MMSPerRecipientSpecifierExtensions {iso(1) identified-organization(3) 
  nato(26) stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0) module(0)
  per-recipient-specifier-extensions(11)} DEFINITIONS IMPLICIT TAGS ::=

-- Prologue
-- Exports Everything
  -- IPMS information objects
    FROM IPMSInformationObjects {joint-iso-ccitt mhs-motis(6) ipms(1)
      modules(0) information-objects(2)}
  -- MMS object identifiers
    FROM MMSObjectIdentifiers {iso(1) identified-organization(3) nato(26)
      stanags(0) mmhs(4406) object-identifiers(0)};

-- ACP127 notification request
-- The following definitions are made in order to support
-- informing the originator of a message that the subject message
-- has reached a gateway to an ACP 127 domain.
--acp127-notification-request IPMS-EXTENSION ::= {
--  VALUE          Acp127NotificationType
--  IDENTIFIED BY  id-nato-mmhs-mm-acp127-notification-request}

Acp127NotificationType ::= BIT STRING {
  acp127-nn(0), -- negative notification
  acp127-pn(1), -- positive notification
  acp127-tn(2)} -- transfer notification

END -- of MMS per recipient pecifier extensions