/* packet-snort-config.c * * Copyright 2016, Martin Mathieson * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "packet-snort-config.h" #include "ws_attributes.h" /* Forward declaration */ static void parse_config_file(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, FILE *config_file_fd, const char *filename, const char *dirname, int recursion_level); /* Skip white space from 'source', return pointer to first non-whitespace char */ static char *skipWhiteSpace(char *source, int *accumulated_offset) { int offset = 0; /* Skip any leading whitespace */ while ((source[offset] == ' ') || (source[offset] == '\t')) { offset++; } *accumulated_offset += offset; return source + offset; } /* Read a token from source, stop when get to end of string or delimiter. */ /* - source: input string * - delimiter: char to stop at * - length: out param set to delimiter or end-of-string offset * - accumulated_Length: out param that gets length added to it * - copy: whether or an allocated string should be returned * - returns: requested string. Returns from static buffer when copy is FALSE */ static char* read_token(char* source, char delimeter, int *length, int *accumulated_length, gboolean copy) { static char static_buffer[1024]; int offset = 0; char *source_proper = skipWhiteSpace(source, accumulated_length); while (source_proper[offset] != '\0' && source_proper[offset] != delimeter) { offset++; } *length = offset; *accumulated_length += offset; if (copy) { /* Copy into new string */ char *new_string = g_strndup(source_proper, offset+1); new_string[offset] = '\0'; return new_string; } else { /* Return in static buffer */ memcpy(&static_buffer, source_proper, offset); static_buffer[offset] = '\0'; return static_buffer; } } /* Add a new content field to the rule */ static gboolean rule_add_content(Rule_t *rule, const char *content_string, gboolean negated) { if (rule->number_contents < MAX_CONTENT_ENTRIES) { content_t *new_content = &(rule->contents[rule->number_contents++]); new_content->str = g_strdup(content_string); new_content->negation = negated; rule->last_added_content = new_content; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Set the nocase property for a rule */ static void rule_set_content_nocase(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->nocase = TRUE; } } /* Set the offset property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_offset(Rule_t *rule, gint value) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->offset = value; rule->last_added_content->offset_set = TRUE; } } /* Set the depth property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_depth(Rule_t *rule, guint value) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->depth = value; } } /* Set the distance property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_distance(Rule_t *rule, gint value) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->distance = value; rule->last_added_content->distance_set = TRUE; } } /* Set the distance property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_within(Rule_t *rule, guint value) { if (rule->last_added_content) { /* Assuming won't be 0... */ rule->last_added_content->within = value; } } /* Set the fastpattern property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_fast_pattern(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->fastpattern = TRUE; } } /* Set the rawbytes property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_rawbytes(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->rawbytes = TRUE; } } /* Set the http_method property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_http_method(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->http_method = TRUE; } } /* Set the http_client property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_http_client_body(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->http_client_body = TRUE; } } /* Set the http_cookie property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_http_cookie(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->http_cookie = TRUE; } } /* Set the http_UserAgent property of a content field */ static void rule_set_content_http_user_agent(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content) { rule->last_added_content->http_user_agent = TRUE; } } /* Add a uricontent field to the rule */ static gboolean rule_add_uricontent(Rule_t *rule, const char *uricontent_string, gboolean negated) { if (rule_add_content(rule, uricontent_string, negated)) { rule->last_added_content->content_type = UriContent; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* This content field now becomes a uricontent after seeing modifier */ static void rule_set_http_uri(Rule_t *rule) { if (rule->last_added_content != NULL) { rule->last_added_content->content_type = UriContent; } } /* Add a pcre field to the rule */ static gboolean rule_add_pcre(Rule_t *rule, const char *pcre_string) { if (rule_add_content(rule, pcre_string, FALSE)) { rule->last_added_content->content_type = Pcre; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Set the rule's classtype field */ static gboolean rule_set_classtype(Rule_t *rule, const char *classtype) { rule->classtype = g_strdup(classtype); return TRUE; } /* Add a reference string to the rule */ static void rule_add_reference(Rule_t *rule, const char *reference_string) { if (rule->number_references < MAX_REFERENCE_ENTRIES) { rule->references[rule->number_references++] = g_strdup(reference_string); } } /* Check to see if the ip 'field' corresponds to an entry in the ipvar dictionary. * If it is add entry to rule */ static void rule_check_ip_vars(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, Rule_t *rule, char *field) { gpointer original_key = NULL; gpointer value = NULL; /* Make sure field+1 not NULL. */ if (strlen(field) < 2) { return; } /* Make sure there is room for another entry */ if (rule->relevant_vars.num_ip_vars >= MAX_RULE_IP_VARS) { return; } /* TODO: a loop re-looking up the answer until its not just another ipvar! */ if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended(snort_config->ipvars, field+1, &original_key, &value)) { rule->relevant_vars.ip_vars[rule->relevant_vars.num_ip_vars].name = (char*)original_key; rule->relevant_vars.ip_vars[rule->relevant_vars.num_ip_vars].value = (char*)value; rule->relevant_vars.num_ip_vars++; } } /* Check to see if the port 'field' corresponds to an entry in the portvar dictionary. * If it is add entry to rule */ static void rule_check_port_vars(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, Rule_t *rule, char *field) { gpointer original_key = NULL; gpointer value = NULL; /* Make sure field+1 not NULL. */ if (strlen(field) < 2) { return; } /* Make sure there is room for another entry */ if (rule->relevant_vars.num_port_vars >= MAX_RULE_PORT_VARS) { return; } /* TODO: a loop re-looking up the answer until its not just another portvar! */ if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended(snort_config->portvars, field+1, &original_key, &value)) { rule->relevant_vars.port_vars[rule->relevant_vars.num_port_vars].name = (char*)original_key; rule->relevant_vars.port_vars[rule->relevant_vars.num_port_vars].value = (char*)value; rule->relevant_vars.num_port_vars++; } } /* Look over the IP addresses and ports, and work out which variables/values are being used */ void rule_set_relevant_vars(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, Rule_t *rule) { int length; int accumulated_length = 0; char *field; /* No need to do this twice */ if (rule->relevant_vars.relevant_vars_set) { return; } /* Walk tokens up to the options, and look up ones that are addresses or ports. */ /* Skip "alert" */ read_token(rule->rule_string+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); /* Skip protocol. */ read_token(rule->rule_string+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); /* Read source address */ field = read_token(rule->rule_string+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); rule_check_ip_vars(snort_config, rule, field); /* Read source port */ field = read_token(rule->rule_string+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); rule_check_port_vars(snort_config, rule, field); /* Read direction */ read_token(rule->rule_string+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); /* Dest address */ field = read_token(rule->rule_string+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); rule_check_ip_vars(snort_config, rule, field); /* Dest port */ field = read_token(rule->rule_string+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); rule_check_port_vars(snort_config, rule, field); /* Set flag so won't do again for this rule */ rule->relevant_vars.relevant_vars_set = TRUE; } typedef enum vartype_e { var, ipvar, portvar, unknownvar } vartype_e; /* Look for a "var", "ipvar" or "portvar" entry in this line */ static gboolean parse_variables_line(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, char *line) { vartype_e var_type = unknownvar; char * variable_type; char * variable_name; char * value; int length; int accumulated_length = 0; /* Get variable type */ variable_type = read_token(line, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); if (variable_type == NULL) { return FALSE; } if (strncmp(variable_type, "var", 3) == 0) { var_type = var; } else if (strncmp(variable_type, "ipvar", 5) == 0) { var_type = ipvar; } else if (strncmp(variable_type, "portvar", 7) == 0) { var_type = portvar; } else { return FALSE; } /* Get variable name */ variable_name = read_token(line+ accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, TRUE); if (variable_name == NULL) { return FALSE; } /* Now value */ value = read_token(line + accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, TRUE); if (value == NULL) { return FALSE; } /* Add (name->value) to table according to variable type. */ switch (var_type) { case var: if (strcmp(variable_name, "RULE_PATH") == 0) { /* This can be relative or absolute. */ snort_config->rule_path = value; snort_config->rule_path_is_absolute = g_path_is_absolute(value); snort_debug_printf("rule_path set to %s (is_absolute=%d)\n", snort_config->rule_path, snort_config->rule_path_is_absolute); } g_hash_table_insert(snort_config->vars, variable_name, value); break; case ipvar: g_hash_table_insert(snort_config->ipvars, variable_name, value); break; case portvar: g_hash_table_insert(snort_config->portvars, variable_name, value); break; default: return FALSE; } return FALSE; } /* Hash function for where key is a string. Just add up the value of each character and return that.. */ static guint string_hash(gconstpointer key) { guint total=0, n=0; const char *key_string = (const char *)key; char c = key_string[n]; while (c != '\0') { total += (int)c; c = key_string[++n]; } return total; } /* Comparison function for where key is a string. Simple comparison using strcmp() */ static gboolean string_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const char *stringa = (const char*)a; const char *stringb = (const char*)b; return (strcmp(stringa, stringb) == 0); } /* Process a line that configures a reference line (invariably from 'reference.config') */ static gboolean parse_references_prefix_file_line(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, char *line) { char *source; char *prefix_name, *prefix_value; int length=0, accumulated_length=0; int n; if (strncmp(line, "config reference: ", 18) != 0) { return FALSE; } /* Read the prefix and value */ source = line+18; prefix_name = read_token(source, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, TRUE); /* Store all name chars in lower case. */ for (n=0; prefix_name[n] != '\0'; n++) { prefix_name[n] = g_ascii_tolower(prefix_name[n]); } prefix_value = read_token(source+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, TRUE); /* Add entry into table */ g_hash_table_insert(snort_config->references_prefixes, prefix_name, prefix_value); return FALSE; } /* Try to expand the reference using the prefixes stored in the config */ char *expand_reference(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, char *reference) { static char expanded_reference[512]; int length = (int)strlen(reference); int accumulated_length = 0; /* Extract up to ',', then substitute prefix! */ snort_debug_printf("expand_reference(%s)\n", reference); char *prefix = read_token(reference, ',', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); if (*prefix != '\0') { /* Convert to lowercase before lookup */ guint n; for (n=0; prefix[n] != '\0'; n++) { prefix[n] = g_ascii_tolower(prefix[n]); } /* Look up prefix in table. */ char *prefix_replacement; prefix_replacement = (char*)g_hash_table_lookup(snort_config->references_prefixes, prefix); /* Append prefix and remainder, and return!!!! */ if (prefix_replacement) { snprintf(expanded_reference, 512, "%s%s", prefix_replacement, reference+length+1); return expanded_reference; } else { /* Just return the original reference */ return reference; } } return "ERROR: Reference didn't contain prefix and ','!"; } /* The rule has been matched with an alert, so update global config stats */ void rule_set_alert(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, Rule_t *rule, guint *global_match_number, guint *rule_match_number) { snort_config->stat_alerts_detected++; *global_match_number = snort_config->stat_alerts_detected; if (rule != NULL) { *rule_match_number = ++rule->matches_seen; } } /* Delete an individual entry from a string table. */ static gboolean delete_string_entry(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data _U_) { char *key_string = (char*)key; char *value_string = (char*)value; g_free(key_string); g_free(value_string); return TRUE; } /* See if this is an include line, if it is open the file and call parse_config_file() */ static gboolean parse_include_file(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, char *line, const char *config_directory, int recursion_level) { int length; int accumulated_length = 0; char *include_filename; /* Look for "include " */ char *include_token = read_token(line, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); if (strlen(include_token) == 0) { return FALSE; } if (strncmp(include_token, "include", 7) != 0) { return FALSE; } /* Read the filename */ include_filename = read_token(line+accumulated_length, ' ', &length, &accumulated_length, FALSE); if (*include_filename != '\0') { FILE *new_config_fd; char *substituted_filename; gboolean is_rule_file = FALSE; /* May need to substitute variables into include path. */ if (strncmp(include_filename, "$RULE_PATH", 10) == 0) { /* Write rule path variable value */ /* Don't assume $RULE_PATH will end in a file separator */ if (snort_config->rule_path_is_absolute) { /* Rule path is absolute, so it can go at start */ substituted_filename = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, snort_config->rule_path, include_filename + 11, NULL); } else { /* Rule path is relative to config directory, so it goes first */ substituted_filename = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, config_directory, snort_config->rule_path, include_filename + 11, NULL); } is_rule_file = TRUE; } else { /* No $RULE_PATH, just use directory and filename */ /* But may not even need directory if included_folder is absolute! */ if (!g_path_is_absolute(include_filename)) { substituted_filename = g_build_path(G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, config_directory, include_filename, NULL); } else { substituted_filename = g_strdup(include_filename); } } /* Try to open the file. */ new_config_fd = ws_fopen(substituted_filename, "r"); if (new_config_fd == NULL) { snort_debug_printf("Failed to open config file %s\n", substituted_filename); report_failure("Snort dissector: Failed to open config file %s\n", substituted_filename); g_free(substituted_filename); return FALSE; } /* Parse the file */ if (is_rule_file) { snort_config->stat_rules_files++; } parse_config_file(snort_config, new_config_fd, substituted_filename, config_directory, recursion_level + 1); g_free(substituted_filename); /* Close the file */ fclose(new_config_fd); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Process an individual option - i.e. the elements found between '(' and ')' */ static void process_rule_option(Rule_t *rule, char *options, int option_start_offset, int options_end_offset, int colon_offset) { static char name[1024], value[1024]; name[0] = '\0'; value[0] = '\0'; gint value_length = 0; guint32 value32 = 0; gint spaces_after_colon = 0; if (colon_offset != 0) { /* Name and value */ (void) g_strlcpy(name, options+option_start_offset, colon_offset-option_start_offset); if (options[colon_offset] == ' ') { spaces_after_colon = 1; } (void) g_strlcpy(value, options+colon_offset+spaces_after_colon, options_end_offset-spaces_after_colon-colon_offset); value_length = (gint)strlen(value); } else { /* Just name */ (void) g_strlcpy(name, options+option_start_offset, options_end_offset-option_start_offset); } /* Some rule options expect a number, parse it now. Note that any space * after the value will currently result in the number being ignored. */ ws_strtoi32(value, NULL, &value32); /* Think this is space at end of all options - don't compare with option names */ if (name[0] == '\0') { return; } /* Process the rule options that we are interested in */ if (strcmp(name, "msg") == 0) { rule->msg = g_strdup(value); } else if (strcmp(name, "sid") == 0) { rule->sid = value32; } else if (strcmp(name, "rev") == 0) { rule->rev = value32; } else if (strcmp(name, "content") == 0) { int value_start = 0; if (value_length < 3) { return; } /* Need to trim off " ", but first check for ! */ if (value[0] == '!') { value_start = 1; if (value_length < 4) { /* i.e. also need quotes + at least one character */ return; } } value[options_end_offset-colon_offset-spaces_after_colon-2] = '\0'; rule_add_content(rule, value+value_start+1, value_start == 1); } else if (strcmp(name, "uricontent") == 0) { int value_start = 0; if (value_length < 3) { return; } /* Need to trim off " ", but first check for ! */ if (value[0] == '!') { value_start = 1; if (value_length < 4) { return; } } value[options_end_offset-colon_offset-spaces_after_colon-2] = '\0'; rule_add_uricontent(rule, value+value_start+1, value_start == 1); } else if (strcmp(name, "http_uri") == 0) { rule_set_http_uri(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "pcre") == 0) { int value_start = 0; /* Need at least opening and closing / */ if (value_length < 3) { return; } /* Not expecting negation (!)... */ value[options_end_offset-colon_offset-spaces_after_colon-2] = '\0'; rule_add_pcre(rule, value+value_start+1); } else if (strcmp(name, "nocase") == 0) { rule_set_content_nocase(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "offset") == 0) { rule_set_content_offset(rule, value32); } else if (strcmp(name, "depth") == 0) { rule_set_content_depth(rule, value32); } else if (strcmp(name, "within") == 0) { rule_set_content_within(rule, value32); } else if (strcmp(name, "distance") == 0) { rule_set_content_distance(rule, value32); } else if (strcmp(name, "fast_pattern") == 0) { rule_set_content_fast_pattern(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "http_method") == 0) { rule_set_content_http_method(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "http_client_body") == 0) { rule_set_content_http_client_body(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "http_cookie") == 0) { rule_set_content_http_cookie(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "http_user_agent") == 0) { rule_set_content_http_user_agent(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "rawbytes") == 0) { rule_set_content_rawbytes(rule); } else if (strcmp(name, "classtype") == 0) { rule_set_classtype(rule, value); } else if (strcmp(name, "reference") == 0) { rule_add_reference(rule, value); } else { /* Ignore an option we don't currently handle */ } } /* Parse a Snort alert, return TRUE if successful */ static gboolean parse_rule(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, char *line, const char *filename, int line_number, int line_length) { char *options_start; char *options; gboolean in_quotes = FALSE; int options_start_index = 0, options_index = 0, colon_offset = 0; char c; int length = 0; /* CID 1398227 (bogus - read_token() always sets it) */ Rule_t *rule = NULL; /* Rule will begin with alert */ if (strncmp(line, "alert ", 6) != 0) { return FALSE; } /* Allocate the rule itself */ rule = g_new(Rule_t, 1); snort_debug_printf("looks like a rule: %s\n", line); memset(rule, 0, sizeof(Rule_t)); rule->rule_string = g_strdup(line); rule->file = g_strdup(filename); rule->line_number = line_number; /* Next token is the protocol */ rule->protocol = read_token(line+6, ' ', &length, &length, TRUE); /* Find start of options. */ options_start = strstr(line, "("); if (options_start == NULL) { snort_debug_printf("start of options not found\n"); g_free(rule); return FALSE; } options_index = (int)(options_start-line) + 1; /* To make parsing simpler, replace final ')' with ';' */ if (line[line_length-1] != ')') { g_free(rule); return FALSE; } else { line[line_length-1] = ';'; } /* Skip any spaces before next option */ while (line[options_index] == ' ') options_index++; /* Now look for next ';', process one option at a time */ options = &line[options_index]; options_index = 0; while ((c = options[options_index++])) { /* Keep track of whether inside quotes */ if (c == '"') { in_quotes = !in_quotes; } /* Ignore ';' while inside quotes */ if (!in_quotes) { if (c == ':') { colon_offset = options_index; } if (c == ';') { /* End of current option - add to rule. */ process_rule_option(rule, options, options_start_index, options_index, colon_offset); /* Skip any spaces before next option */ while (options[options_index] == ' ') options_index++; /* Next rule will start here */ options_start_index = options_index; colon_offset = 0; in_quotes = FALSE; } } } /* Add rule to map of rules. */ g_hash_table_insert(snort_config->rules, GUINT_TO_POINTER((guint)rule->sid), rule); snort_debug_printf("Snort rule with SID=%u added to table\n", rule->sid); return TRUE; } /* Delete an individual rule */ static gboolean delete_rule(gpointer key _U_, gpointer value, gpointer user_data _U_) { Rule_t *rule = (Rule_t*)value; unsigned int n; /* Delete strings on heap. */ g_free(rule->rule_string); g_free(rule->file); g_free(rule->msg); g_free(rule->classtype); g_free(rule->protocol); for (n=0; n < rule->number_contents; n++) { g_free(rule->contents[n].str); g_free(rule->contents[n].translated_str); } for (n=0; n < rule->number_references; n++) { g_free(rule->references[n]); } snort_debug_printf("Freeing rule at :%p\n", rule); g_free(rule); return TRUE; } /* Parse this file, adding details to snort_config. */ /* N.B. using recursion_level to limit stack depth. */ #define MAX_CONFIG_FILE_RECURSE_DEPTH 8 static void parse_config_file(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, FILE *config_file_fd, const char *filename, const char *dirname, int recursion_level) { #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 4096 char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; int line_number = 0; snort_debug_printf("parse_config_file(filename=%s, recursion_level=%d)\n", filename, recursion_level); if (recursion_level > MAX_CONFIG_FILE_RECURSE_DEPTH) { return; } /* Read each line of the file in turn, and see if we want any info from it. */ while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, config_file_fd)) { int line_length; ++line_number; /* Nothing interesting to parse */ if ((line[0] == '\0') || (line[0] == '#')) { continue; } /* Trim newline from end */ line_length = (int)strlen(line); while (line_length && ((line[line_length - 1] == '\n') || (line[line_length - 1] == '\r'))) { --line_length; } line[line_length] = '\0'; if (line_length == 0) { continue; } /* Offer line to the various parsing functions. Could optimise order.. */ if (parse_variables_line(snort_config, line)) { continue; } if (parse_references_prefix_file_line(snort_config, line)) { continue; } if (parse_include_file(snort_config, line, dirname, recursion_level)) { continue; } if (parse_rule(snort_config, line, filename, line_number, line_length)) { snort_config->stat_rules++; continue; } } } /* Create the global ConfigParser */ void create_config(SnortConfig_t **snort_config, const char *snort_config_file) { gchar* dirname; gchar* basename; FILE *config_file_fd; snort_debug_printf("create_config (%s)\n", snort_config_file); *snort_config = g_new(SnortConfig_t, 1); memset(*snort_config, 0, sizeof(SnortConfig_t)); /* Create rule table */ (*snort_config)->rules = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); /* Create reference prefix table */ (*snort_config)->references_prefixes = g_hash_table_new(string_hash, string_equal); /* Vars tables */ (*snort_config)->vars = g_hash_table_new(string_hash, string_equal); (*snort_config)->ipvars = g_hash_table_new(string_hash, string_equal); (*snort_config)->portvars = g_hash_table_new(string_hash, string_equal); /* Extract separate directory and filename. */ dirname = g_path_get_dirname(snort_config_file); basename = g_path_get_basename(snort_config_file); /* Attempt to open the config file */ config_file_fd = ws_fopen(snort_config_file, "r"); if (config_file_fd == NULL) { snort_debug_printf("Failed to open config file %s\n", snort_config_file); report_failure("Snort dissector: Failed to open config file %s\n", snort_config_file); } else { /* Start parsing from the top-level config file. */ parse_config_file(*snort_config, config_file_fd, snort_config_file, dirname, 1 /* recursion level */); fclose(config_file_fd); } g_free(dirname); g_free(basename); } /* Delete the entire config */ void delete_config(SnortConfig_t **snort_config) { snort_debug_printf("delete_config()\n"); /* Iterate over all rules, freeing each one! */ g_hash_table_foreach_remove((*snort_config)->rules, delete_rule, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy((*snort_config)->rules); /* References table */ g_hash_table_foreach_remove((*snort_config)->references_prefixes, delete_string_entry, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy((*snort_config)->references_prefixes); /* Free up variable tables */ g_hash_table_foreach_remove((*snort_config)->vars, delete_string_entry, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy((*snort_config)->vars); g_hash_table_foreach_remove((*snort_config)->ipvars, delete_string_entry, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy((*snort_config)->ipvars); g_hash_table_foreach_remove((*snort_config)->portvars, delete_string_entry, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy((*snort_config)->portvars); g_free(*snort_config); *snort_config = NULL; } /* Look for a rule corresponding to the given SID */ Rule_t *get_rule(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, guint32 sid) { if ((snort_config == NULL) || (snort_config->rules == NULL)) { return NULL; } else { return (Rule_t*)g_hash_table_lookup(snort_config->rules, GUINT_TO_POINTER(sid)); } } /* Fetch some statistics. */ void get_global_rule_stats(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, unsigned int sid, unsigned int *number_rules_files, unsigned int *number_rules, unsigned int *alerts_detected, unsigned int *this_rule_alerts_detected) { *number_rules_files = snort_config->stat_rules_files; *number_rules = snort_config->stat_rules; *alerts_detected = snort_config->stat_alerts_detected; Rule_t *rule; /* Look up rule and get current/total matches */ rule = get_rule(snort_config, sid); if (rule) { *this_rule_alerts_detected = rule->matches_seen; } else { *this_rule_alerts_detected = 0; } } /* Reset stats on individual rule */ static void reset_rule_stats(gpointer key _U_, gpointer value, gpointer user_data _U_) { Rule_t *rule = (Rule_t*)value; rule->matches_seen = 0; } /* Reset stats on all rules */ void reset_global_rule_stats(SnortConfig_t *snort_config) { /* Reset global stats */ if (snort_config == NULL) { return; } snort_config->stat_alerts_detected = 0; /* Iterate over all rules, resetting the stats of each */ g_hash_table_foreach(snort_config->rules, reset_rule_stats, NULL); } /*************************************************************************************/ /* Dealing with content fields and trying to find where it matches within the packet */ /* Parse content strings to interpret binary and escaped characters. Do this */ /* so we can look for in frame using memcmp(). */ static unsigned char content_get_nibble_value(char c) { static unsigned char values[256]; static gboolean values_set = FALSE; if (!values_set) { /* Set table once and for all */ unsigned char ch; for (ch='a'; ch <= 'f'; ch++) { values[ch] = 0xa + (ch-'a'); } for (ch='A'; ch <= 'F'; ch++) { values[ch] = 0xa + (ch-'A'); } for (ch='0'; ch <= '9'; ch++) { values[ch] = (ch-'0'); } values_set = TRUE; } return values[(unsigned char)c]; } /* Go through string, converting hex digits into guint8, and removing escape characters. */ guint content_convert_to_binary(content_t *content) { int output_idx = 0; gboolean in_binary_mode = FALSE; /* Are we in a binary region of the string? */ gboolean have_one_nibble = FALSE; /* Do we have the first nibble of the pair needed to make a byte? */ unsigned char one_nibble = 0; /* Value of first nibble if we have it */ char c; int n; gboolean have_backslash = FALSE; static gchar binary_str[1024]; /* Just return length if have previously translated in binary string. */ if (content->translated) { return content->translated_length; } /* Walk over each character, work out what needs to be written into output */ for (n=0; content->str[n] != '\0'; n++) { c = content->str[n]; if (c == '|') { /* Flip binary mode */ in_binary_mode = !in_binary_mode; continue; } if (!in_binary_mode) { /* Not binary mode. Copying characters into output buffer, but watching out for escaped chars. */ if (!have_backslash) { if (c == '\\') { /* Just note that we have a backslash */ have_backslash = TRUE; continue; } else { /* Just copy the character straight into output. */ binary_str[output_idx++] = (unsigned char)c; } } else { /* Currently have a backslash. Reset flag. */ have_backslash = 0; /* Just copy the character into output. Really, the only characters that should be escaped are ';' and '\' and '"' */ binary_str[output_idx++] = (unsigned char)c; } } else { /* Binary mode. Handle pairs of hex digits and translate into guint8 */ if (c == ' ') { /* Ignoring inside binary mode */ continue; } else { unsigned char nibble = content_get_nibble_value(c); if (!have_one_nibble) { /* Store first nibble of a pair */ one_nibble = nibble; have_one_nibble = TRUE; } else { /* Combine both nibbles into a byte */ binary_str[output_idx++] = (one_nibble << 4) + nibble; /* Reset flag - looking for new pair of nibbles */ have_one_nibble = FALSE; } } } } /* Store result for next time. */ content->translated_str = (guchar*)g_malloc(output_idx+1); memcpy(content->translated_str, binary_str, output_idx+1); content->translated = TRUE; content->translated_length = output_idx; return output_idx; } /* In order to use glib's regex library, need to trim '/' delimiters and any modifiers from the end of the string */ gboolean content_convert_pcre_for_regex(content_t *content) { guint pcre_length, i, end_delimiter_offset = 0; /* Return if already converted */ if (content->translated_str) { return TRUE; } pcre_length = (guint)strlen(content->str); /* Start with content->str */ if (pcre_length < 3) { /* Can't be valid. Expect /regex/[modifiers] */ return FALSE; } if (pcre_length >= 512) { /* Have seen regex library crash on very long expressions * (830 bytes) as seen in SID=2019326, REV=6 */ return FALSE; } /* Verify that string starts with / */ if (content->str[0] != '/') { return FALSE; } /* Next, look for closing / near end of string */ for (i=pcre_length-1; i > 2; i--) { if (content->str[i] == '/') { end_delimiter_offset = i; break; } else { switch (content->str[i]) { case 'i': content->pcre_case_insensitive = TRUE; break; case 's': content->pcre_dot_includes_newline = TRUE; break; case 'B': content->pcre_raw = TRUE; break; case 'm': content->pcre_multiline = TRUE; break; default: /* TODO: handle other modifiers that will get seen? */ /* N.B. 'U' (match in decoded URI buffers) can't be handled, so don't store in flag. */ /* N.B. not sure if/how to handle 'R' (effectively distance:0) */ snort_debug_printf("Unhandled pcre modifier '%c'\n", content->str[i]); break; } } } if (end_delimiter_offset == 0) { /* Didn't find it */ return FALSE; } /* Store result for next time. */ content->translated_str = (guchar*)g_malloc(end_delimiter_offset); memcpy(content->translated_str, content->str+1, end_delimiter_offset - 1); content->translated_str[end_delimiter_offset-1] = '\0'; content->translated = TRUE; content->translated_length = end_delimiter_offset - 1; return TRUE; } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */