A note about PIDL generated files ================================= Quick guide =========== Run 'make -f Makefile.pidl all' inside the pidl folder to generate all the dissectors and place them in the epan/dissectors folder. Complete infos ============== The following files: ../packet-dcerpc-atsvc.h ../packet-dcerpc-budb.c ../packet-dcerpc-budb.h ../packet-dcerpc-butc.c ../packet-dcerpc-butc.h ../packet-dcerpc-dfs.h ../packet-dcerpc-dnsserver.h ../packet-dcerpc-drsuapi.c ../packet-dcerpc-drsuapi.h ../packet-dcerpc-dssetup.h ../packet-dcerpc-efs.h ../packet-dcerpc-eventlog.h ../packet-dcerpc-frsrpc.h ../packet-dcerpc-frstrans.h ../packet-dcerpc-initshutdown.h ../packet-dcerpc-iwbemlevel1login.h ../packet-dcerpc-iwbemloginclientid.h ../packet-dcerpc-iwbemloginclientidex.h ../packet-dcerpc-iwbemservices.h ../packet-dcerpc-lsa.h ../packet-dcerpc-mapi.h ../packet-dcerpc-misc.h ../packet-dcerpc-nspi.h ../packet-dcerpc-rfr.h ../packet-dcerpc-samr.h ../packet-dcerpc-srvsvc.h ../packet-dcerpc-winreg.h ../packet-dcerpc-wkssvc.h ../packet-dcerpc-wzcsvc.h are automatically generated via a tool called "pidl"; you shouldn't modify them manually. The pidl tool is maintained by the Samba project (http://samba.org, samba-technical@samba.org). We have a version in ../../../tools/pidl; it currently differs from the Samba version only in its Wireshark-parser generator, as we had to change it to reflect some API differences between the current Wireshark release and the development trunk. The Samba version can be fetched from their git tree: git clone git://git.samba.org/samba.git Running pidl ============ You have to run the pidl command inside the pidl folder of the wireshark source tree. The command to compile file: ../../../tools/pidl/pidl --includedir . --ws-parser -- ^^^ This is *VERY* important The command generates 2 files: packet-dcerpc-.h packet-dcerpc-.c For instance, with the atsvc.idl, the command will be: ../../../tools/pidl/pidl --includedir . --ws-parser -- atsvc.idl This will generate 2 files: packet-dcerpc-atsvc.h packet-dcerpc-atsvc.c If you run outside the dissectors/pidl directory, this *will* result in a warning such as: atsvc.idl:5:23: idl_types.h: No such file or directory and *may* result in additional warnings such as: Warning: No conformance file `initshutdown.cnf' Unable to handle string with flags STR_LEN4|STR_NOTERM at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Parse/Pidl/Wireshark/NDR.pm line 283. Notes about the in-tree pidl ============================ To allow building Wireshark pidl dissectors without having to *explicitly* access a remote git repository, and to allow us to make changes to the Wireshark parser generator that the Samba developers might not want to make until a new major release of Wireshark comes out, so as to allow users to build dissectors to run in the current Wireshark release, a copy of pidl is located in tools/pidl. Not compiling idl ================= As of September 26, 2014, the following idl have issues when generating and compiling: pidl complains that inline arrays aren't supported for these: dnsserver/dnsserver.idl eventlog/eventlog.idl pidl complains about a syntax error due to a line commented out with a // comment for these: nspi/nspi.idl pidl generates possibly-incorrect code for these - this needs checking: rfr/rfr.idl pidl complains about not being able to open include files for these: samr/samr.idl winspool/winspool.idl