/* drag_drop_toolbar.cpp * * Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer * By Gerald Combs * Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define drag_drop_toolbar_action_ "drag_drop_toolbar_action_" DragDropToolBar::DragDropToolBar(const QString &title, QWidget *parent) : QToolBar(title, parent) { setupToolbar(); } DragDropToolBar::DragDropToolBar(QWidget *parent) : QToolBar(parent) { setupToolbar(); } void DragDropToolBar::setupToolbar() { childCounter = 0; setAcceptDrops(true); // Each QToolBar has a QToolBarExtension button. Its icon looks // terrible. We might want to create our own icon, but the double // angle quote is a similar, nice-looking shape. QToolButton *ext_button = findChild(); if (ext_button) { ext_button->setIcon(QIcon()); ext_button->setText(UTF8_RIGHT_POINTING_DOUBLE_ANGLE_QUOTATION_MARK); } } DragDropToolBar::~DragDropToolBar() { } void DragDropToolBar::childEvent(QChildEvent * event) { /* New action has been added */ if (event->type() == QEvent::ChildAdded) { if (event->child()->isWidgetType()) { /* Reset if it has moved underneath lower limit */ if (childCounter < 0) childCounter = 0; ((QWidget *)event->child())->installEventFilter(this); event->child()->setProperty(drag_drop_toolbar_action_, QVariant::fromValue(childCounter)); childCounter++; } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::ChildRemoved) { childCounter--; } else if (event->type() == QEvent::ChildPolished) { /* Polish is called every time a child is added or removed. This is implemented by adding * all childs again as hidden elements, and afterwards removing the existing ones. Therefore * we have to reset child counter here, if a widget is being polished. If this is not being * done, crashes will occur after an item has been removed and other items are moved afterwards */ if (event->child()->isWidgetType()) childCounter = 0; } } void DragDropToolBar::clear() { QToolBar::clear(); childCounter = 0; } WiresharkMimeData * DragDropToolBar::createMimeData(QString name, int position) { return new ToolbarEntryMimeData(name, position); } bool DragDropToolBar::eventFilter(QObject * obj, QEvent * event) { if (! obj->isWidgetType()) return QToolBar::eventFilter(obj, event); QWidget * elem = qobject_cast(obj); if (! elem || (event->type() != QEvent::MouseButtonPress && event->type() != QEvent::MouseMove) ) return QToolBar::eventFilter(obj, event); QMouseEvent * ev = (QMouseEvent *)event; if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress) { if (ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) dragStartPosition = ev->pos(); } else if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) { if ((ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) && (ev->pos() - dragStartPosition).manhattanLength() > QApplication::startDragDistance()) { if (! qobject_cast(elem) || ! elem->property(drag_drop_toolbar_action_).isValid()) return QToolBar::eventFilter(obj, event); WiresharkMimeData * temd = createMimeData(((QToolButton *)elem)->text(), elem->property(drag_drop_toolbar_action_).toInt()); DragLabel * lbl = new DragLabel(temd->labelText(), this); QDrag * drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setMimeData(temd); qreal dpr = window()->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio(); QPixmap pixmap(lbl->size() * dpr); pixmap.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); lbl->render(&pixmap); drag->setPixmap(pixmap); drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction); return true; } } return QToolBar::eventFilter(obj, event); } void DragDropToolBar::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (! event || ! event->mimeData()) return; if (qobject_cast(event->mimeData())) { if (event->source() == this) { event->setDropAction(Qt::MoveAction); event->accept(); } else { event->acceptProposedAction(); } } else if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat(WiresharkMimeData::DisplayFilterMimeType)) { if (event->source() != this) { event->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); event->accept(); } else { event->acceptProposedAction(); } } else { event->ignore(); } } void DragDropToolBar::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) { if (! event || ! event->mimeData()) return; if (qobject_cast(event->mimeData())) { #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0 ,0) QAction * actionAtPos = actionAt(event->position().toPoint()); #else QAction * actionAtPos = actionAt(event->pos()); #endif if (actionAtPos) { QWidget * widget = widgetForAction(actionAtPos); if (widget) { bool success = false; widget->property(drag_drop_toolbar_action_).toInt(&success); if (! success) { event->ignore(); return; } } } if (event->source() == this) { event->setDropAction(Qt::MoveAction); event->accept(); } else { event->acceptProposedAction(); } } else if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat(WiresharkMimeData::DisplayFilterMimeType)) { if (event->source() != this) { event->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); event->accept(); } else { event->acceptProposedAction(); } } else { event->ignore(); } } void DragDropToolBar::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (! event || ! event->mimeData()) return; /* Moving items around */ if (qobject_cast(event->mimeData())) { const ToolbarEntryMimeData * data = qobject_cast(event->mimeData()); int oldPos = data->position(); int newPos = -1; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0 ,0) QAction * action = actionAt(event->position().toPoint()); #else QAction * action = actionAt(event->pos()); #endif if (action && actions().at(oldPos)) { widgetForAction(action)->setStyleSheet("QWidget { border: none; };"); newPos = widgetForAction(action)->property(drag_drop_toolbar_action_).toInt(); moveToolbarItems(oldPos, newPos); QAction * moveAction = actions().at(oldPos); emit actionMoved(moveAction, oldPos, newPos); } if (event->source() == this) { event->setDropAction(Qt::MoveAction); event->accept(); } else { event->acceptProposedAction(); } } else if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat(WiresharkMimeData::DisplayFilterMimeType)) { QByteArray jsonData = event->mimeData()->data(WiresharkMimeData::DisplayFilterMimeType); QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(jsonData); if (jsonDoc.isObject()) { QJsonObject data = jsonDoc.object(); if (event->source() != this && data.contains("description") && data.contains("filter")) { event->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); event->accept(); emit newFilterDropped(data["description"].toString(), data["filter"].toString()); } else { event->acceptProposedAction(); } } } else { event->ignore(); } } void DragDropToolBar::moveToolbarItems(int fromPos, int newPos) { if (fromPos == newPos) return; setUpdatesEnabled(false); QList storedActions = actions(); clear(); childCounter = 0; storedActions.move(fromPos, newPos); foreach (QAction * action, storedActions) addAction(action); setUpdatesEnabled(true); }