# Asterix parser generator *Asterix* is a set of standards, where each standard is defined as so called *asterix category*. In addition, each *asterix category* is potentially released in number of editions. There is no guarantee about backward compatibility between the editions. The structured version of asterix specifications is maintained in a separate project: The purpose of this directory is to convert from structured specifications (json format) to the `epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c` file, which is the actual asterix parser for this project. It is important **NOT** to edit `epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c` file manually, since this file is automatically generated. ## Manual update procedure To sync with the upstream asterix specifications, run: ```bash # show current upstream git revision (for reference) export ASTERIX_SPECS_REV=$(./tools/asterix/update-specs.py --reference) echo $ASTERIX_SPECS_REV # update asterix decoder ./tools/asterix/update-specs.py > epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c git add epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c # inspect change, rebuild project, test... # commit change, with reference to upstream version git commit -m "asterix: Sync with asterix-specs #$ASTERIX_SPECS_REV" ``` ## Automatic update procedure To integrate asterix updates to a periodic (GitLab CI) job, use `--update` option. For example: ``` ... # Asterix categories. - ./tools/asterix/update-specs.py --update || echo "asterix failed." >> commit-message.txt - COMMIT_FILES+=("epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c") ... ```