ANSI-Z39-50-ObjectIdentifier DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN z39-50 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso (1) member-body (2) us (840) ansi-standard-Z39-50 (10003)} -- thus {Z39-50} is shorthand for {1 2 840 10003} Z39-50-APDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 2} -- See OID.3 -- and {Z39-50 2} is shorthand for {1 2 840 10003 2} and so on. Z39-50-attributeSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 3} -- See Appendix ATR z39-50-diagnostic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {z39-50 4} -- See Appendix DIAG z39-50-recordSyntax OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {z39-50 5} --See Appendix REC Z39-50-resourceReport OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 7} --See Appendix RSC Z39-50-accessControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 8} --See Appendix ACC Z39-50-extendedService OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 9} --See Appendix EXT Z39-50-userInfoFormat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 10} --See Appendix USR Z39-50-elementSpec OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 11} --See Appendix ESP Z39-50-variantSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 12} --See Appendix VAR Z39-50-schema OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 13} --See Appendix TAG Z39-50-tagSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 14} --See Appendix TAG Z39-50-negotiation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 15} Z39-50-query OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {Z39-50 16} END Z39-50-APDU-1995 -- OID for this definition, assigned in OID.3.1, is {Z39-50 2 1} DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Z39.50-1995 Maintenance Agency Official Text for ANSI/NISO Z39.50-1995 - July 1995 -- EXPORTS OtherInformation, Term, AttributeSetId, AttributeList, AttributeElement, ElementSetName, SortElement, DatabaseName, CompSpec, Specification, Permissions, InternationalString, IntUnit, Unit, StringOrNumeric, Query, Records, ResultSetId, DefaultDiagFormat, DiagRec; -- PDU ::= CHOICE{ initRequest [20] IMPLICIT InitializeRequest, initResponse [21] IMPLICIT InitializeResponse, searchRequest [22] IMPLICIT SearchRequest, searchResponse [23] IMPLICIT SearchResponse, presentRequest [24] IMPLICIT PresentRequest, presentResponse [25] IMPLICIT PresentResponse, deleteResultSetRequest [26] IMPLICIT DeleteResultSetRequest, deleteResultSetResponse [27] IMPLICIT DeleteResultSetResponse, accessControlRequest [28] IMPLICIT AccessControlRequest, accessControlResponse [29] IMPLICIT AccessControlResponse, resourceControlRequest [30] IMPLICIT ResourceControlRequest, resourceControlResponse [31] IMPLICIT ResourceControlResponse, triggerResourceControlRequest [32] IMPLICIT TriggerResourceControlRequest, resourceReportRequest [33] IMPLICIT ResourceReportRequest, resourceReportResponse [34] IMPLICIT ResourceReportResponse, scanRequest [35] IMPLICIT ScanRequest, scanResponse [36] IMPLICIT ScanResponse, -- [37] through [42] reserved sortRequest [43] IMPLICIT SortRequest, sortResponse [44] IMPLICIT SortResponse, segmentRequest [45] IMPLICIT Segment, extendedServicesRequest [46] IMPLICIT ExtendedServicesRequest, extendedServicesResponse [47] IMPLICIT ExtendedServicesResponse, close [48] IMPLICIT Close} -- Initialize APDUs -- InitializeRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, protocolVersion ProtocolVersion, options Options, preferredMessageSize [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER, exceptionalRecordSize [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER, -- idAuthentication [7] ANY OPTIONAL, see note below idAuthentication [7] CHOICE{ open VisibleString, idPass SEQUENCE { groupId [0] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, userId [1] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, password [2] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL }, anonymous NULL, other EXTERNAL} OPTIONAL, implementationId [110] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, implementationName [111] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, implementationVersion [112] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, userInformationField [11] EXTERNAL OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} --Note: -- For idAuthentication, the type ANY is retained -- for compatibility with earlier versions. -- For interoperability, the following is recommended: -- IdAuthentication [7] CHOICE{ -- open VisibleString, -- idPass SEQUENCE { -- groupId [0] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, -- userId [1] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, -- password [2] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL }, -- anonymous NULL, -- other EXTERNAL -- May use access control formats for 'other'. See Appendix 