#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # By Zoran BoĆĄnjak # # Use asterix specifications in JSON format, # to generate C/C++ structures, suitable for wireshark. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # import argparse import urllib.request import json from copy import copy, deepcopy from itertools import chain, repeat, takewhile from functools import reduce import os import sys import re # Path to default upstream repository upstream_repo = 'https://zoranbosnjak.github.io/asterix-specs' dissector_file = 'epan/dissectors/packet-asterix.c' class Offset(object): """Keep track of number of added bits. It's like integer, except when offsets are added together, a 'modulo 8' is applied, such that offset is always between [0,7]. """ def __init__(self): self.current = 0 def __add__(self, other): self.current = (self.current + other) % 8 return self @property def get(self): return self.current class Context(object): """Support class to be used as a context manager. The 'tell' method is used to output (print) some data. All output is first collected to a buffer, then rendered using a template file. """ def __init__(self): self.buffer = {} self.offset = Offset() self.inside_repetitive = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): pass def tell(self, channel, s): """Append string 's' to an output channel.""" lines = self.buffer.get(channel, []) lines.append(s) self.buffer[channel] = lines def reset_offset(self): self.offset = Offset() def get_number(value): """Get Natural/Real/Rational number as an object.""" class Integer(object): def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def __str__(self): return '{}'.format(self.val) def __float__(self): return float(self.val) class Ratio(object): def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b def __str__(self): return '{}/{}'.format(self.a, self.b) def __float__(self): return float(self.a) / float(self.b) class Real(object): def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def __str__(self): return '{0:f}'.format(self.val).rstrip('0') def __float__(self): return float(self.val) t = value['type'] val = value['value'] if t == 'Integer': return Integer(int(val)) if t == 'Ratio': x, y = val['numerator'], val['denominator'] return Ratio(x, y) if t == 'Real': return Real(float(val)) raise Exception('unexpected value type {}'.format(t)) def replace_string(s, mapping): """Helper function to replace each entry from the mapping.""" for (key,val) in mapping.items(): s = s.replace(key, val) return s def safe_string(s): """String replacement table.""" return replace_string(s, { # from C reference manual chr(92): r"\\", # Backslash character. '?': r"\?", # Question mark character. "'": r"\'", # Single quotation mark. '"': r'\"', # Double quotation mark. "\a": "", # Audible alert. "\b": "", # Backspace character. "\e": "", # character. (This is a GNU extension.) "\f": "", # Form feed. "\n": "", # Newline character. "\r": "", # Carriage return. "\t": " ", # Horizontal tab. "\v": "", # Vertical tab. }) def get_scaling(content): """Get scaling factor from the content.""" k = content.get('scaling') if k is None: return None k = get_number(k) fract = content['fractionalBits'] if fract > 0: scale = format(float(k) / (pow(2, fract)), '.29f') scale = scale.rstrip('0') else: scale = format(float(k)) return scale def get_fieldpart(content): """Get FIELD_PART* from the content.""" t = content['type'] if t == 'Raw': return 'FIELD_PART_HEX' elif t == 'Table': return 'FIELD_PART_UINT' elif t == 'String': var = content['variation'] if var == 'StringAscii': return 'FIELD_PART_ASCII' elif var == 'StringICAO': return 'FIELD_PART_CALLSIGN' elif var == 'StringOctal': return 'FIELD_PART_SQUAWK' else: raise Exception('unexpected string variation: {}'.format(var)) elif t == 'Integer': if content['signed']: return 'FIELD_PART_INT' else: return 'FIELD_PART_UINT' elif t == 'Quantity': if content['signed']: return 'FIELD_PART_FLOAT' else: return 'FIELD_PART_UFLOAT' elif t == 'Bds': return 'FIELD_PART_HEX' else: raise Exception('unexpected content type: {}'.format(t)) def download_url(path): """Download url and return content as a string.""" with urllib.request.urlopen(upstream_repo + path) as url: return url.read() def read_file(path): """Read file content, return string.""" with open(path) as f: return f.read() def load_jsons(paths): """Load json files from either URL or from local disk.""" # load from url if paths == []: manifest = download_url('/manifest.json').decode() listing = [] for spec in json.loads(manifest): cat = spec['category'] for edition in spec['cats']: listing.append('/specs/cat{}/cats/cat{}/definition.json'.format(cat, edition)) for edition in spec['refs']: listing.append('/specs/cat{}/refs/ref{}/definition.json'.format(cat, edition)) return [download_url(i).decode() for i in listing] # load from disk else: listing = [] for path in paths: if os.path.isdir(path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for i in files: (a,b) = os.path.splitext(i) if (a,b) != ('definition', '.json'): continue listing.append(os.path.join(root, i)) elif os.path.isfile(path): listing.append(path) else: raise Exception('unexpected path type: {}'.path) return [read_file(f) for f in listing] def load_gitrev(paths): """Read git revision reference.""" # load from url if paths == []: gitrev = download_url('/gitrev.txt').decode().strip() return [upstream_repo, 'git revision: {}'.format(gitrev)] # load from disk else: return ['(local disk)'] def get_ft(ref, n, content, offset): """Get FT... from the content.""" a = offset.get # bruto bit size (next multiple of 8) (m, b) = divmod(a+n, 8) m = m if b == 0 else m + 1 m *= 8 mask = '0x00' if a != 0 or b != 0: bits = chain(repeat(0, a), repeat(1, n), repeat(0, m-n-a)) mask = 0 for (a,b) in zip(bits, reversed(range(m))): mask += a*pow(2,b) mask = hex(mask) # prefix mask with zeros '0x000...', to adjust mask size assert mask[0:2] == '0x' mask = mask[2:] required_mask_size = (m//8)*2 add_some = required_mask_size - len(mask) mask = '0x' + '0'*add_some + mask t = content['type'] if t == 'Raw': if n > 64: # very long items assert (n % 8) == 0, "very long items require byte alignment" return 'FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00' if (n % 8): # not byte aligned base = 'DEC' else: # byte aligned if n >= 32: # long items base = 'HEX' else: # short items base = 'HEX_DEC' return 'FT_UINT{}, BASE_{}, NULL, {}'.format(m, base, mask) elif t == 'Table': return 'FT_UINT{}, BASE_DEC, VALS (valstr_{}), {}'.format(m, ref, mask) elif t == 'String': var = content['variation'] if var == 'StringAscii': return 'FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, {}'.format(mask) elif var == 'StringICAO': return 'FT_STRING, BASE_NONE, NULL, {}'.format(mask) elif var == 'StringOctal': return 'FT_UINT{}, BASE_OCT, NULL, {}'.format(m, mask) else: raise Exception('unexpected string variation: {}'.format(var)) elif t == 'Integer': signed = content['signed'] if signed: return 'FT_INT{}, BASE_DEC, NULL, {}'.format(m, mask) else: return 'FT_UINT{}, BASE_DEC, NULL, {}'.format(m, mask) elif t == 'Quantity': return 'FT_DOUBLE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00' elif t == 'Bds': return 'FT_UINT{}, BASE_DEC, NULL, {}'.format(m, mask) else: raise Exception('unexpected content type: {}'.format(t)) def reference(cat, edition, path): """Create reference string.""" name = '_'.join(path) if edition is None: return('{:03d}_{}'.format(cat, name)) return('{:03d}_V{}_{}_{}'.format(cat, edition['major'], edition['minor'], name)) def get_content(rule): t = rule['type'] # Most cases are 'ContextFree', use as specified. if t == 'ContextFree': return rule['content'] # Handle 'Dependent' contents as 'Raw'. elif t == 'Dependent': return {'type': "Raw"} else: raise Exception('unexpected type: {}'.format(t)) def get_bit_size(item): """Return bit size of a (spare) item.""" if item['spare']: return item['length'] else: return item['variation']['size'] def get_description(item, content=None): """Return item description.""" name = item['name'] if not is_generated(item) else None title = item.get('title') if content is not None and content.get('unit'): unit = '[{}]'.format(safe_string(content['unit'])) else: unit = None parts = filter(lambda x: bool(x), [name, title, unit]) if not parts: return '' return reduce(lambda a,b: a + ', ' + b, parts) def generate_group(item, variation=None): """Generate group-item from element-item.""" level2 = copy(item) level2['name'] = 'VALUE' level2['is_generated'] = True if variation is None: level1 = copy(item) level1['variation'] = { 'type': 'Group', 'items': [level2], } else: level2['variation'] = variation['variation'] level1 = { 'type': "Group", 'items': [level2], } return level1 def is_generated(item): return item.get('is_generated') is not None def ungroup(item): """Convert group of items of known size to element""" n = sum([get_bit_size(i) for i in item['variation']['items']]) result = copy(item) result['variation'] = { 'rule': { 'content': {'type': 'Raw'}, 'type': 'ContextFree', }, 'size': n, 'type': 'Element', } return result def part1(ctx, get_ref, catalogue): """Generate components in order - static int hf_... - FiledPart - FieldPart[] - AsterixField """ tell = lambda s: ctx.tell('insert1', s) tell_pr = lambda s: ctx.tell('insert2', s) ctx.reset_offset() def handle_item(path, item): """Handle 'spare' or regular 'item'. This function is used recursively, depending on the item structure. """ def handle_variation(path, variation): """Handle 'Element, Group...' variations. This function is used recursively, depending on the item structure.""" t = variation['type'] ref = get_ref(path) def part_of(item): if item['spare']: return '&IXXX_{}bit_spare'.format(item['length']) return '&I{}_{}'.format(ref, item['name']) if t == 'Element': tell('static int hf_{} = -1;'.format(ref)) n = variation['size'] content = get_content(variation['rule']) scaling = get_scaling(content) scaling = scaling if scaling is not None else 1.0 fp = get_fieldpart(content) if content['type'] == 'Table': tell('static const value_string valstr_{}[] = {}'.format(ref, '{')) for (a,b) in content['values']: tell(' {} {}, "{}" {},'.format('{', a, safe_string(b), '}')) tell(' {} 0, NULL {}'.format('{', '}')) tell('};') tell('static const FieldPart I{} = {} {}, {}, {}, &hf_{}, NULL {};'.format(ref, '{', n, scaling, fp, ref, '}')) description = get_description(item, content) ft = get_ft(ref, n, content, ctx.offset) tell_pr(' {} &hf_{}, {} "{}", "asterix.{}", {}, NULL, HFILL {} {},'.format('{', ref, '{', description, ref, ft, '}', '}')) ctx.offset += n elif t == 'Group': ctx.reset_offset() description = get_description(item) tell_pr(' {} &hf_{}, {} "{}", "asterix.{}", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL {} {},'.format('{', ref, '{', description, ref, '}', '}')) tell('static int hf_{} = -1;'.format(ref)) for i in variation['items']: handle_item(path, i) # FieldPart[] tell('static const FieldPart *I{}_PARTS[] = {}'.format(ref,'{')) for i in variation['items']: tell(' {},'.format(part_of(i))) tell(' NULL') tell('};') # AsterixField bit_size = sum([get_bit_size(i) for i in variation['items']]) byte_size = bit_size // 8 parts = 'I{}_PARTS'.format(ref) comp = '{ NULL }' if not ctx.inside_repetitive: tell('static const AsterixField I{} = {} FIXED, {}, 0, 0, &hf_{}, {}, {} {};'.format (ref, '{', byte_size, ref, parts, comp, '}')) elif t == 'Extended': ctx.reset_offset() description = get_description(item) tell_pr(' {} &hf_{}, {} "{}", "asterix.