/* * wslua_pinfo.c * * Wireshark's interface to the Lua Programming Language * * (c) 2006, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon * (c) 2008, Balint Reczey * (c) 2011, Stig Bjorlykke * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include "wslua_pinfo_common.h" #include #include #include /* WSLUA_MODULE Pinfo Obtaining Packet Information */ /* * Track pointers to wireshark's structures. * see comment on wslua_tvb.c */ static GPtrArray* outstanding_Pinfo = NULL; static GPtrArray* outstanding_PrivateTable = NULL; CLEAR_OUTSTANDING(Pinfo,expired, TRUE) CLEAR_OUTSTANDING(PrivateTable,expired, TRUE) Pinfo* push_Pinfo(lua_State* L, packet_info* ws_pinfo) { Pinfo pinfo = NULL; if (ws_pinfo) { pinfo = (Pinfo)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_pinfo)); pinfo->ws_pinfo = ws_pinfo; pinfo->expired = FALSE; g_ptr_array_add(outstanding_Pinfo,pinfo); } return pushPinfo(L,pinfo); } #define PUSH_PRIVATE_TABLE(L,c) {g_ptr_array_add(outstanding_PrivateTable,c);pushPrivateTable(L,c);} WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(PrivateTable,FAIL_ON_NULL_OR_EXPIRED("PrivateTable")); /* PrivateTable represents the pinfo->private_table. */ WSLUA_METAMETHOD PrivateTable__tostring(lua_State* L) { /* Gets debugging type information about the private table. */ PrivateTable priv = toPrivateTable(L,1); GString *key_string; GList *keys, *key; if (!priv) return 0; key_string = g_string_new (""); keys = g_hash_table_get_keys (priv->table); key = g_list_first (keys); while (key) { key_string = g_string_append (key_string, (const gchar *)key->data); key = g_list_next (key); if (key) { key_string = g_string_append_c (key_string, ','); } } lua_pushstring(L,key_string->str); g_string_free (key_string, TRUE); g_list_free (keys); WSLUA_RETURN(1); /* A string with all keys in the table, mostly for debugging. */ } static int PrivateTable__index(lua_State* L) { /* Gets the text of a specific entry. */ PrivateTable priv = checkPrivateTable(L,1); const gchar* name = luaL_checkstring(L,2); const gchar* string; string = (const gchar *)(g_hash_table_lookup (priv->table, name)); if (string) { lua_pushstring(L, string); } else { lua_pushnil(L); } return 1; } static int PrivateTable__newindex(lua_State* L) { /* Sets the text of a specific entry. */ PrivateTable priv = checkPrivateTable(L,1); const gchar* name = luaL_checkstring(L,2); const gchar* string = NULL; if (lua_isstring(L,3)) { /* This also catches numbers, which is converted to string */ string = luaL_checkstring(L,3); } else if (lua_isboolean(L,3)) { /* We support boolean by setting a empty string if true and NULL if false */ string = lua_toboolean(L,3) ? "" : NULL; } else if (!lua_isnil(L,3)) { luaL_error(L,"unsupported type: %s", lua_typename(L,3)); return 0; } if (string) { g_hash_table_replace (priv->table, (gpointer) g_strdup(name), (gpointer) g_strdup(string)); } else { g_hash_table_remove (priv->table, (gconstpointer) name); } return 1; } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int PrivateTable__gc(lua_State* L) { PrivateTable priv = toPrivateTable(L,1); if (!priv) return 0; if (!priv->expired) { priv->expired = TRUE; } else { if (priv->is_allocated) { g_hash_table_destroy (priv->table); } g_free(priv); } return 0; } WSLUA_META PrivateTable_meta[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(PrivateTable,index), WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(PrivateTable,newindex), WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(PrivateTable,tostring), { NULL, NULL } }; int PrivateTable_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_META(PrivateTable); return 0; } WSLUA_CLASS_DEFINE(Pinfo,FAIL_ON_NULL_OR_EXPIRED("Pinfo")); /* Packet information. */ static int Pinfo__tostring(lua_State *L) { lua_pushstring(L,"a Pinfo"); return 1; } #define PINFO_ADDRESS_GETTER(name) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_GET(Pinfo,name, { \ Address addr = g_new(address,1); \ copy_address(addr, &(obj->ws_pinfo->name)); \ pushAddress(L,addr); \ }) /* * Addresses within the Pinfo structure are only valid for a single packet, so * allocate memory from the pinfo pool. */ #define PINFO_ADDRESS_SETTER(name) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_SET(Pinfo,name, { \ const address* from = checkAddress(L,-1); \ copy_address_wmem(obj->ws_pinfo->pool, &(obj->ws_pinfo->name), from); \ }) #define PINFO_NAMED_BOOLEAN_GETTER(name,member) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_BOOLEAN_GETTER(Pinfo,name,ws_pinfo->member) #define PINFO_NAMED_BOOLEAN_SETTER(name,member) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_BOOLEAN_SETTER(Pinfo,name,ws_pinfo->member) #define PINFO_NUMBER_GETTER(name) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(Pinfo,name,ws_pinfo->name) #define PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(name,member) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(Pinfo,name,ws_pinfo->member) #define PINFO_NUMBER_SETTER(name,cast) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_NUMBER_SETTER(Pinfo,name,ws_pinfo->name,cast) #define PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_SETTER(name,member,cast) \ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_NUMBER_SETTER(Pinfo,name,ws_pinfo->member,cast) static double lua_nstime_to_sec(const nstime_t *nstime) { return (((double)nstime->secs) + (((double)nstime->nsecs) / 1000000000.0)); } static double lua_delta_nstime_to_sec(const Pinfo pinfo, const frame_data *fd, guint32 prev_num) { nstime_t del; frame_delta_abs_time(pinfo->ws_pinfo->epan, fd, prev_num, &del); return lua_nstime_to_sec(&del); } /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_visited RO Whether this packet has been already visited. */ PINFO_NAMED_BOOLEAN_GETTER(visited,fd->visited); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_number RO The number of this packet in the current file. */ PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(number,num); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_len RO The length of the frame. */ PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(len,fd->pkt_len); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_caplen RO The captured length of the frame. */ PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(caplen,fd->cap_len); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_abs_ts RO When the packet was captured. */ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK_NUMBER_GETTER(Pinfo,abs_ts,lua_nstime_to_sec(&obj->ws_pinfo->abs_ts)); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_rel_ts RO Number of seconds passed since beginning of capture. */ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK_NUMBER_GETTER(Pinfo,rel_ts,lua_nstime_to_sec(&obj->ws_pinfo->rel_ts)); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_delta_ts RO Number of seconds passed since the last captured packet. */ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK_NUMBER_GETTER(Pinfo,delta_ts,lua_delta_nstime_to_sec(obj, obj->ws_pinfo->fd, obj->ws_pinfo->num - 1)); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_delta_dis_ts RO Number of seconds passed since the last displayed packet. */ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK_NUMBER_GETTER(Pinfo,delta_dis_ts,lua_delta_nstime_to_sec(obj, obj->ws_pinfo->fd, obj->ws_pinfo->fd->prev_dis_num)); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_curr_proto RO Which Protocol are we dissecting. */ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_STRING_GETTER(Pinfo,curr_proto,ws_pinfo->current_proto); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_can_desegment RW Set if this segment could be desegmented. */ PINFO_NUMBER_GETTER(can_desegment); PINFO_NUMBER_SETTER(can_desegment,guint16); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_desegment_len RW Estimated number of additional bytes required for completing the PDU. */ PINFO_NUMBER_GETTER(desegment_len); PINFO_NUMBER_SETTER(desegment_len,guint32); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_desegment_offset RW Offset in the tvbuff at which the dissector will continue processing when next called. */ PINFO_NUMBER_GETTER(desegment_offset); PINFO_NUMBER_SETTER(desegment_offset,int); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_fragmented RO If the protocol is only a fragment. */ PINFO_NAMED_BOOLEAN_GETTER(fragmented,fragmented); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_in_error_pkt RW If we're inside an error packet. */ PINFO_NAMED_BOOLEAN_GETTER(in_error_pkt,flags.in_error_pkt); PINFO_NAMED_BOOLEAN_SETTER(in_error_pkt,flags.in_error_pkt); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_match_uint RO Matched uint for calling subdissector from table. */ PINFO_NUMBER_GETTER(match_uint); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_match_string RO Matched string for calling subdissector from table. */ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_NAMED_STRING_GETTER(Pinfo,match_string,ws_pinfo->match_string); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_port_type RW Type of Port of .src_port and .dst_port. */ PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(port_type,ptype); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_src_port RW Source Port of this Packet. */ PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(src_port,srcport); PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_SETTER(src_port,srcport,guint32); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_dst_port RW Destination Port of this Packet. */ PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_GETTER(dst_port,destport); PINFO_NAMED_NUMBER_SETTER(dst_port,destport,guint32); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_dl_src RW Data Link Source Address of this Packet. */ PINFO_ADDRESS_GETTER(dl_src); PINFO_ADDRESS_SETTER(dl_src); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_dl_dst RW Data Link Destination Address of this Packet. */ PINFO_ADDRESS_GETTER(dl_dst); PINFO_ADDRESS_SETTER(dl_dst); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_net_src RW Network Layer Source Address of this Packet. */ PINFO_ADDRESS_GETTER(net_src); PINFO_ADDRESS_SETTER(net_src); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_net_dst RW Network Layer Destination Address of this Packet. */ PINFO_ADDRESS_GETTER(net_dst); PINFO_ADDRESS_SETTER(net_dst); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_src RW Source Address of this Packet. */ PINFO_ADDRESS_GETTER(src); PINFO_ADDRESS_SETTER(src); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_dst RW Destination Address of this Packet. */ PINFO_ADDRESS_GETTER(dst); PINFO_ADDRESS_SETTER(dst); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_p2p_dir RW Direction of this Packet. (incoming / outgoing) */ PINFO_NUMBER_GETTER(p2p_dir); PINFO_NUMBER_SETTER(p2p_dir,int); /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_match RO Port/Data we are matching. */ static int Pinfo_get_match(lua_State *L) { Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,1); if (pinfo->ws_pinfo->match_string) { lua_pushstring(L,pinfo->ws_pinfo->match_string); } else { lua_pushinteger(L,(lua_Integer)(pinfo->ws_pinfo->match_uint)); } return 1; } /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_columns RO Access to the packet list columns. */ /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_cols RO Access to the packet list columns (equivalent to pinfo.columns). */ static int Pinfo_get_columns(lua_State *L) { Columns cols = NULL; Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,1); const