#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later '''Update the "packet-isobus-parameters.h" file. Make-isobus creates a file containing isobus parameters from the databases at isobus.net. ''' import csv import io import os import sys import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import zipfile def exit_msg(msg=None, status=1): if msg is not None: sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n\n') sys.stderr.write(__doc__ + '\n') sys.exit(status) def open_url_zipped(url): '''Open a URL of a zipped file. ''' url_path = '/'.join(url) req_headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Wireshark make-isobus' } try: req = urllib.request.Request(url_path, headers=req_headers) response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) body = response.read() except Exception: exit_msg('Error opening ' + url_path) return zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(body)) def main(): isobus_output_path = os.path.join('epan', 'dissectors', 'packet-isobus-parameters.h') isobus_zip_url = [ "https://www.isobus.net/isobus/attachments/", "isoExport_csv.zip"] isobus_files = { 'indust' : 'Industry Groups.csv', 'glblfcts' : 'Global NAME Functions.csv', 'igfcts' :'IG Specific NAME Function.csv', 'manuf' : 'Manufacturer IDs.csv', 'pgn_spns' : 'SPNs and PGNs.csv' } zipf = open_url_zipped(isobus_zip_url) # Industries csv min_total = 4 # typically 8 f = zipf.read(isobus_files['indust']) lines = f.decode('UTF-8', 'replace').splitlines() if len(lines) < min_total: exit_msg("{}: Not enough entries ({})".format(isobus_files['indust'], len(lines))) indust_csv = csv.reader(lines) next(indust_csv) # Global Name Functions csv min_total = 50 # XXX as of 2023-10-18 f = zipf.read(isobus_files['glblfcts']) lines = f.decode('UTF-8', 'replace').splitlines() if len(lines) < min_total: exit_msg("{}: Not enough entries ({})".format(isobus_files['glblfcts'], len(lines))) glbl_name_functions_csv = csv.reader(lines) next(glbl_name_functions_csv) # Specific Name Functions csv min_total = 200 # 295 as of 2023-10-18 f = zipf.read(isobus_files['igfcts']) lines = f.decode('UTF-8', 'replace').splitlines() if len(lines) < min_total: exit_msg("{}: Not enough entries ({})".format(isobus_files['igfcts'], len(lines))) vehicle_system_names = {} specific_functions = {} specific_functions_csv = csv.reader(lines) next(specific_functions_csv) for row in specific_functions_csv: ig_id, vs_id, vs_name, f_id, f_name = row[:5] new_id = int(ig_id) * 256 + int(vs_id) if len(vs_name) > 50: if new_id != 539: # 539: Weeders ... print(f"shortening {new_id}: {vs_name} -> {vs_name[:36]}") vs_name = vs_name[:36] vehicle_system_names[new_id] = vs_name #vehicle_system_names.setdefault(ig_id, {}).setdefault(vs_id, vs_name) new_id2 = 256 * new_id + int(f_id) specific_functions[new_id2] = f_name # Manufacturers csv min_total = 1000 # 1396 as of 2023-10-18 f = zipf.read(isobus_files['manuf']) lines = f.decode('UTF-8', 'replace').splitlines() if len(lines) < min_total: exit_msg("{}: Not enough entries ({})".format(isobus_files['manuf'], len(lines))) manuf_csv = csv.reader(lines) next(manuf_csv) # PGN SPN csv min_total = 20000 # 23756 as of 2023-10-18 f = zipf.read(isobus_files['pgn_spns']) lines = f.decode('UTF-8', 'replace').splitlines() if len(lines) < min_total: exit_msg("{}: Not enough entries ({})".format(isobus_files['pgn_spns'], len(lines))) pgn_names = {} pgn_spn_csv = csv.reader(lines) next(pgn_spn_csv) for row in pgn_spn_csv: try: pgn_id, pgn_name, = row[:2] if not pgn_name.startswith("Proprietary B"): pgn_names[int(pgn_id)] = pgn_name.replace("\"","'") except Exception: pass # prepare output file try: output_fd = io.open(isobus_output_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') except Exception: exit_msg("Couldn't open ({}) ".format(isobus_output_path)) output_fd.write('''/* * This file was generated by running ./tools/make-isobus.py. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * * The ISOBUS public listings available from: * * */ #ifndef __PACKET_ISOBUS_PARAMETERS_H__ #define __PACKET_ISOBUS_PARAMETERS_H__ ''') # Write Industries output_fd.write("static const value_string _isobus_industry_groups[] = {\n") for row in sorted(indust_csv, key=lambda x: int(x[0])): output_fd.write(f" {{ {row[0]}, \"{row[1]}\" }},\n") output_fd.write(" { 0, NULL }\n") output_fd.write("};\n") output_fd.write("static value_string_ext isobus_industry_groups_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(_isobus_industry_groups);\n\n") # Write Vehicle System Names output_fd.write("/* key: 256 * Industry-Group-ID + Vehicle-Group-ID */\n") output_fd.write("static const value_string _isobus_vehicle_systems[] = {\n") for key in sorted(vehicle_system_names): output_fd.write(f" {{ {hex(key)}, \"{vehicle_system_names[key]}\" }},\n") output_fd.write(" { 0, NULL }\n") output_fd.write("};\n") output_fd.write("static value_string_ext isobus_vehicle_systems_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(_isobus_vehicle_systems);\n\n") # Write Global Name Functions output_fd.write("static const value_string _isobus_global_name_functions[] = {\n") for row in sorted(glbl_name_functions_csv, key=lambda x: int(x[0])): output_fd.write(f" {{ {row[0]}, \"{row[1]}\" }},\n") output_fd.write(" { 0, NULL }\n") output_fd.write("};\n") output_fd.write("static value_string_ext isobus_global_name_functions_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(_isobus_global_name_functions);\n\n") # IG Specific Global Name Functions output_fd.write("/* key: 65536 * Industry-Group-ID + 256 * Vehicle-System-ID + Function-ID */\n") output_fd.write("static const value_string _isobus_ig_specific_name_functions[] = {\n") for key in sorted(specific_functions): output_fd.write(f" {{ {hex(key)}, \"{specific_functions[key]}\" }},\n") output_fd.write(" { 0, NULL }\n") output_fd.write("};\n") output_fd.write("static value_string_ext isobus_ig_specific_name_functions_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(_isobus_ig_specific_name_functions);\n\n") # Write Manufacturers output_fd.write("static const value_string _isobus_manufacturers[] = {\n") for row in sorted(manuf_csv, key=lambda x: int(x[0])): output_fd.write(f" {{ {row[0]}, \"{row[1]}\" }},\n") output_fd.write(" { 0, NULL }\n") output_fd.write("};\n") output_fd.write("static value_string_ext isobus_manufacturers_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(_isobus_manufacturers);\n\n") # PGN Names output_fd.write("static const value_string _isobus_pgn_names[] = {\n") for key in sorted(pgn_names): output_fd.write(f" {{ {key}, \"{pgn_names[key]}\" }},\n") output_fd.write(" { 0, NULL }\n") output_fd.write("};\n") output_fd.write("static value_string_ext isobus_pgn_names_ext = VALUE_STRING_EXT_INIT(_isobus_pgn_names);\n\n") output_fd.write("#endif /* __PACKET_ISOBUS_PARAMETERS_H__ */") if __name__ == '__main__': main()