-- This ASN.1 module was taken from 3GPP TS 33.128 V18.8.0 (2024-06) and modified to pass through asn2wrs TS33128Payloads {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulIntercept(2) threeGPP(4) ts33128(19) r18(18) version8(8)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN -- ============= -- Relative OIDs -- ============= --tS33128PayloadsOID RELATIVE-OID ::= {threeGPP(4) ts33128(19) r18(18) version8(8)} --xIRIPayloadOID RELATIVE-OID ::= {tS33128PayloadsOID xIRI(1)} --xCCPayloadOID RELATIVE-OID ::= {tS33128PayloadsOID xCC(2)} --iRIPayloadOID RELATIVE-OID ::= {tS33128PayloadsOID iRI(3)} --cCPayloadOID RELATIVE-OID ::= {tS33128PayloadsOID cC(4)} --lINotificationPayloadOID RELATIVE-OID ::= {tS33128PayloadsOID lINotification(5)} -- =============== -- X2 xIRI payload -- =============== XIRIPayload ::= SEQUENCE { xIRIPayloadOID [1] RELATIVE-OID, event [2] XIRIEvent } XIRIEvent ::= CHOICE { -- AMF events, see clause registration [1] AMFRegistration, deregistration [2] AMFDeregistration, locationUpdate [3] AMFLocationUpdate, startOfInterceptionWithRegisteredUE [4] AMFStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredUE, unsuccessfulAMProcedure [5] AMFUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- SMF events, see clause pDUSessionEstablishment [6] SMFPDUSessionEstablishment, pDUSessionModification [7] SMFPDUSessionModification, pDUSessionRelease [8] SMFPDUSessionRelease, startOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession [9] SMFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession, unsuccessfulSMProcedure [10] SMFUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- UDM events, see clause servingSystemMessage [11] UDMServingSystemMessage, -- SMS events, see clause sMSMessage [12] SMSMessage, -- LALS events, see clause lALSReport [13] LALSReport, -- PDHR/PDSR events, see clauses and pDHeaderReport [14] PDHeaderReport, pDSummaryReport [15] PDSummaryReport, -- Tag 16 is reserved because there is no equivalent mDFCellSiteReport in XIRIEvent. -- MMS events, see clause 7.4.3 mMSSend [17] MMSSend, mMSSendByNonLocalTarget [18] MMSSendByNonLocalTarget, mMSNotification [19] MMSNotification, mMSSendToNonLocalTarget [20] MMSSendToNonLocalTarget, mMSNotificationResponse [21] MMSNotificationResponse, mMSRetrieval [22] MMSRetrieval, mMSDeliveryAck [23] MMSDeliveryAck, mMSForward [24] MMSForward, mMSDeleteFromRelay [25] MMSDeleteFromRelay, mMSDeliveryReport [26] MMSDeliveryReport, mMSDeliveryReportNonLocalTarget [27] MMSDeliveryReportNonLocalTarget, mMSReadReport [28] MMSReadReport, mMSReadReportNonLocalTarget [29] MMSReadReportNonLocalTarget, mMSCancel [30] MMSCancel, mMSMBoxStore [31] MMSMBoxStore, mMSMBoxUpload [32] MMSMBoxUpload, mMSMBoxDelete [33] MMSMBoxDelete, mMSMBoxViewRequest [34] MMSMBoxViewRequest, mMSMBoxViewResponse [35] MMSMBoxViewResponse, -- PTC events, see clause 7.5.2 pTCRegistration [36] PTCRegistration, pTCSessionInitiation [37] PTCSessionInitiation, pTCSessionAbandon [38] PTCSessionAbandon, pTCSessionStart [39] PTCSessionStart, pTCSessionEnd [40] PTCSessionEnd, pTCStartOfInterception [41] PTCStartOfInterception, pTCPreEstablishedSession [42] PTCPreEstablishedSession, pTCInstantPersonalAlert [43] PTCInstantPersonalAlert, pTCPartyJoin [44] PTCPartyJoin, pTCPartyDrop [45] PTCPartyDrop, pTCPartyHold [46] PTCPartyHold, pTCMediaModification [47] PTCMediaModification, pTCGroupAdvertisement [48] PTCGroupAdvertisement, pTCFloorControl [49] PTCFloorControl, pTCTargetPresence [50] PTCTargetPresence, pTCParticipantPresence [51] PTCParticipantPresence, pTCListManagement [52] PTCListManagement, pTCAccessPolicy [53] PTCAccessPolicy, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 11 subscriberRecordChangeMessage [54] UDMSubscriberRecordChangeMessage, cancelLocationMessage [55] UDMCancelLocationMessage, -- SMS events, see clause, continued from tag 12 sMSReport [56] SMSReport, -- SMF MA PDU session events, see clause sMFMAPDUSessionEstablishment [57] SMFMAPDUSessionEstablishment, sMFMAPDUSessionModification [58] SMFMAPDUSessionModification, sMFMAPDUSessionRelease [59] SMFMAPDUSessionRelease, startOfInterceptionWithEstablishedMAPDUSession [60] SMFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedMAPDUSession, unsuccessfulMASMProcedure [61] SMFMAUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- Identifier Association events, see clauses and aMFIdentifierAssociation [62] AMFIdentifierAssociation, mMEIdentifierAssociation [63] MMEIdentifierAssociation, -- SMF PDU to MA PDU session events, see clause sMFPDUtoMAPDUSessionModification [64] SMFPDUtoMAPDUSessionModification, -- NEF events, see clause nEFPDUSessionEstablishment [65] NEFPDUSessionEstablishment, nEFPDUSessionModification [66] NEFPDUSessionModification, nEFPDUSessionRelease [67] NEFPDUSessionRelease, nEFUnsuccessfulProcedure [68] NEFUnsuccessfulProcedure, nEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession [69] NEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession, nEFdeviceTrigger [70] NEFDeviceTrigger, nEFdeviceTriggerReplace [71] NEFDeviceTriggerReplace, nEFdeviceTriggerCancellation [72] NEFDeviceTriggerCancellation, nEFdeviceTriggerReportNotify [73] NEFDeviceTriggerReportNotify, nEFMSISDNLessMOSMS [74] NEFMSISDNLessMOSMS, nEFExpectedUEBehaviourUpdate [75] NEFExpectedUEBehaviourUpdate, -- SCEF events, see clause sCEFPDNConnectionEstablishment [76] SCEFPDNConnectionEstablishment, sCEFPDNConnectionUpdate [77] SCEFPDNConnectionUpdate, sCEFPDNConnectionRelease [78] SCEFPDNConnectionRelease, sCEFUnsuccessfulProcedure [79] SCEFUnsuccessfulProcedure, sCEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection [80] SCEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection, sCEFdeviceTrigger [81] SCEFDeviceTrigger, sCEFdeviceTriggerReplace [82] SCEFDeviceTriggerReplace, sCEFdeviceTriggerCancellation [83] SCEFDeviceTriggerCancellation, sCEFdeviceTriggerReportNotify [84] SCEFDeviceTriggerReportNotify, sCEFMSISDNLessMOSMS [85] SCEFMSISDNLessMOSMS, sCEFCommunicationPatternUpdate [86] SCEFCommunicationPatternUpdate, -- MME events, see clause mMEAttach [87] MMEAttach, mMEDetach [88] MMEDetach, mMELocationUpdate [89] MMELocationUpdate, mMEStartOfInterceptionWithEPSAttachedUE [90] MMEStartOfInterceptionWithEPSAttachedUE, mMEUnsuccessfulProcedure [91] MMEUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- AKMA key management events, see clauses and aAnFAnchorKeyRegister [92] AAnFAnchorKeyRegister, aAnFKAKMAApplicationKeyGet [93] AAnFKAKMAApplicationKeyGet, aAnFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAKeyMaterial [94] AAnFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAKeyMaterial, aAnFAKMAContextRemovalRecord [95] AAnFAKMAContextRemovalRecord, aFAKMAApplicationKeyRefresh [96] AFAKMAApplicationKeyRefresh, aFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAApplicationKey [97] AFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAApplicationKey, aFAuxiliarySecurityParameterEstablishment [98] AFAuxiliarySecurityParameterEstablishment, aFApplicationKeyRemoval [99] AFApplicationKeyRemoval, -- HR LI events, see clause n9HRPDUSessionInfo [100] N9HRPDUSessionInfo, s8HRBearerInfo [101] S8HRBearerInfo, -- Separated Location Reporting, see clause separatedLocationReporting [102] SeparatedLocationReporting, -- STIR SHAKEN and RCD/eCNAM events, see clause 7.11.2 sTIRSHAKENSignatureGeneration [103] STIRSHAKENSignatureGeneration, sTIRSHAKENSignatureValidation [104] STIRSHAKENSignatureValidation, -- IMS events, see clause iMSMessage [105] IMSMessage, startOfInterceptionForActiveIMSSession [106] StartOfInterceptionForActiveIMSSession, iMSCCUnavailable [107] IMSCCUnavailable, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 55 uDMLocationInformationResult [108] UDMLocationInformationResult, uDMUEInformationResponse [109] UDMUEInformationResponse, uDMUEAuthenticationResponse [110] UDMUEAuthenticationResponse, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 5 positioningInfoTransfer [111] AMFPositioningInfoTransfer, -- MME events, see clause, continued from tag 91 mMEPositioningInfoTransfer [112] MMEPositioningInfoTransfer, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 111 aMFRANHandoverCommand [113] AMFRANHandoverCommand, aMFRANHandoverRequest [114] AMFRANHandoverRequest, -- EES events, see clause 7.14.2 eESEECRegistration [115] EESEECRegistration, eESEASDiscovery [116] EESEASDiscovery, eESEASDiscoverySubscription [117] EESEASDiscoverySubscription, eESEASDiscoveryNotification [118] EESEASDiscoveryNotification, eESAppContextRelocation [119] EESAppContextRelocation, eESACRSubscription [120] EESACRSubscription, eESACRNotification [121] EESACRNotification, eESEECContextRelocation [122] EESEECContextRelocation, eESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC [123] EESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 110 uDMStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget [124] UDMStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget, -- 5GMS AF events, see clause 7.15.2 fiveGMSAFServiceAccessInformation [125] FiveGMSAFServiceAccessInformation, fiveGMSAFConsumptionReporting [126] FiveGMSAFConsumptionReporting, fiveGMSAFDynamicPolicyInvocation [127] FiveGMSAFDynamicPolicyInvocation, fiveGMSAFMetricsReporting [128] FiveGMSAFMetricsReporting, fiveGMSAFNetworkAssistance [129] FiveGMSAFNetworkAssistance, fiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulProcedure [130] FiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulProcedure, fiveGMSAFStartOfInterceptionWithAlreadyConfiguredUE [131] FiveGMSAFStartOfInterceptionWithAlreadyConfiguredUE, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 114 aMFUEConfigurationUpdate [132] AMFUEConfigurationUpdate, -- HSS events, see clause hSSServingSystemMessage [133] HSSServingSystemMessage, hSSStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget [134] HSSStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget, -- NEF events, see clause nEFAFSessionWithQoSProvision [135] NEFAFSessionWithQoSProvision, nEFAFSessionWithQoSNotification [136] NEFAFSessionWithQoSNotification, -- SCEF events, see clause sCEFASSessionWithQoSProvision [137] SCEFASSessionWithQoSProvision, sCEFASSessionWithQoSNotification [138] SCEFASSessionWithQoSNotification, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 132 aMFRANTraceReport [139] AMFRANTraceReport, -- RCS events, see clause 7.13.3 rCSRegistration [140] RCSRegistration, rCSMessage [141] RCSMessage, rCSCapabilityDiscovery [142] RCSCapabilityDiscovery, rCSSessionEstablishment [143] RCSSessionEstablishment, rCSSessionModification [144] RCSSessionModification, rCSSessionRelease [145] RCSSessionRelease, -- AMF events, see clause, continued from tag 139 aMFUEPolicyTransfer [146] AMFUEPolicyTransfer, aMFUEServiceAccept [147] AMFUEServiceAccept, -- MME events, see clause, continued from tag 112 ePSRANHandoverCommand [148] EPSRANHandoverCommand, ePSRANHandoverRequest [149] EPSRANHandoverRequest, mMERANTraceReport [150] MMERANTraceReport, mMEUEServiceAccept [151] MMEUEServiceAccept, --NWDAF events, see clause 7.16.2 nWDAFEventsSubscription [152] NWDAFEventsSubscription, nWDAFEventsNotification [153] NWDAFEventsNotification, nWDAFAnalyticsInfoQuery [154] NWDAFAnalyticsInfoQuery, nWDAFRoamingAnalyticsSubscription [155] NWDAFRoamingAnalyticsSubscription, nWDAFRoamingAnalyticsNotification [156] NWDAFRoamingAnalyticsNotification, -- RCS events, see clause 7.13.3, continued from tag 145 startOfInterceptForRegisteredRCSUser [157] StartOfInterceptForRegisteredRCSUser, startOfInterceptWithEstablisedRCSSession [158] StartOfInterceptWithEstablisedRCSSession, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 124 uDMProSeTargetIdentifierDeconcealment [159] UDMProSeTargetIdentifierDeconcealment, uDMProSeTargetAuthentication [160] UDMProSeTargetAuthentication } -- ============== -- X3 xCC payload -- ============== -- No additional xCC payload definitions required in the present document. -- =============== -- HI2 IRI payload -- =============== IRIPayload ::= SEQUENCE { iRIPayloadOID [1] RELATIVE-OID, event [2] IRIEvent, targetIdentifiers [3] SEQUENCE OF IRITargetIdentifier OPTIONAL, mediatedFromIndicator [4] MediatedFromIndicator OPTIONAL } IRIEvent ::= CHOICE { -- AMF events, see clause registration [1] AMFRegistration, deregistration [2] AMFDeregistration, locationUpdate [3] AMFLocationUpdate, startOfInterceptionWithRegisteredUE [4] AMFStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredUE, unsuccessfulAMProcedure [5] AMFUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- SMF events, see clause pDUSessionEstablishment [6] SMFPDUSessionEstablishment, pDUSessionModification [7] SMFPDUSessionModification, pDUSessionRelease [8] SMFPDUSessionRelease, startOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession [9] SMFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession, unsuccessfulSMProcedure [10] SMFUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- UDM events, see clause servingSystemMessage [11] UDMServingSystemMessage, -- SMS events, see clause sMSMessage [12] SMSMessage, -- LALS events, see clause lALSReport [13] LALSReport, -- PDHR/PDSR events, see clause pDHeaderReport [14] PDHeaderReport, pDSummaryReport [15] PDSummaryReport, -- MDF events, see clause mDFCellSiteReport [16] MDFCellSiteReport, -- MMS events, see clause mMSSend [17] MMSSend, mMSSendByNonLocalTarget [18] MMSSendByNonLocalTarget, mMSNotification [19] MMSNotification, mMSSendToNonLocalTarget [20] MMSSendToNonLocalTarget, mMSNotificationResponse [21] MMSNotificationResponse, mMSRetrieval [22] MMSRetrieval, mMSDeliveryAck [23] MMSDeliveryAck, mMSForward [24] MMSForward, mMSDeleteFromRelay [25] MMSDeleteFromRelay, mMSDeliveryReport [26] MMSDeliveryReport, mMSDeliveryReportNonLocalTarget [27] MMSDeliveryReportNonLocalTarget, mMSReadReport [28] MMSReadReport, mMSReadReportNonLocalTarget [29] MMSReadReportNonLocalTarget, mMSCancel [30] MMSCancel, mMSMBoxStore [31] MMSMBoxStore, mMSMBoxUpload [32] MMSMBoxUpload, mMSMBoxDelete [33] MMSMBoxDelete, mMSMBoxViewRequest [34] MMSMBoxViewRequest, mMSMBoxViewResponse [35] MMSMBoxViewResponse, -- PTC events, see clauses 7.5.2 and pTCRegistration [36] PTCRegistration, pTCSessionInitiation [37] PTCSessionInitiation, pTCSessionAbandon [38] PTCSessionAbandon, pTCSessionStart [39] PTCSessionStart, pTCSessionEnd [40] PTCSessionEnd, pTCStartOfInterception [41] PTCStartOfInterception, pTCPreEstablishedSession [42] PTCPreEstablishedSession, pTCInstantPersonalAlert [43] PTCInstantPersonalAlert, pTCPartyJoin [44] PTCPartyJoin, pTCPartyDrop [45] PTCPartyDrop, pTCPartyHold [46] PTCPartyHold, pTCMediaModification [47] PTCMediaModification, pTCGroupAdvertisement [48] PTCGroupAdvertisement, pTCFloorControl [49] PTCFloorControl, pTCTargetPresence [50] PTCTargetPresence, pTCParticipantPresence [51] PTCParticipantPresence, pTCListManagement [52] PTCListManagement, pTCAccessPolicy [53] PTCAccessPolicy, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 11 subscriberRecordChangeMessage [54] UDMSubscriberRecordChangeMessage, cancelLocationMessage [55] UDMCancelLocationMessage, -- SMS events, see clause, continued from tag 12 sMSReport [56] SMSReport, -- SMF MA PDU session events, see clause sMFMAPDUSessionEstablishment [57] SMFMAPDUSessionEstablishment, sMFMAPDUSessionModification [58] SMFMAPDUSessionModification, sMFMAPDUSessionRelease [59] SMFMAPDUSessionRelease, startOfInterceptionWithEstablishedMAPDUSession [60] SMFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedMAPDUSession, unsuccessfulMASMProcedure [61] SMFMAUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- Identifier Association events, see clauses and aMFIdentifierAssociation [62] AMFIdentifierAssociation, mMEIdentifierAssociation [63] MMEIdentifierAssociation, -- SMF PDU to MA PDU session events, see clause sMFPDUtoMAPDUSessionModification [64] SMFPDUtoMAPDUSessionModification, -- NEF events, see clause nEFPDUSessionEstablishment [65] NEFPDUSessionEstablishment, nEFPDUSessionModification [66] NEFPDUSessionModification, nEFPDUSessionRelease [67] NEFPDUSessionRelease, nEFUnsuccessfulProcedure [68] NEFUnsuccessfulProcedure, nEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession [69] NEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession, nEFdeviceTrigger [70] NEFDeviceTrigger, nEFdeviceTriggerReplace [71] NEFDeviceTriggerReplace, nEFdeviceTriggerCancellation [72] NEFDeviceTriggerCancellation, nEFdeviceTriggerReportNotify [73] NEFDeviceTriggerReportNotify, nEFMSISDNLessMOSMS [74] NEFMSISDNLessMOSMS, nEFExpectedUEBehaviourUpdate [75] NEFExpectedUEBehaviourUpdate, -- SCEF events, see clause sCEFPDNConnectionEstablishment [76] SCEFPDNConnectionEstablishment, sCEFPDNConnectionUpdate [77] SCEFPDNConnectionUpdate, sCEFPDNConnectionRelease [78] SCEFPDNConnectionRelease, sCEFUnsuccessfulProcedure [79] SCEFUnsuccessfulProcedure, sCEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection [80] SCEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection, sCEFdeviceTrigger [81] SCEFDeviceTrigger, sCEFdeviceTriggerReplace [82] SCEFDeviceTriggerReplace, sCEFdeviceTriggerCancellation [83] SCEFDeviceTriggerCancellation, sCEFdeviceTriggerReportNotify [84] SCEFDeviceTriggerReportNotify, sCEFMSISDNLessMOSMS [85] SCEFMSISDNLessMOSMS, sCEFCommunicationPatternUpdate [86] SCEFCommunicationPatternUpdate, -- MME events, see clause mMEAttach [87] MMEAttach, mMEDetach [88] MMEDetach, mMELocationUpdate [89] MMELocationUpdate, mMEStartOfInterceptionWithEPSAttachedUE [90] MMEStartOfInterceptionWithEPSAttachedUE, mMEUnsuccessfulProcedure [91] MMEUnsuccessfulProcedure, -- AKMA key management events, see clause aAnFAnchorKeyRegister [92] AAnFAnchorKeyRegister, aAnFKAKMAApplicationKeyGet [93] AAnFKAKMAApplicationKeyGet, aAnFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAKeyMaterial [94] AAnFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAKeyMaterial, aAnFAKMAContextRemovalRecord [95] AAnFAKMAContextRemovalRecord, aFAKMAApplicationKeyRefresh [96] AFAKMAApplicationKeyRefresh, aFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAApplicationKey [97] AFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAApplicationKey, aFAuxiliarySecurityParameterEstablishment [98] AFAuxiliarySecurityParameterEstablishment, aFApplicationKeyRemoval [99] AFApplicationKeyRemoval, -- Tag 100 is reserved because there is no equivalent n9HRPDUSessionInfo in IRIEvent. -- Tag 101 is reserved because there is no equivalent S8HRBearerInfo in IRIEvent. -- Separated Location Reporting, see clause separatedLocationReporting [102] SeparatedLocationReporting, -- STIR SHAKEN and RCD/eCNAM events, see clause 7.11.3 sTIRSHAKENSignatureGeneration [103] STIRSHAKENSignatureGeneration, sTIRSHAKENSignatureValidation [104] STIRSHAKENSignatureValidation, -- IMS events, see clause 7.12.7 iMSMessage [105] IMSMessage, startOfInterceptionForActiveIMSSession [106] StartOfInterceptionForActiveIMSSession, iMSCCUnavailable [107] IMSCCUnavailable, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 55 uDMLocationInformationResult [108] UDMLocationInformationResult, uDMUEInformationResponse [109] UDMUEInformationResponse, uDMUEAuthenticationResponse [110] UDMUEAuthenticationResponse, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 5 positioningInfoTransfer [111] AMFPositioningInfoTransfer, -- MME events, see clause, continued from tag 91 mMEPositioningInfoTransfer [112] MMEPositioningInfoTransfer, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 111 aMFRANHandoverCommand [113] AMFRANHandoverCommand, aMFRANHandoverRequest [114] AMFRANHandoverRequest, -- EES events, see clause eESEECRegistration [115] EESEECRegistration, eESEASDiscovery [116] EESEASDiscovery, eESEASDiscoverySubscription [117] EESEASDiscoverySubscription, eESEASDiscoveryNotification [118] EESEASDiscoveryNotification, eESAppContextRelocation [119] EESAppContextRelocation, eESACRSubscription [120] EESACRSubscription, eESACRNotification [121] EESACRNotification, eESEECContextRelocation [122] EESEECContextRelocation, eESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC [123] EESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 110 uDMStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget [124] UDMStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget, -- 5GMS AF events, see clause 7.15.3 fiveGMSAFServiceAccessInformation [125] FiveGMSAFServiceAccessInformation, fiveGMSAFConsumptionReporting [126] FiveGMSAFConsumptionReporting, fiveGMSAFDynamicPolicyInvocation [127] FiveGMSAFDynamicPolicyInvocation, fiveGMSAFMetricsReporting [128] FiveGMSAFMetricsReporting, fiveGMSAFNetworkAssistance [129] FiveGMSAFNetworkAssistance, fiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulProcedure [130] FiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulProcedure, fiveGMSAFStartOfInterceptionWithAlreadyConfiguredUE [131] FiveGMSAFStartOfInterceptionWithAlreadyConfiguredUE, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 114 aMFUEConfigurationUpdate [132] AMFUEConfigurationUpdate, -- HSS events, see clause hSSServingSystemMessage [133] HSSServingSystemMessage, hSSStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget [134] HSSStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget, -- NEF events, see clause nEFAFSessionWithQoSProvision [135] NEFAFSessionWithQoSProvision, nEFAFSessionWithQoSNotification [136] NEFAFSessionWithQoSNotification, -- SCEF events, see clause sCEFASSessionWithQoSProvision [137] SCEFASSessionWithQoSProvision, sCEFASSessionWithQoSNotification [138] SCEFASSessionWithQoSNotification, -- AMF events, see, continued from tag 132 aMFRANTraceReport [139] AMFRANTraceReport, -- RCS events, see clause 7.13.3 rCSRegistration [140] RCSRegistration, rCSMessage [141] RCSMessage, rCSCapabilityDiscovery [142] RCSCapabilityDiscovery, rCSSessionEstablishment [143] RCSSessionEstablishment, rCSSessionModification [144] RCSSessionModification, rCSSessionRelease [145] RCSSessionRelease, -- AMF events, see clause, continued from tag 139 aMFUEPolicyTransfer [146] AMFUEPolicyTransfer, aMFUEServiceAccept [147] AMFUEServiceAccept, -- MME events, see clause, continued from tag 112 ePSRANHandoverCommand [148] EPSRANHandoverCommand, ePSRANHandoverRequest [149] EPSRANHandoverRequest, mMERANTraceReport [150] MMERANTraceReport, mMEUEServiceAccept [151] MMEUEServiceAccept, --NWDAF events, see clause 7.16.3 nWDAFEventsSubscription [152] NWDAFEventsSubscription, nWDAFEventsNotification [153] NWDAFEventsNotification, nWDAFAnalyticsInfoQuery [154] NWDAFAnalyticsInfoQuery, nWDAFRoamingAnalyticsSubscription [155] NWDAFRoamingAnalyticsSubscription, nWDAFRoamingAnalyticsNotification [156] NWDAFRoamingAnalyticsNotification, -- RCS events, see clause 7.13.3, continued from tag 145 startOfInterceptForRegisteredRCSUser [157] StartOfInterceptForRegisteredRCSUser, startOfInterceptWithEstablisedRCSSession [158] StartOfInterceptWithEstablisedRCSSession, -- UDM events, see clause, continued from tag 124 uDMProSeTargetIdentifierDeconcealment [159] UDMProSeTargetIdentifierDeconcealment, uDMProSeTargetAuthentication [160] UDMProSeTargetAuthentication } IRITargetIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { identifier [1] TargetIdentifier, provenance [2] TargetIdentifierProvenance OPTIONAL } MediatedFromIndicator ::= CHOICE { xIRIRelativeOID [1] RELATIVE-OID } -- ============== -- HI3 CC payload -- ============== CCPayload ::= SEQUENCE { cCPayloadOID [1] RELATIVE-OID, pDU [2] CCPDU } CCPDU ::= CHOICE { uPFCCPDU [1] UPFCCPDU, extendedUPFCCPDU [2] ExtendedUPFCCPDU, mMSCCPDU [3] MMSCCPDU, -- In Rel-16 (threeGPP(4) ts33128(19) r16(16) version9(9)), -- tag 4 is pTCCCPDU and tag 5 is not used. -- Rel-17 or newer decoders should decode tag 4 contents as PTCCCPDU if -- r16 is used in cCPayloadOID. nIDDCCPDU [4] NIDDCCPDU, pTCCCPDU [5] PTCCCPDU, iMSCCPDU [6] IMSCCPDU, rCSCCPDU [7] RCSCCPDU } -- =========================== -- HI4 LI notification payload -- =========================== LINotificationPayload ::= SEQUENCE { lINotificationPayloadOID [1] RELATIVE-OID, notification [2] LINotificationMessage } LINotificationMessage ::= CHOICE { lINotification [1] LINotification } -- ================= -- HR LI definitions -- ================= N9HRPDUSessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [3] PDUSessionID, location [4] Location OPTIONAL, sNSSAI [5] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, dNN [6] DNN OPTIONAL, messageCause [7] N9HRMessageCause } S8HRBearerInfo ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI, iMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL, bearerID [3] EPSBearerID, linkedBearerID [4] EPSBearerID OPTIONAL, location [5] Location OPTIONAL, aPN [6] APN OPTIONAL, sGWIPAddress [7] IPAddress OPTIONAL, messageCause [8] S8HRMessageCause } -- ================ -- HR LI parameters -- ================ N9HRMessageCause ::= ENUMERATED { pDUSessionEstablished(1), pDUSessionModified(2), pDUSessionReleased(3), updatedLocationAvailable(4), sMFChanged(5), other(6), hRLIEnabled(7) } S8HRMessageCause ::= ENUMERATED { bearerActivated(1), bearerModified(2), bearerDeleted(3), pDNDisconnected(4), updatedLocationAvailable(5), sGWChanged(6), other(7), hRLIEnabled(8) } -- ================== -- 5G NEF definitions -- ================== -- See clause for details of this structure NEFPDUSessionEstablishment ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, pDUSessionID [3] PDUSessionID, sNSSAI [4] SNSSAI, nEFID [5] NEFID, dNN [6] DNN, rDSSupport [7] RDSSupport, sMFID [8] SMFID, aFID [9] AFID } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFPDUSessionModification ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, sNSSAI [3] SNSSAI, initiator [4] Initiator, rDSSourcePortNumber [5] RDSPortNumber OPTIONAL, rDSDestinationPortNumber [6] RDSPortNumber OPTIONAL, applicationID [7] ApplicationID OPTIONAL, aFID [8] AFID OPTIONAL, rDSAction [9] RDSAction OPTIONAL, serializationFormat [10] SerializationFormat OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [11] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFPDUSessionRelease ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, pDUSessionID [3] PDUSessionID, timeOfFirstPacket [4] Timestamp OPTIONAL, timeOfLastPacket [5] Timestamp OPTIONAL, uplinkVolume [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, downlinkVolume [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, releaseCause [8] NEFReleaseCause } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFUnsuccessfulProcedure ::= SEQUENCE { failureCause [1] NEFFailureCause, sUPI [2] SUPI, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [4] PDUSessionID, dNN [5] DNN OPTIONAL, sNSSAI [6] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, rDSDestinationPortNumber [7] RDSPortNumber, applicationID [8] ApplicationID, aFID [9] AFID } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, pDUSessionID [3] PDUSessionID, dNN [4] DNN, sNSSAI [5] SNSSAI, nEFID [6] NEFID, rDSSupport [7] RDSSupport, sMFID [8] SMFID, aFID [9] AFID } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFDeviceTrigger ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, triggerId [3] TriggerID, aFID [4] AFID, triggerPayload [5] TriggerPayload OPTIONAL, validityPeriod [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, priorityDT [7] PriorityDT OPTIONAL, sourcePortId [8] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationPortId [9] PortNumber OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFDeviceTriggerReplace ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, triggerId [3] TriggerID, aFID [4] AFID, triggerPayload [5] TriggerPayload OPTIONAL, validityPeriod [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, priorityDT [7] PriorityDT OPTIONAL, sourcePortId [8] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationPortId [9] PortNumber OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFDeviceTriggerCancellation ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, triggerId [3] TriggerID } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFDeviceTriggerReportNotify ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, triggerId [3] TriggerID, deviceTriggerDeliveryResult [4] DeviceTriggerDeliveryResult } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFMSISDNLessMOSMS ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI, terminatingSMSParty [3] AFID, sMS [4] SMSTPDUData OPTIONAL, sourcePort [5] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationPort [6] PortNumber OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFExpectedUEBehaviourUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, expectedUEMovingTrajectory [2] SEQUENCE OF UMTLocationArea5G OPTIONAL, stationaryIndication [3] StationaryIndication OPTIONAL, communicationDurationTime [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL, periodicTime [5] INTEGER OPTIONAL, scheduledCommunicationTime [6] ScheduledCommunicationTime OPTIONAL, scheduledCommunicationType [7] ScheduledCommunicationType OPTIONAL, batteryIndication [8] BatteryIndication OPTIONAL, trafficProfile [9] TrafficProfile OPTIONAL, expectedTimeAndDayOfWeekInTrajectory [10] SEQUENCE OF UMTLocationArea5G OPTIONAL, aFID [11] AFID, validityTime [12] Timestamp OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFAFSessionWithQoSProvision ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, aFID [2] AFID, aFSessionWithQoSOpType [3] AForASSessionWithQoSOpType, aFSessionWithQoSSubscription [4] SBIType OPTIONAL, aFSessionWithQoSSubscriptionPatch [5] SBIType OPTIONAL, aFSessionWithQoSResponseCode [6] AForASSessionWithQoSResponseCode } -- See clause for details of this structure NEFAFSessionWithQoSNotification ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, aFID [2] AFID, userPlaneNotificationData [3] SBIType, aForASSessionWithQoSResponseCode [4] AForASSessionWithQoSResponseCode } -- ========================== -- Common SCEF/NEF parameters -- ========================== RDSSupport ::= BOOLEAN RDSPortNumber ::= INTEGER (0..15) RDSAction ::= ENUMERATED { reservePort(1), releasePort(2) } SerializationFormat ::= ENUMERATED { xml(1), json(2), cbor(3) } ApplicationID ::= OCTET STRING NIDDCCPDU ::= OCTET STRING TriggerID ::= UTF8String PriorityDT ::= ENUMERATED { noPriority(1), priority(2) } TriggerPayload ::= OCTET STRING DeviceTriggerDeliveryResult ::= ENUMERATED { success(1), unknown(2), failure(3), triggered(4), expired(5), unconfirmed(6), replaced(7), terminate(8) } StationaryIndication ::= ENUMERATED { stationary(1), mobile(2) } BatteryIndication ::= ENUMERATED { batteryRecharge(1), batteryReplace(2), batteryNoRecharge(3), batteryNoReplace(4), noBattery(5) } ScheduledCommunicationTime ::= SEQUENCE { days [1] SEQUENCE OF Daytime } UMTLocationArea5G ::= SEQUENCE { timeOfDay [1] Daytime, durationSec [2] INTEGER, location [3] NRLocation } Daytime ::= SEQUENCE { daysOfWeek [1] Day OPTIONAL, timeOfDayStart [2] Timestamp OPTIONAL, timeOfDayEnd [3] Timestamp OPTIONAL } Day ::= ENUMERATED { monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6), sunday(7) } TrafficProfile ::= ENUMERATED { singleTransUL(1), singleTransDL(2), dualTransULFirst(3), dualTransDLFirst(4), multiTrans(5) } ScheduledCommunicationType ::= ENUMERATED { downlinkOnly(1), uplinkOnly(2), bidirectional(3) } AForASSessionWithQoSResponseCode ::= ENUMERATED { oK200(1), created201(2), noContent204(3), temporaryRedirect307(4), permanentRedirect308(5), badRequest400(6), unauthorized401(7), forbidden403(8), notFound404(9), notAcceptable406(10), lengthRequired411(11), unsupportedMediaType415(12), tooManyRequests429(13), internalServerError500(14), serviceUnavailable503(15) } AForASSessionWithQoSOpType ::= ENUMERATED { pOST(1), pUT(2), pATCH(3), dELETE(4) } -- ================= -- 5G NEF parameters -- ================= NEFFailureCause ::= ENUMERATED { userUnknown(1), niddConfigurationNotAvailable(2), contextNotFound(3), portNotFree(4), portNotAssociatedWithSpecifiedApplication(5) } NEFReleaseCause ::= ENUMERATED { sMFRelease(1), dNRelease(2), uDMRelease(3), cHFRelease(4), localConfigurationPolicy(5), unknownCause(6) } AFID ::= UTF8String NEFID ::= UTF8String -- ================== -- SCEF definitions -- ================== -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFPDNConnectionEstablishment ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [3] NAI OPTIONAL, iMEI [4] IMEI OPTIONAL, ePSBearerID [5] EPSBearerID, sCEFID [6] SCEFID, aPN [7] APN, rDSSupport [8] RDSSupport, sCSASID [9] SCSASID } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFPDNConnectionUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [3] NAI OPTIONAL, initiator [4] Initiator, rDSSourcePortNumber [5] RDSPortNumber OPTIONAL, rDSDestinationPortNumber [6] RDSPortNumber OPTIONAL, applicationID [7] ApplicationID OPTIONAL, sCSASID [8] SCSASID OPTIONAL, rDSAction [9] RDSAction OPTIONAL, serializationFormat [10] SerializationFormat OPTIONAL, ePSBearerID [11] EPSBearerID OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFPDNConnectionRelease ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [3] NAI OPTIONAL, ePSBearerID [4] EPSBearerID, timeOfFirstPacket [5] Timestamp OPTIONAL, timeOfLastPacket [6] Timestamp OPTIONAL, uplinkVolume [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, downlinkVolume [8] INTEGER OPTIONAL, releaseCause [9] SCEFReleaseCause } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFUnsuccessfulProcedure ::= SEQUENCE { failureCause [1] SCEFFailureCause, iMSI [2] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [3] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [4] NAI OPTIONAL, ePSBearerID [5] EPSBearerID, aPN [6] APN, rDSDestinationPortNumber [7] RDSPortNumber OPTIONAL, applicationID [8] ApplicationID OPTIONAL, sCSASID [9] SCSASID } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [3] NAI OPTIONAL, iMEI [4] IMEI OPTIONAL, ePSBearerID [5] EPSBearerID, sCEFID [6] SCEFID, aPN [7] APN, rDSSupport [8] RDSSupport, sCSASID [9] SCSASID } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFDeviceTrigger ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI, mSISDN [2] MSISDN, externalIdentifier [3] NAI, triggerId [4] TriggerID, sCSASID [5] SCSASID OPTIONAL, triggerPayload [6] TriggerPayload OPTIONAL, validityPeriod [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, priorityDT [8] PriorityDT OPTIONAL, sourcePortId [9] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationPortId [10] PortNumber OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFDeviceTriggerReplace ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [3] NAI OPTIONAL, triggerId [4] TriggerID, sCSASID [5] SCSASID OPTIONAL, triggerPayload [6] TriggerPayload OPTIONAL, validityPeriod [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, priorityDT [8] PriorityDT OPTIONAL, sourcePortId [9] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationPortId [10] PortNumber OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFDeviceTriggerCancellation ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [3] NAI OPTIONAL, triggerId [4] TriggerID } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFDeviceTriggerReportNotify ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [3] NAI OPTIONAL, triggerId [4] TriggerID, deviceTriggerDeliveryResult [5] DeviceTriggerDeliveryResult } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFMSISDNLessMOSMS ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifie [3] NAI OPTIONAL, terminatingSMSParty [4] SCSASID, sMS [5] SMSTPDUData OPTIONAL, sourcePort [6] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationPort [7] PortNumber OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFCommunicationPatternUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { mSISDN [1] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [2] NAI OPTIONAL, periodicCommunicationIndicator [3] PeriodicCommunicationIndicator OPTIONAL, communicationDurationTime [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL, periodicTime [5] INTEGER OPTIONAL, scheduledCommunicationTime [6] ScheduledCommunicationTime OPTIONAL, scheduledCommunicationType [7] ScheduledCommunicationType OPTIONAL, stationaryIndication [8] StationaryIndication OPTIONAL, batteryIndication [9] BatteryIndication OPTIONAL, trafficProfile [10] TrafficProfile OPTIONAL, expectedUEMovingTrajectory [11] SEQUENCE OF UMTLocationArea5G OPTIONAL, sCSASID [13] SCSASID, validityTime [14] Timestamp OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFASSessionWithQoSProvision ::= SEQUENCE { mSISDN [1] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [2] NAI OPTIONAL, sCSASID [3] SCSASID, aSSessionWithQoSOpType [4] AForASSessionWithQoSOpType, aSSessionWithQoSSubscription [5] SBIType OPTIONAL, aSSessionWithQoSSubscriptionPatch [6] SBIType OPTIONAL, aSSessionWithQoSResponseCode [7] AForASSessionWithQoSResponseCode } -- See clause for details of this structure SCEFASSessionWithQoSNotification ::= SEQUENCE { mSISDN [1] MSISDN OPTIONAL, externalIdentifier [2] NAI OPTIONAL, sCSASID [3] SCSASID, userPlaneNotificationData [4] SBIType, aSSessionWithQoSResponseCode [5] AForASSessionWithQoSResponseCode } -- ================= -- SCEF parameters -- ================= SCEFFailureCause ::= ENUMERATED { userUnknown(1), niddConfigurationNotAvailable(2), invalidEPSBearer(3), operationNotAllowed(4), portNotFree(5), portNotAssociatedWithSpecifiedApplication(6) } SCEFReleaseCause ::= ENUMERATED { mMERelease(1), dNRelease(2), hSSRelease(3), localConfigurationPolicy(4), unknownCause(5) } SCSASID ::= UTF8String SCEFID ::= UTF8String PeriodicCommunicationIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { periodic(1), nonPeriodic(2) } EPSBearerID ::= INTEGER (0..255) APN ::= UTF8String -- ======================= -- AKMA AAnF definitions -- ======================= AAnFAnchorKeyRegister ::= SEQUENCE { aKID [1] NAI, sUPI [2] SUPI, kAKMA [3] KAKMA OPTIONAL } AAnFKAKMAApplicationKeyGet ::= SEQUENCE { type [1] KeyGetType, aKID [2] NAI, keyInfo [3] AFKeyInfo } AAnFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAKeyMaterial ::= SEQUENCE { aKID [1] NAI, kAKMA [2] KAKMA OPTIONAL, aFKeyList [3] SEQUENCE OF AFKeyInfo OPTIONAL } AAnFAKMAContextRemovalRecord ::= SEQUENCE { aKID [1] NAI, nFID [2] NFID } -- ====================== -- AKMA common parameters -- ====================== FQDN ::= UTF8String NFID ::= UTF8String UAProtocolID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(5)) AKMAAFID ::= SEQUENCE { aFFQDN [1] FQDN, uaProtocolID [2] UAProtocolID } UAStarParams ::= CHOICE { tls12 [1] TLS12UAStarParams, generic [2] GenericUAStarParams } GenericUAStarParams ::= SEQUENCE { genericClientParams [1] OCTET STRING, genericServerParams [2] OCTET STRING } -- =========================================== -- Specific UaStarParams for TLS 1.2 (RFC5246) -- =========================================== TLSCipherType ::= ENUMERATED { stream(1), block(2), aead(3) } TLSCompressionAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { null(1), deflate(2) } TLSPRFAlgorithm ::= ENUMERATED { rfc5246(1) } TLSCipherSuite ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(2)) OF INTEGER (0..255) TLS12UAStarParams ::= SEQUENCE { preMasterSecret [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(48)) OPTIONAL, masterSecret [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(48)), pRFAlgorithm [3] TLSPRFAlgorithm, cipherSuite [4] TLSCipherSuite, cipherType [5] TLSCipherType, encKeyLength [6] INTEGER (0..255), blockLength [7] INTEGER (0..255), fixedIVLength [8] INTEGER (0..255), recordIVLength [9] INTEGER (0..255), macLength [10] INTEGER (0..255), macKeyLength [11] INTEGER (0..255), compressionAlgorithm [12] TLSCompressionAlgorithm, clientRandom [13] OCTET STRING (SIZE(32)), serverRandom [14] OCTET STRING (SIZE(32)), clientSequenceNumber [15] INTEGER, serverSequenceNumber [16] INTEGER, sessionID [17] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)), tLSServerExtensions [18] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65535)), tLSClientExtensions [19] OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..65535)) OPTIONAL } KAF ::= OCTET STRING KAKMA ::= OCTET STRING -- ==================== -- AKMA AAnF parameters -- ==================== KeyGetType ::= ENUMERATED { internal(1), external(2) } AFKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE { aFID [1] AKMAAFID, kAF [2] KAF, kAFExpTime [3] KAFExpiryTime } -- ======================= -- AKMA AF definitions -- ======================= AFAKMAApplicationKeyRefresh ::= SEQUENCE { aFID [1] AFID, aKID [2] NAI, kAF [3] KAF, uaStarParams [4] UAStarParams OPTIONAL } AFStartOfInterceptWithEstablishedAKMAApplicationKey ::= SEQUENCE { aFID [1] FQDN, aKID [2] NAI, kAFParamList [3] SEQUENCE OF AFSecurityParams } AFAuxiliarySecurityParameterEstablishment ::= SEQUENCE { aFSecurityParams [1] AFSecurityParams } AFSecurityParams ::= SEQUENCE { aFID [1] AFID, aKID [2] NAI, kAF [3] KAF, uaStarParams [4] UAStarParams } AFApplicationKeyRemoval ::= SEQUENCE { aFID [1] AFID, aKID [2] NAI, removalCause [3] AFKeyRemovalCause } -- =================== -- AKMA AF parameters -- =================== KAFParams ::= SEQUENCE { aKID [1] NAI, kAF [2] KAF, kAFExpTime [3] KAFExpiryTime, uaStarParams [4] UAStarParams } KAFExpiryTime ::= GeneralizedTime AFKeyRemovalCause ::= ENUMERATED { unknown(1), keyExpiry(2), applicationSpecific(3) } -- ================== -- 5G AMF definitions -- ================== -- See clause for details of this structure AMFRegistration ::= SEQUENCE { registrationType [1] AMFRegistrationType, registrationResult [2] AMFRegistrationResult, slice [3] Slice OPTIONAL, sUPI [4] SUPI, sUCI [5] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [6] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [7] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [8] FiveGGUTI, location [9] Location OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [10] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, fiveGSTAIList [11] TAIList OPTIONAL, sMSOverNasIndicator [12] SMSOverNASIndicator OPTIONAL, oldGUTI [13] EPS5GGUTI OPTIONAL, eMM5GRegStatus [14] EMM5GMMStatus OPTIONAL, nonIMEISVPEI [15] NonIMEISVPEI OPTIONAL, mACRestIndicator [16] MACRestrictionIndicator OPTIONAL, pagingRestrictionIndicator [17] PagingRestrictionIndicator OPTIONAL, rATType [18] RATType OPTIONAL, rRCEstablishmentCause [19] RRCEstablishmentCause OPTIONAL, nGInformation [20] NGInformation OPTIONAL, nASTransportInitialInformation [21] NASTransportInitialInformation OPTIONAL, sORTransparentContainer [22] SORTransparentContainer OPTIONAL, equivalentPLMNList [23] PLMNList OPTIONAL, fiveGMMCapability [24] FiveGMMCapability OPTIONAL, initialRANUEContextSetup [25] InitialRANUEContextSetup OPTIONAL, mUSIMUERequestType [26] MUSIMUERequestType OPTIONAL, unavailabilityPeriodDuration [27] UnavailabilityPeriodDuration OPTIONAL, fiveGSUpdateType [28] FiveGSUpdateType OPTIONAL, uEAreaIndication [29] UEAreaIndication OPTIONAL, establishmentCauseNon3GPPAccess [30] EstablishmentCauseNon3GPPAccess OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFDeregistration ::= SEQUENCE { deregistrationDirection [1] AMFDirection, accessType [2] AccessType, sUPI [3] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUCI [4] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [5] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [6] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [7] FiveGGUTI OPTIONAL, cause [8] FiveGMMCause OPTIONAL, location [9] Location OPTIONAL, switchOffIndicator [10] SwitchOffIndicator OPTIONAL, reRegRequiredIndicator [11] ReRegRequiredIndicator OPTIONAL, unavailabilityPeriodDuration [12] UnavailabilityPeriodDuration OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFLocationUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, sUCI [2] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [5] FiveGGUTI OPTIONAL, location [6] Location, deprecatedSMSOverNASIndicator [7] SMSOverNASIndicator OPTIONAL, deprecatedOldGUTI [8] EPS5GGUTI OPTIONAL, uEAreaIndication [9] UEAreaIndication OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredUE ::= SEQUENCE { registrationResult [1] AMFRegistrationResult, registrationType [2] AMFRegistrationType OPTIONAL, slice [3] Slice OPTIONAL, sUPI [4] SUPI, sUCI [5] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [6] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [7] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [8] FiveGGUTI, location [9] Location OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [10] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, timeOfRegistration [11] Timestamp OPTIONAL, fiveGSTAIList [12] TAIList OPTIONAL, sMSOverNASIndicator [13] SMSOverNASIndicator OPTIONAL, oldGUTI [14] EPS5GGUTI OPTIONAL, eMM5GRegStatus [15] EMM5GMMStatus OPTIONAL, sORTransparentContainer [16] SORTransparentContainer OPTIONAL, uEPolicy [17] UEPolicy OPTIONAL, unavailabilityPeriodDuration [18] UnavailabilityPeriodDuration OPTIONAL, fiveGSUpdateType [19] FiveGSUpdateType OPTIONAL, uEAreaIndication [20] UEAreaIndication OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFUnsuccessfulProcedure ::= SEQUENCE { failedProcedureType [1] AMFFailedProcedureType, failureCause [2] AMFFailureCause, requestedSlice [3] NSSAI OPTIONAL, sUPI [4] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUCI [5] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [6] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [7] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [8] FiveGGUTI OPTIONAL, location [9] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause on for details of this structure AMFPositioningInfoTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, sUCI [2] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [5] FiveGGUTI OPTIONAL, nRPPaMessage [6] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, lPPMessage [7] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, lcsCorrelationId [8] UTF8String (SIZE(1..255)) } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFRANHandoverCommand ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, aMFUENGAPID [2] AMFUENGAPID, rANUENGAPID [3] RANUENGAPID, handoverType [4] HandoverType, targetToSourceContainer [5] RANTargetToSourceContainer } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFRANHandoverRequest ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, aMFUENGAPID [2] AMFUENGAPID, rANUENGAPID [3] RANUENGAPID, handoverType [4] HandoverType, handoverCause [5] HandoverCause, pDUSessionResourceInformation [6] PDUSessionResourceInformation, mobilityRestrictionList [7] MobilityRestrictionList OPTIONAL, locationReportingRequestType [8] LocationReportingRequestType OPTIONAL, targetToSourceContainer [9] RANTargetToSourceContainer, nPNAccessInformation [10] NPNAccessInformation OPTIONAL, sourceToTargetContainer [11] RANSourceToTargetContainer } -- See clause on for details of this structure AMFUEConfigurationUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, gUTI [2] GUTI, oldGUTI [3] EPS5GGUTI OPTIONAL, fiveGSTAIList [4] TAIList OPTIONAL, slice [5] Slice OPTIONAL, serviceAreaList [6] ServiceAreaList OPTIONAL, registrationResult [7] AMFRegistrationResult OPTIONAL, sMSOverNASIndicator [8] SMSOverNASIndicator OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFRANTraceReport ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, aMFUENGAPID [2] AMFUENGAPID, rANUENGAPID [3] RANUENGAPID, traceRecordType [4] TraceRecordType, traceDirection [5] TraceDirection, -- deprecatedTraceActivationInfo was deprecated in r18(18) version6(6) and shall not be reused. deprecatedTraceActivationInfo [6] TraceActivationInfo OPTIONAL, nGRANCGI [7] NCGI, globalRANNodeID [8] GlobalRANNodeID, traceCollectionEntityInfo [9] TraceCollectionEntityInfo OPTIONAL, aMFTraceData [10] XMLType, location [11] Location OPTIONAL, traceActivation [12] TraceActivation OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this Structure AMFUEPolicyTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, sUCI [2] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [5] FiveGGUTI OPTIONAL, uEPolicy [6] UEPolicy } -- See clause for details of this structure AMFUEServiceAccept ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, serviceMessageIdentity [2] ServiceMessageIdentity, serviceType [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, fiveGTMSI [4] FiveGTMSI OPTIONAL, uplinkDataStatus [5] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..32)) OPTIONAL, pDUSessionStatus [6] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..32)) OPTIONAL, -- deprecatedUERequestType was deprecated in r18(18) version6(6) and shall not be reused. deprecatedUERequestType [7] FiveGSMRequestType OPTIONAL, pagingRestriction [8] PagingRestrictionIndicator OPTIONAL, forbiddenTAIList [9] TAIList OPTIONAL, uERequestType [10] MUSIMUERequestType OPTIONAL } -- ================= -- 5G AMF parameters -- ================= AMFID ::= SEQUENCE { aMFRegionID [1] AMFRegionID, aMFSetID [2] AMFSetID, aMFPointer [3] AMFPointer } AMFDirection ::= ENUMERATED { networkInitiated(1), uEInitiated(2) } AMFFailedProcedureType ::= ENUMERATED { registration(1), sMS(2), pDUSessionEstablishment(3) } AMFFailureCause ::= CHOICE { fiveGMMCause [1] FiveGMMCause, fiveGSMCause [2] FiveGSMCause } AMFPointer ::= INTEGER (0..63) AMFRegistrationResult ::= ENUMERATED { threeGPPAccess(1), nonThreeGPPAccess(2), threeGPPAndNonThreeGPPAccess(3) } AMFRegionID ::= INTEGER (0..255) AMFRegistrationType ::= ENUMERATED { initial(1), mobility(2), periodic(3), emergency(4), sNPNOnboarding(5), disasterMobility(6), disasterInitial(7) } AMFSetID ::= INTEGER (0..1023) AMFUENGAPID ::= INTEGER (0..1099511627775) AreaScopeOfMDT ::= CHOICE { cellBased [1] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF CellID, tABased [2] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF TAC, pLMNWide [3] PLMNID, tAIBased [4] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF TAI } -- TS 24.502 clause 9.2.2, omitting the first octet EstablishmentCauseNon3GPPAccess ::= OCTET STRING MDTActivation ::= ENUMERATED { immediateMDTOnly(1), loggedMDTOnly(2), immediateMDTandTrace(3) } MDTConfiguration ::= ENUMERATED { mDTConfigurationNR(1), mDTConfigurationEUTRA(2) } MDTConfigurationEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE { mDTActivation [1] MDTActivation, areaScopeofMDT [2] AreaScopeOfMDT, mDTMode [3] MDTMode, signallingBasedMDTPLMNList [4] PLMNList } MDTConfigurationNR ::= SEQUENCE { mDTActivation [1] MDTActivation, areaScopeofMDT [2] AreaScopeOfMDT, mDTModeNR [3] MDTMode, signallingBasedMDTPLMNList [4] PLMNList } -- TS 38.413 [23], clause MDTMode ::= CHOICE { immediateMDT [1] OCTET STRING, loggedMDT [2] OCTET STRING } -- TS 24.501 [13], clause ServiceAreaList ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4..112)) ServiceMessageIdentity ::= CHOICE { serviceRequest [1] OCTET STRING, serviceAccept [2] OCTET STRING } TraceActivation ::= ExternalASNType -- The TraceActivationInfo type was deprecated in r18(18) version6(6) and shall not be reused. -- The TraceActivation type shall be used instead. TraceActivationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { nGRANTraceID [1] OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)), interfacestoTrace [2] BIT STRING (SIZE(8)), traceDepth [3] TraceDepth, traceCollectionEntityIPAddress [4] IPAddress, mDTConfiguration [5] MDTConfiguration OPTIONAL } TraceCollectionEntityInfo ::= SEQUENCE { traceCollectionEntityIPAddress [1] BIT STRING (SIZE(1..160, ...)), traceCollectionEntityURI [2] UTF8String } -- TS 32.423 [112], clause 5.3 TraceDepth ::= ENUMERATED { minimum(1), medium(2), maximum(3), minimumWithoutVendorSpecificExtension(4), mediumWithoutVendorSpecificExtension(5), maximumWithoutVendorSpecificExtension(6) } TraceDirection ::= ENUMERATED { toAMF(1), fromAMF(2), toMME(3), fromMME(4) } TraceRecordType ::= ENUMERATED { traceStart(1), cellTrafficTrace(2), traceDataDelivery(3), traceDeactivation(4) } NASTransportInitialInformation ::= SEQUENCE { rANUENGAPID [1] RANUENGAPID, iABNodeIndication [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, eDTSession [3] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, authenticatedIndication [4] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, nPNAccessInformation [5] CellCAGList OPTIONAL, rEDCAPIndication [6] REDCAPIndication OPTIONAL } NGInformation ::= SEQUENCE { globalRANNodeID [1] GlobalRANNodeID, rANNodeName [2] RANNodeName OPTIONAL, supportedTAList [3] SupportedTAList OPTIONAL, extendedRANNodeName [4] RANNodeName OPTIONAL, pLMNSupportList [5] PLMNSupportList, iABSupported [6] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } PLMNSupportList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF PLMNSupportItem PLMNSupportItem ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNIdentity [1] PLMNID, nPNSupport [2] NID OPTIONAL, onboardingSupport [3] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } F1Information ::= SEQUENCE { gNBDUID [1] INTEGER (0..68719476735), gNBDUName [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, gNBCUName [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, gNBDUServedCells [4] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF RANCGI, extendedGNBDUName [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, extendedGNBCUName [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL } REDCAPIndication ::= ENUMERATED { redCAP(1) } RRCEstablishmentCause ::= CHOICE { ePCEstablishmentCause [1] EstablishmentCause, fiveGCEstablishmentCause [2] EstablishmentCause } EstablishmentCause ::= ENUMERATED { emergency(1), highPriorityAccess(2), mtAccess(3), moSignalling(4), moData(5), moVoiceCall(6), moVideoCall(7), moSMS(8), mpsPriorityAccess(9), mcsPriorityAccess(10), notAvailable(11), exceptionData(12) } SORTransparentContainer ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (17..65535)) UEPolicy ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16..65540)) InitialRANUEContextSetup ::= SEQUENCE { aMFUENGAPID [1] AMFUENGAPID, rANUENGAPID [2] RANUENGAPID, oldAMF [3] GUAMI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionSetupRequest [4] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF PDUSessionSetupRequestItem, allowedNSSAI [5] AllowedNSSAI, mobilityRestrictionList [6] MobilityRestrictionList OPTIONAL, uERadioCapability [7] UERadioCapability OPTIONAL, rATFrequencySelectionPriority [8] RATFrequencySelectionPriority OPTIONAL, uERadioCapabilityForPaging [9] UERadioCapabilityForPaging OPTIONAL, iABAuthorizedIndicator [10] IABAuthorizedIndicator OPTIONAL, nRV2XServicesAuthorization [11] NRV2XServicesAuthorization OPTIONAL, lTEV2XServiceAuthorization [12] LTEV2XServiceAuthorization OPTIONAL, rGLevelWirelineAccessCharacteristics [13] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, uERadioCapabilityID [14] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, targetNSSAIInfo [15] TargetNSSAIInfo OPTIONAL, fiveGProSeAuthorizationIndication [16] FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndication OPTIONAL } PDUSessionSetupRequestItem ::= SEQUENCE { pDUSessionID [1] PDUSessionID, sNSSAI [2] SNSSAI } UERadioCapability ::= SEQUENCE { uERadioCapibilityNR [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, uERadioCapabilityEUTRA [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } UERadioCapabilityForPaging ::= SEQUENCE { uERadioCapabilityForPagingOfNR [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, uERadioCapabilityForPagingOfEUTRA [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, uERadioCapabilityForPagingOfNBIoT [3] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } NRV2XServicesAuthorization ::= SEQUENCE { v2XVehicleUEAuthorizationIndicator [1] V2XUEAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL, v2XPedestrianUEAuthorizationIndicator [2] V2XUEAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL } LTEV2XServiceAuthorization ::= SEQUENCE { v2XVehicleUEAuthorizationIndicator [1] V2XUEAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL, v2XPedestrianUEAuthorizationIndicator [2] V2XUEAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL } TargetNSSAIInfo ::= SEQUENCE { targetSNSSAIList [1] NSSAI, rATFrequencySelectionPriority [2] RATFrequencySelectionPriority } FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndication ::= SEQUENCE { fiveGProSeDirectDiscovery [1] FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL, fiveGProSeDirectCommunication [2] FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL, fiveGProSeL2UEToNetworkRelay [3] FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL, fiveGProSeL3UEToNetworkRelay [4] FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL, fiveGProSeL2RemoteUE [5] FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndicator OPTIONAL } IABAuthorizedIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { authorized(1), notAuthorized(2) } V2XUEAuthorizationIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { authorized(1), notAuthorized(2) } FiveGProSeAuthorizationIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { authorized(1), notAuthorized(2) } MUSIMUERequestType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) RATFrequencySelectionPriority ::= INTEGER (1..256) FiveGMMCapability ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..13)) -- TS 29.171 [54], clause 7.4.48 and TS 29.572 [24], clause UEAreaIndication ::= SEQUENCE { country [1] UTF8String (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL, internationalAreaIndication [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } FiveGSUpdateType ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) UnavailabilityPeriodDuration ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) -- ================== -- 5G SMF definitions -- ================== -- See clause for details of this structure SMFPDUSessionEstablishment ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [2] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [5] PDUSessionID, gTPTunnelID [6] FTEID, pDUSessionType [7] PDUSessionType, sNSSAI [8] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, uEEndpoint [9] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [10] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [11] Location OPTIONAL, dNN [12] DNN, aMFID [13] AMFID OPTIONAL, hSMFURI [14] HSMFURI OPTIONAL, requestType [15] FiveGSMRequestType, accessType [16] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [17] RATType OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [18] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, uEEPSPDNConnection [19] UEEPSPDNConnection OPTIONAL, ePS5GSComboInfo [20] EPS5GSComboInfo OPTIONAL, selectedDNN [21] DNN OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [22] SMFServingNetwork OPTIONAL, oldPDUSessionID [23] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL, handoverState [24] HandoverState OPTIONAL, gTPTunnelInfo [25] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, pCCRules [26] PCCRuleSet OPTIONAL, ePSPDNConnectionEstablishment [27] EPSPDNConnectionEstablishment OPTIONAL, satelliteBackhaulCategory [28] SBIType OPTIONAL, gEOSatelliteID [29] GEOSatelliteID OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFPDUSessionModification ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [2] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, sNSSAI [5] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [6] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [7] Location OPTIONAL, requestType [8] FiveGSMRequestType, accessType [9] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [10] RATType OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [11] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL, ePS5GSComboInfo [12] EPS5GSComboInfo OPTIONAL, uEEndpoint [13] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [14] SMFServingNetwork OPTIONAL, handoverState [15] HandoverState OPTIONAL, gTPTunnelInfo [16] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, pCCRules [17] PCCRuleSet OPTIONAL, ePSPDNConnectionModification[18] EPSPDNConnectionModification OPTIONAL, uPPathChange [19] UPPathChange OPTIONAL, pFDDataForApp [20] PFDDataForApp OPTIONAL, satelliteBackhaulCategory [21] SBIType OPTIONAL, gEOSatelliteID [22] GEOSatelliteID OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFPDUSessionRelease ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [4] PDUSessionID, timeOfFirstPacket [5] Timestamp OPTIONAL, timeOfLastPacket [6] Timestamp OPTIONAL, uplinkVolume [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, downlinkVolume [8] INTEGER OPTIONAL, location [9] Location OPTIONAL, cause [10] SMFErrorCodes OPTIONAL, ePS5GSComboInfo [11] EPS5GSComboInfo OPTIONAL, nGAPCause [12] NGAPCauseInt OPTIONAL, fiveGMMCause [13] FiveGMMCause OPTIONAL, pCCRuleIDs [14] PCCRuleIDSet OPTIONAL, ePSPDNConnectionRelease [15] EPSPDNConnectionRelease OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDUSession ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [2] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [5] PDUSessionID, gTPTunnelID [6] FTEID, pDUSessionType [7] PDUSessionType, sNSSAI [8] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, uEEndpoint [9] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [10] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [11] Location OPTIONAL, dNN [12] DNN, aMFID [13] AMFID OPTIONAL, hSMFURI [14] HSMFURI OPTIONAL, requestType [15] FiveGSMRequestType, accessType [16] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [17] RATType OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [18] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, timeOfSessionEstablishment [19] Timestamp OPTIONAL, ePS5GSComboInfo [20] EPS5GSComboInfo OPTIONAL, uEEPSPDNConnection [21] UEEPSPDNConnection OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [22] SMFServingNetwork OPTIONAL, gTPTunnelInfo [23] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, pCCRules [24] PCCRuleSet OPTIONAL, ePSStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection [25] EPSStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection OPTIONAL, pFDDataForApps [26] PFDDataForApps OPTIONAL, satelliteBackhaulCategory [27] SBIType OPTIONAL, gEOSatelliteID [28] GEOSatelliteID OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFUnsuccessfulProcedure ::= SEQUENCE { failedProcedureType [1] SMFFailedProcedureType, failureCause [2] FiveGSMCause, initiator [3] Initiator, requestedSlice [4] NSSAI OPTIONAL, sUPI [5] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [6] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [7] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [8] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [9] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL, uEEndpoint [10] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [11] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, dNN [12] DNN OPTIONAL, aMFID [13] AMFID OPTIONAL, hSMFURI [14] HSMFURI OPTIONAL, requestType [15] FiveGSMRequestType OPTIONAL, accessType [16] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [17] RATType OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [18] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, location [19] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFPDUtoMAPDUSessionModification ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [2] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, sNSSAI [5] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [6] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [7] Location OPTIONAL, requestType [8] FiveGSMRequestType, accessType [9] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [10] RATType OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [11] PDUSessionID, requestIndication [12] RequestIndication, aTSSSContainer [13] ATSSSContainer, uEEndpoint [14] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [15] SMFServingNetwork OPTIONAL, handoverState [16] HandoverState OPTIONAL, gTPTunnelInfo [17] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, ePSPDNConnectionModification [18] EPSPDNConnectionModification OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFMAPDUSessionEstablishment ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [2] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [5] PDUSessionID, pDUSessionType [6] PDUSessionType, accessInfo [7] SEQUENCE OF AccessInfo, sNSSAI [8] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, uEEndpoint [9] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [10] Location OPTIONAL, dNN [11] DNN, aMFID [12] AMFID OPTIONAL, hSMFURI [13] HSMFURI OPTIONAL, requestType [14] FiveGSMRequestType, sMPDUDNRequest [15] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [16] SMFServingNetwork, oldPDUSessionID [17] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL, mAUpgradeIndication [18] SMFMAUpgradeIndication OPTIONAL, ePSPDNCnxInfo [19] SMFEPSPDNCnxInfo OPTIONAL, mAAcceptedIndication [20] SMFMAAcceptedIndication, aTSSSContainer [21] ATSSSContainer OPTIONAL, uEEPSPDNConnection [22] UEEPSPDNConnection OPTIONAL, ePS5GSComboInfo [23] EPS5GSComboInfo OPTIONAL, selectedDNN [24] DNN OPTIONAL, handoverState [25] HandoverState OPTIONAL, pCCRules [26] PCCRuleSet OPTIONAL, ePSPDNConnectionEstablishment [27] EPSPDNConnectionEstablishment OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFMAPDUSessionModification ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [2] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [5] PDUSessionID, accessInfo [6] SEQUENCE OF AccessInfo OPTIONAL, sNSSAI [7] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, requestType [9] FiveGSMRequestType OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [10] SMFServingNetwork, oldPDUSessionID [11] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL, mAUpgradeIndication [12] SMFMAUpgradeIndication OPTIONAL, ePSPDNCnxInfo [13] SMFEPSPDNCnxInfo OPTIONAL, mAAcceptedIndication [14] SMFMAAcceptedIndication, aTSSSContainer [15] ATSSSContainer OPTIONAL, uEEPSPDNConnection [16] UEEPSPDNConnection OPTIONAL, ePS5GSComboInfo [17] EPS5GSComboInfo OPTIONAL, handoverState [18] HandoverState OPTIONAL, pCCRules [19] PCCRuleSet OPTIONAL, uPPathChange [20] UPPathChange OPTIONAL, pFDDataForApp [21] PFDDataForApp OPTIONAL, ePSPDNConnectionModification [22] EPSPDNConnectionModification OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFMAPDUSessionRelease ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [4] PDUSessionID, timeOfFirstPacket [5] Timestamp OPTIONAL, timeOfLastPacket [6] Timestamp OPTIONAL, uplinkVolume [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, downlinkVolume [8] INTEGER OPTIONAL, location [9] Location OPTIONAL, cause [10] SMFErrorCodes OPTIONAL, nGAPCause [11] NGAPCauseInt OPTIONAL, fiveGMMCause [12] FiveGMMCause OPTIONAL, pCCRuleIDs [13] PCCRuleIDSet OPTIONAL, ePSPDNConnectionRelease [14] EPSPDNConnectionRelease OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedMAPDUSession ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [2] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [5] PDUSessionID, pDUSessionType [6] PDUSessionType, accessInfo [7] SEQUENCE OF AccessInfo, sNSSAI [8] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, uEEndpoint [9] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [10] Location OPTIONAL, dNN [11] DNN, aMFID [12] AMFID OPTIONAL, hSMFURI [13] HSMFURI OPTIONAL, requestType [14] FiveGSMRequestType OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [15] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [16] SMFServingNetwork, oldPDUSessionID [17] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL, mAUpgradeIndication [18] SMFMAUpgradeIndication OPTIONAL, ePSPDNCnxInfo [19] SMFEPSPDNCnxInfo OPTIONAL, mAAcceptedIndication [20] SMFMAAcceptedIndication, aTSSSContainer [21] ATSSSContainer OPTIONAL, ePS5GSComboInfo [22] EPS5GSComboInfo OPTIONAL, uEEPSPDNConnection [23] UEEPSPDNConnection OPTIONAL, pCCRules [24] PCCRuleSet OPTIONAL, pFDDataForApps [25] PFDDataForApps OPTIONAL, ePSStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection [26] EPSStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure SMFMAUnsuccessfulProcedure ::= SEQUENCE { failedProcedureType [1] SMFFailedProcedureType, failureCause [2] FiveGSMCause, requestedSlice [3] NSSAI OPTIONAL, initiator [4] Initiator, sUPI [5] SUPI OPTIONAL, sUPIUnauthenticated [6] SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, pEI [7] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [8] GPSI OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [9] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL, accessInfo [10] SEQUENCE OF AccessInfo, uEEndpoint [11] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [12] Location OPTIONAL, dNN [13] DNN OPTIONAL, aMFID [14] AMFID OPTIONAL, hSMFURI [15] HSMFURI OPTIONAL, requestType [16] FiveGSMRequestType OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [17] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL } -- ================= -- 5G SMF parameters -- ================= SMFID ::= UTF8String SMFFailedProcedureType ::= ENUMERATED { pDUSessionEstablishment(1), pDUSessionModification(2), pDUSessionRelease(3) } SMFServingNetwork ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, nID [2] NID OPTIONAL } AccessInfo ::= SEQUENCE { accessType [1] AccessType, rATType [2] RATType OPTIONAL, gTPTunnelID [3] FTEID, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [4] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, establishmentStatus [5] EstablishmentStatus, aNTypeToReactivate [6] AccessType OPTIONAL, gTPTunnelInfo [7] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, satelliteBackhaulCategory [8] SBIType OPTIONAL, gEOSatelliteID [9] GEOSatelliteID OPTIONAL } -- see Clause 6.1.2 of TS 24.193[44] for the details of the ATSSS container contents. ATSSSContainer ::= OCTET STRING DLRANTunnelInformation ::= SEQUENCE { dLQOSFlowTunnelInformation [1] QOSFlowTunnelInformation OPTIONAL, additionalDLQOSFlowTunnelInformation [2] QOSFlowTunnelInformationList OPTIONAL, redundantDLQOSFlowTunnelInformation [3] QOSFlowTunnelInformationList OPTIONAL, additionalredundantDLQOSFlowTunnelInformation [4] QOSFlowTunnelInformationList OPTIONAL } EstablishmentStatus ::= ENUMERATED { established(0), released(1) } FiveGSGTPTunnels ::= SEQUENCE { uLNGUUPTunnelInformation [1] FTEID OPTIONAL, additionalULNGUUPTunnelInformation [2] FTEIDList OPTIONAL, dLRANTunnelInformation [3] DLRANTunnelInformation OPTIONAL } FiveQI ::= INTEGER (0..255) HandoverState ::= ENUMERATED { none(1), preparing(2), prepared(3), completed(4), cancelled(5) } NGAPCauseInt ::= SEQUENCE { group [1] NGAPCauseGroupInt, value [2] NGAPCauseValueInt } -- Derived as described in TS 29.571 [17] clause NGAPCauseGroupInt ::= INTEGER NGAPCauseValueInt ::= INTEGER SMFMAUpgradeIndication ::= BOOLEAN -- Given in YAML encoding as defined in clause of TS 29.502[16] SMFEPSPDNCnxInfo ::= UTF8String SMFMAAcceptedIndication ::= BOOLEAN -- see Clause of TS 29.502[16] for the details of this structure. SMFErrorCodes ::= UTF8String -- see Clause of TS 29.502[16] for details of this structure. UEEPSPDNConnection ::= OCTET STRING -- see Clause of TS 29.502[16] for the details of this structure. RequestIndication ::= ENUMERATED { uEREQPDUSESMOD(0), uEREQPDUSESREL(1), pDUSESMOB(2), nWREQPDUSESAUTH(3), nWREQPDUSESMOD(4), nWREQPDUSESREL(5), eBIASSIGNMENTREQ(6), rELDUETO5GANREQUEST(7) } QOSFlowTunnelInformation ::= SEQUENCE { uPTunnelInformation [1] FTEID, associatedQOSFlowList [2] QOSFlowLists } QOSFlowTunnelInformationList ::= SEQUENCE OF QOSFlowTunnelInformation QOSFlowDescription ::= OCTET STRING QOSFlowLists ::= SEQUENCE OF QOSFlowList QOSFlowList ::= SEQUENCE { qFI [1] QFI, qOSRules [2] QOSRules OPTIONAL, eBI [3] EPSBearerID OPTIONAL, qOSFlowDescription [4] QOSFlowDescription OPTIONAL, qOSFlowProfile [5] QOSFlowProfile OPTIONAL, associatedANType [6] AccessType OPTIONAL, defaultQOSRuleIndication [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } QOSFlowProfile ::= SEQUENCE { fiveQI [1] FiveQI } QOSRules ::= OCTET STRING -- See clauses and of TS 29.512 [89], clause table of TS 29.508 [90] for the details of this structure PCCRule ::= SEQUENCE { pCCRuleID [1] PCCRuleID OPTIONAL, appId [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, flowInfos [3] FlowInformationSet OPTIONAL, appReloc [4] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, simConnInd [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, simConnTerm [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, maxAllowedUpLat [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, trafficRoutes [8] RouteToLocationSet, trafficSteeringPolIdDl [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, trafficSteeringPolIdUl [10] UTF8String OPTIONAL, deprecatedSourceDNAI [11] DNAI OPTIONAL, deprecatedTargetDNAI [12] DNAI OPTIONAL, deprecatedDNAIChangeType [13] DNAIChangeType OPTIONAL, deprecatedSourceUEIPAddr [14] IPAddress OPTIONAL, deprecatedTargetUEIPAddr [15] IPAddress OPTIONAL, sourceTrafficRouting [16] RouteToLocation OPTIONAL, targetTrafficRouting [17] RouteToLocation OPTIONAL, eASIPReplaceInfos [18] EASIPReplaceInfos OPTIONAL } -- See clause table of TS 29.508 [90] for the details of this structure. UPPathChange ::= SEQUENCE { sourceDNAI [1] DNAI OPTIONAL, targetDNAI [2] DNAI OPTIONAL, dNAIChangeType [3] DNAIChangeType OPTIONAL, sourceUEIPAddr [4] IPAddress OPTIONAL, targetUEIPAddr [5] IPAddress OPTIONAL, sourceTrafficRouting [6] RouteToLocation OPTIONAL, targetTrafficRouting [7] RouteToLocation OPTIONAL, mACAddress [8] MACAddress OPTIONAL } -- See table of TS 29.512 [89] PCCRuleID ::= UTF8String PCCRuleSet ::= SET OF PCCRule PCCRuleIDSet ::= SET OF PCCRuleID FlowInformationSet ::= SET OF FlowInformation RouteToLocationSet ::= SET OF RouteToLocation -- See table of TS 29.512 [89] FlowInformation ::= SEQUENCE { flowDescription [1] FlowDescription OPTIONAL, ethFlowDescription [2] EthFlowDescription OPTIONAL, tosTrafficClass [3] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL, spi [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) OPTIONAL, flowLabel [5] OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) OPTIONAL, flowDirection [6] FlowDirection OPTIONAL } -- See table of TS 29.512 [89] FlowDescription ::= SEQUENCE { sourceIPAddress [1] IPAddressOrRangeOrAny, destinationIPAddress [2] IPAddressOrRangeOrAny, sourcePortNumber [3] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationPortNumber [4] PortNumber OPTIONAL, protocol [5] NextLayerProtocolOrAny } IPAddressOrRangeOrAny ::= CHOICE { iPAddress [1] IPAddress, ipAddressRange [2] IPMask, anyIPAddress [3] AnyIPAddress } IPMask ::= SEQUENCE { fromIPAddress [1] IPAddress, toIPAddress [2] IPAddress } AnyIPAddress ::= ENUMERATED { any(1) } NextLayerProtocolOrAny ::= CHOICE { nextLayerProtocol [1] NextLayerProtocol, anyNextLayerProtocol [2] AnyNextLayerProtocol } AnyNextLayerProtocol ::= ENUMERATED { ip(1) } -- See table of TS 29.514 [91] EthFlowDescription ::= SEQUENCE { destMacAddress [1] MACAddress OPTIONAL, ethType [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)), fDesc [3] FlowDescription OPTIONAL, fDir [4] FDir OPTIONAL, sourceMacAddress [5] MACAddress OPTIONAL, vlanTags [6] SET OF VLANTag, srcMacAddrEnd [7] MACAddress OPTIONAL, destMacAddrEnd [8] MACAddress OPTIONAL } -- See table of TS 29.514 [91] FDir ::= ENUMERATED { downlink(1) } -- See table of TS 29.514 [91] VLANTag ::= SEQUENCE { priority [1] BIT STRING (SIZE(3)), cFI [2] BIT STRING (SIZE(1)), vLANID [3] BIT STRING (SIZE(12)) } -- See table of TS 29.512 [89] FlowDirection ::= ENUMERATED { downlinkOnly(1), uplinkOnly(2), dowlinkAndUplink(3) } -- See table of TS 29.571 [17] DNAIChangeType ::= ENUMERATED { early(1), earlyAndLate(2), late(3) } -- See table of TS 29.571 [17] RouteToLocation ::= SEQUENCE { dNAI [1] DNAI, routeInfo [2] RouteInfo } -- See table of TS 29.571 [17] DNAI ::= UTF8String -- See table of TS 29.571 [17] RouteInfo ::= SEQUENCE { iPAddressTunnelEndpoint [1] IPAddress, uDPPortNumberTunnelEndpoint [2] PortNumber } -- See clause of TS 29.512 [89] EASIPReplaceInfos ::= SEQUENCE { sourceEASAddress [1] EASServerAddress, targetEASAddress [2] EASServerAddress } -- See clause of TS 29.512 [89] EASServerAddress ::= SEQUENCE { iPAddress [1] IPAddress, port [2] PortNumber } -- See table of TS 29.571 [17] GEOSatelliteID ::= UTF8String -- ================================ -- PGW-C + SMF PDNConnection Events -- ================================ EPSPDNConnectionEstablishment ::= SEQUENCE { ePSSubscriberIDs [1] EPSSubscriberIDs, iMSIUnauthenticated [2] IMSIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, defaultBearerID [3] EPSBearerID, gTPTunnelInfo [4] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, pDNConnectionType [5] PDNConnectionType, uEEndpoints [6] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [7] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, additionalLocation [9] Location OPTIONAL, aPN [10] APN, requestType [11] EPSPDNConnectionRequestType OPTIONAL, accessType [12] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [13] RATType OPTIONAL, protocolConfigurationOptions [14] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [15] SMFServingNetwork OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [16] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, bearerContextsCreated [17] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerContextCreated, bearerContextsMarkedForRemoval [18] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerContextForRemoval OPTIONAL, indicationFlags [19] PDNConnectionIndicationFlags OPTIONAL, handoverIndication [20] PDNHandoverIndication OPTIONAL, nBIFOMSupport [21] PDNNBIFOMSupport OPTIONAL, fiveGSInterworkingInfo [22] FiveGSInterworkingInfo OPTIONAL, cSRMFI [23] CSRMFI OPTIONAL, restorationOfPDNConnectionsSupport [24] RestorationOfPDNConnectionsSupport OPTIONAL, pGWChangeIndication [25] PGWChangeIndication OPTIONAL, pGWRNSI [26] PGWRNSI OPTIONAL } EPSPDNConnectionModification ::= SEQUENCE { ePSSubscriberIDs [1] EPSSubscriberIDs, iMSIUnauthenticated [2] IMSIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, defaultBearerID [3] EPSBearerID, gTPTunnelInfo [4] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, pDNConnectionType [5] PDNConnectionType, uEEndpoints [6] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [7] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, additionalLocation [9] Location OPTIONAL, aPN [10] APN, requestType [11] EPSPDNConnectionRequestType OPTIONAL, accessType [12] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [13] RATType OPTIONAL, protocolConfigurationOptions [14] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [15] SMFServingNetwork OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [16] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, bearerContextsCreated [17] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerContextCreated OPTIONAL, bearerContextsModified [18] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerContextModified, bearerContextsMarkedForRemoval [19] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerContextForRemoval OPTIONAL, bearersDeleted [20] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearersDeleted OPTIONAL, indicationFlags [21] PDNConnectionIndicationFlags OPTIONAL, handoverIndication [22] PDNHandoverIndication OPTIONAL, nBIFOMSupport [23] PDNNBIFOMSupport OPTIONAL, fiveGSInterworkingInfo [24] FiveGSInterworkingInfo OPTIONAL, cSRMFI [25] CSRMFI OPTIONAL, restorationOfPDNConnectionsSupport [26] RestorationOfPDNConnectionsSupport OPTIONAL, pGWChangeIndication [27] PGWChangeIndication OPTIONAL, pGWRNSI [28] PGWRNSI OPTIONAL } EPSPDNConnectionRelease ::= SEQUENCE { ePSSubscriberIDs [1] EPSSubscriberIDs, iMSIUnauthenticated [2] IMSIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, defaultBearerID [3] EPSBearerID, location [4] Location OPTIONAL, gTPTunnelInfo [5] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, rANNASCause [6] EPSRANNASCause OPTIONAL, pDNConnectionType [7] PDNConnectionType, indicationFlags [8] PDNConnectionIndicationFlags OPTIONAL, scopeIndication [9] EPSPDNConnectionReleaseScopeIndication OPTIONAL, bearersDeleted [10] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearersDeleted OPTIONAL } EPSStartOfInterceptionWithEstablishedPDNConnection ::= SEQUENCE { ePSSubscriberIDs [1] EPSSubscriberIDs, iMSIUnauthenticated [2] IMSIUnauthenticatedIndication OPTIONAL, defaultBearerID [3] EPSBearerID, gTPTunnelInfo [4] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, pDNConnectionType [5] PDNConnectionType, uEEndpoints [6] SEQUENCE OF UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [7] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, additionalLocation [9] Location OPTIONAL, aPN [10] APN, requestType [11] EPSPDNConnectionRequestType OPTIONAL, accessType [12] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [13] RATType OPTIONAL, protocolConfigurationOptions [14] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL, servingNetwork [15] SMFServingNetwork OPTIONAL, sMPDUDNRequest [16] SMPDUDNRequest OPTIONAL, bearerContexts [17] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerContext } PFDDataForApps ::= SET OF PFDDataForApp PFDDataForApp ::= SEQUENCE { aPPId [1] UTF8String, pFDs [2] PFDs } PFDs ::= SET OF PFD -- See clause of TS 29.551 [96] PFD ::= SEQUENCE { pFDId [1] UTF8String, pFDFlowDescriptions [2] PFDFlowDescriptions, urls [3] PFDURLs, domainNames [4] DomainNames, dnProtocol [5] DnProtocol } PFDURLs ::= SET OF UTF8String PFDFlowDescriptions ::= SET OF PFDFlowDescription DomainNames ::= SET OF UTF8String PFDFlowDescription ::= SEQUENCE { nextLayerProtocol [1] NextLayerProtocol, serverIPAddress [2] IPAddress, serverPortNumber [3] PortNumber } -- See clause of TS 29.122 [63] DnProtocol ::= ENUMERATED { dnsQname(1), tlsSni(2), tlsSan(3), tlsScn(4) } -- ====================== -- PGW-C + SMF Parameters -- ====================== CSRMFI ::= BOOLEAN EPS5GSComboInfo ::= SEQUENCE { ePSInterworkingIndication [1] EPSInterworkingIndication, ePSSubscriberIDs [2] EPSSubscriberIDs, ePSPDNCnxInfo [3] EPSPDNCnxInfo OPTIONAL, ePSBearerInfo [4] EPSBearerInfo OPTIONAL } EPSInterworkingIndication ::= ENUMERATED { none(1), withN26(2), withoutN26(3), iwkNon3GPP(4) } EPSSubscriberIDs ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [2] MSISDN OPTIONAL, iMEI [3] IMEI OPTIONAL } EPSPDNCnxInfo ::= SEQUENCE { pGWS8ControlPlaneFTEID [1] FTEID, linkedBearerID [2] EPSBearerID OPTIONAL } EPSBearerInfo ::= SEQUENCE OF EPSBearers EPSBearers ::= SEQUENCE { ePSBearerID [1] EPSBearerID, pGWS8UserPlaneFTEID [2] FTEID, qCI [3] QCI } EPSBearerContext ::= SEQUENCE { ePSBearerID [1] EPSBearerID, uPGTPTunnelInfo [2] GTPTunnelInfo, bearerQOS [3] EPSBearerQOS } EPSBearerContextCreated ::= SEQUENCE { ePSBearerID [1] EPSBearerID, cause [2] EPSBearerCreationCauseValue, gTPTunnelInfo [3] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, bearerQOS [4] EPSBearerQOS OPTIONAL, protocolConfigurationOptions [5] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL } EPSBearerContextModified ::= SEQUENCE { ePSBearerID [1] EPSBearerID, cause [2] EPSBearerModificationCauseValue, gTPTunnelInfo [3] GTPTunnelInfo OPTIONAL, bearerQOS [4] EPSBearerQOS OPTIONAL, protocolConfigurationOptions [5] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL, linkedBearerIDs [6] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerID OPTIONAL } EPSBearersDeleted ::= SEQUENCE { linkedEPSBearerID [1] EPSBearerID OPTIONAL, ePSBearerIDs [2] SEQUENCE OF EPSBearerID OPTIONAL, protocolConfigurationOptions [3] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL, cause [4] EPSBearerDeletionCauseValue OPTIONAL, deleteBearerResponse [5] EPSDeleteBearerResponse } EPSDeleteBearerResponse ::= SEQUENCE { cause [1] EPSBearerDeletionCauseValue, linkedEPSBearerID [2] EPSBearerID OPTIONAL, bearerContexts [3] SEQUENCE OF EPSDeleteBearerContext OPTIONAL, protocolConfigurationOptions [4] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL } EPSDeleteBearerContext ::= SEQUENCE { cause [1] EPSBearerDeletionCauseValue, ePSBearerID [2] EPSBearerID, protocolConfigurationOptions [3] PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions OPTIONAL, rANNASCause [4] EPSRANNASCause OPTIONAL } EPSBearerContextForRemoval ::= SEQUENCE { ePSBearerID [1] EPSBearerID, cause [2] EPSBearerRemovalCauseValue } EPSBearerCreationCauseValue ::= INTEGER (0..255) EPSBearerDeletionCauseValue ::= INTEGER (0..255) EPSBearerModificationCauseValue ::= INTEGER (0..255) EPSBearerRemovalCauseValue ::= INTEGER (0..255) EPSBearerQOS ::= SEQUENCE { qCI [1] QCI OPTIONAL, maximumUplinkBitRate [2] BitrateBinKBPS OPTIONAL, maximumDownlinkBitRate [3] BitrateBinKBPS OPTIONAL, guaranteedUplinkBitRate [4] BitrateBinKBPS OPTIONAL, guaranteedDownlinkBitRate [5] BitrateBinKBPS OPTIONAL, priorityLevel [6] EPSQOSPriority OPTIONAL } EPSRANNASCause ::= OCTET STRING EPSQOSPriority ::= INTEGER (1..15) BitrateBinKBPS ::= OCTET STRING EPSGTPTunnels ::= SEQUENCE { controlPlaneSenderFTEID [1] FTEID OPTIONAL, controlPlanePGWS5S8FTEID [2] FTEID OPTIONAL, s1UeNodeBFTEID [3] FTEID OPTIONAL, s5S8SGWFTEID [4] FTEID OPTIONAL, s5S8PGWFTEID [5] FTEID OPTIONAL, s2bUePDGFTEID [6] FTEID OPTIONAL, s2aUePDGFTEID [7] FTEID OPTIONAL } EPSPDNConnectionRequestType ::= ENUMERATED { initialRequest(1), handover(2), rLOS(3), emergency(4), handoverOfEmergencyBearerServices(5), reserved(6) } EPSPDNConnectionReleaseScopeIndication ::= BOOLEAN FiveGSInterworkingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { fiveGSInterworkingIndicator [1] FiveGSInterworkingIndicator, fiveGSInterworkingWithoutN26 [2] FiveGSInterworkingWithoutN26, fiveGCNotRestrictedSupport [3] FiveGCNotRestrictedSupport } FiveGSInterworkingIndicator ::= BOOLEAN FiveGSInterworkingWithoutN26 ::= BOOLEAN FiveGCNotRestrictedSupport ::= BOOLEAN PDNConnectionIndicationFlags ::= OCTET STRING PDNHandoverIndication ::= BOOLEAN PDNNBIFOMSupport ::= BOOLEAN PDNProtocolConfigurationOptions ::= SEQUENCE { requestPCO [1] PDNPCO OPTIONAL, requestAPCO [2] PDNPCO OPTIONAL, requestEPCO [3] PDNPCO OPTIONAL, responsePCO [4] PDNPCO OPTIONAL, responseAPCO [5] PDNPCO OPTIONAL, responseEPCO [6] PDNPCO OPTIONAL } PDNPCO ::= OCTET STRING PGWChangeIndication ::= BOOLEAN PGWRNSI ::= BOOLEAN QCI ::= INTEGER (0..255) GTPTunnelInfo ::= SEQUENCE { fiveGSGTPTunnels [1] FiveGSGTPTunnels OPTIONAL, ePSGTPTunnels [2] EPSGTPTunnels OPTIONAL } RestorationOfPDNConnectionsSupport ::= BOOLEAN -- ================== -- 5G UPF definitions -- ================== UPFCCPDU ::= OCTET STRING -- See clause for the details of this structure ExtendedUPFCCPDU ::= SEQUENCE { payload [1] UPFCCPDUPayload, qFI [2] QFI OPTIONAL } -- ================= -- 5G UPF parameters -- ================= UPFCCPDUPayload ::= CHOICE { uPFIPCC [1] OCTET STRING, uPFEthernetCC [2] OCTET STRING, uPFUnstructuredCC [3] OCTET STRING } QFI ::= INTEGER (0..63) -- ================== -- 5G UDM definitions -- ================== UDMServingSystemMessage ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUAMI [4] GUAMI OPTIONAL, gUMMEI [5] GUMMEI OPTIONAL, pLMNID [6] PLMNID OPTIONAL, servingSystemMethod [7] UDMServingSystemMethod, serviceID [8] ServiceID OPTIONAL, roamingIndicator [9] RoamingIndicator OPTIONAL } UDMSubscriberRecordChangeMessage ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, oldPEI [4] PEI OPTIONAL, oldSUPI [5] SUPI OPTIONAL, oldGPSI [6] GPSI OPTIONAL, oldserviceID [7] ServiceID OPTIONAL, subscriberRecordChangeMethod [8] UDMSubscriberRecordChangeMethod, serviceID [9] ServiceID OPTIONAL } UDMCancelLocationMessage ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUAMI [4] GUAMI OPTIONAL, pLMNID [5] PLMNID OPTIONAL, cancelLocationMethod [6] UDMCancelLocationMethod, aMFDeregistrationInfo [7] UDMAMFDeregistrationInfo OPTIONAL, deregistrationData [8] UDMDeregistrationData OPTIONAL } UDMLocationInformationResult ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, locationInfoRequest [4] UDMLocationInfoRequest, vPLMNID [5] PLMNID OPTIONAL, currentLocationIndicator [6] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, aMFInstanceID [7] NFID OPTIONAL, sMSFInstanceID [8] NFID OPTIONAL, location [9] Location OPTIONAL, rATType [10] RATType OPTIONAL, problemDetails [11] UDMProblemDetails OPTIONAL } UDMUEInformationResponse ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, tADSInfo [2] UEContextInfo OPTIONAL, fiveGSUserStateInfo [3] FiveGSUserStateInfo OPTIONAL, fiveGSRVCCInfo [4] FiveGSRVCCInfo OPTIONAL, problemDetails [5] UDMProblemDetails OPTIONAL } UDMUEAuthenticationResponse ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, authenticationInfoRequest [2] UDMAuthenticationInfoRequest, aKMAIndicator [3] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, problemDetails [4] UDMProblemDetails OPTIONAL, authAAA [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, pvsInfo [6] ServerAddressingInfoList OPTIONAL } UDMStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, gPSI [2] GPSI OPTIONAL, uDMSubscriptionDataSets [3] SBIType } UDMProSeTargetIdentifierDeconcealment ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, sUCI [2] SUCI } UDMProSeTargetAuthentication ::= SEQUENCE { servingNetworkName [1] UTF8String, relayServiceCode [2] INTEGER, authenticationType [3] PrimaryAuthenticationType, sUPI [4] SUPI } ServerAddressingInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF ServerAddressingInfo ServerAddressingInfo ::= SEQUENCE { iPv4Address [1] IPv4Address OPTIONAL, iPv6Address [2] IPv6Address OPTIONAL, fQDNList [3] FQDNList OPTIONAL } FQDNList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF FQDN -- ================= -- 5G UDM parameters -- ================= UDMServingSystemMethod ::= ENUMERATED { amf3GPPAccessRegistration(0), amfNon3GPPAccessRegistration(1), unknown(2) } UDMSubscriberRecordChangeMethod ::= ENUMERATED { pEIChange(1), sUPIChange(2), gPSIChange(3), uEDeprovisioning(4), unknown(5), serviceIDChange(6) } UDMCancelLocationMethod ::= ENUMERATED { aMF3GPPAccessDeregistration(1), aMFNon3GPPAccessDeregistration(2), uDMDeregistration(3), unknown(4) } ServiceID ::= SEQUENCE { nSSAI [1] NSSAI OPTIONAL, cAGID [2] SEQUENCE OF CAGID OPTIONAL } CAGID ::= UTF8String UDMAuthenticationInfoRequest ::= SEQUENCE { infoRequestType [1] UDMInfoRequestType, rGAuthCtx [2] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF SubscriberIdentifier, authType [3] PrimaryAuthenticationType, servingNetworkName [4] PLMNID, aUSFInstanceID [5] NFID OPTIONAL, cellCAGInfo [6] CAGID OPTIONAL, n5GCIndicator [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } UDMLocationInfoRequest ::= SEQUENCE { requested5GSLocation [1] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, requestedCurrentLocation [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, requestedRATType [3] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, requestedTimeZone [4] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, requestedServingNode [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } UDMProblemDetails ::= SEQUENCE { cause [1] UDMProblemDetailsCause OPTIONAL } UDMProblemDetailsCause ::= CHOICE { uDMDefinedCause [1] UDMDefinedCause, otherCause [2] UDMProblemDetailsOtherCause } UDMDefinedCause ::= ENUMERATED { userNotFound(1), dataNotFound(2), contextNotFound(3), subscriptionNotFound(4), other(5) } UDMInfoRequestType ::= ENUMERATED { hSS(1), aUSF(2), other(3) } UDMProblemDetailsOtherCause ::= SEQUENCE { problemDetailsType [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, title [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, status [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, detail [4] UTF8String OPTIONAL, instance [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, cause [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, uDMInvalidParameters [7] UDMInvalidParameters, uDMSupportedFeatures [8] UTF8String } UDMInvalidParameters ::= SEQUENCE { parameter [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, reason [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL } RoamingIndicator ::= BOOLEAN UDMAMFDeregistrationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { gUAMI [1] GUAMI, purgeFlag [2] BOOLEAN } UDMDeregistrationData ::= SEQUENCE { deregReason [1] UDMDeregReason OPTIONAL, accessType [2] AccessType OPTIONAL, pDUSessionID [3] PDUSessionID OPTIONAL } UDMDeregReason ::= ENUMERATED { uEInitialRegistration(1), uERegistrationAreaChange(2), subscriptionWithdrawn(3), fiveGSToEPSMobility(4), fiveGSToEPSMobilityUeInitialRegistration(5), reregistrationRequired(6), sMFContextTransferred(7), duplicatePDUSession(8), fiveGSRVCCToUTRANMobility(9), pDUSessionReactivationRequired(10), disasterConditionTerminated(11) } -- =================== -- 5G SMSF definitions -- =================== -- See clause for details of this structure SMSMessage ::= SEQUENCE { originatingSMSParty [1] SMSParty, terminatingSMSParty [2] SMSParty, direction [3] Direction, linkTransferStatus [4] SMSTransferStatus, otherMessage [5] SMSOtherMessageIndication OPTIONAL, location [6] Location OPTIONAL, peerNFAddress [7] SMSNFAddress OPTIONAL, peerNFType [8] SMSNFType OPTIONAL, sMSTPDUData [9] SMSTPDUData OPTIONAL, messageType [10] SMSMessageType OPTIONAL, rPMessageReference [11] SMSRPMessageReference OPTIONAL } SMSReport ::= SEQUENCE { location [1] Location OPTIONAL, sMSTPDUData [2] SMSTPDUData, messageType [3] SMSMessageType, rPMessageReference [4] SMSRPMessageReference } -- ================== -- 5G SMSF parameters -- ================== SMSAddress ::= OCTET STRING(SIZE(2..12)) SMSMessageType ::= ENUMERATED { deliver(1), deliverReportAck(2), deliverReportError(3), statusReport(4), command(5), submit(6), submitReportAck(7), submitReportError(8), reserved(9) } SMSParty ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, pEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, sMSAddress [4] SMSAddress OPTIONAL } SMSTransferStatus ::= ENUMERATED { transferSucceeded(1), transferFailed(2), undefined(3) } SMSOtherMessageIndication ::= BOOLEAN SMSNFAddress ::= CHOICE { iPAddress [1] IPAddress, e164Number [2] E164Number } SMSNFType ::= ENUMERATED { sMSGMSC(1), iWMSC(2), sMSRouter(3) } SMSRPMessageReference ::= INTEGER (0..255) SMSTPDUData ::= CHOICE { sMSTPDU [1] SMSTPDU, truncatedSMSTPDU [2] TruncatedSMSTPDU, redactedSMSTPDU [3] SMSTPDU, threeGPP2SMSTPDU [4] ThreeGPP2SMSTPDU, redacted3GPP2SMSTPDU [5] ThreeGPP2SMSTPDU } SMSTPDU ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..270)) ThreeGPP2SMSTPDU ::= OCTET STRING TruncatedSMSTPDU ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..130)) -- =============== -- MMS definitions -- =============== MMSSend ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, dateTime [3] Timestamp, originatingMMSParty [4] MMSParty, terminatingMMSParty [5] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, cCRecipients [6] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, bCCRecipients [7] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, direction [8] MMSDirection, subject [9] MMSSubject OPTIONAL, messageClass [10] MMSMessageClass OPTIONAL, expiry [11] MMSExpiry, desiredDeliveryTime [12] Timestamp OPTIONAL, priority [13] MMSPriority OPTIONAL, senderVisibility [14] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, deliveryReport [15] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, readReport [16] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, store [17] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, state [18] MMState OPTIONAL, flags [19] MMFlags OPTIONAL, replyCharging [20] MMSReplyCharging OPTIONAL, applicID [21] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [22] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, contentClass [24] MMSContentClass OPTIONAL, dRMContent [25] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, adaptationAllowed [26] MMSAdaptation OPTIONAL, contentType [27] MMSContentType, responseStatus [28] MMSResponseStatus, responseStatusText [29] UTF8String OPTIONAL, messageID [30] UTF8String } MMSSendByNonLocalTarget ::= SEQUENCE { version [1] MMSVersion, transactionID [2] UTF8String, messageID [3] UTF8String, terminatingMMSParty [4] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, originatingMMSParty [5] MMSParty, direction [6] MMSDirection, contentType [7] MMSContentType, messageClass [8] MMSMessageClass OPTIONAL, dateTime [9] Timestamp, expiry [10] MMSExpiry OPTIONAL, deliveryReport [11] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, priority [12] MMSPriority OPTIONAL, senderVisibility [13] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, readReport [14] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, subject [15] MMSSubject OPTIONAL, forwardCount [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, previouslySentBy [17] MMSPreviouslySentBy OPTIONAL, prevSentByDateTime [18] Timestamp OPTIONAL, applicID [19] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [20] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [21] UTF8String OPTIONAL, contentClass [22] MMSContentClass OPTIONAL, dRMContent [23] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, adaptationAllowed [24] MMSAdaptation OPTIONAL } MMSNotification ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, originatingMMSParty [3] MMSParty OPTIONAL, direction [4] MMSDirection, subject [5] MMSSubject OPTIONAL, deliveryReportRequested [6] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, stored [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, messageClass [8] MMSMessageClass, priority [9] MMSPriority OPTIONAL, messageSize [10] INTEGER, expiry [11] MMSExpiry, replyCharging [12] MMSReplyCharging OPTIONAL } MMSSendToNonLocalTarget ::= SEQUENCE { version [1] MMSVersion, transactionID [2] UTF8String, messageID [3] UTF8String, terminatingMMSParty [4] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, originatingMMSParty [5] MMSParty, direction [6] MMSDirection, contentType [7] MMSContentType, messageClass [8] MMSMessageClass OPTIONAL, dateTime [9] Timestamp, expiry [10] MMSExpiry OPTIONAL, deliveryReport [11] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, priority [12] MMSPriority OPTIONAL, senderVisibility [13] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, readReport [14] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, subject [15] MMSSubject OPTIONAL, forwardCount [16] INTEGER OPTIONAL, previouslySentBy [17] MMSPreviouslySentBy OPTIONAL, prevSentByDateTime [18] Timestamp OPTIONAL, applicID [19] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [20] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [21] UTF8String OPTIONAL, contentClass [22] MMSContentClass OPTIONAL, dRMContent [23] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, adaptationAllowed [24] MMSAdaptation OPTIONAL } MMSNotificationResponse ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, direction [3] MMSDirection, status [4] MMStatus, reportAllowed [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } MMSRetrieval ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, messageID [3] UTF8String, dateTime [4] Timestamp, originatingMMSParty [5] MMSParty OPTIONAL, previouslySentBy [6] MMSPreviouslySentBy OPTIONAL, prevSentByDateTime [7] Timestamp OPTIONAL, terminatingMMSParty [8] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, cCRecipients [9] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, direction [10] MMSDirection, subject [11] MMSSubject OPTIONAL, state [12] MMState OPTIONAL, flags [13] MMFlags OPTIONAL, messageClass [14] MMSMessageClass OPTIONAL, priority [15] MMSPriority, deliveryReport [16] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, readReport [17] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, replyCharging [18] MMSReplyCharging OPTIONAL, retrieveStatus [19] MMSRetrieveStatus OPTIONAL, retrieveStatusText [20] UTF8String OPTIONAL, applicID [21] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [22] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, contentClass [24] MMSContentClass OPTIONAL, dRMContent [25] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, replaceID [26] UTF8String OPTIONAL, contentType [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSDeliveryAck ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, reportAllowed [3] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, status [4] MMStatus, direction [5] MMSDirection } MMSForward ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, dateTime [3] Timestamp OPTIONAL, originatingMMSParty [4] MMSParty, terminatingMMSParty [5] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, cCRecipients [6] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, bCCRecipients [7] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, direction [8] MMSDirection, expiry [9] MMSExpiry OPTIONAL, desiredDeliveryTime [10] Timestamp OPTIONAL, deliveryReportAllowed [11] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, deliveryReport [12] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, store [13] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, state [14] MMState OPTIONAL, flags [15] MMFlags OPTIONAL, contentLocationReq [16] UTF8String, replyCharging [17] MMSReplyCharging OPTIONAL, responseStatus [18] MMSResponseStatus, responseStatusText [19] UTF8String OPTIONAL, messageID [20] UTF8String OPTIONAL, contentLocationConf [21] UTF8String OPTIONAL, storeStatus [22] MMSStoreStatus OPTIONAL, storeStatusText [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSDeleteFromRelay ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, direction [3] MMSDirection, contentLocationReq [4] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String, contentLocationConf [5] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String, deleteResponseStatus [6] MMSDeleteResponseStatus, deleteResponseText [7] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String } MMSMBoxStore ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, direction [3] MMSDirection, contentLocationReq [4] UTF8String, state [5] MMState OPTIONAL, flags [6] MMFlags OPTIONAL, contentLocationConf [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, storeStatus [8] MMSStoreStatus, storeStatusText [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSMBoxUpload ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, direction [3] MMSDirection, state [4] MMState OPTIONAL, flags [5] MMFlags OPTIONAL, contentType [6] UTF8String, contentLocation [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, storeStatus [8] MMSStoreStatus, storeStatusText [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, mMessages [10] SEQUENCE OF MMBoxDescription } MMSMBoxDelete ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, direction [3] MMSDirection, contentLocationReq [4] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String, contentLocationConf [5] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL, responseStatus [6] MMSDeleteResponseStatus, responseStatusText [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSDeliveryReport ::= SEQUENCE { version [1] MMSVersion, messageID [2] UTF8String, terminatingMMSParty [3] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, mMSDateTime [4] Timestamp, responseStatus [5] MMSResponseStatus, responseStatusText [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, applicID [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSDeliveryReportNonLocalTarget ::= SEQUENCE { version [1] MMSVersion, transactionID [2] UTF8String, messageID [3] UTF8String, terminatingMMSParty [4] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, originatingMMSParty [5] MMSParty, direction [6] MMSDirection, mMSDateTime [7] Timestamp, forwardToOriginator [8] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, status [9] MMStatus, statusExtension [10] MMStatusExtension, statusText [11] MMStatusText, applicID [12] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [13] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [14] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSReadReport ::= SEQUENCE { version [1] MMSVersion, messageID [2] UTF8String, terminatingMMSParty [3] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, originatingMMSParty [4] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, direction [5] MMSDirection, mMSDateTime [6] Timestamp, readStatus [7] MMSReadStatus, applicID [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [10] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSReadReportNonLocalTarget ::= SEQUENCE { version [1] MMSVersion, transactionID [2] UTF8String, terminatingMMSParty [3] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, originatingMMSParty [4] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty, direction [5] MMSDirection, messageID [6] UTF8String, mMSDateTime [7] Timestamp, readStatus [8] MMSReadStatus, readStatusText [9] MMSReadStatusText OPTIONAL, applicID [10] UTF8String OPTIONAL, replyApplicID [11] UTF8String OPTIONAL, auxApplicInfo [12] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSCancel ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, cancelID [3] UTF8String, direction [4] MMSDirection } MMSMBoxViewRequest ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, contentLocation [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, state [4] SEQUENCE OF MMState OPTIONAL, flags [5] SEQUENCE OF MMFlags OPTIONAL, start [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, limit [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, attributes [8] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL, totals [9] INTEGER OPTIONAL, quotas [10] MMSQuota OPTIONAL } MMSMBoxViewResponse ::= SEQUENCE { transactionID [1] UTF8String, version [2] MMSVersion, contentLocation [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, state [4] SEQUENCE OF MMState OPTIONAL, flags [5] SEQUENCE OF MMFlags OPTIONAL, start [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, limit [7] INTEGER OPTIONAL, attributes [8] SEQUENCE OF UTF8String OPTIONAL, mMSTotals [9] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, mMSQuotas [10] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, mMessages [11] SEQUENCE OF MMBoxDescription } MMBoxDescription ::= SEQUENCE { contentLocation [1] UTF8String OPTIONAL, messageID [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, state [3] MMState OPTIONAL, flags [4] SEQUENCE OF MMFlags OPTIONAL, dateTime [5] Timestamp OPTIONAL, originatingMMSParty [6] MMSParty OPTIONAL, terminatingMMSParty [7] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, cCRecipients [8] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, bCCRecipients [9] SEQUENCE OF MMSParty OPTIONAL, messageClass [10] MMSMessageClass OPTIONAL, subject [11] MMSSubject OPTIONAL, priority [12] MMSPriority OPTIONAL, deliveryTime [13] Timestamp OPTIONAL, readReport [14] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, messageSize [15] INTEGER OPTIONAL, replyCharging [16] MMSReplyCharging OPTIONAL, previouslySentBy [17] MMSPreviouslySentBy OPTIONAL, previouslySentByDateTime [18] Timestamp OPTIONAL, contentType [19] UTF8String OPTIONAL } -- ========= -- MMS CCPDU -- ========= MMSCCPDU ::= SEQUENCE { version [1] MMSVersion, transactionID [2] UTF8String, mMSContent [3] OCTET STRING } -- ============== -- MMS parameters -- ============== MMSAdaptation ::= SEQUENCE { allowed [1] BOOLEAN, overriden [2] BOOLEAN } MMSCancelStatus ::= ENUMERATED { cancelRequestSuccessfullyReceived(1), cancelRequestCorrupted(2) } MMSContentClass ::= ENUMERATED { text(1), imageBasic(2), imageRich(3), videoBasic(4), videoRich(5), megaPixel(6), contentBasic(7), contentRich(8) } MMSContentType ::= UTF8String MMSDeleteResponseStatus ::= ENUMERATED { ok(1), errorUnspecified(2), errorServiceDenied(3), errorMessageFormatCorrupt(4), errorSendingAddressUnresolved(5), errorMessageNotFound(6), errorNetworkProblem(7), errorContentNotAccepted(8), errorUnsupportedMessage(9), errorTransientFailure(10), errorTransientSendingAddressUnresolved(11), errorTransientMessageNotFound(12), errorTransientNetworkProblem(13), errorTransientPartialSuccess(14), errorPermanentFailure(15), errorPermanentServiceDenied(16), errorPermanentMessageFormatCorrupt(17), errorPermanentSendingAddressUnresolved(18), errorPermanentMessageNotFound(19), errorPermanentContentNotAccepted(20), errorPermanentReplyChargingLimitationsNotMet(21), errorPermanentReplyChargingRequestNotAccepted(22), errorPermanentReplyChargingForwardingDenied(23), errorPermanentReplyChargingNotSupported(24), errorPermanentAddressHidingNotSupported(25), errorPermanentLackOfPrepaid(26) } MMSDirection ::= ENUMERATED { fromTarget(0), toTarget(1) } MMSElementDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { reference [1] UTF8String, parameter [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, value [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL } MMSExpiry ::= SEQUENCE { expiryPeriod [1] INTEGER, periodFormat [2] MMSPeriodFormat } MMFlags ::= SEQUENCE { length [1] INTEGER, flag [2] MMStateFlag, flagString [3] UTF8String } MMSMessageClass ::= ENUMERATED { personal(1), advertisement(2), informational(3), auto(4) } MMSParty ::= SEQUENCE { mMSPartyIDs [1] SEQUENCE OF MMSPartyID, nonLocalID [2] NonLocalID } MMSPartyID ::= CHOICE { e164Number [1] E164Number, emailAddress [2] EmailAddress, iMSI [3] IMSI, iMPU [4] IMPU, iMPI [5] IMPI, sUPI [6] SUPI, gPSI [7] GPSI } MMSPeriodFormat ::= ENUMERATED { absolute(1), relative(2) } MMSPreviouslySent ::= SEQUENCE { previouslySentByParty [1] MMSParty, sequenceNumber [2] INTEGER, previousSendDateTime [3] Timestamp } MMSPreviouslySentBy ::= SEQUENCE OF MMSPreviouslySent MMSPriority ::= ENUMERATED { low(1), normal(2), high(3) } MMSQuota ::= SEQUENCE { quota [1] INTEGER, quotaUnit [2] MMSQuotaUnit } MMSQuotaUnit ::= ENUMERATED { numMessages(1), bytes(2) } MMSReadStatus ::= ENUMERATED { read(1), deletedWithoutBeingRead(2) } MMSReadStatusText ::= UTF8String MMSReplyCharging ::= ENUMERATED { requested(0), requestedTextOnly(1), accepted(2), acceptedTextOnly(3) } MMSResponseStatus ::= ENUMERATED { ok(1), errorUnspecified(2), errorServiceDenied(3), errorMessageFormatCorrupt(4), errorSendingAddressUnresolved(5), errorMessageNotFound(6), errorNetworkProblem(7), errorContentNotAccepted(8), errorUnsupportedMessage(9), errorTransientFailure(10), errorTransientSendingAddressUnresolved(11), errorTransientMessageNotFound(12), errorTransientNetworkProblem(13), errorTransientPartialSuccess(14), errorPermanentFailure(15), errorPermanentServiceDenied(16), errorPermanentMessageFormatCorrupt(17), errorPermanentSendingAddressUnresolved(18), errorPermanentMessageNotFound(19), errorPermanentContentNotAccepted(20), errorPermanentReplyChargingLimitationsNotMet(21), errorPermanentReplyChargingRequestNotAccepted(22), errorPermanentReplyChargingForwardingDenied(23), errorPermanentReplyChargingNotSupported(24), errorPermanentAddressHidingNotSupported(25), errorPermanentLackOfPrepaid(26) } MMSRetrieveStatus ::= ENUMERATED { success(1), errorTransientFailure(2), errorTransientMessageNotFound(3), errorTransientNetworkProblem(4), errorPermanentFailure(5), errorPermanentServiceDenied(6), errorPermanentMessageNotFound(7), errorPermanentContentUnsupported(8) } MMSStoreStatus ::= ENUMERATED { success(1), errorTransientFailure(2), errorTransientNetworkProblem(3), errorPermanentFailure(4), errorPermanentServiceDenied(5), errorPermanentMessageFormatCorrupt(6), errorPermanentMessageNotFound(7), errorMMBoxFull(8) } MMState ::= ENUMERATED { draft(1), sent(2), new(3), retrieved(4), forwarded(5) } MMStateFlag ::= ENUMERATED { add(1), remove(2), filter(3) } MMStatus ::= ENUMERATED { expired(1), retrieved(2), rejected(3), deferred(4), unrecognized(5), indeterminate(6), forwarded(7), unreachable(8) } MMStatusExtension ::= ENUMERATED { rejectionByMMSRecipient(0), rejectionByOtherRS(1) } MMStatusText ::= UTF8String MMSSubject ::= UTF8String MMSVersion ::= SEQUENCE { majorVersion [1] INTEGER, minorVersion [2] INTEGER } -- ================== -- 5G PTC definitions -- ================== PTCRegistration ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCServerURI [2] UTF8String, pTCRegistrationRequest [3] PTCRegistrationRequest, pTCRegistrationOutcome [4] PTCRegistrationOutcome } PTCSessionInitiation ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCServerURI [3] UTF8String, pTCSessionInfo [4] PTCSessionInfo, pTCOriginatingID [5] PTCTargetInformation, pTCParticipants [6] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCParticipantPresenceStatus [7] MultipleParticipantPresenceStatus OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, pTCBearerCapability [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, pTCHost [10] PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL } PTCSessionAbandon ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCSessionInfo [3] PTCSessionInfo, location [4] Location OPTIONAL, pTCAbandonCause [5] INTEGER } PTCSessionStart ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCServerURI [3] UTF8String, pTCSessionInfo [4] PTCSessionInfo, pTCOriginatingID [5] PTCTargetInformation, pTCParticipants [6] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCParticipantPresenceStatus [7] MultipleParticipantPresenceStatus OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, pTCHost [9] PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCBearerCapability [10] UTF8String OPTIONAL } PTCSessionEnd ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCServerURI [3] UTF8String, pTCSessionInfo [4] PTCSessionInfo, pTCParticipants [5] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, location [6] Location OPTIONAL, pTCSessionEndCause [7] PTCSessionEndCause } PTCStartOfInterception ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, preEstSessionID [3] PTCSessionInfo OPTIONAL, pTCOriginatingID [4] PTCTargetInformation, pTCSessionInfo [5] PTCSessionInfo OPTIONAL, pTCHost [6] PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCParticipants [7] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCMediaStreamAvail [8] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, pTCBearerCapability [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL } PTCPreEstablishedSession ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCServerURI [2] UTF8String, rTPSetting [3] RTPSetting, pTCMediaCapability [4] UTF8String, pTCPreEstSessionID [5] PTCSessionInfo, pTCPreEstStatus [6] PTCPreEstStatus, pTCMediaStreamAvail [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, pTCFailureCode [9] PTCFailureCode OPTIONAL } PTCInstantPersonalAlert ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCIPAPartyID [2] PTCTargetInformation, pTCIPADirection [3] Direction } PTCPartyJoin ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCSessionInfo [3] PTCSessionInfo, pTCParticipants [4] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCParticipantPresenceStatus [5] MultipleParticipantPresenceStatus OPTIONAL, pTCMediaStreamAvail [6] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, pTCBearerCapability [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL } PTCPartyDrop ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCSessionInfo [3] PTCSessionInfo, pTCPartyDrop [4] PTCTargetInformation, pTCParticipantPresenceStatus [5] PTCParticipantPresenceStatus OPTIONAL } PTCPartyHold ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCSessionInfo [3] PTCSessionInfo, pTCParticipants [4] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCHoldID [5] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation, pTCHoldRetrieveInd [6] BOOLEAN } PTCMediaModification ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCSessionInfo [3] PTCSessionInfo, pTCMediaStreamAvail [4] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, pTCBearerCapability [5] UTF8String } PTCGroupAdvertisement ::=SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCIDList [3] SEQUENCE OF PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCGroupAuthRule [4] PTCGroupAuthRule OPTIONAL, pTCGroupAdSender [5] PTCTargetInformation, pTCGroupNickname [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL } PTCFloorControl ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCSessioninfo [3] PTCSessionInfo, pTCFloorActivity [4] SEQUENCE OF PTCFloorActivity, pTCFloorSpeakerID [5] PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCMaxTBTime [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, pTCQueuedFloorControl [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, pTCQueuedPosition [8] INTEGER OPTIONAL, pTCTalkBurstPriority [9] PTCTBPriorityLevel OPTIONAL, pTCTalkBurstReason [10] PTCTBReasonCode OPTIONAL } PTCTargetPresence ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCTargetPresenceStatus [2] PTCParticipantPresenceStatus } PTCParticipantPresence ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCParticipantPresenceStatus [2] PTCParticipantPresenceStatus } PTCListManagement ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCListManagementType [3] PTCListManagementType OPTIONAL, pTCListManagementAction [4] PTCListManagementAction OPTIONAL, pTCListManagementFailure [5] PTCListManagementFailure OPTIONAL, pTCContactID [6] PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCIDList [7] SEQUENCE OF PTCIDList OPTIONAL, pTCHost [8] PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL } PTCAccessPolicy ::= SEQUENCE { pTCTargetInformation [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCDirection [2] Direction, pTCAccessPolicyType [3] PTCAccessPolicyType OPTIONAL, pTCUserAccessPolicy [4] PTCUserAccessPolicy OPTIONAL, pTCGroupAuthRule [5] PTCGroupAuthRule OPTIONAL, pTCContactID [6] PTCTargetInformation OPTIONAL, pTCAccessPolicyFailure [7] PTCAccessPolicyFailure OPTIONAL } -- ========= -- PTC CCPDU -- ========= PTCCCPDU ::= OCTET STRING -- ================= -- 5G PTC parameters -- ================= PTCRegistrationRequest ::= ENUMERATED { register(1), reRegister(2), deRegister(3) } PTCRegistrationOutcome ::= ENUMERATED { success(1), failure(2) } PTCSessionEndCause ::= ENUMERATED { initiaterLeavesSession(1), definedParticipantLeaves(2), numberOfParticipants(3), sessionTimerExpired(4), pTCSpeechInactive(5), allMediaTypesInactive(6) } PTCTargetInformation ::= SEQUENCE { identifiers [1] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF PTCIdentifiers } PTCIdentifiers ::= CHOICE { mCPTTID [1] UTF8String, instanceIdentifierURN [2] UTF8String, pTCChatGroupID [3] PTCChatGroupID, iMPU [4] IMPU, iMPI [5] IMPI } PTCSessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { pTCSessionURI [1] UTF8String, pTCSessionType [2] PTCSessionType } PTCSessionType ::= ENUMERATED { ondemand(1), preEstablished(2), adhoc(3), prearranged(4), groupSession(5) } MultipleParticipantPresenceStatus ::= SEQUENCE OF PTCParticipantPresenceStatus PTCParticipantPresenceStatus ::= SEQUENCE { presenceID [1] PTCTargetInformation, presenceType [2] PTCPresenceType, presenceStatus [3] BOOLEAN } PTCPresenceType ::= ENUMERATED { pTCClient(1), pTCGroup(2) } PTCPreEstStatus ::= ENUMERATED { established(1), modified(2), released(3) } RTPSetting ::= SEQUENCE { iPAddress [1] IPAddress, portNumber [2] PortNumber } PTCIDList ::= SEQUENCE { pTCPartyID [1] PTCTargetInformation, pTCChatGroupID [2] PTCChatGroupID } PTCChatGroupID ::= SEQUENCE { groupIdentity [1] UTF8String } PTCFloorActivity ::= ENUMERATED { tBCPRequest(1), tBCPGranted(2), tBCPDeny(3), tBCPIdle(4), tBCPTaken(5), tBCPRevoke(6), tBCPQueued(7), tBCPRelease(8) } PTCTBPriorityLevel ::= ENUMERATED { preEmptive(1), highPriority(2), normalPriority(3), listenOnly(4) } PTCTBReasonCode ::= ENUMERATED { noQueuingAllowed(1), oneParticipantSession(2), listenOnly(3), exceededMaxDuration(4), tBPrevented(5) } PTCListManagementType ::= ENUMERATED { contactListManagementAttempt(1), groupListManagementAttempt(2), contactListManagementResult(3), groupListManagementResult(4), requestUnsuccessful(5) } PTCListManagementAction ::= ENUMERATED { create(1), modify(2), retrieve(3), delete(4), notify(5) } PTCAccessPolicyType ::= ENUMERATED { pTCUserAccessPolicyAttempt(1), groupAuthorizationRulesAttempt(2), pTCUserAccessPolicyQuery(3), groupAuthorizationRulesQuery(4), pTCUserAccessPolicyResult(5), groupAuthorizationRulesResult(6), requestUnsuccessful(7) } PTCUserAccessPolicy ::= ENUMERATED { allowIncomingPTCSessionRequest(1), blockIncomingPTCSessionRequest(2), allowAutoAnswerMode(3), allowOverrideManualAnswerMode(4) } PTCGroupAuthRule ::= ENUMERATED { allowInitiatingPTCSession(1), blockInitiatingPTCSession(2), allowJoiningPTCSession(3), blockJoiningPTCSession(4), allowAddParticipants(5), blockAddParticipants(6), allowSubscriptionPTCSessionState(7), blockSubscriptionPTCSessionState(8), allowAnonymity(9), forbidAnonymity(10) } PTCFailureCode ::= ENUMERATED { sessionCannotBeEstablished(1), sessionCannotBeModified(2) } PTCListManagementFailure ::= ENUMERATED { requestUnsuccessful(1), requestUnknown(2) } PTCAccessPolicyFailure ::= ENUMERATED { requestUnsuccessful(1), requestUnknown(2) } -- =============== -- IMS definitions -- =============== -- See clause for details of this structure IMSMessage ::= SEQUENCE { payload [1] IMSPayload, sessionDirection [2] SessionDirection, voIPRoamingIndication [3] VoIPRoamingIndication OPTIONAL, -- Tag [4] is not used. -- Tag [5] is not used. location [6] Location OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [7] SEQUENCE OF SIPAccessNetworkInformation OPTIONAL, cellularNetworkInformation [8] SEQUENCE OF SIPCellularNetworkInformation OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure StartOfInterceptionForActiveIMSSession ::= SEQUENCE { originatingId [1] SEQUENCE OF IMPU, terminatingId [2] IMPU, sDPState [3] SEQUENCE OF OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, diversionIdentity [4] IMPU OPTIONAL, voIPRoamingIndication [5] VoIPRoamingIndication OPTIONAL, -- Tag [6] is not used. location [7] Location OPTIONAL, accessNetworkInformation [8] SEQUENCE OF SIPAccessNetworkInformation OPTIONAL, cellularNetworkInformation [9] SEQUENCE OF SIPCellularNetworkInformation OPTIONAL } -- See clause for the details. IMSCCUnavailable ::= SEQUENCE { cCUnavailableReason [1] UTF8String, sDPState [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } -- ========= -- IMS CCPDU -- ========= IMSCCPDU ::= SEQUENCE { payload [1] IMSCCPDUPayload, sDPInfo [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } IMSCCPDUPayload ::= OCTET STRING -- ============== -- IMS parameters -- ============== IMSPayload ::= CHOICE { encapsulatedSIPMessage [1] SIPMessage, modifiedSIPMessage [2] ModifiedSIPMessage } ModifiedSIPMessage ::= SEQUENCE { modifiedSIPContent [1] SIPMessage, modifications [2] PayloadModifications } SIPMessage ::= SEQUENCE { iPSourceAddress [1] IPAddress, iPDestinationAddress [2] IPAddress, sIPContent [3] OCTET STRING } VoIPRoamingIndication ::= ENUMERATED { roamingLBO(1), roamingS8HR(2), roamingN9HR(3) } SessionDirection ::= ENUMERATED { fromTarget(1), toTarget(2), combined(3), indeterminate(4) } HeaderOnlyIndication ::= BOOLEAN -- ================================= -- STIR/SHAKEN/RCD/eCNAM definitions -- ================================= -- See clause for details of this structure STIRSHAKENSignatureGeneration ::= SEQUENCE { pASSporTs [1] SEQUENCE OF PASSporT, encapsulatedSIPMessage [2] SIPMessage OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure STIRSHAKENSignatureValidation ::= SEQUENCE { pASSporTs [1] SEQUENCE OF PASSporT OPTIONAL, rCDTerminalDisplayInfo [2] RCDDisplayInfo OPTIONAL, eCNAMTerminalDisplayInfo [3] ECNAMDisplayInfo OPTIONAL, sHAKENValidationResult [4] SHAKENValidationResult, sHAKENFailureStatusCode [5] SHAKENFailureStatusCode OPTIONAL, encapsulatedSIPMessage [6] SIPMessage OPTIONAL } -- ================================ -- STIR/SHAKEN/RCD/eCNAM parameters -- ================================ PASSporT ::= SEQUENCE { pASSporTHeader [1] PASSporTHeader, pASSporTPayload [2] PASSporTPayload, pASSporTSignature [3] OCTET STRING } PASSporTHeader ::= SEQUENCE { type [1] JWSTokenType, algorithm [2] UTF8String, ppt [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, x5u [4] UTF8String } JWSTokenType ::= ENUMERATED { passport(1) } PASSporTPayload ::= SEQUENCE { issuedAtTime [1] GeneralizedTime, originator [2] STIRSHAKENOriginator, destination [3] STIRSHAKENDestinations, attestation [4] Attestation, origId [5] UTF8String, diversion [6] STIRSHAKENDestination } STIRSHAKENOriginator ::= CHOICE { telephoneNumber [1] STIRSHAKENTN, sTIRSHAKENURI [2] UTF8String } STIRSHAKENDestinations ::= SEQUENCE OF STIRSHAKENDestination STIRSHAKENDestination ::= CHOICE { telephoneNumber [1] STIRSHAKENTN, sTIRSHAKENURI [2] UTF8String } STIRSHAKENTN ::= CHOICE { mSISDN [1] MSISDN } Attestation ::= ENUMERATED { attestationA(1), attestationB(2), attestationC(3) } SHAKENValidationResult ::= ENUMERATED { tNValidationPassed(1), tNValidationFailed(2), noTNValidation(3) } SHAKENFailureStatusCode ::= INTEGER ECNAMDisplayInfo ::= SEQUENCE { name [1] UTF8String, additionalInfo [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } RCDDisplayInfo ::= SEQUENCE { name [1] UTF8String, jcd [2] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, jcl [3] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } -- ================= -- RCS Definitions -- ================= -- See clause for details of this structure RCSRegistration ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, rCSRegistrationType [2] RCSRegistrationType, rCSRegistrationUpdateRequest [3] IMSPayload, rCSRegistrationUpdateResponse [4] IMSPayload, location [5] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure RCSMessage ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, groupChatSessionID [2] RCSGroupChatSessionID OPTIONAL, originatingIdentity [3] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, destinationIdentities [4] RCSDestinations, direction [5] Direction, messageType [6] RCSMessageType, conversationID [7] RCSConversationID, contributionID [8] RCSContributionID, inReplyToContributionID [9] RCSContributionID OPTIONAL, messageID [10] IMDNMessageID OPTIONAL, location [11] Location OPTIONAL, messagePayload [12] RCSPayload } -- See clause for details of this structure RCSSessionEstablishment ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, conversationID [2] RCSConversationID, contributionID [3] RCSContributionID, inReplyToContributionID [4] RCSContributionID OPTIONAL, sessionReplaces [5] RCSContributionID OPTIONAL, rCSSessionType [6] RCSSessionType, sessionDirection [7] Direction, rCSSessionMessage [8] RCSSIPSessionMessage, location [9] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure RCSSessionModification ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, conversationID [2] RCSConversationID, contributionID [3] RCSContributionID, inReplyToContributionID [4] RCSContributionID OPTIONAL, sessionReplaces [5] RCSContributionID OPTIONAL, rCSSessionType [6] RCSSessionType, sessionDirection [7] Direction, sessionEndpoints [8] RCSSessionEndpoints, rCSSIPSessionMessage [9] RCSSIPSessionMessage, location [10] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure RCSSessionRelease ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, conversationID [2] RCSConversationID, contributionID [3] RCSContributionID, rCSSessionType [4] RCSSessionType, sessionDirection [5] Direction, rCSSIPSessionMessage [6] RCSSIPSessionMessage, location [7] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure RCSCapabilityDiscovery ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, rCSTargetContactIdentities [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity OPTIONAL, sIPMessage [3] IMSPayload, direction [4] Direction, location [5] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure StartOfInterceptForRegisteredRCSUser ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, rCSRegistrationInformation [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSRegistrationInformation, userOnline [3] BOOLEAN, location [4] Location OPTIONAL, additionalInstanceLocation [5] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AdditionalInstanceLocation OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure StartOfInterceptWithEstablisedRCSSession ::= SEQUENCE { rCSTargetIdentities [1] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity, participants [2] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSDestinations, conversationID [3] RCSConversationID, contributionID [4] RCSContributionID, rCSSessionType [5] RCSSessionType, rCSSessionEndpoints [6] RCSSessionEndpoints, rCSSessionLegs [7] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSSIPSessionExchange OPTIONAL, rCSSessionInformation [8] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSSessionContext, location [9] Location OPTIONAL, additionalInstanceLocation [10] SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AdditionalInstanceLocation OPTIONAL } RCSCCPDU ::= CHOICE { encapsulatedRCSPayload [1] EncapsulatedRCSPayload } -- ============== -- RCS Parameters -- ============== AdditionalInstanceLocation ::= SEQUENCE { instance [1] SIPEndpoint, location [2] Location } IMDNMessageID ::= UTF8String MSRPPath ::= SEQUENCE { path [1] UTF8String } RCSConversationID ::= UUID RCSContributionID ::= UUID RCSDestinations ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSDestination RCSDestination ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF RCSIdentity RCSGroupChatSessionID ::= SIPURI RCSIdentity ::= CHOICE { fiveGSIdentities [1] FiveGSSubscriberIDs, ePSIdentities [2] EPSSubscriberIDs, iMSIdentities [3] IMSSubscriberIDs } RCSMessageType ::= ENUMERATED { messageWithUserContent(1), fileTransferMessage(2), geoLocationPUSHMessage(3), iMDNNotification(4) } RCSRegistrationInformation ::= CHOICE { sIPRegistration [1] RCSSIPRegistrationExchange, userProfile [2] XMLType, multiDevice [3] XMLType, presenceDocument [4] XMLType } RCSRegistrationType ::= ENUMERATED { registration(1), reRegistration(2), uEDeregistration(3), networkDeregistration(4) } RCSServerURI ::= UTF8String RCSSessionEndpoints ::= ENUMERATED { remoteOnly(1), localOnly(2), localAndRemote(3) } RCSSessionLeg ::= ENUMERATED { remoteLeg(1), localLeg(2) } RCSSessionContext ::= CHOICE { cPMSessionInfo [1] MIMEEntity } RCSSessionType ::= ENUMERATED { largeMessageStandalone(1), oneTo1Chat(2) } RCSSIPRegistrationExchange ::= SEQUENCE { rCSRegistrationUpdateRequest [1] IMSPayload, rCSRegistrationUpdateResponse [2] IMSPayload } RCSSIPSessionExchange ::= SEQUENCE { sessionLeg [1] RCSSessionLeg, sIPRequest [2] IMSPayload, sIPResponse [3] IMSPayload } RCSSIPSessionMessage ::= SEQUENCE { sessionLeg [1] RCSSessionLeg, sIPMessage [2] IMSPayload, rCSSessionResult [3] RCSSessionResult, mSRPPathInfo [4] MSRPPath } RCSSessionResult ::= ENUMERATED { newLegRequested(1), newLegEstablished(2), legModificationRequested(3), legModificationComplete(4), legRemovalRequest(5), legRemovalComplete(6) } SIPEndpoint ::= UTF8String -- ================= -- EES definitions -- ================= -- See clause for details of this structure EESEECRegistration ::= SEQUENCE { registrationType [1] RegistrationType, eECID [2] UTF8String, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, aCProfiles [4] ACProfiles OPTIONAL, eECServiceContSupport [5] ACRScenarios OPTIONAL, expirationTime [6] Timestamp OPTIONAL, eECContextID [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, srcEESID [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL, unfulfilledACProfiles [9] UnfulfilledACProfiles OPTIONAL, failureResponse [10] FailureResponse OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESEASDiscovery ::= SEQUENCE { eECID [1] UTF8String, gPSI [2] GPSI OPTIONAL, eASDiscoveryFilter [3] EASDiscoveryFilter OPTIONAL, eECServiceContSupport [4] ACRScenarios OPTIONAL, uELocation [5] Location OPTIONAL, eASTargetDNAIs [6] DNAIs OPTIONAL, discoveredEAS [7] DiscoveredEAS OPTIONAL, failureResponse [8] FailureResponse OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESEASDiscoverySubscription ::= SEQUENCE { eECID [1] UTF8String, gPSI [2] GPSI OPTIONAL, subscriptionType [3] SubscriptionType, eASEventType [4] EASEventType, eASDiscoveryFilter [5] EASDiscoveryFilter OPTIONAL, eASDynamicInfoFilter [6] EASDynamicInfoFilter OPTIONAL, eECServiceContSupport [7] ACRScenarios OPTIONAL, expirationTime [8] Timestamp OPTIONAL, subscriptionId [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, failureResponse [10] FailureResponse OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESEASDiscoveryNotification ::= SEQUENCE { subscriptionID [1] UTF8String, eventType [2] EASEventType, discoveredEAS [3] DiscoveredEAS, failureResponse [4] FailureResponse OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESAppContextRelocation ::= SEQUENCE { eECID [1] UTF8String, gPSI [2] GPSI OPTIONAL, eESACRDetOrInit [3] EESACRDetOrInit } EESACRDetOrInit ::= CHOICE { aCRDetermineReq [1] ACRDetermineReq, aCRInitiateReq [2] ACRInitiateReq } ACRDetermineReq ::= SEQUENCE { eASID [1] EASID OPTIONAL, aCID [2] ACID OPTIONAL, sEASEndpoint [3] EASEndpoint } ACRInitiateReq ::= SEQUENCE { eASID [1] EASID OPTIONAL, aCID [2] ACID OPTIONAL, tEASEndpoint [3] EASEndpoint, sEASEndpoint [4] EASEndpoint OPTIONAL, previousTEASEndpoint [5] EASEndpoint OPTIONAL, routeReq [6] RouteToLocation OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESACRSubscription ::= SEQUENCE { eECID [1] UTF8String, gPSI [2] GPSI OPTIONAL, subscriptionType [3] SubscriptionType, expirationTime [4] Timestamp OPTIONAL, eASIDs [5] EASIDs, aCIDs [6] ACIDs OPTIONAL, eventIDs [7] ACREventIDs OPTIONAL, subscriptionId [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL, failureResponse [9] FailureResponse OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESACRNotification ::= SEQUENCE { subscriptionID [1] UTF8String, eASID [2] EASID, eventID [3] ACREventIDs, targetInfo [4] TargetInfo OPTIONAL, aCRRes [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, failReason [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESEECContextRelocation ::= SEQUENCE { eECID [1] UTF8String, eECContextID [2] UTF8String, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, uELoc [4] Location OPTIONAL, aCProfiles [5] ACProfiles OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure EESStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredEEC ::= SEQUENCE { eECID [1] UTF8String, gPSI [2] GPSI OPTIONAL, aCProfiles [3] ACProfiles OPTIONAL, eECServiceContSupport [4] ACRScenarios OPTIONAL, expirationTime [5] Timestamp OPTIONAL, eECContextID [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, srcEESID [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, unfulfilledACProfiles [8] UnfulfilledACProfiles OPTIONAL, timeOfRegistration [9] Timestamp OPTIONAL } -- ============== -- EES parameters -- ============== RegistrationType ::= ENUMERATED { registration (1), registrationUpdate(2), deregistration(3) } ACProfiles ::= SET OF ACProfile ACProfile ::= SEQUENCE { aCID [1] ACID, aCType [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, aCSchedule [3] Daytime OPTIONAL, expACGeoServArea [4] Location OPTIONAL, eASsInfo [5] EASsInfo OPTIONAL, aCServiceContSupport [6] ACRScenarios OPTIONAL } ACID ::= UTF8String ACRScenarios ::= SET OF ACRScenario ACRScenario ::= ENUMERATED { eECInitiated(1), eECExecutedViaSourceEES(2), eECExecutedViaTargetEES(3), sourceEASDecided(4), sourceEESExecuted(5), eELManagedACR(6) } UnfulfilledACProfiles ::= SET OF UnfulfilledACProfile UnfulfilledACProfile ::= SEQUENCE { aCID [1] ACID, reason [2] UnfulfilledACProfileReason } UnfulfilledACProfileReason ::= ENUMERATED { eASNotAvailable(1), requirementsUnfulfilled(2) } EASID ::= UTF8String EASsInfo ::= SET OF EASInfo EASInfo ::= SEQUENCE { eASID [1] EASID, expectedSvcKPIs [2] ServiceKPIs OPTIONAL, minimumReqSvcKPIs [3] ServiceKPIs OPTIONAL } ServiceKPIs ::= SEQUENCE { connectionBandwidth [1] INTEGER OPTIONAL, requestRate [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL, responseTime [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL, requestedAvailability [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL, requestedCompute [5] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, requestedGraphCompute [6] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, requestedMemory [7] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, requestedStorage [8] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } FailureResponse ::= ENUMERATED { error400(1), error401(2), error403(3), error404(4), error406(5), error411(6), error413(7), error415(8), error429(9), error500(10), error503(11) } EASDiscoveryFilter ::= CHOICE { aCsCharacteristics [1] ACProfiles, eASCharacteristics [2] EASsCharacteristics } EASsCharacteristics ::= SET OF EASCharacteristics EASCharacteristics ::= SEQUENCE { eASID [1] EASID OPTIONAL, aSPID [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, eASType [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, eASSchedule [4] Daytime OPTIONAL, eASProfile [5] EASProfile OPTIONAL, eASServiceArea [6] Location OPTIONAL, eASServicePermLevel [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, eASServiceFeatures [8] EASServiceFeatures OPTIONAL } DNAIs ::= SET OF DNAI DiscoveredEAS ::= SEQUENCE { eASProfile [1] EASProfile, lifetime [2] INTEGER OPTIONAL } EASProfile ::= SEQUENCE { eASID [1] EASID, eASEndpoint [2] EASEndpoint, aCIDs [3] ACIDs OPTIONAL, aSPID [4] UTF8String OPTIONAL, eASType [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, eASDescription [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, eASSchedule [7] Daytime OPTIONAL, eASServiceArea [8] Location OPTIONAL, eASServiceKPIs [9] ServiceKPIs OPTIONAL, eASServicePermLevel [10] UTF8String OPTIONAL, eASServiceFeatures [11] EASServiceFeatures OPTIONAL, eASServiceContSupport [12] ACRScenarios OPTIONAL, appLocs [13] RouteToLocations OPTIONAL, eASStatus [14] EASStatus OPTIONAL } EASStatus ::= ENUMERATED { enabled(1), disabled(2) } EASEndpoint ::= SEQUENCE { fQDN [1] FQDN OPTIONAL, iPv4Addresses [2] IPv4Addresses OPTIONAL, iPv6Addresses [3] IPv6Addresses OPTIONAL, uRI [4] UTF8String OPTIONAL } RouteToLocations ::= SET OF RouteToLocation EASServiceFeatures ::= SET OF EASServiceFeature EASServiceFeature ::= UTF8String ACIDs ::= SET OF ACID IPv4Addresses ::= SET OF IPv4Address IPv6Addresses ::= SET OF IPv6Address SubscriptionType ::= ENUMERATED { subscription(1), subscriptionUpdate(2), unsubscription(3) } EASEventType ::= ENUMERATED { eASAvailabilityChange(1), eASDynamicInfoChange(2) } EASDynamicInfoFilter ::= SEQUENCE { eASId [1] EASID, eASStatus [2] BOOLEAN, eASAcIDs [3] BOOLEAN, eASDesc [4] BOOLEAN, eASPt [5] BOOLEAN, eASFeature [6] BOOLEAN, eASSchedule [7] BOOLEAN, eASSvcArea [8] BOOLEAN, eASSvcKpi [9] BOOLEAN, eASSvcCont [10] BOOLEAN } EASIDs ::= SET OF EASID ACREventIDs ::= ENUMERATED { targetInformation(1), aCRComplete(2) } TargetInfo ::= SEQUENCE { discoveredEAS [1] DiscoveredEAS, targetEESInfo [2] EDNConfigurationInfo OPTIONAL } EDNConfigurationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { eDNConnectionInfo [1] EDNConnectionInfo, eESsInfo [2] EESsInfo, lifetime [3] INTEGER OPTIONAL } EDNConnectionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { dNN [1] DNN OPTIONAL, sNSSAI [2] SNSSAI OPTIONAL, serviceArea [3] Location OPTIONAL } EESsInfo ::= SET OF EESInfo EESInfo ::= SEQUENCE { eESID [1] EESID, eESEndpoint [2] EESEndpoint, eASIDs [3] EASIDs OPTIONAL, serviceArea [4] Location OPTIONAL, dNAIS [5] DNAIs OPTIONAL } EESID ::= UTF8String EESEndpoint ::= SEQUENCE { fQDN [1] FQDN OPTIONAL, iPv4Addresses [2] IPv4Addresses OPTIONAL, iPv6Addresses [3] IPv6Addresses OPTIONAL, uRI [4] UTF8String OPTIONAL } -- ================= -- 5GMS AF definitions -- ================= -- See clause for details of this structure FiveGMSAFServiceAccessInformation ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, serviceAccessInformationResource [2] SBIType } -- See clause for details of this structure FiveGMSAFConsumptionReporting ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, consumptionReport [2] SBIType } -- See clause for details of this structure FiveGMSAFDynamicPolicyInvocation ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, dynamicPolicyResource [2] SBIType, dPIoperationType [3] DPIOperationType } -- See clause for details of this structure FiveGMSAFMetricsReporting ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, metricsReport [2] XMLType } -- See clause for details of this structure FiveGMSAFNetworkAssistance ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, networkAssistanceSessionResource [2] SBIType, nAOperationType [3] NAOperationType } -- See clause for details of this structure FiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulProcedure ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, fiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulOperation [2] FiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulOperation, fiveGMSAFErrorCode [3] FiveGMSAFErrorCode } -- See clause for details of this structure FiveGMSAFStartOfInterceptionWithAlreadyConfiguredUE ::= SEQUENCE { gPSI [1] GPSI, serviceAccessInformationResource [2] SBIType } -- ============== -- 5GMS AF parameters -- ============== DPIOperationType ::= ENUMERATED { createDynamicPolicy(1), retrieveDynamicPolicy(2), updateDynamicPolicy(3), patchDynamicPolicy(4), destroyDynamicPolicy(5) } NAOperationType ::= ENUMERATED { createNetworkAssistanceSession(1), retrieveNetworkAssistanceSession(2), updateNetworkAssistanceSession(3), patchNetworkAssistanceSession(4), destroyNetworkAssistanceSession(5), requestBitRateRecommendation(6), requestDeliveryBoost(7) } FiveGMSAFUnsuccessfulOperation::= ENUMERATED { retrieveServiceAccessInformation(1), submitConsumptionReport(2), submitMetricsReport(3), createDynamicPolicy(4), retrieveDynamicPolicy(5), updateDynamicPolicy(6), patchDynamicPolicy(7), destroyDynamicPolicy(8), createNetworkAssistanceSession(9), retrieveNetworkAssistanceSession(10), updateNetworkAssistanceSession(11), patchNetworkAssistanceSession(12), destroyNetworkAssistanceSession(13), requestBitRateRecommendation(14), requestDeliveryBoost(15) } FiveGMSAFErrorCode ::=ENUMERATED { badRequest400(1), unauthorized401(2), notFound404(3), unsupportedMediaType415(4) } -- ================= -- NWDAF definitions -- ================= NWDAFEventsSubscription ::=SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, nWDAFConsumerNFType [2] NWDAFConsumerNFType, nWDAFEventsSubscriptionOpType [3] NWDAFEventsSubscriptionOpType, nWDAFSubscribedEventList [4] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF NWDAFEvent, nWDAFEventsSubscription [5] SBIType, nWDAFEventsSubscriptionID [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, nWDAFEventsSubscriptionResponseCode [7] NWDAFEventsSubscriptionResponseCode } NWDAFEventsNotification ::=SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, nWDAFNotifiedEventList [2] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF NWDAFEvent, nWDAFEventsNotification [3] SBIType } NWDAFAnalyticsInfoQuery ::=SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, nWDAFEvent [2] NWDAFEvent, nWDAFEventReportingRequirement [3] SBIType OPTIONAL, nWDAFEventFilter [4] SBIType OPTIONAL, nWDAFAnalyticsData [5] SBIType OPTIONAL, nWDAFAnalyticsInfoResponseCode [6] NWDAFAnalyticsInfoResponseCode } NWDAFRoamingAnalyticsSubscription ::=SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, pLMNID [2] PLMNID, nWDAFEventsSubscriptionOpType [3] NWDAFEventsSubscriptionOpType, nWDAFSubscribedEventList [4] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF NWDAFEvent, nWDAFEventsSubscription [5] SBIType, nWDAFEventsSubscriptionID [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, nWDAFEventsSubscriptionResponseCode [7] NWDAFEventsSubscriptionResponseCode } NWDAFRoamingAnalyticsNotification ::=SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, nWDAFNotifiedEventList [2] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF NWDAFEvent, nWDAFEventsNotification [3] SBIType } -- ============== -- NWDAF parameters -- ============== NWDAFEventsSubscriptionOpType ::= ENUMERATED { pOST(1), pUT(2), dELETE(3) } NWDAFEventsSubscriptionResponseCode ::= ENUMERATED { oK200(1), created201(2), noContent204(3), temporaryRedirect307(4), permanentRedirect308(5), badRequest400(6), unauthorized401(7), forbidden403(8), notFound404(9), notAcceptable406(10), lengthRequired411(11), payloadTooLarge413(12), unsupportedMediaType415(13), tooManyRequests429(14), internalServerError500(15), notImplemented501(16), badGateway502(17), serviceUnavailable503(18) } NWDAFAnalyticsInfoResponseCode ::= ENUMERATED { oK200(1), noContent204(2), badRequest400(3), unauthorized401(4), forbidden403(5), notFound404(6), notAcceptable406(7), uRITooLong414(8), tooManyRequests429(9), internalServerError500(10), badGateway502(11), serviceUnavailable503(12) } NWDAFConsumerNFType ::= ENUMERATED { pCF(1), nSSF(2), aMF(3), sMF(4), nEF(5), aF(6), lMF(7), oAM(8), nWDAF(9), dCCF(10), cEF(11) } NWDAFEvent ::= ENUMERATED { serviceExperience(1), uEMobility(2), uEComm(3), abnormalBehaviour(4), dispersion(5), relativeProximity(6), pDUSessionTraffic(7) } -- =================== -- 5G LALS definitions -- =================== LALSReport ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI OPTIONAL, -- deprecatedPEI was deprecated in r16(16) version6(6). deprecatedPEI [2] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [3] GPSI OPTIONAL, location [4] Location OPTIONAL, iMPU [5] IMPU OPTIONAL, iMSI [7] IMSI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [8] MSISDN OPTIONAL } -- ===================== -- PDHR/PDSR definitions -- ===================== PDHeaderReport ::= SEQUENCE { pDUSessionID [1] PDUSessionID, sourceIPAddress [2] IPAddress, sourcePort [3] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationIPAddress [4] IPAddress, destinationPort [5] PortNumber OPTIONAL, nextLayerProtocol [6] NextLayerProtocol, iPv6flowLabel [7] IPv6FlowLabel OPTIONAL, direction [8] Direction, packetSize [9] INTEGER } PDSummaryReport ::= SEQUENCE { pDUSessionID [1] PDUSessionID, sourceIPAddress [2] IPAddress, sourcePort [3] PortNumber OPTIONAL, destinationIPAddress [4] IPAddress, destinationPort [5] PortNumber OPTIONAL, nextLayerProtocol [6] NextLayerProtocol, iPv6flowLabel [7] IPv6FlowLabel OPTIONAL, direction [8] Direction, pDSRSummaryTrigger [9] PDSRSummaryTrigger, firstPacketTimestamp [10] Timestamp, lastPacketTimestamp [11] Timestamp, packetCount [12] INTEGER, byteCount [13] INTEGER, useSessionTrigger [14] BOOLEAN } -- ==================== -- PDHR/PDSR parameters -- ==================== PDSRSummaryTrigger ::= ENUMERATED { timerExpiry(1), packetCount(2), byteCount(3), startOfFlow(4), endOfFlow(5) } -- ================================== -- Identifier Association definitions -- ================================== AMFIdentifierAssociation ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, sUCI [2] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [5] FiveGGUTI, location [6] Location, fiveGSTAIList [7] TAIList OPTIONAL } MMEIdentifierAssociation ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI, iMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [3] MSISDN OPTIONAL, gUTI [4] GUTI, location [5] Location, tAIList [6] TAIList OPTIONAL } -- ================================= -- Identifier Association parameters -- ================================= MMEGroupID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) MMECode ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) TMSI ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) -- =================== -- EPS MME definitions -- =================== EPSRANHandoverCommand ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, mMEUES1APID [2] MMEUES1APID, eNBUES1APID [3] RANUES1APID, handoverType [4] EPSHandoverType, eRABsToBeForwarded [5] ERABContextList OPTIONAL, eRABsToRelease [6] ERABReleaseList OPTIONAL, targetToSourceContainers [7] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF RANTargetToSourceContainer } EPSRANHandoverRequest ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, handoverType [2] EPSHandoverType, handoverCause [3] EPSRANCause, sourceToTargetContainer [4] RANSourceToTargetContainer, cSGInfo [5] EPSCSGInfo OPTIONAL, targetToSourceContainer [6] RANTargetToSourceContainer, admittedCSGID [7] CSGID OPTIONAL, ePSRANUEContext [8] EPSRANUEContext } MMEAttach ::= SEQUENCE { attachType [1] EPSAttachType, attachResult [2] EPSAttachResult, iMSI [3] IMSI, iMEI [4] IMEI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [5] MSISDN OPTIONAL, gUTI [6] GUTI OPTIONAL, location [7] Location OPTIONAL, ePSTAIList [8] TAIList OPTIONAL, sMSServiceStatus [9] EPSSMSServiceStatus OPTIONAL, oldGUTI [10] GUTI OPTIONAL, eMM5GRegStatus [11] EMM5GMMStatus OPTIONAL, pagingRestrictionIndicator [12] PagingRestrictionIndicator OPTIONAL, rATType [13] RATType OPTIONAL, rRCEstablishmentCause [14] RRCEstablishmentCause OPTIONAL, s1Information [15] S1Information OPTIONAL, nASTransportInitialInformation [16] EPSNASTransportInitialInformation OPTIONAL, equivalentPLMNList [17] PLMNList OPTIONAL, ePSUENetworkCapability [18] EPSUENetworkCapability OPTIONAL, initailRANUEContextSetup [19] EPSRANUEContext OPTIONAL, mUSIMUERequestType [20] MUSIMUERequestType OPTIONAL, ePSNetworkPolicy [21] EPSNetworkPolicy OPTIONAL } MMEDetach ::= SEQUENCE { detachDirection [1] MMEDirection, detachType [2] EPSDetachType, iMSI [3] IMSI, iMEI [4] IMEI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [5] MSISDN OPTIONAL, gUTI [6] GUTI OPTIONAL, cause [7] EMMCause OPTIONAL, location [8] Location OPTIONAL, switchOffIndicator [9] SwitchOffIndicator OPTIONAL } MMELocationUpdate ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI, iMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [3] MSISDN OPTIONAL, gUTI [4] GUTI OPTIONAL, location [5] Location OPTIONAL, oldGUTI [6] GUTI OPTIONAL, sMSServiceStatus [7] EPSSMSServiceStatus OPTIONAL } MMERANTraceReport ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, mMEUES1APID [2] MMEUES1APID, eNBUES1APID [3] RANUES1APID, traceRecordType [4] TraceRecordType, traceDirection [5] TraceDirection, traceActivationInfo [6] TraceActivation OPTIONAL, eUTRANCGI [7] ECGI, globalRANNodeID [8] GlobalRANNodeID, traceCollectionEntityInfo [9] TraceCollectionEntityInfo OPTIONAL, mMETraceData [10] XMLType OPTIONAL, location [11] Location OPTIONAL } MMEStartOfInterceptionWithEPSAttachedUE ::= SEQUENCE { attachType [1] EPSAttachType, attachResult [2] EPSAttachResult, iMSI [3] IMSI, iMEI [4] IMEI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [5] MSISDN OPTIONAL, gUTI [6] GUTI OPTIONAL, location [7] Location OPTIONAL, ePSTAIList [9] TAIList OPTIONAL, sMSServiceStatus [10] EPSSMSServiceStatus OPTIONAL, eMM5GRegStatus [12] EMM5GMMStatus OPTIONAL, pagingRestrictionIndicator [13] PagingRestrictionIndicator OPTIONAL, rATType [14] RATType OPTIONAL, rRCEstablishmentCause [15] RRCEstablishmentCause OPTIONAL, s1Information [16] S1Information OPTIONAL, nASTransportInitialInformation [17] EPSNASTransportInitialInformation OPTIONAL, equivalentPLMNList [18] PLMNList OPTIONAL, ePSUENetworkCapability [19] EPSUENetworkCapability OPTIONAL, initailRANUEContextSetup [20] EPSRANUEContext OPTIONAL, mUSIMUERequestType [21] MUSIMUERequestType OPTIONAL, ePSNetworkPolicy [22] EPSNetworkPolicy OPTIONAL } MMEUEServiceAccept ::= SEQUENCE { userIdentifiers [1] UserIdentifiers, serviceType [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL, mTMSI [3] TMSI OPTIONAL, cSFBResponse [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) OPTIONAL, uEEPSBearerContextStatus [5] OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) OPTIONAL, uERequestType [6] MUSIMUERequestType OPTIONAL, pagingRestriction [7] PagingRestrictionIndicator OPTIONAL, controlPlaneServiceType [8] OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) OPTIONAL } MMEUnsuccessfulProcedure ::= SEQUENCE { failedProcedureType [1] MMEFailedProcedureType, failureCause [2] MMEFailureCause, iMSI [3] IMSI OPTIONAL, iMEI [4] IMEI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [5] MSISDN OPTIONAL, gUTI [6] GUTI OPTIONAL, location [7] Location OPTIONAL } -- See clause for details of this structure MMEPositioningInfoTransfer ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI, iMEI [2] IMEI OPTIONAL, mSISDN [3] MSISDN OPTIONAL, gUTI [4] GUTI OPTIONAL, lPPaMessage [5] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, lPPMessage [6] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, mMELCSCorrelationId [7] OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) } -- ================== -- EPS MME parameters -- ================== AerialUESubscriptionIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { authorized(1), notAuthorized(2) } BBFTunnelInformation ::= SEQUENCE { hENBTransportLayerAddress [1] IPAddr, uDPPortNumber [2] PortNumber OPTIONAL } ConnectedENGNB ::= SEQUENCE { eNGNBID [1] GNbID, supportedTAList [2] TACList, broadcastPLMN [3] PLMNList } ConnectedENGNBList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF ConnectedENGNB EMMCause ::= INTEGER (0..255) ESMCause ::= INTEGER (0..255) EPSAttachType ::= ENUMERATED { ePSAttach(1), combinedEPSIMSIAttach(2), ePSRLOSAttach(3), ePSEmergencyAttach(4), reserved(5) } EPSAttachResult ::= ENUMERATED { ePSOnly(1), combinedEPSIMSI(2) } EPSCSFallbackIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { cSFallbackRequired(1), cSFallbackHighPriority(2) } EPSCSGInfo ::= SEQUENCE { cSGID [1] CSGID OPTIONAL, cSGMembershipStatus [2] CSGMembershipIndication OPTIONAL } EPSDetachType ::= ENUMERATED { ePSDetach(1), iMSIDetach(2), combinedEPSIMSIDetach(3), reAttachRequired(4), reAttachNotRequired(5), reserved(6) } EPSHandoverRestrictionList ::= ExternalASNType EPSRANCause ::= ExternalASNType EPSRANUEContext ::= SEQUENCE { mMEUES1APID [1] MMEUES1APID, rANUES1APID [2] RANUES1APID, eRABSetupRequest [3] ERABContextList OPTIONAL, handoverRestrictionList [4] EPSHandoverRestrictionList OPTIONAL, uERadioCapability [5] EPSUERadioCapability OPTIONAL, rATFrequencySelectionPriority [6] RATFrequencySelectionPriority OPTIONAL, cSFallbackIndicator [7] EPSCSFallbackIndicator OPTIONAL, proSeAuthorized [8] EPSProSeAuthorization OPTIONAL, lTEV2XServicesAuthorized [9] LTEV2XServiceAuthorization OPTIONAL, aerialUESubscription [10] AerialUESubscriptionIndicator OPTIONAL, subscriptionBasedUEDifferentiationIndication [11] EPSSubscriptionBasedUEDifferentiationIndication OPTIONAL, iABAuthorizedIndicator [12] IABAuthorizedIndicator OPTIONAL, nRV2XServicesAuthorization [13] NRV2XServicesAuthorization OPTIONAL } EPSNASTransportInitialInformation ::= SEQUENCE { rANUES1APID [1] RANUES1APID, relayNodeIndicator [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, bBFTunnelInformation [3] BBFTunnelInformation OPTIONAL, eDTSession [4] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, iABNodeIndication [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, lTENTNTAIInformation [6] LTENTNTAIInformation OPTIONAL } EPSNetworkPolicy ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) EPSProSeAuthorization ::= ExternalASNType EPSSMSServiceStatus ::= ENUMERATED { sMSServicesNotAvailable(1), sMSServicesNotAvailableInThisPLMN(2), networkFailure(3), congestion(4) } EPSSubscriptionBasedUEDifferentiationIndication ::= ExternalASNType EPSUENetworkCapability ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..13)) EPSUERadioCapability ::= OCTET STRING ERABQoSParameters ::= SEQUENCE { qCI [1] QCI } ERABContext ::= SEQUENCE { eRABID [1] EPSBearerID, eRABQoSParameters [2] ERABQoSParameters OPTIONAL, transportLayerAddress [3] IPAddr OPTIONAL, uLGTPTEID [4] FTEID OPTIONAL, dLGTPTEID [5] FTEID OPTIONAL } ERABContextList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF ERABContext ERABError ::= SEQUENCE { eRABID [1] EPSBearerID, cause [2] EPSRANCause } ERABReleaseList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF ERABError LTENTNTAIInformation ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN [1] PLMNID, tACListInLTENTN [2] TACList, uETAC [3] TAC OPTIONAL } MMEDirection ::= ENUMERATED { networkInitiated(1), uEInitiated(2) } MMEFailedProcedureType ::= ENUMERATED { attachReject(1), authenticationReject(2), securityModeReject(3), serviceReject(4), trackingAreaUpdateReject(5), activateDedicatedEPSBearerContextReject(6), activateDefaultEPSBearerContextReject(7), bearerResourceAllocationReject(8), bearerResourceModificationReject(9), modifyEPSBearerContectReject(10), pDNConnectivityReject(11), pDNDisconnectReject(12) } MMEFailureCause ::= CHOICE { eMMCause [1] EMMCause, eSMCause [2] ESMCause } MMEServedGUMMEI ::= SEQUENCE { servedPLMNs [1] PLMNSupportList } MMEServedGUMMEIList ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..MAX)) OF MMEServedGUMMEI MMEUES1APID ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) RANUES1APID ::= INTEGER (0..16777215) S1Information ::= SEQUENCE { globalRANNodeID [1] GlobalRANNodeID, rANNodeName [2] RANNodeName OPTIONAL, supportedTAList [3] SupportedTAList OPTIONAL, cSGIDList [4] CSGIDList OPTIONAL, connectedENGNBList [5] ConnectedENGNBList OPTIONAL, mMEServedGUMMEIList [6] MMEServedGUMMEIList, iABSupported [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } -- =========================== -- LI Notification definitions -- =========================== LINotification ::= SEQUENCE { notificationType [1] LINotificationType, appliedTargetID [2] TargetIdentifier OPTIONAL, appliedDeliveryInformation [3] SEQUENCE OF LIAppliedDeliveryInformation OPTIONAL, appliedStartTime [4] Timestamp OPTIONAL, appliedEndTime [5] Timestamp OPTIONAL, appliedTargetIsLocal [6] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, appliedTargetIsNonLocal [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } -- ========================== -- LI Notification parameters -- ========================== LINotificationType ::= ENUMERATED { activation(1), deactivation(2), modification(3) } LIAppliedDeliveryInformation ::= SEQUENCE { hI2DeliveryIPAddress [1] IPAddress OPTIONAL, hI2DeliveryPortNumber [2] PortNumber OPTIONAL, hI3DeliveryIPAddress [3] IPAddress OPTIONAL, hI3DeliveryPortNumber [4] PortNumber OPTIONAL } -- =============== -- MDF definitions -- =============== MDFCellSiteReport ::= SEQUENCE OF CellInformation -- ============================== -- 5G EPS Interworking Parameters -- ============================== EMM5GMMStatus ::= SEQUENCE { eMMRegStatus [1] EMMRegStatus OPTIONAL, fiveGMMStatus [2] FiveGMMStatus OPTIONAL } EPS5GGUTI ::= CHOICE { gUTI [1] GUTI, fiveGGUTI [2] FiveGGUTI } EMMRegStatus ::= ENUMERATED { uEEMMRegistered(1), uENotEMMRegistered(2) } FiveGMMStatus ::= ENUMERATED { uE5GMMRegistered(1), uENot5GMMRegistered(2) } -- ======================================== -- Separated Location Reporting definitions -- ======================================== SeparatedLocationReporting ::= SEQUENCE { sUPI [1] SUPI, sUCI [2] SUCI OPTIONAL, pEI [3] PEI OPTIONAL, gPSI [4] GPSI OPTIONAL, gUTI [5] FiveGGUTI OPTIONAL, location [6] Location, non3GPPAccessEndpoint [7] UEEndpointAddress OPTIONAL, rATType [8] RATType OPTIONAL, ePSIdentities [9] EPSSubscriberIDs OPTIONAL } -- ======================= -- HSS definitions -- ======================= HSSServingSystemMessage ::= SEQUENCE { iMSI [1] IMSI, oldPLMNID [2] PLMNID, newPLMNID [3] PLMNID, roamingIndicator [4] RoamingIndicator, responseCodes [5] UTF8String } HSSStartOfInterceptionWithRegisteredTarget ::= SEQUENCE { hSSIdentities [1] HSSIdentities, subscriptionDataSets [2] SubscriptionDataSets, pSUserState [3] SBIType } HSSIdentities ::= SEQUENCE { ePSSubscriberIDs [1] EPSSubscriberIDs OPTIONAL, iMSSubscriberIDs [2] IMSSubscriberIDs OPTIONAL } SubscriptionDataSets ::= CHOICE { iMSSubscriptionData [1] SBIType } -- ================= -- Common Parameters -- ================= AccessType ::= ENUMERATED { threeGPPAccess(1), nonThreeGPPAccess(2), threeGPPandNonThreeGPPAccess(3) } AllowedNSSAI ::= SEQUENCE OF NSSAI AllowedTACs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF TAC AreaOfInterest ::= SEQUENCE { areaOfInterestTAIList [1] AreaOfInterestTAIList OPTIONAL, areaOfInterestCellList [2] AreaOfInterestCellList OPTIONAL, areaOfInterestRANNodeList [3] AreaOfInterestRANNodeList OPTIONAL } AreaOfInterestCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF NCGI AreaOfInterestItem ::= SEQUENCE { areaOfInterest [1] AreaOfInterest } AreaOfInterestRANNodeList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF GlobalRANNodeID AreaOfInterestTAIList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF TAI BroadcastPLMNItem ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNIdentity [1] PLMNID, tAISliceSupportList [2] TAISliceSupportList, nPNSupport [3] NID } CellCAGList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF CAGID CauseMisc ::= ENUMERATED { controlProcessingOverload(1), notEnoughUserPlaneProcessingResources(2), hardwareFailure(3), oMIntervention(4), unknownPLMNOrSNPN(5), unspecified(6) } CauseNas ::= ENUMERATED { normalRelease(1), authenticationFailure(2), deregister(3), unspecified(4) } CauseProtocol ::= ENUMERATED { transferSyntaxError(1), abstractSyntaxError-reject(2), abstractSyntaxErrorIgnoreAndNotify(3), messageNotCompatibleWithReceiverState(4), semanticError(5), abstractSyntaxErrorFalselyConstructedMessage(6), unspecified(7) } CauseRadioNetwork ::= ENUMERATED { unspecified(1), txnrelocoverallExpiry(2), successfulHandover(3), releaseDueToNGRANGeneratedReason(4), releaseDueTo5gcGeneratedReason(5), handoverCancelled(6), partialHandover(7), hoFailureInTarget5GCNGRANNodeOrTargetSystem(8), hoTargetNotAllowed(9), tNGRelocOverallExpiry(10), tNGRelocPrepExpiry(11), cellNotAvailable(12), unknownTargetID(13), noRadioResourcesAvailableInTargetCell(14), unknownLocalUENGAPID(15), inconsistentRemoteUENGAPID(16), handoverDesirableForRadioReason(17), timeCriticalHandover(18), resourceOptimisationHandover(19), reduceLoadInServingCell(20), userInactivity(21), radioConnectionWithUELost(22), radioResourcesNotAvailable(23), invalidQoSCombination(24), failureInRadioInterfaceProcedure(25), interactionWithOtherProcedure(26), unknownPDUSessionID(27), multiplePDUSessionIDInstances(29), multipleQoSFlowIDInstances(30), encryptionAndOrIntegrityProtectionAlgorithmsNotSupported(31), nGIntraSystemHandoverTriggered(32), nGInterSystemHandoverTriggered(33), xNHandoverTriggered(34), notSupported5QIValue(35), uEContextTransfer(36), iMSVoiceeEPSFallbackOrRATFallbackTriggered(37), uPIntegrityProtectioNotPossible(38), uPConfidentialityProtectionNotPossible(39), sliceNotSupported(40), uEInRRCInactiveStateNotReachable(41), redirection(42), resourcesNotAvailableForTheSlice(43), uEMaxIntegrityProtectedDataRateReason(44), releaseDueToCNDetectedMobility(45), n26InterfaceNotAvailable(46), releaseDueToPreemption(47), multipleLocationReportingReferenceIDInstances(48), rSNNotAvailableForTheUP(49), nPMAccessDenied(50), cAGOnlyAccessDenied(51), insufficientUECapabilities(52) } CauseTransport ::= ENUMERATED { transportResourceUnavailable(1), unspecified(2) } Direction ::= ENUMERATED { fromTarget(1), toTarget(2) } DNN ::= UTF8String E164Number ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..15)) EmailAddress ::= UTF8String EPSHandoverType ::= ExternalASNType EquivalentPLMNs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF PLMNID EUI64 ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) FiveGGUTI ::= SEQUENCE { mCC [1] MCC, mNC [2] MNC, aMFRegionID [3] AMFRegionID, aMFSetID [4] AMFSetID, aMFPointer [5] AMFPointer, fiveGTMSI [6] FiveGTMSI } FiveGMMCause ::= INTEGER (0..255) FiveGSSubscriberID ::= CHOICE { sUPI [1] SUPI, sUCI [2] SUCI, pEI [3] PEI, gPSI [4] GPSI } FiveGSSubscriberIDs ::= SEQUENCE { fiveGSSubscriberID [1] SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF FiveGSSubscriberID } FiveGSMRequestType ::= ENUMERATED { initialRequest(1), existingPDUSession(2), initialEmergencyRequest(3), existingEmergencyPDUSession(4), modificationRequest(5), reserved(6), mAPDURequest(7) } FiveGSMCause ::= INTEGER (0..255) FiveGTMSI ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) FiveGSRVCCInfo ::= SEQUENCE { uE5GSRVCCCapability [1] BOOLEAN, sessionTransferNumber [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, correlationMSISDN [3] MSISDN OPTIONAL } FiveGSUserStateInfo ::= SEQUENCE { fiveGSUserState [1] FiveGSUserState, accessType [2] AccessType } FiveGSUserState ::= ENUMERATED { deregistered(1), registeredNotReachableForPaging(2), registeredReachableForPaging(3), connectedNotReachableForPaging(4), connectedReachableForPaging(5), notProvidedFromAMF(6) } ForbiddenAreaInformation ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNIdentity [1] PLMNID, forbiddenTACs [2] ForbiddenTACs } ForbiddenTACs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF TAC FTEID ::= SEQUENCE { tEID [1] INTEGER (0.. 4294967295), iPv4Address [2] IPv4Address OPTIONAL, iPv6Address [3] IPv6Address OPTIONAL } FTEIDList ::= SEQUENCE OF FTEID GPSI ::= CHOICE { mSISDN [1] MSISDN, nAI [2] NAI } GUAMI ::= SEQUENCE { aMFID [1] AMFID, pLMNID [2] PLMNID } GUMMEI ::= SEQUENCE { mMEID [1] MMEID, mCC [2] MCC, mNC [3] MNC } GUTI ::= SEQUENCE { mCC [1] MCC, mNC [2] MNC, mMEGroupID [3] MMEGroupID, mMECode [4] MMECode, mTMSI [5] TMSI } HandoverCause ::= CHOICE { radioNetwork [1] CauseRadioNetwork, transport [2] CauseTransport, nas [3] CauseNas, protocol [4] CauseProtocol, misc [5] CauseMisc } HandoverType ::= ENUMERATED { intra5GS(1), fiveGStoEPS(2), ePSto5GS(3), fiveGStoUTRA(4) } HomeNetworkIdentifier ::= UTF8String HomeNetworkPublicKeyID ::= OCTET STRING HSMFURI ::= UTF8String IMEI ::= NumericString (SIZE(14)) IMEISV ::= NumericString (SIZE(16)) IMPI ::= NAI IMPU ::= CHOICE { sIPURI [1] SIPURI, tELURI [2] TELURI } IMSI ::= NumericString (SIZE(6..15)) IMSIUnauthenticatedIndication ::= BOOLEAN IMSSubscriberIDs ::= CHOICE { iMPI [1] IMPI, iMPU [2] IMPU } Initiator ::= ENUMERATED { uE(1), network(2), unknown(3) } IPAddress ::= CHOICE { iPv4Address [1] IPv4Address, iPv6Address [2] IPv6Address } IPv4Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) IPv6Address ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(16)) IPv6FlowLabel ::= INTEGER(0..1048575) LocationAreaOfInterestList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF AreaOfInterestItem LocationEventType ::= ENUMERATED { direct(1), changeOfServeCell(2), uEPrescenceInAreaOfInterest(3), stopChangeOfServeCell(4), stopUEPresenceInAreaOfInterest(5), cancelLocationReportingForTheUE(6) } LocationReportArea ::= ENUMERATED { cell(1) } LocationReportingRequestType ::= SEQUENCE { eventType [1] LocationEventType, reportArea [2] LocationReportArea, areaOfInterestList [3] LocationAreaOfInterestList } MACAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) MACRestrictionIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { noResrictions(1), mACAddressNotUseableAsEquipmentIdentifier(2), unknown(3) } MCC ::= NumericString (SIZE(3)) MNC ::= NumericString (SIZE(2..3)) MMEID ::= SEQUENCE { mMEGI [1] MMEGI, mMEC [2] MMEC } MMEC ::= NumericString MMEGI ::= NumericString MobilityRestrictionList ::= SEQUENCE { servingPLMN [1] PLMNID, equivalentPLMNs [2] EquivalentPLMNs OPTIONAL, rATRestrictions [3] RATRestrictions OPTIONAL, forbiddenAreaInformation [4] ForbiddenAreaInformation OPTIONAL, serviceAreaInformation [5] ServiceAreaInformation OPTIONAL } MSISDN ::= NumericString (SIZE(1..15)) NAI ::= UTF8String NextLayerProtocol ::= INTEGER(0..255) NonLocalID ::= ENUMERATED { local(1), nonLocal(2) } NonIMEISVPEI ::= CHOICE { mACAddress [1] MACAddress, eUI64 [2] EUI64 } NPNAccessInformation ::= CHOICE { pNINPNAccessInformation [1] CellCAGList } NSSAI ::= SEQUENCE OF SNSSAI PagingRestrictionIndicator ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..33)) PLMNID ::= SEQUENCE { mCC [1] MCC, mNC [2] MNC } PLMNList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF PLMNID PDNConnectionType ::= ENUMERATED { iPv4(1), iPv6(2), iPv4v6(3), nonIP(4), ethernet(5) } PDUSessionID ::= INTEGER (0..255) PDUSessionResourceInformation ::= SEQUENCE { pDUSessionID [1] PDUSessionID } PDUSessionType ::= ENUMERATED { iPv4(1), iPv6(2), iPv4v6(3), unstructured(4), ethernet(5) } PEI ::= CHOICE { iMEI [1] IMEI, iMEISV [2] IMEISV, mACAddress [3] MACAddress, eUI64 [4] EUI64 } PortNumber ::= INTEGER (0..65535) PrimaryAuthenticationType ::= ENUMERATED { eAPAKAPrime(1), fiveGAKA(2), eAPTLS(3), none(4), ePSAKA(5), eAPAKA(6), iMSAKA(7), gBAAKA(8), uMTSAKA(9) } ProtectionSchemeID ::= INTEGER (0..15) RANNodeName ::= CHOICE { rANNodeNameVisible [1] OCTET STRING, rANNodeNameUTF8 [2] UTF8String } RANUENGAPID ::= INTEGER (0..4294967295) -- See clause of TS 38.413 [23] for details RANSourceToTargetContainer ::= OCTET STRING -- See clause of TS 38.413 [23] for details RANTargetToSourceContainer ::= OCTET STRING RATInformation ::= ENUMERATED { unlicensed(1), nBIoT(2), nRLEO(3), nRMEO(4), nRGEO(5), nROTHERSAT(6) } RATRestrictions ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF RATRestrictionItem RATRestrictionInformation ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(8, ...)) RATRestrictionItem ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNIdentity [1] PLMNID, rATRestrictionInformation [2] RATRestrictionInformation } RATType ::= ENUMERATED { nR(1), eUTRA(2), wLAN(3), virtual(4), nBIOT(5), wireline(6), wirelineCable(7), wirelineBBF(8), lTEM(9), nRU(10), eUTRAU(11), trustedN3GA(12), trustedWLAN(13), uTRA(14), gERA(15), nRLEO(16), nRMEO(17), nRGEO(18), nROTHERSAT(19), nRREDCAP(20) } RejectedNSSAI ::= SEQUENCE OF RejectedSNSSAI RejectedSNSSAI ::= SEQUENCE { causeValue [1] RejectedSliceCauseValue, sNSSAI [2] SNSSAI } RejectedSliceCauseValue ::= INTEGER (0..255) ReRegRequiredIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { reRegistrationRequired(1), reRegistrationNotRequired(2) } RoutingIndicator ::= INTEGER (0..9999) SchemeOutput ::= OCTET STRING ServiceAreaInformation ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF ServiceAreaInfo ServiceAreaInfo ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNIdentity [1] PLMNID, allowedTACs [2] AllowedTACs OPTIONAL, notAllowedTACs [3] ForbiddenTACs OPTIONAL } SIPURI ::= UTF8String Slice ::= SEQUENCE { allowedNSSAI [1] NSSAI OPTIONAL, configuredNSSAI [2] NSSAI OPTIONAL, rejectedNSSAI [3] RejectedNSSAI OPTIONAL } SMPDUDNRequest ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 24.501 [13], clause SMSOverNASIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { sMSOverNASNotAllowed(1), sMSOverNASAllowed(2) } SNSSAI ::= SEQUENCE { sliceServiceType [1] INTEGER (0..255), sliceDifferentiator [2] OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) OPTIONAL, mappedHPLMNSliceServiceType [3] INTEGER (0..255) OPTIONAL, mappedHPLMNSliceDifferentiator [4] OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) OPTIONAL } SubscriberIdentifier ::= CHOICE { sUCI [1] SUCI, sUPI [2] SUPI } SUCI ::= SEQUENCE { mCC [1] MCC, mNC [2] MNC, routingIndicator [3] RoutingIndicator, protectionSchemeID [4] ProtectionSchemeID, homeNetworkPublicKeyID [5] HomeNetworkPublicKeyID, schemeOutput [6] SchemeOutput, -- routingIndicatorLength shall be included if different from the number -- of meaningful digits given in routingIndicator. routingIndicatorLength [7] INTEGER (1..4) OPTIONAL, sUPIType [8] SUPIType OPTIONAL, homeNetworkIdentifier [9] HomeNetworkIdentifier OPTIONAL } SUPI ::= CHOICE { iMSI [1] IMSI, nAI [2] NAI } SUPIUnauthenticatedIndication ::= BOOLEAN SUPIType ::= INTEGER (0..7) SupportedTAList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF TAItem SwitchOffIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { normalDetach(1), switchOff(2) } TAItem ::= SEQUENCE { tAC [1] TAC, broadcastPLMNList [2] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF BroadcastPLMNItem, rATinformation [3] RATInformation OPTIONAL } TAISliceSupportList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF SNSSAI TargetIdentifier ::= CHOICE { sUPI [1] SUPI, iMSI [2] IMSI, pEI [3] PEI, iMEI [4] IMEI, gPSI [5] GPSI, mSISDN [6] MSISDN, nAI [7] NAI, iPv4Address [8] IPv4Address, iPv6Address [9] IPv6Address, ethernetAddress [10] MACAddress, iMPU [11] IMPU, iMPI [12] IMPI, e164Number [13] E164Number, emailAddress [14] EmailAddress, mCPTTID [15] UTF8String, instanceIdentifierURN [16] UTF8String, pTCChatGroupID [17] PTCChatGroupID } TargetIdentifierProvenance ::= ENUMERATED { lEAProvided(1), observed(2), matchedOn(3), other(4) } TELURI ::= UTF8String Timestamp ::= GeneralizedTime UEContextInfo ::= SEQUENCE { supportVoPS [1] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, supportVoPSNon3GPP [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, lastActiveTime [3] Timestamp OPTIONAL, accessType [4] AccessType OPTIONAL, rATType [5] RATType OPTIONAL } UEEndpointAddress ::= CHOICE { iPv4Address [1] IPv4Address, iPv6Address [2] IPv6Address, ethernetAddress [3] MACAddress } UserIdentifiers ::= SEQUENCE { fiveGSSubscriberIDs [1] FiveGSSubscriberIDs OPTIONAL, ePSSubscriberIDs [2] EPSSubscriberIDs OPTIONAL } UUID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (16)) -- =================== -- Location parameters -- =================== Location ::= SEQUENCE { locationInfo [1] LocationInfo OPTIONAL, positioningInfo [2] PositioningInfo OPTIONAL, locationPresenceReport [3] LocationPresenceReport OPTIONAL, fourGPositioningInfo [4] FourGPositioningInfo OPTIONAL, fourGLocationInfo [5] FourGLocationInfo OPTIONAL, iMSLocation [6] IMSLocation OPTIONAL } CellSiteInformation ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates [1] GeographicalCoordinates, azimuth [2] INTEGER (0..359) OPTIONAL, operatorSpecificInformation [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause LocationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { userLocation [1] UserLocation OPTIONAL, currentLoc [2] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, geoInfo [3] GeographicArea OPTIONAL, rATType [4] RATType OPTIONAL, timeZone [5] TimeZone OPTIONAL, additionalCellIDs [6] SEQUENCE OF CellInformation OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause UserLocation ::= SEQUENCE { eUTRALocation [1] EUTRALocation OPTIONAL, nRLocation [2] NRLocation OPTIONAL, n3GALocation [3] N3GALocation OPTIONAL, uTRALocation [4] UTRALocation OPTIONAL, gERALocation [5] GERALocation OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause EUTRALocation ::= SEQUENCE { tAI [1] TAI, eCGI [2] ECGI, ageOfLocationInfo [3] AgeOfLocation OPTIONAL, uELocationTimestamp [4] Timestamp OPTIONAL, geographicalInformation [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, geodeticInformation [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, globalNGENbID [7] GlobalRANNodeID OPTIONAL, cellSiteInformation [8] CellSiteInformation OPTIONAL, globalENbID [9] GlobalRANNodeID OPTIONAL, ignoreTAI [10] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, ignoreECGI [11] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause NRLocation ::= SEQUENCE { tAI [1] TAI, nCGI [2] NCGI, ageOfLocationInfo [3] AgeOfLocation OPTIONAL, uELocationTimestamp [4] Timestamp OPTIONAL, geographicalInformation [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, geodeticInformation [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, globalGNbID [7] GlobalRANNodeID OPTIONAL, cellSiteInformation [8] CellSiteInformation OPTIONAL, ignoreNCGI [9] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, nRNTNTAIInfo [10] NRNTNTAIInfo OPTIONAL, iABMTUserLocation [11] IABMTUserLocation OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause N3GALocation ::= SEQUENCE { tAI [1] TAI OPTIONAL, n3IWFID [2] N3IWFIDNGAP OPTIONAL, uEIPAddr [3] IPAddr OPTIONAL, portNumber [4] INTEGER OPTIONAL, tNAPID [5] TNAPID OPTIONAL, tWAPID [6] TWAPID OPTIONAL, hFCNodeID [7] HFCNodeID OPTIONAL, gLI [8] GLI OPTIONAL, w5GBANLineType [9] W5GBANLineType OPTIONAL, gCI [10] GCI OPTIONAL, ageOfLocationInfo [11] AgeOfLocation OPTIONAL, uELocationTimestamp [12] Timestamp OPTIONAL, protocol [13] TransportProtocol OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause UTRALocation ::= SEQUENCE { cGI [1] CGI OPTIONAL, sAI [2] SAI OPTIONAL, lAI [3] LAI OPTIONAL, rAI [4] RAI OPTIONAL, ageOfLocationInfo [5] INTEGER OPTIONAL, uELocationTimestamp [6] Timestamp OPTIONAL, geographicalInformation [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, geodeticInformation [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL, cellSiteInformation [9] CellSiteInformation OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause GERALocation ::= SEQUENCE { locationNumber [1] E164Number OPTIONAL, cGI [2] CGI OPTIONAL, rAI [3] RAI OPTIONAL, sAI [4] SAI OPTIONAL, lAI [5] LAI OPTIONAL, vLRNumber [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, mSCNumber [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, ageOfLocationInfo [8] INTEGER OPTIONAL, uELocationTimestamp [9] Timestamp OPTIONAL, geographicalInformation [10] UTF8String OPTIONAL, geodeticInformation [11] UTF8String OPTIONAL, cellSiteInformation [12] CellSiteInformation OPTIONAL } IMSLocation ::= SEQUENCE { pANIHeaderInfo [1] SEQUENCE OF PANIHeaderInfo OPTIONAL, geolocationHeaderInfo [2] SEQUENCE OF SIPGeolocationHeaderInfo OPTIONAL, cNIHeaderInfo [3] SEQUENCE OF SIPCNIHeaderInfo OPTIONAL } -- TS 38.413 [23], clause IPAddr ::= SEQUENCE { iPv4Addr [1] IPv4Address OPTIONAL, iPv6Addr [2] IPv6Address OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause GlobalRANNodeID ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, aNNodeID [2] ANNodeID, nID [3] NID OPTIONAL } ANNodeID ::= CHOICE { n3IWFID [1] N3IWFIDSBI, gNbID [2] GNbID, nGENbID [3] NGENbID, eNbID [4] ENbID, wAGFID [5] WAGFID, tNGFID [6] TNGFID } -- TS 38.413 [23], clause GNbID ::= BIT STRING(SIZE(22..32)) -- TS 29.571 [17], clause TAI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, tAC [2] TAC, nID [3] NID OPTIONAL } CGI ::= SEQUENCE { lAI [1] LAI, cellID [2] CellID } LAI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, lAC [2] LAC } LAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) CellID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) SAI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, lAC [2] LAC, sAC [3] SAC } SAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) RAI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, lAC [2] LAC, rAC [3] RAC } RAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) -- TS 29.571 [17], clause ECGI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, eUTRACellID [2] EUTRACellID, nID [3] NID OPTIONAL } TACList ::= SEQUENCE OF TAC TAIList ::= SEQUENCE OF TAI -- TS 29.571 [17], clause NCGI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMNID [1] PLMNID, nRCellID [2] NRCellID, nID [3] NID OPTIONAL } RANCGI ::= CHOICE { eCGI [1] ECGI, nCGI [2] NCGI, cGI [3] CGI } CellInformation ::= SEQUENCE { rANCGI [1] RANCGI, cellSiteinformation [2] CellSiteInformation OPTIONAL, timeOfLocation [3] Timestamp OPTIONAL, cellRadioRelatedInformation [4] CellRadioRelatedInformation OPTIONAL, band [5] RFBand OPTIONAL } CellRadioRelatedInformation ::= CHOICE { nGInformation [1] NGInformation, f1Information [2] F1Information } RFBand ::= UTF8String -- TS 38.413 [23], clause N3IWFIDNGAP ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(16)) -- TS 29.571 [17], clause N3IWFIDSBI ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and table 5.4.2-1 TNGFID ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and table 5.4.2-1 WAGFID ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.571 [17], clause TNAPID ::= SEQUENCE { sSID [1] SSID OPTIONAL, bSSID [2] BSSID OPTIONAL, civicAddress [3] CivicAddressBytes OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause TWAPID ::= SEQUENCE { sSID [1] SSID OPTIONAL, bSSID [2] BSSID OPTIONAL, civicAddress [3] CivicAddressBytes OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and clause SSID ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and clause BSSID ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and table 5.4.2-1 HFCNodeID ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and table 5.4.2-1 -- Contains the original binary data i.e. value of the YAML field after base64 encoding is removed GLI ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..150)) -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and table 5.4.2-1 GCI ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and table TransportProtocol ::= ENUMERATED { uDP(1), tCP(2) } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and clause W5GBANLineType ::= ENUMERATED { dSL(1), pON(2) } -- TS 29.571 [17], table 5.4.2-1 TAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2..3)) -- TS 38.413 [23], clause EUTRACellID ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(28)) -- TS 38.413 [23], clause NRCellID ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(36)) -- TS 38.413 [23], clause NGENbID ::= CHOICE { macroNGENbID [1] BIT STRING (SIZE(20)), shortMacroNGENbID [2] BIT STRING (SIZE(18)), longMacroNGENbID [3] BIT STRING (SIZE(21)) } -- TS 23.003 [19], clause 12.7.1 encoded as per TS 29.571 [17], clause 5.4.2 NID ::= UTF8String (SIZE(11)) -- TS 36.413 [38], clause ENbID ::= CHOICE { macroENbID [1] BIT STRING (SIZE(20)), homeENbID [2] BIT STRING (SIZE(28)), shortMacroENbID [3] BIT STRING (SIZE(18)), longMacroENbID [4] BIT STRING (SIZE(21)) } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause PositioningInfo ::= SEQUENCE { positionInfo [1] LocationData OPTIONAL, rawMLPResponse [2] RawMLPResponse OPTIONAL } RawMLPResponse ::= CHOICE { -- The following parameter contains a copy of unparsed XML code of the -- MLP response message, i.e. the entire XML document containing -- a (described in OMA-TS-MLP-V3_5-20181211-C [20], clause or -- a (described in OMA-TS-MLP-V3_5-20181211-C [20], clause MLP message. mLPPositionData [1] UTF8String, -- OMA MLP result id, defined in OMA-TS-MLP-V3_5-20181211-C [20], Clause 5.4 mLPErrorCode [2] INTEGER (1..699) } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause LocationData ::= SEQUENCE { locationEstimate [1] GeographicArea, accuracyFulfilmentIndicator [2] AccuracyFulfilmentIndicator OPTIONAL, ageOfLocationEstimate [3] AgeOfLocation OPTIONAL, velocityEstimate [4] VelocityEstimate OPTIONAL, civicAddress [5] CivicAddress OPTIONAL, positioningDataList [6] SET OF PositioningMethodAndUsage OPTIONAL, gNSSPositioningDataList [7] SET OF GNSSPositioningMethodAndUsage OPTIONAL, eCGI [8] ECGI OPTIONAL, nCGI [9] NCGI OPTIONAL, altitude [10] Altitude OPTIONAL, barometricPressure [11] BarometricPressure OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.29 GERANPositioningInfo ::= SEQUENCE { gERANPositioningData [1] GERANPositioningData OPTIONAL, gERANGANSSPositioningData [2] GERANGANSSPositioningData OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.30 GERANPositioningData ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.31 GERANGANSSPositioningData ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.32 UTRANPositioningInfo ::= SEQUENCE { uTRANPositioningData [1] UTRANPositioningData OPTIONAL, uTRANGANSSPositioningData [2] UTRANGANSSPositioningData OPTIONAL, uTRANAdditionalPositioningData [3] UTRANAdditionalPositioningData } -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.33 UTRANPositioningData ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.34 UTRANGANSSPositioningData ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.63 UTRANAdditionalPositioningData ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 29.172 [53], table 6.2.2-2 FourGPositioningInfo ::= SEQUENCE { locationData [1] LocationData, cGI [2] CGI OPTIONAL, sAI [3] SAI OPTIONAL, eSMLCCellInfo [4] ESMLCCellInfo OPTIONAL, gERANPositioningInfo [5] GERANPositioningInfo OPTIONAL, uTRANPositioningInfo [6] UTRANPositioningInfo OPTIONAL, rawMLPResponse [7] RawMLPResponse OPTIONAL } FourGLocationInfo ::= CHOICE { ePSLocationInformation [1] EPSLocationInformation, ePSUserLocationInformation [2] EPSUserLocationInformation } -- TS 29.272 [106], clause 7.3.111 EPSLocationInformation ::= SEQUENCE { mMELocationInformation [1] MMELocationInformation OPTIONAL, sGSNLocationInformation [2] SGSNLocationInformation OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.274 [87], clause 8.21 EPSUserLocationInformation ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 29.272 [106], clause 7.3.115 MMELocationInformation ::= SEQUENCE { eCGI [1] ECGI OPTIONAL, tAI [2] TAI OPTIONAL, geographicalInformation [3] GeographicalInformationOctet OPTIONAL, geodeticInformation [4] GeodeticInformationOctet OPTIONAL, currentLocationRetrieved [5] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, ageOfLocationInformation [6] INTEGER OPTIONAL, userCSGInformation [7] UserCSGInformation OPTIONAL, eNbID [8] ENbID OPTIONAL, additionalCellIDs [9] SEQUENCE OF CellInformation OPTIONAL } -- TS 32.299 [111], clause 7.3.240A UserCSGInformation ::= SEQUENCE { cSGID [1] CSGID, cSGAccessMode [2] CSGAccessMode, cSGMembershipIndication [3] CSGMembershipIndication } -- TS 29.272 [106], clause 7.3.79 CSGID ::= INTEGER CSGIDList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE(1..MAX) OF CSGID -- TS 32.299 [111], clause 7.2.46A CSGAccessMode ::= ENUMERATED { closedMode(1), hybridMode(2) } -- TS 32.299 [111], clause 7.2.46B CSGMembershipIndication ::= ENUMERATED { notCSGMember(1), cSGMember(2) } -- TS 29.272 [106], clause 7.3.116 SGSNLocationInformation ::= SEQUENCE { cGI [1] CGI OPTIONAL, lAI [2] LAI OPTIONAL, sAI [3] SAI OPTIONAL, rAI [4] RAI OPTIONAL, geographicalInformation [5] GeographicalInformationOctet OPTIONAL, geodeticInformation [6] GeodeticInformationOctet OPTIONAL, currentLocationRetrieved [7] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, ageOfLocationInformation [8] INTEGER OPTIONAL, userCSGInformation [9] UserCSGInformation OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.172 [53], clause 7.4.57 ESMLCCellInfo ::= SEQUENCE { eCGI [1] ECGI, cellPortionID [2] CellPortionID } -- TS 29.171 [54], clause 7.4.31 CellPortionID ::= INTEGER (0..4095) -- TS 29.518 [22], clause LocationPresenceReport ::= SEQUENCE { type [1] AMFEventType, timestamp [2] Timestamp, areaList [3] SET OF AMFEventArea OPTIONAL, timeZone [4] TimeZone OPTIONAL, accessTypes [5] SET OF AccessType OPTIONAL, rMInfoList [6] SET OF RMInfo OPTIONAL, cMInfoList [7] SET OF CMInfo OPTIONAL, reachability [8] UEReachability OPTIONAL, location [9] UserLocation OPTIONAL, additionalCellIDs [10] SEQUENCE OF CellInformation OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause AMFEventType ::= ENUMERATED { locationReport(1), presenceInAOIReport(2) } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause AMFEventArea ::= SEQUENCE { presenceInfo [1] PresenceInfo OPTIONAL, lADNInfo [2] LADNInfo OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause PresenceInfo ::= SEQUENCE { presenceState [1] PresenceState OPTIONAL, trackingAreaList [2] SET OF TAI OPTIONAL, eCGIList [3] SET OF ECGI OPTIONAL, nCGIList [4] SET OF NCGI OPTIONAL, globalRANNodeIDList [5] SET OF GlobalRANNodeID OPTIONAL, globalENbIDList [6] SET OF GlobalRANNodeID OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause LADNInfo ::= SEQUENCE { lADN [1] UTF8String, presence [2] PresenceState OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause PresenceState ::= ENUMERATED { inArea(1), outOfArea(2), unknown(3), inactive(4) } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause RMInfo ::= SEQUENCE { rMState [1] RMState, accessType [2] AccessType } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause CMInfo ::= SEQUENCE { cMState [1] CMState, accessType [2] AccessType } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause UEReachability ::= ENUMERATED { unreachable(1), reachable(2), regulatoryOnly(3) } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause RMState ::= ENUMERATED { registered(1), deregistered(2) } -- TS 29.518 [22], clause CMState ::= ENUMERATED { idle(1), connected(2) } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause GeographicArea ::= CHOICE { point [1] Point, pointUncertaintyCircle [2] PointUncertaintyCircle, pointUncertaintyEllipse [3] PointUncertaintyEllipse, polygon [4] Polygon, pointAltitude [5] PointAltitude, pointAltitudeUncertainty [6] PointAltitudeUncertainty, ellipsoidArc [7] EllipsoidArc } -- TS 29.002 [47], clause 17.7.1, type GeographicalInformation GeographicalInformationOctet ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) -- TS 29.002 [47], clause 17.7.1, type GeodeticInformation GeodeticInformationOctet ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (10)) -- TS 29.572 [24], clause AccuracyFulfilmentIndicator ::= ENUMERATED { requestedAccuracyFulfilled(1), requestedAccuracyNotFulfilled(2) } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause VelocityEstimate ::= CHOICE { horVelocity [1] HorizontalVelocity, horWithVertVelocity [2] HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity, horVelocityWithUncertainty [3] HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty, horWithVertVelocityAndUncertainty [4] HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause CivicAddress ::= SEQUENCE { country [1] UTF8String, a1 [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL, a2 [3] UTF8String OPTIONAL, a3 [4] UTF8String OPTIONAL, a4 [5] UTF8String OPTIONAL, a5 [6] UTF8String OPTIONAL, a6 [7] UTF8String OPTIONAL, prd [8] UTF8String OPTIONAL, pod [9] UTF8String OPTIONAL, sts [10] UTF8String OPTIONAL, hno [11] UTF8String OPTIONAL, hns [12] UTF8String OPTIONAL, lmk [13] UTF8String OPTIONAL, loc [14] UTF8String OPTIONAL, nam [15] UTF8String OPTIONAL, pc [16] UTF8String OPTIONAL, bld [17] UTF8String OPTIONAL, unit [18] UTF8String OPTIONAL, flr [19] UTF8String OPTIONAL, room [20] UTF8String OPTIONAL, plc [21] UTF8String OPTIONAL, pcn [22] UTF8String OPTIONAL, pobox [23] UTF8String OPTIONAL, addcode [24] UTF8String OPTIONAL, seat [25] UTF8String OPTIONAL, rd [26] UTF8String OPTIONAL, rdsec [27] UTF8String OPTIONAL, rdbr [28] UTF8String OPTIONAL, rdsubbr [29] UTF8String OPTIONAL, prm [30] UTF8String OPTIONAL, pom [31] UTF8String OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clauses and -- Contains the original binary data i.e. value of the YAML field after base64 encoding is removed CivicAddressBytes ::= OCTET STRING -- TS 29.572 [24], clause PositioningMethodAndUsage ::= SEQUENCE { method [1] PositioningMethod, mode [2] PositioningMode, usage [3] Usage, methodCode [4] MethodCode OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause GNSSPositioningMethodAndUsage ::= SEQUENCE { mode [1] PositioningMode, gNSS [2] GNSSID, usage [3] Usage } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause Point ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates [1] GeographicalCoordinates } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause PointUncertaintyCircle ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates [1] GeographicalCoordinates, -- deprecatedUncertainty was deprecated in r18(18) version3(3) -- and shall be set to 0. The uncertaintySBI parameter shall be used instead. deprecatedUncertainty [2] Uncertainty, uncertaintySBI [3] UncertaintySBI OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause PointUncertaintyEllipse ::= SEQUENCE { geographicalCoordinates [1] GeographicalCoordinates, uncertainty [2] UncertaintyEllipse, confidence [3] Confidence } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause Polygon ::= SEQUENCE { pointList [1] SET SIZE (3..15) OF GeographicalCoordinates } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause PointAltitude ::= SEQUENCE { point [1] GeographicalCoordinates, altitude [2] Altitude } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause PointAltitudeUncertainty ::= SEQUENCE { point [1] GeographicalCoordinates, altitude [2] Altitude, uncertaintyEllipse [3] UncertaintyEllipse, -- deprecatedUncertaintyAltitude was deprecated in r18(18) version3(3) -- and shall be set to 0. The uncertaintyAltitudeSBI parameter shall be used instead. deprecatedUncertaintyAltitude [4] Uncertainty, confidence [5] Confidence, uncertaintyAltitudeSBI [6] UncertaintySBI OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause EllipsoidArc ::= SEQUENCE { point [1] GeographicalCoordinates, innerRadius [2] InnerRadius, -- deprecatedUncertaintyRadius was deprecated in r18(18) version3(3) -- and shall be set to 0. The uncertaintyRadiusSBI parameter shall be used instead. deprecatedUncertaintyRadius [3] Uncertainty, offsetAngle [4] Angle, includedAngle [5] Angle, confidence [6] Confidence, uncertaintyRadiusSBI [7] UncertaintySBI OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause GeographicalCoordinates ::= SEQUENCE { latitude [1] UTF8String, longitude [2] UTF8String, mapDatumInformation [3] OGCURN OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause UncertaintyEllipse ::= SEQUENCE { -- deprecatedSemiMajor was deprecated in r18(18) version3(3) -- and shall be set to 0. The semiMajorSBI parameter shall be used instead. deprecatedSemiMajor [1] Uncertainty, -- deprecatedSemiMinor was deprecated in r18(18) version3(3) -- and shall be set to 0. The semiMinorSBI parameter shall be used instead. deprecatedSemiMinor [2] Uncertainty, orientationMajor [3] Orientation, semiMajorSBI [4] UncertaintySBI OPTIONAL, semiMinorSBI [5] UncertaintySBI OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause HorizontalVelocity ::= SEQUENCE { hSpeed [1] HorizontalSpeed, bearing [2] Angle } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause HorizontalWithVerticalVelocity ::= SEQUENCE { hSpeed [1] HorizontalSpeed, bearing [2] Angle, vSpeed [3] VerticalSpeed, vDirection [4] VerticalDirection } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause HorizontalVelocityWithUncertainty ::= SEQUENCE { hSpeed [1] HorizontalSpeed, bearing [2] Angle, uncertainty [3] SpeedUncertainty } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause HorizontalWithVerticalVelocityAndUncertainty ::= SEQUENCE { hSpeed [1] HorizontalSpeed, bearing [2] Angle, vSpeed [3] VerticalSpeed, vDirection [4] VerticalDirection, hUncertainty [5] SpeedUncertainty, vUncertainty [6] SpeedUncertainty } -- The following types are described in TS 29.572 [24], table Altitude ::= UTF8String Angle ::= INTEGER (0..360) UncertaintySBI ::= UTF8String Orientation ::= INTEGER (0..180) Confidence ::= INTEGER (0..100) InnerRadius ::= INTEGER (0..327675) AgeOfLocation ::= INTEGER (0..32767) HorizontalSpeed ::= UTF8String VerticalSpeed ::= UTF8String SpeedUncertainty ::= UTF8String BarometricPressure ::= INTEGER (30000..115000) Uncertainty ::= INTEGER (0..127) -- TS 29.572 [24], clause VerticalDirection ::= ENUMERATED { upward(1), downward(2) } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause PositioningMethod ::= ENUMERATED { cellID(1), eCID(2), oTDOA(3), barometricPressure(4), wLAN(5), bluetooth(6), mBS(7), motionSensor(8), dLTDOA(9), dLAOD(10), multiRTT(11), nRECID(12), uLTDOA(13), uLAOA(14), networkSpecific(15) } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause PositioningMode ::= ENUMERATED { uEBased(1), uEAssisted(2), conventional(3) } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause GNSSID ::= ENUMERATED { gPS(1), galileo(2), sBAS(3), modernizedGPS(4), qZSS(5), gLONASS(6), bDS(7), nAVIC(8) } -- TS 29.572 [24], clause Usage ::= ENUMERATED { unsuccess(1), successResultsNotUsed(2), successResultsUsedToVerifyLocation(3), successResultsUsedToGenerateLocation(4), successMethodNotDetermined(5) } -- TS 29.571 [17], table 5.2.2-1 TimeZone ::= UTF8String -- Open Geospatial Consortium URN [35] OGCURN ::= UTF8String -- TS 29.572 [24], clause MethodCode ::= INTEGER (16..31) PANIHeaderInfo ::= SEQUENCE { accessNetworkInformation [1] SIPAccessNetworkInformation, accessInfo [2] SEQUENCE OF SIPAccessInfo OPTIONAL, pANILocation [3] SEQUENCE OF SIPLocationInfo OPTIONAL } SIPGeolocationHeaderInfo ::= SEQUENCE { locationValue [1] UTF8String, cidInfo [2] UTF8String OPTIONAL } SIPAccessInfo ::= UTF8String SIPCellularAccessInfo ::= SEQUENCE { accessInfo [1] SIPAccessInfo, cellInfoAge [2] SIPCNICellInfoAge } SIPCNICellInfoAge ::= INTEGER(0..999999999) SIPLocationInfo ::= SEQUENCE { locationInfo [1] LocationInfo OPTIONAL, cellInformation [2] CellInformation OPTIONAL } SIPAccessNetworkInformation ::= SEQUENCE { accessNetworkInfo [1] UTF8String, servingPLMN [2] PLMNID OPTIONAL } SIPCNIHeaderInfo ::= SEQUENCE { cellularNetworkInformation [1] SIPCellularNetworkInformation, cellularAccessInfo [2] SEQUENCE OF SIPCellularAccessInfo OPTIONAL, cNILocation [3] SEQUENCE OF SIPLocationInfo OPTIONAL } SIPCellularNetworkInformation ::= SEQUENCE { cellularNetworkInfo [1] UTF8String, servingPLMN [2] PLMNID OPTIONAL } -- TS 29.571 [17], clause and TS 38.413 [23] clause NRNTNTAIInfo ::= SEQUENCE { servingPLMN [1] PLMNID, tACListNRNTN [2] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF TAC, uELocationDerivedNTNTAC [3] TAC OPTIONAL } -- TS 38.413 [23], clause IABMTUserLocation ::= SEQUENCE { nRCGI [1] NCGI, tAI [2] TAI OPTIONAL } -- ================================================== -- Structures to allow reuse of encapsulated payloads -- ================================================== RCSPayload ::= CHOICE { fullPayload [1] EncapsulatedRCSPayload, modifiedPayload [2] ModifiedRCSPayload } EncapsulatedRCSPayload ::= CHOICE { mIME [1] MIMEEntity, mSRP [2] MSRPMessage, sIP [3] SIPMessage } ModifiedRCSPayload ::= SEQUENCE { modifiedRCSPayload [1] EncapsulatedRCSPayload, modifications [2] PayloadModifications } PayloadModifications ::= SEQUENCE { modificationList [1] SEQUENCE OF PayloadModification } PayloadModification ::= CHOICE { predefinedModification [1] PredefinedPayloadModification, describedModification [2] PayloadModificationDescription } PredefinedPayloadModification ::= ENUMERATED { pANILocationRemoval(1), cNILocationRemoval(2), sIPGeolocationInfoRemoval(3), presenceInformationLocationRemoval(4), tS33128SMSTPDURedaction(5), tS33128TruncatedSMSTPDU(6), iMSTextContentRemoval(7), iMSSubjectContentRemoval(8), rCSPresenceLocationRemoval(9), rCSCPIMLocationRemoval(10), rCSTextContentRemoval(11), rCSSubjectContentRemoval(12), rCSGeolocationPUSHContentRemoval(13), rCSFileURLContentRemoval(14), threeGPP2SMSUserDataRedaction(15) } PayloadModificationDescription ::= SEQUENCE { modificationLocation [1] ModificationLocation, modificationType [2] ModificationType } ModificationLocation ::= CHOICE { jSONPointer [1] UTF8String, xPath [2] UTF8String, sIPHeader [3] UTF8String, sIPBody [4] NULL, mIMEHeader [5] UTF8String, mIMEBody [6] MIMEBody, uTF8Location [7] IndexRange, octetLocation [8] IndexRange, aBNFRule [9] ABNFRuleLocation } ABNFRuleLocation ::= UTF8String ModificationType ::= CHOICE { removed [1] PayloadInformationRemoved, replacedWithCharacters [2] PayloadInformationReplacedWithCharacters, replacedWithOctets [3] OCTET STRING, replacedWithBits [4] BIT STRING } PayloadInformationRemoved ::= CHOICE { charactersRemoved [1] INTEGER, octetsRemoved [2] INTEGER, bitsRemoved [3] INTEGER } PayloadInformationReplacedWithCharacters ::= SEQUENCE { characters [1] UTF8String } IndexRange ::= SEQUENCE { start [1] INTEGER, end [2] INTEGER } -- =============================================== -- Externally Defined Structures - MSRP Parameters -- =============================================== EncapsulatedMSRP ::= UTF8String MSRPMessage ::= SEQUENCE { encapsulatedMSRP [1] EncapsulatedMSRP } -- ================================================== -- Externally Defined Structures - SBIType Parameters -- ================================================== -- Details for the encoding and use of this parameter may be found in the clause -- that defines the xIRI that carries it. This parameter provides a generic -- mechanism to convey service based interface structures defined in Stage 3 working groups. SBIType ::= SEQUENCE { sBIReference [1] SBIReference, sBIValue [2] SBIValue } SBIReference ::= UTF8String SBIValue ::= UTF8String -- ================================================== -- Externally Defined Structures - XMLType Parameters -- ================================================== XMLType ::= SEQUENCE { xMLNamespace [1] XMLNamespace, xMLValue [2] XMLValue } XMLNamespace ::= UTF8String XMLValue ::= UTF8String -- ====================================================== -- Externally Defined Structures - MIME Entity Parameters -- ====================================================== EncapsulatedMIMEEntity ::= UTF8String MIMEContentType ::= UTF8String MIMEEntity ::= SEQUENCE { contentType [1] MIMEContentType, encapsulatedMIMEEntity [2] EncapsulatedMIMEEntity } MIMEPartIdentifier ::= CHOICE { index [1] INTEGER } MIMEBody ::= CHOICE { fullBody [1] NULL, bodyPart [2] MIMEPartIdentifier } -- ======================================================= -- Externally Defined Structures - External ASN Parameters -- ======================================================= ExternalASNType ::= SEQUENCE { moduleIdentifier [1] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, aSNReference [2] ExternalASNReference OPTIONAL, encodedASNValue [3] ExternalASNValue } ExternalASNReference ::= UTF8String ExternalASNValue ::= CHOICE { bER [1] OCTET STRING, alignedPER [2] OCTET STRING } END