/* common.c */ /* See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE */ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include DIAG_OFF_CLANG(shorten-64-to-32) #ifdef _MSC_VER /* disable: " warning C4244: '=': conversion from 'lua _Integer' to 'int', * possible loss of data" */ #pragma warning(disable:4244) /* warning C4267: '+=': conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', * possible loss of data */ #pragma warning(disable:4267) #endif #include #include #include #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "common.h" #define N_ALIGN sizeof(int) /* the table must be on Lua stack top */ int get_int_field (lua_State *L, const char* field) { int val; lua_getfield (L, -1, field); val = lua_tointeger (L, -1); lua_pop (L, 1); return val; } /* the table must be on Lua stack top */ void set_int_field (lua_State *L, const char* field, int val) { lua_pushinteger (L, val); lua_setfield (L, -2, field); } void *Lmalloc(lua_State *L, size_t size) { void *ud; lua_Alloc lalloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud); return lalloc(ud, NULL, 0, size); } void *Lrealloc(lua_State *L, void *p, size_t osize, size_t nsize) { void *ud; lua_Alloc lalloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud); return lalloc(ud, p, osize, nsize); } void Lfree(lua_State *L, void *p, size_t osize) { void *ud; lua_Alloc lalloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud); lalloc(ud, p, osize, 0); } /* This function fills a table with string-number pairs. The table can be passed as the 1-st lua-function parameter, otherwise it is created. The return value is the filled table. */ int get_flags (lua_State *L, const flag_pair **arrs) { const flag_pair *p; const flag_pair **pp; int nparams = lua_gettop(L); if(nparams == 0) lua_newtable(L); else { if(!lua_istable(L, 1)) luaL_argerror(L, 1, "not a table"); if(nparams > 1) lua_pushvalue(L, 1); } for(pp=arrs; *pp; ++pp) { for(p=*pp; p->key; ++p) { lua_pushstring(L, p->key); lua_pushinteger(L, p->val); lua_rawset(L, -3); } } return 1; } const char *get_flag_key (const flag_pair *fp, int val) { for (; fp->key; ++fp) { if (fp->val == val) return fp->key; } return NULL; } /* Classes */ /* * class TFreeList * *************** * Simple array of pointers to TBuffer's. * The array has fixed capacity (not expanded automatically). */ void freelist_init (TFreeList *fl) { fl->top = 0; } void freelist_add (TFreeList *fl, TBuffer *buf) { fl->list[fl->top++] = buf; } void freelist_free (TFreeList *fl) { while (fl->top > 0) buffer_free (fl->list[--fl->top]); } /* * class TBuffer * ************* * Auto-extensible array of characters for building long strings incrementally. * * Differs from luaL_Buffer in that: * * its operations do not change Lua stack top position * * buffer_addvalue does not extract the value from Lua stack * * buffer_pushresult does not have to be the last operation * * Uses TFreeList class: * * for inserting itself into a TFreeList instance for future clean-up * * calls freelist_free prior to calling luaL_error. * * Has specialized "Z-operations" for maintaining mixed string/integer * array: bufferZ_addlstring, bufferZ_addnum and bufferZ_next. * * if the array is intended to be "mixed", then the methods * buffer_addlstring and buffer_addvalue must not be used * (the application will crash on bufferZ_next). * * conversely, if the array is not intended to be "mixed", * then the method bufferZ_next must not be used. */ enum { ID_NUMBER, ID_STRING }; void buffer_init (TBuffer *buf, size_t sz, lua_State *L, TFreeList *fl) { buf->arr = (char*) Lmalloc(L, sz); if (!buf->arr) { freelist_free (fl); luaL_error (L, "malloc failed"); } buf->size = sz; buf->top = 0; buf->L = L; buf->freelist = fl; freelist_add (fl, buf); } void buffer_free (TBuffer *buf) { Lfree(buf->L, buf->arr, buf->size); } void