---------------------------------------- -- script-name: tvb.lua -- This tests the Tvb/TvbRange and proto_add_XXX_item API. ---------------------------------------- local testlib = require("testlib") local FRAME = "frame" local OTHER = "other" -- expected number of runs per type -- -- CHANGE THIS TO MATCH HOW MANY TESTS THERE ARE -- -- The number of tests in a specific category (other than FRAME) is the -- number of times execute() is called by any function below testing(). -- From the user's perspective, it can be calculated with the following -- formula: -- -- N = number of execute() you call + -- number of verifyFields() * (1 + number of fields) + -- number of verifyResults() * (1 + 2 * number of values) -- -- if one happens to know the number of fields and the number of values. -- local n_frames = 1 local taptests = { [FRAME]=n_frames, [OTHER]=391*n_frames } testlib.init(taptests) ------------- test script ------------ ---------------------------------------- -- creates a Proto object for our testing local test_proto = Proto("test","Test Protocol") local numinits = 0 function test_proto.init() numinits = numinits + 1 if numinits == 2 then testlib.getResults() end end ---------------------------------------- -- a table of all of our Protocol's fields range_string = { { 0, 200, "The first part" }, { 201, 233, "The second part" }, { 234, 255, "The last part" }, } local testfield = { basic = { STRING = ProtoField.string ("test.basic.string", "Basic string"), BOOLEAN = ProtoField.bool ("test.basic.boolean", "Basic boolean", 16, {"yes","no"}, 0x0001), UINT8 = ProtoField.uint8 ("test.basic.uint8", "Basic uint8 with range string", base.RANGE_STRING, range_string ), UINT16 = ProtoField.uint16 ("test.basic.uint16", "Basic uint16"), UINT32 = ProtoField.uint32 ("test.basic.uint32", "Basic uint32 test with a unit string", base.UINT_STRING, { "femtoFarads" }), INT24 = ProtoField.int24 ("test.basic.uint24", "Basic uint24"), BYTES = ProtoField.bytes ("test.basic.bytes", "Basic Bytes"), UINT_BYTES = ProtoField.ubytes ("test.basic.ubytes", "Basic Uint Bytes"), OID = ProtoField.oid ("test.basic.oid", "Basic OID"), REL_OID = ProtoField.rel_oid("test.basic.rel_oid", "Basic Relative OID"), ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.basic.absolute.local","Basic absolute local"), ABSOLUTE_UTC = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.basic.absolute.utc", "Basic absolute utc", base.UTC), IPv4 = ProtoField.ipv4 ("test.basic.ipv4", "Basic ipv4 address"), IPv6 = ProtoField.ipv6 ("test.basic.ipv6", "Basic ipv6 address"), ETHER = ProtoField.ether ("test.basic.ether", "Basic ethernet address"), -- GUID = ProtoField.guid ("test.basic.guid", "Basic GUID"), }, time = { ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.time.absolute.local","Time absolute local"), ABSOLUTE_UTC = ProtoField.absolute_time("test.time.absolute.utc", "Time absolute utc", base.UTC), }, bytes = { BYTES = ProtoField.bytes ("test.bytes.bytes", "Bytes"), UINT_BYTES = ProtoField.ubytes ("test.bytes.ubytes", "Uint Bytes"), OID = ProtoField.oid ("test.bytes.oid", "OID"), REL_OID = ProtoField.rel_oid("test.bytes.rel_oid", "Relative OID"), -- GUID = ProtoField.guid ("test.bytes.guid", "GUID"), }, } -- create a flat array table of the above that can be registered local pfields = {} for _,t in pairs(testfield) do for k,v in pairs(t) do pfields[#pfields+1] = v end end -- register them test_proto.fields = pfields print("test_proto ProtoFields registered") local getfield = { basic = { STRING = Field.new ("test.basic.string"), BOOLEAN = Field.new ("test.basic.boolean"), UINT8 = Field.new ("test.basic.uint8"), UINT16 = Field.new ("test.basic.uint16"), INT24 = Field.new ("test.basic.uint24"), BYTES = Field.new ("test.basic.bytes"), UINT_BYTES = Field.new ("test.basic.ubytes"), OID = Field.new ("test.basic.oid"), REL_OID = Field.new ("test.basic.rel_oid"), ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = Field.new ("test.basic.absolute.local"), ABSOLUTE_UTC = Field.new ("test.basic.absolute.utc"), IPv4 = Field.new ("test.basic.ipv4"), IPv6 = Field.new ("test.basic.ipv6"), ETHER = Field.new ("test.basic.ether"), -- GUID = Field.new ("test.basic.guid"), }, time = { ABSOLUTE_LOCAL = Field.new ("test.time.absolute.local"), ABSOLUTE_UTC = Field.new ("test.time.absolute.utc"), }, bytes = { BYTES = Field.new ("test.bytes.bytes"), UINT_BYTES = Field.new ("test.bytes.ubytes"), OID = Field.new ("test.bytes.oid"), REL_OID = Field.new ("test.bytes.rel_oid"), -- GUID = Field.new ("test.bytes.guid"), }, } print("test_proto Fields created") local function addMatchFields(match_fields, ... ) match_fields[#match_fields + 1] = { ... } end local function getFieldInfos(name) local base, field = name:match("([^.]+)%.(.+)") if not base or not field then error("failed to get base.field from '" .. name .. "'") end local t = { getfield[base][field]() } return t end local function verifyFields(name, match_fields) local finfos = getFieldInfos(name) testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-fields-size-" .. name, #finfos == #match_fields, "#finfos=" .. #finfos .. ", #match_fields=" .. #match_fields) for i, t in ipairs(match_fields) do if type(t) ~= 'table' then error("verifyFields didn't get a table inside the matches table") end if #t ~= 1 then error("verifyFields matches table's table is not size 1") end local result = finfos[i]() local value = t[1] print( name .. " got:", "\n\tfinfos [" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( result ) .. "'", "\n\tmatches[" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( value ) .. "'" ) testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-fields-value-" .. name .. "-" .. i, result == value ) end end local function addMatchValues(match_values, ... ) match_values[#match_values + 1] = { ... } end local function addMatchFieldValues(match_fields, match_values, match_both, ...) addMatchFields(match_fields, match_both) addMatchValues(match_values, match_both, ...) end local result_values = {} local function resetResults() result_values = {} end local function treeAddPField(...) local t = { pcall ( TreeItem.add_packet_field, ... ) } if t[1] == nil then return nil, t[2] end -- it gives back a TreeItem, then the results if typeof(t[2]) ~= 'TreeItem' then return nil, "did not get a TreeItem returned from TreeItem.add_packet_field, ".. "got a '" .. typeof(t[2]) .."'" end if #t ~= 4 then return nil, "did not get 3 return values from TreeItem.add_packet_field" end result_values[#result_values + 1] = { t[3], t[4] } return true end local function verifyResults(name, match_values) testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-results-size-" .. name, #result_values == #match_values, "#result_values=" .. #result_values .. ", #match_values=" .. #match_values) for j, t in ipairs(match_values) do if type(t) ~= 'table' then error("verifyResults didn't get a table inside the matches table") end for i, match in ipairs(t) do local r = result_values[j][i] print( name .. " got:", "\n\tresults[" .. j .. "][" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( r ) .. "'", "\n\tmatches[" .. j .. "][" .. i .. "]='" .. tostring( match ) .. "'" ) local result_type, match_type if type(match) == 'userdata' then match_type = typeof(match) else match_type = type(match) end if type(r) == 'userdata' then result_type = typeof(r) else result_type = type(r) end testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-results-type-" .. name .. "-" .. i, result_type == match_type ) testlib.test(OTHER, "verify-results-value-" .. name .. "-" .. i, r == match ) end end end -- Compute the difference in seconds between local time and UTC -- from http://lua-users.org/wiki/TimeZone local function get_timezone() local now = os.time() return os.difftime(now, os.time(os.date("!*t", now))) end local timezone = get_timezone() print ("timezone = " .. timezone) ---------------------------------------- -- The following creates the callback function for the dissector. -- The 'tvbuf' is a Tvb object, 'pktinfo' is a Pinfo object, and 'root' is a TreeItem object. function test_proto.dissector(tvbuf,pktinfo,root) testlib.countPacket(FRAME) testlib.countPacket(OTHER) testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic string") local tree = root:add(test_proto, tvbuf:range(0,tvbuf:len())) -- create a fake Tvb to use for testing local teststring = "this is the string for the first test" local bytearray = ByteArray.new(teststring, true) local tvb_string = bytearray:tvb("Basic string") local function callTreeAdd(tree,...) tree:add(...) end local string_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-tvb_get_string", tvb_string:range():string() == teststring ) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-string", tree:add(testfield.basic.STRING, tvb_string:range(0,tvb_string:len())) ~= nil ) addMatchFields(string_match_fields, teststring) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-string", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.STRING, tvb_string:range() ) ) addMatchFields(string_match_fields, teststring) verifyFields("basic.STRING", string_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic boolean") local barray_bytes_hex = "00FF00018000" local barray_bytes = ByteArray.new(barray_bytes_hex) local tvb_bytes = barray_bytes:tvb("Basic bytes") local bool_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-boolean", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BOOLEAN, tvb_bytes:range(0,2)) ) addMatchFields(bool_match_fields, true) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-boolean", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BOOLEAN, tvb_bytes:range(2,2)) ) addMatchFields(bool_match_fields, true) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-boolean", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BOOLEAN, tvb_bytes:range(4,2)) ) addMatchFields(bool_match_fields, false) verifyFields("basic.BOOLEAN", bool_match_fields ) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic uint16") local uint16_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(0,2)) ) addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 255) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(2,2)) ) addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 1) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(4,2)) ) addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 32768) verifyFields("basic.UINT16", uint16_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic uint16-le") local function callTreeAddLE(tree,...) tree:add_le(...) end testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(0,2)) ) addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 65280) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(2,2)) ) addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 256) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint16-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.UINT16, tvb_bytes:range(4,2)) ) addMatchFields(uint16_match_fields, 128) verifyFields("basic.UINT16", uint16_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic int24") local int24_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(0,3)) ) addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 65280) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(3,3)) ) addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 98304) verifyFields("basic.INT24", int24_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic int24-le") testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(0,3)) ) addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 65280) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-int24", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, testfield.basic.INT24, tvb_bytes:range(3,3)) ) addMatchFields(int24_match_fields, 32769) verifyFields("basic.INT24", int24_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic bytes") local bytes_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-tvb_get_string_bytes", string.lower(tostring(tvb_bytes:range():bytes())) == string.lower(barray_bytes_hex)) testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-bytes", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.BYTES, tvb_bytes:range()) ) addMatchFields(bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes) -- TODO: it's silly that tree:add_packet_field() requires an encoding argument -- need to fix that separately in a bug fix testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-bytes", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.BYTES, tvb_bytes:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN)) addMatchFields(bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes) verifyFields("basic.BYTES", bytes_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic uint bytes") local len_string = string.format("%02x", barray_bytes:len()) local barray_uint_bytes = ByteArray.new(len_string) .. barray_bytes local tvb_uint_bytes = barray_uint_bytes:tvb("Basic UINT_BYTES") local uint_bytes_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-uint-bytes", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.UINT_BYTES, tvb_uint_bytes:range(0,1)) ) addMatchFields(uint_bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-uint-bytes", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.UINT_BYTES, tvb_uint_bytes:range(0,1), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) ) addMatchFields(uint_bytes_match_fields, barray_bytes) verifyFields("basic.UINT_BYTES", uint_bytes_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic OID") -- note: the tvb being dissected and compared isn't actually a valid OID. -- tree:add() and tree:add_packet-field() don't care about its validity right now. local oid_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-oid", pcall(callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.OID, tvb_bytes:range()) ) addMatchFields(oid_match_fields, barray_bytes) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-oid", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.OID, tvb_bytes:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) ) addMatchFields(oid_match_fields, barray_bytes) verifyFields("basic.OID", oid_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "Basic REL_OID") -- note: the tvb being dissected and compared isn't actually a valid OID. -- tree:add() and tree:add_packet-field() don't care about its validity right now. local rel_oid_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-rel-oid", pcall(callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.REL_OID, tvb_bytes:range())) addMatchFields(rel_oid_match_fields, barray_bytes) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-rel_oid", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.REL_OID, tvb_bytes:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) ) addMatchFields(rel_oid_match_fields, barray_bytes) verifyFields("basic.REL_OID", rel_oid_match_fields) -- TODO: a FT_GUID is not really a ByteArray, so we can't simply treat it as one -- local barray_guid = ByteArray.new("00FF0001 80001234 567890AB CDEF00FF") -- local tvb_guid = barray_guid:tvb("Basic GUID") -- local guid_match_fields = {} -- testlib.test(OTHER, "basic-guid", pcall(callTreeAdd, tree, testfield.basic.GUID, tvb_guid:range()) ) -- addMatchFields(guid_match_fields, barray_guid) -- testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-guid", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.basic.GUID, -- tvb_guid:range(), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) ) -- addMatchFields(guid_match_fields, barray_guid) -- verifyFields("basic.GUID", guid_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add ipv6") local tvb = ByteArray.new("20010db8 00000000 0000ff00 00428329"):tvb("IPv6") local IPv6 = testfield.basic.IPv6 local ipv6_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "ipv6", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, IPv6, tvb:range(0,16))) addMatchFields(ipv6_match_fields, Address.ipv6('2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329')) verifyFields("basic.IPv6", ipv6_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add ipv4") local tvb = ByteArray.new("7f000001"):tvb("IPv4") local IPv4 = testfield.basic.IPv4 local ipv4_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "ipv4", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, IPv4, tvb:range(0,4))) addMatchFields(ipv4_match_fields, Address.ip('')) -- TODO: currently, tree:add_le only works for numeric values, not IPv4 -- addresses. Test this in the