/* Standalone program to test functionality of exceptions. * * Copyright (c) 2004 MX Telecom Ltd. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * */ #include #include #include #include "exceptions.h" bool failed; static void finally_called_uncaught_exception(volatile unsigned int* called) { TRY { THROW(BoundsError); } FINALLY { (*called)++; } ENDTRY; } static void finally_called_rethrown_exception(volatile unsigned int* thrown, volatile unsigned int* called) { TRY { THROW(BoundsError); } CATCH_ALL { (*thrown) += 10; RETHROW; } FINALLY { (*called) += 10; } ENDTRY; } static void finally_called_exception_from_catch(volatile unsigned int* thrown, volatile unsigned int* called) { TRY { THROW(BoundsError); } CATCH_ALL { if((*thrown) > 0) { printf("05: Looping exception\n"); failed = true; } else { (*thrown) += 10; THROW(BoundsError); } } FINALLY { (*called) += 10; } ENDTRY; } static void run_tests(void) { volatile unsigned int ex_thrown, finally_called; /* check that the right catch, and the finally, are called, on exception */ ex_thrown = finally_called = 0; TRY { THROW(BoundsError); } CATCH(BoundsError) { ex_thrown++; } CATCH(FragmentBoundsError) { printf("01: Caught wrong exception: FragmentBoundsError\n"); failed = true; } CATCH(ReportedBoundsError) { printf("01: Caught wrong exception: ReportedBoundsError\n"); failed = true; } CATCH_ALL { printf("01: Caught wrong exception: %lu\n", exc->except_id.except_code); failed = true; } FINALLY { finally_called ++; } ENDTRY; if (ex_thrown != 1) { printf("01: %u BoundsErrors (not 1) on caught exception\n", ex_thrown); failed = true; } if (finally_called != 1) { printf("01: FINALLY called %u times (not 1) on caught exception\n", finally_called); failed = true; } /* check that no catch at all is called when there is no exn */ ex_thrown = finally_called = 0; TRY { } CATCH(BoundsError) { printf("02: Caught wrong exception: BoundsError\n"); failed = true; } CATCH(FragmentBoundsError) { printf("02: Caught wrong exception: FragmentBoundsError\n"); failed = true; } CATCH(ReportedBoundsError) { printf("02: Caught wrong exception: ReportedBoundsError\n"); failed = true; } CATCH_ALL { printf("02: Caught wrong exception: %lu\n", exc->except_id.except_code); failed = true; } FINALLY { finally_called ++; } ENDTRY; if (finally_called != 1) { printf("02: FINALLY called %u times (not 1) on no exception\n", finally_called); failed = true; } /* check that finally is called on an uncaught exception */ ex_thrown = finally_called = 0; TRY { finally_called_uncaught_exception(&finally_called); } CATCH(BoundsError) { ex_thrown++; } ENDTRY; if (finally_called != 1) { printf("03: FINALLY called %u times (not 1) on uncaught exception\n", finally_called); failed = true; } if (ex_thrown != 1) { printf("03: %u BoundsErrors (not 1) on uncaught exception\n", ex_thrown); failed = true; } /* check that finally is called on an rethrown exception */ ex_thrown = finally_called = 0; TRY { finally_called_rethrown_exception(&ex_thrown, &finally_called); } CATCH(BoundsError) { ex_thrown ++; } FINALLY { finally_called ++; } ENDTRY; if (finally_called != 11) { printf("04: finally_called = %u (not 11) on rethrown exception\n", finally_called); failed = true; } if (ex_thrown != 11) { printf("04: %u BoundsErrors (not 11) on rethrown exception\n", ex_thrown); failed = true; } /* check that finally is called on an exception thrown from a CATCH block */ ex_thrown = finally_called = 0; TRY { finally_called_exception_from_catch(&ex_thrown, &finally_called); } CATCH(BoundsError) { ex_thrown ++; } FINALLY { finally_called ++; } ENDTRY; if (finally_called != 11) { printf("05: finally_called = %u (not 11) on exception thrown from CATCH\n", finally_called); failed = true; } if (ex_thrown != 11) { printf("05: %u BoundsErrors (not 11) on exception thrown from CATCH\n", ex_thrown); failed = true; } if(failed == false ) printf("success\n"); } int main(void) { except_init(); run_tests(); except_deinit(); exit(failed?1:0); } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */