/* packet-pw-satop.c * Routines for SAToP PW dissection as per RFC4553. * Copyright 2009, Dmitry Trebich, Artem Tamazov <artem.tamazov@tellabs.com> * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org> * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * * History: * --------------------------------- * 19.03.2009 initial implementation * 14.08.2009 added: support for IP/UDP demultiplexing * Not supported yet: * - Decoding of PW payload */ #include "config.h" #include <epan/packet.h> #include <epan/expert.h> #include "packet-mpls.h" #include "packet-pw-common.h" #include "packet-rtp.h" #define SIZEOF_RTP 12 void proto_register_pw_satop(void); void proto_reg_handoff_pw_satop(void); static gint proto = -1; static gint ett_pw_satop = -1; static int hf_cw = -1; static int hf_cw_bits03 = -1; static int hf_cw_l = -1; static int hf_cw_r = -1; static int hf_cw_rsv = -1; static int hf_cw_frg = -1; static int hf_cw_len = -1; static int hf_cw_seq = -1; static int hf_payload = -1; static int hf_payload_l = -1; static expert_field ei_cw_rsv = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_payload_size_invalid_undecoded = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_payload_size_invalid = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_cw_frg = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_cw_bits03 = EI_INIT; static expert_field ei_cw_packet_size_too_small = EI_INIT; static dissector_handle_t pw_padding_handle; static dissector_handle_t pw_satop_udp_handle; static dissector_handle_t pw_satop_mpls_handle; const char pwc_longname_pw_satop[] = "SAToP"; static const char shortname[] = "SAToP"; /* Preferences */ static gboolean pref_has_rtp_header = FALSE; static gboolean pref_heuristic_rtp_header = TRUE; static void dissect_pw_satop(tvbuff_t * tvb_original ,packet_info * pinfo ,proto_tree * tree ,pwc_demux_type_t demux) { int min_packet_size_this_dissector = PWC_SIZEOF_CW; int encaps_size; gint packet_size; gint rtp_header_offset; gint cw_offset; gint payload_size; gint padding_size; int properties; guint16 sn; gboolean has_rtp_header; enum { PAY_NO_IDEA = 0 ,PAY_LIKE_E1 ,PAY_LIKE_T1 ,PAY_LIKE_E3_T3 ,PAY_LIKE_OCTET_ALIGNED_T1 } payload_properties; switch (demux) { case PWC_DEMUX_MPLS: if (dissect_try_cw_first_nibble(tvb_original, pinfo, tree)) { return; } break; case PWC_DEMUX_UDP: break; default: DISSECTOR_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } packet_size = tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb_original, 0); if (pref_has_rtp_header) { min_packet_size_this_dissector += SIZEOF_RTP; } if (packet_size < min_packet_size_this_dissector) { proto_item *item; item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto, tvb_original, 0, -1, ENC_NA); expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_cw_packet_size_too_small, "PW packet size (%d) is too small to carry sensible information" ,(int)packet_size); col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, shortname); col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Malformed: PW packet is too small"); return; } switch (demux) { case PWC_DEMUX_MPLS: rtp_header_offset = PWC_SIZEOF_CW; sn = tvb_get_guint16(tvb_original, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); break; case PWC_DEMUX_UDP: rtp_header_offset = 0; sn = tvb_get_guint16(tvb_original, SIZEOF_RTP + 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); break; default: DISSECTOR_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } if ((pref_has_rtp_header) || ((pref_heuristic_rtp_header) && /* Check for RTP version 2, the other fields must be zero */ (tvb_get_guint8(tvb_original, rtp_header_offset) == 0x80) && /* Check the marker is zero. Unfortnately PT is not always from the dynamic range */ ((tvb_get_guint8(tvb_original, rtp_header_offset + 1) & 0x80) == 0) && /* The sequence numbers from cw and RTP header must match */ (tvb_get_ntohs(tvb_original, rtp_header_offset + 2) == sn))) { switch (demux) { case PWC_DEMUX_MPLS: cw_offset = 0; break; case PWC_DEMUX_UDP: cw_offset = SIZEOF_RTP; break; default: DISSECTOR_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); return; } encaps_size = PWC_SIZEOF_CW + SIZEOF_RTP; has_rtp_header = TRUE; } else { cw_offset = 0; encaps_size = PWC_SIZEOF_CW; has_rtp_header = FALSE; } /* check how "good" is this packet */ /* also decide payload length from packet size, CW and optional RTP header */ properties = 0; if (0 != (tvb_get_guint8(tvb_original, cw_offset) & 0xf0 /*bits03*/)) { properties |= PWC_CW_BAD_BITS03; } if (0 != (tvb_get_guint8(tvb_original, cw_offset) & 0x03 /*rsv*/)) { properties |= PWC_CW_BAD_RSV; } if (0 != (tvb_get_guint8(tvb_original, cw_offset + 1) & 0xc0 /*frag*/)) { properties |= PWC_CW_BAD_FRAG; } { /* RFC4553: * [...MAY be used to carry the length of the SAToP * packet (defined as the size of the SAToP header + the payload * size) if it is less than 64 bytes, and MUST be set to zero * otherwise... ] * * Note that this differs from RFC4385's definition of length: * [ If the MPLS payload is less than 64 bytes, the length field * MUST be set to the length of the PW payload...] * * We will use RFC4553's definition here. */ int cw_len; gint payload_size_from_packet; cw_len = tvb_get_guint8(tvb_original, cw_offset + 1) & 0x3f; payload_size_from_packet = packet_size - encaps_size; if (cw_len != 0) { gint payload_size_from_cw; payload_size_from_cw = cw_len - encaps_size; /* * Assumptions for error case, * will be overwritten if no errors found: */ payload_size = payload_size_from_packet; padding_size = 0; if (payload_size_from_cw < 0) { properties |= PWC_CW_BAD_PAYLEN_LT_0; } else if (payload_size_from_cw > payload_size_from_packet) { properties |= PWC_CW_BAD_PAYLEN_GT_PACKET; } else if (payload_size_from_packet >= 64) { properties |= PWC_CW_BAD_LEN_MUST_BE_0; } else /* ok */ { payload_size = payload_size_from_cw; padding_size = payload_size_from_packet - payload_size_from_cw; /* >=0 */ } } else { payload_size = payload_size_from_packet; padding_size = 0; } } if (payload_size == 0) { /* * As CW.L it indicates that PW payload is invalid, dissector should * not blame packets with bad payload (including "bad" or "strange" SIZE of * payload) when L bit is set. */ if (0 == (tvb_get_guint8(tvb_original, cw_offset) & 0x08 /*L bit*/)) { properties |= PWC_PAY_SIZE_BAD; } } /* guess about payload type */ if (payload_size == 256) { payload_properties = PAY_LIKE_E1; } else if (payload_size == 192) { payload_properties = PAY_LIKE_T1; } else if (payload_size == 1024) { payload_properties = PAY_LIKE_E3_T3; } else if ((payload_size != 0) && (payload_size % 25 == 0)) { payload_properties = PAY_LIKE_OCTET_ALIGNED_T1; } else { payload_properties = PAY_NO_IDEA; /*we do not have any ideas about payload type*/ } /* fill up columns*/ col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, shortname); col_clear(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO); if (properties & PWC_ANYOF_CW_BAD) { col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "CW:Bad, "); } if (properties & PWC_PAY_SIZE_BAD) { col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Payload size:0 (Bad)"); } else { col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "TDM octets:%d", (int)payload_size); } if (padding_size != 0) { col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ", Padding:%d", (int)padding_size); } { proto_item* item; item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto, tvb_original, 0, -1, ENC_NA); pwc_item_append_cw(item, tvb_get_ntohl(tvb_original, cw_offset), TRUE); pwc_item_append_text_n_items(item, (int)payload_size, "octet"); { proto_tree* tree2; tree2 = proto_item_add_subtree(item, ett_pw_satop); if (has_rtp_header && demux == PWC_DEMUX_UDP) { dissect_rtp_shim_header(tvb_original, 0, pinfo, tree2, NULL); } { tvbuff_t* tvb; proto_item* item2; tvb = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb_original, cw_offset, PWC_SIZEOF_CW); item2 = proto_tree_add_item(tree2, hf_cw, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA); pwc_item_append_cw(item2, tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, 0), FALSE); { proto_tree* tree3; tree3 = proto_item_add_subtree(item2, ett_pw_satop); { proto_item* item3; if (properties & PWC_CW_BAD_BITS03) /*display only if value is wrong*/ { item3 = proto_tree_add_item(tree3, hf_cw_bits03, tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); expert_add_info(pinfo, item3, &ei_cw_bits03); } proto_tree_add_item(tree3, hf_cw_l, tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); proto_tree_add_item(tree3, hf_cw_r, tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); item3 = proto_tree_add_item(tree3, hf_cw_rsv, tvb, 0, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); if (properties & PWC_CW_BAD_RSV) { expert_add_info(pinfo, item3, &ei_cw_rsv); } item3 = proto_tree_add_item(tree3, hf_cw_frg, tvb, 1, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); if (properties & PWC_CW_BAD_FRAG) { expert_add_info(pinfo, item3, &ei_cw_frg); } item3 = proto_tree_add_item(tree3, hf_cw_len, tvb, 1, 1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); if (properties & PWC_CW_BAD_PAYLEN_LT_0) { expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item3, &ei_payload_size_invalid, "Bad Length: too small, must be > %d", (int)encaps_size); } if (properties & PWC_CW_BAD_PAYLEN_GT_PACKET) { expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item3, &ei_payload_size_invalid, "Bad Length: must be <= than PSN packet size (%d)", (int)packet_size); } if (properties & PWC_CW_BAD_LEN_MUST_BE_0) { expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item3, &ei_payload_size_invalid, "Bad Length: must be 0 if SAToP packet size (%d) is > 64", (int)packet_size); } proto_tree_add_item(tree3, hf_cw_seq, tvb, 2, 2, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN); } } } if (has_rtp_header && demux != PWC_DEMUX_UDP) { dissect_rtp_shim_header(tvb_original, PWC_SIZEOF_CW, pinfo, tree2, NULL); } } /* payload */ if (properties & PWC_PAY_SIZE_BAD) { expert_add_info_format(pinfo, item, &ei_payload_size_invalid, "SAToP payload: none found. Size of payload must be <> 0"); } else if (payload_size == 0) { expert_add_info(pinfo, item, &ei_payload_size_invalid_undecoded); } else { proto_tree* tree2; tree2 = proto_item_add_subtree(item, ett_pw_satop); { proto_item* item2; tvbuff_t* tvb; tvb = tvb_new_subset_length(tvb_original, encaps_size, payload_size); item2 = proto_tree_add_item(tree2, hf_payload, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA); pwc_item_append_text_n_items(item2, (int)payload_size, "octet"); { proto_tree* tree3; const char* s; switch(payload_properties) { case PAY_LIKE_E1: s = " (looks like E1)"; break; case PAY_LIKE_T1: s = " (looks like T1)"; break; case PAY_LIKE_E3_T3: s = " (looks like E3/T3)"; break; case PAY_LIKE_OCTET_ALIGNED_T1: s = " (looks like octet-aligned T1)"; break; case PAY_NO_IDEA: default: s = ""; break; } proto_item_append_text(item2, "%s", s); tree3 = proto_item_add_subtree(item2, ett_pw_satop); call_data_dissector(tvb, pinfo, tree3); item2 = proto_tree_add_int(tree3, hf_payload_l, tvb, 0, 0 ,(int)payload_size); /* allow filtering */ proto_item_set_hidden(item2); } } } /* padding */ if (padding_size > 0) { proto_tree* tree2; tree2 = proto_item_add_subtree(item, ett_pw_satop); { tvbuff_t* tvb; tvb = tvb_new_subset_length_caplen(tvb_original, PWC_SIZEOF_CW + payload_size, padding_size, -1); call_dissector(pw_padding_handle, tvb, pinfo, tree2); } } } return; } static int dissect_pw_satop_mpls( tvbuff_t * tvb_original, packet_info * pinfo, proto_tree * tree, void* data _U_) { dissect_pw_satop(tvb_original,pinfo,tree,PWC_DEMUX_MPLS); return tvb_captured_length(tvb_original); } static int dissect_pw_satop_udp( tvbuff_t * tvb, packet_info * pinfo, proto_tree * tree, void* data _U_) { dissect_pw_satop(tvb,pinfo,tree,PWC_DEMUX_UDP); return tvb_captured_length(tvb); } void proto_register_pw_satop(void) { static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_cw ,{"Control Word" ,"pwsatop.cw" ,FT_NONE ,BASE_NONE ,NULL ,0 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_cw_bits03,{"Bits 0 to 3" ,"pwsatop.cw.bits03" ,FT_UINT8 ,BASE_DEC ,NULL ,0xf0 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_cw_l, {"L bit: TDM payload state" ,"pwsatop.cw.lbit" ,FT_UINT8 ,BASE_DEC ,VALS(pwc_vals_cw_l_bit) ,0x08 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_cw_r, {"R bit: Local CE-bound IWF" ,"pwsatop.cw.rbit" ,FT_UINT8 ,BASE_DEC ,VALS(pwc_vals_cw_r_bit) ,0x04 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_cw_rsv, {"Reserved" ,"pwsatop.cw.rsv" ,FT_UINT8 ,BASE_DEC ,NULL ,0x03 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_cw_frg, {"Fragmentation" ,"pwsatop.cw.frag" ,FT_UINT8 ,BASE_DEC ,VALS(pwc_vals_cw_frag) ,0xc0 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_cw_len, {"Length" ,"pwsatop.cw.length" ,FT_UINT8 ,BASE_DEC ,NULL ,0x3f ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_cw_seq, {"Sequence number" ,"pwsatop.cw.seqno" ,FT_UINT16 ,BASE_DEC ,NULL ,0 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_payload ,{"TDM payload" ,"pwsatop.payload" ,FT_BYTES ,BASE_NONE ,NULL ,0 ,NULL ,HFILL }}, {&hf_payload_l ,{"TDM payload length" ,"pwsatop.payload.len" ,FT_INT32 ,BASE_DEC ,NULL ,0 ,NULL ,HFILL }} }; static gint *ett_array[] = { &ett_pw_satop }; static ei_register_info ei[] = { { &ei_cw_packet_size_too_small, { "pwsatop.packet_size_too_small", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "PW packet size (%d) is too small to carry sensible information", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_cw_bits03, { "pwsatop.cw.bits03.not_zero", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "Bits 0..3 of Control Word must be 0", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_cw_rsv, { "pwsatop.cw.rsv.not_zero", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "RSV bits of Control Word must be 0", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_cw_frg, { "pwsatop.cw.frag.not_allowed", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "Fragmentation of payload is not allowed for SAToP", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_payload_size_invalid, { "pwsatop.payload.size_invalid", PI_MALFORMED, PI_ERROR, "Bad Length: too small", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_payload_size_invalid_undecoded, { "pwsatop.payload.undecoded", PI_UNDECODED, PI_NOTE, "SAToP payload: omitted to conserve bandwidth", EXPFILL }}, }; module_t *pwsatop_module; expert_module_t* expert_pwsatop; proto = proto_register_protocol(pwc_longname_pw_satop, shortname, "pwsatopcw"); proto_register_field_array(proto, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett_array, array_length(ett_array)); expert_pwsatop = expert_register_protocol(proto); expert_register_field_array(expert_pwsatop, ei, array_length(ei)); pwsatop_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto, NULL); prefs_register_bool_preference(pwsatop_module, "rtp_header", "RTP header in SAToP header", "Whether or not the RTP header is present in the SAToP header.", &pref_has_rtp_header); prefs_register_bool_preference(pwsatop_module, "rtp_header_heuristic", "Try to find RTP header in SAToP header", "Heuristically determine if an RTP header is present in the SAToP header.", &pref_heuristic_rtp_header); pw_satop_mpls_handle = register_dissector("pw_satop_mpls", dissect_pw_satop_mpls, proto); pw_satop_udp_handle = register_dissector("pw_satop_udp", dissect_pw_satop_udp, proto); } void proto_reg_handoff_pw_satop(void) { pw_padding_handle = find_dissector_add_dependency("pw_padding", proto); /* For Decode As */ dissector_add_for_decode_as("mpls.label", pw_satop_mpls_handle); dissector_add_for_decode_as_with_preference("udp.port", pw_satop_udp_handle); } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 8 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=8 tabstop=8 noexpandtab: * :indentSize=8:tabSize=8:noTabs=false: */