{}", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL {} {},'.format('{', ref, '{', description, ref, '}', '}')) tell('static int hf_{} = -1;'.format(ref)) items = [] for i in variation['items']: if i is None: items.append(i) continue if i.get('variation') is not None: if i['variation']['type'] == 'Group': i = ungroup(i) items.append(i) for i in items: if i is None: ctx.offset += 1 else: handle_item(path, i) tell('static const FieldPart *I{}_PARTS[] = {}'.format(ref,'{')) for i in items: if i is None: tell(' &IXXX_FX,') else: tell(' {},'.format(part_of(i))) tell(' NULL') tell('};') # AsterixField first_part = list(takewhile(lambda x: x is not None, items)) n = (sum([get_bit_size(i) for i in first_part]) + 1) // 8 parts = 'I{}_PARTS'.format(ref) comp = '{ NULL }' tell('static const AsterixField I{} = {} FX, {}, 0, {}, &hf_{}, {}, {} {};'.format (ref, '{', n, 0, ref, parts, comp, '}')) elif t == 'Repetitive': ctx.reset_offset() ctx.inside_repetitive = True # Group is required below this item. if variation['variation']['type'] == 'Element': subvar = generate_group(item, variation) else: subvar = variation['variation'] handle_variation(path, subvar) # AsterixField bit_size = sum([get_bit_size(i) for i in subvar['items']]) byte_size = bit_size // 8 rep = variation['rep']['size'] // 8 parts = 'I{}_PARTS'.format(ref) comp = '{ NULL }' tell('static const AsterixField I{} = {} REPETITIVE, {}, {}, 0, &hf_{}, {}, {} {};'.format (ref, '{', byte_size, rep, ref, parts, comp, '}')) ctx.inside_repetitive = False elif t == 'Explicit': ctx.reset_offset() tell('static int hf_{} = -1;'.format(ref)) description = get_description(item) tell_pr(' {} &hf_{}, {} "{}", "asterix.{}", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL {} {},'.format('{', ref, '{', description, ref, '}', '}')) tell('static const AsterixField I{} = {} EXP, 0, 0, 1, &hf_{}, NULL, {} NULL {} {};'.format(ref, '{', ref, '{', '}', '}')) elif t == 'Compound': ctx.reset_offset() tell('static int hf_{} = -1;'.format(ref)) description = get_description(item) tell_pr(' {} &hf_{}, {} "{}", "asterix.{}", FT_NONE, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x00, NULL, HFILL {} {},'.format('{', ref, '{', description, ref, '}', '}')) comp = '{' for i in variation['items']: if i is None: comp += ' &IX_SPARE,' continue # Group is required below this item. if i['variation']['type'] == 'Element': subitem = generate_group(i) else: subitem = i comp += ' &I{}_{},'.format(ref, subitem['name']) handle_item(path, subitem) comp += ' NULL }' # AsterixField tell('static const AsterixField I{} = {} COMPOUND, 0, 0, 0, &hf_{}, NULL, {} {};'.format (ref, '{', ref, comp, '}')) else: raise Exception('unexpected variation type: {}'.format(t)) if item['spare']: ctx.offset += item['length'] return # Group is required on the first level. if path == [] and item['variation']['type'] == 'Element': variation = generate_group(item)['variation'] else: variation = item['variation'] handle_variation(path + [item['name']], variation) for item in catalogue: # adjust 'repetitive fx' item if item['variation']['type'] == 'Repetitive' and item['variation']['rep']['type'] == 'Fx': var = item['variation']['variation'].copy() if var['type'] != 'Element': raise Exception("Expecting 'Element'") item = item.copy() item['variation'] = { 'type': 'Extended', 'items': [{ 'definition': None, 'description': None, 'name': 'Subitem', 'remark': None, 'spare': False, 'title': 'Subitem', 'variation': var, }, None] } handle_item([], item) tell('') def part2(ctx, ref, uap): """Generate UAPs""" tell = lambda s: ctx.tell('insert1', s) tell('DIAG_OFF_PEDANTIC') ut = uap['type'] if ut == 'uap': variations = [{'name': 'uap', 'items': uap['items']}] elif ut == 'uaps': variations = uap['variations'] else: raise Exception('unexpected uap type {}'.format(ut)) for var in variations: tell('static const AsterixField *I{}_{}[] = {}'.format(ref, var['name'], '{')) for i in var['items']: if i is None: tell(' &IX_SPARE,') else: tell(' &I{}_{},'.format(ref, i)) tell(' NULL') tell('};') tell('static const AsterixField **I{}[] = {}'.format(ref, '{')) for var in variations: tell(' I{}_{},'.format(ref, var['name'])) tell(' NULL') tell('};') tell('DIAG_ON_PEDANTIC') tell('') def part3(ctx, specs): """Generate - static const AsterixField ***... - static const enum_val_t ..._versions[]... """ tell = lambda s: ctx.tell('insert1', s) def fmt_edition(cat, edition): return 'I{:03d}_V{}_{}'.format(cat, edition['major'], edition['minor']) cats = set([spec['number'] for spec in specs]) for cat in sorted(cats): lst = [spec for spec in specs if spec['number'] == cat] editions = sorted([val['edition'] for val in lst], key = lambda x: (x['major'], x['minor']), reverse=True) editions_fmt = [fmt_edition(cat, edition) for edition in editions] editions_str = ', '.join(['I{:03d}'.format(cat)] + editions_fmt) tell('DIAG_OFF_PEDANTIC') tell('static const AsterixField ***I{:03d}all[] = {} {} {};'.format(cat, '{', editions_str, '}')) tell('DIAG_ON_PEDANTIC') tell('') tell('static const enum_val_t I{:03d}_versions[] = {}'.format(cat, '{')) edition = editions[0] a = edition['major'] b = edition['minor'] tell(' {} "I{:03d}", "Version {}.{} (latest)", 0 {},'.format('{', cat, a, b, '}')) for ix, edition in enumerate(editions, start=1): a = edition['major'] b = edition['minor'] tell(' {} "I{:03d}_v{}_{}", "Version {}.{}", {} {},'.format('{', cat, a, b, a, b, ix, '}')) tell(' { NULL, NULL, 0 }') tell('};') tell('') def part4(ctx, cats): """Generate - static const AsterixField ****categories[]... - prefs_register_enum_preference ... """ tell = lambda s: ctx.tell('insert1', s) tell_pr = lambda s: ctx.tell('insert3', s) tell('static const AsterixField ****categories[] = {') for i in range(0, 256): val = 'I{:03d}all'.format(i) if i in cats else 'NULL' tell(' {}, /* {:03d} */'.format(val, i)) tell(' NULL') tell('};') for cat in sorted(cats): tell_pr(' prefs_register_enum_preference (asterix_prefs_module, "i{:03d}_version", "I{:03d} version", "Select the CAT{:03d} version", &global_categories_version[{}], I{:03d}_versions, false);'.format(cat, cat, cat, cat, cat)) class Output(object): """Output context manager. Write either to stdout or to a dissector file directly, depending on 'update' argument""" def __init__(self, update): self.update = update self.f = None def __enter__(self): if self.update: self.f = open(dissector_file, 'w') return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if self.f is not None: self.f.close() def dump(self, line): if self.f is None: print(line) else: self.f.write(line+'\n') def remove_rfs(spec): """Remove RFS item. It's present in specs, but not used.""" catalogue = [] # create new catalogue without RFS rfs_items = [] for i in spec['catalogue']: if i['variation']['type'] == 'Rfs': rfs_items.append(i['name']) else: catalogue.append(i) if not rfs_items: return spec spec2 = copy(spec) spec2['catalogue'] = catalogue # remove RFS from UAP(s) uap = deepcopy(spec['uap']) ut = uap['type'] if ut == 'uap': items = [None if i in rfs_items else i for i in uap['items']] if items[-1] is None: items = items[:-1] uap['items'] = items elif ut == 'uaps': variations = [] for var in uap['variations']: items = [None if i in rfs_items else i for i in var['items']] if items[-1] is None: items = items[:-1] var['items'] = items variations.append(var) uap['variations'] = variations else: raise Exception('unexpected uap type {}'.format(ut)) spec2['uap'] = uap return spec2 def is_valid(spec): """Check spec""" def check_item(item): if item['spare']: return True return check_variation(item['variation']) def check_variation(variation): t = variation['type'] if t == 'Element': return True elif t == 'Group': return all([check_item(i) for i in variation['items']]) elif t == 'Extended': trailing_fx = variation['items'][-1] == None if not trailing_fx: return False return all([check_item(i) for i in variation['items'] if i is not None]) elif t == 'Repetitive': return check_variation(variation['variation']) elif t == 'Explicit': return True elif t == 'Compound': items = [i for i in variation['items'] if i is not None] return all([check_item(i) for i in items]) else: raise Exception('unexpected variation type {}'.format(t)) return all([check_item(i) for i in spec['catalogue']]) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process asterix specs files.') parser.add_argument('paths', metavar='PATH', nargs='*', help='json spec file(s), use upstream repository in no input is given') parser.add_argument('--reference', action='store_true', help='print upstream reference and exit') parser.add_argument("--update", action="store_true", help="Update %s as needed instead of writing to stdout" % dissector_file) args = parser.parse_args() if args.reference: gitrev_short = download_url('/gitrev.txt').decode().strip()[0:10] print(gitrev_short) sys.exit(0) # read and json-decode input files jsons = load_jsons(args.paths) jsons = [json.loads(i) for i in jsons] jsons = sorted(jsons, key = lambda x: (x['number'], x['edition']['major'], x['edition']['minor'])) jsons = [spec for spec in jsons if spec['type'] == 'Basic'] jsons = [remove_rfs(spec) for spec in jsons] jsons = [spec for spec in jsons if is_valid(spec)] cats = list(set([x['number'] for x in jsons])) latest_editions = {cat: sorted( filter(lambda x: x['number'] == cat, jsons), key = lambda x: (x['edition']['major'], x['edition']['minor']), reverse=True)[0]['edition'] for cat in cats} # regular expression for template rendering ins = re.compile(r'---\{([A-Za-z0-9_]*)\}---') gitrev = load_gitrev(args.paths) with Context() as ctx: for i in gitrev: ctx.tell('gitrev', i) # generate parts into the context buffer for spec in jsons: is_latest = spec['edition'] == latest_editions[spec['number']] ctx.tell('insert1', '/* Category {:03d}, edition {}.{} */'.format(spec['number'], spec['edition']['major'], spec['edition']['minor'])) # handle part1 get_ref = lambda path: reference(spec['number'], spec['edition'], path) part1(ctx, get_ref, spec['catalogue']) if is_latest: ctx.tell('insert1', '/* Category {:03d}, edition {}.{} (latest) */'.format(spec['number'], spec['edition']['major'], spec['edition']['minor'])) get_ref = lambda path: reference(spec['number'], None, path) part1(ctx, get_ref, spec['catalogue']) # handle part2 cat = spec['number'] edition = spec['edition'] ref = '{:03d}_V{}_{}'.format(cat, edition['major'], edition['minor']) part2(ctx, ref, spec['uap']) if is_latest: ref = '{:03d}'.format(cat) part2(ctx, ref, spec['uap']) part3(ctx, jsons) part4(ctx, set([spec['number'] for spec in jsons])) # use context buffer to render template script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with open(os.path.join(script_path, 'packet-asterix-template.c')) as f: template_lines = f.readlines() # All input is collected and rendered. # It's safe to update the disector. # copy each line of the template to required output, # if the 'insertion' is found in the template, # replace it with the buffer content with Output(args.update) as out: for line in template_lines: line = line.rstrip() insertion = ins.match(line) if insertion is None: out.dump(line) else: segment = insertion.group(1) [out.dump(i) for i in ctx.buffer[segment]] if __name__ == '__main__': main()