/* packet_list_model.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include "packet_list_model.h" #include "file.h" #include #include #include #include #include "ui/packet_list_utils.h" #include "ui/recent.h" #include #include "frame_tvbuff.h" #include #include #include "main_application.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Print timing information //#define DEBUG_PACKET_LIST_MODEL 1 #ifdef DEBUG_PACKET_LIST_MODEL #include #endif class SortAbort : public std::runtime_error { using std::runtime_error::runtime_error; }; static PacketListModel * glbl_plist_model = Q_NULLPTR; static const int reserved_packets_ = 100000; guint packet_list_append(column_info *, frame_data *fdata) { if (!glbl_plist_model) return 0; /* fdata should be filled with the stuff we need * strings are built at display time. */ return glbl_plist_model->appendPacket(fdata); } void packet_list_recreate_visible_rows(void) { if (glbl_plist_model) glbl_plist_model->recreateVisibleRows(); } PacketListModel::PacketListModel(QObject *parent, capture_file *cf) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), number_to_row_(QVector()), max_row_height_(0), max_line_count_(1), idle_dissection_row_(0) { Q_ASSERT(glbl_plist_model == Q_NULLPTR); glbl_plist_model = this; setCaptureFile(cf); physical_rows_.reserve(reserved_packets_); visible_rows_.reserve(reserved_packets_); new_visible_rows_.reserve(1000); number_to_row_.reserve(reserved_packets_); if (qobject_cast(mainApp->mainWindow())) { MainWindow *mw = qobject_cast(mainApp->mainWindow()); QWidget * wtWidget = mw->findChild(); if (wtWidget && qobject_cast(wtWidget)) { WirelessTimeline * wt = qobject_cast(wtWidget); connect(this, &PacketListModel::bgColorizationProgress, wt, &WirelessTimeline::bgColorizationProgress); } } connect(this, &PacketListModel::maxLineCountChanged, this, &PacketListModel::emitItemHeightChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection); idle_dissection_timer_ = new QElapsedTimer(); } PacketListModel::~PacketListModel() { delete idle_dissection_timer_; } void PacketListModel::setCaptureFile(capture_file *cf) { cap_file_ = cf; } // Packet list records have no children (for now, at least). QModelIndex PacketListModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &) const { if (row >= visible_rows_.count() || row < 0 || !cap_file_ || column >= prefs.num_cols) return QModelIndex(); PacketListRecord *record = visible_rows_[row]; return createIndex(row, column, record); } // Everything is under the root. QModelIndex PacketListModel::parent(const QModelIndex &) const { return QModelIndex(); } int PacketListModel::packetNumberToRow(int packet_num) const { // map 1-based values to 0-based row numbers. Invisible rows are stored as // the default value (0) and should map to -1. return number_to_row_.value(packet_num) - 1; } guint PacketListModel::recreateVisibleRows() { beginResetModel(); visible_rows_.resize(0); number_to_row_.fill(0); endResetModel(); foreach (PacketListRecord *record, physical_rows_) { frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); if (fdata->passed_dfilter || fdata->ref_time) { visible_rows_ << record; if (static_cast(number_to_row_.size()) <= fdata->num) { number_to_row_.resize(fdata->num + 10000); } number_to_row_[fdata->num] = static_cast(visible_rows_.count()); } } if (!visible_rows_.isEmpty()) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, static_cast(visible_rows_.count()) - 1); endInsertRows(); } idle_dissection_row_ = 0; return static_cast(visible_rows_.count()); } void PacketListModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); qDeleteAll(physical_rows_); PacketListRecord::invalidateAllRecords(); physical_rows_.resize(0); visible_rows_.resize(0); new_visible_rows_.resize(0); number_to_row_.resize(0); endResetModel(); max_row_height_ = 0; max_line_count_ = 1; idle_dissection_timer_->invalidate(); idle_dissection_row_ = 0; } void PacketListModel::invalidateAllColumnStrings() { PacketListRecord::invalidateAllRecords(); emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1), QVector() << Qt::DisplayRole); } void PacketListModel::resetColumns() { if (cap_file_) { PacketListRecord::resetColumns(&cap_file_->cinfo); } emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1)); emit headerDataChanged(Qt::Horizontal, 0, columnCount() - 1); } void PacketListModel::resetColorized() { PacketListRecord::resetColorization(); emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole); } void PacketListModel::toggleFrameMark(const QModelIndexList &indeces) { if (!cap_file_ || indeces.count() <= 0) return; int sectionMax = columnCount() - 1; foreach (QModelIndex index, indeces) { if (! index.isValid()) continue; PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (!record) continue; frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); if (!fdata) continue; if (fdata->marked) cf_unmark_frame(cap_file_, fdata); else cf_mark_frame(cap_file_, fdata); emit dataChanged(index.sibling(index.row(), 0), index.sibling(index.row(), sectionMax), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole); } } void PacketListModel::setDisplayedFrameMark(gboolean set) { foreach (PacketListRecord *record, visible_rows_) { if (set) { cf_mark_frame(cap_file_, record->frameData()); } else { cf_unmark_frame(cap_file_, record->frameData()); } } emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole); } void PacketListModel::toggleFrameIgnore(const QModelIndexList &indeces) { if (!cap_file_ || indeces.count() <= 0) return; int sectionMax = columnCount() - 1; foreach (QModelIndex index, indeces) { if (! index.isValid()) continue; PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (!record) continue; frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); if (!fdata) continue; if (fdata->ignored) cf_unignore_frame(cap_file_, fdata); else cf_ignore_frame(cap_file_, fdata); emit dataChanged(index.sibling(index.row(), 0), index.sibling(index.row(), sectionMax), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole << Qt::DisplayRole); } } void PacketListModel::setDisplayedFrameIgnore(gboolean set) { foreach (PacketListRecord *record, visible_rows_) { if (set) { cf_ignore_frame(cap_file_, record->frameData()); } else { cf_unignore_frame(cap_file_, record->frameData()); } } emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole << Qt::DisplayRole); } void PacketListModel::toggleFrameRefTime(const QModelIndex &rt_index) { if (!cap_file_ || !rt_index.isValid()) return; PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(rt_index.internalPointer()); if (!record) return; frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); if (!fdata) return; if (fdata->ref_time) { fdata->ref_time=0; cap_file_->ref_time_count--; } else { fdata->ref_time=1; cap_file_->ref_time_count++; } cf_reftime_packets(cap_file_); if (!fdata->ref_time && !fdata->passed_dfilter) { cap_file_->displayed_count--; } record->resetColumns(&cap_file_->cinfo); emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1)); } void PacketListModel::unsetAllFrameRefTime() { if (!cap_file_) return; /* XXX: we might need a progressbar here */ foreach (PacketListRecord *record, physical_rows_) { frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); if (fdata->ref_time) { fdata->ref_time = 0; } } cap_file_->ref_time_count = 0; cf_reftime_packets(cap_file_); PacketListRecord::resetColumns(&cap_file_->cinfo); emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(rowCount() - 1, columnCount() - 1)); } void PacketListModel::addFrameComment(const QModelIndexList &indices, const QByteArray &comment) { int sectionMax = columnCount() - 1; frame_data *fdata; if (!cap_file_) return; for (const auto &index : indices) { if (!index.isValid()) continue; PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (!record) continue; fdata = record->frameData(); wtap_block_t pkt_block = cf_get_packet_block(cap_file_, fdata); wtap_block_add_string_option(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT, comment.data(), comment.size()); if (!cf_set_modified_block(cap_file_, fdata, pkt_block)) { cap_file_->packet_comment_count++; expert_update_comment_count(cap_file_->packet_comment_count); } // In case there are coloring rules or columns related to comments. // (#12519) // // XXX: "Does any active coloring rule relate to frame data" // could be an optimization. For columns, note that // "col_based_on_frame_data" only applies to built in columns, // not custom columns based on frame data. (Should we prevent // custom columns based on frame data from being created, // substituting them with the other columns?) // // Note that there are not currently any fields that depend on // whether other frames have comments, unlike with time references // and time shifts ("frame.time_relative", "frame.offset_shift", etc.) // If there were, then we'd need to reset data for all frames instead // of just the frames changed. record->invalidateColorized(); record->invalidateRecord(); emit dataChanged(index.sibling(index.row(), 0), index.sibling(index.row(), sectionMax), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole << Qt::DisplayRole); } } void PacketListModel::setFrameComment(const QModelIndex &index, const QByteArray &comment, guint c_number) { int sectionMax = columnCount() - 1; frame_data *fdata; if (!cap_file_) return; if (!index.isValid()) return; PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (!record) return; fdata = record->frameData(); wtap_block_t pkt_block = cf_get_packet_block(cap_file_, fdata); if (comment.isEmpty()) { wtap_block_remove_nth_option_instance(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT, c_number); if (!cf_set_modified_block(cap_file_, fdata, pkt_block)) { cap_file_->packet_comment_count--; expert_update_comment_count(cap_file_->packet_comment_count); } } else { wtap_block_set_nth_string_option_value(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT, c_number, comment.data(), comment.size()); cf_set_modified_block(cap_file_, fdata, pkt_block); } record->invalidateColorized(); record->invalidateRecord(); emit dataChanged(index.sibling(index.row(), 0), index.sibling(index.row(), sectionMax), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole << Qt::DisplayRole); } void PacketListModel::deleteFrameComments(const QModelIndexList &indices) { int sectionMax = columnCount() - 1; frame_data *fdata; if (!cap_file_) return; for (const auto &index : indices) { if (!index.isValid()) continue; PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); if (!record) continue; fdata = record->frameData(); wtap_block_t pkt_block = cf_get_packet_block(cap_file_, fdata); guint n_comments = wtap_block_count_option(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT); if (n_comments) { for (guint i = 0; i < n_comments; i++) { wtap_block_remove_nth_option_instance(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT, 0); } if (!cf_set_modified_block(cap_file_, fdata, pkt_block)) { cap_file_->packet_comment_count -= n_comments; expert_update_comment_count(cap_file_->packet_comment_count); } record->invalidateColorized(); record->invalidateRecord(); emit dataChanged(index.sibling(index.row(), 0), index.sibling(index.row(), sectionMax), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole << Qt::DisplayRole); } } } void PacketListModel::deleteAllFrameComments() { int row; int sectionMax = columnCount() - 1; if (!cap_file_) return; /* XXX: we might need a progressbar here */ foreach (PacketListRecord *record, physical_rows_) { frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); wtap_block_t pkt_block = cf_get_packet_block(cap_file_, fdata); guint n_comments = wtap_block_count_option(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT); if (n_comments) { for (guint i = 0; i < n_comments; i++) { wtap_block_remove_nth_option_instance(pkt_block, OPT_COMMENT, 0); } cf_set_modified_block(cap_file_, fdata, pkt_block); record->invalidateColorized(); record->invalidateRecord(); row = packetNumberToRow(fdata->num); if (row > -1) { emit dataChanged(index(row, 0), index(row, sectionMax), QVector() << Qt::BackgroundRole << Qt::ForegroundRole << Qt::DisplayRole); } } } cap_file_->packet_comment_count = 0; expert_update_comment_count(cap_file_->packet_comment_count); } void PacketListModel::setMaximumRowHeight(int height) { max_row_height_ = height; // As the QTreeView uniformRowHeights documentation says, // "The height is obtained from the first item in the view. It is // updated when the data changes on that item." emit dataChanged(index(0, 0), index(0, columnCount() - 1)); } int PacketListModel::sort_column_; int PacketListModel::sort_column_is_numeric_; int PacketListModel::text_sort_column_; Qt::SortOrder PacketListModel::sort_order_; capture_file *PacketListModel::sort_cap_file_; gboolean PacketListModel::stop_flag_; ProgressFrame *PacketListModel::progress_frame_; double PacketListModel::comps_; double PacketListModel::exp_comps_; QElapsedTimer busy_timer_; const int busy_timeout_ = 65; // ms, approximately 15 fps void PacketListModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) { if (!cap_file_ || visible_rows_.count() < 1) return; if (column < 0) return; if (physical_rows_.count() < 1) return; sort_column_ = column; text_sort_column_ = PacketListRecord::textColumn(column); sort_order_ = order; sort_cap_file_ = cap_file_; QString col_title = get_column_title(column); if (text_sort_column_ >= 0 && (guint)visible_rows_.count() > prefs.gui_packet_list_cached_rows_max) { /* Column not based on frame data but by column text that requires * dissection, so to sort in a reasonable amount of time the column * text needs to be cached. */ /* If the sort is being triggered because the columns were already * sorted and the filter is being cleared (or changed to something * else with more rows than fit in the cache), then the temporary * message will be immediately overwritten with the standard capture * statistics by the packets_bar_update() call after thawing the rows. * It will still blink yellow, and the user will get the message if * they then click on the header file (wondering why it didn't sort.) */ if (col_title.isEmpty()) { col_title = tr("Column"); } QString temp_msg = tr("%1 can only be sorted with %2 or fewer visible rows; increase cache size in Layout preferences").arg(col_title).arg(prefs.gui_packet_list_cached_rows_max); mainApp->pushStatus(MainApplication::TemporaryStatus, temp_msg); return; } /* If we are currently in the middle of reading the capture file, don't * sort. PacketList::captureFileReadFinished invalidates all the cached * column strings and then tries to sort again. * Similarly, claim the read lock because we don't want the file to * change out from under us while sorting, which can segfault. (Previously * we ignored user input, but now in order to cancel sorting we don't.) */ if (sort_cap_file_->read_lock) { ws_info("Refusing to sort because capture file is being read"); /* We shouldn't have to tell the user because we're just deferring * the sort until PacketList::captureFileReadFinished */ return; } sort_cap_file_->read_lock = TRUE; QString busy_msg; if (!col_title.isEmpty()) { busy_msg = tr("Sorting \"%1\"…").arg(col_title); } else { busy_msg = tr("Sorting …"); } stop_flag_ = FALSE; comps_ = 0; /* XXX: The expected number of comparisons is O(N log N), but this could * be a pretty significant overestimate of the amount of time it takes, * if there are lots of identical entries. (Especially with string * comparisons, some comparisons are faster than others.) Better to * overestimate? */ exp_comps_ = log2(visible_rows_.count()) * visible_rows_.count(); progress_frame_ = nullptr; if (qobject_cast(mainApp->mainWindow())) { MainWindow *mw = qobject_cast(mainApp->mainWindow()); progress_frame_ = mw->findChild(); if (progress_frame_) { progress_frame_->showProgress(busy_msg, true, false, &stop_flag_, 0); connect(progress_frame_, &ProgressFrame::stopLoading, this, &PacketListModel::stopSorting); } } busy_timer_.start(); sort_column_is_numeric_ = isNumericColumn(sort_column_); QVector sorted_visible_rows_ = visible_rows_; try { std::sort(sorted_visible_rows_.begin(), sorted_visible_rows_.end(), recordLessThan); beginResetModel(); visible_rows_.resize(0); number_to_row_.fill(0); foreach (PacketListRecord *record, sorted_visible_rows_) { frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); if (fdata->passed_dfilter || fdata->ref_time) { visible_rows_ << record; if (number_to_row_.size() <= (int)fdata->num) { number_to_row_.resize(fdata->num + 10000); } number_to_row_[fdata->num] = static_cast(visible_rows_.count()); } } endResetModel(); } catch (const SortAbort& e) { mainApp->pushStatus(MainApplication::TemporaryStatus, e.what()); } if (progress_frame_ != nullptr) { progress_frame_->hide(); disconnect(progress_frame_, &ProgressFrame::stopLoading, this, &PacketListModel::stopSorting); } sort_cap_file_->read_lock = FALSE; if (cap_file_->current_frame) { emit goToPacket(cap_file_->current_frame->num); } } void PacketListModel::stopSorting() { stop_flag_ = TRUE; } bool PacketListModel::isNumericColumn(int column) { if (column < 0) { return false; } switch (sort_cap_file_->cinfo.columns[column].col_fmt) { case COL_CUMULATIVE_BYTES: /**< 3) Cumulative number of bytes */ case COL_DELTA_TIME: /**< 5) Delta time */ case COL_DELTA_TIME_DIS: /**< 8) Delta time displayed*/ case COL_UNRES_DST_PORT: /**< 10) Unresolved dest port */ case COL_FREQ_CHAN: /**< 15) IEEE 802.11 (and WiMax?) - Channel */ case COL_RSSI: /**< 22) IEEE 802.11 - received signal strength */ case COL_TX_RATE: /**< 23) IEEE 802.11 - TX rate in Mbps */ case COL_NUMBER: /**< 32) Packet list item number */ case COL_PACKET_LENGTH: /**< 33) Packet length in bytes */ case COL_UNRES_SRC_PORT: /**< 41) Unresolved source port */ return true; /* * Try to sort port numbers as number, if the numeric comparison fails (due * to name resolution), it will fallback to string comparison. * */ case COL_RES_DST_PORT: /**< 10) Resolved dest port */ case COL_DEF_DST_PORT: /**< 12) Destination port */ case COL_DEF_SRC_PORT: /**< 37) Source port */ case COL_RES_SRC_PORT: /**< 40) Resolved source port */ return true; case COL_CUSTOM: /* handle custom columns below. */ break; default: return false; } guint num_fields = g_slist_length(sort_cap_file_->cinfo.columns[column].col_custom_fields_ids); for (guint i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { guint *field_idx = (guint *) g_slist_nth_data(sort_cap_file_->cinfo.columns[column].col_custom_fields_ids, i); header_field_info *hfi = proto_registrar_get_nth(*field_idx); /* * Reject a field when there is no numeric field type or when: * - there are (value_string) "strings" * (but do accept fields which have a unit suffix). * - BASE_HEX or BASE_HEX_DEC (these have a constant width, string * comparison is faster than conversion to double). * - BASE_CUSTOM (these can be formatted in any way). */ if (!hfi || (hfi->strings != NULL && !(hfi->display & BASE_UNIT_STRING)) || !(((FT_IS_INT(hfi->type) || FT_IS_UINT(hfi->type)) && ((FIELD_DISPLAY(hfi->display) == BASE_DEC) || (FIELD_DISPLAY(hfi->display) == BASE_OCT) || (FIELD_DISPLAY(hfi->display) == BASE_DEC_HEX))) || (hfi->type == FT_DOUBLE) || (hfi->type == FT_FLOAT) || (hfi->type == FT_BOOLEAN) || (hfi->type == FT_FRAMENUM) || (hfi->type == FT_RELATIVE_TIME))) { return false; } } return true; } bool PacketListModel::recordLessThan(PacketListRecord *r1, PacketListRecord *r2) { int cmp_val = 0; comps_++; // Wherein we try to cram the logic of packet_list_compare_records, // _packet_list_compare_records, and packet_list_compare_custom from // gtk/packet_list_store.c into one function if (busy_timer_.elapsed() > busy_timeout_) { if (progress_frame_) { progress_frame_->setValue(static_cast(comps_/exp_comps_ * 100)); } // What's the least amount of processing that we can do which will draw // the busy indicator? mainApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers, 1); if (stop_flag_) { throw SortAbort("Sorting aborted"); } busy_timer_.restart(); } if (sort_column_ < 0) { // No column. cmp_val = frame_data_compare(sort_cap_file_->epan, r1->frameData(), r2->frameData(), COL_NUMBER); } else if (text_sort_column_ < 0) { // Column comes directly from frame data cmp_val = frame_data_compare(sort_cap_file_->epan, r1->frameData(), r2->frameData(), sort_cap_file_->cinfo.columns[sort_column_].col_fmt); } else { QString r1String = r1->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_); QString r2String = r2->columnString(sort_cap_file_, sort_column_); // XXX: The naive string comparison compares Unicode code points. // Proper