-- 3GPP TS 36.455 V16.1.0 (2020-09) -- -- ************************************************************** -- -- Information Element Definitions -- -- ************************************************************** LPPA-IEs { itu-t (0) identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0) eps-Access (21) modules (3) lppa (6) version1 (1) lppa-IEs (2) } DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS id-MeasurementQuantities-Item, id-ResultsPerSSB-Index-List, id-ResultsPerSSB-Index-Item, id-NR-CGI, maxCellineNB, maxCellReport, maxNrOfErrors, maxNoMeas, maxnoOTDOAtypes, maxServCell, id-InterRATMeasurementQuantities-Item, id-WLANMeasurementQuantities-Item, maxGERANMeas, maxUTRANMeas, maxNRmeas, maxResultsPerSSBIndex, maxCellineNB-ext, maxWLANchannels, maxMBSFN-Allocations, maxnoFreqHoppingBandsMinusOne, maxNrOfPosSImessage, maxnoAssistInfoFailureListItems, maxNrOfSegments, maxNrOfPosSIBs FROM LPPA-Constants Criticality, LPPATransactionID, ProcedureCode, ProtocolIE-ID, TriggeringMessage FROM LPPA-CommonDataTypes ProtocolExtensionContainer{}, ProtocolIE-Single-Container{}, LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION, LPPA-PROTOCOL-IES FROM LPPA-Containers; -- A Add-OTDOACells ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCellineNB-ext)) OF SEQUENCE { add-OTDOACellInfo Add-OTDOACell-Information, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {Add-OTDOACells-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } Add-OTDOACells-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } Add-OTDOACell-Information ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxnoOTDOAtypes)) OF OTDOACell-Information-Item Assistance-Information ::= SEQUENCE { systemInformation SystemInformation, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { Assistance-Information-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } Assistance-Information-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } AssistanceInformationFailureList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxnoAssistInfoFailureListItems)) OF SEQUENCE { posSIB-Type PosSIB-Type, outcome Outcome, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {AssistanceInformationFailureList-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } AssistanceInformationFailureList-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } AssistanceInformationMetaData ::= SEQUENCE { encrypted ENUMERATED {true, ...} OPTIONAL, gNSSID ENUMERATED {gps, sbas, gzss, galileo, glonass, bds, ..., navic} OPTIONAL, sBASID ENUMERATED {waas, egnos, msas, gagan, ...} OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { AssistanceInformationMetaData-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } AssistanceInformationMetaData-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- B BCCH ::= INTEGER (0..1023, ...) BitmapsforNPRS ::= CHOICE { ten BIT STRING(SIZE (10)), forty BIT STRING(SIZE (40)), ..., ten-tdd BIT STRING(SIZE (8)), forty-tdd BIT STRING(SIZE (32))} Broadcast ::= ENUMERATED { start, stop, ... } BroadcastPeriodicity ::= ENUMERATED { ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280, ms2560, ms5120, ... } BSSID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) -- C Cause ::= CHOICE { radioNetwork CauseRadioNetwork, protocol CauseProtocol, misc CauseMisc, ... } CauseMisc ::= ENUMERATED { unspecified, ... } CauseProtocol ::= ENUMERATED { transfer-syntax-error, abstract-syntax-error-reject, abstract-syntax-error-ignore-and-notify, message-not-compatible-with-receiver-state, semantic-error, unspecified, abstract-syntax-error-falsely-constructed-message, ... } CauseRadioNetwork ::= ENUMERATED { unspecified, requested-item-not-supported, requested-item-temporarily-not-available, ... } Cell-Portion-ID ::= INTEGER (0..255,... , 256..4095) CPLength ::= ENUMERATED { normal, extended, ... } CriticalityDiagnostics ::= SEQUENCE { procedureCode ProcedureCode OPTIONAL, triggeringMessage TriggeringMessage OPTIONAL, procedureCriticality Criticality OPTIONAL, lppatransactionID LPPATransactionID OPTIONAL, iEsCriticalityDiagnostics CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } CriticalityDiagnostics-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfErrors)) OF SEQUENCE { iECriticality Criticality, iE-ID ProtocolIE-ID, typeOfError TypeOfError, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } CriticalityDiagnostics-IE-List-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- D DL-Bandwidth ::= ENUMERATED { bw6, bw15, bw25, bw50, bw75, bw100, ... } -- E E-CID-MeasurementResult ::= SEQUENCE { servingCell-ID ECGI, servingCellTAC TAC, e-UTRANAccessPointPosition E-UTRANAccessPointPosition OPTIONAL, measuredResults MeasuredResults OPTIONAL, ... } ECGI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN-Identity PLMN-Identity, eUTRANcellIdentifier EUTRANCellIdentifier, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {ECGI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } ECGI-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } EUTRANCellIdentifier ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (28)) EARFCN ::= INTEGER (0..65535, ..., 65536..262143) E-UTRANAccessPointPosition ::= SEQUENCE { latitudeSign ENUMERATED {north, south}, latitude INTEGER (0..8388607), longitude INTEGER (-8388608..8388607), directionOfAltitude ENUMERATED {height, depth}, altitude INTEGER (0..32767), uncertaintySemi-major INTEGER (0..127), uncertaintySemi-minor INTEGER (0..127), orientationOfMajorAxis INTEGER (0..179), uncertaintyAltitude INTEGER (0..127), confidence INTEGER (0..100), ... } -- F -- G -- H HESSID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) -- I InterRATMeasurementQuantities ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0.. maxNoMeas)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {InterRATMeasurementQuantities-ItemIEs} } InterRATMeasurementQuantities-ItemIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-InterRATMeasurementQuantities-Item CRITICALITY reject TYPE InterRATMeasurementQuantities-Item PRESENCE mandatory}} InterRATMeasurementQuantities-Item ::= SEQUENCE { interRATMeasurementQuantitiesValue InterRATMeasurementQuantitiesValue, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { InterRATMeasurementQuantitiesValue-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } InterRATMeasurementQuantitiesValue-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } InterRATMeasurementQuantitiesValue ::= ENUMERATED { geran, utran, ..., nr } InterRATMeasurementResult ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNoMeas)) OF InterRATMeasuredResultsValue InterRATMeasuredResultsValue ::= CHOICE { resultGERAN ResultGERAN, resultUTRAN ResultUTRAN, ..., resultNR ResultNR } -- J -- K -- L -- M Measurement-ID ::= INTEGER (1..15, ...) MeasurementPeriodicity ::= ENUMERATED { ms120, ms240, ms480, ms640, ms1024, ms2048, ms5120, ms10240, min1, min6, min12, min30, min60, ... } MeasurementQuantities ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNoMeas)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {MeasurementQuantities-ItemIEs} } MeasurementQuantities-ItemIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-MeasurementQuantities-Item CRITICALITY reject TYPE MeasurementQuantities-Item PRESENCE mandatory} } MeasurementQuantities-Item ::= SEQUENCE { measurementQuantitiesValue MeasurementQuantitiesValue, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { MeasurementQuantitiesValue-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } MeasurementQuantitiesValue-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } MeasurementQuantitiesValue ::= ENUMERATED { cell-ID, angleOfArrival, timingAdvanceType1, timingAdvanceType2, rSRP, rSRQ, ... } MeasuredResults ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNoMeas)) OF MeasuredResultsValue MeasuredResultsValue ::= CHOICE { valueAngleOfArrival INTEGER (0..719), valueTimingAdvanceType1 INTEGER (0..7690), valueTimingAdvanceType2 INTEGER (0..7690), resultRSRP ResultRSRP, resultRSRQ ResultRSRQ, ... } MBSFNsubframeConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxMBSFN-Allocations)) OF MBSFNsubframeConfigurationValue MBSFNsubframeConfigurationValue ::= SEQUENCE { radioframeAllocationPeriod ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n8, n16, n32}, radioframeAllocationOffset INTEGER (0..7), subframeAllocation Subframeallocation } -- N NarrowBandIndex ::= INTEGER (0..15,...) NRCellIdentity ::= BIT STRING (SIZE(36)) NR-CGI ::= SEQUENCE { pLMN-Identity PLMN-Identity, nRCellIdentity NRCellIdentity, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {NR-CGI-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } NR-CGI-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } NPRSConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { nPRSSubframePartA NPRSSubframePartA OPTIONAL, nPRSSubframePartB NPRSSubframePartB OPTIONAL, ... } NPRSMutingConfiguration ::= CHOICE { two BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), four BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), eight BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), sixteen BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), ... } NPRSSubframePartA ::= SEQUENCE { bitmapsforNPRS BitmapsforNPRS, nPRSMutingConfiguration NPRSMutingConfiguration OPTIONAL, ... } NPRSSubframePartB ::= SEQUENCE { numberofNPRSOneOccasion ENUMERATED {sf10, sf20, sf40, sf80, sf160, sf320, sf640, sf1280, ..., sf2560}, periodicityofNPRS ENUMERATED {sf160, sf320, sf640, sf1280, ..., sf2560}, startingsubframeoffset ENUMERATED {zero, one-Eighth, two-Eighths, three-Eighths, four-Eighths, five-Eighths, six-Eighths, seven-Eighths, ...}, nPRSMutingConfiguration NPRSMutingConfiguration OPTIONAL, ..., sIB1-NB-Subframe-TDD ENUMERATED { sf0, sf4, sf0and5, ...} OPTIONAL } NumberOfAntennaPorts ::= ENUMERATED { n1-or-n2, n4, ... } NumberOfDlFrames ::= ENUMERATED { sf1, sf2, sf4, sf6, ... } NumberOfDlFrames-Extended ::= INTEGER (1..160,...) NumberOfFrequencyHoppingBands ::= ENUMERATED { twobands, fourbands, ... } NPRSSequenceInfo ::= INTEGER (0..174,...) NRARFCN ::= INTEGER (0.. 3279165) NRPCI ::= INTEGER (0..1007) -- O OffsetNBChanneltoEARFCN ::= ENUMERATED { minusTen, minusNine, minusEight, minusSeven, minusSix, minusFive, minusFour, minusThree, minusTwo, minusOne, minusZeroDotFive, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ... } OperationModeInfo ::= ENUMERATED { inband, guardband, standalone, ... } OTDOACells ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCellineNB)) OF SEQUENCE { oTDOACellInfo OTDOACell-Information, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { {OTDOACells-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } OTDOACells-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } OTDOACell-Information ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxnoOTDOAtypes)) OF OTDOACell-Information-Item OTDOACell-Information-Item ::= CHOICE { pCI PCI, cellId ECGI, tAC TAC, eARFCN EARFCN, pRS-Bandwidth PRS-Bandwidth, pRS-ConfigurationIndex PRS-Configuration-Index, cPLength CPLength, numberOfDlFrames NumberOfDlFrames, numberOfAntennaPorts NumberOfAntennaPorts, sFNInitialisationTime SFNInitialisationTime, e-UTRANAccessPointPosition E-UTRANAccessPointPosition, ..., pRSMutingConfiguration PRSMutingConfiguration, prsid PRS-ID, tpid TP-ID, tpType TP-Type, numberOfDlFrames-Extended NumberOfDlFrames-Extended, crsCPlength CPLength, mBSFNsubframeConfiguration MBSFNsubframeConfiguration, nPRSConfiguration NPRSConfiguration, offsetNBChanneltoEARFCN OffsetNBChanneltoEARFCN, operationModeInfo OperationModeInfo, nPRS-ID INTEGER (0..4095, ...), dL-Bandwidth DL-Bandwidth, pRSOccasionGroup PRSOccasionGroup, pRSFreqHoppingConfig PRSFrequencyHoppingConfiguration, repetitionNumberofSIB1-NB RepetitionNumberofSIB1-NB, nPRSSequenceInfo NPRSSequenceInfo, nPRSType2 NPRSConfiguration, tddConfiguration TDDConfiguration } OTDOA-Information-Item ::= ENUMERATED { pci, cellid, tac, earfcn, prsBandwidth, prsConfigIndex, cpLength, noDlFrames, noAntennaPorts, sFNInitTime, ..., e-UTRANAccessPointPosition, prsmutingconfiguration, prsid, tpid, tpType, crsCPlength, mBSFNsubframeConfiguration, nPRSConfiguration, offsetNBChannelNumbertoEARFCN, operationModeInfo, nPRS-ID, dlBandwidth, multipleprsConfigurationsperCell, prsOccasionGroup, prsFrequencyHoppingConfiguration, repetitionNumberofSIB1-NB, nPRSSequenceInfo, nPRSType2, tddConfig } Outcome ::= ENUMERATED { failed, ... } -- P PCI ::= INTEGER (0..503, ...) PhysCellIDGERAN ::= INTEGER (0..63, ...) PhysCellIDUTRA-FDD ::= INTEGER (0..511, ...) PhysCellIDUTRA-TDD ::= INTEGER (0..127, ...) PLMN-Identity ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(3)) PosSIBs ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrOfPosSIBs)) OF SEQUENCE { posSIB-Type PosSIB-Type, posSIB-Segments PosSIB-Segments, assistanceInformationMetaData AssistanceInformationMetaData OPTIONAL, broadcastPriority INTEGER (1..16,...) OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { PosSIBs-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } PosSIBs-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } PosSIB-Segments ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrOfSegments)) OF SEQUENCE { assistanceDataSIBelement OCTET STRING, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { PosSIB-Segments-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } PosSIB-Segments-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } PosSIB-Type ::= ENUMERATED { posSibType1-1, posSibType1-2, posSibType1-3, posSibType1-4, posSibType1-5, posSibType1-6, posSibType1-7, posSibType2-1, posSibType2-2, posSibType2-3, posSibType2-4, posSibType2-5, posSibType2-6, posSibType2-7, posSibType2-8, posSibType2-9, posSibType2-10, posSibType2-11, posSibType2-12, posSibType2-13, posSibType2-14, posSibType2-15, posSibType2-16, posSibType2-17, posSibType2-18, posSibType2-19, posSibType3-1, ..., posSibType4-1, posSibType5-1, posSibType2-24, posSibType2-25 } PRS-Bandwidth ::= ENUMERATED { bw6, bw15, bw25, bw50, bw75, bw100, ... } PRS-Configuration-Index ::= INTEGER (0..4095, ...) PRS-ID ::= INTEGER (0..4095, ...) PRSMutingConfiguration ::= CHOICE { two BIT STRING (SIZE (2)), four BIT STRING (SIZE (4)), eight BIT STRING (SIZE (8)), sixteen BIT STRING (SIZE (16)), ..., thirty-two BIT STRING (SIZE (32)), sixty-four BIT STRING (SIZE (64)), one-hundred-and-twenty-eight BIT STRING (SIZE (128)), two-hundred-and-fifty-six BIT STRING (SIZE (256)), five-hundred-and-twelve BIT STRING (SIZE (512)), one-thousand-and-twenty-four BIT STRING (SIZE (1024)) } PRSOccasionGroup ::= ENUMERATED { og2, og4, og8, og16, og32, og64, og128, ... } PRSFrequencyHoppingConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { noOfFreqHoppingBands NumberOfFrequencyHoppingBands, bandPositions SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..maxnoFreqHoppingBandsMinusOne)) OF NarrowBandIndex, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { PRSFrequencyHoppingConfiguration-Item-IEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } PRSFrequencyHoppingConfiguration-Item-IEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- Q -- R RepetitionNumberofSIB1-NB ::= ENUMERATED { r4, r8, r16, ... } ReportCharacteristics ::= ENUMERATED { onDemand, periodic, ... } RequestedSRSTransmissionCharacteristics ::= SEQUENCE { numberOfTransmissions INTEGER (0..500, ...), bandwidth INTEGER (1..100, ...), ... } ResultRSRP ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCellReport)) OF ResultRSRP-Item ResultRSRP-Item ::= SEQUENCE { pCI PCI, eARFCN EARFCN, eCGI ECGI OPTIONAL, valueRSRP ValueRSRP, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResultRSRP-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } ResultRSRP-Item-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ResultRSRQ ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxCellReport)) OF ResultRSRQ-Item ResultRSRQ-Item ::= SEQUENCE { pCI PCI, eARFCN EARFCN, eCGI ECGI OPTIONAL, valueRSRQ ValueRSRQ, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResultRSRQ-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } ResultRSRQ-Item-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ResultGERAN ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxGERANMeas)) OF ResultGERAN-Item ResultGERAN-Item ::= SEQUENCE { bCCH BCCH, physCellIDGERAN PhysCellIDGERAN, rSSI RSSI, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResultGERAN-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } ResultGERAN-Item-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ResultUTRAN ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxUTRANMeas)) OF ResultUTRAN-Item ResultUTRAN-Item ::= SEQUENCE { uARFCN UARFCN, physCellIDUTRAN CHOICE { physCellIDUTRA-FDD PhysCellIDUTRA-FDD, physCellIDUTRA-TDD PhysCellIDUTRA-TDD }, uTRA-RSCP UTRA-RSCP OPTIONAL, uTRA-EcN0 UTRA-EcN0 OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResultUTRAN-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } ResultUTRAN-Item-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } ResultNR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNRmeas)) OF ResultNR-Item ResultNR-Item ::= SEQUENCE { nRARFCN NRARFCN, nRPCI NRPCI, sS-NRRSRP SS-NRRSRP OPTIONAL, sS-NRRSRQ SS-NRRSRQ OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResultNR-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } ResultNR-Item-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { { ID id-ResultsPerSSB-Index-List CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION ResultsPerSSB-Index-List PRESENCE optional}| { ID id-NR-CGI CRITICALITY ignore EXTENSION NR-CGI PRESENCE optional}, ... } ResultsPerSSB-Index-List ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxResultsPerSSBIndex)) OF ResultsPerSSB-Index-Item ResultsPerSSB-Index-Item ::=SEQUENCE { sSB-Index SSB-Index, sS-NRRSRPBeamValue SS-NRRSRP OPTIONAL, sS-NRRSRQBeamValue SS-NRRSRQ OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { ResultsPerSSB-Index-Item-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } ResultsPerSSB-Index-Item-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } RSSI ::= INTEGER (0..63, ...) -- S SFNInitialisationTime ::= BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) SRSConfigurationForAllCells ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxServCell)) OF SRSConfigurationForOneCell SRSConfigurationForOneCell ::= SEQUENCE { pci PCI, ul-earfcn EARFCN, ul-bandwidth ENUMERATED {n6, n15, n25, n50, n75, n100}, ul-cyclicPrefixLength CPLength, srs-BandwidthConfig ENUMERATED {bw0, bw1, bw2, bw3, bw4, bw5, bw6, bw7}, srs-Bandwidth ENUMERATED {bw0, bw1, bw2, bw3}, srs-AntennaPort ENUMERATED {an1, an2, an4, ...}, srs-HoppingBandwidth ENUMERATED {hbw0, hbw1, hbw2, hbw3}, srs-cyclicShift ENUMERATED {cs0, cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4, cs5, cs6, cs7}, srs-ConfigIndex INTEGER (0..1023), maxUpPts ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, -- Cond ifTDD transmissionComb INTEGER (0..1), freqDomainPosition INTEGER (0..23), groupHoppingEnabled BOOLEAN, deltaSS INTEGER (0..29) OPTIONAL, sfnInitialisationTime SFNInitialisationTime, ... } Subframeallocation ::= CHOICE { oneFrame BIT STRING (SIZE(6)), fourFrames BIT STRING (SIZE(24)) } SS-NRRSRP ::= INTEGER (0..127) SS-NRRSRQ ::= INTEGER (0..127) SSB-Index ::= INTEGER (0..63) SSID ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)) SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrOfPosSImessage)) OF SEQUENCE { broadcastPeriodicity BroadcastPeriodicity, posSIBs PosSIBs, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { SystemInformation-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } SystemInformation-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } -- T TAC ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) TDDConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { subframeAssignment ENUMERATED { sa0, sa1, sa2, sa3, sa4, sa5, sa6, ... }, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { TDDConfiguration-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } TDDConfiguration-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } TP-ID ::= INTEGER (0..4095, ...) TP-Type ::= ENUMERATED { prs-only-tp, ... } TypeOfError ::= ENUMERATED { not-understood, missing, ... } -- U ULConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { pci PCI, ul-earfcn EARFCN, timingAdvanceType1 INTEGER (0..7690) OPTIONAL, timingAdvanceType2 INTEGER (0..7690) OPTIONAL, numberOfTransmissions INTEGER (0..500,...), srsConfiguration SRSConfigurationForAllCells, ... } UARFCN ::= INTEGER (0..16383, ...) UTRA-EcN0 ::= INTEGER (0..49, ...) UTRA-RSCP ::= INTEGER (-5..91, ...) -- V ValueRSRP ::= INTEGER (0..97, ...) ValueRSRQ ::= INTEGER (0..34, ...) -- W WLANMeasurementQuantities ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0.. maxNoMeas)) OF ProtocolIE-Single-Container { {WLANMeasurementQuantities-ItemIEs} } WLANMeasurementQuantities-ItemIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-IES ::= { { ID id-WLANMeasurementQuantities-Item CRITICALITY reject TYPE WLANMeasurementQuantities-Item PRESENCE mandatory}} WLANMeasurementQuantities-Item ::= SEQUENCE { wLANMeasurementQuantitiesValue WLANMeasurementQuantitiesValue, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { WLANMeasurementQuantitiesValue-ExtIEs} } OPTIONAL, ... } WLANMeasurementQuantitiesValue-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } WLANMeasurementQuantitiesValue ::= ENUMERATED { wlan, ... } WLANMeasurementResult ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNoMeas)) OF WLANMeasurementResult-Item WLANMeasurementResult-Item ::= SEQUENCE { wLAN-RSSI WLAN-RSSI, sSID SSID OPTIONAL, bSSID BSSID OPTIONAL, hESSID HESSID OPTIONAL, operatingClass WLANOperatingClass OPTIONAL, countryCode WLANCountryCode OPTIONAL, wLANChannelList WLANChannelList OPTIONAL, wLANBand WLANBand OPTIONAL, iE-Extensions ProtocolExtensionContainer { { WLANMeasurementResult-Item-ExtIEs } } OPTIONAL, ... } WLANMeasurementResult-Item-ExtIEs LPPA-PROTOCOL-EXTENSION ::= { ... } WLAN-RSSI ::= INTEGER (0..141, ...) WLANBand ::= ENUMERATED {band2dot4, band5, ...} WLANChannelList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxWLANchannels)) OF WLANChannel WLANChannel ::= INTEGER (0..255) WLANCountryCode ::= ENUMERATED { unitedStates, europe, japan, global, ... } WLANOperatingClass ::= INTEGER (0..255) -- X -- Y -- Z END