buffer_clear (TBuffer *buf) { buf->top = 0; } void buffer_pushresult (TBuffer *buf) { lua_pushlstring (buf->L, buf->arr, buf->top); } void buffer_addbuffer (TBuffer *trg, TBuffer *src) { buffer_addlstring (trg, src->arr, src->top); } void buffer_addlstring (TBuffer *buf, const void *src, size_t sz) { size_t newtop = buf->top + sz; if (newtop > buf->size) { char *p = (char*) Lrealloc (buf->L, buf->arr, buf->size, 2 * newtop); /* 2x expansion */ if (!p) { freelist_free (buf->freelist); luaL_error (buf->L, "realloc failed"); } buf->arr = p; buf->size = 2 * newtop; } if (src) memcpy (buf->arr + buf->top, src, sz); buf->top = newtop; } void buffer_addvalue (TBuffer *buf, int stackpos) { size_t len; const char *p = lua_tolstring (buf->L, stackpos, &len); buffer_addlstring (buf, p, len); } void bufferZ_addlstring (TBuffer *buf, const void *src, size_t len) { int n; size_t header[2] = { ID_STRING }; header[1] = len; buffer_addlstring (buf, header, sizeof (header)); buffer_addlstring (buf, src, len); n = len % N_ALIGN; if (n) buffer_addlstring (buf, NULL, N_ALIGN - n); } void bufferZ_addnum (TBuffer *buf, size_t num) { size_t header[2] = { ID_NUMBER }; header[1] = num; buffer_addlstring (buf, header, sizeof (header)); } /* 1. When called repeatedly on the same TBuffer, its existing data is discarded and overwritten by the new data. 2. The TBuffer's array is never shrunk by this function. */ void bufferZ_putrepstring (TBuffer *BufRep, int reppos, int nsub) { char dbuf[] = { 0, 0 }; size_t replen; const char *p = lua_tolstring (BufRep->L, reppos, &replen); const char *end = p + replen; BufRep->top = 0; while (p < end) { const char *q; for (q = p; q < end && *q != '%'; ++q) {} if (q != p) bufferZ_addlstring (BufRep, p, q - p); if (q < end) { if (++q < end) { /* skip % */ if (g_ascii_isdigit (*q)) { int num; *dbuf = *q; num = strtol (dbuf, NULL, 10); if (num == 1 && nsub == 0) num = 0; else if (num > nsub) { freelist_free (BufRep->freelist); luaL_error (BufRep->L, "invalid capture index"); } bufferZ_addnum (BufRep, num); } else bufferZ_addlstring (BufRep, q, 1); } p = q + 1; } else break; } } /****************************************************************************** The intended use of this function is as follows: size_t iter = 0; while (bufferZ_next (buf, &iter, &num, &str)) { if (str) do_something_with_string (str, num); else do_something_with_number (num); } ******************************************************************************* */ int bufferZ_next (TBuffer *buf, size_t *iter, size_t *num, const char **str) { if (*iter < buf->top) { size_t *ptr_header = (size_t*)(buf->arr + *iter); *num = ptr_header[1]; *iter += 2 * sizeof (size_t); *str = NULL; if (*ptr_header == ID_STRING) { int n; *str = buf->arr + *iter; *iter += *num; n = *iter % N_ALIGN; if (n) *iter += (N_ALIGN - n); } return 1; } return 0; } #if LUA_VERSION_NUM > 501 int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname) { const char *msg = lua_pushfstring(L, "%s expected, got %s", tname, luaL_typename(L, narg)); return luaL_argerror(L, narg, msg); } #endif #ifndef REX_NOEMBEDDEDTEST static int ud_topointer (lua_State *L) { lua_pushlightuserdata (L, lua_touserdata (L, 1)); return 1; } static int ud_len (lua_State *L) { lua_pushinteger (L, lua_objlen (L, 1)); return 1; } /* for testing purposes only */ int newmembuffer (lua_State *L) { size_t len; const char* s = luaL_checklstring (L, 1, &len); void *ud = lua_newuserdata (L, len); memcpy (ud, s, len); lua_newtable (L); /* metatable */ lua_pushvalue (L, -1); lua_setfield (L, -2, "__index"); /* metatable.__index = metatable */ lua_pushcfunction (L, ud_topointer); lua_setfield (L, -2, "topointer"); lua_pushcfunction (L, ud_len); lua_setfield (L, -2, "__len"); lua_setmetatable (L, -2); return 1; } #endif /* #ifndef REX_NOEMBEDDEDTEST */