collation is more expensive cmp_val = r1String.compare(r2String); if (cmp_val != 0 && sort_column_is_numeric_) { // Custom column with numeric data (or something like a port number). // Attempt to convert to numbers. // XXX This is slow. Can we avoid doing this? Perhaps the actual // values used for sorting should be cached too as QVariant[List]. // If so, we could consider using QCollatorSortKeys or similar // for strings as well. bool ok_r1, ok_r2; double num_r1 = parseNumericColumn(r1String, &ok_r1); double num_r2 = parseNumericColumn(r2String, &ok_r2); if (!ok_r1 && !ok_r2) { cmp_val = 0; } else if (!ok_r1 || (ok_r2 && num_r1 < num_r2)) { // either r1 is invalid (and sort it before others) or both // r1 and r2 are valid (sort normally) cmp_val = -1; } else if (!ok_r2 || (num_r1 > num_r2)) { cmp_val = 1; } } if (cmp_val == 0) { // All else being equal, compare column numbers. cmp_val = frame_data_compare(sort_cap_file_->epan, r1->frameData(), r2->frameData(), COL_NUMBER); } } if (sort_order_ == Qt::AscendingOrder) { return cmp_val < 0; } else { return cmp_val > 0; } } // Parses a field as a double. Handle values with suffixes ("12ms"), negative // values ("-1.23") and fields with multiple occurrences ("1,2"). Marks values // that do not contain any numeric value ("Unknown") as invalid. double PacketListModel::parseNumericColumn(const QString &val, bool *ok) { QByteArray ba = val.toUtf8(); const char *strval = ba.constData(); gchar *end = NULL; double num = g_ascii_strtod(strval, &end); *ok = strval != end; return num; } // ::data is const so we have to make changes here. void PacketListModel::emitItemHeightChanged(const QModelIndex &ih_index) { if (!ih_index.isValid()) return; PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(ih_index.internalPointer()); if (!record) return; if (record->lineCount() > max_line_count_) { max_line_count_ = record->lineCount(); emit itemHeightChanged(ih_index); } } int PacketListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return static_cast(visible_rows_.count()); } int PacketListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return prefs.num_cols; } QVariant PacketListModel::data(const QModelIndex &d_index, int role) const { if (!d_index.isValid()) return QVariant(); PacketListRecord *record = static_cast(d_index.internalPointer()); if (!record) return QVariant(); const frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); if (!fdata) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: switch(recent_get_column_xalign(d_index.column())) { case COLUMN_XALIGN_RIGHT: return Qt::AlignRight; break; case COLUMN_XALIGN_CENTER: return Qt::AlignCenter; break; case COLUMN_XALIGN_LEFT: return Qt::AlignLeft; break; case COLUMN_XALIGN_DEFAULT: default: if (right_justify_column(d_index.column(), cap_file_)) { return Qt::AlignRight; } break; } return Qt::AlignLeft; case Qt::BackgroundRole: const color_t *color; if (fdata->ignored) { color = &prefs.gui_ignored_bg; } else if (fdata->marked) { color = &prefs.gui_marked_bg; } else if (fdata->color_filter && recent.packet_list_colorize) { const color_filter_t *color_filter = (const color_filter_t *) fdata->color_filter; color = &color_filter->bg_color; } else { return QVariant(); } return ColorUtils::fromColorT(color); case Qt::ForegroundRole: if (fdata->ignored) { color = &prefs.gui_ignored_fg; } else if (fdata->marked) { color = &prefs.gui_marked_fg; } else if (fdata->color_filter && recent.packet_list_colorize) { const color_filter_t *color_filter = (const color_filter_t *) fdata->color_filter; color = &color_filter->fg_color; } else { return QVariant(); } return ColorUtils::fromColorT(color); case Qt::DisplayRole: { int column = d_index.column(); QString column_string = record->columnString(cap_file_, column, true); // We don't know an item's sizeHint until we fetch its text here. // Assume each line count is 1. If the line count changes, emit // itemHeightChanged which triggers another redraw (including a // fetch of SizeHintRole and DisplayRole) in the next event loop. if (column == 0 && record->lineCountChanged() && record->lineCount() > max_line_count_) { emit