%top { /* Include this before everything else, for various large-file definitions */ #include "config.h" /* Include this before everything else, as it declares functions used here. */ #include "mate.h" } /* * We want a reentrant scanner. */ %option reentrant /* * We don't use input, so don't generate code for it. */ %option noinput /* * We don't use unput, so don't generate code for it. */ %option nounput /* * We don't read interactively from the terminal. */ %option never-interactive /* * We want to stop processing when we get to the end of the input. */ %option noyywrap /* * The type for the state we keep for a scanner. */ %option extra-type="Mate_scanner_state_t *" /* * We have to override the memory allocators so that we don't get * "unused argument" warnings from the yyscanner argument (which * we don't use, as we have a global memory allocator). * * We provide, as macros, our own versions of the routines generated by Flex, * which just call malloc()/realloc()/free() (as the Flex versions do), * discarding the extra argument. */ %option noyyalloc %option noyyrealloc %option noyyfree /* * Prefix scanner routines with "Mate_" rather than "yy", so this scanner * can coexist with other scanners. */ %option prefix="Mate_" %{ /* mate_parser.l * lexical analyzer for MATE configuration files * * Copyright 2004, Luis E. Garcia Ontanon * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "mate_grammar.h" #include /* * Disable diagnostics in the code generated by Flex. */ DIAG_OFF_FLEX() void MateParseTrace(FILE*,char*); #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 10 typedef struct { mate_config* mc; mate_config_frame* current_frame; void* pParser; YY_BUFFER_STATE include_stack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH]; int include_stack_ptr; } Mate_scanner_state_t; #define MATE_PARSE(token_type) MateParser(yyextra->pParser, (token_type), g_strdup(yytext), yyextra->mc); /* * Flex (v 2.5.35) uses this symbol to "exclude" unistd.h */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define YY_NO_UNISTD_H #endif static void free_config_frame(mate_config_frame *frame) { g_free(frame->filename); g_free(frame); } #define YY_USER_INIT BEGIN OUTSIDE; /* * Sleazy hack to suppress compiler warnings in yy_fatal_error(). */ #define YY_EXIT_FAILURE ((void)yyscanner, 2) /* * Macros for the allocators, to discard the extra argument. */ #define Mate_alloc(size, yyscanner) (void *)malloc(size) #define Mate_realloc(ptr, size, yyscanner) (void *)realloc((char *)(ptr), (size)) #define Mate_free(ptr, yyscanner) free((char *)ptr) %} pdu_kw Pdu gop_kw Gop gog_kw Gog transform_kw Transform match_kw Match always_kw Always strict_kw Strict every_kw Every loose_kw Loose replace_kw Replace insert_kw Insert gop_tree_kw GopTree member_kw Member on_kw On start_kw Start stop_kw Stop extra_kw Extra show_tree_kw ShowTree show_times_kw ShowTimes expiration_kw Expiration idle_timeout_kw IdleTimeout lifetime_kw Lifetime no_tree_kw NoTree pdu_tree_kw PduTree frame_tree_kw FrameTree basic_tree_kw BasicTree true_kw [Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee] false_kw [Ff][Aa][Ll][Ss][Ee] proto_kw Proto payload_kw Payload transport_kw Transport criteria_kw Criteria accept_kw Accept reject_kw Reject extract_kw Extract from_kw From drop_unassigned_kw DropUnassigned discard_pdu_data_kw DiscardPduData last_pdu_kw LastPdu done_kw Done filename_kw Filename debug_kw Debug level_kw Level default_kw Default open_parens "(" close_parens ")" open_brace "{" close_brace "}" comma "," semicolon ";" slash "/" pipe "|" integer [0-9]+ floating ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+) doted_ip [0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?\.[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]? colonized [0-9A-Fa-f:]*[:][0-9A-Fa-f:]* name [a-z][-\.a-zA-Z0-9_]* avp_operator [$^~=<>!] quote ["] not_quoted [^"]* include "#include" filename [-A-Za-z0-9_/.]+ whitespace [[:blank:]\r]+ newline \n comment "//"[^\n]*\n blk_cmnt_start "/*" cmnt_char . blk_cmnt_stop "*/" %START OUTSIDE QUOTED INCLUDING COMMENT %% {newline} yyextra->current_frame->linenum++; {whitespace} ; {include} BEGIN INCLUDING; {filename} { if ( yyextra->include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH ) ws_error("dtd_preparse: include files nested too deeply"); yyextra->include_stack[yyextra->include_stack_ptr++] = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER; yyin = ws_fopen( yytext, "r" ); if (!yyin) { Mate__delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER, yyscanner); /* coverity[negative_sink] */ Mate__switch_to_buffer(yyextra->include_stack[--yyextra->include_stack_ptr], yyscanner); if (errno) g_string_append_printf(yyextra->mc->config_error, "Mate parser: Could not open file: '%s': %s", yytext, g_strerror(errno) ); } else { yyextra->current_frame = g_new(mate_config_frame, 1); yyextra->current_frame->filename = g_strdup(yytext); yyextra->current_frame->linenum = 1; g_ptr_array_add(yyextra->mc->config_stack,yyextra->current_frame); Mate__switch_to_buffer(Mate__create_buffer(yyin, YY_BUF_SIZE, yyscanner), yyscanner); } BEGIN OUTSIDE; } <> { /* coverity[check_after_sink] */ if ( --yyextra->include_stack_ptr < 0 ) { yyterminate(); } else { Mate__delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER, yyscanner); Mate__switch_to_buffer(yyextra->include_stack[yyextra->include_stack_ptr], yyscanner); free_config_frame(yyextra->current_frame); yyextra->current_frame = (mate_config_frame *)g_ptr_array_remove_index(yyextra->mc->config_stack,yyextra->mc->config_stack->len-1); } } {comment} yyextra->current_frame->linenum++; {blk_cmnt_start} BEGIN COMMENT; {cmnt_char} ; {blk_cmnt_stop} BEGIN OUTSIDE; {pdu_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_PDU_KW); {gop_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_GOP_KW); {gog_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_GOG_KW); {transform_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_TRANSFORM_KW); {match_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_MATCH_KW); {strict_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_STRICT_KW); {every_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_EVERY_KW); {loose_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_LOOSE_KW); {replace_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_REPLACE_KW); {insert_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_INSERT_KW); {gop_tree_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_GOP_TREE_KW); {member_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_MEMBER_KW); {on_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_ON_KW); {start_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_START_KW); {stop_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_STOP_KW); {extra_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_EXTRA_KW); {show_tree_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_SHOW_TREE_KW); {show_times_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_SHOW_TIMES_KW); {expiration_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_EXPIRATION_KW); {idle_timeout_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_IDLE_TIMEOUT_KW); {lifetime_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_LIFETIME_KW); {no_tree_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_NO_TREE_KW); {pdu_tree_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_PDU_TREE_KW); {frame_tree_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_FRAME_TREE_KW); {basic_tree_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_BASIC_TREE_KW); {true_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_TRUE_KW); {false_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_FALSE_KW); {proto_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_PROTO_KW); {payload_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_PAYLOAD_KW); {transport_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_TRANSPORT_KW); {criteria_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_CRITERIA_KW); {accept_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_ACCEPT_KW); {reject_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_REJECT_KW); {extract_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_EXTRACT_KW); {from_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_FROM_KW); {drop_unassigned_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_DROP_UNASSIGNED_KW); {discard_pdu_data_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_DISCARD_PDU_DATA_KW); {last_pdu_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_LAST_PDU_KW); {done_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_DONE_KW); {filename_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_FILENAME_KW); {debug_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_DEBUG_KW); {level_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_LEVEL_KW); {default_kw} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_DEFAULT_KW); {open_parens} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_OPEN_PARENS); {close_parens} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_CLOSE_PARENS); {open_brace} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_OPEN_BRACE); {close_brace} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_CLOSE_BRACE); {comma} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_COMMA); {semicolon} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_SEMICOLON); {slash} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_SLASH); {pipe} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_PIPE); {integer} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_INTEGER); {floating} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_FLOATING); {doted_ip} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_DOTED_IP); {colonized} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_COLONIZED); {name} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_NAME); {avp_operator} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_AVP_OPERATOR); {quote} BEGIN QUOTED; {not_quoted} MATE_PARSE(TOKEN_QUOTED); {quote} BEGIN OUTSIDE; %% /* * Turn diagnostics back on, so we check the code that we've written. */ DIAG_ON_FLEX() static void ptr_array_free(void *data, void *user_data _U_) { free_config_frame((mate_config_frame *)data); } extern bool mate_load_config(const char* filename, mate_config* mc) { FILE *in; yyscan_t scanner; Mate_scanner_state_t state; volatile bool status = true; in = ws_fopen(filename,"r"); if (!in) { g_string_append_printf(mc->config_error,"Mate parser: Could not open file: '%s', error: %s", filename, g_strerror(errno) ); return false; } if (Mate_lex_init(&scanner) != 0) { g_string_append_printf(mc->config_error, "Mate parse: Could not initialize scanner: %s", g_strerror(errno)); fclose(in); return false; } Mate_set_in(in, scanner); mc->config_stack = g_ptr_array_new(); state.mc = mc; state.current_frame = g_new(mate_config_frame, 1); state.current_frame->filename = g_strdup(filename); state.current_frame->linenum = 1; g_ptr_array_add(mc->config_stack,state.current_frame); state.pParser = MateParserAlloc(g_malloc); state.include_stack_ptr = 0; /* Associate the state with the scanner */ Mate_set_extra(&state, scanner); /* MateParserTrace(stdout,""); */ TRY { Mate_lex(scanner); /* Inform parser that end of input has reached. */ MateParser(state.pParser, 0, NULL, mc); MateParserFree(state.pParser, g_free); } CATCH(MateConfigError) { status = false; } CATCH_ALL { status = false; g_string_append_printf(mc->config_error,"An unexpected error occurred"); } ENDTRY; Mate_lex_destroy(scanner); fclose(in); g_ptr_array_foreach(mc->config_stack, ptr_array_free, NULL); g_ptr_array_free(mc->config_stack, true); return status; }