SCTPAssocAnalyseDialog 0 0 826 672 0 0 Wireshark - Analyse Association 5 10 821 661 TabWidget 2 Qt::NoFocus Statistics 20 40 781 231 Number of Data Bytes from EP1 to EP2: - Number of Data Bytes from EP2 to EP1: Checksum Type: - - - Number of Data Chunks from EP2 to EP1: - Number of Data Chunks from EP1 to EP2: 10 540 791 55 Qt::NoFocus Filter Association Qt::NoFocus Chunk Statistics Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close 10 510 791 20 <small><i>For complete analysis check SCTP preference Enable Association indexing</i></small> Endpoint 1 10 10 791 41 Complete List of IP addresses from INIT Chunk: 10 210 791 301 - - - Minimum Number of Outbound Streams: Provided Number of Outbound Streams: Minimum Number of Inbound Streams: Sent Verification Tag: - Port: - - Requested Number of Inbound Streams: 10 60 791 141 10 540 791 55 Qt::NoFocus Graph Bytes Qt::NoFocus Graph TSN Graph Arwnd Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close 10 520 791 20 <small><i>For complete analysis check SCTP preference Enable Association indexing</i></small> Endpoint 2 10 210 791 301 Requested Number of Inbound Streams: - - Sent Verification Tag: Minimum Number of Outbound Streams: Port: Minimum Number of Inbound Streams: - - - Provided Number of Outbound Streams: - 10 10 791 41 Complete List of IP addresses from INIT_ACK Chunk: 10 60 791 141 10 540 791 55 Qt::NoFocus Graph Bytes Qt::NoFocus Graph TSN Graph Arwnd Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Close 10 520 791 20 <small><i>For complete analysis check SCTP preference Enable Association indexing</i></small> buttonBox clicked() SCTPAssocAnalyseDialog close() 494 361 523 433 buttonBox_2 clicked() SCTPAssocAnalyseDialog close() 471 365 475 384 buttonBox_3 clicked() SCTPAssocAnalyseDialog close() 502 362 520 459