------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This was changed for Wireshark's use by Hadriel Kaplan. -- -- Changes made: -- * provided 'serialize' option to output serialized info (ie, can be marshaled), -- though note that serializing functions/metatables/userdata/threads will not -- magically make them be their original type when marshaled. -- * provided 'notostring' option, which if true will disabled calling __tostring -- metamethod of tables. -- * made it always print the index number of numbered-array entries, and on separate -- lines like the normal key'd entries (much easier to read this way I think) -- New public functions: -- inspect.compare(first,second[,options]) -- inspect.marshal(inString[,options]) -- inspect.makeFilter(arrayTable) -- -- For the *changes*: -- Copyright (c) 2014, Hadriel Kaplan -- My change to the code is in the Public Domain, or the BSD (3 clause) license if -- Public Domain does not apply in your country, or you would prefer a BSD license. -- But the original code is still under Enrique García Cota's MIT license (below). ------------------------------------------------------------------- local inspect ={ _VERSION = 'inspect.lua 2.0.0 - with changes', _URL = 'http://github.com/kikito/inspect.lua', _DESCRIPTION = 'human-readable representations of tables', _LICENSE = [[ MIT LICENSE Copyright (c) 2013 Enrique García Cota Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]], _TINDEX_KEY = '', -- the key name to use for index number entries for tables _DEPTH_MARKER = " [''] = true " -- instead of printing '...' we print this } -- Apostrophizes the string if it has quotes, but not apostrophes -- Otherwise, it returns a regular quoted string local function smartQuote(str) if str:match('"') and not str:match("'") then return "'" .. str .. "'" end return '"' .. str:gsub('"', '\\"') .. '"' end local controlCharsTranslation = { ["\a"] = "\\a", ["\b"] = "\\b", ["\f"] = "\\f", ["\n"] = "\\n", ["\r"] = "\\r", ["\t"] = "\\t", ["\v"] = "\\v" } local function escapeChar(c) return controlCharsTranslation[c] end local function escape(str) local result = str:gsub("\\", "\\\\"):gsub("(%c)", escapeChar) return result end local function isIdentifier(str) return type(str) == 'string' and str:match( "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$" ) end local function isArrayKey(k, length) return type(k) == 'number' and 1 <= k and k <= length end local function isDictionaryKey(k, length) return not isArrayKey(k, length) end local defaultTypeOrders = { ['number'] = 1, ['boolean'] = 2, ['string'] = 3, ['table'] = 4, ['function'] = 5, ['userdata'] = 6, ['thread'] = 7 } local function sortKeys(a, b) local ta, tb = type(a), type(b) -- strings and numbers are sorted numerically/alphabetically if ta == tb and (ta == 'string' or ta == 'number') then return a < b end local dta, dtb = defaultTypeOrders[ta], defaultTypeOrders[tb] -- Two default types are compared according to the defaultTypeOrders table if dta and dtb then return defaultTypeOrders[ta] < defaultTypeOrders[tb] elseif dta then return true -- default types before custom ones elseif dtb then return false -- custom types after default ones end -- custom types are sorted out alphabetically return ta < tb end local function getDictionaryKeys(t) local keys, length = {}, #t for k,_ in pairs(t) do if isDictionaryKey(k, length) then table.insert(keys, k) end end table.sort(keys, sortKeys) return keys end local function getToStringResultSafely(t, mt) local __tostring = type(mt) == 'table' and rawget(mt, '__tostring') local str, ok if type(__tostring) == 'function' then ok, str = pcall(__tostring, t) str = ok and str or 'error: ' .. tostring(str) end if type(str) == 'string' and #str > 0 then return str end end local maxIdsMetaTable = { __index = function(self, typeName) rawset(self, typeName, 0) return 0 end } local idsMetaTable = { __index = function (self, typeName) local col = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"}) rawset(self, typeName, col) return col end } local function countTableAppearances(t, tableAppearances) tableAppearances = tableAppearances or setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"}) if type(t) == 'table' then if not tableAppearances[t] then tableAppearances[t] = 1 for k,v in pairs(t) do countTableAppearances(k, tableAppearances) countTableAppearances(v, tableAppearances) end countTableAppearances(getmetatable(t), tableAppearances) else tableAppearances[t] = tableAppearances[t] + 1 end end return tableAppearances end local function parse_filter(filter) if type(filter) == 'function' then return filter end -- not a function, so it must be a table or table-like filter = type(filter) == 'table' and filter or {filter} local dictionary = {} for _,v in pairs(filter) do dictionary[v] = true end return function(x) return dictionary[x] end end local function makePath(path, key) local newPath, len = {}, #path for i=1, len do newPath[i] = path[i] end newPath[len+1] = key return newPath end ------------------------------------------------------------------- function inspect.inspect(rootObject, options) options = options or {} local depth = options.depth or math.huge local filter = parse_filter(options.filter or {}) local serialize = options.serialize local depth_marker = inspect._DEPTH_MARKER local tableAppearances = countTableAppearances(rootObject) local buffer = {} local maxIds = setmetatable({}, maxIdsMetaTable) local ids = setmetatable({}, idsMetaTable) local level = 0 local blen = 0 -- buffer length local function puts(...) local args = {...} for i=1, #args do blen = blen + 1 buffer[blen] = tostring(args[i]) end end -- like puts above, but for things we want as quoted strings -- so they become values, as we do if serializing local function putv(...) blen = blen + 1 buffer[blen] = "'" puts(...) blen = blen + 1 buffer[blen] = "'" end -- if serializing, using raw strings is unsafe, so we use the full "['key']" style local function putk(...) blen = blen + 1 buffer[blen] = "['" puts(...) blen = blen + 1 buffer[blen] = "']" end -- if not serializing, it's all puts if not serialize then putv = puts putk = puts depth_marker = '...' end -- disable using __tostring metamethod local getToStringResultSafely = getToStringResultSafely if options.notostring or serialize then getToStringResultSafely = function() return end end local function down(f) level = level + 1 f() level = level - 1 end local function tabify() puts("\n", string.rep(" ", level)) end local function commaControl(needsComma) if needsComma then puts(',') end return true end local function alreadyVisited(v) return ids[type(v)][v] ~= nil end local function getId(v) local tv = type(v) local id = ids[tv][v] if not id then id = maxIds[tv] + 1 maxIds[tv] = id ids[tv][v] = id end return id end local putValue -- forward declaration that needs to go before putTable & putKey local function putKey(k) if not serialize and isIdentifier(k) then return puts(k) end puts("[") putValue(k, {}) puts("]") end local function putTable(t, path) if alreadyVisited(t) then putv('') elseif level >= depth then puts('{', depth_marker, '}') else if not serialize and tableAppearances[t] > 1 then puts('<', getId(t), '>') end local dictKeys = getDictionaryKeys(t) local length = #t local mt = getmetatable(t) local to_string_result = getToStringResultSafely(t, mt) puts('{') down(function() if to_string_result then puts(' -- ', escape(to_string_result)) if length >= 1 then tabify() end -- tabify the array values end local needsComma = false if serialize and tableAppearances[t] > 1 then getId(t) end for i=1, length do needsComma = commaControl(needsComma) -- just doing puts(' ') made for ugly arrays tabify() putKey(i) puts(' = ') putValue(t[i], makePath(path, i)) end for _,k in ipairs(dictKeys) do needsComma = commaControl(needsComma) tabify() putKey(k) puts(' = ') putValue(t[k], makePath(path, k)) end if mt then needsComma = commaControl(needsComma) tabify() putk('') puts(' = ') putValue(mt, makePath(path, '')) end end) if #dictKeys > 0 or mt then -- dictionary table. Justify closing } tabify() elseif length > 0 then -- array tables have one extra space before closing } puts(' ') end puts('}') end end -- putvalue is forward-declared before putTable & putKey putValue = function(v, path) if filter(v, path) then putv('') else local tv = type(v) if tv == 'string' then puts(smartQuote(escape(v))) elseif tv == 'number' and v == math.huge then putv('') elseif tv == 'number' or tv == 'boolean' or tv == 'nil' then puts(tostring(v)) elseif tv == 'table' then putTable(v, path) else putv('<',tv,' ',getId(v),'>') end end end putValue(rootObject, {}) return table.concat(buffer) end setmetatable(inspect, { __call = function(_, ...) return inspect.inspect(...) end }) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The above is very close to Enrique's original inspect library. -- Below are my main changes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Given a string generated by inspect() with the serialize option, -- this function marshals it back into a Lua table/whatever. -- If the string's table(s) had metatable(s), i.e. "" tables, -- then this keeps them as "" subtables unless the option -- 'nometa' is set to true. -- -- This function also removes all "" entries. -- function inspect.marshal(inString, options) options = options or {} local index = inspect._TINDEX_KEY local function removeIndex(t) if type(t) == 'table' then t[index] = nil for _, v in pairs(t) do removeIndex(v) end end end local function removeMeta(t) if type(t) == 'table' then t[''] = nil for _, v in pairs(t) do removeMeta(v) end end end -- first skip past comments/empty-lines -- warning: super-hack-ish weak local pos, ok, dk = 1, true, true local fin local stop = string.len(inString) while ok or dk do ok, fin = inString:find("^[%s\r\n]+",pos) if ok then pos = fin + 1 end dk, fin = inString:find("^%-%-.-\n",pos) if dk then pos = fin + 1 end end if not inString:find("^%s*return[%s%{]",pos) then inString = "return " .. inString end -- loadstring was removed after Lua 5.1, load given a string -- argument does the same thing local load = (_VERSION == "Lua 5.1") and loadstring or load local t = assert(load(inString))() removeIndex(t) if options.nometa then removeMeta(t) end return t end ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- more private functions -- things like '' are equal to '' local mungetypes = { {"^", ''}, {"^
", '
'}, {"^", ''}, {"^", ''} } local function normalizeString(s) for _,t in ipairs(mungetypes) do if s:find(t[1]) then return t[2] end end return s end local typetable = { [''] = 'function', ['
'] = 'table', [''] = 'userdata', [''] = 'thread' } local function getType(v) local tv = type(v) if tv == 'string' then tv = typetable[normalizeString(v)] or 'string' end return tv end local function tablelength(t) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end return count end -- for pretty-printing paths, for debug output -- this is non-optimal, but only gets used in verbose mode anyway local function serializePath(path) local t = {} for i,k in ipairs(path) do local tk = type(k) if isIdentifier(k) then t[i] = ((i == 1) and k) or ('.'..k) elseif tk == 'string' then t[i] = '[' .. smartQuote(escape(k)) .. ']' elseif tk == 'number' or tk == 'boolean' then t[i] = '[' .. tostring(k) .. ']' else t[i] = "['<" .. tk .. ">']" end end if #t == 0 then t[1] = '{}' end return table.concat(t) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Given one table and another, this function detects if the first is -- completely contained in the second object. The second can have more -- entries, but cannot be missing an entry in the first one. Entry values -- must match as well - i.e., string values are the same, numbers the -- same, booleans the same. -- -- The function returns true if the first is in the second, false otherwise. -- It also returns a table of the diff, which will be empty if they matched. -- This returned table is structured like the first one passed in, -- so calling print(inspect(returnedTabled)) will make it pretty print. -- -- The returned table's members have their values replaced with mismatch -- information, explaining what the mismatch was. Setting the option "keep" -- makes it not replace the values, but keep them as they were in the first -- table. -- -- By default, the key's values must match in both tables. If the option -- 'nonumber' is set, then number values are not compared. This is useful -- if they're things that can change (like exported C-code numbers). -- -- By default, the metatables/"" are also compared. If the option -- 'nometa' is set, then metatables are not compared, nor does it matter if -- they exist in either table. -- -- Like inspect(), there's a 'filter' option, which works the same way: -- it ignores its value completely in terms of matching, so their string values -- can be different, but the keys still have to exist. Sub-tables of -- such keys (i.e., if the key's value is a table) are not checked/compared. -- In other words, it's identical to the filter option for inspect(). -- -- The option 'ignore' is similar to 'filter', except matching ones -- are not checked for existence in the tables at all. -- -- Setting the 'depth' option applies as in inspect(), to both tables. -- -- Setting the option 'verbose' makes it print out as it compares, for -- debugging or test purposes. -- function inspect.compare(firstTable, secondTable, options) options = options or {} local depth = options.depth or math.huge local filter = parse_filter(options.filter or {}) local ignore = parse_filter(options.ignore or {}) local function puts(...) local args = {...