# # Wireshark tests # By Gerald Combs # # Ported from a set of Bash scripts which were copyright 2005 Ulf Lamping # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # '''Subprocess test case superclass''' import os import os.path import re import subprocess import sys import enum # To do: # - Add a subprocesstest.SkipUnlessCapture decorator? # - Try to catch crashes? See the comments below in waitProcess. process_timeout = 300 # Seconds class ExitCodes(enum.IntEnum): OK = 0 COMMAND_LINE = 1 INVALID_INTERFACE = 2 INVALID_FILE_ERROR = 3 INVALID_FILTER_ERROR = 4 INVALID_CAPABILITY = 5 IFACE_NO_LINK_TYPES = 6 IFACE_HAS_NO_TIMESTAMP_TYPES = 7 INIT_FAILED = 8 OPEN_ERROR = 9 PCAP_NOT_SUPPORTED = 10 DUMPCAP_NOT_SUPPORTED = 11 NO_INTERFACES = 12 PCAP_ERROR = 13 def run(*args, capture_output=False, stdout=None, stderr=None, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs): ''' Wrapper for subprocess.run() that captures and decodes output.''' # If the user told us what to do with standard streams use that. if capture_output or stdout or stderr: return subprocess.run(*args, capture_output=capture_output, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, encoding=encoding, **kwargs) # If the user doesn't want to capture output try to ensure the child inherits the parents stdout and stderr on # all platforms, so pytest can reliably capture it and do the right thing. Otherwise the child output may be interleaved # on the console with the parent and mangle pytest's status output. # # Make the child inherit only the parents stdout and stderr. return subprocess.run(*args, close_fds=True, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, encoding=encoding, **kwargs) def check_run(*args, **kwargs): ''' Same as run(), also check child process returns 0 (success)''' proc = run(*args, check=True, **kwargs) return proc def cat_dhcp_command(mode): '''Create a command string for dumping dhcp.pcap to stdout''' # XXX Do this in Python in a thread? sd_cmd = '' if sys.executable: sd_cmd = '"{}" '.format(sys.executable) this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) sd_cmd += '"{}" {}'.format(os.path.join(this_dir, 'util_dump_dhcp_pcap.py'), mode) return sd_cmd def cat_cap_file_command(cap_files): '''Create a command string for dumping one or more capture files to stdout''' # XXX Do this in Python in a thread? if isinstance(cap_files, str): cap_files = [ cap_files ] quoted_paths = ' '.join('"{}"'.format(cap_file) for cap_file in cap_files) if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-xp/bb491026(v=technet.10) # says that the `type` command "displays the contents of a text # file." Copy to the console instead. return 'copy {} CON'.format(quoted_paths) return 'cat {}'.format(quoted_paths) def count_output(text, search_pat=None): '''Returns the number of output lines (search_pat=None), otherwise returns a match count.''' if not text: return 0 if not search_pat: return len(text.splitlines()) match_count = 0 search_re = re.compile(search_pat) for line in text.splitlines(): if search_re.search(line): match_count += 1 return match_count def grep_output(text, search_pat): return count_output(text, search_pat) > 0 def check_packet_count(cmd_capinfos, num_packets, cap_file): '''Make sure a capture file contains a specific number of packets.''' got_num_packets = False capinfos_testout = subprocess.run([cmd_capinfos, cap_file], capture_output=True, check=True, encoding='utf-8') assert capinfos_testout.returncode == 0 assert capinfos_testout.stdout count_pat = r'Number of packets:\s+{}'.format(num_packets) if re.search(count_pat, capinfos_testout.stdout): got_num_packets = True assert got_num_packets, 'Failed to capture exactly {} packets'.format(num_packets) def get_capture_info(cmd_capinfos, capinfos_args, cap_file): '''Run capinfos on a capture file and log its output. capinfos_args must be a sequence.''' capinfos_cmd = [cmd_capinfos] if capinfos_args: capinfos_cmd += capinfos_args capinfos_cmd.append(cap_file) capinfos_data = subprocess.check_output(capinfos_cmd) capinfos_stdout = capinfos_data.decode('UTF-8', 'replace') return capinfos_stdout