7 ACC. -- InitializeResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, protocolVersion ProtocolVersion, options Options, preferredMessageSize [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER, exceptionalRecordSize [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER, result [12] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, -- relect = FALSE; Accept = TRUE implementationId [110] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, implementationName [111] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, implementationVersion [112] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, userInformationField [11] EXTERNAL OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- Begin auxiliary definitions for Init PDUs ProtocolVersion ::= [3] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{ version-1 (0), -- This bit should always be set, but does not -- correspond to any Z39.50 version. version-2 (1), -- "Version 2 supported." -- This bit should always be set. version-3 (2) -- "Version 3 supported." -- Values higher than 'version-3' should be ignored. Both the Initialize -- request and Initialize Response APDUs include a value string corresponding -- to the supported versions. The highest common version is selected -- for use. If there are no versions in common, "Result" in the Init Response -- should indicate "reject." -- Note: Versions 1 and 2 are identical. Systems supporting version 2 should -- indicate support for version 1 as well, for interoperability with systems -- that indicate support for version 1 only (e.g. ISO 10163-1991 -- implementations). } Options ::= [4] IMPLICIT BIT STRING{ search (0), present (1), delSet (2), resourceReport (3), triggerResourceCtrl (4), resourceCtrl (5), accessCtrl (6), scan (7), sort (8), -- (9) (reserved) extendedServices (10), level-1Segmentation (11), level-2Segmentation (12), concurrentOperations (13), namedResultSets (14)} -- end auxiliary definitions for Init PDUs --Search APDUs SearchRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, smallSetUpperBound [13] IMPLICIT INTEGER, largeSetLowerBound [14] IMPLICIT INTEGER, mediumSetPresentNumber [15] IMPLICIT INTEGER, replaceIndicator [16] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, resultSetName [17] IMPLICIT InternationalString, databaseNames [18] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DatabaseName, smallSetElementSetNames [100] ElementSetNames OPTIONAL, mediumSetElementSetNames [101] ElementSetNames OPTIONAL, preferredRecordSyntax [104] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, query [21] Query, -- Following two parameters may be used only if version 3 is in force. additionalSearchInfo [203] IMPLICIT OtherInformation OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- Query Definitions Query ::= CHOICE{ type-0 [0] ANY, type-1 [1] IMPLICIT RPNQuery, type-2 [2] OCTET STRING, type-100 [100] OCTET STRING, type-101 [101] IMPLICIT RPNQuery, type-102 [102] OCTET STRING} -- -- Definitions for RPN query RPNQuery ::= SEQUENCE{ attributeSet AttributeSetId, rpn RPNStructure} -- RPNStructure ::= CHOICE{ op [0] Operand, rpnRpnOp [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ rpn1 RPNStructure, rpn2 RPNStructure, op Operator }} Operand ::= CHOICE{ attrTerm AttributesPlusTerm, resultSet ResultSetId, -- If version 2 is in force: -- - If query type is 1, one of the above two must be chosen; -- - resultAttr (below) may be used only if query type is 101. resultAttr ResultSetPlusAttributes} AttributesPlusTerm ::= [102] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ attributes AttributeList, term Term} ResultSetPlusAttributes ::= [214] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ resultSet ResultSetId, attributes AttributeList} AttributeList ::= [44] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF AttributeElement -- Term ::= CHOICE{ general [45] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, -- values below may be used only if version 3 is in force numeric [215] IMPLICIT INTEGER, characterString [216] IMPLICIT InternationalString, oid [217] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, dateTime [218] IMPLICIT GeneralizedTime, external [219] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL, integerAndUnit [220] IMPLICIT IntUnit, null [221] IMPLICIT NULL} Operator ::= [46] CHOICE{ and [0] IMPLICIT NULL, or [1] IMPLICIT NULL, and-not [2] IMPLICIT NULL, -- If version 2 is in force: -- - For query type 1, one of the above three -- must be chosen; -- - prox (below) may be used only if query type -- is 101. prox [3] IMPLICIT ProximityOperator} AttributeElement ::= SEQUENCE{ attributeSet [1] IMPLICIT AttributeSetId OPTIONAL, -- Must be omitted if version 2 is in force. -- If included, overrides value of attributeSet -- in RPNQuery above, but only for this attribute. attributeType [120] IMPLICIT