/* packet-ftdi-ft.c * Routines for FTDI FTxxxx USB converters dissection * * Copyright 2019 Tomasz Mon * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "packet-usb.h" #include "packet-ftdi-ft.h" static int proto_ftdi_ft; static int hf_setup_brequest; static int hf_setup_lvalue; static int hf_setup_lvalue_purge; static int hf_setup_lvalue_dtr; static int hf_setup_lvalue_rts; static int hf_setup_lvalue_xon_char; static int hf_setup_lvalue_baud_low; static int hf_setup_lvalue_data_size; static int hf_setup_lvalue_event_char; static int hf_setup_lvalue_error_char; static int hf_setup_lvalue_latency_time; static int hf_setup_lvalue_bitmask; static int hf_setup_hvalue; static int hf_setup_hvalue_dtr; static int hf_setup_hvalue_rts; static int hf_setup_hvalue_xoff_char; static int hf_setup_hvalue_baud_mid; static int hf_setup_hvalue_parity; static int hf_setup_hvalue_stop_bits; static int hf_setup_hvalue_break_bit; static int hf_setup_hvalue_trigger; static int hf_setup_hvalue_error_replacement; static int hf_setup_hvalue_bitmode; static int hf_setup_lindex; static int hf_setup_lindex_port_ab; static int hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd; static int hf_setup_lindex_baud_high; static int hf_setup_hindex; static int hf_setup_hindex_rts_cts; static int hf_setup_hindex_dtr_dsr; static int hf_setup_hindex_xon_xoff; static int hf_setup_hindex_baud_high; static int hf_setup_hindex_baud_clock_divide; static int hf_setup_wlength; static int hf_response_lat_timer; static int hf_modem_status; static int hf_modem_status_fs_max_packet; static int hf_modem_status_hs_max_packet; static int hf_modem_status_cts; static int hf_modem_status_dsr; static int hf_modem_status_ri; static int hf_modem_status_dcd; static int hf_line_status; static int hf_line_status_receive_overflow; static int hf_line_status_parity_error; static int hf_line_status_framing_error; static int hf_line_status_break_received; static int hf_line_status_tx_holding_reg_empty; static int hf_line_status_tx_empty; static int hf_if_a_rx_payload; static int hf_if_a_tx_payload; static int hf_if_b_rx_payload; static int hf_if_b_tx_payload; static int hf_if_c_rx_payload; static int hf_if_c_tx_payload; static int hf_if_d_rx_payload; static int hf_if_d_tx_payload; static int hf_ftdi_fragments; static int hf_ftdi_fragment; static int hf_ftdi_fragment_overlap; static int hf_ftdi_fragment_overlap_conflicts; static int hf_ftdi_fragment_multiple_tails; static int hf_ftdi_fragment_too_long_fragment; static int hf_ftdi_fragment_error; static int hf_ftdi_fragment_count; static int hf_ftdi_reassembled_in; static int hf_ftdi_reassembled_length; static int ett_ftdi_ft; static int ett_modem_ctrl_lvalue; static int ett_modem_ctrl_hvalue; static int ett_flow_ctrl_hindex; static int ett_baudrate_lindex; static int ett_baudrate_hindex; static int ett_setdata_hvalue; static int ett_modem_status; static int ett_line_status; static int ett_ftdi_fragment; static int ett_ftdi_fragments; static const fragment_items ftdi_frag_items = { /* Fragment subtrees */ &ett_ftdi_fragment, &ett_ftdi_fragments, /* Fragment Fields */ &hf_ftdi_fragments, &hf_ftdi_fragment, &hf_ftdi_fragment_overlap, &hf_ftdi_fragment_overlap_conflicts, &hf_ftdi_fragment_multiple_tails, &hf_ftdi_fragment_too_long_fragment, &hf_ftdi_fragment_error, &hf_ftdi_fragment_count, /* Reassembled in field */ &hf_ftdi_reassembled_in, /* Reassembled length field */ &hf_ftdi_reassembled_length, /* Reassembled data field */ NULL, /* Tag */ "FTDI FT fragments" }; static dissector_handle_t ftdi_mpsse_handle; static expert_field ei_undecoded; static dissector_handle_t ftdi_ft_handle; static reassembly_table ftdi_reassembly_table; static wmem_tree_t *request_info; static wmem_tree_t *bitmode_info; static wmem_tree_t *desegment_info; typedef struct _request_data { uint32_t bus_id; uint32_t device_address; uint8_t request; uint8_t hvalue; uint8_t lindex; } request_data_t; typedef struct _bitmode_data { uint32_t bus_id; uint32_t device_address; FTDI_INTERFACE interface; uint8_t bitmode; } bitmode_data_t; typedef struct _desegment_data desegment_data_t; struct _desegment_data { uint32_t bus_id; uint32_t device_address; FTDI_INTERFACE interface; uint8_t bitmode; int p2p_dir; /* First frame where the segmented data starts (reassembly key) */ uint32_t first_frame; uint32_t last_frame; int first_frame_offset; /* Points to desegment data if the previous desegment data ends * in last_frame that is equal to this desegment data first_frame. */ desegment_data_t *previous; }; typedef struct _ftdi_fragment_key { uint32_t bus_id; uint32_t device_address; FTDI_INTERFACE interface; uint8_t bitmode; int p2p_dir; uint32_t id; } ftdi_fragment_key_t; #define REQUEST_RESET 0x00 #define REQUEST_MODEM_CTRL 0x01 #define REQUEST_SET_FLOW_CTRL 0x02 #define REQUEST_SET_BAUD_RATE 0x03 #define REQUEST_SET_DATA 0x04 #define REQUEST_GET_MODEM_STAT 0x05 #define REQUEST_SET_EVENT_CHAR 0x06 #define REQUEST_SET_ERROR_CHAR 0x07 #define REQUEST_SET_LAT_TIMER 0x09 #define REQUEST_GET_LAT_TIMER 0x0A #define REQUEST_SET_BITMODE 0x0B static const value_string request_vals[] = { {REQUEST_RESET, "Reset"}, {REQUEST_MODEM_CTRL, "ModemCtrl"}, {REQUEST_SET_FLOW_CTRL, "SetFlowCtrl"}, {REQUEST_SET_BAUD_RATE, "SetBaudRate"}, {REQUEST_SET_DATA, "SetData"}, {REQUEST_GET_MODEM_STAT, "GetModemStat"}, {REQUEST_SET_EVENT_CHAR, "SetEventChar"}, {REQUEST_SET_ERROR_CHAR, "SetErrorChar"}, {REQUEST_SET_LAT_TIMER, "SetLatTimer"}, {REQUEST_GET_LAT_TIMER, "GetLatTimer"}, {REQUEST_SET_BITMODE, "SetBitMode"}, {0, NULL} }; static value_string_ext request_vals_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(request_vals); static const value_string reset_purge_vals[] = { {0x00, "Purge RX and TX"}, {0x01, "Purge RX"}, {0x02, "Purge TX"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string index_port_ab_vals[] = { {0x00, "Port A"}, {0x01, "Port A"}, {0x02, "Port B"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string index_port_abcd_vals[] = { {0x00, "Port A"}, {0x01, "Port A"}, {0x02, "Port B"}, {0x03, "Port C"}, {0x04, "Port D"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string data_size_vals[] = { {0x07, "7 bit data"}, {0x08, "8 bit data"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string parity_vals[] = { {0x0, "None"}, {0x1, "Odd"}, {0x2, "Even"}, {0x3, "Mark"}, {0x4, "Space"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string stop_bits_vals[] = { {0, "1 stop bit"}, {1, "2 stop bits"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string break_bit_vals[] = { {0, "No Break"}, {1, "Set Break"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string event_char_trigger_vals[] = { {0x00, "No trigger"}, {0x01, "Trigger IN on Event Char"}, {0, NULL} }; static const value_string error_replacement_vals[] = { {0x00, "No Error Replacement"}, {0x01, "Error Replacement On"}, {0, NULL} }; #define BITMODE_RESET 0x00 #define BITMODE_BITBANG 0x01 #define BITMODE_MPSSE 0x02 #define BITMODE_SYNCBB 0x04 #define BITMODE_MCU 0x08 #define BITMODE_OPTO 0x10 #define BITMODE_CBUS 0x20 #define BITMODE_SYNCFF 0x40 #define BITMODE_FT1284 0x80 static const value_string bitmode_vals[] = { {BITMODE_RESET, "switch off bitbang mode, back to regular serial / FIFO"}, {BITMODE_BITBANG, "classical asynchronous bitbang mode, introduced with B-type chips"}, {BITMODE_MPSSE, "MPSSE mode, available on 2232x chips"}, {BITMODE_SYNCBB, "synchronous bitbang mode, available on 2232x and R-type chips"}, {BITMODE_MCU, "MCU Host Bus Emulation mode, available on 2232x chips"}, {BITMODE_OPTO, "Fast Opto-Isolated Serial Interface Mode, available on 2232x chips"}, {BITMODE_CBUS, "Bitbang on CBUS pins of R-type chips, configure in EEPROM before"}, {BITMODE_SYNCFF, "Single Channel Synchronous FIFO mode, available on 2232H chips"}, {BITMODE_FT1284, "FT1284 mode, available on 232H chips"}, {0, NULL} }; #define MODEM_STATUS_BIT_FS_64_MAX_PACKET (1 << 0) #define MODEM_STATUS_BIT_HS_512_MAX_PACKET (1 << 1) void proto_register_ftdi_ft(void); void proto_reg_handoff_ftdi_ft(void); /* It is assumed that this function is called only when the device is known * to be FTDI FT chip and thus the VID and PID is not checked here. * This function determines chip based on bcdDevice version which cannot be * altered by the hardware vendor. */ static FTDI_CHIP identify_chip(usb_conv_info_t *usb_conv_info) { if (usb_conv_info == NULL) { return FTDI_CHIP_UNKNOWN; } switch (usb_conv_info->deviceVersion) { case 0x0200: if (usb_conv_info->iSerialNumber) { /* Serial number enabled - it is FT8U232AM */ return FTDI_CHIP_FT8U232AM; } /* No serial number - FT232B without (or with blank) EEPROM fitted */ return FTDI_CHIP_FT232B; case 0x0400: return FTDI_CHIP_FT232B; case 0x0500: return FTDI_CHIP_FT2232D; case 0x0600: return FTDI_CHIP_FT232R; case 0x0700: return FTDI_CHIP_FT2232H; case 0x0800: return FTDI_CHIP_FT4232H; case 0x0900: return FTDI_CHIP_FT232H; case 0x1000: return FTDI_CHIP_X_SERIES; default: return FTDI_CHIP_UNKNOWN; } } static FTDI_INTERFACE endpoint_to_interface(urb_info_t *urb) { switch (urb->endpoint) { case 0x01: /* A OUT */ case 0x02: /* A IN */ return FTDI_INTERFACE_A; case 0x03: /* B OUT */ case 0x04: /* B IN */ return FTDI_INTERFACE_B; case 0x05: /* C OUT */ case 0x06: /* C IN */ return FTDI_INTERFACE_C; case 0x07: /* D OUT */ case 0x08: /* D IN */ return FTDI_INTERFACE_D; default: return FTDI_INTERFACE_UNKNOWN; } } static FTDI_INTERFACE lindex_to_interface(uint8_t lindex) { switch (lindex) { case 0: /* ANY, default to A */ case 1: return FTDI_INTERFACE_A; case 2: return FTDI_INTERFACE_B; case 3: return FTDI_INTERFACE_C; case 4: return FTDI_INTERFACE_D; default: return FTDI_INTERFACE_UNKNOWN; } } static int dissect_request_reset(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_purge, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_modem_ctrl(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { static int * const lvalue_bits[] = { &hf_setup_lvalue_dtr, &hf_setup_lvalue_rts, NULL }; static int * const hvalue_bits[] = { &hf_setup_hvalue_dtr, &hf_setup_hvalue_rts, NULL }; int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_setup_lvalue, ett_modem_ctrl_lvalue, lvalue_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_setup_hvalue, ett_modem_ctrl_hvalue, hvalue_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_set_flow_ctrl(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { static int * const hindex_bits[] = { &hf_setup_hindex_rts_cts, &hf_setup_hindex_dtr_dsr, &hf_setup_hindex_xon_xoff, NULL }; int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_xon_char, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue_xoff_char, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_setup_hindex, ett_flow_ctrl_hindex, hindex_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_set_baud_rate(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, int offset, proto_tree *tree, FTDI_CHIP chip) { static int * const lindex_bits[] = { &hf_setup_lindex_baud_high, NULL }; static int * const hindex_bits[] = { &hf_setup_hindex_baud_high, NULL }; static int * const hindex_bits_hispeed[] = { &hf_setup_hindex_baud_high, &hf_setup_hindex_baud_clock_divide, NULL }; int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_baud_low, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue_baud_mid, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; switch (chip) { case FTDI_CHIP_FT8U232AM: proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; break; case FTDI_CHIP_FT232B: case FTDI_CHIP_FT232R: proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_setup_lindex, ett_baudrate_lindex, lindex_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; break; case FTDI_CHIP_FT2232D: case FTDI_CHIP_X_SERIES: proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_ab, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_setup_hindex, ett_baudrate_hindex, hindex_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; break; case