--! @brief Specification of the Interference Management Zone Message ETSI TS 103 724 --! Latest version available at @url https: --https ://forge.etsi.org/rep/ITS/asn1/imzm_ts103724/-/blob/release2/IMZM-PDU-Descriptions.asn IMZM-PDU-Descriptions { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) ts103724 (103724) imzm (1) version1 (1) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS --! @brief Include ETSI TS 102 894-2 --! Include references from @url https: ItsPduHeader, Latitude, Longitude, TimestampIts, ProtectedZoneRadius, ProtectedZoneId, InterferenceManagementZones, BasicContainer, GenerationDeltaTime FROM ETSI-ITS-CDD {itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) 102894 cdd (2) major-version-3 (3) minor-version-1 (1) } --! @brief Include ETSI EN 302 637-2 --! Include references from @url https: --BasicContainer, --GenerationDeltaTime --FROM CAM-PDU-Descriptions { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) itsDomain (5) wg1 (1) en (302637) cam (2) version (2)} --! @brief Include ETSI TS 103 300-3 --! All data types, imported from `VAM-Temp-Imports` will be imported from the CDD ETSI TS 102 894-2 Release 2 when available AreaCircular, AreaRectangle, AreaPolygon, OffsetPoint, SemiRangeLength, WGS84AngleValue FROM VAM-Temp-Imports { itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) itsDomain(5) wg1(1) ts(103300) temp-imports(255) version1(1)} ; --! @brief DF: Interference Management Zone Message Root --! This DF includes DEs for the IMZM `protocolVersion`, the IMZ message type identifier `messageID` --! and the station identifier `stationID` of the originating ITS-S. IMZM ::= SEQUENCE { --! @details header --! - The DE `protocolVersion` is used to select the appropriate protocol decoder at the receiving --! ITS-S. For TS 103 724 V2.1.1, the value of the DE `protocolVersion` shall be set to 1. --! - The DE `messageID` shall be harmonized with other V2X message identifier definitions. --! For IMZM, the DE messageID shall be set to `imzm(15)`. header ItsPduHeader, imzm InterferenceManagementZoneMessage } --! @brief DF: Interference Management Zone Message --! This is the actual IMZM Payload. It shall include the time stamp of the IMZM and the applicable --! containers of type `BasicContainer` and `ImzmContainer`. InterferenceManagementZoneMessage ::= SEQUENCE { generationDeltaTime GenerationDeltaTime, -- from CAM-PDU-Descriptions imzmParameters ImzmParameters } --! @brief DF: IMZM Parameters --! The sequence of containers in the IMZM. Other containers may be added in the future. ImzmParameters ::= SEQUENCE { --! @details basicContainer --! imported from CAM-PDU-Descriptions basicContainer BasicContainer, --! @details imzmContainer --! container specific to the IMZM imzmContainer ImzmContainer, ... } --! @brief DF: IMZM Container --! The IMZM container includes a sequence of up to 16 interference management zones. --! For each interference management zones, it contains a sequence of interference --! management zones per channel together with their characteristics. ImzmContainer ::= SEQUENCE { --! @details interferenceManagementZones --! mapped to the DF_ProtectedCommunicationZone in ETSI TS 102 894-2 interferenceManagementZones InterferenceManagementZones, ... } --! @brief DF: List of Interference Management Zones --! A list of up to 16 interference management zones. --! --! **EXAMPLE**: An interference management communication zone may be defined around a --! CEN DSRC road side equipment or an urban rail operational area. --! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information --InterferenceManagementZones ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16), ...) OF InterferenceManagementZone --! @brief DF: Interference Management Zone --! Describes a zone of interferenceManagement inside which the ITS communication should --! be restricted. --! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information --InterferenceManagementZone ::= SEQUENCE { -- zoneDefinition ZoneDefinition, -- interferenceManagementInfo InterferenceManagementInfo --} --! @brief DF: Zone Definition --! Describes the zone where band sharing occurs. When reusing CDD Rel.1 types, names are unchanged. --! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information --ZoneDefinition::= SEQUENCE{ --! @details interferenceManagementZoneLatitude --! Latitude of the centre point of the interference management zone. -- interferenceManagementZoneLatitude Latitude, - - from ITS-Container --! @details interferenceManagementZoneLongitude --! Longitude of the centre point of the interference management zone. -- interferenceManagementZoneLongitude Longitude, - - from ITS-Container --! @details interferenceManagementZoneRadius --! Radius of the interference management zone in metres. --! This DE is present if the data is available -- interferenceManagementZoneRadius ProtectedZoneRadius OPTIONAL, - - from ITS-Container --! @details interferenceManagementZoneID --! Identification of the interference management zone. --! This DE is present if the data is available. -- interferenceManagementZoneID ProtectedZoneId OPTIONAL, - - from ITS-Container --! @details interferenceManagementZoneShape --! Shape of the interference management zone. --! This DF is present if the data is available. -- interferenceManagementZoneShape InterferenceManagementZoneShape OPTIONAL, -- ... --} --! @brief DF: Interference Management Information --! A list of up to 16 definitions containing which interference management may be applied in the zone, --! per affected frequency channels. --! --! **Note**: in the case where no mitigation should be applied by the ITS-S, this is indicated --! by the value of interferenceManagementMitigationType set to unavailable. --! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information -- InterferenceManagementInfo::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..16,...)) OF InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel --! @brief DF: Interference Management Information Per Channel --! A break up of the interference management information per affected frequency channels. --! @category: Infrastructure information, Communication information --InterferenceManagementInfoPerChannel ::= SEQUENCE { --! @details interferenceManagementChannel --! Characteritics of the frequency channel for which the zone --! should be applied interference management -- interferenceManagementChannel InterferenceManagementChannel, --! @details interferenceManagementZoneType --! Type of the interference management zone. -- interferenceManagementZoneType InterferenceManagementZoneType, --! @details interferenceManagementMitigationType --! Type of the mitigation to be used in the interference management zone. -- interferenceManagementMitigationType InterferenceManagementMitigationType OPTIONAL, --! @details expiryTime --! Time at which the validity of the interference management communication zone will expire. --! This DE is present when the interference management is temporarily valid -- expiryTime TimestampIts OPTIONAL, - - from ITS-Container -- ... --} --! @brief DF: InterferenceManagementChannel --! Indicates which shared frequency channel should be applied interference management in the zone. --! @category: Communication information --InterferenceManagementChannel ::= SEQUENCE { --! @details centre frequency of the channel --! @unit: 10exp+2 Hz (where exp is exponent) -- centreFrequency INTEGER (1 .. 99999), --! @details width of the channel --! @unit: 10exp Hz (where exp is exponent) -- channelWidth INTEGER (0 .. 9999), --! @details exponent of the power of 10 --! @unit: N/A -- exponent INTEGER (0 .. 15) --} --! @brief DE: InterferenceManagementZoneType --! defines the type of an interference management zone, so that an ITS-S can --! assert the actions to do while passing by such zone (e.g. reduce the transmit --! power in case of a DSRC tolling station). --! @unit: N/A --! @category: Communication information --InterferenceManagementZoneType ::= ENUMERATED { -- permanentCenDsrcTolling(0), - -!< as specified in ETSI TS 102 792 -- temporaryCenDsrcTolling(1), - -!< as specified in ETSI TS 102 792 -- unavailable(2), - -!< default value. Set to 2 for backwards compatibility with DSRC tolling -- urbanRail(3), - -!< as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7 -- satelliteStation(4), - -!< as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7 -- fixedLinks(5), - -!< as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7 -- ... --} --! @brief DF: Mitigation type in the interference management zone --! Information and commands defining the required mitigation type the --! receiving ITS-S has to use in the defined interference management zone. --! It indicates the type of mitigation and the parameters to be used to protect the --! potential victim in the interference management zone per channel access technology class. --! @category: Communication information --InterferenceManagementMitigationType ::= CHOICE { --! @details unavailable is the default value to be used when data is not available. -- unavailable NULL, -- mitigationForTechnologies MitigationForTechnologies --} --! @brief DF: Mitigation type container for the different channel access technology classes --! Class of parameters for the relevant channel access technology classes, --! as specified in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7. --! @category: Communication information --MitigationForTechnologies ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF MitigationPerTechnologyClass --! @brief DF: Mitigation type container per channel access technology class --! Class of parameters for the specific technology indicated in the container. --! All parameters are optional, as they may not apply to some of the technologies or --! interference management zone types. Specification details are in ETSI TS 103 724, clause 7. --! @category: Communication information --MitigationPerTechnologyClass ::= SEQUENCE { --! @details channel access technology in which this mitigation is applied. --! @unit: N/A -- accessTechnologyClass AccessTechnologyClass, --! @details duty cycle limit. --! @unit: 0.01% steps -- lowDutyCycle INTEGER (0 .. 10000) OPTIONAL, --! @details power reduction. --! @unit: dB -- powerReduction INTEGER (0 .. 30) OPTIONAL, --! @details Idle time limit as defined in ETSI TS 103 175. --! @unit: ms -- dmcToffLimit INTEGER (0 .. 1200) OPTIONAL, --! @details Transmission duration limit, as defined in ETSI EN 302 571. --! @unit: ms -- dmcTonLimit INTEGER (0 .. 20) OPTIONAL, -- ... --} --! @brief DE: channel access technology class --! Access technology to which the mitigation type applies. --! @category: Communication information --AccessTechnologyClass ::= ENUMERATED { -- any(0), - -!< any access technology class (see clause 7 of TS 103 724). -- itsg5Class(1), - -!< ITS-G5 access technology class. -- ltev2xClass(2), - -!< LTE-V2X access technology class. -- nrv2xClass(3), - -!< NR-V2X access technology class. -- ... --} --! @brief DF: Shape of the interference management zone --! Bounding box of an interference management zone --! @category: GeoReference information --InterferenceManagementZoneShape::= CHOICE { -- rectangle AreaRectangle, - - imported from VAM-Temp-Imports -- circle AreaCircular, - - imported from VAM-Temp-Imports -- polygon AreaPolygon, - - imported from VAM-Temp-Imports -- ellipse AreaEllipse, - - could not be imported from another specification yet -- ... --} --! @brief DF: Area Ellipse --! Area Ellipse copied from CPM TR 103 562. Will be removed when CDD Release 2 is available. --! Describes an elliptical area. The ellipse is centred about the reference point --! of the ITS-S or about the nodeCenterPoint (if provided). --! @category: GeoReference information --AreaEllipse ::= SEQUENCE { --! @details nodeCenterPoint --! Optional offset point about which the ellipse is centred with respect to the reference --! position of the ITS-S. -- nodeCenterPoint OffsetPoint OPTIONAL, --! @details semiMajorRangeLength --! Minor radius of the ellipse. -- semiMajorRangeLength SemiRangeLength, --! @details semiMinorRangeLength --! Major radius of the ellipse. -- semiMinorRangeLength SemiRangeLength, --! @details semiMajorRangeOrientation --! Orientation of the semiMajorRangeLength of the ellipse in the WGS84 coordinate system. -- semiMajorRangeOrientation WGS84AngleValue --} END