gchar* colname = luaL_optstring(L,2,NULL); cols = (Columns)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_cols)); cols->cinfo = pinfo->ws_pinfo->cinfo; cols->expired = FALSE; if (!colname) { Push_Columns(L,cols); } else { lua_settop(L,0); Push_Columns(L,cols); lua_pushstring(L,colname); return get_Columns_index(L); } return 1; } /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_private RO Access to the private table entries. */ static int Pinfo_get_private(lua_State *L) { PrivateTable priv = NULL; Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,1); const gchar* privname = luaL_optstring(L,2,NULL); gboolean is_allocated = FALSE; if (!pinfo->ws_pinfo->private_table) { pinfo->ws_pinfo->private_table = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); is_allocated = TRUE; } priv = (PrivateTable)g_malloc(sizeof(struct _wslua_private_table)); priv->table = pinfo->ws_pinfo->private_table; priv->is_allocated = is_allocated; priv->expired = FALSE; if (!privname) { PUSH_PRIVATE_TABLE(L,priv); } else { lua_settop(L,0); PUSH_PRIVATE_TABLE(L,priv); lua_pushstring(L,privname); return PrivateTable__index(L); } return 1; } /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_hi RW Higher Address of this Packet. */ static int Pinfo_get_hi(lua_State *L) { Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,1); Address addr; addr = (Address)g_malloc(sizeof(address)); if (cmp_address(&(pinfo->ws_pinfo->src), &(pinfo->ws_pinfo->dst) ) >= 0) { copy_address(addr, &(pinfo->ws_pinfo->src)); } else { copy_address(addr, &(pinfo->ws_pinfo->dst)); } pushAddress(L,addr); return 1; } /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_lo RO Lower Address of this Packet. */ static int Pinfo_get_lo(lua_State *L) { Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,1); Address addr; addr = (Address)g_malloc(sizeof(address)); if (cmp_address(&(pinfo->ws_pinfo->src), &(pinfo->ws_pinfo->dst) ) < 0) { copy_address(addr, &(pinfo->ws_pinfo->src)); } else { copy_address(addr, &(pinfo->ws_pinfo->dst)); } pushAddress(L,addr); return 1; } /* WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE Pinfo_conversation WO Sets the packet conversation to the given Proto object. */ static int Pinfo_set_conversation(lua_State *L) { Pinfo pinfo = checkPinfo(L,1); Proto proto = checkProto(L,2); conversation_t *conversation; if (!proto->handle) { luaL_error(L,"Proto %s has no registered dissector", proto->name? proto->name:""); return 0; } conversation = find_or_create_conversation(pinfo->ws_pinfo); conversation_set_dissector(conversation,proto->handle); return 0; } /* Gets registered as metamethod automatically by WSLUA_REGISTER_CLASS/META */ static int Pinfo__gc(lua_State* L) { Pinfo pinfo = toPinfo(L,1); if (!pinfo) return 0; if (!pinfo->expired) pinfo->expired = TRUE; else g_free(pinfo); return 0; } /* This table is ultimately registered as a sub-table of the class' metatable, * and if __index/__newindex is invoked then it calls the appropriate function * from this table for getting/setting the members. */ WSLUA_ATTRIBUTES Pinfo_attributes[] = { WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,number), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,len), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,caplen), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,abs_ts), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,rel_ts), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,delta_ts), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,delta_dis_ts), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,visited), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,src), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,dst), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,lo), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,hi), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,dl_src), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,dl_dst), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,net_src), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,net_dst), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,port_type), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,src_port), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,dst_port), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,match), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,curr_proto), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,columns), { "cols", Pinfo_get_columns, NULL }, WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,can_desegment), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,desegment_len), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,desegment_offset), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,private), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,fragmented), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,in_error_pkt), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,match_uint), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_ROREG(Pinfo,match_string), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_WOREG(Pinfo,conversation), WSLUA_ATTRIBUTE_RWREG(Pinfo,p2p_dir), { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; WSLUA_META Pinfo_meta[] = { WSLUA_CLASS_MTREG(Pinfo,tostring), { NULL, NULL } }; int Pinfo_register(lua_State* L) { WSLUA_REGISTER_META_WITH_ATTRS(Pinfo); outstanding_Pinfo = g_ptr_array_new(); outstanding_PrivateTable = g_ptr_array_new(); return 0; } /* * Editor modelines - https://www.wireshark.org/tools/modelines.html * * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 8 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: * * vi: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab: * :indentSize=4:tabSize=8:noTabs=true: */