cause_value, tvb, curr_offset, 1, oct); curr_offset++; if ((oct & 0x80)) { oct = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, curr_offset); proto_tree_add_uint_format(tree, hf_cause_value, tvb, curr_offset, 1, oct, "Diagnostic : %u", oct); curr_offset++; } return(curr_offset - offset); } static int dissect_camel_InitialDPArgExtensionV2(bool implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, int offset _U_, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_, proto_tree *tree _U_, int hf_index _U_); #include "packet-camel-fn.c" #include "packet-camel-table2.c" /* * Functions needed for Hash-Table */ /* compare 2 keys */ static gint camelsrt_call_equal(gconstpointer k1, gconstpointer k2) { const struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *key1 = (const struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *) k1; const struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *key2 = (const struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *) k2; return (key1->SessionIdKey == key2->SessionIdKey) ; } /* calculate a hash key */ static guint camelsrt_call_hash(gconstpointer k) { const struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *key = (const struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *) k; return key->SessionIdKey; } /* * Find the dialog by Key and Time */ static struct camelsrt_call_t * find_camelsrt_call(struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *p_camelsrt_call_key) { struct camelsrt_call_t *p_camelsrt_call = NULL; p_camelsrt_call = (struct camelsrt_call_t *)wmem_map_lookup(srt_calls, p_camelsrt_call_key); #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT if(p_camelsrt_call) { dbg(10,"D%d ", p_camelsrt_call->session_id); } else { dbg(23,"Not in hash "); } #endif return p_camelsrt_call; } /* * Initialize the data per call for the Service Response Time Statistics * Data are linked to a Camel operation in a TCAP transaction */ static void raz_camelsrt_call (struct camelsrt_call_t *p_camelsrt_call) { memset(p_camelsrt_call,0,sizeof(struct camelsrt_call_t)); } /* * New record to create, to identify a new transaction */ static struct camelsrt_call_t * new_camelsrt_call(struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *p_camelsrt_call_key) { struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t *p_new_camelsrt_call_key; struct camelsrt_call_t *p_new_camelsrt_call = NULL; /* Register the transaction in the hash table with the tcap transaction Id as main Key Once created, this entry will be updated later */ p_new_camelsrt_call_key = wmem_new(wmem_file_scope(), struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t); p_new_camelsrt_call_key->SessionIdKey = p_camelsrt_call_key->SessionIdKey; p_new_camelsrt_call = wmem_new(wmem_file_scope(), struct camelsrt_call_t); raz_camelsrt_call(p_new_camelsrt_call); p_new_camelsrt_call->session_id = camelsrt_global_SessionId++; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(10,"D%d ", p_new_camelsrt_call->session_id); #endif /* store it */ wmem_map_insert(srt_calls, p_new_camelsrt_call_key, p_new_camelsrt_call); return p_new_camelsrt_call; } /* * Routine called when the TAP is initialized. * so hash table are (re)created */ static void camelsrt_init_routine(void) { /* Reset the session counter */ camelsrt_global_SessionId=1; /* The Display of SRT is enable * 1) For wireshark only if Persistent Stat is enable * 2) For Tshark, if the SRT CLI tap is registered */ gcamel_DisplaySRT=gcamel_PersistentSRT || gcamel_StatSRT; } /* * Update a record with the data of the Request */ static void update_camelsrt_call(struct camelsrt_call_t *p_camelsrt_call, packet_info *pinfo, guint msg_category) { p_camelsrt_call->category[msg_category].req_num = pinfo->num; p_camelsrt_call->category[msg_category].rsp_num = 0; p_camelsrt_call->category[msg_category].responded = FALSE; p_camelsrt_call->category[msg_category].req_time = pinfo->abs_ts; } /* * Update the Camel session info, and close the session. * Then remove the associated context, if we do not have persistentSRT enable */ static void camelsrt_close_call_matching(packet_info *pinfo, struct camelsrt_info_t *p_camelsrt_info) { struct camelsrt_call_t *p_camelsrt_call; struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t camelsrt_call_key; nstime_t delta; p_camelsrt_info->bool_msginfo[CAMELSRT_SESSION]=TRUE; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(10,"\n Session end #%u\n", pinfo->num); #endif /* look only for matching request, if matching conversation is available. */ camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey = p_camelsrt_info->tcap_session_id; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(11,"Search key %lu ",camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey); #endif p_camelsrt_call = find_camelsrt_call(&camelsrt_call_key); if(p_camelsrt_call) { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(12,"Found "); #endif /* Calculate Service Response Time */ nstime_delta(&delta, &pinfo->abs_ts, &p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_SESSION].req_time); p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_SESSION].responded = TRUE; p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[CAMELSRT_SESSION].request_available = TRUE; p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[CAMELSRT_SESSION].is_delta_time = TRUE; p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[CAMELSRT_SESSION].delta_time = delta; /* give it to tap */ p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[CAMELSRT_SESSION].req_time = p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_SESSION].req_time; if ( !gcamel_PersistentSRT ) { wmem_map_remove(srt_calls, &camelsrt_call_key); #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(20,"remove hash "); #endif } else { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(20,"keep hash "); #endif } } /* call reference found */ } /* * Callback function for the TCAP dissector * This callback function is used to inform the camel layer, that the session * has been Closed or Aborted by a TCAP message without Camel component * So, we can close the context for camel session, and update the stats. */ static void camelsrt_tcap_matching(tvbuff_t *tvb _U_, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree _U_, struct tcaphash_context_t *p_tcap_context) { struct camelsrt_info_t *p_camelsrt_info; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(11,"Camel_CallBack "); #endif p_camelsrt_info=camelsrt_razinfo(); p_camelsrt_info->tcap_context=p_tcap_context; if (p_tcap_context) { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(11,"Close TCAP "); #endif p_camelsrt_info->tcap_session_id = p_tcap_context->session_id; camelsrt_close_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); tap_queue_packet(camel_tap, pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); } } /* * Create the record identifiying the Camel session * As the Tcap session id given by the TCAP dissector is uniq, it will be * used as main key. */ static void camelsrt_begin_call_matching(packet_info *pinfo, struct camelsrt_info_t *p_camelsrt_info) { struct camelsrt_call_t *p_camelsrt_call; struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t camelsrt_call_key; p_camelsrt_info->bool_msginfo[CAMELSRT_SESSION]=TRUE; /* prepare the key data */ camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey = p_camelsrt_info->tcap_session_id; /* look up the request */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(10,"\n Session begin #%u\n", pinfo->num); dbg(11,"Search key %lu ",camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey); #endif p_camelsrt_call = (struct camelsrt_call_t *)wmem_map_lookup(srt_calls, &camelsrt_call_key); if (p_camelsrt_call) { /* We have seen this request before -> do nothing */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(22,"Already seen "); #endif } else { /* p_camelsrt_call has not been found */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(10,"New key %lu ",camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey); #endif p_camelsrt_call = new_camelsrt_call(&camelsrt_call_key); p_camelsrt_call->tcap_context=(struct tcaphash_context_t *)p_camelsrt_info->tcap_context; update_camelsrt_call(p_camelsrt_call, pinfo,CAMELSRT_SESSION); #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(11,"Update Callback "); #endif p_camelsrt_call->tcap_context->callback=camelsrt_tcap_matching; } } /* * Register the request, and try to find the response * */ static void camelsrt_request_call_matching(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, struct camelsrt_info_t *p_camelsrt_info, guint srt_type ) { struct camelsrt_call_t *p_camelsrt_call; struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t camelsrt_call_key; proto_item *ti, *hidden_item; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(10,"\n %s #%u\n", val_to_str_const(srt_type, camelSRTtype_naming, "Unk"),pinfo->num); #endif /* look only for matching request, if matching conversation is available. */ camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey = p_camelsrt_info->tcap_session_id; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(11,"Search key %lu ", camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey); #endif p_camelsrt_call = find_camelsrt_call(&camelsrt_call_key); if(p_camelsrt_call) { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(12,"Found "); #endif if (gcamel_DisplaySRT) proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_camelsrt_SessionId, tvb, 0,0, p_camelsrt_call->session_id); /* Hmm.. As there are several slices ApplyChargingReport/ApplyCharging * we will prepare the measurement for 3 slices with 3 categories */ if (srt_type==CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1) { if (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].req_num == 0) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1; } else if ( (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].req_num == 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].rsp_num != 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].rsp_num < pinfo->num) ) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2; } else if ( (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3].req_num == 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].rsp_num != 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].rsp_num < pinfo->num) ) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3; } else if (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].rsp_num != 0 && p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].rsp_num > pinfo->num) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1; } else if ( p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].rsp_num != 0 && p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].rsp_num > pinfo->num) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2; } else if (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].rsp_num != 0 && p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3].rsp_num > pinfo->num) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3; } #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(70,"Request ACR %u ",srt_type); dbg(70,"ACR1 %u %u",p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].req_num, p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].rsp_num); dbg(70,"ACR2 %u %u",p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].req_num, p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].rsp_num); dbg(70,"ACR3 %u %u",p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3].req_num, p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3].rsp_num); #endif } /* not ACR */ p_camelsrt_info->bool_msginfo[srt_type]=TRUE; if (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num == 0) { /* We have not yet seen a request to that call, so this must be the first request remember its frame number. */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(5,"Set reqlink #%u ", pinfo->num); #endif update_camelsrt_call(p_camelsrt_call, pinfo, srt_type); } else { /* We have seen a request to this call - but was it *this* request? */ if (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num != pinfo->num) { if (srt_type!=CAMELSRT_VOICE_DISC) { /* No, so it's a duplicate request. Mark it as such. */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(21,"Display_duplicate with req %d ", p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num); #endif p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[srt_type].is_duplicate = TRUE; if (gcamel_DisplaySRT){ hidden_item = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_camelsrt_Duplicate, tvb, 0,0, 77); proto_item_set_hidden(hidden_item); } } else { /* Ignore duplicate frame */ if (pinfo->num > p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num) { p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num = pinfo->num; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(5,"DISC Set reqlink #%u ", pinfo->num); #endif update_camelsrt_call(p_camelsrt_call, pinfo, srt_type); } /* greater frame */ } /* DISC */ } /* req_num already seen */ } /* req_num != 0 */ /* add link to response frame, if available */ if ( gcamel_DisplaySRT && (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num != 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num != 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num == pinfo->num) ) { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(20,"Display_framersplink %d ",p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num); #endif ti = proto_tree_add_uint_format(tree, hf_camelsrt_RequestFrame, tvb, 0, 0, p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num, "Linked response %s in frame %u", val_to_str_const(srt_type, camelSRTtype_naming, "Unk"), p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num); proto_item_set_generated(ti); } /* frame valid */ } /* call reference */ } /* * Display the delta time between two messages in a field corresponding * to the category (hf_camelsrt_DeltaTimexx). */ static void camelsrt_display_DeltaTime(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, nstime_t *value_ptr, guint category) { proto_item *ti; if ( gcamel_DisplaySRT ) { switch(category) { case CAMELSRT_VOICE_INITIALDP: ti = proto_tree_add_time(tree, hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime31, tvb, 0, 0, value_ptr); proto_item_set_generated(ti); break; case CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1: case CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2: case CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3: ti = proto_tree_add_time(tree, hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime22, tvb, 0, 0, value_ptr); proto_item_set_generated(ti); break; case CAMELSRT_VOICE_DISC: ti = proto_tree_add_time(tree, hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime35, tvb, 0, 0, value_ptr); proto_item_set_generated(ti); break; case CAMELSRT_GPRS_INITIALDP: ti = proto_tree_add_time(tree, hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime75, tvb, 0, 0, value_ptr); proto_item_set_generated(ti); break; case CAMELSRT_GPRS_REPORT: ti = proto_tree_add_time(tree, hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime80, tvb, 0, 0, value_ptr); proto_item_set_generated(ti); break; case CAMELSRT_SMS_INITIALDP: ti = proto_tree_add_time(tree, hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime65, tvb, 0, 0, value_ptr); proto_item_set_generated(ti); break; default: break; } } } /* * Check if the received message is a response to a previous request * registered is the camel session context. */ static void camelsrt_report_call_matching(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, struct camelsrt_info_t *p_camelsrt_info, guint srt_type) { struct camelsrt_call_t *p_camelsrt_call; struct camelsrt_call_info_key_t camelsrt_call_key; nstime_t delta; proto_item *ti, *hidden_item; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(10,"\n %s #%u\n", val_to_str_const(srt_type, camelSRTtype_naming, "Unk"),pinfo->num); #endif camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey = p_camelsrt_info->tcap_session_id; /* look only for matching request, if matching conversation is available. */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(11,"Search key %lu ",camelsrt_call_key.SessionIdKey); #endif p_camelsrt_call = find_camelsrt_call(&camelsrt_call_key); if(p_camelsrt_call) { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(12,"Found, req=%d ",p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num); #endif if ( gcamel_DisplaySRT ) proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_camelsrt_SessionId, tvb, 0,0, p_camelsrt_call->session_id); if (srt_type==CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1) { if (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3].req_num != 0 && p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR3].req_num < pinfo->num) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1; } else if ( p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].req_num != 0 && p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2].req_num < pinfo->num) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR2; } else if (p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].req_num != 0 && p_camelsrt_call->category[CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1].req_num < pinfo->num) { srt_type=CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1; } #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(70,"Report ACR %u ",srt_type); #endif } /* not ACR */ p_camelsrt_info->bool_msginfo[srt_type]=TRUE; if (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num == 0) { if ( (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num != 0) && (pinfo->num > p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num) ){ /* We have not yet seen a response to that call, so this must be the first response; remember its frame number only if response comes after request */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(14,"Set reslink #%d req %u ",pinfo->num, p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num); #endif p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num = pinfo->num; } else { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(2,"badreslink #%u req %u ",pinfo->num, p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num); #endif } /* req_num != 0 */ } else { /* rsp_num != 0 */ /* We have seen a response to this call - but was it *this* response? */ if (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num != pinfo->num) { /* No, so it's a duplicate response. Mark it as such. */ #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(21,"Display_duplicate rsp=%d ", p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num); #endif p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[srt_type].is_duplicate = TRUE; if ( gcamel_DisplaySRT ){ hidden_item = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_camelsrt_Duplicate, tvb, 0,0, 77); proto_item_set_hidden(hidden_item); } } } /* rsp_num != 0 */ if ( (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num != 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num != 0) && (p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].rsp_num == pinfo->num) ) { p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].responded = TRUE; p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[srt_type].request_available = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(20,"Display_frameReqlink %d ",p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num); #endif /* Indicate the frame to which this is a reply. */ if ( gcamel_DisplaySRT ) { ti = proto_tree_add_uint_format(tree, hf_camelsrt_ResponseFrame, tvb, 0, 0, p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num, "Linked request %s in frame %u", val_to_str_const(srt_type, camelSRTtype_naming, "Unk"), p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_num); proto_item_set_generated(ti); } /* Calculate Service Response Time */ nstime_delta(&delta, &pinfo->abs_ts, &p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_time); p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[srt_type].is_delta_time = TRUE; p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[srt_type].delta_time = delta; /* give it to tap */ p_camelsrt_info->msginfo[srt_type].req_time = p_camelsrt_call->category[srt_type].req_time; /* display Service Response Time and make it filterable */ camelsrt_display_DeltaTime(tree, tvb, &delta, srt_type); } /*req_num != 0 && not duplicate */ } /* call reference found */ } /* * Service Response Time analyze, called just after the camel dissector * According to the camel operation, we * - open/close a context for the camel session * - look for a request, or look for the corresponding response */ void camelsrt_call_matching(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, struct camelsrt_info_t *p_camelsrt_info) { #ifdef DEBUG_CAMELSRT dbg(10,"tcap_session #%d ", p_camelsrt_info->tcap_session_id); #endif switch (p_camelsrt_info->opcode) { case 0: /*InitialDP*/ camelsrt_begin_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); camelsrt_request_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_VOICE_INITIALDP); break; case 60: /*InitialDPSMS*/ camelsrt_begin_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); camelsrt_request_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_SMS_INITIALDP); break; case 78: /*InitialDPGPRS*/ camelsrt_begin_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); camelsrt_request_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_GPRS_INITIALDP); break; case 23: /*RequestReportBCSMEvent*/ break; case 63: /*RequestReportSMSEvent*/ break; case 81: /*RequestReportGPRSEvent*/ break; case 24: /*EventReportBCSMEvent*/ camelsrt_request_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_VOICE_DISC ); break; case 64: /*EventReportSMS*/ /* Session has been explicity closed without TC_END */ camelsrt_close_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); tcapsrt_close((struct tcaphash_context_t *)p_camelsrt_info->tcap_context, pinfo); break; case 80: /*EventReportGPRS*/ camelsrt_begin_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); camelsrt_request_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_GPRS_REPORT); break; case 35: /*ApplyCharging*/ camelsrt_report_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1 ); break; case 71: /*ApplyChargingGPRS*/ break; case 36: /*ApplyChargingReport*/ camelsrt_request_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_VOICE_ACR1 ); break; case 72: /*ApplyChargingReportGPRS*/ break; case 31: /*Continue*/ camelsrt_report_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_VOICE_INITIALDP); break; case 65: /*ContinueSMS*/ camelsrt_report_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_SMS_INITIALDP); break; case 75: /*ContinueGPRS*/ camelsrt_report_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_GPRS_INITIALDP); camelsrt_report_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_GPRS_REPORT); break; case 22: /*ReleaseCall*/ camelsrt_report_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, tree, p_camelsrt_info, CAMELSRT_VOICE_DISC); /* Session has been closed by Network */ camelsrt_close_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); break; case 66: /*ReleaseSMS*/ /* Session has been closed by Network */ camelsrt_close_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); tcapsrt_close((struct tcaphash_context_t *)p_camelsrt_info->tcap_context,pinfo); break; case 79: /*ReleaseGPRS*/ /* Session has been closed by Network */ camelsrt_close_call_matching(pinfo, p_camelsrt_info); break; } /* switch opcode */ } /* * Initialize the Message Info used by the main dissector * Data are linked to a TCAP transaction */ struct camelsrt_info_t * camelsrt_razinfo(void) { struct camelsrt_info_t *p_camelsrt_info ; /* Global buffer for packet extraction */ camelsrt_global_current++; if(camelsrt_global_current==MAX_CAMEL_INSTANCE){ camelsrt_global_current=0; } p_camelsrt_info=&camelsrt_global_info[camelsrt_global_current]; memset(p_camelsrt_info,0,sizeof(struct camelsrt_info_t)); p_camelsrt_info->opcode=255; return p_camelsrt_info; } static guint8 camel_pdu_type = 0; static guint8 camel_pdu_size = 0; static int dissect_camel_camelPDU(bool implicit_tag _U_, tvbuff_t *tvb, int offset, asn1_ctx_t *actx _U_,proto_tree *tree, int hf_index, struct tcap_private_t * p_private_tcap) { opcode = 0; if (p_private_tcap != NULL){ gp_camelsrt_info->tcap_context=p_private_tcap->context; if (p_private_tcap->context) gp_camelsrt_info->tcap_session_id = ( (struct tcaphash_context_t *) (p_private_tcap->context))->session_id; } camel_pdu_type = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset)&0x0f; /* Get the length and add 2 */ camel_pdu_size = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset+1)+2; /* Populate the info column with PDU type*/ col_add_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str(camel_pdu_type, camel_Component_vals, "Unknown Camel (%u)")); col_append_str(actx->pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " "); is_ExtensionField =FALSE; offset = dissect_camel_ROS(TRUE, tvb, offset, actx, tree, hf_index); return offset; } static int dissect_camel_all(int version, const char* col_protocol, const char* suffix, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void* data) { proto_item *item; proto_tree *tree = NULL, *stat_tree = NULL; struct tcap_private_t * p_private_tcap = (struct tcap_private_t*)data; asn1_ctx_t asn1_ctx; asn1_ctx_init(&asn1_ctx, ASN1_ENC_BER, TRUE, pinfo); col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, col_protocol); camel_ver = version; /* create display subtree for the protocol */ if(parent_tree){ item = proto_tree_add_item(parent_tree, proto_camel, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA); tree = proto_item_add_subtree(item, ett_camel); proto_item_append_text(item, "%s", suffix); } /* camelsrt reset counter, and initialise global pointer to store service response time related data */ gp_camelsrt_info=camelsrt_razinfo(); dissect_camel_camelPDU(FALSE, tvb, 0, &asn1_ctx , tree, -1, p_private_tcap); /* If a Tcap context is associated to this transaction */ if (gp_camelsrt_info->tcap_context ) { if (gcamel_DisplaySRT && tree) { stat_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, 0, 0, ett_camel_stat, NULL, "Stat"); } camelsrt_call_matching(tvb, pinfo, stat_tree, gp_camelsrt_info); tap_queue_packet(camel_tap, pinfo, gp_camelsrt_info); } return tvb_captured_length(tvb); } static int dissect_camel_v1(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void* data) { return dissect_camel_all(1, "Camel-v1", "-V1", tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, data); } static int dissect_camel_v2(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void* data) { return dissect_camel_all(2, "Camel-v2", "-V2", tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, data); } static int dissect_camel_v3(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void* data) { return dissect_camel_all(3, "Camel-v3", "-V3", tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, data); } static int dissect_camel_v4(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void* data) { return dissect_camel_all(4, "Camel-v4", "-V4", tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, data); } static int dissect_camel(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *parent_tree, void* data) { return dissect_camel_all(4, "Camel", "", tvb, pinfo, parent_tree, data); } /* TAP STAT INFO */ typedef enum { MESSAGE_TYPE_COLUMN = 0, COUNT_COLUMN } camel_stat_columns; static stat_tap_table_item camel_stat_fields[] = {{TABLE_ITEM_STRING, TAP_ALIGN_LEFT, "Message Type or Reason", "%-25s"}, {TABLE_ITEM_UINT, TAP_ALIGN_RIGHT, "Count", "%d"}}; static void camel_stat_init(stat_tap_table_ui* new_stat) { const char *table_name = "CAMEL Message Counters"; int num_fields = sizeof(camel_stat_fields)/sizeof(stat_tap_table_item); stat_tap_table *table; int