/* packet-bicc_mst.c * (Incomplete) Dissector for the 3GPP TS 29.205 BICC MST (Mobile Service Transport) * * This currently only dissects a single MST IE, which is required by the BSSMAP * dissector in order to decode the LCLS (Local Call Local Switch) * GCR (Global Call Reference) * * Copyright 2019 by Harald Welte * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "packet-bicc_mst.h" void proto_register_bicc_mst(void); static int proto_bicc_mst; static int hf_lcls_gcr_network_id_len; static int hf_lcls_gcr_network_id; static int hf_lcls_gcr_node_id_len; static int hf_lcls_gcr_node_id; static int hf_lcls_gcr_call_ref_id_len; static int hf_lcls_gcr_call_ref_id; static int ett_lcls_gcr; unsigned dissect_bicc_mst_lcls_gcr(tvbuff_t *tvb, proto_tree *tree, uint32_t offset, unsigned len) { unsigned net_id_len, node_id_len, call_ref_id_len; uint32_t curr_offset = offset; proto_tree *subtree; proto_item *ti; ti = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_bicc_mst, tvb, offset, len, "BICC MST GCR"); subtree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_lcls_gcr); proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(subtree, hf_lcls_gcr_network_id_len, tvb, curr_offset++, 1, ENC_NA, &net_id_len); proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_lcls_gcr_network_id, tvb, curr_offset, net_id_len, ENC_NA); curr_offset += net_id_len; proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(subtree, hf_lcls_gcr_node_id_len, tvb, curr_offset++, 1, ENC_NA, &node_id_len); proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_lcls_gcr_node_id, tvb, curr_offset, node_id_len, ENC_NA); curr_offset += node_id_len; proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(subtree, hf_lcls_gcr_call_ref_id_len, tvb, curr_offset++, 1, ENC_NA, &call_ref_id_len); proto_tree_add_item(subtree, hf_lcls_gcr_call_ref_id, tvb, curr_offset, call_ref_id_len, ENC_NA); curr_offset += call_ref_id_len; return curr_offset - offset; } void proto_register_bicc_mst(void) { static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_lcls_gcr_network_id_len, { "Length of LCLS GCR Network ID", "bicc_mst.lcls_gcr.network_id_len", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_lcls_gcr_network_id, { "LCLS GCR Network ID", "bicc_mst.lcls_gcr.network_id", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_lcls_gcr_node_id_len, { "Length of LCLS GCR Node ID", "bicc_mst.lcls_gcr.node_id_len", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_lcls_gcr_node_id, { "LCLS GCR Network ID", "bicc_mst.lcls_gcr.network_id", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_lcls_gcr_call_ref_id_len, { "Length of LCLS GCR Call Ref ID", "bicc_mst.lcls_gcr.call_ref_id_len", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_lcls_gcr_call_ref_id, { "LCLS GCR Call Ref ID", "bicc_mst.lcls_gcr.call_ref_id", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL }}, }; static int *ett[] = { &ett_lcls_gcr, }; proto_bicc_mst = proto_register_protocol("3GPP BICC MST", "BICC-MST", "bicc_mst"); proto_register_field_array(proto_bicc_mst, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 8 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab: * :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false: */