/* qt_ui_utils.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ui/ws_ui_util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * We might want to create our own "wsstring" class with convenience * methods for handling g_malloc()ed strings, GStrings, and a shortcut * to .toUtf8().constData(). */ gchar *qstring_strdup(QString q_string) { return g_strdup(q_string.toUtf8().constData()); } QString gchar_free_to_qstring(gchar *glib_string) { return QString(gchar_free_to_qbytearray(glib_string)); } QByteArray gchar_free_to_qbytearray(gchar *glib_string) { QByteArray qt_bytearray(glib_string); g_free(glib_string); return qt_bytearray; } QByteArray gstring_free_to_qbytearray(GString *glib_gstring) { QByteArray qt_ba(glib_gstring->str); g_string_free(glib_gstring, TRUE); return qt_ba; } QByteArray gbytearray_free_to_qbytearray(GByteArray *glib_array) { QByteArray qt_ba(reinterpret_cast(glib_array->data), glib_array->len); g_byte_array_free(glib_array, TRUE); return qt_ba; } const QString int_to_qstring(qint64 value, int field_width, int base) { // Qt deprecated QString::sprintf in Qt 5.0, then added ::asprintf in // Qt 5.5. Rather than navigate a maze of QT_VERSION_CHECKs, just use // QString::arg. QString int_qstr; switch (base) { case 8: int_qstr = "0"; break; case 16: int_qstr = "0x"; break; default: break; } int_qstr += QString("%1").arg(value, field_width, base, QChar('0')); return int_qstr; } const QString address_to_qstring(const _address *address, bool enclose) { QString address_qstr = QString(); if (address) { if (enclose && address->type == AT_IPv6) address_qstr += "["; gchar *address_gchar_p = address_to_str(NULL, address); address_qstr += address_gchar_p; wmem_free(NULL, address_gchar_p); if (enclose && address->type == AT_IPv6) address_qstr += "]"; } return address_qstr; } const QString address_to_display_qstring(const _address *address) { QString address_qstr = QString(); if (address) { gchar *address_gchar_p = address_to_display(NULL, address); address_qstr = address_gchar_p; wmem_free(NULL, address_gchar_p); } return address_qstr; } const QString val_to_qstring(const guint32 val, const value_string *vs, const char *fmt) { QString val_qstr; gchar* gchar_p = val_to_str_wmem(NULL, val, vs, fmt); val_qstr = gchar_p; wmem_free(NULL, gchar_p); return val_qstr; } const QString val_ext_to_qstring(const guint32 val, value_string_ext *vse, const char *fmt) { QString val_qstr; gchar* gchar_p = val_to_str_ext_wmem(NULL, val, vse, fmt); val_qstr = gchar_p; wmem_free(NULL, gchar_p); return val_qstr; } const QString range_to_qstring(const range_string *range) { QString range_qstr = QString(); if (range) { range_qstr += QString("%1-%2").arg(range->value_min).arg(range->value_max); } return range_qstr; } const QString bits_s_to_qstring(const double bits_s) { return gchar_free_to_qstring( format_size(bits_s, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_NONE, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI)); } const QString file_size_to_qstring(const gint64 size) { return gchar_free_to_qstring( format_size(size, FORMAT_SIZE_UNIT_BYTES, FORMAT_SIZE_PREFIX_SI)); } const QString time_t_to_qstring(time_t ti_time) { QDateTime date_time = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(qint64(ti_time)); QString time_str = date_time.toLocalTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); return time_str; } QString html_escape(const QString plain_string) { return plain_string.toHtmlEscaped(); } void smooth_font_size(QFont &font) { #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)) QList size_list = QFontDatabase::smoothSizes(font.family(), font.styleName()); #else QFontDatabase fdb; QList size_list = fdb.smoothSizes(font.family(), font.styleName()); #endif if (size_list.size() < 2) return; int last_size = size_list.takeFirst(); foreach (int cur_size, size_list) { if (font.pointSize() > last_size && font.pointSize() <= cur_size) { font.setPointSize(cur_size); return; } last_size = cur_size; } } bool qActionLessThan(const QAction * a1, const QAction * a2) { return a1->text().compare(a2->text()) < 0; } bool qStringCaseLessThan(const QString &s1, const QString &s2) { return s1.compare(s2, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0; } void desktop_show_in_folder(const QString file_path) { bool success = false; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3490336/how-to-reveal-in-finder-or-show-in-explorer-with-qt #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) QString command = "explorer.exe"; QStringList arguments; QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(file_path); arguments << "/select," << path + ""; success = QProcess::startDetached(command, arguments); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) QStringList script_args; QString escaped_path = file_path; escaped_path.replace('"', "\\\""); script_args << "-e" << QString("tell application \"Finder\" to reveal POSIX file \"%1\"") .arg(escaped_path); if (QProcess::execute("/usr/bin/osascript", script_args) == 0) { success = true; script_args.clear(); script_args << "-e" << "tell application \"Finder\" to activate"; QProcess::execute("/usr/bin/osascript", script_args); } #else // Is there a way to highlight the file using xdg-open? #endif if (!success) { QFileInfo file_info(file_path); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(file_info.dir().absolutePath())); } } bool rect_on_screen(const QRect &rect) { foreach (QScreen *screen, qApp->screens()) { if (screen->availableGeometry().contains(rect)) { return true; } } return false; } void set_action_shortcuts_visible_in_context_menu(QList actions) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) && QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 13, 0) // For QT_VERSION >= 5.13.0 we call styleHints()->setShowShortcutsInContextMenus(true) // in WiresharkApplication. // QTBUG-71471 // QTBUG-61181 foreach (QAction *action, actions) { action->setShortcutVisibleInContextMenu(true); } #else Q_UNUSED(actions) #endif } QVectorqvector_rtpstream_ids_copy(QVector stream_ids) { QVectornew_ids; foreach(rtpstream_id_t *id, stream_ids) { rtpstream_id_t *new_id = g_new0(rtpstream_id_t, 1); rtpstream_id_copy(id, new_id); new_ids << new_id; } return new_ids; } void qvector_rtpstream_ids_free(QVector stream_ids) { foreach(rtpstream_id_t *id, stream_ids) { rtpstream_id_free(id); } } QString make_filter_based_on_rtpstream_id(QVector stream_ids) { QStringList stream_filters; QString filter; foreach(rtpstream_id_t *id, stream_ids) { QString ip_proto = id->src_addr.type == AT_IPv6 ? "ipv6" : "ip"; stream_filters << QString("(%1.src==%2 && udp.srcport==%3 && %1.dst==%4 && udp.dstport==%5 && rtp.ssrc==0x%6)") .arg(ip_proto) // %1 .arg(address_to_qstring(&id->src_addr)) // %2 .arg(id->src_port) // %3 .arg(address_to_qstring(&id->dst_addr)) // %4 .arg(id->dst_port) // %5 .arg(id->ssrc, 0, 16); } if (stream_filters.length() > 0) { filter = stream_filters.join(" || "); } return filter; } QString openDialogInitialDir() { QString result; switch (prefs.gui_fileopen_style) { case FO_STYLE_LAST_OPENED: /* The user has specified that we should start out in the last directory we looked in. If we've already opened a file, use its containing directory, if we could determine it, as the directory, otherwise use the "last opened" directory saved in the preferences file if there was one. */ /* This is now the default behaviour in file_selection_new() */ result = QString(get_open_dialog_initial_dir()); break; case FO_STYLE_SPECIFIED: /* The user has specified that we should always start out in a specified directory; if they've specified that directory, start out by showing the files in that dir. */ if (prefs.gui_fileopen_dir[0] != '\0') result = QString(prefs.gui_fileopen_dir); break; } QDir ld(result); if (ld.exists()) return result; return QString(); } void storeLastDir(QString dir) { /* XXX - printable? */ if (dir.length() > 0) set_last_open_dir(qUtf8Printable(dir)); }