INTEGER, attributeValue CHOICE{ numeric [121] IMPLICIT INTEGER, -- If version 2 is in force, -- Must select 'numeric' for attributeValue. complex [224] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ list [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF StringOrNumeric, semanticAction [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF INTEGER OPTIONAL}}} ProximityOperator ::= SEQUENCE{ exclusion [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, distance [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER, ordered [3] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, relationType [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ lessThan (1), lessThanOrEqual (2), equal (3), greaterThanOrEqual (4), greaterThan (5), notEqual (6)}, proximityUnitCode [5] CHOICE{ known [1] IMPLICIT KnownProximityUnit, private [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER}} -- KnownProximityUnit ::= INTEGER{ character (1), word (2), sentence (3), paragraph (4), section (5), chapter (6), document (7), element (8), subelement (9), elementType (10), byte (11) -- Version 3 only } -- End definitions for RPN Query SearchResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, resultCount [23] IMPLICIT INTEGER, numberOfRecordsReturned [24] IMPLICIT INTEGER, nextResultSetPosition [25] IMPLICIT INTEGER, searchStatus [22] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, resultSetStatus [26] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ subset (1), interim (2), none (3)} OPTIONAL, presentStatus PresentStatus OPTIONAL, records Records OPTIONAL, -- Following two parameters may be used only if version 3 is in force. additionalSearchInfo [203] IMPLICIT OtherInformation OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} --Retrieval APDUs PresentRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, resultSetId ResultSetId, resultSetStartPoint [30] IMPLICIT INTEGER, numberOfRecordsRequested [29] IMPLICIT INTEGER, additionalRanges [212] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Range OPTIONAL, -- additionalRanges may be included only if version 3 is in force. recordComposition CHOICE{ simple [19] ElementSetNames, -- must choose 'simple' if version 2 -- is in force complex [209] IMPLICIT CompSpec} OPTIONAL, preferredRecordSyntax [104] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, maxSegmentCount [204] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- level 1 or 2 maxRecordSize [206] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- level 2 only maxSegmentSize [207] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, -- level 2 only otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- Segment ::= SEQUENCE{ -- Segment PDU may only be used when version 3 is in force, -- and only when segmentation is in effect. referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, numberOfRecordsReturned [24] IMPLICIT INTEGER, segmentRecords [0] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF NamePlusRecord, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- PresentResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, numberOfRecordsReturned [24] IMPLICIT INTEGER, nextResultSetPosition [25] IMPLICIT INTEGER, presentStatus PresentStatus, records Records OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- begin auxiliary definitions for Search and Present APDUs -- begin definition of records Records ::= CHOICE{ responseRecords [28] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF NamePlusRecord, nonSurrogateDiagnostic [130] IMPLICIT DefaultDiagFormat, multipleNonSurDiagnostics [205] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec} -- NamePlusRecord ::= SEQUENCE{ name [0] IMPLICIT DatabaseName OPTIONAL, record [1] CHOICE{ retrievalRecord [1] EXTERNAL, surrogateDiagnostic [2] DiagRec, -- Must select one of the above two, retrievalRecord or -- surrogateDiagnostic, unless 'level 2 segmentation' -- is in effect. startingFragment [3] FragmentSyntax, intermediateFragment [4] FragmentSyntax, finalFragment [5] FragmentSyntax}} FragmentSyntax ::= CHOICE{ externallyTagged EXTERNAL, notExternallyTagged OCTET STRING} DiagRec ::= CHOICE{ defaultFormat DefaultDiagFormat, -- Must choose defaultFormat if version 2 is in effect. externallyDefined EXTERNAL} DefaultDiagFormat::= SEQUENCE{ diagnosticSetId OBJECT IDENTIFIER, condition INTEGER, addinfo CHOICE{ v2Addinfo VisibleString, -- version 2 v3Addinfo InternationalString -- version 3 }} -- end definition of records Range ::= SEQUENCE{ startingPosition [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, numberOfRecords [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER} -- ElementSetNames ::= CHOICE { genericElementSetName [0] IMPLICIT InternationalString, databaseSpecific [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ dbName DatabaseName, esn ElementSetName}} PresentStatus ::= [27] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), partial-1 (1), partial-2 (2), partial-3 (3), partial-4 (4), failure (5)} -- begin definition of composition specification CompSpec ::= SEQUENCE{ selectAlternativeSyntax [1] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, -- See comment for recordSyntax, below. generic [2] IMPLICIT Specification OPTIONAL, dbSpecific [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ db [1] DatabaseName, spec [2] IMPLICIT Specification} OPTIONAL, -- At least one of generic and dbSpecific must -- occur, and both may occur. If both, then for -- any record not in the list of databases -- within dbSpecific, generic applies. recordSyntax [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL -- For each record, the target selects the -- first record syntax in this list that it can -- support. If the list is exhausted, the -- target may select an alternative syntax if -- selectAlternativeSyntax is 'true'. } Specification ::= SEQUENCE{ schema [1] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, elementSpec [2] CHOICE{ elementSetName [1] IMPLICIT InternationalString, externalEspec [2] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL} OPTIONAL} -- end definition of composition specification -- end auxiliary definitions for search and response APDUs -- Delete APDUs DeleteResultSetRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, deleteFunction [32] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ list (0), all (1)}, resultSetList SEQUENCE OF ResultSetId OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- DeleteResultSetResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, deleteOperationStatus [0] IMPLICIT DeleteSetStatus, deleteListStatuses [1] IMPLICIT ListStatuses OPTIONAL, numberNotDeleted [34] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, bulkStatuses [35] IMPLICIT ListStatuses OPTIONAL, deleteMessage [36] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ListStatuses ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ id ResultSetId, status DeleteSetStatus} DeleteSetStatus ::= [33] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), resultSetDidNotExist (1), previouslyDeletedByTarget (2), systemProblemAtTarget (3), accessNotAllowed (4), resourceControlAtOrigin (5), resourceControlAtTarget (6), bulkDeleteNotSupported (7), notAllRsltSetsDeletedOnBulkDlte (8), notAllRequestedResultSetsDeleted (9), resultSetInUse (10)} -- --Access- and Resource-control APDUs -- AccessControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, securityChallenge CHOICE{ simpleForm [37] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, externallyDefined [0] EXTERNAL}, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} AccessControlResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, securityChallengeResponse CHOICE{ simpleForm [38] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, externallyDefined [0] EXTERNAL} OPTIONAL, -- Optional only in version 3; mandatory in -- version 2. If omitted (in version 3) then -- diagnostic must occur. diagnostic [223] DiagRec OPTIONAL, -- Version 3 only. otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ResourceControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, suspendedFlag [39] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, resourceReport [40] ResourceReport OPTIONAL, partialResultsAvailable [41] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ subset (1), interim (2), none (3)} OPTIONAL, responseRequired [42] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, triggeredRequestFlag [43] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ResourceControlResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, continueFlag [44] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN, resultSetWanted [45] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} TriggerResourceControlRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, requestedAction [46] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ resourceReport (1), resourceControl (2), cancel (3)}, prefResourceReportFormat [47] IMPLICIT ResourceReportId OPTIONAL, resultSetWanted [48] IMPLICIT BOOLEAN OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ResourceReportRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, opId [210] IMPLICIT ReferenceId OPTIONAL, prefResourceReportFormat [49] IMPLICIT ResourceReportId OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ResourceReportResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, resourceReportStatus [50] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), partial (1), failure-1 (2), failure-2 (3), failure-3 (4), failure-4 (5), failure-5 (6), failure-6 (7)}, resourceReport [51] ResourceReport OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ResourceReport ::= EXTERNAL