#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Parses the CSV version of the IANA Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry # and generates a services(5) file. # # Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer # By Gerald Combs # Copyright 2013 Gerald Combs # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later import sys import getopt import csv import re import collections import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import codecs iana_svc_url = 'https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.csv' __doc__ = '''\ Usage: make-services.py [url] url defaults to %s ''' % (iana_svc_url) services_file = 'epan/services-data.c' exclude_services = [ '^spr-itunes', '^spl-itunes', '^shilp', ] min_source_lines = 14000 # Size was ~ 14800 on 2017-07-20 def parse_port(port_str): p = port_str.split('-') try: if len(p) == 1: return tuple([int(p[0])]) if len(p) == 2: return tuple(range(int(p[0]), int(p[1]) + 1)) except ValueError: pass return () def port_to_str(port): if len(port) == 2: return str(port[0]) + '-' + str(port[1]) return str(port[0]) def parse_rows(svc_fd): port_reader = csv.reader(svc_fd) count = 0 # Header positions as of 2013-08-06 headers = next(port_reader) try: sn_pos = headers.index('Service Name') except Exception: sn_pos = 0 try: pn_pos = headers.index('Port Number') except Exception: pn_pos = 1 try: tp_pos = headers.index('Transport Protocol') except Exception: tp_pos = 2 try: desc_pos = headers.index('Description') except Exception: desc_pos = 3 services_map = {} for row in port_reader: service = row[sn_pos] port = parse_port(row[pn_pos]) proto = row[tp_pos] description = row[desc_pos] count += 1 if len(service) < 1 or not port or len(proto) < 1: continue if re.search('|'.join(exclude_services), service): continue # max 15 chars service = service[:15].rstrip() # replace blanks (for some non-standard long names) service = service.replace(" ", "-") description = description.replace("\n", "") description = re.sub("IANA assigned this well-formed service .+$", "", description) description = re.sub(" +", " ", description) description = description.strip() if description == service or description == service.replace("-", " "): description = None if port not in services_map: services_map[port] = collections.OrderedDict() # Remove some duplicates (first entry wins) proto_exists = False for k in services_map[port].keys(): if proto in services_map[port][k]: proto_exists = True break if proto_exists: continue if service not in services_map[port]: services_map[port][service] = [description] services_map[port][service].append(proto) if count < min_source_lines: exit_msg('Not enough parsed data') return services_map def compile_body(d): keys = list(d.keys()) keys.sort() body = [] for port in keys: for serv in d[port].keys(): line = [port, d[port][serv][1:], serv] description = d[port][serv][0] if description: line.append(description) body.append(line) return body def add_entry(table, port, service_name, description): table.append([int(port), service_name, description]) # body = [(port-range,), [proto-list], service-name, optional-description] # table = [port-number, service-name, optional-description] def compile_tables(body): body.sort() tcp_udp_table = [] tcp_table = [] udp_table = [] sctp_table = [] dccp_table = [] for entry in body: if len(entry) == 4: port_range, proto_list, service_name, description = entry else: port_range, proto_list, service_name = entry description = None for port in port_range: if 'tcp' in proto_list and 'udp' in proto_list: add_entry(tcp_udp_table, port, service_name, description) else: if 'tcp' in proto_list: add_entry(tcp_table, port, service_name, description) if 'udp' in proto_list: add_entry(udp_table, port, service_name, description) if 'sctp' in proto_list: add_entry(sctp_table, port, service_name, description) if 'dccp' in proto_list: add_entry(dccp_table, port, service_name, description) return tcp_udp_table, tcp_table, udp_table, sctp_table, dccp_table def exit_msg(msg=None, status=1): if msg is not None: sys.stderr.write(msg + '\n\n') sys.stderr.write(__doc__ + '\n') sys.exit(status) def main(argv): if sys.version_info[0] < 3: print("This requires Python 3") sys.exit(2) try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv, "h", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: exit_msg() for opt, _ in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): exit_msg(None, 0) if (len(argv) > 0): svc_url = argv[0] else: svc_url = iana_svc_url try: if not svc_url.startswith('http'): svc_fd = open(svc_url) else: req = urllib.request.urlopen(svc_url) svc_fd = codecs.getreader('utf8')(req) except Exception: exit_msg('Error opening ' + svc_url) body = parse_rows(svc_fd) out = open(services_file, 'w') out.write('''\ /* * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * * This is a local copy of the IANA port-numbers file. * * Wireshark uses it to resolve port numbers into human readable * service names, e.g. TCP port 80 -> http. * * It is subject to copyright and being used with IANA's permission: * https://lists.wireshark.org/archives/wireshark-dev/200708/msg00160.html * * The original file can be found at: * %s * * Generated by tools/make-services.py */ ''' % (iana_svc_url)) body = compile_body(body) # body = [(port-range,), [proto-list], service-name, optional-description] max_port = 0 tcp_udp, tcp, udp, sctp, dccp = compile_tables(body) def write_entry(f, e, max_port): line = " {{ {}, \"{}\", ".format(*e) sep_len = 32 - len(line) if sep_len <= 0: sep_len = 1 line += ' ' * sep_len if len(e) == 3 and e[2]: line += "\"{}\" }},\n".format(e[2].replace('"', '\\"')) else: line += "\"\" },\n" f.write(line) if int(e[0]) > int(max_port): return e[0] return max_port out.write("static const ws_services_entry_t global_tcp_udp_services_table[] = {\n") for e in tcp_udp: max_port = write_entry(out, e, max_port) out.write("};\n\n") out.write("static const ws_services_entry_t global_tcp_services_table[] = {\n") for e in tcp: max_port = write_entry(out, e, max_port) out.write("};\n\n") out.write("static const ws_services_entry_t global_udp_services_table[] = {\n") for e in udp: max_port = write_entry(out, e, max_port) out.write("};\n\n") out.write("static const ws_services_entry_t global_sctp_services_table[] = {\n") for e in sctp: max_port = write_entry(out, e, max_port) out.write("};\n\n") out.write("static const ws_services_entry_t global_dccp_services_table[] = {\n") for e in dccp: max_port = write_entry(out, e, max_port) out.write("};\n\n") out.write("static const uint16_t _services_max_port = {};\n".format(max_port)) out.close() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))