FTDI_CHIP_FT2232H: case FTDI_CHIP_FT4232H: case FTDI_CHIP_FT232H: proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_setup_hindex, ett_baudrate_hindex, hindex_bits_hispeed, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; break; case FTDI_CHIP_UNKNOWN: default: proto_tree_add_expert(tree, pinfo, &ei_undecoded, tvb, offset, 2); offset += 2; break; } return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_set_data(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { static int * const hvalue_bits[] = { &hf_setup_hvalue_parity, &hf_setup_hvalue_stop_bits, &hf_setup_hvalue_break_bit, NULL }; int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_data_size, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_setup_hvalue, ett_setdata_hvalue, hvalue_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_get_modem_stat(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_set_event_char(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_event_char, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue_trigger, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_set_error_char(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_error_char, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue_error_replacement, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_set_lat_timer(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_latency_time, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_get_lat_timer(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_response_get_lat_timer(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_response_lat_timer, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_request_set_bitmode(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree) { int offset_start = offset; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lvalue_bitmask, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hvalue_bitmode, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; proto_tree_add_item(tree, hf_setup_hindex, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; return offset - offset_start; } static int dissect_modem_status_bytes(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo _U_, int offset, proto_tree *tree, int *out_rx_len) { static int * const modem_status_bits[] = { &hf_modem_status_fs_max_packet, &hf_modem_status_hs_max_packet, &hf_modem_status_cts, &hf_modem_status_dsr, &hf_modem_status_ri, &hf_modem_status_dcd, NULL }; static int * const line_status_bits[] = { &hf_line_status_receive_overflow, &hf_line_status_parity_error, &hf_line_status_framing_error, &hf_line_status_break_received, &hf_line_status_tx_holding_reg_empty, &hf_line_status_tx_empty, NULL }; uint64_t modem_status; proto_tree_add_bitmask_ret_uint64(tree, tvb, offset, hf_modem_status, ett_modem_status, modem_status_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN, &modem_status); offset++; proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, offset, hf_line_status, ett_line_status, line_status_bits, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; if (out_rx_len) { *out_rx_len = tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset); if (modem_status & MODEM_STATUS_BIT_FS_64_MAX_PACKET) { /* 2 bytes modem status, 62 bytes payload */ *out_rx_len = MIN(*out_rx_len, 62); } else if (modem_status & MODEM_STATUS_BIT_HS_512_MAX_PACKET) { /* 2 bytes modem status, 510 bytes payload */ *out_rx_len = MIN(*out_rx_len, 510); } } return 2; } static void record_interface_mode(packet_info *pinfo, urb_info_t *urb, FTDI_INTERFACE interface, uint8_t bitmode) { uint32_t k_bus_id = urb->bus_id; uint32_t k_device_address = urb->device_address; uint32_t k_interface = (uint32_t)interface; wmem_tree_key_t key[] = { {1, &k_bus_id}, {1, &k_device_address}, {1, &k_interface}, {1, &pinfo->num}, {0, NULL} }; bitmode_data_t *bitmode_data = NULL; bitmode_data = wmem_new(wmem_file_scope(), bitmode_data_t); bitmode_data->bus_id = urb->bus_id; bitmode_data->device_address = urb->device_address; bitmode_data->interface = interface; bitmode_data->bitmode = bitmode; wmem_tree_insert32_array(bitmode_info, key, bitmode_data); } static uint8_t get_recorded_interface_mode(packet_info *pinfo, urb_info_t *urb, FTDI_INTERFACE interface) { uint32_t k_bus_id = urb->bus_id; uint32_t k_device_address = urb->device_address; uint32_t k_interface = (uint32_t)interface; wmem_tree_key_t key[] = { {1, &k_bus_id}, {1, &k_device_address}, {1, &k_interface}, {1, &pinfo->num}, {0, NULL} }; bitmode_data_t *bitmode_data = NULL; bitmode_data = (bitmode_data_t *)wmem_tree_lookup32_array_le(bitmode_info, key); if (bitmode_data && bitmode_data->bus_id == k_bus_id && bitmode_data->device_address == k_device_address && bitmode_data->interface == interface) { return bitmode_data->bitmode; } return 0; /* Default to 0, which is plain serial data */ } static desegment_data_t * record_desegment_data(packet_info *pinfo, urb_info_t *urb, FTDI_INTERFACE interface, uint8_t bitmode) { uint32_t k_bus_id = urb->bus_id; uint32_t k_device_address = urb->device_address; uint32_t k_interface = (uint32_t)interface; uint32_t k_p2p_dir = (uint32_t)pinfo->p2p_dir; wmem_tree_key_t key[] = { {1, &k_bus_id}, {1, &k_device_address}, {1, &k_interface}, {1, &k_p2p_dir}, {1, &pinfo->num}, {0, NULL} }; desegment_data_t *desegment_data = NULL; desegment_data = wmem_new(wmem_file_scope(), desegment_data_t); desegment_data->bus_id = urb->bus_id; desegment_data->device_address = urb->device_address; desegment_data->interface = interface; desegment_data->bitmode = bitmode; desegment_data->p2p_dir = pinfo->p2p_dir; desegment_data->first_frame = pinfo->num; /* Last frame is currently unknown */ desegment_data->last_frame = 0; desegment_data->first_frame_offset = 0; desegment_data->previous = NULL; wmem_tree_insert32_array(desegment_info, key, desegment_data); return desegment_data; } static desegment_data_t * get_recorded_desegment_data(packet_info *pinfo, urb_info_t *urb, FTDI_INTERFACE interface, uint8_t bitmode) { uint32_t k_bus_id = urb->bus_id; uint32_t k_device_address = urb->device_address; uint32_t k_interface = (uint32_t)interface; uint32_t k_p2p_dir = (uint32_t)pinfo->p2p_dir; wmem_tree_key_t key[] = { {1, &k_bus_id}, {1, &k_device_address}, {1, &k_interface}, {1, &k_p2p_dir}, {1, &pinfo->num}, {0, NULL} }; desegment_data_t *desegment_data = NULL; desegment_data = (desegment_data_t*)wmem_tree_lookup32_array_le(desegment_info, key); if (desegment_data && desegment_data->bus_id == k_bus_id && desegment_data->device_address == k_device_address && desegment_data->interface == interface && desegment_data->bitmode == bitmode && desegment_data->p2p_dir == pinfo->p2p_dir) { /* Return desegment data only if it is relevant to current packet */ if ((desegment_data->last_frame == 0) || (desegment_data->last_frame >= pinfo->num)) { return desegment_data; } } return NULL; } static unsigned ftdi_fragment_key_hash(const void *k) { const ftdi_fragment_key_t *key = (const ftdi_fragment_key_t *)k; return key->id; } static int ftdi_fragment_key_equal(const void *k1, const void *k2) { const ftdi_fragment_key_t *key1 = (const ftdi_fragment_key_t *)k1; const ftdi_fragment_key_t *key2 = (const ftdi_fragment_key_t *)k2; /* id is most likely to differ and thus should be checked first */ return (key1->id == key2->id) && (key1->bus_id == key2->bus_id) && (key1->device_address == key2->device_address) && (key1->interface == key2->interface) && (key1->bitmode == key2->bitmode) && (key1->p2p_dir == key2->p2p_dir); } static void *ftdi_fragment_key(const packet_info *pinfo _U_, const uint32_t id, const void *data) { desegment_data_t *desegment_data = (desegment_data_t *)data; ftdi_fragment_key_t *key = g_slice_new(ftdi_fragment_key_t); key->bus_id = desegment_data->bus_id; key->device_address = desegment_data->device_address; key->interface = desegment_data->interface; key->bitmode = desegment_data->bitmode; key->p2p_dir = desegment_data->p2p_dir; key->id = id; return (void *)key; } static void ftdi_fragment_free_key(void *ptr) { ftdi_fragment_key_t *key = (ftdi_fragment_key_t *)ptr; g_slice_free(ftdi_fragment_key_t, key); } static const reassembly_table_functions ftdi_reassembly_table_functions = { .hash_func = ftdi_fragment_key_hash, .equal_func = ftdi_fragment_key_equal, .temporary_key_func = ftdi_fragment_key, .persistent_key_func = ftdi_fragment_key, .free_temporary_key_func = ftdi_fragment_free_key, .free_persistent_key_func = ftdi_fragment_free_key, }; static void dissect_payload(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, urb_info_t *urb, FTDI_INTERFACE interface, uint8_t bitmode) { uint32_t k_bus_id; uint32_t k_device_address; k_bus_id = urb->bus_id; k_device_address = urb->device_address; if (tvb && ((bitmode == BITMODE_MPSSE) || (bitmode == BITMODE_MCU))) { ftdi_mpsse_info_t mpsse_info = { .bus_id = k_bus_id, .device_address = k_device_address, .chip = identify_chip(urb->conv), .iface = interface, .mcu_mode = (bitmode == BITMODE_MCU), }; call_dissector_with_data(ftdi_mpsse_handle, tvb, pinfo, tree, &mpsse_info); } } static int dissect_serial_payload(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, proto_tree *ftdi_tree, urb_info_t *urb, FTDI_INTERFACE interface) { uint16_t save_can_desegment; int save_desegment_offset; uint32_t save_desegment_len; desegment_data_t *desegment_data; uint32_t bytes; save_can_desegment = pinfo->can_desegment; save_desegment_offset = pinfo->desegment_offset; save_desegment_len = pinfo->desegment_len; bytes = tvb_reported_length(tvb); if (bytes > 0) { tvbuff_t *payload_tvb = NULL; uint32_t reassembled_bytes = 0; uint8_t bitmode; uint8_t curr_layer_num = pinfo->curr_layer_num; bitmode = get_recorded_interface_mode(pinfo, urb, interface); pinfo->can_desegment = 2; pinfo->desegment_offset = 0; pinfo->desegment_len = 0; desegment_data = get_recorded_desegment_data(pinfo, urb, interface, bitmode); if (desegment_data) { fragment_head *fd_head; desegment_data_t *next_desegment_data = NULL; if ((desegment_data->previous) && (desegment_data->first_frame == pinfo->num)) { DISSECTOR_ASSERT(desegment_data->previous->last_frame == pinfo->num); next_desegment_data = desegment_data; desegment_data = desegment_data->previous; } if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) { /* Combine data reassembled so far with current tvb and check if this is last fragment or not */ fragment_item *item; fd_head = fragment_get(&ftdi_reassembly_table, pinfo, desegment_data->first_frame, desegment_data); DISSECTOR_ASSERT(fd_head && !(fd_head->flags & FD_DEFRAGMENTED) && fd_head->next); payload_tvb = tvb_new_composite(); for (item = fd_head->next; item; item = item->next) { DISSECTOR_ASSERT(reassembled_bytes == item->offset); tvb_composite_append(payload_tvb, item->tvb_data); reassembled_bytes += item->len; } tvb_composite_append(payload_tvb, tvb); tvb_composite_finalize(payload_tvb); } else { fd_head = fragment_get_reassembled_id(&ftdi_reassembly_table, pinfo, desegment_data->first_frame); payload_tvb = process_reassembled_data(tvb, 0, pinfo, "Reassembled", fd_head, &ftdi_frag_items, NULL, ftdi_tree); } if (next_desegment_data) { fragment_head *next_head; next_head = fragment_get_reassembled_id(&ftdi_reassembly_table, pinfo, next_desegment_data->first_frame); process_reassembled_data(tvb, 0, pinfo, "Reassembled", next_head, &ftdi_frag_items, NULL, ftdi_tree); } if ((desegment_data->first_frame == pinfo->num) && (desegment_data->first_frame_offset > 0)) { payload_tvb = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb, 0, desegment_data->first_frame_offset); } } else { /* Packet is not part of reassembly sequence, simply use it without modifications */ payload_tvb = tvb; } dissect_payload(payload_tvb, pinfo, tree, urb, interface, bitmode); if (!PINFO_FD_VISITED(pinfo)) { /* FTDI FT dissector doesn't know if the last fragment is really the last one unless it passes * the data to the next dissector. There is absolutely no metadata that could help with it as * FTDI FT is pretty much a direct replacement to UART (COM port) and is pretty much transparent * to the actual serial protocol used. * * Passing the data to next dissector results in curr_layer_num being increased if it dissected * the data (when it is the last fragment). This would prevent the process_reassembled_data() * (after the first pass) from returning the reassembled tvb in FTFI FT which in turn prevents * the data from being passed to the next dissector. * * Override pinfo->curr_layer_num value when the fragments are being added to reassembly table. * This is ugly hack. Is there any better approach? * * There doesn't seem to be a mechanism to "back-track" just added fragments to reassembly table, * or any way to "shorten" the last added fragment. The most problematic case is when current * packet is both last packet for previous reassembly and a first packet for next reassembly. */ uint8_t save_curr_layer_num = pinfo->curr_layer_num; pinfo->curr_layer_num = curr_layer_num; if (!pinfo->desegment_len) { if (desegment_data) { /* Current tvb is really the last fragment */ fragment_add_check(&ftdi_reassembly_table, tvb, 0, pinfo, desegment_data->first_frame, desegment_data, reassembled_bytes, bytes, false); desegment_data->last_frame = pinfo->num; } } else { DISSECTOR_ASSERT_HINT(pinfo->desegment_len == DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT, "FTDI FT supports only DESEGMENT_ONE_MORE_SEGMENT"); if (!desegment_data) { /* Start desegmenting */ int fragment_length = tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, pinfo->desegment_offset); desegment_data = record_desegment_data(pinfo, urb, interface, bitmode); desegment_data->first_frame_offset = pinfo->desegment_offset; fragment_add_check(&ftdi_reassembly_table, tvb, pinfo->desegment_offset, pinfo, desegment_data->first_frame, desegment_data, 0, fragment_length, true); } else if (pinfo->desegment_offset == 0) { /* Continue reassembling */ fragment_add_check(&ftdi_reassembly_table, tvb, 0, pinfo, desegment_data->first_frame, desegment_data, reassembled_bytes, bytes, true); } else { int fragment_length; int previous_bytes; desegment_data_t *previous_desegment_data; /* This packet contains both an end from a previous reassembly and start of a new one */ DISSECTOR_ASSERT((uint32_t)pinfo->desegment_offset > reassembled_bytes); previous_bytes = pinfo->desegment_offset - reassembled_bytes; fragment_add_check(&ftdi_reassembly_table, tvb, 0, pinfo, desegment_data->first_frame, desegment_data, reassembled_bytes, previous_bytes, false); desegment_data->last_frame = pinfo->num; previous_desegment_data = desegment_data; fragment_length = bytes - previous_bytes; desegment_data = record_desegment_data(pinfo, urb, interface, bitmode); desegment_data->first_frame_offset = previous_bytes; desegment_data->previous = previous_desegment_data; fragment_add_check(&ftdi_reassembly_table, tvb, previous_bytes, pinfo, desegment_data->first_frame, desegment_data, 0, fragment_length, true); } } pinfo->curr_layer_num = save_curr_layer_num; } } pinfo->can_desegment = save_can_desegment; pinfo->desegment_offset = save_desegment_offset; pinfo->desegment_len = save_desegment_len; return bytes; } static int dissect_ftdi_ft(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *data) { proto_item *main_item; proto_tree *main_tree; int offset = 0; urb_info_t *urb = (urb_info_t *)data; request_data_t *request_data = NULL; wmem_tree_key_t key[4]; uint32_t k_bus_id; uint32_t k_device_address; if (!urb) { return offset; } if (urb->is_setup) { /* This dissector can only process device Vendor specific setup data */ if ((USB_TYPE(urb->setup_requesttype) != RQT_SETUP_TYPE_VENDOR) || (USB_RECIPIENT(urb->setup_requesttype) != RQT_SETUP_RECIPIENT_DEVICE)) { return offset; } } k_bus_id = urb->bus_id; k_device_address = urb->device_address; key[0].length = 1; key[0].key = &k_bus_id; key[1].length = 1; key[1].key = &k_device_address; key[2].length = 1; key[2].key = &pinfo->num; key[3].length = 0; key[3].key = NULL; main_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_ftdi_ft, tvb, offset, -1, ENC_NA); main_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(main_item, ett_ftdi_ft); if (urb->transfer_type == URB_CONTROL) { col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "FTDI FT"); col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "FTDI FT "); col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, urb->is_request ? "Request" : "Response"); if (urb->is_setup) { int bytes_dissected; uint8_t brequest; uint8_t hvalue; uint8_t lindex; brequest = tvb_get_uint8(tvb, offset); col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": %s", val_to_str_ext_const(brequest, &request_vals_ext, "Unknown")); proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_setup_brequest, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset++; hvalue = tvb_get_uint8(tvb, offset + 1); lindex = tvb_get_uint8(tvb, offset + 2); switch (brequest) { case REQUEST_RESET: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_reset(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_MODEM_CTRL: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_modem_ctrl(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_SET_FLOW_CTRL: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_set_flow_ctrl(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_SET_BAUD_RATE: { FTDI_CHIP chip = identify_chip(urb->conv); bytes_dissected = dissect_request_set_baud_rate(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree, chip); break; } case REQUEST_SET_DATA: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_set_data(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_GET_MODEM_STAT: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_get_modem_stat(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_SET_EVENT_CHAR: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_set_event_char(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_SET_ERROR_CHAR: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_set_error_char(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_SET_LAT_TIMER: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_set_lat_timer(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_GET_LAT_TIMER: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_get_lat_timer(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_SET_BITMODE: bytes_dissected = dissect_request_set_bitmode(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; default: bytes_dissected = 0; break; } offset += bytes_dissected; if (bytes_dissected < 4) { proto_tree_add_expert(main_tree, pinfo, &ei_undecoded, tvb, offset, 4 - bytes_dissected); offset += 4 - bytes_dissected; } proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_setup_wlength, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN); offset += 2; /* Record the request type so we can find it when dissecting response */ request_data = wmem_new(wmem_file_scope(), request_data_t); request_data->bus_id = urb->bus_id; request_data->device_address = urb->device_address; request_data->request = brequest; request_data->hvalue = hvalue; request_data->lindex = lindex; wmem_tree_insert32_array(request_info, key, request_data); } else { /* Retrieve request type */ request_data = (request_data_t *)wmem_tree_lookup32_array_le(request_info, key); if (request_data && request_data->bus_id == k_bus_id && request_data->device_address == k_device_address) { col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": %s", val_to_str_ext_const(request_data->request, &request_vals_ext, "Unknown")); switch (request_data->request) { case REQUEST_GET_MODEM_STAT: offset += dissect_modem_status_bytes(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree, NULL); break; case REQUEST_GET_LAT_TIMER: offset += dissect_response_get_lat_timer(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree); break; case REQUEST_SET_BITMODE: /* TODO: Record interface mode only if the control request has succeeded */ record_interface_mode(pinfo, urb, lindex_to_interface(request_data->lindex), request_data->hvalue); break; default: break; } } else { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": Unknown"); } /* Report any potentially undissected response data */ if (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) > 0) { proto_tree_add_expert(main_tree, pinfo, &ei_undecoded, tvb, offset, -1); } } } else { const char *interface_str; FTDI_INTERFACE interface; int rx_hf, tx_hf; interface = endpoint_to_interface(urb); switch (interface) { case FTDI_INTERFACE_A: interface_str = "A"; rx_hf = hf_if_a_rx_payload; tx_hf = hf_if_a_tx_payload; break; case FTDI_INTERFACE_B: interface_str = "B"; rx_hf = hf_if_b_rx_payload; tx_hf = hf_if_b_tx_payload; break; case FTDI_INTERFACE_C: interface_str = "C"; rx_hf = hf_if_c_rx_payload; tx_hf = hf_if_c_tx_payload; break; case FTDI_INTERFACE_D: interface_str = "D"; rx_hf = hf_if_d_rx_payload; tx_hf = hf_if_d_tx_payload; break; default: return offset; } col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "FTDI FT"); if (pinfo->p2p_dir == P2P_DIR_RECV) { int total_rx_len = 0; int rx_len; tvbuff_t *rx_tvb = tvb_new_composite(); col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "INTERFACE %s RX", interface_str); do { /* First two bytes are status */ offset += dissect_modem_status_bytes(tvb, pinfo, offset, main_tree, &rx_len); total_rx_len += rx_len; if (rx_len > 0) { tvbuff_t *rx_tvb_fragment = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb, offset, rx_len); tvb_composite_append(rx_tvb, rx_tvb_fragment); proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, rx_hf, tvb, offset, rx_len, ENC_NA); offset += rx_len; } } while (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) > 0); if (total_rx_len > 0) { tvb_composite_finalize(rx_tvb); col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " %d bytes", total_rx_len); add_new_data_source(pinfo, rx_tvb, "RX Payload"); dissect_serial_payload(rx_tvb, pinfo, tree, main_tree, urb, interface); } else { tvb_free_chain(rx_tvb); } } else { int bytes; col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "INTERFACE %s TX", interface_str); bytes = tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset); if (bytes > 0) { tvbuff_t *tx_tvb; col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " %d bytes", bytes); proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, tx_hf, tvb, offset, bytes, ENC_NA); tx_tvb = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb, offset, bytes); add_new_data_source(pinfo, tx_tvb, "TX Payload"); dissect_serial_payload(tx_tvb, pinfo, tree, main_tree, urb, interface); offset += bytes; } } } return offset; } void proto_register_ftdi_ft(void) { expert_module_t *expert_module; static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_setup_brequest, { "Request", "ftdi-ft.bRequest", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC | BASE_EXT_STRING, &request_vals_ext, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue, { "lValue", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_purge, { "lValue", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(reset_purge_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_dtr, { "DTR Active", "ftdi-ft.lValue.b0", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 0), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_rts, { "RTS Active", "ftdi-ft.lValue.b1", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 1), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_xon_char, { "XON Char", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_baud_low, { "Baud low", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_data_size, { "Data Size", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(data_size_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_event_char, { "Event Char", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_error_char, { "Parity Error Char", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_latency_time, { "Latency Time", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "Latency time in milliseconds", HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lvalue_bitmask, { "Bit Mask", "ftdi-ft.lValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue, { "hValue", "ftdi-ft.hValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_dtr, { "en DTR for writing", "ftdi-ft.hValue.b0", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 0), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_rts, { "en RTS for writing", "ftdi-ft.hValue.b1", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 1), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_xoff_char, { "XOFF Char", "ftdi-ft.hValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_baud_mid, { "Baud mid", "ftdi-ft.hValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_parity, { "Parity", "ftdi-ft.hValue.parity", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(parity_vals), (0x7 << 0), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_stop_bits, { "Stop Bits", "ftdi-ft.hValue.b4", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(stop_bits_vals), (1 << 4), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_break_bit, { "Break Bit", "ftdi-ft.hValue.b6", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(break_bit_vals), (1 << 6), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_trigger, { "hValue", "ftdi-ft.hValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(event_char_trigger_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_error_replacement, { "hValue", "ftdi-ft.hValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(error_replacement_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hvalue_bitmode, { "Bit Mode", "ftdi-ft.hValue", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(bitmode_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lindex, { "lIndex", "ftdi-ft.lIndex", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lindex_port_ab, { "lIndex", "ftdi-ft.lIndex", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(index_port_ab_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lindex_port_abcd, { "lIndex", "ftdi-ft.lIndex", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, VALS(index_port_abcd_vals), 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_lindex_baud_high, { "Baud High", "ftdi-ft.lIndex.b0", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, (1 << 0), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hindex, { "hIndex", "ftdi-ft.hIndex", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hindex_rts_cts, { "RTS/CTS Flow Control", "ftdi-ft.hIndex.b0", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 0), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hindex_dtr_dsr, { "DTR/DSR Flow Control", "ftdi-ft.hIndex.b1", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 1), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hindex_xon_xoff, { "XON/XOFF Flow Control", "ftdi-ft.hIndex.b2", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 2), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hindex_baud_high, { "Baud High", "ftdi-ft.baud_high.b0", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, (1 << 0), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_hindex_baud_clock_divide, { "Baud Clock Divide off", "ftdi-ft.baud_clock_divide.b1", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 1), "When active 120 MHz is max frequency instead of 48 MHz", HFILL } }, { &hf_setup_wlength, { "wLength", "ftdi-ft.wLength", FT_UINT16, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_response_lat_timer, { "Latency Time", "ftdi-ft.latency_time", FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, "Latency time in milliseconds", HFILL } }, { &hf_modem_status, { "Modem Status", "ftdi-ft.modem_status", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_modem_status_fs_max_packet, { "Full Speed 64 byte MAX packet", "ftdi-ft.modem_status.b0", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 0), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_modem_status_hs_max_packet, { "High Speed 512 byte MAX packet", "ftdi-ft.modem_status.b1", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 1), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_modem_status_cts, { "CTS", "ftdi-ft.modem_status.b4", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 4), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_modem_status_dsr, { "DSR", "ftdi-ft.modem_status.b5", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 5), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_modem_status_ri, { "RI", "ftdi-ft.modem_status.b6", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 6), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_modem_status_dcd, { "DCD", "ftdi-ft.modem_status.b7", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 7), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_line_status, { "Line Status", "ftdi-ft.line_status", FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_line_status_receive_overflow, { "Receive Overflow Error", "ftdi-ft.line_status.b1", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 1), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_line_status_parity_error, { "Parity Error", "ftdi-ft.line_status.b2", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 2), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_line_status_framing_error, { "Framing Error", "ftdi-ft.line_status.b3", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 3), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_line_status_break_received, { "Break Received", "ftdi-ft.line_status.b4", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 4), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_line_status_tx_holding_reg_empty, { "Transmitter Holding Register Empty", "ftdi-ft.line_status.b5", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 5), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_line_status_tx_empty, { "Transmitter Empty", "ftdi-ft.line_status.b6", FT_BOOLEAN, 8, NULL, (1 << 6), NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_if_a_rx_payload, { "A RX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_a_rx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data received on interface A", HFILL } }, { &hf_if_a_tx_payload, { "A TX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_a_tx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data to transmit on interface A", HFILL } }, { &hf_if_b_rx_payload, { "B RX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_b_rx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data received on interface B", HFILL } }, { &hf_if_b_tx_payload, { "B TX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_b_tx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data to transmit on interface B", HFILL } }, { &hf_if_c_rx_payload, { "C RX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_c_rx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data received on interface C", HFILL } }, { &hf_if_c_tx_payload, { "C TX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_c_tx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data to transmit on interface C", HFILL } }, { &hf_if_d_rx_payload, { "D RX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_d_rx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data received on interface D", HFILL } }, { &hf_if_d_tx_payload, { "D TX payload", "ftdi-ft.if_d_tx_payload", FT_BYTES, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, "Data to transmit on interface D", HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_fragments, { "Payload fragments", "ftdi-ft.fragments", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_fragment, { "Payload fragment", "ftdi-ft.fragment", FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_fragment_overlap, { "Payload fragment overlap", "ftdi-ft.fragment.overlap", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_fragment_overlap_conflicts, { "Payload fragment overlapping with conflicting data", "ftdi-ft.fragment.overlap.conflicts", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_fragment_multiple_tails, { "Payload has multiple tails", "ftdi-ft.fragment.multiple_tails", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL} }, { &hf_ftdi_fragment_too_long_fragment, { "Payload fragment too long", "ftdi-ft.fragment.too_long_fragment", FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_fragment_error, { "Payload defragmentation error", "ftdi-ft.fragment.error", FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_fragment_count, { "Payload fragment count", "ftdi-ft.fragment.count", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_reassembled_in, { "Payload reassembled in", "ftdi-ft.reassembled.in", FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, { &hf_ftdi_reassembled_length, { "Payload reassembled length", "ftdi-ft.reassembled.length", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }, }; static ei_register_info ei[] = { { &ei_undecoded, { "ftdi-ft.undecoded", PI_UNDECODED, PI_WARN, "Not dissected yet (report to wireshark.org)", EXPFILL }}, }; static int *ett[] = { &ett_ftdi_ft, &ett_modem_ctrl_lvalue, &ett_modem_ctrl_hvalue, &ett_flow_ctrl_hindex, &ett_baudrate_lindex, &ett_baudrate_hindex, &ett_setdata_hvalue, &ett_modem_status, &ett_line_status, &ett_ftdi_fragment, &ett_ftdi_fragments, }; request_info = wmem_tree_new_autoreset(wmem_epan_scope(), wmem_file_scope()); bitmode_info = wmem_tree_new_autoreset(wmem_epan_scope(), wmem_file_scope()); desegment_info = wmem_tree_new_autoreset(wmem_epan_scope(), wmem_file_scope()); proto_ftdi_ft = proto_register_protocol("FTDI FT USB", "FTDI FT", "ftdi-ft"); proto_register_field_array(proto_ftdi_ft, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); ftdi_ft_handle = register_dissector("ftdi-ft", dissect_ftdi_ft, proto_ftdi_ft); expert_module = expert_register_protocol(proto_ftdi_ft); expert_register_field_array(expert_module, ei, array_length(ei)); reassembly_table_register(&ftdi_reassembly_table, &ftdi_reassembly_table_functions); } void proto_reg_handoff_ftdi_ft(void) { /* TODO: Add configuration option to specify VID and PID. * The values below denote default VID/PID of FT converters (as of 2019) * The VID and PID can be changed by hardware vendor. */ dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x0403 << 16) | 0x6001, ftdi_ft_handle); dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x0403 << 16) | 0x6010, ftdi_ft_handle); dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x0403 << 16) | 0x6011, ftdi_ft_handle); dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x0403 << 16) | 0x6014, ftdi_ft_handle); dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x0403 << 16) | 0x6015, ftdi_ft_handle); /* Devices that use FTDI FT converter with changed Vendor ID and/or Product ID */ dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x0403 << 16) | 0xcff8, ftdi_ft_handle); /* Amontec JTAGkey */ dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x15ba << 16) | 0x0003, ftdi_ft_handle); /* Olimex ARM-USB-OCD */ dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x15ba << 16) | 0x0004, ftdi_ft_handle); /* Olimex ARM-USB-TINY */ dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x15ba << 16) | 0x002a, ftdi_ft_handle); /* Olimex ARM-USB-TINY-H */ dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x15ba << 16) | 0x002b, ftdi_ft_handle); /* Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H */ dissector_add_uint("usb.product", (0x1d50 << 16) | 0x607c, ftdi_ft_handle); /* OpenVizsla USB sniffer/analyzer */ dissector_add_for_decode_as("usb.device", ftdi_ft_handle); ftdi_mpsse_handle = find_dissector_add_dependency("ftdi-mpsse", proto_ftdi_ft); } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * 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