future. -- testlib.test(OTHER, "ipv4", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, IPv4, tvb:range(0,4))) -- addMatchFields(ipv4_match_fields, Address.ip('')) verifyFields("basic.IPv4", ipv4_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add ether") local tvb = ByteArray.new("010203040506"):tvb("Ether") local tvb0 = ByteArray.new("000000000000"):tvb("Ether0") local ether = testfield.basic.ETHER local ether_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "ether", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ether, tvb:range(0,6))) addMatchFields(ether_match_fields, Address.ether('01:02:03:04:05:06')) testlib.test(OTHER, "ether0", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ether, tvb0:range(0,6))) addMatchFields(ether_match_fields, Address.ether('11:22:33')) verifyFields("basic.ETHER", ether_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Bytes") resetResults() bytes_match_fields = {} local bytes_match_values = {} -- something to make this easier to read local function addMatch(...) addMatchFieldValues(bytes_match_fields, bytes_match_values, ...) end local bytesstring1 = "deadbeef0123456789DEADBEEFabcdef" local bytesstring = ByteArray.new(bytesstring1) -- the binary version of above, for comparing local bytestvb1 = ByteArray.new(bytesstring1, true):tvb("Bytes hex-string 1") local bytesstring2 = " de:ad:be:ef:01:23:45:67:89:DE:AD:BE:EF:ab:cd:ef" local bytestvb2 = ByteArray.new(bytesstring2 .. "-f0-00 foobar", true):tvb("Bytes hex-string 2") local bytestvb1_decode = bytestvb1:range():bytes(ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvb_get_string_bytes", string.lower(tostring(bytestvb1_decode)) == string.lower(tostring(bytesstring1))) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-bytes1", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.BYTES, bytestvb1:range(), ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH)) addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-bytes2", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.BYTES, bytestvb2:range(), ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH)) addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring2)) verifyResults("add_pfield-bytes", bytes_match_values) verifyFields("bytes.BYTES", bytes_match_fields) -- extra test of ByteArray local b64padded = ByteArray.new("dGVzdA==", true):base64_decode():raw() local b64unpadded = ByteArray.new("dGVzdA", true):base64_decode():raw() testlib.test(OTHER, "bytearray_base64_padded", b64padded == "test") testlib.test(OTHER, "bytearray_base64_unpadded", b64unpadded == "test") ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field OID") resetResults() bytes_match_fields = {} bytes_match_values = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-oid1", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.OID, bytestvb1:range(), ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH)) addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-oid2", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.OID, bytestvb2:range(), ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH)) addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring2)) verifyResults("add_pfield-oid", bytes_match_values) verifyFields("bytes.OID", bytes_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field REL_OID") resetResults() bytes_match_fields = {} bytes_match_values = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-rel_oid1", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.REL_OID, bytestvb1:range(), ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH)) addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-rel_oid2", treeAddPField(tree, testfield.bytes.REL_OID, bytestvb2:range(), ENC_STR_HEX + ENC_SEP_NONE + ENC_SEP_COLON + ENC_SEP_DASH)) addMatch(bytesstring, string.len(bytesstring2)) verifyResults("add_pfield-rel_oid", bytes_match_values) verifyFields("bytes.REL_OID", bytes_match_fields) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add Time") local tvb = ByteArray.new("00000000 00000000 0000FF0F 00FF000F"):tvb("Time") local ALOCAL = testfield.time.ABSOLUTE_LOCAL local alocal_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(0,8)) ) addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime()) testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(8,8)) ) addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0000FF0F, 0x00FF000F) ) testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(0,8)) ) addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime()) testlib.test(OTHER, "time-local-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, ALOCAL, tvb:range(8,8)) ) addMatchFields(alocal_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0FFF0000, 0x0F00FF00 ) ) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_LOCAL", alocal_match_fields) local AUTC = testfield.time.ABSOLUTE_UTC local autc_match_fields = {} testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8)) ) addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime()) testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc", pcall (callTreeAdd, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8)) ) addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0000FF0F, 0x00FF000F) ) testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8)) ) addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime()) testlib.test(OTHER, "time-utc-le", pcall (callTreeAddLE, tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8)) ) addMatchFields(autc_match_fields, NSTime( 0x0FFF0000, 0x0F00FF00 ) ) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields ) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time bytes") resetResults() local autc_match_values = {} -- something to make this easier to read addMatch = function(...) addMatchFieldValues(autc_match_fields, autc_match_values, ...) end -- tree:add_packet_field(ALOCAL, tvb:range(0,8), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) ) addMatch( NSTime(), 8) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8), ENC_BIG_ENDIAN) ) addMatch( NSTime( 0x0000FF0F, 0x00FF000F), 16) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local-le", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(0,8), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN) ) addMatch( NSTime(), 8) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-bytes-local-le", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb:range(8,8), ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN) ) addMatch( NSTime( 0x0FFF0000, 0x0F00FF00 ), 16) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields) verifyResults("add_pfield-time-bytes-local", autc_match_values) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME") resetResults() autc_match_values = {} local datetimestring1 = "2013-03-01T22:14:48+00:00" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local tvb1 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring1, true):tvb("Date_Time string 1") local datetimestring2 = " 2013-03-02T03:14:48+05:00" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local tvb2 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring2 .. " foobar", true):tvb("Date_Time string 2") local datetimestring3 = " 2013-03-01T16:44-05:30" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time local tvb3 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring3, true):tvb("Date_Time string 3") local datetimestring4 = "2013-03-02T01:44:00+03:30" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time local tvb4 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring4, true):tvb("Date_Time string 4") local datetimestring5 = "2013-03-01T22:14:48Z" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local tvb5 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring5, true):tvb("Date_Time string 5") local datetimestring6 = "2013-03-01T22:14Z" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time local tvb6 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring6, true):tvb("Date_Time string 6") testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring2)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb3:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring3)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb4:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring4)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb5:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring5)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb6:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring6)) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields) verifyResults("add_pfield-datetime-local", autc_match_values) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_DATE") resetResults() autc_match_values = {} local datestring1 = "2013-03-01" -- this is 1362096000 seconds epoch time local d_tvb1 = ByteArray.new(datestring1, true):tvb("Date string 1") local datestring2 = " 2013-03-01" -- this is 1362096000 seconds epoch time local d_tvb2 = ByteArray.new(datestring2 .. " foobar", true):tvb("Date string 2") testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-date-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, d_tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362096000, 0), string.len(datestring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-date-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, d_tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362096000, 0), string.len(datestring2)) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields) verifyResults("add_pfield-date-local", autc_match_values) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_TIME") resetResults() autc_match_values = {} local timestring1 = "22:14:48" -- this is 80088 seconds local t_tvb1 = ByteArray.new(timestring1, true):tvb("Time string 1") local timestring2 = " 22:14:48" -- this is 80088 seconds local t_tvb2 = ByteArray.new(timestring2 .. " foobar", true):tvb("Time string 2") local now = os.date("!*t") now.hour = 22 now.min = 14 now.sec = 48 local timebase = os.time( now ) timebase = timebase + timezone print ("timebase = " .. tostring(timebase) .. ", timezone=" .. timezone) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, t_tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( timebase, 0), string.len(timestring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, t_tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( timebase, 0), string.len(timestring2)) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields) verifyResults("add_pfield-time-local", autc_match_values) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME") resetResults() autc_match_values = {} local imfstring1 = "Fri, 01 Mar 13 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local imf_tvb1 = ByteArray.new(imfstring1, true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 1") local imfstring2 = " Fri, 01 Mar 13 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local imf_tvb2 = ByteArray.new(imfstring2 .. " foobar", true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 2") local imfstring3 = "Fri, 01 Mar 2013 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local imf_tvb3 = ByteArray.new(imfstring3, true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 3") local imfstring4 = " Fri, 01 Mar 2013 22:14:48 GMT" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local imf_tvb4 = ByteArray.new(imfstring4 .. " foobar", true):tvb("Internet Message Format Time string 4") testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb1:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb2:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring2)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb3:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring3)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-time-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, imf_tvb4:range(), ENC_IMF_DATE_TIME) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(imfstring4)) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields) verifyResults("add_pfield-imf-date-time-local", autc_match_values) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "tree:add_packet_field Time string ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC") resetResults() autc_match_values = {} local datetimestring1 = "20130301T221448+0000" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local tvb1 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring1, true):tvb("Date_Time string 1") local datetimestring2 = " 20130301171448-0500" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local tvb2 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring2 .. " foobar", true):tvb("Date_Time string 2") local datetimestring3 = " 20130301T1644-0530" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time local tvb3 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring3, true):tvb("Date_Time string 3") local datetimestring4 = "20130302 014400+0330" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time local tvb4 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring4, true):tvb("Date_Time string 4") local datetimestring5 = "20130301T221448Z" -- this is 1362176088 seconds epoch time local tvb5 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring5, true):tvb("Date_Time string 5") local datetimestring6 = "201303012214Z" -- this is 1362176040 seconds epoch time local tvb6 = ByteArray.new(datetimestring6, true):tvb("Date_Time string 6") testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb1:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring1)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb2:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring2)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb3:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring3)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb4:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring4)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb5:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176088, 0), string.len(datetimestring5)) testlib.test(OTHER, "add_pfield-datetime-local", treeAddPField ( tree, AUTC, tvb6:range(), ENC_ISO_8601_DATE_TIME_BASIC) ) addMatch( NSTime( 1362176040, 0), string.len(datetimestring6)) verifyFields("time.ABSOLUTE_UTC", autc_match_fields) verifyResults("add_pfield-datetime-local", autc_match_values) ---------------------------------------- testlib.testing(OTHER, "TvbRange subsets") resetResults() local offset = 5 local len = 10 local b_offset = 3 local b_len = 2 local range local range_raw local expected -- This is the same data from the "tree:add_packet_field Bytes" test -- copied here for clarity local bytesstring1 = "deadbeef0123456789DEADBEEFabcdef" local bytestvb1 = ByteArray.new(bytesstring1, true):tvb("Bytes hex-string 1") -- tvbrange with no offset or length (control test case) range = bytestvb1() range_raw = range:raw() expected = range:bytes():raw() testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw_offset", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) -- tvbrange with len only range = bytestvb1(0, len) range_raw = range:raw() expected = range:bytes():raw() testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw_offset", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_len_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) -- tvbrange with offset only range = bytestvb1(offset) range_raw = range:raw() expected = range:bytes():raw() testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw_offset", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) -- tvbrange with offset and len range = bytestvb1(offset, len) range_raw = range:raw() expected = range:bytes():raw() testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw_offset", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(0, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(0, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) range_raw = range:raw(b_offset, b_len) expected = range:bytes():raw(b_offset, b_len) testlib.test(OTHER, "tvbrange_offset_len_raw_offset_len", range_raw == expected, string.format('range_raw="%s" expected="%s"', range_raw, expected)) ---------------------------------------- testlib.pass(FRAME) end ---------------------------------------- -- we want to have our protocol dissection invoked for a specific UDP port, -- so get the udp dissector table and add our protocol to it DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(65333, test_proto) DissectorTable.get("udp.port"):add(65346, test_proto) print("test_proto dissector registered")