i; stat_tap_table_item_type items[sizeof(camel_stat_fields)/sizeof(stat_tap_table_item)]; table = stat_tap_find_table(new_stat, table_name); if (table) { if (new_stat->stat_tap_reset_table_cb) { new_stat->stat_tap_reset_table_cb(table); } return; } table = stat_tap_init_table(table_name, num_fields, 0, NULL); stat_tap_add_table(new_stat, table); memset(items, 0x0, sizeof(items)); items[MESSAGE_TYPE_COLUMN].type = TABLE_ITEM_STRING; items[COUNT_COLUMN].type = TABLE_ITEM_UINT; items[COUNT_COLUMN].value.uint_value = 0; /* Add a row for each value type */ for (i = 0; i < camel_MAX_NUM_OPR_CODES; i++) { const char *ocs = try_val_to_str(i, camel_opr_code_strings); char *col_str; if (ocs) { col_str = ws_strdup_printf("Request %s", ocs); } else { col_str = ws_strdup_printf("Unknown op code %d", i); } items[MESSAGE_TYPE_COLUMN].value.string_value = col_str; stat_tap_init_table_row(table, i, num_fields, items); } } static tap_packet_status camel_stat_packet(void *tapdata, packet_info *pinfo _U_, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *csi_ptr, tap_flags_t flags _U_) { stat_data_t* stat_data = (stat_data_t*)tapdata; const struct camelsrt_info_t *csi = (const struct camelsrt_info_t *) csi_ptr; stat_tap_table* table; stat_tap_table_item_type* msg_data; table = g_array_index(stat_data->stat_tap_data->tables, stat_tap_table*, 0); if (csi->opcode >= table->num_elements) return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW; msg_data = stat_tap_get_field_data(table, csi->opcode, COUNT_COLUMN); msg_data->value.uint_value++; stat_tap_set_field_data(table, csi->opcode, COUNT_COLUMN, msg_data); return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW; } static void camel_stat_reset(stat_tap_table* table) { guint element; stat_tap_table_item_type* item_data; for (element = 0; element < table->num_elements; element++) { item_data = stat_tap_get_field_data(table, element, COUNT_COLUMN); item_data->value.uint_value = 0; stat_tap_set_field_data(table, element, COUNT_COLUMN, item_data); } } static void camel_stat_free_table_item(stat_tap_table* table _U_, guint row _U_, guint column, stat_tap_table_item_type* field_data) { if (column != MESSAGE_TYPE_COLUMN) return; g_free((char*)field_data->value.string_value); } /*--- proto_reg_handoff_camel ---------------------------------------*/ static void range_delete_callback(guint32 ssn, gpointer ptr _U_) { if (ssn) { delete_itu_tcap_subdissector(ssn, camel_handle); } } static void range_add_callback(guint32 ssn, gpointer ptr _U_) { if (ssn) { add_itu_tcap_subdissector(ssn, camel_handle); } } void proto_reg_handoff_camel(void) { static gboolean camel_prefs_initialized = FALSE; static range_t *ssn_range; if (!camel_prefs_initialized) { camel_prefs_initialized = TRUE; register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("",camel_v1_handle, proto_camel, "CAP-v1-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC" ); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("",camel_v2_handle, proto_camel, "CAP-v2-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC" ); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("",camel_v2_handle, proto_camel, "CAP-v2-assist-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC" ); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("",camel_v2_handle, proto_camel, "CAP-v2-gsmSRF-to-gsmSCF-AC" ); /* CAMEL Phase 3 Application Context Names */ register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v3_handle, proto_camel, "capssf-scfGenericAC"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v3_handle, proto_camel, "capssf-scfAssistHandoffAC"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v3_handle, proto_camel, "gsmSRF-gsmSCF-ac"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v3_handle, proto_camel, "cap3-gprssf-scfAC"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v3_handle, proto_camel, "cap3-gsmscf-gprsssfAC"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v3_handle, proto_camel, "cap3-sms-AC"); /* CAMEL Phase 4 Application Context Names */ register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v4_handle, proto_camel, "capssf-scfGenericAC"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v4_handle, proto_camel, "capssf-scfAssistHandoffAC"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v4_handle, proto_camel, "capscf-ssfGenericAC"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v4_handle, proto_camel, "gsmSRF-gsmSCF-ac"); register_ber_oid_dissector_handle("", camel_v4_handle, proto_camel, "cap4-sms-AC"); #include "packet-camel-dis-tab.c" } else { range_foreach(ssn_range, range_delete_callback, NULL); wmem_free(wmem_epan_scope(), ssn_range); } ssn_range = range_copy(wmem_epan_scope(), global_ssn_range); range_foreach(ssn_range, range_add_callback, NULL); } void proto_register_camel(void) { module_t *camel_module; /* List of fields */ static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_camel_extension_code_local, { "local", "camel.extension_code_local", FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0, "Extension local code", HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_error_code_local, { "local", "camel.error_code_local", FT_INT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(camel_err_code_string_vals), 0, "ERROR code", HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_cause_indicator, /* Currently not enabled */ { "Cause indicator", "camel.cause_indicator", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC|BASE_EXT_STRING, &q850_cause_code_vals_ext, 0x7f, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_digit, { "Digit Value", "camel.digit_value", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(digit_value), 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_PDPTypeNumber_etsi, { "ETSI defined PDP Type Value", "camel.PDPTypeNumber_etsi", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(gsm_map_etsi_defined_pdp_vals), 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_PDPTypeNumber_ietf, { "IETF defined PDP Type Value", "camel.PDPTypeNumber_ietf", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(gsm_map_ietf_defined_pdp_vals), 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_PDPAddress_IPv4, { "PDPAddress IPv4", "camel.PDPAddress_IPv4", FT_IPv4, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, "IPAddress IPv4", HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_PDPAddress_IPv6, { "PDPAddress IPv6", "camel.PDPAddress_IPv6", FT_IPv6, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, "IPAddress IPv6", HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength, { "CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength", "camel.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0, "LocationInformationGPRS/CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI", HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_RP_Cause, { "RP Cause", "camel.RP_Cause", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, VALS(camel_RP_Cause_values), 0x7F, "RP Cause Value", HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_CAMEL_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics, { "CAMEL-AChBillingChargingCharacteristics", "camel.CAMEL_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(camel_CAMEL_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics_vals), 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_CAMEL_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics, { "CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics", "camel.CAMEL_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(camel_CAMEL_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics_vals), 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_CAMEL_FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics, { "CAMEL-FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics", "camel.CAMEL_FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_CAMEL_FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics, { "CAMEL-FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics", "camel.CAMEL_FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(camel_CAMEL_FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics_vals), 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_CAMEL_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics, { "CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics", "camel.CAMEL_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(camel_CAMEL_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics_vals), 0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_CAMEL_SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics, { "CAMEL-SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics", "camel.CAMEL_SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0, "CAMEL-FSCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics", HFILL }}, { &hf_camel_CAMEL_CallResult, { "CAMEL-CAMEL_CallResult", "camel.CAMEL_CallResult", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, VALS(camel_CAMEL_CallResult_vals), 0, "CAMEL-CallResult", HFILL }}, /* Camel Service Response Time */ { &hf_camelsrt_SessionId, { "Session Id", "camel.srt.session_id", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, //{ &hf_camelsrt_RequestNumber, // { "Request Number", // "camel.srt.request_number", // FT_UINT64, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, // NULL, HFILL } //}, { &hf_camelsrt_Duplicate, { "Request Duplicate", "camel.srt.duplicate", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_camelsrt_RequestFrame, { "Requested Frame", "camel.srt.reqframe", FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "SRT Request Frame", HFILL } }, { &hf_camelsrt_ResponseFrame, { "Response Frame", "camel.srt.rspframe", FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "SRT Response Frame", HFILL } }, //{ &hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime, // { "Service Response Time", // "camel.srt.deltatime", // FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, // "DeltaTime between Request and Response", HFILL } //}, //{ &hf_camelsrt_SessionTime, // { "Session duration", // "camel.srt.sessiontime", // FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, // "Duration of the TCAP session", HFILL } //}, { &hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime31, { "Service Response Time", "camel.srt.deltatime31", FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "DeltaTime between InitialDP and Continue", HFILL } }, { &hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime65, { "Service Response Time", "camel.srt.deltatime65", FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "DeltaTime between InitialDPSMS and ContinueSMS", HFILL } }, { &hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime75, { "Service Response Time", "camel.srt.deltatime75", FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "DeltaTime between InitialDPGPRS and ContinueGPRS", HFILL } }, { &hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime35, { "Service Response Time", "camel.srt.deltatime35", FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "DeltaTime between ApplyChargingReport and ApplyCharging", HFILL } }, { &hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime22, { "Service