/* capture_filter_edit.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "capture_opts.h" #include #include #include #include #include "capture_filter_syntax_worker.h" #include "filter_dialog.h" #include #include "main_application.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // To do: // - This duplicates some DisplayFilterEdit code. // - We need simplified (button- and dropdown-free) versions for use in dialogs and field-only checking. static const QString libpcap_primitive_chars_ = "-0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; // Primitives are from pcap-filter.manmisc static const QStringList libpcap_primitives_ = QStringList() // "Abbreviations for..." << "ether proto" << "ip" << "ip6" << "arp" << "rarp" << "atalk" << "aarp" << "decnet" << "iso" << "stp" << "ipx" << "netbeui" << "moprc" << "mopdl" // ip proto << "tcp" << "udp" << "icmp" // iso proto << "clnp" << "esis" << "isis" // IS‐IS PDU types << "l1" << "l2" << "iih" << "lsp" << "snp" << "csnp" << "psnp" // grep -E '^\.IP "\\fB.*\\f(R"|P)$' pcap-filter.manmisc | sed -e 's/^\.IP "\\fB/<< "/' -e 's/ *\\f.*/"/' | sort -u << "action" << "clnp" << "decnet dst" << "decnet host" << "decnet src" << "dir" << "dst host" << "dst net" << "dst port" << "dst portrange" << "ether broadcast" << "ether dst" << "ether host" << "ether multicast" << "ether src" << "gateway" << "greater" << "host" << "ifname" << "ip broadcast" << "ip multicast" << "ip proto" << "ip protochain" << "ip6 multicast" << "ip6 proto" << "ip6 protochain" << "iso proto" << "l1" << "lat" << "less" << "mpls" << "net" << "on" << "port" << "portrange" << "reason" << "rnr" << "rset" << "rulenum" << "ruleset" << "src host" << "src net" << "src port" << "src portrange" << "srnr" << "subrulenum" << "subtype" << "type" << "vlan" << "wlan addr1" << "wlan addr2" << "wlan addr3" << "wlan addr4" << "wlan ra" << "wlan ta" ; CaptureFilterEdit::CaptureFilterEdit(QWidget *parent, bool plain) : SyntaxLineEdit(parent), plain_(plain), field_name_only_(false), enable_save_action_(false), save_action_(NULL), remove_action_(NULL), actions_(Q_NULLPTR), bookmark_button_(NULL), clear_button_(NULL), apply_button_(NULL) { setAccessibleName(tr("Capture filter entry")); completion_model_ = new QStringListModel(this); setCompleter(new QCompleter(completion_model_, this)); setCompletionTokenChars(libpcap_primitive_chars_); setConflict(false); QString buttonStyle = QString( "QToolButton {" " border: none;" " background: transparent;" // Disables platform style on Windows. " padding: 0 0 0 0;" "}" "QToolButton::menu-indicator {" " image: none;" "}" ); if (!plain_) { bookmark_button_ = new StockIconToolButton(this, "x-capture-filter-bookmark"); bookmark_button_->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); bookmark_button_->setMenu(new QMenu(bookmark_button_)); bookmark_button_->setPopupMode(QToolButton::InstantPopup); bookmark_button_->setToolTip(tr("Manage saved bookmarks.")); bookmark_button_->setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)); bookmark_button_->setStyleSheet(buttonStyle); connect(bookmark_button_, &StockIconToolButton::clicked, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::bookmarkClicked); clear_button_ = new StockIconToolButton(this, "x-filter-clear"); clear_button_->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); clear_button_->setToolTip(QString()); clear_button_->setIconSize(QSize(14, 14)); clear_button_->setStyleSheet(buttonStyle); connect(clear_button_, &StockIconToolButton::clicked, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::clearFilter); } connect(this, &CaptureFilterEdit::textChanged, this, static_cast(&CaptureFilterEdit::checkFilter)); #if 0 // Disable the apply button for now if (!plain_) { apply_button_ = new StockIconToolButton(this, "x-filter-apply"); apply_button_->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); apply_button_->setEnabled(false); apply_button_->setToolTip(tr("Apply this filter string to the display.")); apply_button_->setIconSize(QSize(24, 14)); apply_button_->setStyleSheet(buttonStyle); connect(apply_button_, &StockIconToolButton::clicked, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::applyCaptureFilter); } #endif connect(this, &CaptureFilterEdit::returnPressed, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::applyCaptureFilter); int frameWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); QSize bksz(0, 0); if (bookmark_button_) bksz = bookmark_button_->sizeHint(); QSize cbsz(0, 0); if (clear_button_) cbsz = clear_button_->sizeHint(); QSize apsz(0, 0); if (apply_button_) apsz = apply_button_->sizeHint(); setStyleSheet(QString( "CaptureFilterEdit {" " padding-left: %1px;" " margin-left: %2px;" " margin-right: %3px;" "}" ) .arg(frameWidth + 1) .arg(bksz.width()) .arg(cbsz.width() + apsz.width() + frameWidth + 2) ); QComboBox *cf_combo = qobject_cast(parent); if (cf_combo) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) connect(cf_combo, static_cast(&QComboBox::textActivated), this, &CaptureFilterEdit::textEdited); #else connect(cf_combo, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), this, &CaptureFilterEdit::textEdited); #endif } syntax_thread_ = new QThread; syntax_worker_ = new CaptureFilterSyntaxWorker; syntax_worker_->moveToThread(syntax_thread_); connect(mainApp, &MainApplication::appInitialized, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::updateBookmarkMenu); connect(mainApp, &MainApplication::captureFilterListChanged, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::updateBookmarkMenu); connect(syntax_thread_, &QThread::started, this, static_cast(&CaptureFilterEdit::checkFilter)); connect(syntax_worker_, &CaptureFilterSyntaxWorker::syntaxResult, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::setFilterSyntaxState); connect(this, &CaptureFilterEdit::captureFilterChanged, syntax_worker_, &CaptureFilterSyntaxWorker::checkFilter); syntax_thread_->start(); updateBookmarkMenu(); } CaptureFilterEdit::~CaptureFilterEdit() { syntax_thread_->quit(); syntax_thread_->wait(); delete syntax_thread_; delete syntax_worker_; } void CaptureFilterEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *evt) { SyntaxLineEdit::paintEvent(evt); if (bookmark_button_) { // Draw the borders by hand. We could try to do this in the // style sheet but it's a pain. #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QColor divider_color = Qt::gray; #else QColor divider_color = palette().shadow().color(); #endif QPainter painter(this); painter.setPen(divider_color); QRect cr = contentsRect(); QSize bksz = bookmark_button_->size(); painter.drawLine(bksz.width(), cr.top(), bksz.width(), cr.bottom() + 1); if (!text().isEmpty()) { int xpos = cr.width() - 4; if (clear_button_ && clear_button_->isVisible()) xpos -= clear_button_->width(); if (apply_button_ && apply_button_->isVisible()) xpos -= apply_button_->width(); painter.drawLine(xpos, cr.top(), xpos, cr.bottom() + 1); } } } void CaptureFilterEdit::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { QSize cbsz(0, 0); if (clear_button_) cbsz = clear_button_->sizeHint(); QSize apsz(0, 0); if (apply_button_) apsz = apply_button_->sizeHint(); int frameWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth); if (clear_button_) { clear_button_->move(contentsRect().right() - frameWidth - cbsz.width() - apsz.width(), contentsRect().top()); clear_button_->setMinimumHeight(contentsRect().height()); clear_button_->setMaximumHeight(contentsRect().height()); } if (apply_button_) { apply_button_->move(contentsRect().right() - frameWidth - apsz.width(), contentsRect().top()); apply_button_->setMinimumHeight(contentsRect().height()); apply_button_->setMaximumHeight(contentsRect().height()); } if (bookmark_button_) { bookmark_button_->setMinimumHeight(contentsRect().height()); bookmark_button_->setMaximumHeight(contentsRect().height()); } } void CaptureFilterEdit::setConflict(bool conflict) { if (conflict) { //: This is a very long concept that needs to fit into a short space. placeholder_text_ = tr("Multiple filters selected. Override them here or leave this blank to preserve them."); setToolTip(tr("

The interfaces you have selected have different capture filters." " Typing a filter here will override them. Doing nothing will" " preserve them.

")); } else { placeholder_text_ = QString(tr("Enter a capture filter %1")).arg(UTF8_HORIZONTAL_ELLIPSIS); setToolTip(QString()); } setPlaceholderText(placeholder_text_); } // XXX Make this private along with setConflict. QPair CaptureFilterEdit::getSelectedFilter() { QString user_filter; bool filter_conflict = false; #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCAP int selected_devices = 0; for (guint i = 0; i < global_capture_opts.all_ifaces->len; i++) { interface_t *device = &g_array_index(global_capture_opts.all_ifaces, interface_t, i); if (device->selected) { selected_devices++; if (selected_devices == 1) { user_filter = device->cfilter; } else { if (user_filter.compare(device->cfilter)) { filter_conflict = true; } } } } #endif // HAVE_LIBPCAP return QPair(user_filter, filter_conflict); } void CaptureFilterEdit::checkFilter(const QString& filter) { if (text().length() == 0 && actions_ && actions_->checkedAction()) actions_->checkedAction()->setChecked(false); setSyntaxState(Busy); mainApp->popStatus(MainApplication::FilterSyntax); setToolTip(QString()); bool empty = filter.isEmpty(); setConflict(false); if (bookmark_button_) { bool match = false; FilterListModel model(FilterListModel::Capture); QModelIndex idx = model.findByExpression(text()); if (idx.isValid()) { match = true; bookmark_button_->setStockIcon("x-filter-matching-bookmark"); if (remove_action_) { remove_action_->setData(text()); remove_action_->setEnabled(true); } } else { bookmark_button_->setStockIcon("x-capture-filter-bookmark"); if (remove_action_) { remove_action_->setEnabled(false); } } enable_save_action_ = (!match && !filter.isEmpty()); if (save_action_) { save_action_->setEnabled(false); } } if (apply_button_) { apply_button_->setEnabled(false); } if (clear_button_) { clear_button_->setVisible(!empty); } if (empty) { setFilterSyntaxState(filter, Empty, QString()); } else { emit captureFilterChanged(filter); } } void CaptureFilterEdit::checkFilter() { checkFilter(text()); } void CaptureFilterEdit::updateBookmarkMenu() { if (!bookmark_button_) return; QMenu *bb_menu = bookmark_button_->menu(); bb_menu->clear(); save_action_ = bb_menu->addAction(tr("Save this filter")); connect(save_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::saveFilter); remove_action_ = bb_menu->addAction(tr("Remove this filter")); connect(remove_action_, &QAction::triggered, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::removeFilter); QAction *manage_action = bb_menu->addAction(tr("Manage Capture Filters")); connect(manage_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::showFilters); bb_menu->addSeparator(); FilterListModel model(FilterListModel::Capture); QModelIndex idx = model.findByExpression(text()); int one_em = bb_menu->fontMetrics().height(); if (! actions_) actions_ = new QActionGroup(this); for (int row = 0; row < model.rowCount(); row++) { QModelIndex nameIdx = model.index(row, FilterListModel::ColumnName); QString name = nameIdx.data().toString(); QString expr = model.index(row, FilterListModel::ColumnExpression).data().toString(); QString prep_text = QString("%1: %2").arg(name).arg(expr); prep_text = bb_menu->fontMetrics().elidedText(prep_text, Qt::ElideRight, one_em * 40); QAction * prep_action = bb_menu->addAction(prep_text); prep_action->setCheckable(true); if (nameIdx == idx) prep_action->setChecked(true); actions_->addAction(prep_action); prep_action->setProperty("capture_filter", expr); connect(prep_action, &QAction::triggered, this, &CaptureFilterEdit::prepareFilter); } checkFilter(); } void CaptureFilterEdit::setFilterSyntaxState(QString filter, int state, QString err_msg) { if (filter.compare(text()) == 0) { // The user hasn't changed the filter setSyntaxState((SyntaxState)state); if (!err_msg.isEmpty()) { mainApp->pushStatus(MainApplication::FilterSyntax, err_msg); setToolTip(err_msg); } } bool valid = (state != Invalid); if (valid) { if (save_action_) { save_action_->setEnabled(enable_save_action_); } if (apply_button_) { apply_button_->setEnabled(true); } } emit captureFilterSyntaxChanged(valid); } void CaptureFilterEdit::bookmarkClicked() { emit addBookmark(text()); } void CaptureFilterEdit::clearFilter() { clear(); emit textEdited(text()); } void CaptureFilterEdit::buildCompletionList(const QString &primitive_word, const QString &preamble _U_) { if (primitive_word.length() < 1) { completion_model_->setStringList(QStringList()); return; } // Grab matching capture filters from our parent combo and from the // saved capture filters file. Skip ones that look like single fields // and assume they will be added below. QStringList complex_list; QComboBox *cf_combo = qobject_cast(parent()); if (cf_combo) { for (int i = 0; i < cf_combo->count() ; i++) { QString recent_filter = cf_combo->itemText(i); if (isComplexFilter(recent_filter)) { complex_list << recent_filter; } } } FilterListModel model(FilterListModel::Capture); for (int row = 0; row < model.rowCount(); row++) { QString saved_filter = model.index(row, FilterListModel::ColumnExpression).data().toString(); if (isComplexFilter(saved_filter) && !complex_list.contains(saved_filter)) { complex_list << saved_filter; } } // libpcap has a small number of primitives so we just add the whole list // sans the current word. QStringList primitive_list = libpcap_primitives_; primitive_list.removeAll(primitive_word); completion_model_->setStringList(complex_list + primitive_list); completer()->setCompletionPrefix(primitive_word); } void CaptureFilterEdit::applyCaptureFilter() { if (syntaxState() == Invalid) { return; } emit startCapture(); } void CaptureFilterEdit::saveFilter() { FilterDialog *capture_filter_dlg = new FilterDialog(window(), FilterDialog::CaptureFilter, text()); capture_filter_dlg->setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); capture_filter_dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); capture_filter_dlg->show(); } void CaptureFilterEdit::removeFilter() { if (! actions_ || ! actions_->checkedAction()) return; QAction *ra = actions_->checkedAction(); if (ra->property("capture_filter").toString().isEmpty()) return; QString remove_filter = ra->property("capture_filter").toString(); FilterListModel model(FilterListModel::Capture); QModelIndex idx = model.findByExpression(remove_filter); if (idx.isValid()) { model.removeFilter(idx); model.saveList(); } updateBookmarkMenu(); } void CaptureFilterEdit::showFilters() { FilterDialog *capture_filter_dlg = new FilterDialog(window(), FilterDialog::CaptureFilter); capture_filter_dlg->setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); capture_filter_dlg->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); capture_filter_dlg->show(); } void CaptureFilterEdit::prepareFilter() { QAction *pa = qobject_cast(sender()); if (! pa || pa->property("capture_filter").toString().isEmpty()) return; QString filter = pa->property("capture_filter").toString(); setText(filter); emit textEdited(filter); }