/* byte_view_text.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ // Some code based on QHexView by Evan Teran // https://github.com/eteran/qhexview/ #include "byte_view_text.h" #include #include #include #include "main_application.h" #include "ui/recent.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // To do: // - Add recent settings and context menu items to show/hide the offset. // - Add a UTF-8 and possibly UTF-xx option to the ASCII display. // - Move more common metrics to DataPrinter. // Alternative implementations: // - Pre-draw all of our characters and paint our display using pixmap // copying? That would make this behave like a terminal screen, which // is what we ultimately want. // - Use QGraphicsView + QGraphicsScene + QGraphicsTextItem instead? Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(bytes_view_type) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(bytes_encoding_type) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(DataPrinter::DumpType) ByteViewText::ByteViewText(const QByteArray &data, packet_char_enc encoding, QWidget *parent) : QAbstractScrollArea(parent), layout_(new QTextLayout()), data_(data), encoding_(encoding), hovered_byte_offset_(-1), marked_byte_offset_(-1), proto_start_(0), proto_len_(0), field_start_(0), field_len_(0), field_a_start_(0), field_a_len_(0), show_offset_(true), show_hex_(true), show_ascii_(true), row_width_(recent.gui_bytes_view == BYTES_BITS ? 8 : 16), em_width_(0), line_height_(0), allow_hover_selection_(false) { layout_->setCacheEnabled(true); offset_normal_fg_ = ColorUtils::alphaBlend(palette().windowText(), palette().window(), 0.35); offset_field_fg_ = ColorUtils::alphaBlend(palette().windowText(), palette().window(), 0.65); ctx_menu_.setToolTipsVisible(true); window()->winId(); // Required for screenChanged? https://phabricator.kde.org/D20171 connect(window()->windowHandle(), &QWindow::screenChanged, viewport(), [=](const QScreen *) { viewport()->update(); }); createContextMenu(); setMouseTracking(true); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, true); #endif } ByteViewText::~ByteViewText() { ctx_menu_.clear(); delete(layout_); } void ByteViewText::createContextMenu() { action_allow_hover_selection_ = ctx_menu_.addAction(tr("Allow hover highlighting")); action_allow_hover_selection_->setCheckable(true); action_allow_hover_selection_->setChecked(true); connect(action_allow_hover_selection_, &QAction::toggled, this, &ByteViewText::toggleHoverAllowed); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); QActionGroup * copy_actions = DataPrinter::copyActions(this); ctx_menu_.addActions(copy_actions->actions()); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); QActionGroup * format_actions = new QActionGroup(this); action_bytes_hex_ = format_actions->addAction(tr("Show bytes as hexadecimal")); action_bytes_hex_->setData(QVariant::fromValue(BYTES_HEX)); action_bytes_hex_->setCheckable(true); action_bytes_dec_ = format_actions->addAction(tr("…as decimal")); action_bytes_dec_->setData(QVariant::fromValue(BYTES_DEC)); action_bytes_dec_->setCheckable(true); action_bytes_oct_ = format_actions->addAction(tr("…as octal")); action_bytes_oct_->setData(QVariant::fromValue(BYTES_OCT)); action_bytes_oct_->setCheckable(true); action_bytes_bits_ = format_actions->addAction(tr("…as bits")); action_bytes_bits_->setData(QVariant::fromValue(BYTES_BITS)); action_bytes_bits_->setCheckable(true); ctx_menu_.addActions(format_actions->actions()); connect(format_actions, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &ByteViewText::setHexDisplayFormat); ctx_menu_.addSeparator(); QActionGroup * encoding_actions = new QActionGroup(this); action_bytes_enc_from_packet_ = encoding_actions->addAction(tr("Show text based on packet")); action_bytes_enc_from_packet_->setData(QVariant::fromValue(BYTES_ENC_FROM_PACKET)); action_bytes_enc_from_packet_->setCheckable(true); action_bytes_enc_ascii_ = encoding_actions->addAction(tr("…as ASCII")); action_bytes_enc_ascii_->setData(QVariant::fromValue(BYTES_ENC_ASCII)); action_bytes_enc_ascii_->setCheckable(true); action_bytes_enc_ebcdic_ = encoding_actions->addAction(tr("…as EBCDIC")); action_bytes_enc_ebcdic_->setData(QVariant::fromValue(BYTES_ENC_EBCDIC)); action_bytes_enc_ebcdic_->setCheckable(true); updateContextMenu(); ctx_menu_.addActions(encoding_actions->actions()); connect(encoding_actions, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &ByteViewText::setCharacterEncoding); } void ByteViewText::toggleHoverAllowed(bool checked) { allow_hover_selection_ = ! checked; recent.gui_allow_hover_selection = checked; } void ByteViewText::updateContextMenu() { action_allow_hover_selection_->setChecked(recent.gui_allow_hover_selection); switch (recent.gui_bytes_view) { case BYTES_HEX: action_bytes_hex_->setChecked(true); break; case BYTES_BITS: action_bytes_bits_->setChecked(true); break; case BYTES_DEC: action_bytes_dec_->setChecked(true); break; case BYTES_OCT: action_bytes_oct_->setChecked(true); break; } switch (recent.gui_bytes_encoding) { case BYTES_ENC_FROM_PACKET: action_bytes_enc_from_packet_->setChecked(true); break; case BYTES_ENC_ASCII: action_bytes_enc_ascii_->setChecked(true); break; case BYTES_ENC_EBCDIC: action_bytes_enc_ebcdic_->setChecked(true); break; } } bool ByteViewText::isEmpty() const { return data_.isEmpty(); } QSize ByteViewText::minimumSizeHint() const { // Allow panel to shrink to any size return QSize(); } void ByteViewText::markProtocol(int start, int length) { proto_start_ = start; proto_len_ = length; viewport()->update(); } void ByteViewText::markField(int start, int length, bool scroll_to) { field_start_ = start; field_len_ = length; // This might be called as a result of (de)selecting a proto tree // item, so take us out of marked mode. marked_byte_offset_ = -1; if (scroll_to) { scrollToByte(start); } viewport()->update(); } void ByteViewText::markAppendix(int start, int length) { field_a_start_ = start; field_a_len_ = length; viewport()->update(); } void ByteViewText::unmarkField() { proto_start_ = 0; proto_len_ = 0; field_start_ = 0; field_len_ = 0; marked_byte_offset_ = -1; field_a_start_ = 0; field_a_len_ = 0; viewport()->update(); } void ByteViewText::setMonospaceFont(const QFont &mono_font) { QFont int_font(mono_font); setFont(int_font); viewport()->setFont(int_font); layout_->setFont(int_font); updateLayoutMetrics(); updateScrollbars(); viewport()->update(); } void ByteViewText::updateByteViewSettings() { row_width_ = recent.gui_bytes_view == BYTES_BITS ? 8 : 16; updateContextMenu(); updateScrollbars(); viewport()->update(); } void ByteViewText::detachData() { data_.detach(); } void ByteViewText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { updateLayoutMetrics(); QPainter painter(viewport()); painter.translate(-horizontalScrollBar()->value() * em_width_, 0); // Pixel offset of this row int row_y = 0; // Starting byte offset int offset = verticalScrollBar()->value() * row_width_; // Clear the area painter.fillRect(viewport()->rect(), palette().base()); // Offset background. We want the entire height to be filled. if (show_offset_) { QRect offset_rect = QRect(viewport()->rect()); offset_rect.setWidth(offsetPixels()); painter.fillRect(offset_rect, palette().window()); } if (data_.isEmpty()) { return; } // Data rows int widget_height = height(); painter.save(); x_pos_to_column_.clear(); while ((int) (row_y + line_height_) < widget_height && offset < (int) data_.size()) { drawLine(&painter, offset, row_y); offset += row_width_; row_y += line_height_; } painter.restore(); // We can't do this in drawLine since the next line might draw over our rect. // This looks best when our highlight and background have similar lightnesses. // We might want to set a composition mode when that's not the case. if (!hover_outlines_.isEmpty()) { qreal pen_width = 1.0; qreal hover_alpha = 0.6; QPen ho_pen; QColor ho_color = palette().text().color(); if (marked_byte_offset_ < 0) { hover_alpha = 0.3; if (devicePixelRatio() > 1) { pen_width = 0.5; } } ho_pen.setWidthF(pen_width); ho_color.setAlphaF(hover_alpha); ho_pen.setColor(ho_color); painter.save(); painter.setPen(ho_pen); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); foreach (QRect ho_rect, hover_outlines_) { // These look good on retina and non-retina displays on macOS. // We might want to use fontMetrics numbers instead. ho_rect.adjust(-1, 0, -1, -1); painter.drawRect(ho_rect); } painter.restore(); } hover_outlines_.clear(); QStyleOptionFocusRect option; option.initFrom(this); style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &option, &painter, this); } void ByteViewText::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { updateScrollbars(); } void ByteViewText::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event) { if (data_.isEmpty() || !event || event->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } // byteSelected does the following: // - Triggers selectedFieldChanged in ProtoTree, which clears the // selection and selects the corresponding (or no) item. // - The new tree selection triggers markField, which clobbers // marked_byte_offset_. const bool hover_mode = marked_byte_offset_ < 0; const int byte_offset = byteOffsetAtPixel(event->pos()); setUpdatesEnabled(false); emit byteSelected(byte_offset); if (hover_mode && byte_offset >= 0) { // Switch to marked mode. hovered_byte_offset_ = -1; marked_byte_offset_ = byte_offset; viewport()->update(); } else { // Back to hover mode. mouseMoveEvent(event); } setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void ByteViewText::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (marked_byte_offset_ >= 0 || allow_hover_selection_ || (!allow_hover_selection_ && event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) { return; } hovered_byte_offset_ = byteOffsetAtPixel(event->pos()); emit byteHovered(hovered_byte_offset_); viewport()->update(); } void ByteViewText::leaveEvent(QEvent *event) { hovered_byte_offset_ = -1; emit byteHovered(hovered_byte_offset_); viewport()->update(); QAbstractScrollArea::leaveEvent(event); } void ByteViewText::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *event) { ctx_menu_.popup(event->globalPos()); } // Private const int ByteViewText::separator_interval_ = DataPrinter::separatorInterval(); void ByteViewText::updateLayoutMetrics() { em_width_ = stringWidth("M"); // We might want to match ProtoTree::rowHeight. line_height_ = viewport()->fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); } int ByteViewText::stringWidth(const QString &line) { return viewport()->fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(line); } // Draw a line of byte view text for a given offset. // Text highlighting is handled using QTextLayout::FormatRange. void ByteViewText::drawLine(QPainter *painter, const int offset, const int row_y) { if (data_.isEmpty()) { return; } // Build our pixel to byte offset vector the first time through. bool build_x_pos = x_pos_to_column_.empty() ? true : false; int tvb_len = static_cast(data_.size()); int max_tvb_pos = qMin(offset + row_width_, tvb_len) - 1; QList fmt_list; static const char hexchars[16] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' }; QString line; HighlightMode offset_mode = ModeOffsetNormal; // Offset. if (show_offset_) { line = QString(" %1 ").arg(offset, offsetChars(false), 16, QChar('0')); if (build_x_pos) { x_pos_to_column_.fill(-1, stringWidth(line)); } } // Hex if (show_hex_) { int ascii_start = static_cast(line.length()) + DataPrinter::hexChars() + 3; // Extra hover space before and after each byte. int slop = em_width_ / 2; unsigned char c; if (build_x_pos) { x_pos_to_column_ += QVector().fill(-1, slop); } for (int tvb_pos = offset; tvb_pos <= max_tvb_pos; tvb_pos++) { line += ' '; /* insert a space every separator_interval_ bytes */ if ((tvb_pos != offset) && ((tvb_pos % separator_interval_) == 0)) { line += ' '; x_pos_to_column_ += QVector().fill(tvb_pos - offset - 1, em_width_); } switch (recent.gui_bytes_view) { case BYTES_HEX: line += hexchars[(data_[tvb_pos] & 0xf0) >> 4]; line += hexchars[data_[tvb_pos] & 0x0f]; break; case BYTES_BITS: /* XXX, bitmask */ for (int j = 7; j >= 0; j--) { line += (data_[tvb_pos] & (1 << j)) ? '1' : '0'; } break; case BYTES_DEC: c = data_[tvb_pos]; line += c < 100 ? ' ' : hexchars[c / 100]; line += c < 10 ? ' ' : hexchars[(c / 10) % 10]; line += hexchars[c % 10]; break; case BYTES_OCT: line += hexchars[(data_[tvb_pos] & 0xc0) >> 6]; line += hexchars[(data_[tvb_pos] & 0x38) >> 3]; line += hexchars[data_[tvb_pos] & 0x07]; break; } if (build_x_pos) { x_pos_to_column_ += QVector().fill(tvb_pos - offset, stringWidth(line) - x_pos_to_column_.size() + slop); } if (tvb_pos == hovered_byte_offset_ || tvb_pos == marked_byte_offset_) { int ho_len; switch (recent.gui_bytes_view) { case BYTES_HEX: ho_len = 2; break; case BYTES_BITS: ho_len = 8; break; case BYTES_DEC: case BYTES_OCT: ho_len = 3; break; default: ws_assert_not_reached(); } QRect ho_rect = painter->boundingRect(QRect(), Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter, line.right(ho_len)); ho_rect.moveRight(stringWidth(line)); ho_rect.moveTop(row_y); hover_outlines_.append(ho_rect); } } line += QString(ascii_start - line.length(), ' '); if (build_x_pos) { x_pos_to_column_ += QVector().fill(-1, stringWidth(line) - x_pos_to_column_.size()); } addHexFormatRange(fmt_list, proto_start_, proto_len_, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeProtocol); if (addHexFormatRange(fmt_list, field_start_, field_len_, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeField)) { offset_mode = ModeOffsetField; } addHexFormatRange(fmt_list, field_a_start_, field_a_len_, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeField); } // ASCII if (show_ascii_) { bool in_non_printable = false; int np_start = 0; int np_len = 0; char c; for (int tvb_pos = offset; tvb_pos <= max_tvb_pos; tvb_pos++) { /* insert a space every separator_interval_ bytes */ if ((tvb_pos != offset) && ((tvb_pos % separator_interval_) == 0)) { line += ' '; if (build_x_pos) { x_pos_to_column_ += QVector().fill(tvb_pos - offset - 1, em_width_ / 2); } } if (recent.gui_bytes_encoding != BYTES_ENC_EBCDIC && encoding_ == PACKET_CHAR_ENC_CHAR_ASCII) { c = data_[tvb_pos]; } else { c = EBCDIC_to_ASCII1(data_[tvb_pos]); } if (g_ascii_isprint(c)) { line += c; if (in_non_printable) { in_non_printable = false; addAsciiFormatRange(fmt_list, np_start, np_len, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeNonPrintable); } } else { line += UTF8_MIDDLE_DOT; if (!in_non_printable) { in_non_printable = true; np_start = tvb_pos; np_len = 1; } else { np_len++; } } if (build_x_pos) { x_pos_to_column_ += QVector().fill(tvb_pos - offset, stringWidth(line) - x_pos_to_column_.size()); } if (tvb_pos == hovered_byte_offset_ || tvb_pos == marked_byte_offset_) { QRect ho_rect = painter->boundingRect(QRect(), 0, line.right(1)); ho_rect.moveRight(stringWidth(line)); ho_rect.moveTop(row_y); hover_outlines_.append(ho_rect); } } if (in_non_printable) { addAsciiFormatRange(fmt_list, np_start, np_len, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeNonPrintable); } addAsciiFormatRange(fmt_list, proto_start_, proto_len_, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeProtocol); if (addAsciiFormatRange(fmt_list, field_start_, field_len_, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeField)) { offset_mode = ModeOffsetField; } addAsciiFormatRange(fmt_list, field_a_start_, field_a_len_, offset, max_tvb_pos, ModeField); } // XXX Fields won't be highlighted if neither hex nor ascii are enabled. addFormatRange(fmt_list, 0, offsetChars(), offset_mode); layout_->clearLayout(); layout_->clearFormats(); layout_->setText(line); layout_->setFormats(fmt_list.toVector()); layout_->beginLayout(); QTextLine tl = layout_->createLine(); tl.setLineWidth(totalPixels()); tl.setLeadingIncluded(true); layout_->endLayout(); layout_->draw(painter, QPointF(0.0, row_y)); } bool ByteViewText::addFormatRange(QList &fmt_list, int start, int length, HighlightMode mode) { if (length < 1) return false; QTextLayout::FormatRange format_range; format_range.start = start; format_range.length = length; switch (mode) { case ModeNormal: return false; case ModeField: format_range.format.setBackground(palette().highlight()); format_range.format.setForeground(palette().highlightedText()); break; case ModeProtocol: format_range.format.setBackground(palette().window()); format_range.format.setForeground(palette().windowText()); break; case ModeOffsetNormal: format_range.format.setForeground(offset_normal_fg_); break; case ModeOffsetField: format_range.format.setForeground(offset_field_fg_); break; case ModeNonPrintable: format_range.format.setForeground(offset_normal_fg_); break; } fmt_list << format_range; return true; } bool ByteViewText::addHexFormatRange(QList &fmt_list, int mark_start, int mark_length, int tvb_offset, int max_tvb_pos, ByteViewText::HighlightMode mode) { int mark_end = mark_start + mark_length - 1; if (mark_start < 0 || mark_length < 1) return false; if (mark_start > max_tvb_pos && mark_end < tvb_offset) return false; int chars_per_byte; switch (recent.gui_bytes_view) { case BYTES_HEX: chars_per_byte = 2; break; case BYTES_BITS: chars_per_byte = 8; break; case BYTES_DEC: case BYTES_OCT: chars_per_byte = 3; break; default: ws_assert_not_reached(); } int chars_plus_pad = chars_per_byte + 1; int byte_start = qMax(tvb_offset, mark_start) - tvb_offset; int byte_end = qMin(max_tvb_pos, mark_end) - tvb_offset; int fmt_start = offsetChars() + 1 // offset + spacing + (byte_start / separator_interval_) + (byte_start * chars_plus_pad); int fmt_length = offsetChars() + 1 // offset + spacing + (byte_end / separator_interval_) + (byte_end * chars_plus_pad) + chars_per_byte - fmt_start; return addFormatRange(fmt_list, fmt_start, fmt_length, mode); } bool ByteViewText::addAsciiFormatRange(QList &fmt_list, int mark_start, int mark_length, int tvb_offset, int max_tvb_pos, ByteViewText::HighlightMode mode) { int mark_end = mark_start + mark_length - 1; if (mark_start < 0 || mark_length < 1) return false; if (mark_start > max_tvb_pos && mark_end < tvb_offset) return false; int byte_start = qMax(tvb_offset, mark_start) - tvb_offset; int byte_end = qMin(max_tvb_pos, mark_end) - tvb_offset; int fmt_start = offsetChars() + DataPrinter::hexChars() + 3 // offset + hex + spacing + (byte_start / separator_interval_) + byte_start; int fmt_length = offsetChars() + DataPrinter::hexChars() + 3 // offset + hex + spacing + (byte_end / separator_interval_) + byte_end + 1 // Just one character. - fmt_start; return addFormatRange(fmt_list, fmt_start, fmt_length, mode); } void ByteViewText::scrollToByte(int byte) { verticalScrollBar()->setValue(byte / row_width_); } // Offset character width int ByteViewText::offsetChars(bool include_pad) { int padding = include_pad ? 2 : 0; if (! data_.isEmpty() && data_.size() > 0xffff) { return 8 + padding; } return 4 + padding; } // Offset pixel width int ByteViewText::offsetPixels() { if (show_offset_) { // One pad space before and after QString zeroes = QString(offsetChars(), '0'); return stringWidth(zeroes); } return 0; } // Hex pixel width int ByteViewText::hexPixels() { if (show_hex_) { // One pad space before and after QString zeroes = QString(DataPrinter::hexChars() + 2, '0'); return stringWidth(zeroes); } return 0; } int ByteViewText::asciiPixels() { if (show_ascii_) { // Two pad spaces before, one after int ascii_chars = (row_width_ + ((row_width_ - 1) / separator_interval_)); QString zeroes = QString(ascii_chars + 3, '0'); return stringWidth(zeroes); } return 0; } int ByteViewText::totalPixels() { return offsetPixels() + hexPixels() + asciiPixels(); } void ByteViewText::copyBytes(bool) { QAction* action = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!action) { return; } int dump_type = action->data().toInt(); if (dump_type <= DataPrinter::DP_MimeData) { DataPrinter printer; printer.toClipboard((DataPrinter::DumpType) dump_type, this); } } // We do chunky (per-character) scrolling because it makes some of the // math easier. Should we do smooth scrolling? void ByteViewText::updateScrollbars() { const int length = static_cast(data_.size()); if (length > 0 && line_height_ > 0 && em_width_ > 0) { int all_lines_height = length / row_width_ + ((length % row_width_) ? 1 : 0) - viewport()->height() / line_height_; verticalScrollBar()->setRange(0, qMax(0, all_lines_height)); horizontalScrollBar()->setRange(0, qMax(0, int((totalPixels() - viewport()->width()) / em_width_))); } } int ByteViewText::byteOffsetAtPixel(QPoint pos) { int byte = (verticalScrollBar()->value() + (pos.y() / line_height_)) * row_width_; int x = (horizontalScrollBar()->value() * em_width_) + pos.x(); int col = x_pos_to_column_.value(x, -1); if (col < 0) { return -1; } byte += col; if (byte > data_.size()) { return -1; } return byte; } void ByteViewText::setHexDisplayFormat(QAction *action) { if (!action) { return; } recent.gui_bytes_view = action->data().value(); emit byteViewSettingsChanged(); } void ByteViewText::setCharacterEncoding(QAction *action) { if (!action) { return; } recent.gui_bytes_encoding = action->data().value(); emit byteViewSettingsChanged(); }