Response Time", "camel.srt.deltatime22", FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "DeltaTime between EventReport(Disconnect) and Release Call", HFILL } }, { &hf_camelsrt_DeltaTime80, { "Service Response Time", "camel.srt.deltatime80", FT_RELATIVE_TIME, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "DeltaTime between EventReportGPRS and ContinueGPRS", HFILL } }, { &hf_camel_timeandtimezone_time, { "Time", "camel.timeandtimezone.time", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_camel_timeandtimezone_tz, { "Time Zone", "camel.timeandtimezone.timezone", FT_INT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "Difference, expressed in quarters of an hour, between local time and GMT", HFILL } }, #ifdef REMOVED #endif #include "packet-camel-hfarr.c" }; /* List of subtrees */ static gint *ett[] = { &ett_camel, &ett_camelisup_parameter, &ett_camel_AccessPointName, &ett_camel_pdptypenumber, &ett_camel_cause, &ett_camel_RPcause, &ett_camel_stat, &ett_camel_calledpartybcdnumber, &ett_camel_callingpartynumber, &ett_camel_originalcalledpartyid, &ett_camel_redirectingpartyid, &ett_camel_locationnumber, &ett_camel_additionalcallingpartynumber, &ett_camel_calledAddressValue, &ett_camel_callingAddressValue, &ett_camel_assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress, &ett_camel_correlationID, &ett_camel_dTMFDigitsCompleted, &ett_camel_dTMFDigitsTimeOut, &ett_camel_number, &ett_camel_digitsResponse, &ett_camel_timeandtimezone, #include "packet-camel-ettarr.c" }; static ei_register_info ei[] = { { &ei_camel_unknown_invokeData, { "camel.unknown.invokeData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown invokeData", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_camel_unknown_returnResultData, { "camel.unknown.returnResultData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown returnResultData", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_camel_unknown_returnErrorData, { "camel.unknown.returnErrorData", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "Unknown returnResultData", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_camel_par_wrong_length, { "camel.par_wrong_length", PI_PROTOCOL, PI_ERROR, "Wrong length of parameter", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_camel_bcd_not_digit, { "camel.bcd_not_digit", PI_MALFORMED, PI_WARN, "BCD number contains a value that is not a digit", EXPFILL }}, }; expert_module_t* expert_camel; static tap_param camel_stat_params[] = { { PARAM_FILTER, "filter", "Filter", NULL, TRUE } }; static stat_tap_table_ui camel_stat_table = { REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_TELEPHONY_GSM, "CAMEL Messages and Response Status", PSNAME, "camel,counter", camel_stat_init, camel_stat_packet, camel_stat_reset, camel_stat_free_table_item, NULL, sizeof(camel_stat_fields)/sizeof(stat_tap_table_item), camel_stat_fields, sizeof(camel_stat_params)/sizeof(tap_param), camel_stat_params, NULL, 0 }; /* Register protocol */ proto_camel = proto_register_protocol(PNAME, PSNAME, PFNAME); camel_handle = register_dissector("camel", dissect_camel, proto_camel); camel_v1_handle = register_dissector("camel-v1", dissect_camel_v1, proto_camel); camel_v2_handle = register_dissector("camel-v2", dissect_camel_v2, proto_camel); camel_v3_handle = register_dissector("camel-v3", dissect_camel_v3, proto_camel); camel_v4_handle = register_dissector("camel-v4", dissect_camel_v4, proto_camel); proto_register_field_array(proto_camel, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); expert_camel = expert_register_protocol(proto_camel); expert_register_field_array(expert_camel, ei, array_length(ei)); rose_ctx_init(&camel_rose_ctx); /* Register dissector tables */ camel_rose_ctx.arg_local_dissector_table = register_dissector_table("camel.ros.local.arg", "CAMEL Operation Argument (local opcode)", proto_camel, FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX); camel_rose_ctx.res_local_dissector_table = register_dissector_table("camel.ros.local.res", "CAMEL Operation Result (local opcode)", proto_camel, FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX); camel_rose_ctx.err_local_dissector_table = register_dissector_table("camel.ros.local.err", "CAMEL Error (local opcode)", proto_camel, FT_UINT32, BASE_HEX); /* Register our configuration options, particularly our SSNs */ /* Set default SSNs */ range_convert_str(wmem_epan_scope(), &global_ssn_range, "146", MAX_SSN); camel_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_camel, proto_reg_handoff_camel); prefs_register_enum_preference(camel_module, "date.format", "Date Format", "The date format: (DD/MM) or (MM/DD)", &date_format, date_options, FALSE); prefs_register_range_preference(camel_module, "tcap.ssn", "TCAP SSNs", "TCAP Subsystem numbers used for Camel", &global_ssn_range, MAX_SSN); prefs_register_obsolete_preference(camel_module, "srt"); prefs_register_bool_preference(camel_module, "persistentsrt", "Persistent stats for SRT", "Statistics for Response Time", &gcamel_PersistentSRT); /* Routine for statistic */ register_init_routine(&camelsrt_init_routine); /* create new hash-table for SRT */ srt_calls = wmem_map_new_autoreset(wmem_epan_scope(), wmem_file_scope(), camelsrt_call_hash, camelsrt_call_equal); camel_tap=register_tap(PSNAME); register_srt_table(proto_camel, PSNAME, 1, camelstat_packet, camelstat_init, NULL); register_stat_tap_table_ui(&camel_stat_table); } /* * Editor modelines * * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * ex: set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=2:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */