LograyMainWindow 0 0 960 768 true Logray true 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 40 10 Event: 16777215 27 Go to event true 16777215 27 Cancel true 0 0 960 21 &File Open &Recent File Set Export Event Dissections &Capture &Help true Manual pages true &Go &View Interface Toolbars &Zoom &Time Display Format Name Resol&ution Colorize Conversation Internals Additional Toolbars &Analyze Apply as Filter Prepare as Filter Follow Conversation Filter true &Statistics &Edit Copy Event Comments &Tools 0 0 Main Toolbar false 32 32 Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly TopToolBarArea false Display Filter Toolbar false 14 14 TopToolBarArea true &Open Open a capture file Ctrl+O false &Quit Quit Logray Ctrl+Q QAction::QuitRole true &Start Start capturing events Ctrl+E S&top Stop capturing events Ctrl+E &Close Close this capture file Ctrl+W false false No files found &User's Guide Wireshark User's Guide F1 Wireshark Display Filters TShark Rawshark Dumpcap Mergecap Editcap Text2pcap :/menu/help/lricon16.png:/menu/help/lricon16.png Website FAQs Downloads :/menu/help/lricon16.png:/menu/help/lricon16.png Wiki true Sample Captures &About Logray QAction::AboutRole :/menu/help/wsicon-ask.png:/menu/help/wsicon-ask.png Ask (Q&&A) true Next Event Go to the next event Ctrl+Down Previous Event Go to the previous event Ctrl+Up Next Event in Conversation Go to the next event in this conversation Ctrl+. Previous Event in Conversation Go to the previous event in this conversation Ctrl+, Next Event In History Go to the next event in your selection history Alt+Right Previous Event In History Go to the previous event in your selection history Alt+Left First Event Go to the first event Ctrl+Home Last Event Go to the last event Ctrl+End false E&xpand Subtrees Expand the current event detail Shift+Right false Collapse Subtrees Collapse the current event detail Shift+Left &Expand All Expand event details Ctrl+Right Collapse &All Collapse all event details Ctrl+Left true Go to Event… Go to specified event Ctrl+G &Merge… Merge one or more files &Import from Hex Dump… Import a file &Save Save this capture file Ctrl+S false Save &As… Save as a different file Ctrl+Shift+S Export Specified Events… Export specified events &Print… Ctrl+P List Files Next File Previous File &Reload Reload this file Ctrl+R true Reload as File Format/Capture Ctrl+Shift+F &Options… Options Capture options Ctrl+K QAction::NoRole Capture &Filters… Capture filters Refresh Interfaces Refresh interfaces F5 &Restart Restart current capture Ctrl+R As Plain &Text… As &CSV… As "C" &Arrays… As P&SML XML… As P&DML XML… As &JSON… Description Copy this item's description Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D As Plain &Text As &CSV As &YAML All Visible Items Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A All Visible Selected Tree Items Field Name Copy this item's field name Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F Value Copy this item's value Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V As Filter Copy this item as a display filter Ctrl+Shift+C Display &Filters… Display Filter &Macros… Apply as Column Create an event list column from the selected field. Ctrl+Shift+I &Find Event… Find an event Ctrl+F Find Ne&xt Find the next event Ctrl+N Find Pre&vious Find the previous event Ctrl+B &Mark/Unmark Selected Mark or unmark each selected event Ctrl+M Mark All Displayed Mark all displayed events Ctrl+Shift+M &Unmark All Displayed Unmark all displayed events Ctrl+Alt+M Next Mark Go to the next marked event Ctrl+Shift+N Previous Mark Go to the previous marked event Ctrl+Shift+B &Ignore/Unignore Selected Ignore or unignore each selected event Ctrl+D Ignore All Displayed Ignore all displayed events Ctrl+Shift+D U&nignore All Displayed Unignore all displayed events Ctrl+Alt+D Set/Unset Time Reference Set or unset a time reference for this event Ctrl+T Unset All Time References Remove all time references Ctrl+Alt+T Next Time Reference Go to the next time reference Ctrl+Alt+N Previous Time Reference Go to the previous time reference Ctrl+Alt+B Time Shift… Shift or change event timestamps Ctrl+Shift+T Delete All Event Comments Remove all event comments in the capture file false &Configuration Profiles… Configuration profiles Manage your configuration profiles Ctrl+Shift+A QAction::NoRole &Preferences… Manage Logray's preferences Ctrl+Shift+P QAction::PreferencesRole false Capture File Properties Capture file properties Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C false &Protocol Hierarchy Show a summary of protocols present in the capture file. Capinfos Reordercap Flow Graph Flow sequence diagram Event Lengths Event length statistics Reload Lua Plugins Reload Lua plugins Ctrl+Shift+L &I/O Graphs Create graphs based on display filter fields true true &Main Toolbar Show or hide the main toolbar true true &Filter Toolbar Show or hide the display filter toolbar &Conversations Conversations at different protocol levels &Endpoints Endpoints at different protocol levels true Colorize Event List Draw events using your coloring rules &Zoom In Enlarge the main window text Ctrl++ Zoom Out Shrink the main window text Ctrl+- Normal Size Return the main window text to its normal size Ctrl+0 Reset Layout Reset layout to default size Ctrl+Shift+W Resize Columns Resize event list columns to fit contents Ctrl+Shift+R true Date and Time of Day (1970-01-01 01:02:03.123456) Show event times as the date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+1 true Year, Day of Year, and Time of Day (1970/001 01:02:03.123456) Show event times as the year, day of the year and time of day. true Time of Day (01:02:03.123456) Show event times as the date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+2 true Seconds Since 1970-01-01 Show event times as the seconds since the UNIX / POSIX epoch (1970-01-01). Ctrl+Alt+3 true Seconds Since Beginning of Capture Show event times as the date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+4 true Seconds Since Previous Captured Event Show event times as the seconds since the previous captured event. Ctrl+Alt+5 true Seconds Since Previous Displayed Event Show event times as the seconds since the previous displayed event. Ctrl+Alt+6 true UTC Date and Time of Day (1970-01-01 01:02:03.123456) Show event times as the UTC date and time of day. Ctrl+Alt+7 true UTC Year, Day of Year, and Time of Day (1970/001 01:02:03.123456) Show event times as the UTC year, day of the year and time of day. true UTC Time of Day (01:02:03.123456) Show event times as the UTC time of day. Ctrl+Alt+8 true Automatic (from capture file) Use the time precision indicated in the capture file. true Seconds true Tenths of a second true Hundredths of a second true Milliseconds true Tenths of a millisecond true Hundredths of a millisecond true Microseconds true Tenths of a microsecond true Hundredths of a microsecond true Nanoseconds true Display Seconds With Hours and Minutes Display seconds with hours and minutes true Resolve &Physical Addresses Show names for known MAC addresses. Lookups use a local database. true Resolve &Network Addresses Show names for known IPv4, IPv6, and IPX addresses. Lookups can generate network traffic. true Resolve &Transport Addresses Show names for known TCP, UDP, and SCTP services. Lookups can generate traffic on some systems. true true &Status Bar Show or hide the status bar true true Event &List Show or hide the event list true true Event &Details Show or hide the event details true true Event &Bytes Show or hide the event bytes &Conversation Hash Tables Show each conversation hash table &Dissector Tables Show each dissector table and its entries &Supported Protocols Show the currently supported protocols and display filter fields &Coloring Rules… Edit the event list coloring rules. Show Event in New &Window Show this event in a separate window. Show Linked Event in New Window Show the linked event in a separate window. true Auto Scroll in Li&ve Capture Automatically scroll to the last event during a live capture. Expert Information Show expert notifications Display Filter &Expression… Display Filter Expression… Add an expression to the display filter. REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED Start of "REGISTER_STAT_GROUP_UNSORTED" false QAction::NoRole Resolved Addresses Show each table of resolved addresses as copyable text. Color &1 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+1 Color &2 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+2 Color &3 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+3 Color &4 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+4 Color &5 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+5 Color &6 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+6 Color &7 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+7 Color &8 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+8 Color &9 Mark the current conversation with its own color. Ctrl+9 Color 1&0 Mark the current conversation with its own color. New Coloring Rule… Create a new coloring rule based on this field. Reset Colorization Reset colorized conversations. Ctrl+Space Edit Resolved Name Manually edit a name resolution entry. Enabled Protocols… Enable and disable specific protocols Ctrl+Shift+E Show Event Bytes… Ctrl+Shift+O Wiki Protocol Page Open the Wireshark wiki page for this protocol. Filter Field Reference Open the display filter reference page for this filter field. Go to &Linked Event Go to the event referenced by the selected field. Add a display filter button. true &Full Screen AccordionFrame QFrame
MainStatusBar QStatusBar
WelcomePage QFrame
SearchFrame QWidget
ColumnEditorFrame QFrame
PreferenceEditorFrame QFrame
AddressEditorFrame QFrame
FilterExpressionFrame QFrame
actionFileQuit triggered() LograyMainWindow close() -1 -1 408 258