/** @file * * Logray - Event log analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #ifndef LOGRAY_MAIN_WINDOW_H #define LOGRAY_MAIN_WINDOW_H /** @defgroup main_window_group Main window * The main window has the following submodules: @dot digraph main_dependencies { node [shape=record, fontname=Helvetica, fontsize=10]; main [ label="main window" URL="\ref main.h"]; menu [ label="menubar" URL="\ref menus.h"]; toolbar [ label="toolbar" URL="\ref main_toolbar.h"]; packet_list [ label="packet list pane" URL="\ref packet_list.h"]; proto_draw [ label="packet details & bytes panes" URL="\ref main_proto_draw.h"]; recent [ label="recent user settings" URL="\ref recent.h"]; main -> menu [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; main -> toolbar [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; main -> packet_list [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; main -> proto_draw [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; main -> recent [ arrowhead="open", style="solid" ]; } @enddot */ /** @file * The Logray main window * @ingroup main_window_group * @ingroup windows_group */ #include #include #include #include "file.h" #include "ui/ws_ui_util.h" #include "ui/iface_toolbar.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP #include "capture_opts.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # include #else # include #endif #include "capture_file.h" #include "capture_file_dialog.h" #include "capture_file_properties_dialog.h" #include #include #include "main_window.h" class AccordionFrame; class ByteViewTab; class CaptureOptionsDialog; class PrintDialog; class FileSetDialog; class FilterDialog; class FunnelStatistics; class WelcomePage; class PacketCommentDialog; class PacketDiagram; class PacketList; class ProtoTree; class FilterExpressionToolBar; class WiresharkApplication; class QAction; class QActionGroup; namespace Ui { class LograyMainWindow; } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(ts_type) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(ts_precision) class LograyMainWindow : public MainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: explicit LograyMainWindow(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~LograyMainWindow(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_session *captureSession() { return &cap_session_; } info_data_t *captureInfoData() { return &info_data_; } #endif virtual QMenu *createPopupMenu(); CaptureFile *captureFile() { return &capture_file_; } void removeAdditionalToolbar(QString toolbarName); void addInterfaceToolbar(const iface_toolbar *toolbar_entry); void removeInterfaceToolbar(const gchar *menu_title); QString getMwFileName(); void setMwFileName(QString fileName); protected: virtual bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event); virtual bool event(QEvent *event); virtual void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event); virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event); virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event); virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event); virtual void changeEvent(QEvent* event); private: // XXX Move to FilterUtils enum MatchSelected { MatchSelectedReplace, MatchSelectedAnd, MatchSelectedOr, MatchSelectedNot, MatchSelectedAndNot, MatchSelectedOrNot }; enum FileCloseContext { Default, Quit, Restart, Reload, Update }; Ui::LograyMainWindow *main_ui_; CaptureFile capture_file_; QFont mono_font_; QMap text_codec_map_; QWidget *previous_focus_; FileSetDialog *file_set_dialog_; QActionGroup *show_hide_actions_; QActionGroup *time_display_actions_; QActionGroup *time_precision_actions_; FunnelStatistics *funnel_statistics_; QList > freeze_actions_; QPointer freeze_focus_; QMap td_actions; QMap tp_actions; bool was_maximized_; /* the following values are maintained so that the capture file name and status is available when there is no cf structure available */ QString mwFileName_; bool capture_stopping_; bool capture_filter_valid_; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP capture_session cap_session_; CaptureOptionsDialog *capture_options_dialog_; info_data_t info_data_; #endif #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) QMenu *dock_menu_; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE QAction *update_action_; #endif QPoint dragStartPosition; void freeze(); void thaw(); void mergeCaptureFile(); void importCaptureFile(); bool saveCaptureFile(capture_file *cf, bool dont_reopen); bool saveAsCaptureFile(capture_file *cf, bool must_support_comments = false, bool dont_reopen = false); void exportSelectedPackets(); void exportDissections(export_type_e export_type); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN void fileAddExtension(QString &file_name, int file_type, wtap_compression_type compression_type); #endif // Q_OS_WIN bool testCaptureFileClose(QString before_what, FileCloseContext context = Default); void captureStop(); void findTextCodecs(); void initMainToolbarIcons(); void initShowHideMainWidgets(); void initTimeDisplayFormatMenu(); void initTimePrecisionFormatMenu(); void initFreezeActions(); void setTitlebarForCaptureInProgress(); void setMenusForCaptureFile(bool force_disable = false); void setMenusForCaptureInProgress(bool capture_in_progress = false); void setMenusForCaptureStopping(); void setForCapturedPackets(bool have_captured_packets); void setMenusForFileSet(bool enable_list_files); void setWindowIcon(const QIcon &icon); QString replaceWindowTitleVariables(QString title); void externalMenuHelper(ext_menu_t * menu, QMenu * subMenu, gint depth); void setForCaptureInProgress(bool capture_in_progress = false, bool handle_toolbars = false, GArray *ifaces = NULL); QMenu* findOrAddMenu(QMenu *parent_menu, QString& menu_text); void captureFileReadStarted(const QString &action); void addMenuActions(QList &actions, int menu_group); void removeMenuActions(QList &actions, int menu_group); void goToConversationFrame(bool go_next); void colorizeWithFilter(QByteArray filter, int color_number = -1); signals: void setDissectedCaptureFile(capture_file *cf); void closePacketDialogs(); void reloadFields(); void packetInfoChanged(struct _packet_info *pinfo); void fieldFilterChanged(const QByteArray field_filter); void fieldHighlight(FieldInformation *); void captureActive(int); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP void showExtcapOptions(QString &device_name, bool startCaptureOnClose); #endif public slots: // in main_window_slots.cpp /** * Open a capture file. * @param cf_path Path to the file. * @param display_filter Display filter to apply. May be empty. * @param type File type. * @param is_tempfile TRUE/FALSE. * @return True on success, false on failure. */ // XXX We might want to return a cf_read_status_t or a CaptureFile. bool openCaptureFile(QString cf_path, QString display_filter, unsigned int type, gboolean is_tempfile = FALSE); bool openCaptureFile(QString cf_path = QString(), QString display_filter = QString()) { return openCaptureFile(cf_path, display_filter, WTAP_TYPE_AUTO); } void filterPackets(QString new_filter = QString(), bool force = false); void updateForUnsavedChanges(); void layoutToolbars(); void updatePreferenceActions(); void updateRecentActions(); void setTitlebarForCaptureFile(); void setWSWindowTitle(QString title = QString()); void showCaptureOptionsDialog(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP void captureCapturePrepared(capture_session *); void captureCaptureUpdateStarted(capture_session *); void captureCaptureUpdateFinished(capture_session *); void captureCaptureFixedFinished(capture_session *cap_session); void captureCaptureFailed(capture_session *); #endif void captureFileOpened(); void captureFileReadFinished(); void captureFileClosing(); void captureFileClosed(); private slots: void captureEventHandler(CaptureEvent ev); // Manually connected slots (no "on__"). void initViewColorizeMenu(); void initConversationMenus(); static bool addExportObjectsMenuItem(const void *key, void *value, void *userdata); void initExportObjectsMenus(); // in main_window_slots.cpp /** * @brief startCapture * Start capturing from the selected interfaces using the capture filter * shown in the main welcome screen. */ void startCapture(QStringList); void startCapture(); void popLiveCaptureInProgress(); void stopCapture(); void loadWindowGeometry(); void saveWindowGeometry(); void mainStackChanged(int); void updateRecentCaptures(); void recentActionTriggered(); void addPacketComment(); void editPacketComment(); void deletePacketComment(); void deleteCommentsFromPackets(); QString commentToMenuText(QString text, int max_len = 40); void setEditCommentsMenu(); void setMenusForSelectedPacket(); void setMenusForSelectedTreeRow(FieldInformation *fi = NULL); void interfaceSelectionChanged(); void captureFilterSyntaxChanged(bool valid); void redissectPackets(); void checkDisplayFilter(); void fieldsChanged(); void reloadLuaPlugins(); void showAccordionFrame(AccordionFrame *show_frame, bool toggle = false); void showColumnEditor(int column); void showPreferenceEditor(); // module_t *, pref * void addStatsPluginsToMenu(); void addDynamicMenus(); void reloadDynamicMenus(); void addPluginIFStructures(); QMenu * searchSubMenu(QString objectName); void activatePluginIFToolbar(bool); void startInterfaceCapture(bool valid, const QString capture_filter); void applyGlobalCommandLineOptions(); void setFeaturesEnabled(bool enabled = true); void on_actionNewDisplayFilterExpression_triggered(); void onFilterSelected(QString, bool); void onFilterPreferences(); void onFilterEdit(int uatIndex); // Handle FilterAction signals void queuedFilterAction(QString filter, FilterAction::Action action, FilterAction::ActionType type); /** Pass stat cmd arguments to a slot. * @param menu_path slot Partial slot name, e.g. "StatisticsIOGraph". * @param arg "-z" argument, e.g. "io,stat". * @param userdata Optional user data. */ void openStatCommandDialog(const QString &menu_path, const char *arg, void *userdata); /** Pass tap parameter arguments to a slot. * @param cfg_str slot Partial slot name, e.g. "StatisticsAFPSrt". * @param arg "-z" argument, e.g. "afp,srt". * @param userdata Optional user data. */ void openTapParameterDialog(const QString cfg_str, const QString arg, void *userdata); void openTapParameterDialog(); #if defined(HAVE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE) && defined(Q_OS_WIN) void softwareUpdateRequested(); #endif // Automatically connected slots ("on__"). // // The slots below follow the naming conventaion described in // https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/qmetaobject.html#connectSlotsByName // and are automatically connected at initialization time via // main_ui_->setupUi, which in turn calls connectSlotsByName. // // If you're manually connecting a signal to a slot, don't prefix its name // with "on_". Otherwise you'll get runtime warnings. // We might want move these to main_window_actions.cpp similar to // gtk/main_menubar.c void connectFileMenuActions(); void exportPacketBytes(); void exportPDU(); void printFile(); void connectEditMenuActions(); void copySelectedItems(LograyMainWindow::CopySelected selection_type); void findPacket(); void editTimeShift(); void editConfigurationProfiles(); void editTimeShiftFinished(int); void addPacketCommentFinished(PacketCommentDialog* pc_dialog, int result); void editPacketCommentFinished(PacketCommentDialog* pc_dialog, int result, guint nComment); void deleteAllPacketComments(); void deleteAllPacketCommentsFinished(int result); void showPreferencesDialog(QString module_name); void connectViewMenuActions(); void showHideMainWidgets(QAction *action); void setTimestampFormat(QAction *action); void setTimestampPrecision(QAction *action); void setTimeDisplaySecondsWithHoursAndMinutes(bool checked); void editResolvedName(); void setNameResolution(); void zoomText(); void showColoringRulesDialog(); void colorizeConversation(bool create_rule = false); void colorizeActionTriggered(); void openPacketDialog(bool from_reference = false); void reloadCaptureFileAsFormatOrCapture(); void reloadCaptureFile(); void connectGoMenuActions(); void setPreviousFocus(); void resetPreviousFocus(); void connectCaptureMenuActions(); void startCaptureTriggered(); void connectAnalyzeMenuActions(); void matchFieldFilter(FilterAction::Action action, FilterAction::ActionType filter_type); void applyFieldAsColumn(); void filterMenuAboutToShow(); void applyConversationFilter(); void applyExportObject(); void statCommandExpertInfo(const char *, void *); void connectHelpMenuActions(); #ifdef HAVE_SOFTWARE_UPDATE void checkForUpdates(); #endif void goToCancelClicked(); void goToGoClicked(); void goToLineEditReturnPressed(); void connectStatisticsMenuActions(); void showResolvedAddressesDialog(); void showConversationsDialog(); void showEndpointsDialog(); void openStatisticsTreeDialog(const gchar *abbr); void statCommandIOGraph(const char *, void *); void externalMenuItemTriggered(); void on_actionContextWikiProtocolPage_triggered(); void on_actionContextFilterFieldReference_triggered(); void extcap_options_finished(int result); void showExtcapOptionsDialog(QString & device_name, bool startCaptureOnClose); friend class MainApplication; }; #endif // LOGRAY_MAIN_WINDOW_H