/* stats_tree_dialog.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "stats_tree_dialog.h" #include "file.h" #include "epan/stats_tree_priv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include const int item_col_ = 0; const int sn_type_ = 1000; class StatsTreeWidgetItem : public QTreeWidgetItem { public: StatsTreeWidgetItem(int type = sn_type_) : QTreeWidgetItem (type) { for (int col = 1; col < columnCount(); col++) { setTextAlignment(col, Qt::AlignRight); } } bool operator< (const QTreeWidgetItem &other) const { stat_node *thisnode = VariantPointer::asPtr(data(item_col_, Qt::UserRole)); stat_node *othernode = VariantPointer::asPtr(other.data(item_col_, Qt::UserRole)); Qt::SortOrder order = treeWidget()->header()->sortIndicatorOrder(); int result; result = stats_tree_sort_compare(thisnode, othernode, treeWidget()->sortColumn(), order==Qt::DescendingOrder); if (order==Qt::DescendingOrder) { result = -result; } return result < 0; } }; StatsTreeDialog::StatsTreeDialog(QWidget &parent, CaptureFile &cf, const char *cfg_abbr) : TapParameterDialog(parent, cf), st_(NULL), st_cfg_(NULL) { loadGeometry(800, height(), cfg_abbr); st_cfg_ = stats_tree_get_cfg_by_abbr(cfg_abbr); memset(&cfg_pr_, 0, sizeof(struct _tree_cfg_pres)); addTreeCollapseAllActions(); if (!st_cfg_) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Configuration not found"), tr("Unable to find configuration for %1.").arg(cfg_abbr)); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "reject", Qt::QueuedConnection); } } StatsTreeDialog::~StatsTreeDialog() { if (st_) { stats_tree_free(st_); } } // Adds a node to the QTreeWidget // Note: We're passing QTreeWidgetItem pointers as st_node_pres pointers void StatsTreeDialog::setupNode(stat_node* node) { if (!node || !node->st || !node->st->cfg || !node->st->cfg->pr || !node->st->cfg->pr->st_dlg) return; StatsTreeDialog *st_dlg = node->st->cfg->pr->st_dlg; QTreeWidgetItem *ti = new StatsTreeWidgetItem(), *parent = NULL; ti->setText(item_col_, node->name); ti->setData(item_col_, Qt::UserRole, VariantPointer::asQVariant(node)); node->pr = (st_node_pres *) ti; if (node->parent && node->parent->pr) { parent = (QTreeWidgetItem *) node->parent->pr; parent->setExpanded(true); } if (parent) { parent->addChild(ti); } else { st_dlg->statsTreeWidget()->addTopLevelItem(ti); } } void StatsTreeDialog::fillTree() { if (!st_cfg_ || file_closed_) return; // The GTK+ UI appended "Stats Tree" to the window title. If we do the same // here we should expand the name completely, e.g. to "Statistics Tree". setWindowSubtitle(st_cfg_->title); st_cfg_->pr = &cfg_pr_; cfg_pr_.st_dlg = this; if (st_) { stats_tree_free(st_); } QString display_filter = displayFilter(); st_ = stats_tree_new(st_cfg_, NULL, display_filter.toUtf8().constData()); // Add number of columns for this stats_tree QStringList header_labels; for (int count = 0; countnum_columns; count++) { header_labels.push_back(stats_tree_get_column_name(st_cfg_, count)); } statsTreeWidget()->setColumnCount(static_cast(header_labels.count())); statsTreeWidget()->setHeaderLabels(header_labels); statsTreeWidget()->setSortingEnabled(false); if (!registerTapListener(st_cfg_->tapname, st_, st_->filter, st_cfg_->flags, resetTap, stats_tree_packet, drawTreeItems)) { reject(); // XXX Stay open instead? return; } cap_file_.retapPackets(); drawTreeItems(st_); removeTapListeners(); st_cfg_->pr = NULL; statsTreeWidget()->setSortingEnabled(true); statsTreeWidget()->resizeColumnToContents(item_col_); } void StatsTreeDialog::resetTap(void *st_ptr) { stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *) st_ptr; if (!st || !st->cfg || !st->cfg->pr || !st->cfg->pr->st_dlg) return; st->cfg->pr->st_dlg->statsTreeWidget()->clear(); st->cfg->init(st); } void StatsTreeDialog::drawTreeItems(void *st_ptr) { stats_tree *st = (stats_tree *) st_ptr; if (!st || !st->cfg || !st->cfg->pr || !st->cfg->pr->st_dlg) return; TapParameterDialog *st_dlg = st->cfg->pr->st_dlg; QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter(st_dlg->statsTreeWidget()); while (*iter) { stat_node *node = VariantPointer::asPtr((*iter)->data(item_col_, Qt::UserRole)); if (node) { char **valstrs = stats_tree_get_values_from_node(node); for (int count = 0; countnum_columns; count++) { (*iter)->setText(count,valstrs[count]); g_free(valstrs[count]); } (*iter)->setExpanded((node->parent==(&st->root)) && (!(node->st_flags&ST_FLG_DEF_NOEXPAND))); g_free(valstrs); } ++iter; } st_dlg->drawTreeItems(); } QByteArray StatsTreeDialog::getTreeAsString(st_format_type format) { GString *str_tree; // produce output in selected format using current sort information str_tree = stats_tree_format_as_str(st_, format, statsTreeWidget()->sortColumn(), statsTreeWidget()->header()->sortIndicatorOrder()==Qt::DescendingOrder); return gstring_free_to_qbytearray(str_tree); } extern "C" { void register_tap_listener_qt_stats_tree_stat(void); void register_tap_listener_qt_stats_tree_stat(void) { stats_tree_presentation(NULL, StatsTreeDialog::setupNode, NULL, NULL); } }