/* tap-rlclte_stat.c * Copyright 2011 Martin Mathieson * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include void register_tap_listener_rlc_lte_stat(void); enum { UEID_COLUMN, UL_FRAMES_COLUMN, UL_BYTES_COLUMN, UL_BW_COLUMN, UL_ACKS_COLUMN, UL_NACKS_COLUMN, UL_MISSING_COLUMN, DL_FRAMES_COLUMN, DL_BYTES_COLUMN, DL_BW_COLUMN, DL_ACKS_COLUMN, DL_NACKS_COLUMN, DL_MISSING_COLUMN, NUM_UE_COLUMNS }; static const gchar *ue_titles[] = { " UEId", "UL Frames", "UL Bytes", " UL Mbs", "UL ACKs", "UL NACKs", "UL Missed", "DL Frames", "DL Bytes", " DL Mbs", "DL ACKs", "DL NACKs", "DL Missed"}; /* Stats for one UE */ typedef struct rlc_lte_row_data { /* Key for matching this row */ guint16 ueid; gboolean is_predefined_data; guint32 UL_frames; guint32 UL_total_bytes; nstime_t UL_time_start; nstime_t UL_time_stop; guint32 UL_total_acks; guint32 UL_total_nacks; guint32 UL_total_missing; guint32 DL_frames; guint32 DL_total_bytes; nstime_t DL_time_start; nstime_t DL_time_stop; guint32 DL_total_acks; guint32 DL_total_nacks; guint32 DL_total_missing; } rlc_lte_row_data; /* Common channel stats */ typedef struct rlc_lte_common_stats { guint32 bcch_frames; guint32 bcch_bytes; guint32 pcch_frames; guint32 pcch_bytes; } rlc_lte_common_stats; /* One row/UE in the UE table */ typedef struct rlc_lte_ep { struct rlc_lte_ep *next; struct rlc_lte_row_data stats; } rlc_lte_ep_t; /* Used to keep track of all RLC LTE statistics */ typedef struct rlc_lte_stat_t { rlc_lte_ep_t *ep_list; guint32 total_frames; /* Common stats */ rlc_lte_common_stats common_stats; } rlc_lte_stat_t; /* Reset RLC stats */ static void rlc_lte_stat_reset(void *phs) { rlc_lte_stat_t *rlc_lte_stat = (rlc_lte_stat_t *)phs; rlc_lte_ep_t *list = rlc_lte_stat->ep_list; rlc_lte_stat->total_frames = 0; memset(&rlc_lte_stat->common_stats, 0, sizeof(rlc_lte_common_stats)); if (!list) { return; } rlc_lte_stat->ep_list = NULL; } /* Allocate a rlc_lte_ep_t struct to store info for new UE */ static rlc_lte_ep_t *alloc_rlc_lte_ep(const struct rlc_lte_tap_info *si, packet_info *pinfo _U_) { rlc_lte_ep_t *ep; if (!si) { return NULL; } if (!(ep = g_new(rlc_lte_ep_t, 1))) { return NULL; } /* Copy SI data into ep->stats */ ep->stats.ueid = si->ueid; /* Counts for new UE are all 0 */ ep->stats.UL_frames = 0; ep->stats.DL_frames = 0; ep->stats.UL_total_bytes = 0; ep->stats.DL_total_bytes = 0; memset(&ep->stats.DL_time_start, 0, sizeof(nstime_t)); memset(&ep->stats.DL_time_stop, 0, sizeof(nstime_t)); ep->stats.UL_total_acks = 0; ep->stats.DL_total_acks = 0; ep->stats.UL_total_nacks = 0; ep->stats.DL_total_nacks = 0; ep->stats.UL_total_missing = 0; ep->stats.DL_total_missing = 0; ep->next = NULL; return ep; } /* Process stat struct for a RLC LTE frame */ static tap_packet_status rlc_lte_stat_packet(void *phs, packet_info *pinfo, epan_dissect_t *edt _U_, const void *phi, tap_flags_t flags _U_) { /* Get reference to stats struct */ rlc_lte_stat_t *hs = (rlc_lte_stat_t *)phs; rlc_lte_ep_t *tmp = NULL, *te = NULL; /* Cast tap info struct */ const struct rlc_lte_tap_info *si = (const struct rlc_lte_tap_info *)phi; /* Need this */ if (!hs) { return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW; } /* Inc top-level frame count */ hs->total_frames++; /* Common channel stats */ switch (si->channelType) { case CHANNEL_TYPE_BCCH_BCH: case CHANNEL_TYPE_BCCH_DL_SCH: hs->common_stats.bcch_frames++; hs->common_stats.bcch_bytes += si->pduLength; return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW; case CHANNEL_TYPE_PCCH: hs->common_stats.pcch_frames++; hs->common_stats.pcch_bytes += si->pduLength; return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW; default: break; } /* For per-UE data, must create a new row if none already existing */ if (!hs->ep_list) { /* Allocate new list */ hs->ep_list = alloc_rlc_lte_ep(si, pinfo); /* Make it the first/only entry */ te = hs->ep_list; } else { /* Look among existing rows for this UEId */ for (tmp = hs->ep_list; (tmp != NULL); tmp = tmp->next) { if (tmp->stats.ueid == si->ueid) { te = tmp; break; } } /* Not found among existing, so create a new one anyway */ if (te == NULL) { if ((te = alloc_rlc_lte_ep(si, pinfo))) { /* Add new item to end of list */ rlc_lte_ep_t *p = hs->ep_list; while (p->next) { p = p->next; } p->next = te; te->next = NULL; } } } /* Really should have a row pointer by now */ if (!te) { return TAP_PACKET_DONT_REDRAW; } /* Update entry with details from si */ te->stats.ueid = si->ueid; /* Top-level traffic stats */ if (si->direction == DIRECTION_UPLINK) { /* Update time range */ if (te->stats.UL_frames == 0) { te->stats.UL_time_start = si->rlc_lte_time; } te->stats.UL_time_stop = si->rlc_lte_time; te->stats.UL_frames++; te->stats.UL_total_bytes += si->pduLength; } else { /* Update time range */ if (te->stats.DL_frames == 0) { te->stats.DL_time_start = si->rlc_lte_time; } te->stats.DL_time_stop = si->rlc_lte_time; te->stats.DL_frames++; te->stats.DL_total_bytes += si->pduLength; } if (si->direction == DIRECTION_UPLINK) { if (si->isControlPDU) { te->stats.UL_total_acks++; } te->stats.UL_total_nacks += si->noOfNACKs; te->stats.UL_total_missing += si->missingSNs; } else { if (si->isControlPDU) { te->stats.DL_total_acks++; } te->stats.DL_total_nacks += si->noOfNACKs; te->stats.DL_total_missing += si->missingSNs; } return TAP_PACKET_REDRAW; } /* Calculate and return a bandwidth figure, in Mbs */ static float calculate_bw(nstime_t *start_time, nstime_t *stop_time, guint32 bytes) { /* Can only calculate bandwidth if have time delta */ if (memcmp(start_time, stop_time, sizeof(nstime_t)) != 0) { float elapsed_ms = (((float)stop_time->secs - (float)start_time->secs) * 1000) + (((float)stop_time->nsecs - (float)start_time->nsecs) / 1000000); /* Only really meaningful if have a few frames spread over time... For now at least avoid dividing by something very close to 0.0 */ if (elapsed_ms < 2.0) { return 0.0f; } return ((bytes * 8) / elapsed_ms) / 1000; } else { return 0.0f; } } /* (Re)draw RLC stats */ static void rlc_lte_stat_draw(void *phs) { guint16 number_of_ues = 0; gint i; /* Look up the statistics struct */ rlc_lte_stat_t *hs = (rlc_lte_stat_t *)phs; rlc_lte_ep_t *list = hs->ep_list, *tmp = 0; /* Common channel data */ printf("Common Data:\n"); printf("==============\n"); printf("BCCH Frames: %u BCCH Bytes: %u PCCH Frames: %u PCCH Bytes: %u\n\n", hs->common_stats.bcch_frames, hs->common_stats.bcch_bytes, hs->common_stats.pcch_frames, hs->common_stats.pcch_bytes); /* Per-UE table entries */ /* Set title that shows how many UEs currently in table */ for (tmp = list; (tmp!=NULL); tmp=tmp->next, number_of_ues++); printf("Per UE Data - %u UEs (%u frames)\n", number_of_ues, hs->total_frames); printf("==========================================\n"); /* Show column titles */ for (i=0; i < NUM_UE_COLUMNS; i++) { printf("%s ", ue_titles[i]); } printf("\n"); /* For each row/UE in the model */ for (tmp = list; tmp; tmp=tmp->next) { /* Calculate bandwidth */ float UL_bw = calculate_bw(&tmp->stats.UL_time_start, &tmp->stats.UL_time_stop, tmp->stats.UL_total_bytes); float DL_bw = calculate_bw(&tmp->stats.DL_time_start, &tmp->stats.DL_time_stop, tmp->stats.DL_total_bytes); printf("%5u %10u %9u %10f %8u %9u %10u %10u %9u %10f %8u %9u %10u\n", tmp->stats.ueid, tmp->stats.UL_frames, tmp->stats.UL_total_bytes, UL_bw, tmp->stats.UL_total_acks, tmp->stats.UL_total_nacks, tmp->stats.UL_total_missing, tmp->stats.DL_frames, tmp->stats.DL_total_bytes, DL_bw, tmp->stats.DL_total_acks, tmp->stats.DL_total_nacks, tmp->stats.DL_total_missing); } } /* Create a new RLC LTE stats struct */ static void rlc_lte_stat_init(const char *opt_arg, void *userdata _U_) { rlc_lte_stat_t *hs; const char *filter = NULL; GString *error_string; /* Check for a filter string */ if (strncmp(opt_arg, "rlc-lte,stat,", 13) == 0) { /* Skip those characters from filter to display */ filter = opt_arg + 13; } else { /* No filter */ filter = NULL; } /* Create top-level struct */ hs = g_new0(rlc_lte_stat_t, 1); hs->ep_list = NULL; /**********************************************/ /* Register the tap listener */ /**********************************************/ error_string = register_tap_listener("rlc-lte", hs, filter, 0, rlc_lte_stat_reset, rlc_lte_stat_packet, rlc_lte_stat_draw, NULL); if (error_string) { g_string_free(error_string, TRUE); g_free(hs); exit(1); } } /* Register this tap listener (need void on own so line register function found) */ static stat_tap_ui rlc_lte_stat_ui = { REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_GENERIC, NULL, "rlc-lte,stat", rlc_lte_stat_init, 0, NULL }; void register_tap_listener_rlc_lte_stat(void) { register_stat_tap_ui(&rlc_lte_stat_ui, NULL); }