# # Wireshark tests # By Gerald Combs # # Ported from a set of Bash scripts which were copyright 2005 Ulf Lamping # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # '''File I/O tests''' import io import os.path import subprocess from subprocesstest import cat_dhcp_command, check_packet_count import sys import pytest testout_pcap = 'testout.pcap' baseline_file = 'io-rawshark-dhcp-pcap.txt' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def io_baseline_str(dirs): with open(os.path.join(dirs.baseline_dir, baseline_file), 'r') as f: return f.read() def check_io_4_packets(capture_file, result_file, cmd_tshark, cmd_capinfos, from_stdin=False, to_stdout=False, env=None): # Test direct->direct, stdin->direct, and direct->stdout file I/O. # Similar to suite_capture.check_capture_10_packets and # suite_capture.check_capture_stdin. testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap) if from_stdin and to_stdout: # XXX If we support this, should we bother with separate stdin->direct # and direct->stdout tests? pytest.fail('Stdin and stdout not supported in the same test.') elif from_stdin: # cat -B "${CAPTURE_DIR}dhcp.pcap" | $DUT -r - -w ./testout.pcap 2>./testout.txt cat_dhcp_cmd = cat_dhcp_command('cat') stdin_cmd = '{0} | "{1}" -r - -w "{2}"'.format(cat_dhcp_cmd, cmd_tshark, testout_file) subprocess.check_call(stdin_cmd, shell=True, env=env) elif to_stdout: # $DUT -r "${CAPTURE_DIR}dhcp.pcap" -w - > ./testout.pcap 2>./testout.txt stdout_cmd = '"{0}" -r "{1}" -w - > "{2}"'.format(cmd_tshark, capture_file('dhcp.pcap'), testout_file) subprocess.check_call(stdout_cmd, shell=True, env=env) else: # direct->direct # $DUT -r "${CAPTURE_DIR}dhcp.pcap" -w ./testout.pcap > ./testout.txt 2>&1 subprocess.check_call((cmd_tshark, '-r', capture_file('dhcp.pcap'), '-w', testout_file, ), env=env) assert os.path.isfile(testout_file) check_packet_count(cmd_capinfos, 4, testout_file) class TestTsharkIO: def test_tshark_io_stdin_direct(self, cmd_tshark, cmd_capinfos, capture_file, result_file, test_env): '''Read from stdin and write direct using TShark''' check_io_4_packets(capture_file, result_file, cmd_tshark, cmd_capinfos, from_stdin=True, env=test_env) def test_tshark_io_direct_stdout(self, cmd_tshark, cmd_capinfos, capture_file, result_file, test_env): '''Read direct and write to stdout using TShark''' check_io_4_packets(capture_file, result_file, cmd_tshark, cmd_capinfos, to_stdout=True, env=test_env) def test_tshark_io_direct_direct(self, cmd_tshark, cmd_capinfos, capture_file, result_file, test_env): '''Read direct and write direct using TShark''' check_io_4_packets(capture_file, result_file, cmd_tshark, cmd_capinfos, env=test_env) class TestRawsharkIO: if sys.byteorder != 'little': pytest.skip('Requires a little endian system') def test_rawshark_io_stdin(self, cmd_rawshark, capture_file, result_file, io_baseline_str, test_env): '''Read from stdin using Rawshark''' # tail -c +25 "${CAPTURE_DIR}dhcp.pcap" | $RAWSHARK -dencap:1 -R "udp.port==68" -nr - > $IO_RAWSHARK_DHCP_PCAP_TESTOUT 2> /dev/null # diff -u --strip-trailing-cr $IO_RAWSHARK_DHCP_PCAP_BASELINE $IO_RAWSHARK_DHCP_PCAP_TESTOUT > $DIFF_OUT 2>&1 capture_file = capture_file('dhcp.pcap') testout_file = result_file(testout_pcap) raw_dhcp_cmd = cat_dhcp_command('raw') rawshark_cmd = '{0} | "{1}" -r - -n -dencap:1 -R "udp.port==68"'.format(raw_dhcp_cmd, cmd_rawshark) rawshark_stdout = subprocess.check_output(rawshark_cmd, shell=True, encoding='utf-8', env=test_env) assert rawshark_stdout == io_baseline_str