maxLineCountChanged(d_index); } return column_string; } case Qt::SizeHintRole: { // If this is the first row and column, return the maximum row height... if (d_index.row() < 1 && d_index.column() < 1 && max_row_height_ > 0) { QSize size = QSize(-1, max_row_height_); return size; } // ...otherwise punt so that the item delegate can correctly calculate the item width. return QVariant(); } default: return QVariant(); } } QVariant PacketListModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (!cap_file_) return QVariant(); if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && section < prefs.num_cols) { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return QVariant::fromValue(QString(get_column_title(section))); case Qt::ToolTipRole: return QVariant::fromValue(gchar_free_to_qstring(get_column_tooltip(section))); case PacketListModel::HEADER_CAN_RESOLVE: return (bool)resolve_column(section, cap_file_); default: break; } } return QVariant(); } void PacketListModel::flushVisibleRows() { int pos = static_cast(visible_rows_.count()); if (new_visible_rows_.count() > 0) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), pos, pos + static_cast(new_visible_rows_.count())); foreach (PacketListRecord *record, new_visible_rows_) { frame_data *fdata = record->frameData(); visible_rows_ << record; if (static_cast(number_to_row_.size()) <= fdata->num) { number_to_row_.resize(fdata->num + 10000); } number_to_row_[fdata->num] = static_cast(visible_rows_.count()); } endInsertRows(); new_visible_rows_.resize(0); } } // Fill our column string and colorization cache while the application is // idle. Try to be as conservative with the CPU and disk as possible. static const int idle_dissection_interval_ = 5; // ms void PacketListModel::dissectIdle(bool reset) { if (reset) { // qDebug() << "=di reset" << idle_dissection_row_; idle_dissection_row_ = 0; } else if (!idle_dissection_timer_->isValid()) { return; } idle_dissection_timer_->restart(); int first = idle_dissection_row_; while (idle_dissection_timer_->elapsed() < idle_dissection_interval_ && idle_dissection_row_ < physical_rows_.count()) { ensureRowColorized(idle_dissection_row_); idle_dissection_row_++; // if (idle_dissection_row_ % 1000 == 0) qDebug() << "=di row" << idle_dissection_row_; } if (idle_dissection_row_ < physical_rows_.count()) { QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [=]() { dissectIdle(); }); } else { idle_dissection_timer_->invalidate(); } // report colorization progress emit bgColorizationProgress(first+1, idle_dissection_row_+1); } // XXX Pass in cinfo from packet_list_append so that we can fill in // line counts? gint PacketListModel::appendPacket(frame_data *fdata) { PacketListRecord *record = new PacketListRecord(fdata); qsizetype pos = -1; #ifdef DEBUG_PACKET_LIST_MODEL if (fdata->num % 10000 == 1) { log_resource_usage(fdata->num == 1, "%u packets", fdata->num); } #endif physical_rows_ << record; if (fdata->passed_dfilter || fdata->ref_time) { new_visible_rows_ << record; if (new_visible_rows_.count() < 2) { // This is the first queued packet. Schedule an insertion for // the next UI update. QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &PacketListModel::flushVisibleRows); } pos = static_cast( visible_rows_.count() + new_visible_rows_.count() ) - 1; } return static_cast(pos); } frame_data *PacketListModel::getRowFdata(QModelIndex idx) { if (!idx.isValid()) return Q_NULLPTR; return getRowFdata(idx.row()); } frame_data *PacketListModel::getRowFdata(int row) { if (row < 0 || row >= visible_rows_.count()) return NULL; PacketListRecord *record = visible_rows_[row]; if (!record) return NULL; return record->frameData(); } void PacketListModel::ensureRowColorized(int row) { if (row < 0 || row >= visible_rows_.count()) return; PacketListRecord *record = visible_rows_[row]; if (!record) return; if (!record->colorized()) { record->ensureColorized(cap_file_); } } int PacketListModel::visibleIndexOf(frame_data *fdata) const { int row = 0; foreach (PacketListRecord *record, visible_rows_) { if (record->frameData() == fdata) { return row; } row++; } return -1; }