ResourceReportId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER --Scan APDUs ScanRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, databaseNames [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DatabaseName, attributeSet AttributeSetId OPTIONAL, termListAndStartPoint AttributesPlusTerm, stepSize [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, numberOfTermsRequested [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER, preferredPositionInResponse [7] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} ScanResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, stepSize [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, scanStatus [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER { success (0), partial-1 (1), partial-2 (2), partial-3 (3), partial-4 (4), partial-5 (5), failure (6) }, numberOfEntriesReturned [5] IMPLICIT INTEGER, positionOfTerm [6] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, entries [7] IMPLICIT ListEntries OPTIONAL, attributeSet [8] IMPLICIT AttributeSetId OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- begin auxiliary definitions for Scan ListEntries ::= SEQUENCE{ entries [1] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF Entry OPTIONAL, nonsurrogateDiagnostics [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec OPTIONAL -- At least one of entries and nonsurrogateDiagnostic must occur } Entry ::= CHOICE { termInfo [1] IMPLICIT TermInfo, surrogateDiagnostic [2] DiagRec} -- TermInfo ::= SEQUENCE { term Term, displayTerm [0] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, -- Presence of displayTerm means that term is -- not considered by the target to be suitable -- for display, and displayTerm should instead -- be displayed. 'term' is the actual term in -- the term list; 'displayTerm' is for display -- purposes only, and is not an actual term in -- the term list. suggestedAttributes AttributeList OPTIONAL, alternativeTerm [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF AttributesPlusTerm OPTIONAL, globalOccurrences [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, byAttributes [3] IMPLICIT OccurrenceByAttributes OPTIONAL, otherTermInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} OccurrenceByAttributes ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ attributes [1] AttributeList, occurrences CHOICE{ global [2] INTEGER, byDatabase [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ db DatabaseName, num [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL, otherDbInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL}} OPTIONAL, otherOccurInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- end auxiliary definitions for Scan -- Sort APDUs SortRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, inputResultSetNames [3] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF InternationalString, sortedResultSetName [4] IMPLICIT InternationalString, sortSequence [5] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SortKeySpec, -- order of occurrence is -- from major to minor otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} SortResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, sortStatus [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ success (0), partial-1 (1), failure (2)}, resultSetStatus [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ empty (1), interim (2), unchanged (3), none (4)} OPTIONAL, diagnostics [5] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- begin auxiliary definitions for Sort SortKeySpec ::= SEQUENCE{ sortElement SortElement, sortRelation [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ ascending (0), descending (1), ascendingByFrequency (3), descendingByfrequency (4)}, caseSensitivity [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ caseSensitive (0), caseInsensitive (1)}, missingValueAction [3] CHOICE{ abort [1] IMPLICIT NULL, null [2] IMPLICIT NULL, -- supply a null value -- for missing value missingValueData [3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING} OPTIONAL} SortElement ::= CHOICE{ generic [1] SortKey, datbaseSpecific [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ databaseName DatabaseName, dbSort SortKey}} SortKey ::= CHOICE{ sortfield [0] IMPLICIT InternationalString, -- An element, element-group-tag, or alias -- supported by the target and denoting a set -- of elements associated with each record. elementSpec [1] IMPLICIT Specification, sortAttributes [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE{ id AttributeSetId, list AttributeList}} -- end auxiliary definitions for sort -- Extended Service APDUs ExtendedServicesRequest ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, function [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER { create (1), delete (2), modify (3)}, packageType [4] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER, packageName [5] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, -- PackageName mandatory for 'modify' or -- 'delete'; optional for 'create'. -- Following four parameters mandatory -- for 'create'; should be included on -- 'modify' if being modified; not needed -- on 'delete'. userId [6] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, retentionTime [7] IMPLICIT IntUnit OPTIONAL, permissions [8] IMPLICIT Permissions OPTIONAL, description [9] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, taskSpecificParameters [10] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL OPTIONAL, -- Mandatory for 'create'; included on -- 'modify' if specific parameters being -- modified; not necessary on 'delete'. -- For the 'EXTERNAL,' use OID of -- specific ES definition and select -- CHOICE [1]: 'esRequest'. waitAction [11] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ wait (1), waitIfPossible (2), dontWait (3), dontReturnPackage (4)}, elements ElementSetName OPTIONAL, otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} -- ExtendedServicesResponse ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, operationStatus [3] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ done (1), accepted (2), failure (3)}, diagnostics [4] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF DiagRec OPTIONAL, taskPackage [5] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL OPTIONAL, -- Use OID: {Z39-50-recordSyntax (106)} -- and corresponding syntax. For the -- EXTERNAL, 'taskSpecific,' within that -- definition, use OID of the specific -- es, and choose [2], 'taskPackage'. otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} Permissions ::= SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ userId [1] IMPLICIT InternationalString, allowableFunctions [2] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF INTEGER{ delete (1), modifyContents (2), modifyPermissions (3), present (4), invoke (5)}} Close ::= SEQUENCE{ referenceId ReferenceId OPTIONAL, -- See closeReason CloseReason, diagnosticInformation [3] IMPLICIT InternationalString OPTIONAL, resourceReportFormat [4] IMPLICIT ResourceReportId OPTIONAL, -- For use by origin only, and only on -- Close request; origin requests target -- to include report in response. resourceReport [5] ResourceReport OPTIONAL, -- For use by target only, unilaterally -- on Close request; on Close response -- may be unilateral or in response to -- origin request. otherInfo OtherInformation OPTIONAL} CloseReason ::= [211] IMPLICIT INTEGER{ finished (0), shutdown (1), systemProblem (2), costLimit (3), resources (4), securityViolation (5), protocolError (6), lackOfActivity (7), peerAbort (8), unspecified (9)} -- Global auxiliary definitions ReferenceId ::= [2] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING ResultSetId ::= [31] IMPLICIT InternationalString ElementSetName ::= [103] IMPLICIT InternationalString DatabaseName ::= [105] IMPLICIT InternationalString AttributeSetId ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- OtherInformation OtherInformation ::= [201] IMPLICIT SEQUENCE OF SEQUENCE{ category [1] IMPLICIT InfoCategory OPTIONAL, information CHOICE{ characterInfo [2] IMPLICIT InternationalString, binaryInfo [3] IMPLICIT OCTET STRING, externallyDefinedInfo [4] IMPLICIT EXTERNAL, oid [5] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER}} -- InfoCategory ::= SEQUENCE{ categoryTypeId [1] IMPLICIT OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, categoryValue [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER} -- Units -- IntUnit is used when value and unit are supplied together. Unit, alone, -- is used when just specifying a unit (without a value). For example, -- IntUnit is used in Term, in an RPNQuery, or it can be the datatype of -- an element within a retrieval record. Unit (alone) would be used in an -- element request, when requesting data be returned according to a -- particular unit. IntUnit ::= SEQUENCE{ value [1] IMPLICIT INTEGER, unitUsed [2] IMPLICIT Unit} -- Unit ::= SEQUENCE{ unitSystem [1] InternationalString OPTIONAL, -- e.g. 'SI' unitType [2] StringOrNumeric OPTIONAL, -- e.g. 'mass' unit [3] StringOrNumeric OPTIONAL, -- e.g. 'kilograms' scaleFactor [4] IMPLICIT INTEGER OPTIONAL -- e.g. 9 means 10**9 } --CharacterString InternationalString ::= GeneralString -- When version 2 is in force, this collapses to VisibleString. That -- is, only characters in the visibleString repertoire may be used. -- (Datatype compatibility with version 2 is not affected, because -- references are IMPLICIT.) When version 3 is in force, the semantics -- of the GeneralString content may be altered by negotiation during -- initialization. If no such negotiation is in effect, then -- GeneralString semantics are in force. StringOrNumeric ::= CHOICE{ string [1] IMPLICIT InternationalString, numeric [2] IMPLICIT INTEGER} END --IR DEFINITIONS