} for i=1, #args do blen = blen + 1 buffer[blen] = tostring(args[i]) end end -- for debug printing local function dprint(...) local args = {...} print(table.concat(args)) end local serializePath = serializePath if not options.verbose then dprint = function() return end serializePath = function() return end end -- for error message replacing key value local function emsg(...) local args = {...} return(table.concat(args)) end if options.keep then emsg = function() return end end -- declare checkValue here local checkValue local function checkTable(f, s, path) dprint("checking ",serializePath(path)," table contents") for k, v in pairs(f) do local child = makePath(path, k) if not ignore(v,child) then local ret, msg = checkValue(v, s[k], child) if ret then f[k] = nil elseif msg then f[k] = msg dprint(serializePath(child)," ",msg) end else dprint("ignoring ",serializePath(child)) f[k] = nil end end return tablelength(f) == 0 end -- a wrapper for failure cases in checkValue() that can be handled the same way local function compCheck(f,s,func) if not func() then return false, emsg("mismatched ",getType(f)," values: ",tostring(f)," --> ",tostring(s)) end return true end -- kinda ugly, but I wanted pretty information output checkValue = function(f, s, path) local tf = getType(f) dprint("checking ",serializePath(path)," (",tf,")") if s == nil then return false, emsg("missing ",tf,"!") elseif tf ~= getType(s) then return false, emsg("type mismatch (",tf,") --> (",getType(s),")") elseif type(f) == 'table' then return checkTable(f, s, path) end return compCheck(f,s,function() if tf == 'string' or tf == 'boolean' then return f == s elseif tf == 'number' then return f == s or options.nonumber else -- assume they're the same functions/userdata/looped-table -- type matching before would already cover it otherwise return true end end) end -- inspect+serialize both tables, to normalize them, separate their -- metatables, limit depth, etc. Also, since we pass the filter option on, -- the filtered items become "" and will by definition match local function normalizeTable(t) return assert( inspect.marshal( inspect.inspect(t,{serialize=true,depth=depth,filter=filter}), {nometa=options.nometa} )) end local first = normalizeTable(firstTable) local second = normalizeTable(secondTable) return checkTable(first, second, {}), first end ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Given a table of key strings, return a function that can be used for -- the 'filter' option of inspect() and inspect.compare() functions. function inspect.makeFilter(arrayTable) local filter = {} -- our filter lookup tree (tables of tables) local matchNode = {} -- a table instance we use as a key for nodes which match local wildcard = {} -- a key table of wildcard match names local function buildFilter(pathname) local t = filter local key -- if the filtered name starts with a '.', it's a wildcard if pathname:find("^%.") then wildcard[pathname:sub(2)] = true return end for sep, name in pathname:gmatch("([%.%[\"\']*)([^%.%[\"\'%]]+)[\"\'%]]?") do if sep == '[' then if name == 'true' then key = true elseif name == 'false' then key = false else key = tonumber(name) end else -- to be safe, we'll check the key name doesn't mean a table/function/userdata local tn = getType(name) if tn == 'string' then key = name else error("filter key '"..pathname.."' has key '"..name.."' which is an unsupported type ("..tn..")") end end if not t[key] then t[key] = {} end t = t[key] end t[matchNode] = true end -- we could call serializePath() and do a simple lookup, but it's expensive and -- we'd be calling it a LOT. So instead we break up the filter -- table into true "path" elements, into a filter tree, and compare -- against it... thereby avoiding string concat/manip during compare. for _, pathname in ipairs(arrayTable) do buildFilter(pathname) end return function(value,path) local t = filter if wildcard[ path[#path] ] then return true end for _,v in ipairs(path) do if not t[v] then return false end t = t[v] end return t[matchNode] == true end end return inspect