/* search_frame.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "search_frame.h" #include #include "file.h" #include "ui/recent.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "main_application.h" #include "utils/qt_ui_utils.h" #include #include enum { in_packet_list_, in_proto_tree_, in_bytes_ }; enum { df_search_, hex_search_, string_search_, regex_search_ }; enum { narrow_and_wide_chars_, narrow_chars_, wide_chars_ }; SearchFrame::SearchFrame(QWidget *parent) : AccordionFrame(parent), sf_ui_(new Ui::SearchFrame), cap_file_(nullptr), regex_(nullptr) { sf_ui_->setupUi(this); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC foreach (QWidget *w, findChildren()) { w->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacSmallSize, true); } #endif if (!is_packet_configuration_namespace()) { sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->setItemText(0, tr("Event List")); sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->setItemText(1, tr("Event Details")); sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->setItemText(2, tr("Event Bytes")); sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->setToolTip(tr("" "

Search the Info column of the event list (summary pane), " "decoded event display labels (tree view pane) or the " "ASCII-converted event data (hex view pane).

" "")); } applyRecentSearchSettings(); updateWidgets(); } SearchFrame::~SearchFrame() { if (regex_) { ws_regex_free(regex_); } delete sf_ui_; } void SearchFrame::animatedShow() { AccordionFrame::animatedShow(); sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setFocus(); } void SearchFrame::findNext() { if (!cap_file_) return; sf_ui_->dirCheckBox->setChecked(false); if (isHidden()) { animatedShow(); return; } on_findButton_clicked(); } void SearchFrame::findPrevious() { if (!cap_file_) return; sf_ui_->dirCheckBox->setChecked(true); if (isHidden()) { animatedShow(); return; } on_findButton_clicked(); } void SearchFrame::setFocus() { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setFocus(); sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->selectAll(); } void SearchFrame::setCaptureFile(capture_file *cf) { cap_file_ = cf; if (!cf && isVisible()) { animatedHide(); } updateWidgets(); } void SearchFrame::findFrameWithFilter(QString &filter) { animatedShow(); sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setText(filter); sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setCursorPosition(0); sf_ui_->searchTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(df_search_); updateWidgets(); on_findButton_clicked(); } void SearchFrame::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (event->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier) { if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { on_cancelButton_clicked(); } else if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || event->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { on_findButton_clicked(); } } AccordionFrame::keyPressEvent(event); } bool SearchFrame::regexCompile() { unsigned flags = 0; if (!sf_ui_->caseCheckBox->isChecked()) { flags |= WS_REGEX_CASELESS; } if (sf_ui_->dirCheckBox->isChecked()) { flags |= WS_REGEX_ANCHORED; } if (regex_) { ws_regex_free(regex_); } if (sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { regex_ = nullptr; return false; } char *errmsg = nullptr; regex_ = ws_regex_compile_ex(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().toUtf8().constData(), -1, &errmsg, flags); if (errmsg != nullptr) { regex_error_ = errmsg; } return regex_ ? true : false; } void SearchFrame::applyRecentSearchSettings() { int search_in_idx = in_packet_list_; int char_encoding_idx = narrow_and_wide_chars_; int search_type_idx = df_search_; switch (recent.gui_search_in) { case SEARCH_IN_PACKET_LIST: search_in_idx = in_packet_list_; break; case SEARCH_IN_PACKET_DETAILS: search_in_idx = in_proto_tree_; break; case SEARCH_IN_PACKET_BYTES: search_in_idx = in_bytes_; break; default: break; } switch (recent.gui_search_char_set) { case SEARCH_CHAR_SET_NARROW_AND_WIDE: char_encoding_idx = narrow_and_wide_chars_; break; case SEARCH_CHAR_SET_NARROW: char_encoding_idx = narrow_chars_; break; case SEARCH_CHAR_SET_WIDE: char_encoding_idx = wide_chars_; break; default: break; } switch (recent.gui_search_type) { case SEARCH_TYPE_DISPLAY_FILTER: search_type_idx = df_search_; break; case SEARCH_TYPE_HEX_VALUE: search_type_idx = hex_search_; break; case SEARCH_TYPE_STRING: search_type_idx = string_search_; break; case SEARCH_TYPE_REGEX: search_type_idx = regex_search_; break; default: break; } sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->setCurrentIndex(search_in_idx); sf_ui_->charEncodingComboBox->setCurrentIndex(char_encoding_idx); sf_ui_->caseCheckBox->setChecked(recent.gui_search_case_sensitive); sf_ui_->searchTypeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(search_type_idx); sf_ui_->dirCheckBox->setChecked(recent.gui_search_reverse_dir); sf_ui_->multipleCheckBox->setChecked(recent.gui_search_multiple_occurs); } void SearchFrame::updateWidgets() { if (cap_file_) { setEnabled(true); } else { setEnabled(false); return; } int search_type = sf_ui_->searchTypeComboBox->currentIndex(); sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->setEnabled(search_type == string_search_ || search_type == regex_search_); sf_ui_->caseCheckBox->setEnabled(search_type == string_search_ || search_type == regex_search_); // The encoding only is used when searching the raw Packet Bytes // (otherwise all strings have already been converted to UTF-8) sf_ui_->charEncodingComboBox->setEnabled(search_type == string_search_ && sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->currentIndex() == in_bytes_); // We can search for multiple matches in the same frame if we're doing // a Proto Tree search or a Frame Bytes search, but not a string/regex // search in the Packet List, or a display filter search (since those // don't highlight what fields / offsets caused the match.) sf_ui_->multipleCheckBox->setEnabled((sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->isEnabled() && sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->currentIndex() != in_packet_list_) || search_type == hex_search_); switch (search_type) { case df_search_: sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->checkDisplayFilter(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text()); break; case hex_search_: if (sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setSyntaxState(SyntaxLineEdit::Invalid); } else { uint8_t *bytes; size_t nbytes; bytes = convert_string_to_hex(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().toUtf8().constData(), &nbytes); if (bytes == nullptr) sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setSyntaxState(SyntaxLineEdit::Invalid); else { g_free(bytes); sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setSyntaxState(SyntaxLineEdit::Valid); } } break; case string_search_: if (sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setSyntaxState(SyntaxLineEdit::Invalid); } else { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setSyntaxState(SyntaxLineEdit::Valid); } break; case regex_search_: if (regexCompile()) { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setSyntaxState(SyntaxLineEdit::Valid); } else { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setSyntaxState(SyntaxLineEdit::Invalid); } break; default: // currentIndex is probably -1. Nothing is selected or list is empty. return; } if (sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().isEmpty() || sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->syntaxState() == SyntaxLineEdit::Invalid) { sf_ui_->findButton->setEnabled(false); } else { sf_ui_->findButton->setEnabled(true); } } void SearchFrame::on_searchInComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { switch (idx) { case in_packet_list_: recent.gui_search_in = SEARCH_IN_PACKET_LIST; break; case in_proto_tree_: recent.gui_search_in = SEARCH_IN_PACKET_DETAILS; break; case in_bytes_: recent.gui_search_in = SEARCH_IN_PACKET_BYTES; break; default: break; } // We only search for multiple occurrences in packet list and bytes updateWidgets(); } void SearchFrame::on_charEncodingComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { switch (idx) { case narrow_and_wide_chars_: recent.gui_search_char_set = SEARCH_CHAR_SET_NARROW_AND_WIDE; break; case narrow_chars_: recent.gui_search_char_set = SEARCH_CHAR_SET_NARROW; break; case wide_chars_: recent.gui_search_char_set = SEARCH_CHAR_SET_WIDE; break; default: break; } } void SearchFrame::on_caseCheckBox_toggled(bool checked) { recent.gui_search_case_sensitive = checked; regexCompile(); } void SearchFrame::on_searchTypeComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int idx) { switch (idx) { case df_search_: recent.gui_search_type = SEARCH_TYPE_DISPLAY_FILTER; break; case hex_search_: recent.gui_search_type = SEARCH_TYPE_HEX_VALUE; break; case string_search_: recent.gui_search_type = SEARCH_TYPE_STRING; break; case regex_search_: recent.gui_search_type = SEARCH_TYPE_REGEX; break; default: break; } // Enable completion only for display filter search. sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->allowCompletion(idx == df_search_); if (idx == df_search_) { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->checkFilter(); } else { sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->setToolTip(QString()); mainApp->popStatus(MainApplication::FilterSyntax); } updateWidgets(); } void SearchFrame::on_searchLineEdit_textChanged(const QString &) { updateWidgets(); } void SearchFrame::on_dirCheckBox_toggled(bool checked) { recent.gui_search_reverse_dir = checked; } void SearchFrame::on_multipleCheckBox_toggled(bool checked) { recent.gui_search_multiple_occurs = checked; } void SearchFrame::on_findButton_clicked() { uint8_t *bytes = nullptr; size_t nbytes = 0; char *string = nullptr; dfilter_t *dfp = nullptr; bool found_packet = false; QString err_string; if (!cap_file_) { return; } cap_file_->hex = false; cap_file_->string = false; cap_file_->case_type = false; cap_file_->regex = nullptr; cap_file_->packet_data = false; cap_file_->decode_data = false; cap_file_->summary_data = false; cap_file_->scs_type = SCS_NARROW_AND_WIDE; cap_file_->dir = sf_ui_->dirCheckBox->isChecked() ? SD_BACKWARD : SD_FORWARD; bool multiple_occurrences = sf_ui_->multipleCheckBox->isChecked(); int search_type = sf_ui_->searchTypeComboBox->currentIndex(); switch (search_type) { case df_search_: if (!dfilter_compile(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().toUtf8().constData(), &dfp, nullptr)) { err_string = tr("Invalid filter."); goto search_done; } if (dfp == nullptr) { err_string = tr("That filter doesn't test anything."); goto search_done; } break; case hex_search_: bytes = convert_string_to_hex(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().toUtf8().constData(), &nbytes); if (bytes == nullptr) { err_string = tr("That's not a valid hex string."); goto search_done; } cap_file_->hex = true; break; case string_search_: case regex_search_: if (sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) { err_string = tr("You didn't specify any text for which to search."); goto search_done; } cap_file_->string = true; cap_file_->case_type = sf_ui_->caseCheckBox->isChecked() ? false : true; cap_file_->regex = (search_type == regex_search_ ? regex_ : nullptr); switch (sf_ui_->charEncodingComboBox->currentIndex()) { case narrow_and_wide_chars_: cap_file_->scs_type = SCS_NARROW_AND_WIDE; break; case narrow_chars_: cap_file_->scs_type = SCS_NARROW; break; case wide_chars_: cap_file_->scs_type = SCS_WIDE; break; default: err_string = tr("No valid character set selected. Please report this to the development team."); goto search_done; } string = convert_string_case(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text().toUtf8().constData(), cap_file_->case_type); break; default: err_string = tr("No valid search type selected. Please report this to the development team."); goto search_done; } switch (sf_ui_->searchInComboBox->currentIndex()) { case in_packet_list_: cap_file_->summary_data = true; break; case in_proto_tree_: cap_file_->decode_data = true; break; case in_bytes_: cap_file_->packet_data = true; break; default: err_string = tr("No valid search area selected. Please report this to the development team."); goto search_done; } g_free(cap_file_->sfilter); cap_file_->sfilter = qstring_strdup(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text()); mainApp->popStatus(MainApplication::FileStatus); mainApp->pushStatus(MainApplication::FileStatus, tr("Searching for %1…").arg(sf_ui_->searchLineEdit->text())); if (cap_file_->hex) { /* Hex value in packet data */ found_packet = cf_find_packet_data(cap_file_, bytes, nbytes, cap_file_->dir, multiple_occurrences); g_free(bytes); if (!found_packet) { /* We didn't find a packet */ err_string = tr("No packet contained those bytes."); goto search_done; } } else if (cap_file_->string) { if (search_type == regex_search_ && !cap_file_->regex) { err_string = regex_error_; goto search_done; } if (cap_file_->summary_data) { /* String in the Info column of the summary line */ found_packet = cf_find_packet_summary_line(cap_file_, string, cap_file_->dir); g_free(string); if (!found_packet) { err_string = tr("No packet contained that string in its Info column."); goto search_done; } } else if (cap_file_->decode_data) { /* String in the protocol tree headings */ found_packet = cf_find_packet_protocol_tree(cap_file_, string, cap_file_->dir, multiple_occurrences); g_free(string); if (!found_packet) { err_string = tr("No packet contained that string in its dissected display."); goto search_done; } } else if (cap_file_->packet_data && string) { /* String in the ASCII-converted packet data */ found_packet = cf_find_packet_data(cap_file_, (uint8_t *) string, strlen(string), cap_file_->dir, multiple_occurrences); g_free(string); if (!found_packet) { err_string = tr("No packet contained that string in its converted data."); goto search_done; } } } else { /* Search via display filter */ found_packet = cf_find_packet_dfilter(cap_file_, dfp, cap_file_->dir); dfilter_free(dfp); if (!found_packet) { err_string = tr("No packet matched that filter."); g_free(bytes); goto search_done; } } search_done: mainApp->popStatus(MainApplication::FileStatus); if (!err_string.isEmpty()) { mainApp->pushStatus(MainApplication::FilterSyntax, err_string); } } void SearchFrame::on_cancelButton_clicked() { mainApp->popStatus(MainApplication::FilterSyntax); animatedHide(); } void SearchFrame::changeEvent(QEvent* event) { if (event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: sf_ui_->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; } } AccordionFrame::changeEvent(event); }