/* * wslua_dir.c * * (c) 2014, Hadriel Kaplan * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" /* WSLUA_MODULE Dir Directory Handling Functions */ #include "wslua.h" #include #include WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(Dir,FAIL_ON_NULL("Dir")); /* A Directory object, as well as associated functions. */ WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_make(lua_State* L) { /* Creates a directory. The created directory is set for permission mode 0755 (octal), meaning it is read+write+execute by owner, but only read+execute by group members and others. If the directory was created successfully, a boolean `true` is returned. If the directory cannot be made because it already exists, `false` is returned. If the directory cannot be made because an error occurred, `nil` is returned. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dir_make_NAME 1 /* The name of the directory, possibly including path. */ const char *dir_path = luaL_checkstring(L, WSLUA_ARG_Dir_make_NAME); ws_statb64 s_buf; int ret; if (ws_stat64(dir_path, &s_buf) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) { ret = ws_mkdir(dir_path, 0755); if (ret == -1) { lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); } } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); } WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Boolean `true` on success, `false` if the directory already exists, `nil` on error. */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_exists(lua_State* L) { /* Returns true if the given directory name exists. If the directory exists, a boolean `true` is returned. If the path is a file instead, `false` is returned. If the path does not exist or an error occurred, `nil` is returned. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dir_exists_NAME 1 /* The name of the directory, possibly including path. */ const char *dir_path = luaL_checkstring(L, WSLUA_ARG_Dir_exists_NAME); int ret; if ((ret = test_for_directory (dir_path)) == EISDIR) { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); } else { if (ret == 0) { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); } else { lua_pushnil(L); } } WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Boolean `true` if the directory exists, `false` if it's a file, `nil` on error or not-exist. */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_remove(lua_State* L) { /* Removes an empty directory. If the directory was removed successfully, a boolean `true` is returned. If the directory cannot be removed because it does not exist, `false` is returned. If the directory cannot be removed because an error occurred, `nil` is returned. This function only removes empty directories. To remove a directory regardless, use `Dir.remove_all()`. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dir_remove_NAME 1 /* The name of the directory, possibly including path. */ const char *dir_path = luaL_checkstring(L, WSLUA_ARG_Dir_remove_NAME); int ret; if (test_for_directory (dir_path) == EISDIR) { ret = ws_remove(dir_path); if (ret != 0) { lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); } } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); } WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Boolean `true` on success, `false` if does not exist, `nil` on error. */ } static int delete_directory(const char *directory) { WS_DIR *dir; WS_DIRENT *file; char *filename; int ret = 0; /* delete all contents of directory */ if ((dir = ws_dir_open(directory, 0, NULL)) != NULL) { while ((file = ws_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) { filename = g_build_filename(directory, ws_dir_get_name(file), NULL); if (test_for_directory(filename) != EISDIR) { ret = ws_remove(filename); } else { /* recurse */ ret = delete_directory (filename); } g_free(filename); if (ret != 0) { break; } } ws_dir_close(dir); } if (ret == 0) { ret = ws_remove(directory); } return ret; } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_remove_all(lua_State* L) { /* Removes an empty or non-empty directory. If the directory was removed successfully, a boolean `true` is returned. If the directory cannot be removed because it does not exist, `false` is returned. If the directory cannot be removed because an error occurred, `nil` is returned. */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dir_remove_all_NAME 1 /* The name of the directory, possibly including path. */ const char *dir_path = luaL_checkstring(L, WSLUA_ARG_Dir_remove_all_NAME); int ret; if (test_for_directory (dir_path) == EISDIR) { ret = delete_directory(dir_path); if (ret != 0) { lua_pushnil(L); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 1); } } else { lua_pushboolean(L, 0); } WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* Boolean `true` on success, `false` if does not exist, `nil` on error. */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_open(lua_State* L) { /* Opens a directory and returns a <> object representing the files in the directory. ==== Example [source,lua] ---- -- Print the contents of a directory for filename in Dir.open('/path/to/dir') do print(filename) end ---- */ #define WSLUA_ARG_Dir_open_PATHNAME 1 /* The pathname of the directory. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_Dir_open_EXTENSION 2 /* If given, only files with this extension will be returned. */ const char* dirname = luaL_checkstring(L,WSLUA_ARG_Dir_open_PATHNAME); const char* extension = luaL_optstring(L,WSLUA_OPTARG_Dir_open_EXTENSION,NULL); Dir dir; char* dirname_clean; dirname_clean = wslua_get_actual_filename(dirname); if (!dirname_clean) { WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(Dir_open,PATHNAME,"directory does not exist"); return 0; } if (!test_for_directory(dirname_clean)) { g_free(dirname_clean); WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(Dir_open,PATHNAME, "must be a directory"); return 0; } dir = (Dir)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_dir)); dir->dir = g_dir_open(dirname_clean, 0, NULL); g_free(dirname_clean); if (dir->dir == NULL) { g_free(dir); WSLUA_ARG_ERROR(Dir_open,PATHNAME,"could not open directory"); return 0; } dir->ext = g_strdup(extension); pushDir(L,dir); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The <> object. */ } WSLUA_METAMETHOD Dir__call(lua_State* L) { /* Gets the next file or subdirectory within the directory, or `nil` when done. ==== Example [source,lua] ---- -- Open a directory and print the name of the first file or subdirectory local dir = Dir.open('/path/to/dir') local first = dir() print(tostring(file)) ---- */ Dir dir = checkDir(L,1); const char* file; const char* filename; const char* ext; if (!dir->dir) { return 0; } if ( ! ( file = g_dir_read_name(dir->dir ) )) { g_dir_close(dir->dir); dir->dir = NULL; return 0; } if ( ! dir->ext ) { lua_pushstring(L,file); return 1; } do { filename = file; /* XXX strstr returns ptr to first match, this fails ext=".xxx" filename="aaa.xxxz.xxx" */ if ( ( ext = strstr(filename,dir->ext)) && g_str_equal(ext,dir->ext) ) { lua_pushstring(L,filename); return 1; } } while(( file = g_dir_read_name(dir->dir) )); g_dir_close(dir->dir); dir->dir = NULL; return 0; } WSLUA_METHOD Dir_close(lua_State* L) { /* Closes the directory. Called automatically during garbage collection of a <> object. */ Dir dir = checkDir(L,1); if (dir->dir) { g_dir_close(dir->dir); dir->dir = NULL; } return 0; } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_personal_config_path(lua_State* L) { /* Gets the https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChAppFilesConfigurationSection.html[personal configuration] directory path, with filename if supplied. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_Dir_personal_config_path_FILENAME 1 /* A filename. */ const char *fname = luaL_optstring(L, WSLUA_OPTARG_Dir_personal_config_path_FILENAME,""); char* filename = get_persconffile_path(fname,false); lua_pushstring(L,filename); g_free(filename); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The full pathname for a file in the personal configuration directory. */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_global_config_path(lua_State* L) { /* Gets the https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChAppFilesConfigurationSection.html[global configuration] directory path, with filename if supplied. */ #define WSLUA_OPTARG_Dir_global_config_path_FILENAME 1 /* A filename */ const char *fname = luaL_optstring(L, WSLUA_OPTARG_Dir_global_config_path_FILENAME,""); char* filename; filename = get_datafile_path(fname); lua_pushstring(L,filename); g_free(filename); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The full pathname for a file in Wireshark's configuration directory. */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_personal_plugins_path(lua_State* L) { /* Gets the personal plugins directory path. */ lua_pushstring(L, get_plugins_pers_dir()); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The pathname of the https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChPluginFolders.html[personal plugins] directory. */ } WSLUA_CONSTRUCTOR Dir_global_plugins_path(lua_State* L) { /* Gets the global plugins directory path. */ lua_pushstring(L, get_plugins_dir()); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* The pathname of the https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChPluginFolders.html[global plugins] directory. */ } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int Dir__gc(lua_State* L) { Dir dir = toDir(L,1); if(!dir) return 0; if (dir->dir) { g_dir_close(dir->dir); } g_free(dir->ext); g_free(dir); return 0; } WSLUA_METHODS Dir_methods[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,make), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,exists), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,remove), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,remove_all), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,open), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,close), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,personal_config_path), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,global_config_path), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,personal_plugins_path), WSLUA_CLASS_FNREG(Dir,global_plugins_path), { NULL, NULL } }; WSLUA_META Dir_meta[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(Dir,call), { NULL, NULL } }; int Dir_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS(Dir); return 0; } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */