/** @file * implementor's API for stats_tree * 2005, Luis E. G. Ontanon * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef __STATS_TREE_PRIV_H #define __STATS_TREE_PRIV_H #include "stats_tree.h" #include "ws_symbol_export.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #define INDENT_MAX 32 #define NUM_BUF_SIZE 32 /** implementations should define this to contain its own node related data * as well as some operations on it */ typedef struct _st_node_pres st_node_pres; /** implementations should define this to contain its own dynamic tree related data * as well as some operations on it */ typedef struct _tree_pres tree_pres; /** implementations should define this to contain its own static tree related data * as well as some operations on it */ typedef struct _tree_cfg_pres tree_cfg_pres; typedef struct _stat_node stat_node; typedef struct _stats_tree_cfg stats_tree_cfg; typedef struct _range_pair { int floor; int ceil; } range_pair_t; typedef struct _burst_bucket burst_bucket; struct _burst_bucket { burst_bucket *next; burst_bucket *prev; int count; double bucket_no; double start_time; }; struct _stat_node { char* name; int id; stat_node_datatype datatype; /** the counter it keeps */ int counter; /** total of all values submitted - for computing averages */ union { int64_t int_total; double float_total; } total; union { int int_min; float float_min; } minvalue; union { int int_max; float float_max; } maxvalue; int st_flags; /** fields for burst rate calculation */ int bcount; burst_bucket *bh, *bt; int max_burst; double burst_time; /** children nodes by name */ GHashTable *hash; /** the owner of this node */ stats_tree *st; /** relatives */ stat_node *parent; stat_node *children; stat_node *next; /** used to check if value is within range */ range_pair_t *rng; /** node presentation data */ st_node_pres *pr; }; struct _stats_tree { /** the "class" from which it's derived */ stats_tree_cfg *cfg; char *filter; /* times */ double start; double elapsed; double now; int st_flags; int num_columns; char *display_name; /** used to lookup named parents: * key: parent node name * value: parent node */ GHashTable *names; /** used for quicker lookups of parent nodes */ GPtrArray *parents; /** * tree representation * to be defined (if needed) by the implementations */ tree_pres *pr; /** every tree in nature has one */ stat_node root; }; struct _stats_tree_cfg { char *abbr; char *path; char *title; char *tapname; char *first_column_name; register_stat_group_t stat_group; bool plugin; /** dissector defined callbacks */ stat_tree_packet_cb packet; stat_tree_init_cb init; stat_tree_cleanup_cb cleanup; /** tap listener flags for the per-packet callback */ unsigned flags; /* * node presentation callbacks */ /** last to be called at node creation */ void (*setup_node_pr)(stat_node*); /** * tree presentation callbacks */ tree_cfg_pres *pr; tree_pres *(*new_tree_pr)(stats_tree*); void (*free_tree_pr)(stats_tree*); /** flags for the stats tree (sorting etc.) default values to new trees */ unsigned st_flags; }; /* guess what, this is it! */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void stats_tree_presentation(void (*registry_iterator)(void *,void *,void *), void (*setup_node_pr)(stat_node*), void (*free_tree_pr)(stats_tree*), void *data); WS_DLL_PUBLIC stats_tree *stats_tree_new(stats_tree_cfg *cfg, tree_pres *pr, const char *filter); /** callback for taps */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC tap_packet_status stats_tree_packet(void*, packet_info*, epan_dissect_t*, const void *, tap_flags_t flags); /** callback for reset */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void stats_tree_reset(void *p_st); /** callback for clear */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void stats_tree_reinit(void *p_st); /* callback for destroy */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void stats_tree_free(stats_tree *st); /** given an ws_optarg splits the abbr part and returns a newly allocated buffer containing it */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC char *stats_tree_get_abbr(const char *ws_optarg); /** obtains a stats tree from the registry given its abbr */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC stats_tree_cfg *stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr(const char *abbr); /** obtains a stats tree list from the registry caller should free returned list with g_list_free() */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC GList *stats_tree_get_cfg_list(void); /** used to calculate the size of the indentation and the longest string */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC unsigned stats_tree_branch_max_namelen(const stat_node *node, unsigned indent); /** a text representation of a node, if buffer is NULL returns a newly allocated string */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC char *stats_tree_node_to_str(const stat_node *node, char *buffer, unsigned len); /** get the display name for the stats_tree (or node name) based on the st_sort_showfullname preference. If not set remove everything before last unescaped backslash. Caller must free the result */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC char* stats_tree_get_displayname (char* fullname); /** returns the column number of the default column to sort on */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC int stats_tree_get_default_sort_col (stats_tree *st); /** returns the default sort order to use */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC bool stats_tree_is_default_sort_DESC (stats_tree *st); /** returns the column name for a given column index */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC const char* stats_tree_get_column_name (stats_tree_cfg *st_config, int col_index); /** returns the maximum number of characters in the value of a column */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC int stats_tree_get_column_size (int col_index); /** returns the formatted column values for the current node as array of char*. Caller must free entries and free array */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC char** stats_tree_get_values_from_node (const stat_node* node); /** function to compare two nodes for sort, based on sort_column. */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC int stats_tree_sort_compare (const stat_node *a, const stat_node *b, int sort_column, bool sort_descending); /** wrapper for stats_tree_sort_compare() function that can be called from array sort. */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC int stat_node_array_sortcmp (const void *a, const void *b, void *user_data); /** function to copy stats_tree into GString. format determines output format */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC GString* stats_tree_format_as_str(const stats_tree* st, st_format_type format_type, int sort_column, bool sort_descending); /** helper funcation to add note to formatted stats_tree */ WS_DLL_PUBLIC void stats_tree_format_node_as_str(const stat_node *node, GString *s, st_format_type format_type, unsigned indent, const char *path, int maxnamelen, int sort_column, bool sort_descending); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __STATS_TREE_PRIV_H */