/* packet-snort.c * * Copyright 2011, Jakub Zawadzki * Copyright 2016, Martin Mathieson * * Google Summer of Code 2011 for The Honeynet Project * Mentors: * Guillaume Arcas * Jeff Nathan * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* TODO: * - sort out threading/channel-sync so works reliably in tshark * - postponed for now, as Qt crashes if call g_main_context_iteration() * at an inopportune time * - have looked into writing a tap that could provide an interface for error messages/events and snort stats, * but not easy as taps are not usually listening when alerts are detected * - for a content/pcre match, find all protocol fields that cover same bytes and show in tree * - other use-cases as suggested in https://sharkfesteurope.wireshark.org/assets/presentations16eu/14.pptx */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "packet-snort-config.h" /* Forward declarations */ void proto_register_snort(void); void proto_reg_handoff_snort(void); static int proto_snort; /* These are from parsing snort fast_alert output and/or looking up snort config */ static int hf_snort_raw_alert; static int hf_snort_classification; static int hf_snort_rule; static int hf_snort_msg; static int hf_snort_rev; static int hf_snort_sid; static int hf_snort_generator; static int hf_snort_priority; static int hf_snort_rule_string; static int hf_snort_rule_protocol; static int hf_snort_rule_filename; static int hf_snort_rule_line_number; static int hf_snort_rule_ip_var; static int hf_snort_rule_port_var; static int hf_snort_reassembled_in; static int hf_snort_reassembled_from; /* Patterns to match */ static int hf_snort_content; static int hf_snort_uricontent; static int hf_snort_pcre; /* Web links */ static int hf_snort_reference; /* General stats about the rule set */ static int hf_snort_global_stats; static int hf_snort_global_stats_rule_file_count; /* number of rules files */ static int hf_snort_global_stats_rule_count; /* number of rules in config */ static int hf_snort_global_stats_total_alerts_count; static int hf_snort_global_stats_alert_match_number; static int hf_snort_global_stats_rule_alerts_count; static int hf_snort_global_stats_rule_match_number; /* Subtrees */ static int ett_snort; static int ett_snort_rule; static int ett_snort_global_stats; /* Expert info */ static expert_field ei_snort_alert; static expert_field ei_snort_content_not_matched; static dissector_handle_t snort_handle; /*****************************************/ /* Preferences */ /* Where to look for alerts. */ enum alerts_source { FromNowhere, /* disabled */ FromRunningSnort, FromUserComments /* see https://blog.packet-foo.com/2015/08/verifying-iocs-with-snort-and-tracewrangler/ */ }; /* By default, dissector is effectively disabled */ static int pref_snort_alerts_source = (int)FromNowhere; /* Snort binary and config file */ #ifndef _WIN32 static const char *pref_snort_binary_filename = "/usr/sbin/snort"; static const char *pref_snort_config_filename = "/etc/snort/snort.conf"; #else /* Default locations from Snort Windows installer */ static const char *pref_snort_binary_filename = "C:\\Snort\\bin\\snort.exe"; static const char *pref_snort_config_filename = "C:\\Snort\\etc\\snort.conf"; #endif /* Should rule stats be shown in protocol tree? */ static bool snort_show_rule_stats; /* Should alerts be added as expert info? */ static bool snort_show_alert_expert_info; /* Should we try to attach the alert to the tcp.reassembled_in frame instead of current one? */ static bool snort_alert_in_reassembled_frame; /* Should Snort ignore checksum errors (as will likely be seen because of check offloading or * possibly if trying to capture live in a container)? */ static bool snort_ignore_checksum_errors = true; /********************************************************/ /* Global variable with single parsed snort config */ static SnortConfig_t *g_snort_config; /******************************************************/ /* This is to keep track of the running Snort process */ typedef struct { bool running; bool working; GPid pid; int in, out, err; /* fds for talking to snort process */ GString *buf; /* Incomplete alert output that has been read */ wtap_dumper *pdh; /* wiretap dumper used to deliver packets to 'in' */ GIOChannel *channel; /* IO channel used for readimg stdout (alerts) */ wmem_tree_t *alerts_tree; /* Lookup from frame-number -> Alerts_t* */ } snort_session_t; /* Global instance of the snort session */ static snort_session_t current_session; static bool snort_config_ok = true; /* N.B. Not running test at the moment... */ /*************************************************/ /* An alert. Created by parsing alert from snort, hopefully with more details linked from matched_rule. */ typedef struct Alert_t { /* Rule */ uint32_t sid; /* Rule identifier */ uint32_t rev; /* Revision number of rule */ uint32_t gen; /* Which engine generated alert (not often interesting) */ int prio; /* Priority as reported in alert (not usually interesting) */ char *raw_alert; /* The whole alert string as reported by snort */ bool raw_alert_ts_fixed; /* Set when correct timestamp is restored before displaying */ char *msg; /* Rule msg/description as it appears in the alert */ char *classification; /* Classification type of rule */ Rule_t *matched_rule; /* Link to corresponding rule from snort config */ uint32_t original_frame; uint32_t reassembled_frame; /* Stats for this alert among the capture file. */ unsigned int overall_match_number; unsigned int rule_match_number; } Alert_t; /* Can have multiple alerts fire on same frame, so define this container */ typedef struct Alerts_t { /* N.B. Snort limit appears to be 6 (at least with default config..) */ #define MAX_ALERTS_PER_FRAME 8 Alert_t alerts[MAX_ALERTS_PER_FRAME]; unsigned num_alerts; } Alerts_t; /* Add an alert to the map stored in current_session. * N.B. even if preference 'snort_alert_in_reassembled_frame' is set, * need to set to original frame now, and try to update it in the 2nd pass... */ static void add_alert_to_session_tree(unsigned frame_number, Alert_t *alert) { /* First look up tree to see if there is an existing entry */ Alerts_t *alerts = (Alerts_t*)wmem_tree_lookup32(current_session.alerts_tree, frame_number); if (alerts == NULL) { /* Create a new entry for the table */ alerts = g_new(Alerts_t, 1); /* Deep copy of alert */ alerts->alerts[0] = *alert; alerts->num_alerts = 1; wmem_tree_insert32(current_session.alerts_tree, frame_number, alerts); } else { /* See if there is room in the existing Alerts_t struct for this frame */ if (alerts->num_alerts < MAX_ALERTS_PER_FRAME) { /* Deep copy of alert */ alerts->alerts[alerts->num_alerts++] = *alert; } } } /******************************************************************/ /* Given an alert struct, look up by Snort ID (sid) and try to fill in other details to display. */ static void fill_alert_config(SnortConfig_t *snort_config, Alert_t *alert) { unsigned global_match_number=0, rule_match_number=0; /* Look up rule by sid */ alert->matched_rule = get_rule(snort_config, alert->sid); /* Classtype usually filled in from alert rather than rule, but missing for supsported comment format. */ if (pref_snort_alerts_source == FromUserComments) { alert->classification = g_strdup(alert->matched_rule->classtype); } /* Inform the config/rule about the alert */ rule_set_alert(snort_config, alert->matched_rule, &global_match_number, &rule_match_number); /* Copy updated counts into the alert */ alert->overall_match_number = global_match_number; alert->rule_match_number = rule_match_number; } /* Helper functions for matching expected bytes against the packet buffer. Case-sensitive comparison - can just memcmp(). Case-insensitive comparison - need to look at each byte and compare uppercase version */ static bool content_compare_case_sensitive(const uint8_t* memory, const char* target, unsigned length) { return (memcmp(memory, target, length) == 0); } static bool content_compare_case_insensitive(const uint8_t* memory, const char* target, unsigned length) { for (unsigned n=0; n < length; n++) { if (g_ascii_isalpha(target[n])) { if (g_ascii_toupper(memory[n]) != g_ascii_toupper(target[n])) { return false; } } else { if ((uint8_t)memory[n] != (uint8_t)target[n]) { return false; } } } return true; } /* Move through the bytes of the tvbuff, looking for a match against the * regexp from the given content. */ static bool look_for_pcre(content_t *content, tvbuff_t *tvb, unsigned start_offset, unsigned *match_offset, unsigned *match_length) { /* Create a regex object for the pcre in the content. */ GRegex *regex; GMatchInfo *match_info; bool match_found = false; GRegexCompileFlags regex_compile_flags = (GRegexCompileFlags)0; /* Make sure pcre string is ready for regex library. */ if (!content_convert_pcre_for_regex(content)) { return false; } /* Copy remaining bytes into NULL-terminated string. Unfortunately, this interface does't allow us to find patterns that involve bytes with value 0.. */ int length_remaining = tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, start_offset); char *string = (char*)g_malloc(length_remaining + 1); tvb_memcpy(tvb, (void*)string, start_offset, length_remaining); string[length_remaining] = '\0'; /* For pcre, translated_str already has / /[modifiers] removed.. */ /* Apply any set modifier flags */ if (content->pcre_case_insensitive) { regex_compile_flags = (GRegexCompileFlags)(regex_compile_flags | G_REGEX_CASELESS); } if (content->pcre_dot_includes_newline) { regex_compile_flags = (GRegexCompileFlags)(regex_compile_flags | G_REGEX_DOTALL); } if (content->pcre_raw) { regex_compile_flags = (GRegexCompileFlags)(regex_compile_flags | G_REGEX_RAW); } if (content->pcre_multiline) { regex_compile_flags = (GRegexCompileFlags)(regex_compile_flags | G_REGEX_MULTILINE); } /* Create regex */ regex = g_regex_new(content->translated_str, regex_compile_flags, (GRegexMatchFlags)0, NULL); /* Lookup PCRE match */ g_regex_match(regex, string, (GRegexMatchFlags)0, &match_info); /* Only first match needed */ /* TODO: need to restart at any NULL before the final end? */ if (g_match_info_matches(match_info)) { int start_pos, end_pos; /* Find out where the match is */ g_match_info_fetch_pos(match_info, 0, /* match_num */ &start_pos, &end_pos); *match_offset = start_offset + start_pos; *match_length = end_pos - start_pos; match_found = true; } g_match_info_free(match_info); g_regex_unref(regex); g_free(string); return match_found; } /* Move through the bytes of the tvbuff, looking for a match against the expanded binary contents of this content object. */ static bool look_for_content(content_t *content, tvbuff_t *tvb, unsigned start_offset, unsigned *match_offset, unsigned *match_length) { int tvb_len = tvb_captured_length(tvb); /* Make sure content has been translated into binary string. */ unsigned converted_content_length = content_convert_to_binary(content); /* Look for a match at each position. */ for (unsigned m=start_offset; m <= (tvb_len-converted_content_length); m++) { const uint8_t *ptr = tvb_get_ptr(tvb, m, converted_content_length); if (content->nocase) { if (content_compare_case_insensitive(ptr, content->translated_str, content->translated_length)) { *match_offset = m; *match_length = content->translated_length; return true; } } else { if (content_compare_case_sensitive(ptr, content->translated_str, content->translated_length)) { *match_offset = m; *match_length = content->translated_length; return true; } } } return false; } /* Look for where the content match happens within the tvb. * Set out parameters match_offset and match_length */ static bool get_content_match(Alert_t *alert, unsigned content_idx, tvbuff_t *tvb, unsigned content_start_match, unsigned *match_offset, unsigned *match_length) { content_t *content; Rule_t *rule = alert->matched_rule; /* Can't match if don't know rule */ if (rule == NULL) { return false; } /* Get content object. */ content = &(rule->contents[content_idx]); /* Look for content match in the packet */ if (content->content_type == Pcre) { return look_for_pcre(content, tvb, content_start_match, match_offset, match_length); } else { return look_for_content(content, tvb, content_start_match, match_offset, match_length); } } /* Gets called when snort process has died */ static void snort_reaper(GPid pid, int status _U_, void *data) { snort_session_t *session = (snort_session_t *)data; if (session->running && session->pid == pid) { session->working = session->running = false; /* XXX, cleanup */ } else { g_print("Errrrmm snort_reaper() %"PRIdMAX" != %"PRIdMAX"\n", (intmax_t)session->pid, (intmax_t)pid); } /* Close the snort pid (may only make a difference on Windows?) */ g_spawn_close_pid(pid); } /* Parse timestamp line of output. This is done in part to get the packet_number back out of usec field... * Return value is the input stream moved onto the next field following the timestamp */ static const char* snort_parse_ts(const char *ts, uint32_t *frame_number) { struct tm tm; unsigned int usec; /* Timestamp */ memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_isdst = -1; if (sscanf(ts, "%02d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d.%06u ", &(tm.tm_mon), &(tm.tm_mday), &(tm.tm_year), &(tm.tm_hour), &(tm.tm_min), &(tm.tm_sec), &usec) != 7) { return NULL; } tm.tm_mon -= 1; tm.tm_year += 100; /* Store frame number (which was passed into this position when packet was submitted to snort) */ *frame_number = usec; return strchr(ts, ' '); } /* Parse a fast output alert string */ static bool snort_parse_fast_line(const char *line, Alert_t *alert) { static const char stars[] = " [**] "; static const char classification[] = "[Classification: "; static const char priority[] = "[Priority: "; const char *tmp_msg; /* Look for timestamp/frame-number */ if (!(line = snort_parse_ts(line, &(alert->original_frame)))) { return false; } /* [**] */ if (!g_str_has_prefix(line+1, stars)) { return false; } line += sizeof(stars); /* [%u:%u:%u] */ if (sscanf(line, "[%u:%u:%u] ", &(alert->gen), &(alert->sid), &(alert->rev)) != 3) { return false; } if (!(line = strchr(line, ' '))) { return false; } /* [**] again */ tmp_msg = line+1; if (!(line = strstr(line, stars))) { return false; } /* msg */ alert->msg = g_strndup(tmp_msg, line - tmp_msg); line += (sizeof(stars)-1); /* [Classification: Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain] [Priority: 10] */ if (g_str_has_prefix(line, classification)) { /* [Classification: %s] */ char *tmp; line += (sizeof(classification)-1); if (!(tmp = (char*)strstr(line, "] [Priority: "))) { return false; } /* assume "] [Priority: " is not inside classification text :) */ alert->classification = g_strndup(line, tmp - line); line = tmp+2; } else alert->classification = NULL; /* Optimized: if al->classification we already checked this in strstr() above */ if (alert->classification || g_str_has_prefix(line, priority)) { /* [Priority: %d] */ line += (sizeof(priority)-1); if ((sscanf(line, "%d", &(alert->prio))) != 1) { return false; } if (!strstr(line, "] ")) { return false; } } else { alert->prio = -1; /* XXX */ } return true; } /** * snort_parse_user_comment() * * Parse line as written by TraceWrangler * e.g. "1:2011768:4 - ET WEB_SERVER PHP tags in HTTP POST" */ static bool snort_parse_user_comment(const char *line, Alert_t *alert) { /* %u:%u:%u */ if (sscanf(line, "%u:%u:%u", &(alert->gen), &(alert->sid), &(alert->rev)) != 3) { return false; } /* Skip separator between numbers and msg */ if (!(line = strstr(line, " - "))) { return false; } /* Copy to be consistent with other use of Alert_t */ alert->msg = g_strdup(line); /* No need to set other fields as assume zero'd out before this call.. */ return true; } /* Output data has been received from snort. Read from channel and look for whole alerts. */ static gboolean snort_fast_output(GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition condition, void *data) { snort_session_t *session = (snort_session_t *)data; /* Loop here until all available input read */ while (condition & G_IO_IN) { GIOStatus status; char _buf[1024]; size_t len = 0; char *old_buf = NULL; char *buf = _buf; char *line; /* Try to read snort output info _buf */ status = g_io_channel_read_chars(source, _buf, sizeof(_buf)-1, &len, NULL); if (status != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) { if (status == G_IO_STATUS_AGAIN) { /* Blocked, so unset G_IO_IN and get out of this function */ condition = (GIOCondition)(condition & ~G_IO_IN); break; } /* Other conditions here could be G_IO_STATUS_ERROR, G_IO_STATUS_EOF */ return FALSE; } /* Terminate buffer */ buf[len] = '\0'; /* If we previously had part of a line, append the new bit we just saw */ if (session->buf) { g_string_append(session->buf, buf); buf = old_buf = g_string_free(session->buf, false); session->buf = NULL; } /* Extract every complete line we find in the output */ while ((line = strchr(buf, '\n'))) { /* Have a whole line, so can parse */ Alert_t alert; memset(&alert, 0, sizeof(alert)); /* Terminate received line */ *line = '\0'; if (snort_parse_fast_line(buf, &alert)) { /*******************************************************/ /* We have an alert line. */ #if 0 g_print("%ld.%lu [%u,%u,%u] %s {%s} [%d]\n", alert.tv.tv_sec, alert.tv.tv_usec, alert.gen, alert.sid, alert.rev, alert.msg, alert.classification ? alert.classification : "(null)", alert.prio); #endif /* Copy the raw alert string itself */ alert.raw_alert = g_strdup(buf); /* See if we can get more info from the parsed config details */ fill_alert_config(g_snort_config, &alert); /* Add parsed alert into session->tree */ /* Store in tree. Frame number hidden in fraction of second field, so associate alert with that frame. */ add_alert_to_session_tree((unsigned)alert.original_frame, &alert); } else { g_print("snort_fast_output() line: '%s'\n", buf); } buf = line+1; } if (buf[0]) { /* Only had part of a line - store it */ /* N.B. typically happens maybe once every 5-6 alerts. */ session->buf = g_string_new(buf); } g_free(old_buf); } if ((condition == G_IO_ERR) || (condition == G_IO_HUP) || (condition == G_IO_NVAL)) { /* Will report errors (hung-up, or error) */ /* g_print("snort_fast_output() cond: (h:%d,e:%d,r:%d)\n", * !!(condition & G_IO_HUP), !!(condition & G_IO_ERR), condition); */ return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Return the offset in the frame where snort should begin looking inside payload. */ static unsigned get_protocol_payload_start(const char *protocol, proto_tree *tree) { unsigned value = 0; /* For icmp, look from start, whereas for others start after them. */ bool look_after_protocol = (strcmp(protocol, "icmp") != 0); if (tree != NULL) { GPtrArray *items = proto_all_finfos(tree); if (items) { unsigned i; for (i=0; i< items->len; i++) { field_info *field = (field_info *)g_ptr_array_index(items,i); if (strcmp(field->hfinfo->abbrev, protocol) == 0) { value = field->start; if (look_after_protocol) { value += field->length; } break; } } g_ptr_array_free(items,true); } } return value; } /* Return offset that application layer traffic will begin from. */ static unsigned get_content_start_match(Rule_t *rule, proto_tree *tree) { /* Work out where snort would start looking for data in the frame */ return get_protocol_payload_start(rule->protocol, tree); } /* Where this frame is later part of a reassembled complete PDU running over TCP, look up and return that frame number. */ static unsigned get_reassembled_in_frame(proto_tree *tree) { unsigned value = 0; if (tree != NULL) { GPtrArray *items = proto_all_finfos(tree); if (items) { unsigned i; for (i=0; i< items->len; i++) { field_info *field = (field_info *)g_ptr_array_index(items,i); if (strcmp(field->hfinfo->abbrev, "tcp.reassembled_in") == 0) { value = fvalue_get_uinteger(field->value); break; } } g_ptr_array_free(items,true); } } return value; } /* Show the Snort protocol tree based on the info in alert */ static void snort_show_alert(proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, Alert_t *alert) { proto_tree *snort_tree = NULL; unsigned n; proto_item *ti, *rule_ti; proto_tree *rule_tree; Rule_t *rule = alert->matched_rule; /* May need to move to reassembled frame to show there instead of here */ if (snort_alert_in_reassembled_frame && pinfo->fd->visited && (tree != NULL)) { unsigned reassembled_frame = get_reassembled_in_frame(tree); if (reassembled_frame && (reassembled_frame != pinfo->num)) { Alerts_t *alerts; /* Look up alerts for this frame */ alerts = (Alerts_t*)wmem_tree_lookup32(current_session.alerts_tree, pinfo->num); if (!alerts->alerts[0].reassembled_frame) { /* Update all alerts from this frame! */ for (n=0; n < alerts->num_alerts; n++) { /* Set forward/back frame numbers */ alerts->alerts[n].original_frame = pinfo->num; alerts->alerts[n].reassembled_frame = reassembled_frame; /* Add these alerts to reassembled frame */ add_alert_to_session_tree(reassembled_frame, &alerts->alerts[n]); } } } } /* Can only find start if we have the rule and know the protocol */ unsigned content_start_match = 0; unsigned payload_start = 0; if (rule) { payload_start = content_start_match = get_content_start_match(rule, tree); } /* Snort output arrived and was previously stored - so add to tree */ /* Take care not to try to highlight bytes that aren't there.. */ proto_item *alert_ti = proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, proto_snort, tvb, content_start_match >= tvb_captured_length(tvb) ? 0 : content_start_match, content_start_match >= tvb_captured_length(tvb) ? 0 : -1, "Snort: (msg: \"%s\" sid: %u rev: %u) [from %s]", alert->msg, alert->sid, alert->rev, (pref_snort_alerts_source == FromUserComments) ? "User Comment" : "Running Snort"); snort_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(alert_ti, ett_snort); if (snort_alert_in_reassembled_frame && (alert->reassembled_frame != 0)) { if (alert->original_frame == pinfo->num) { /* Show link forward to where alert is now shown! */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_snort_reassembled_in, tvb, 0, 0, alert->reassembled_frame); proto_item_set_generated(ti); return; } else { tvbuff_t *reassembled_tvb; /* Show link back to segment where alert was detected. */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(tree, hf_snort_reassembled_from, tvb, 0, 0, alert->original_frame); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Should find this if look late enough.. */ reassembled_tvb = get_data_source_tvb_by_name(pinfo, "Reassembled TCP"); if (reassembled_tvb) { /* Will look for content using the TVB instead of just this frame's one */ tvb = reassembled_tvb; } /* TODO: for correctness, would be good to lookup + remember the offset of the source * frame within the reassembled PDU frame, to make sure we find the content in the * correct place for every alert */ } } snort_debug_printf("Showing alert (sid=%u) in frame %u\n", alert->sid, pinfo->num); /* Show in expert info if configured to. */ if (snort_show_alert_expert_info) { expert_add_info_format(pinfo, alert_ti, &ei_snort_alert, "Alert %u: \"%s\"", alert->sid, alert->msg); } /* Show the 'raw' alert string. */ if (rule) { /* Fix up alert->raw_alert if not already done so first. */ if (!alert->raw_alert_ts_fixed) { /* Write 6 figures to position after decimal place in timestamp. Must have managed to parse out fields already, so will definitely be long enough for memcpy() to succeed. */ char digits[7]; snprintf(digits, 7, "%06d", pinfo->abs_ts.nsecs / 1000); memcpy(alert->raw_alert+18, digits, 6); alert->raw_alert_ts_fixed = true; } ti = proto_tree_add_string(snort_tree, hf_snort_raw_alert, tvb, 0, 0, alert->raw_alert); proto_item_set_generated(ti); } /* Rule classification */ if (alert->classification) { ti = proto_tree_add_string(snort_tree, hf_snort_classification, tvb, 0, 0, alert->classification); proto_item_set_generated(ti); } /* Put rule fields under a rule subtree */ rule_ti = proto_tree_add_string_format(snort_tree, hf_snort_rule, tvb, 0, 0, "", "Rule"); proto_item_set_generated(rule_ti); rule_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(rule_ti, ett_snort_rule); /* msg/description */ ti = proto_tree_add_string(rule_tree, hf_snort_msg, tvb, 0, 0, alert->msg); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Snort ID */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(rule_tree, hf_snort_sid, tvb, 0, 0, alert->sid); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Rule revision */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(rule_tree, hf_snort_rev, tvb, 0, 0, alert->rev); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Generator seems to correspond to gid. */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(rule_tree, hf_snort_generator, tvb, 0, 0, alert->gen); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Default priority is 2 - very few rules have a different priority... */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(rule_tree, hf_snort_priority, tvb, 0, 0, alert->prio); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* If we know the rule for this alert, show some of the rule fields */ if (rule && rule->rule_string) { size_t rule_string_length = strlen(rule->rule_string); /* Show rule string itself. Add it as a separate data source so can read it all */ if (rule_string_length > 60) { tvbuff_t *rule_string_tvb = tvb_new_child_real_data(tvb, rule->rule_string, (unsigned)rule_string_length, (unsigned)rule_string_length); add_new_data_source(pinfo, rule_string_tvb, "Rule String"); ti = proto_tree_add_string(rule_tree, hf_snort_rule_string, rule_string_tvb, 0, (int)rule_string_length, rule->rule_string); } else { ti = proto_tree_add_string(rule_tree, hf_snort_rule_string, tvb, 0, 0, rule->rule_string); } proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Protocol from rule */ ti = proto_tree_add_string(rule_tree, hf_snort_rule_protocol, tvb, 0, 0, rule->protocol); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Show file alert came from */ ti = proto_tree_add_string(rule_tree, hf_snort_rule_filename, tvb, 0, 0, rule->file); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Line number within file */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(rule_tree, hf_snort_rule_line_number, tvb, 0, 0, rule->line_number); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Show IP vars */ for (n=0; n < rule->relevant_vars.num_ip_vars; n++) { ti = proto_tree_add_none_format(rule_tree, hf_snort_rule_ip_var, tvb, 0, 0, "IP Var: ($%s -> %s)", rule->relevant_vars.ip_vars[n].name, rule->relevant_vars.ip_vars[n].value); proto_item_set_generated(ti); } /* Show Port vars */ for (n=0; n < rule->relevant_vars.num_port_vars; n++) { ti = proto_tree_add_none_format(rule_tree, hf_snort_rule_port_var, tvb, 0, 0, "Port Var: ($%s -> %s)", rule->relevant_vars.port_vars[n].name, rule->relevant_vars.port_vars[n].value); proto_item_set_generated(ti); } } /* Show summary information in rule tree root */ proto_item_append_text(rule_ti, " %s (sid=%u, rev=%u)", alert->msg, alert->sid, alert->rev); /* More fields retrieved from the parsed config */ if (rule) { unsigned content_last_match_end = 0; /* Work out which ip and port vars are relevant */ rule_set_relevant_vars(g_snort_config, rule); /* Contents */ for (n=0; n < rule->number_contents; n++) { /* Search for string among tvb contents so we can highlight likely bytes. */ unsigned int content_offset = 0; bool match_found = false; unsigned int converted_content_length = 0; int content_hf_item; char *content_text_template; /* Choose type of content field to add */ switch (rule->contents[n].content_type) { case Content: content_hf_item = hf_snort_content; content_text_template = "Content: \"%s\""; break; case UriContent: content_hf_item = hf_snort_uricontent; content_text_template = "Uricontent: \"%s\""; break; case Pcre: content_hf_item = hf_snort_pcre; content_text_template = "Pcre: \"%s\""; break; default: continue; } /* Will only try to look for content in packet ourselves if not a negated content entry (i.e. beginning with '!') */ if (!rule->contents[n].negation) { /* Look up offset of match. N.B. would only expect to see on first content... */ unsigned distance_to_add = 0; /* May need to start looking from absolute offset into packet... */ if (rule->contents[n].offset_set) { content_start_match = payload_start + rule->contents[n].offset; } /* ... or a number of bytes beyond the previous content match */ else if (rule->contents[n].distance_set) { distance_to_add = (content_last_match_end-content_start_match) + rule->contents[n].distance; } else { /* No constraints about where it appears - go back to the start of the frame. */ content_start_match = payload_start; } /* Now actually look for match from calculated position */ /* TODO: could take 'depth' and 'within' into account to limit extent of search, but OK if just trying to verify what Snort already found. */ match_found = get_content_match(alert, n, tvb, content_start_match+distance_to_add, &content_offset, &converted_content_length); if (match_found) { content_last_match_end = content_offset + converted_content_length; } } /* Show content in tree (showing position if known) */ ti = proto_tree_add_string_format(snort_tree, content_hf_item, tvb, (match_found) ? content_offset : 0, (match_found) ? converted_content_length : 0, rule->contents[n].str, content_text_template, rule->contents[n].str); /* Next match position will be after this one */ if (match_found) { content_start_match = content_last_match_end; } /* Show (only as text) attributes of content field */ if (rule->contents[n].fastpattern) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (fast_pattern)"); } if (rule->contents[n].rawbytes) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (rawbytes)"); } if (rule->contents[n].nocase) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (nocase)"); } if (rule->contents[n].negation) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (negated)"); } if (rule->contents[n].offset_set) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (offset=%d)", rule->contents[n].offset); } if (rule->contents[n].depth != 0) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (depth=%u)", rule->contents[n].depth); } if (rule->contents[n].distance_set) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (distance=%d)", rule->contents[n].distance); } if (rule->contents[n].within != 0) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (within=%u)", rule->contents[n].within); } /* HTTP preprocessor modifiers */ if (rule->contents[n].http_method != 0) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (http_method)"); } if (rule->contents[n].http_client_body != 0) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (http_client_body)"); } if (rule->contents[n].http_cookie != 0) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (http_cookie)"); } if (rule->contents[n].http_user_agent != 0) { proto_item_append_text(ti, " (http_user_agent)"); } if (!rule->contents[n].negation && !match_found) { /* Useful for debugging, may also happen when Snort is reassembling.. */ /* TODO: not sure why, but PCREs might not be found first time through, but will be * found later, with the result that there will be 'not located' expert warnings, * but when you click on the packet, it is matched after all... */ proto_item_append_text(ti, " - not located"); expert_add_info_format(pinfo, ti, &ei_snort_content_not_matched, "%s \"%s\" not found in frame", rule->contents[n].content_type==Pcre ? "PCRE" : "Content", rule->contents[n].str); } } /* References */ for (n=0; n < rule->number_references; n++) { /* Substitute prefix and add to tree as clickable web links */ ti = proto_tree_add_string(snort_tree, hf_snort_reference, tvb, 0, 0, expand_reference(g_snort_config, rule->references[n])); /* Make clickable */ proto_item_set_url(ti); proto_item_set_generated(ti); } } /* Global rule stats if configured to. */ if (snort_show_rule_stats) { unsigned int number_rule_files, number_rules, alerts_detected, this_rule_alerts_detected; proto_item *stats_ti; proto_tree *stats_tree; /* Create tree for these items */ stats_ti = proto_tree_add_string_format(snort_tree, hf_snort_global_stats, tvb, 0, 0, "", "Global Stats"); proto_item_set_generated(rule_ti); stats_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(stats_ti, ett_snort_global_stats); /* Get overall number of rules */ get_global_rule_stats(g_snort_config, alert->sid, &number_rule_files, &number_rules, &alerts_detected, &this_rule_alerts_detected); ti = proto_tree_add_uint(stats_tree, hf_snort_global_stats_rule_file_count, tvb, 0, 0, number_rule_files); proto_item_set_generated(ti); ti = proto_tree_add_uint(stats_tree, hf_snort_global_stats_rule_count, tvb, 0, 0, number_rules); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Overall alert stats (total, and where this one comes in order) */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(stats_tree, hf_snort_global_stats_total_alerts_count, tvb, 0, 0, alerts_detected); proto_item_set_generated(ti); ti = proto_tree_add_uint(stats_tree, hf_snort_global_stats_alert_match_number, tvb, 0, 0, alert->overall_match_number); proto_item_set_generated(ti); if (rule) { /* Stats just for this rule (overall, and where this one comes in order) */ ti = proto_tree_add_uint(stats_tree, hf_snort_global_stats_rule_alerts_count, tvb, 0, 0, this_rule_alerts_detected); proto_item_set_generated(ti); ti = proto_tree_add_uint(stats_tree, hf_snort_global_stats_rule_match_number, tvb, 0, 0, alert->rule_match_number); proto_item_set_generated(ti); /* Add a summary to the stats root */ proto_item_append_text(stats_ti, " (%u rules from %u files, #%u of %u alerts seen (%u/%u for sid %u))", number_rules, number_rule_files, alert->overall_match_number, alerts_detected, alert->rule_match_number, this_rule_alerts_detected, alert->sid); } else { /* Add a summary to the stats root */ proto_item_append_text(stats_ti, " (%u rules from %u files, #%u of %u alerts seen)", number_rules, number_rule_files, alert->overall_match_number, alerts_detected); } } } /* Look for, and return, any user comment set for this packet. Currently used for fetching alerts in the format TraceWrangler can write out to */ static const char *get_user_comment_string(proto_tree *tree) { const char *value = NULL; if (tree != NULL) { GPtrArray *items = proto_all_finfos(tree); if (items) { unsigned i; for (i=0; i< items->len; i++) { field_info *field = (field_info *)g_ptr_array_index(items,i); if (strcmp(field->hfinfo->abbrev, "frame.comment") == 0) { value = fvalue_get_string(field->value); break; } /* This is the only item that can come before "frame.comment", so otherwise break out */ if (strncmp(field->hfinfo->abbrev, "pkt_comment", 11) != 0) { break; } } g_ptr_array_free(items,true); } } return value; } /********************************************************************************/ /* Main (post-)dissector function. */ static int snort_dissector(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *data _U_) { Alerts_t *alerts; /* If not looking for alerts, return quickly */ if (pref_snort_alerts_source == FromNowhere) { return 0; } /* Are we looking for alerts in user comments? */ else if (pref_snort_alerts_source == FromUserComments) { /* Look for user comments containing alerts */ const char *alert_string = get_user_comment_string(tree); if (alert_string) { alerts = (Alerts_t*)wmem_tree_lookup32(current_session.alerts_tree, pinfo->num); if (!alerts) { Alert_t alert; memset(&alert, 0, sizeof(alert)); if (snort_parse_user_comment(alert_string, &alert)) { /* Copy the raw alert itself */ alert.raw_alert = g_strdup(alert_string); /* See if we can get more info from the parsed config details */ fill_alert_config(g_snort_config, &alert); /* Add parsed alert into session->tree */ add_alert_to_session_tree(pinfo->num, &alert); } } } } else { /* We expect alerts from Snort. Pass frame into snort on first pass. */ if (!pinfo->fd->visited && current_session.working) { int write_err = 0; char *err_info; wtap_rec rec; /* First time, open current_session.in to write to for dumping into snort with */ if (!current_session.pdh) { wtap_dump_params params = WTAP_DUMP_PARAMS_INIT; int open_err; char *open_err_info; /* Older versions of Snort don't support capture file with several encapsulations (like pcapng), * so write in pcap format and hope we have just one encap. * Newer versions of Snort can read pcapng now, but still * write in pcap format; if "newer versions of Snort" really * means "Snort, when using newer versions of libpcap", then, * yes, they can read pcapng, but they can't read pcapng * files with more than one encapsulation type, as libpcap's * API currently can't handle that, so even those "newer * versions of Snort" wouldn't handle multiple encapsulation * types. */ params.encap = pinfo->rec->rec_header.packet_header.pkt_encap; params.snaplen = WTAP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE_STANDARD; current_session.pdh = wtap_dump_fdopen(current_session.in, wtap_pcap_file_type_subtype(), WTAP_UNCOMPRESSED, ¶ms, &open_err, &open_err_info); if (!current_session.pdh) { /* XXX - report the error somehow? */ g_free(open_err_info); current_session.working = false; return 0; } } /* Start with all same values... */ rec = *pinfo->rec; /* Copying packet details into wtp for writing */ rec.ts = pinfo->abs_ts; /* NB: overwriting the time stamp so we can see packet number back if an alert is written for this frame!!!! */ /* TODO: does this seriously affect snort's ability to reason about time? * At least all packets will still be in order... */ rec.ts.nsecs = pinfo->fd->num * 1000; /* XXX, max 999'999 frames */ rec.rec_header.packet_header.caplen = tvb_captured_length(tvb); rec.rec_header.packet_header.len = tvb_reported_length(tvb); /* Dump frame into snort's stdin */ if (!wtap_dump(current_session.pdh, &rec, tvb_get_ptr(tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length(tvb)), &write_err, &err_info)) { /* XXX - report the error somehow? */ g_free(err_info); current_session.working = false; return 0; } if (!wtap_dump_flush(current_session.pdh, &write_err)) { /* XXX - report the error somehow? */ current_session.working = false; return 0; } /* Give the io channel a chance to deliver alerts. TODO: g_main_context_iteration(NULL, false); causes crashes sometimes when Qt events get to execute.. */ } } /* Now look up stored alerts for this packet number, and display if found */ if (current_session.alerts_tree && (alerts = (Alerts_t*)wmem_tree_lookup32(current_session.alerts_tree, pinfo->fd->num))) { unsigned n; for (n=0; n < alerts->num_alerts; n++) { snort_show_alert(tree, tvb, pinfo, &(alerts->alerts[n])); } } else { /* XXX, here either this frame doesn't generate alerts or we haven't received data from snort (async) * * It's problem when user want to filter tree on initial run, or is running one-pass tshark. */ } return tvb_reported_length(tvb); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Start up Snort. */ static void snort_start(void) { GIOChannel *channel; /* int snort_output_id; */ const char *argv[] = { pref_snort_binary_filename, "-c", pref_snort_config_filename, /* read from stdin */ "-r", "-", /* don't log */ "-N", /* output to console and silence snort */ "-A", "console", "-q", /* normalize time */ "-y", /* -U", */ /* Optionally ignore checksum errors */ "-k", "none", NULL }; /* Truncate command to before -k if this pref off */ if (!snort_ignore_checksum_errors) { argv[10] = NULL; } /* Enable field priming if required. */ if (snort_alert_in_reassembled_frame) { /* Add items we want to try to get to find before we get called. For now, just ask for tcp.reassembled_in, which won't be seen on the first pass through the packets. */ GArray *wanted_hfids = g_array_new(false, false, (unsigned)sizeof(int)); int id = proto_registrar_get_id_byname("tcp.reassembled_in"); g_array_append_val(wanted_hfids, id); set_postdissector_wanted_hfids(snort_handle, wanted_hfids); } /* Nothing to do if not enabled, but registered init function gets called anyway */ if ((pref_snort_alerts_source == FromNowhere) || !proto_is_protocol_enabled(find_protocol_by_id(proto_snort))) { return; } /* Create tree mapping packet_number -> Alerts_t*. It will get recreated when packet list is reloaded */ current_session.alerts_tree = wmem_tree_new_autoreset(wmem_epan_scope(), wmem_file_scope()); /* Create afresh the config object by parsing the same file that snort uses */ if (g_snort_config) { delete_config(&g_snort_config); } create_config(&g_snort_config, pref_snort_config_filename); /* Don't run Snort if not configured to */ if (pref_snort_alerts_source == FromUserComments) { return; } /* Don't start if already running */ if (current_session.running) { return; } /* Reset global stats */ reset_global_rule_stats(g_snort_config); /* Need to test that we can run snort --version and that config can be parsed... */ /* Does nothing at present */ if (!snort_config_ok) { /* Can carry on without snort... */ return; } /* About to run snort, so check that configured files exist, and that binary could be executed. */ ws_statb64 binary_stat, config_stat; if (ws_stat64(pref_snort_binary_filename, &binary_stat) != 0) { snort_debug_printf("Can't run snort - executable '%s' not found\n", pref_snort_binary_filename); report_failure("Snort dissector: Can't run snort - executable '%s' not found\n", pref_snort_binary_filename); return; } if (ws_stat64(pref_snort_config_filename, &config_stat) != 0) { snort_debug_printf("Can't run snort - config file '%s' not found\n", pref_snort_config_filename); report_failure("Snort dissector: Can't run snort - config file '%s' not found\n", pref_snort_config_filename); return; } #ifdef S_IXUSR if (!(binary_stat.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) { snort_debug_printf("Snort binary '%s' is not executable\n", pref_snort_binary_filename); report_failure("Snort dissector: Snort binary '%s' is not executable\n", pref_snort_binary_filename); return; } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 report_failure("Snort dissector: not yet able to launch Snort process under Windows"); current_session.working = false; return; #endif /* Create snort process and set up pipes */ snort_debug_printf("\nRunning %s with config file %s\n", pref_snort_binary_filename, pref_snort_config_filename); if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes(NULL, /* working_directory */ (char **)argv, NULL, /* envp */ (GSpawnFlags)( G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD), /* Leave out G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH */ NULL, /* child setup - not supported in Windows, so we can't use it */ NULL, /* user-data */ ¤t_session.pid, /* PID */ ¤t_session.in, /* stdin */ ¤t_session.out, /* stdout */ ¤t_session.err, /* stderr */ NULL)) /* error */ { current_session.running = false; current_session.working = false; return; } else { current_session.running = true; current_session.working = true; } /* Setup handler for when process goes away */ g_child_watch_add(current_session.pid, snort_reaper, ¤t_session); /******************************************************************/ /* Create channel to get notified of snort alert output on stdout */ /* Create channel itself */ channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(current_session.out); current_session.channel = channel; /* NULL encoding supports binary or whatever the application outputs */ g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, NULL, NULL); /* Don't buffer the channel (settable because encoding set to NULL). */ g_io_channel_set_buffered(channel, false); /* Set flags */ /* TODO: could set to be blocking and get sync that way? */ g_io_channel_set_flags(channel, G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL); /* Try setting a large buffer here. */ g_io_channel_set_buffer_size(channel, 256000); current_session.buf = NULL; /* Set callback for receiving data from the channel */ g_io_add_watch_full(channel, G_PRIORITY_HIGH, (GIOCondition)(G_IO_IN|G_IO_ERR|G_IO_HUP), snort_fast_output, /* Callback upon data being written by snort */ ¤t_session, /* User data */ NULL); /* Destroy notification callback */ current_session.working = true; } /* This is the cleanup routine registered with register_postseq_cleanup_routine() */ static void snort_cleanup(void) { /* Only close if we think its running */ if (!current_session.running) { return; } /* Close dumper writing into snort's stdin. This will cause snort to exit! */ if (current_session.pdh) { int write_err; char *write_err_info; if (!wtap_dump_close(current_session.pdh, NULL, &write_err, &write_err_info)) { /* XXX - somehow report the error? */ g_free(write_err_info); } current_session.pdh = NULL; } } static void snort_file_cleanup(void) { if (g_snort_config) { delete_config(&g_snort_config); } /* Disable field priming that got enabled in the init routine. */ set_postdissector_wanted_hfids(snort_handle, NULL); } void proto_reg_handoff_snort(void) { /* N.B. snort self-test here deleted, as I was struggling to get it to * work as a non-root user (couldn't read stdin) * TODO: could run snort just to get the version number and check the config file is readable? * TODO: could make snort config parsing less forgiving and use that as a test? */ } void proto_register_snort(void) { static hf_register_info hf[] = { { &hf_snort_sid, { "Rule SID", "snort.sid", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Snort Rule identifier", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_raw_alert, { "Raw Alert", "snort.raw-alert", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Full text of Snort alert", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rule, { "Rule", "snort.rule", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Entire Snort rule string", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_msg, { "Alert Message", "snort.msg", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Description of what the rule detects", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_classification, { "Alert Classification", "snort.class", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_priority, { "Alert Priority", "snort.priority", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_generator, { "Rule Generator", "snort.generator", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rev, { "Rule Revision", "snort.rev", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rule_string, { "Rule String", "snort.rule-string", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Full text of Snort rule", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rule_protocol, { "Protocol", "snort.protocol", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Protocol name as given in the rule", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rule_filename, { "Rule Filename", "snort.rule-filename", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Rules file where Snort rule was parsed from", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rule_line_number, { "Line number within rules file where rule was parsed from", "snort.rule-line-number", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rule_ip_var, { "IP variable", "snort.rule-ip-var", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "IP variable used in rule", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_rule_port_var, { "Port variable used in rule", "snort.rule-port-var", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_reassembled_in, { "Reassembled frame where alert is shown", "snort.reassembled_in", FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_reassembled_from, { "Segment where alert was triggered", "snort.reassembled_from", FT_FRAMENUM, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_content, { "Content", "snort.content", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Snort content field", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_uricontent, { "URI Content", "snort.uricontent", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Snort URI content field", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_pcre, { "PCRE", "snort.pcre", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Perl Compatible Regular Expression", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_reference, { "Reference", "snort.reference", FT_STRINGZ, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Web reference provided as part of rule", HFILL }}, /* Global stats */ { &hf_snort_global_stats, { "Global Stats", "snort.global-stats", FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, "Global statistics for rules and alerts", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_global_stats_rule_file_count, { "Number of rule files", "snort.global-stats.rule-file-count", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Total number of rules files found in Snort config", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_global_stats_rule_count, { "Number of rules", "snort.global-stats.rule-count", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Total number of rules found in Snort config", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_global_stats_total_alerts_count, { "Number of alerts detected", "snort.global-stats.total-alerts", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Total number of alerts detected in this capture", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_global_stats_alert_match_number, { "Match number", "snort.global-stats.match-number", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Number of match for this alert among all alerts", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_global_stats_rule_alerts_count, { "Number of alerts for this rule", "snort.global-stats.rule.alerts-count", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Number of alerts detected for this rule", HFILL }}, { &hf_snort_global_stats_rule_match_number, { "Match number for this rule", "snort.global-stats.rule.match-number", FT_UINT32, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00, "Number of match for this alert among those for this rule", HFILL }} }; static int *ett[] = { &ett_snort, &ett_snort_rule, &ett_snort_global_stats }; static const enum_val_t alerts_source_vals[] = { {"from-nowhere", "Not looking for Snort alerts", FromNowhere}, {"from-running-snort", "From running Snort", FromRunningSnort}, {"from-user-comments", "From user packet comments", FromUserComments}, {NULL, NULL, -1} }; static ei_register_info ei[] = { { &ei_snort_alert, { "snort.alert.expert", PI_SECURITY, PI_WARN, "Snort alert detected", EXPFILL }}, { &ei_snort_content_not_matched, { "snort.content.not-matched", PI_PROTOCOL, PI_NOTE, "Failed to find content field of alert in frame", EXPFILL }}, }; expert_module_t* expert_snort; module_t *snort_module; proto_snort = proto_register_protocol("Snort Alerts", "Snort", "snort"); proto_register_field_array(proto_snort, hf, array_length(hf)); proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett)); /* Expert info */ expert_snort = expert_register_protocol(proto_snort); expert_register_field_array(expert_snort, ei, array_length(ei)); snort_module = prefs_register_protocol(proto_snort, NULL); prefs_register_obsolete_preference(snort_module, "enable_snort_dissector"); prefs_register_enum_preference(snort_module, "alerts_source", "Source of Snort alerts", "Set whether dissector should run Snort and pass frames into it, or read alerts from user packet comments", &pref_snort_alerts_source, alerts_source_vals, false); prefs_register_filename_preference(snort_module, "binary", "Snort binary", "The name of the snort binary file to run", &pref_snort_binary_filename, false); prefs_register_filename_preference(snort_module, "config", "Configuration filename", "The name of the file containing the snort IDS configuration. Typically snort.conf", &pref_snort_config_filename, false); prefs_register_bool_preference(snort_module, "show_rule_set_stats", "Show rule stats in protocol tree", "Whether or not information about the rule set and detected alerts should " "be shown in the tree of every snort PDU tree", &snort_show_rule_stats); prefs_register_bool_preference(snort_module, "show_alert_expert_info", "Show alerts in expert info", "Whether or not expert info should be used to highlight fired alerts", &snort_show_alert_expert_info); prefs_register_bool_preference(snort_module, "show_alert_in_reassembled_frame", "Try to show alerts in reassembled frame", "Attempt to show alert in reassembled frame where possible. Note that this won't work during live capture", &snort_alert_in_reassembled_frame); prefs_register_bool_preference(snort_module, "ignore_checksum_errors", "Tell Snort to ignore checksum errors", "When enabled, will run Snort with '-k none'", &snort_ignore_checksum_errors); snort_handle = register_dissector("snort", snort_dissector, proto_snort); register_init_routine(snort_start); register_postdissector(snort_handle); /* Callback to make sure we cleanup dumper being used to deliver packets to snort (this will tsnort). */ register_postseq_cleanup_routine(snort_cleanup); /* Callback to allow us to delete snort config */ register_cleanup_routine(snort_file_cleanup); } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */