path: root/wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1113 insertions, 2173 deletions
diff --git a/wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.js b/wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.js
index 5ec8236..ce9e0a7 100644
--- a/wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.js
+++ b/wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.js
@@ -1,1609 +1,335 @@
-/******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
-/******/ "use strict";
-/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({
-/***/ 754:
-/***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
+/******/ // The require scope
+/******/ var __webpack_require__ = {};
+/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
+/******/ (() => {
+/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
+/******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
+/******/ for(var key in definition) {
+/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
+/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
+/******/ }
+/******/ }
+/******/ };
+/******/ })();
+/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
+/******/ (() => {
+/******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (, prop))
+/******/ })();
+var __webpack_exports__ = {};
__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
- c4: function() { return /* reexport */ router_navigate; },
- tL: function() { return /* reexport */ prefetch; },
- h: function() { return /* reexport */ store; }
+ zj: () => (/* reexport */ getConfig),
+ SD: () => (/* reexport */ getContext),
+ V6: () => (/* reexport */ getElement),
+ jb: () => (/* binding */ privateApis),
+ M_: () => (/* reexport */ store),
+ hb: () => (/* reexport */ useCallback),
+ vJ: () => (/* reexport */ useEffect),
+ ip: () => (/* reexport */ useInit),
+ Nf: () => (/* reexport */ useLayoutEffect),
+ Kr: () => (/* reexport */ useMemo),
+ li: () => (/* reexport */ hooks_module_F),
+ J0: () => (/* reexport */ hooks_module_p),
+ FH: () => (/* reexport */ useWatch),
+ v4: () => (/* reexport */ withScope)
-// UNUSED EXPORTS: createElement, deepSignal, directive, useContext, useEffect, useMemo
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/preact/dist/preact.module.js
-var preact_module_n,
- preact_module_l,
- preact_module_u,
- preact_module_t,
- i,
- preact_module_o,
- preact_module_r,
- preact_module_f,
- preact_module_e,
- preact_module_c = {},
- s = [],
- a = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i,
- h = Array.isArray;
-function v(n, l) {
- for (var u in l) n[u] = l[u];
- return n;
-function p(n) {
- var l = n.parentNode;
- l && l.removeChild(n);
-function y(l, u, t) {
- var i,
- o,
- r,
- f = {};
- for (r in u) "key" == r ? i = u[r] : "ref" == r ? o = u[r] : f[r] = u[r];
- if (arguments.length > 2 && (f.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : t), "function" == typeof l && null != l.defaultProps) for (r in l.defaultProps) void 0 === f[r] && (f[r] = l.defaultProps[r]);
- return d(l, f, i, o, null);
-function d(n, t, i, o, r) {
- var f = {
- type: n,
- props: t,
- key: i,
- ref: o,
- __k: null,
- __: null,
- __b: 0,
- __e: null,
- __d: void 0,
- __c: null,
- constructor: void 0,
- __v: null == r ? ++preact_module_u : r,
- __i: -1,
- __u: 0
- };
- return null == r && null != preact_module_l.vnode && preact_module_l.vnode(f), f;
-function _() {
- return {
- current: null
- };
-function g(n) {
- return n.children;
-function b(n, l) {
- this.props = n, this.context = l;
-function m(n, l) {
- if (null == l) return n.__ ? m(n.__, n.__i + 1) : null;
- for (var u; l < n.__k.length; l++) if (null != (u = n.__k[l]) && null != u.__e) return u.__e;
- return "function" == typeof n.type ? m(n) : null;
-function k(n) {
- var l, u;
- if (null != (n = n.__) && null != n.__c) {
- for (n.__e = n.__c.base = null, l = 0; l < n.__k.length; l++) if (null != (u = n.__k[l]) && null != u.__e) {
- n.__e = n.__c.base = u.__e;
- break;
- }
- return k(n);
- }
-function w(n) {
- (!n.__d && (n.__d = !0) && i.push(n) && !x.__r++ || preact_module_o !== preact_module_l.debounceRendering) && ((preact_module_o = preact_module_l.debounceRendering) || preact_module_r)(x);
-function x() {
- var n, u, t, o, r, e, c, s, a;
- for (i.sort(preact_module_f); n = i.shift();) n.__d && (u = i.length, o = void 0, e = (r = (t = n).__v).__e, s = [], a = [], (c = t.__P) && ((o = v({}, r)).__v = r.__v + 1, preact_module_l.vnode && preact_module_l.vnode(o), L(c, o, r, t.__n, void 0 !== c.ownerSVGElement, 32 & r.__u ? [e] : null, s, null == e ? m(r) : e, !!(32 & r.__u), a), o.__.__k[o.__i] = o, M(s, o, a), o.__e != e && k(o)), i.length > u && i.sort(preact_module_f));
- x.__r = 0;
-function C(n, l, u, t, i, o, r, f, e, a, h) {
- var v,
- p,
- y,
- d,
- _,
- g = t && t.__k || s,
- b = l.length;
- for (u.__d = e, P(u, l, g), e = u.__d, v = 0; v < b; v++) null != (y = u.__k[v]) && "boolean" != typeof y && "function" != typeof y && (p = -1 === y.__i ? preact_module_c : g[y.__i] || preact_module_c, y.__i = v, L(n, y, p, i, o, r, f, e, a, h), d = y.__e, y.ref && p.ref != y.ref && (p.ref && z(p.ref, null, y), h.push(y.ref, y.__c || d, y)), null == _ && null != d && (_ = d), 65536 & y.__u || p.__k === y.__k ? e = S(y, e, n) : "function" == typeof y.type && void 0 !== y.__d ? e = y.__d : d && (e = d.nextSibling), y.__d = void 0, y.__u &= -196609);
- u.__d = e, u.__e = _;
-function P(n, l, u) {
- var t,
- i,
- o,
- r,
- f,
- e = l.length,
- c = u.length,
- s = c,
- a = 0;
- for (n.__k = [], t = 0; t < e; t++) null != (i = n.__k[t] = null == (i = l[t]) || "boolean" == typeof i || "function" == typeof i ? null : "string" == typeof i || "number" == typeof i || "bigint" == typeof i || i.constructor == String ? d(null, i, null, null, i) : h(i) ? d(g, {
- children: i
- }, null, null, null) : i.__b > 0 ? d(i.type, i.props, i.key, i.ref ? i.ref : null, i.__v) : i) ? (i.__ = n, i.__b = n.__b + 1, f = H(i, u, r = t + a, s), i.__i = f, o = null, -1 !== f && (s--, (o = u[f]) && (o.__u |= 131072)), null == o || null === o.__v ? (-1 == f && a--, "function" != typeof i.type && (i.__u |= 65536)) : f !== r && (f === r + 1 ? a++ : f > r ? s > e - r ? a += f - r : a-- : a = f < r && f == r - 1 ? f - r : 0, f !== t + a && (i.__u |= 65536))) : (o = u[t]) && null == o.key && o.__e && (o.__e == n.__d && (n.__d = m(o)), N(o, o, !1), u[t] = null, s--);
- if (s) for (t = 0; t < c; t++) null != (o = u[t]) && 0 == (131072 & o.__u) && (o.__e == n.__d && (n.__d = m(o)), N(o, o));
-function S(n, l, u) {
- var t, i;
- if ("function" == typeof n.type) {
- for (t = n.__k, i = 0; t && i < t.length; i++) t[i] && (t[i].__ = n, l = S(t[i], l, u));
- return l;
- }
- return n.__e != l && (u.insertBefore(n.__e, l || null), l = n.__e), l && l.nextSibling;
-function $(n, l) {
- return l = l || [], null == n || "boolean" == typeof n || (h(n) ? n.some(function (n) {
- $(n, l);
- }) : l.push(n)), l;
-function H(n, l, u, t) {
- var i = n.key,
- o = n.type,
- r = u - 1,
- f = u + 1,
- e = l[u];
- if (null === e || e && i == e.key && o === e.type) return u;
- if (t > (null != e && 0 == (131072 & e.__u) ? 1 : 0)) for (; r >= 0 || f < l.length;) {
- if (r >= 0) {
- if ((e = l[r]) && 0 == (131072 & e.__u) && i == e.key && o === e.type) return r;
- r--;
- }
- if (f < l.length) {
- if ((e = l[f]) && 0 == (131072 & e.__u) && i == e.key && o === e.type) return f;
- f++;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-function I(n, l, u) {
- "-" === l[0] ? n.setProperty(l, null == u ? "" : u) : n[l] = null == u ? "" : "number" != typeof u || a.test(l) ? u : u + "px";
-function T(n, l, u, t, i) {
- var o;
- n: if ("style" === l) {
- if ("string" == typeof u) = u;else {
- if ("string" == typeof t && ( = t = ""), t) for (l in t) u && l in u || I(, l, "");
- if (u) for (l in u) t && u[l] === t[l] || I(, l, u[l]);
- }
- } else if ("o" === l[0] && "n" === l[1]) o = l !== (l = l.replace(/(PointerCapture)$|Capture$/, "$1")), l = l.toLowerCase() in n ? l.toLowerCase().slice(2) : l.slice(2), n.l || (n.l = {}), n.l[l + o] = u, u ? t ? u.u = t.u : (u.u =, n.addEventListener(l, o ? D : A, o)) : n.removeEventListener(l, o ? D : A, o);else {
- if (i) l = l.replace(/xlink(H|:h)/, "h").replace(/sName$/, "s");else if ("width" !== l && "height" !== l && "href" !== l && "list" !== l && "form" !== l && "tabIndex" !== l && "download" !== l && "rowSpan" !== l && "colSpan" !== l && "role" !== l && l in n) try {
- n[l] = null == u ? "" : u;
- break n;
- } catch (n) {}
- "function" == typeof u || (null == u || !1 === u && "-" !== l[4] ? n.removeAttribute(l) : n.setAttribute(l, u));
- }
-function A(n) {
- var u = this.l[n.type + !1];
- if (n.t) {
- if (n.t <= u.u) return;
- } else n.t =;
- return u(preact_module_l.event ? preact_module_l.event(n) : n);
-function D(n) {
- return this.l[n.type + !0](preact_module_l.event ? preact_module_l.event(n) : n);
-function L(n, u, t, i, o, r, f, e, c, s) {
- var a,
- p,
- y,
- d,
- _,
- m,
- k,
- w,
- x,
- P,
- S,
- $,
- H,
- I,
- T,
- A = u.type;
- if (void 0 !== u.constructor) return null;
- 128 & t.__u && (c = !!(32 & t.__u), r = [e = u.__e = t.__e]), (a = preact_module_l.__b) && a(u);
- n: if ("function" == typeof A) try {
- if (w = u.props, x = (a = A.contextType) && i[a.__c], P = a ? x ? x.props.value : a.__ : i, t.__c ? k = (p = u.__c = t.__c).__ = p.__E : ("prototype" in A && A.prototype.render ? u.__c = p = new A(w, P) : (u.__c = p = new b(w, P), p.constructor = A, p.render = O), x && x.sub(p), p.props = w, p.state || (p.state = {}), p.context = P, p.__n = i, y = p.__d = !0, p.__h = [], p._sb = []), null == p.__s && (p.__s = p.state), null != A.getDerivedStateFromProps && (p.__s == p.state && (p.__s = v({}, p.__s)), v(p.__s, A.getDerivedStateFromProps(w, p.__s))), d = p.props, _ = p.state, p.__v = u, y) null == A.getDerivedStateFromProps && null != p.componentWillMount && p.componentWillMount(), null != p.componentDidMount && p.__h.push(p.componentDidMount);else {
- if (null == A.getDerivedStateFromProps && w !== d && null != p.componentWillReceiveProps && p.componentWillReceiveProps(w, P), !p.__e && (null != p.shouldComponentUpdate && !1 === p.shouldComponentUpdate(w, p.__s, P) || u.__v === t.__v)) {
- for (u.__v !== t.__v && (p.props = w, p.state = p.__s, p.__d = !1), u.__e = t.__e, u.__k = t.__k, u.__k.forEach(function (n) {
- n && (n.__ = u);
- }), S = 0; S < p._sb.length; S++) p.__h.push(p._sb[S]);
- p._sb = [], p.__h.length && f.push(p);
- break n;
- }
- null != p.componentWillUpdate && p.componentWillUpdate(w, p.__s, P), null != p.componentDidUpdate && p.__h.push(function () {
- p.componentDidUpdate(d, _, m);
- });
- }
- if (p.context = P, p.props = w, p.__P = n, p.__e = !1, $ = preact_module_l.__r, H = 0, "prototype" in A && A.prototype.render) {
- for (p.state = p.__s, p.__d = !1, $ && $(u), a = p.render(p.props, p.state, p.context), I = 0; I < p._sb.length; I++) p.__h.push(p._sb[I]);
- p._sb = [];
- } else do {
- p.__d = !1, $ && $(u), a = p.render(p.props, p.state, p.context), p.state = p.__s;
- } while (p.__d && ++H < 25);
- p.state = p.__s, null != p.getChildContext && (i = v(v({}, i), p.getChildContext())), y || null == p.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (m = p.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(d, _)), C(n, h(T = null != a && a.type === g && null == a.key ? a.props.children : a) ? T : [T], u, t, i, o, r, f, e, c, s), p.base = u.__e, u.__u &= -161, p.__h.length && f.push(p), k && (p.__E = p.__ = null);
- } catch (n) {
- u.__v = null, c || null != r ? (u.__e = e, u.__u |= c ? 160 : 32, r[r.indexOf(e)] = null) : (u.__e = t.__e, u.__k = t.__k), preact_module_l.__e(n, u, t);
- } else null == r && u.__v === t.__v ? (u.__k = t.__k, u.__e = t.__e) : u.__e = j(t.__e, u, t, i, o, r, f, c, s);
- (a = preact_module_l.diffed) && a(u);
-function M(n, u, t) {
- u.__d = void 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) z(t[i], t[++i], t[++i]);
- preact_module_l.__c && preact_module_l.__c(u, n), n.some(function (u) {
- try {
- n = u.__h, u.__h = [], n.some(function (n) {
- });
- } catch (n) {
- preact_module_l.__e(n, u.__v);
- }
- });
-function j(l, u, t, i, o, r, f, e, s) {
- var a,
- v,
- y,
- d,
- _,
- g,
- b,
- k = t.props,
- w = u.props,
- x = u.type;
- if ("svg" === x && (o = !0), null != r) for (a = 0; a < r.length; a++) if ((_ = r[a]) && "setAttribute" in _ == !!x && (x ? _.localName === x : 3 === _.nodeType)) {
- l = _, r[a] = null;
- break;
- }
- if (null == l) {
- if (null === x) return document.createTextNode(w);
- l = o ? document.createElementNS("", x) : document.createElement(x, && w), r = null, e = !1;
- }
- if (null === x) k === w || e && === w || ( = w);else {
- if (r = r &&, k = t.props || preact_module_c, !e && null != r) for (k = {}, a = 0; a < l.attributes.length; a++) k[(_ = l.attributes[a]).name] = _.value;
- for (a in k) _ = k[a], "children" == a || ("dangerouslySetInnerHTML" == a ? y = _ : "key" === a || a in w || T(l, a, null, _, o));
- for (a in w) _ = w[a], "children" == a ? d = _ : "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" == a ? v = _ : "value" == a ? g = _ : "checked" == a ? b = _ : "key" === a || e && "function" != typeof _ || k[a] === _ || T(l, a, _, k[a], o);
- if (v) e || y && (v.__html === y.__html || v.__html === l.innerHTML) || (l.innerHTML = v.__html), u.__k = [];else if (y && (l.innerHTML = ""), C(l, h(d) ? d : [d], u, t, i, o && "foreignObject" !== x, r, f, r ? r[0] : t.__k && m(t, 0), e, s), null != r) for (a = r.length; a--;) null != r[a] && p(r[a]);
- e || (a = "value", void 0 !== g && (g !== l[a] || "progress" === x && !g || "option" === x && g !== k[a]) && T(l, a, g, k[a], !1), a = "checked", void 0 !== b && b !== l[a] && T(l, a, b, k[a], !1));
- }
- return l;
-function z(n, u, t) {
- try {
- "function" == typeof n ? n(u) : n.current = u;
- } catch (n) {
- preact_module_l.__e(n, t);
- }
-function N(n, u, t) {
- var i, o;
- if (preact_module_l.unmount && preact_module_l.unmount(n), (i = n.ref) && (i.current && i.current !== n.__e || z(i, null, u)), null != (i = n.__c)) {
- if (i.componentWillUnmount) try {
- i.componentWillUnmount();
- } catch (n) {
- preact_module_l.__e(n, u);
- }
- i.base = i.__P = null, n.__c = void 0;
- }
- if (i = n.__k) for (o = 0; o < i.length; o++) i[o] && N(i[o], u, t || "function" != typeof n.type);
- t || null == n.__e || p(n.__e), n.__ = n.__e = n.__d = void 0;
-function O(n, l, u) {
- return this.constructor(n, u);
-function q(u, t, i) {
- var o, r, f, e;
- preact_module_l.__ && preact_module_l.__(u, t), r = (o = "function" == typeof i) ? null : i && i.__k || t.__k, f = [], e = [], L(t, u = (!o && i || t).__k = y(g, null, [u]), r || preact_module_c, preact_module_c, void 0 !== t.ownerSVGElement, !o && i ? [i] : r ? null : t.firstChild ? : null, f, !o && i ? i : r ? r.__e : t.firstChild, o, e), M(f, u, e);
-function B(n, l) {
- q(n, l, B);
-function E(l, u, t) {
- var i,
- o,
- r,
- f,
- e = v({}, l.props);
- for (r in l.type && l.type.defaultProps && (f = l.type.defaultProps), u) "key" == r ? i = u[r] : "ref" == r ? o = u[r] : e[r] = void 0 === u[r] && void 0 !== f ? f[r] : u[r];
- return arguments.length > 2 && (e.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : t), d(l.type, e, i || l.key, o || l.ref, null);
-function F(n, l) {
- var u = {
- __c: l = "__cC" + preact_module_e++,
- __: n,
- Consumer: function (n, l) {
- return n.children(l);
- },
- Provider: function (n) {
- var u, t;
- return this.getChildContext || (u = [], (t = {})[l] = this, this.getChildContext = function () {
- return t;
- }, this.shouldComponentUpdate = function (n) {
- this.props.value !== n.value && u.some(function (n) {
- n.__e = !0, w(n);
- });
- }, this.sub = function (n) {
- u.push(n);
- var l = n.componentWillUnmount;
- n.componentWillUnmount = function () {
- u.splice(u.indexOf(n), 1), l &&;
- };
- }), n.children;
- }
- };
- return u.Provider.__ = u.Consumer.contextType = u;
-preact_module_n = s.slice, preact_module_l = {
- __e: function (n, l, u, t) {
- for (var i, o, r; l = l.__;) if ((i = l.__c) && !i.__) try {
- if ((o = i.constructor) && null != o.getDerivedStateFromError && (i.setState(o.getDerivedStateFromError(n)), r = i.__d), null != i.componentDidCatch && (i.componentDidCatch(n, t || {}), r = i.__d), r) return i.__E = i;
- } catch (l) {
- n = l;
- }
- throw n;
- }
-}, preact_module_u = 0, preact_module_t = function (n) {
- return null != n && null == n.constructor;
-}, b.prototype.setState = function (n, l) {
- var u;
- u = null != this.__s && this.__s !== this.state ? this.__s : this.__s = v({}, this.state), "function" == typeof n && (n = n(v({}, u), this.props)), n && v(u, n), null != n && this.__v && (l && this._sb.push(l), w(this));
-}, b.prototype.forceUpdate = function (n) {
- this.__v && (this.__e = !0, n && this.__h.push(n), w(this));
-}, b.prototype.render = g, i = [], preact_module_r = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout, preact_module_f = function (n, l) {
- return n.__v.__b - l.__v.__b;
-}, x.__r = 0, preact_module_e = 0;
+var n,l,preact_module_u,preact_module_t,i,preact_module_o,r,preact_module_f,preact_module_e,preact_module_c={},s=[],a=/acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i,h=Array.isArray;function v(n,l){for(var u in l)n[u]=l[u];return n}function p(n){var l=n.parentNode;l&&l.removeChild(n)}function y(l,u,t){var i,o,r,f={};for(r in u)"key"==r?i=u[r]:"ref"==r?o=u[r]:f[r]=u[r];if(arguments.length>2&&(f.children=arguments.length>3?,2):t),"function"==typeof l&&null!=l.defaultProps)for(r in l.defaultProps)void 0===f[r]&&(f[r]=l.defaultProps[r]);return d(l,f,i,o,null)}function d(n,t,i,o,r){var f={type:n,props:t,key:i,ref:o,__k:null,__:null,__b:0,__e:null,__d:void 0,__c:null,constructor:void 0,__v:null==r?++preact_module_u:r,__i:-1,__u:0};return null==r&&null!=l.vnode&&l.vnode(f),f}function _(){return{current:null}}function g(n){return n.children}function b(n,l){this.props=n,this.context=l}function m(n,l){if(null==l)return n.__?m(n.__,n.__i+1):null;for(var u;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e)return u.__e;return"function"==typeof n.type?m(n):null}function w(n,u,t){var i,o=n.__v,r=o.__e,f=n.__P;if(f)return(i=v({},o)).__v=o.__v+1,l.vnode&&l.vnode(i),M(f,i,o,n.__n,void 0!==f.ownerSVGElement,32&o.__u?[r]:null,u,null==r?m(o):r,!!(32&o.__u),t),i.__v=o.__v,i.__.__k[i.__i]=i,i.__d=void 0,i.__e!=r&&k(i),i}function k(n){var l,u;if(null!=(n=n.__)&&null!=n.__c){for(n.__e=n.__c.base=null,l=0;l<n.__k.length;l++)if(null!=(u=n.__k[l])&&null!=u.__e){n.__e=n.__c.base=u.__e;break}return k(n)}}function x(n){(!n.__d&&(n.__d=!0)&&i.push(n)&&!C.__r++||preact_module_o!==l.debounceRendering)&&((preact_module_o=l.debounceRendering)||r)(C)}function C(){var n,u,t,o=[],r=[];for(i.sort(preact_module_f);n=i.shift();)n.__d&&(t=i.length,u=w(n,o,r)||u,0===t||i.length>t?(j(o,u,r),r.length=o.length=0,u=void 0,i.sort(preact_module_f)):u&&l.__c&&l.__c(u,s));u&&j(o,u,r),C.__r=0}function P(n,l,u,t,i,o,r,f,e,a,h){var v,p,y,d,_,g=t&&t.__k||s,b=l.length;for(u.__d=e,S(u,l,g),e=u.__d,v=0;v<b;v++)null!=(y=u.__k[v])&&"boolean"!=typeof y&&"function"!=typeof y&&(p=-1===y.__i?preact_module_c:g[y.__i]||preact_module_c,y.__i=v,M(n,y,p,i,o,r,f,e,a,h),d=y.__e,y.ref&&p.ref!=y.ref&&(p.ref&&N(p.ref,null,y),h.push(y.ref,y.__c||d,y)),null==_&&null!=d&&(_=d),65536&y.__u||p.__k===y.__k?e=$(y,e,n):"function"==typeof y.type&&void 0!==y.__d?e=y.__d:d&&(e=d.nextSibling),y.__d=void 0,y.__u&=-196609);u.__d=e,u.__e=_}function S(n,l,u){var t,i,o,r,f,e=l.length,c=u.length,s=c,a=0;for(n.__k=[],t=0;t<e;t++)r=t+a,null!=(i=n.__k[t]=null==(i=l[t])||"boolean"==typeof i||"function"==typeof i?null:"string"==typeof i||"number"==typeof i||"bigint"==typeof i||i.constructor==String?d(null,i,null,null,null):h(i)?d(g,{children:i},null,null,null):void 0===i.constructor&&i.__b>0?d(i.type,i.props,i.key,i.ref?i.ref:null,i.__v):i)?(i.__=n,i.__b=n.__b+1,f=I(i,u,r,s),i.__i=f,o=null,-1!==f&&(s--,(o=u[f])&&(o.__u|=131072)),null==o||null===o.__v?(-1==f&&a--,"function"!=typeof i.type&&(i.__u|=65536)):f!==r&&(f===r+1?a++:f>r?s>e-r?a+=f-r:a--:f<r?f==r-1&&(a=f-r):a=0,f!==t+a&&(i.__u|=65536))):(o=u[r])&&null==o.key&&o.__e&&0==(131072&o.__u)&&(o.__e==n.__d&&(n.__d=m(o)),O(o,o,!1),u[r]=null,s--);if(s)for(t=0;t<c;t++)null!=(o=u[t])&&0==(131072&o.__u)&&(o.__e==n.__d&&(n.__d=m(o)),O(o,o))}function $(n,l,u){var t,i;if("function"==typeof n.type){for(t=n.__k,i=0;t&&i<t.length;i++)t[i]&&(t[i].__=n,l=$(t[i],l,u));return l}n.__e!=l&&(u.insertBefore(n.__e,l||null),l=n.__e);do{l=l&&l.nextSibling}while(null!=l&&8===l.nodeType);return l}function H(n,l){return l=l||[],null==n||"boolean"==typeof n||(h(n)?n.some(function(n){H(n,l)}):l.push(n)),l}function I(n,l,u,t){var i=n.key,o=n.type,r=u-1,f=u+1,e=l[u];if(null===e||e&&i==e.key&&o===e.type&&0==(131072&e.__u))return u;if(t>(null!=e&&0==(131072&e.__u)?1:0))for(;r>=0||f<l.length;){if(r>=0){if((e=l[r])&&0==(131072&e.__u)&&i==e.key&&o===e.type)return r;r--}if(f<l.length){if((e=l[f])&&0==(131072&e.__u)&&i==e.key&&o===e.type)return f;f++}}return-1}function T(n,l,u){"-"===l[0]?n.setProperty(l,null==u?"":u):n[l]=null==u?"":"number"!=typeof u||a.test(l)?u:u+"px"}function A(n,l,u,t,i){var o;n:if("style"===l)if("string"==typeof u);else{if("string"==typeof t&&(""),t)for(l in t)u&&l in u||T(,l,"");if(u)for(l in u)t&&u[l]===t[l]||T(,l,u[l])}else if("o"===l[0]&&"n"===l[1])o=l!==(l=l.replace(/(PointerCapture)$|Capture$/i,"$1")),l=l.toLowerCase()in n?l.toLowerCase().slice(2):l.slice(2),n.l||(n.l={}),n.l[l+o]=u,u?t?u.u=t.u:(,n.addEventListener(l,o?L:D,o)):n.removeEventListener(l,o?L:D,o);else{if(i)l=l.replace(/xlink(H|:h)/,"h").replace(/sName$/,"s");else if("width"!==l&&"height"!==l&&"href"!==l&&"list"!==l&&"form"!==l&&"tabIndex"!==l&&"download"!==l&&"rowSpan"!==l&&"colSpan"!==l&&"role"!==l&&l in n)try{n[l]=null==u?"":u;break n}catch(n){}"function"==typeof u||(null==u||!1===u&&"-"!==l[4]?n.removeAttribute(l):n.setAttribute(l,u))}}function D(n){if(this.l){var u=this.l[n.type+!1];if(n.t){if(n.t<=u.u)return}else;return u(l.event?l.event(n):n)}}function L(n){if(this.l)return this.l[n.type+!0](l.event?l.event(n):n)}function M(n,u,t,i,o,r,f,e,c,s){var a,p,y,d,_,m,w,k,x,C,S,$,H,I,T,A=u.type;if(void 0!==u.constructor)return null;128&t.__u&&(c=!!(32&t.__u),r=[e=u.__e=t.__e]),(a=l.__b)&&a(u);n:if("function"==typeof A)try{if(k=u.props,x=(a=A.contextType)&&i[a.__c],C=a?x?x.props.value:a.__:i,t.__c?w=(p=u.__c=t.__c).__=p.__E:("prototype"in A&&A.prototype.render?u.__c=p=new A(k,C):(u.__c=p=new b(k,C),p.constructor=A,p.render=q),x&&x.sub(p),p.props=k,p.state||(p.state={}),p.context=C,p.__n=i,y=p.__d=!0,p.__h=[],p._sb=[]),null==p.__s&&(p.__s=p.state),null!=A.getDerivedStateFromProps&&(p.__s==p.state&&(p.__s=v({},p.__s)),v(p.__s,A.getDerivedStateFromProps(k,p.__s))),d=p.props,_=p.state,p.__v=u,y)null==A.getDerivedStateFromProps&&null!=p.componentWillMount&&p.componentWillMount(),null!=p.componentDidMount&&p.__h.push(p.componentDidMount);else{if(null==A.getDerivedStateFromProps&&k!==d&&null!=p.componentWillReceiveProps&&p.componentWillReceiveProps(k,C),!p.__e&&(null!=p.shouldComponentUpdate&&!1===p.shouldComponentUpdate(k,p.__s,C)||u.__v===t.__v)){for(u.__v!==t.__v&&(p.props=k,p.state=p.__s,p.__d=!1),u.__e=t.__e,u.__k=t.__k,u.__k.forEach(function(n){n&&(n.__=u)}),S=0;S<p._sb.length;S++)p.__h.push(p._sb[S]);p._sb=[],p.__h.length&&f.push(p);break n}null!=p.componentWillUpdate&&p.componentWillUpdate(k,p.__s,C),null!=p.componentDidUpdate&&p.__h.push(function(){p.componentDidUpdate(d,_,m)})}if(p.context=C,p.props=k,p.__P=n,p.__e=!1,$=l.__r,H=0,"prototype"in A&&A.prototype.render){for(p.state=p.__s,p.__d=!1,$&&$(u),a=p.render(p.props,p.state,p.context),I=0;I<p._sb.length;I++)p.__h.push(p._sb[I]);p._sb=[]}else do{p.__d=!1,$&&$(u),a=p.render(p.props,p.state,p.context),p.state=p.__s}while(p.__d&&++H<25);p.state=p.__s,null!=p.getChildContext&&(i=v(v({},i),p.getChildContext())),y||null==p.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate||(m=p.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(d,_)),P(n,h(T=null!=a&&a.type===g&&null==a.key?a.props.children:a)?T:[T],u,t,i,o,r,f,e,c,s),p.base=u.__e,u.__u&=-161,p.__h.length&&f.push(p),w&&(p.__E=p.__=null)}catch(n){u.__v=null,c||null!=r?(u.__e=e,u.__u|=c?160:32,r[r.indexOf(e)]=null):(u.__e=t.__e,u.__k=t.__k),l.__e(n,u,t)}else null==r&&u.__v===t.__v?(u.__k=t.__k,u.__e=t.__e):u.__e=z(t.__e,u,t,i,o,r,f,c,s);(a=l.diffed)&&a(u)}function j(n,u,t){for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++)N(t[i],t[++i],t[++i]);l.__c&&l.__c(u,n),n.some(function(u){try{n=u.__h,u.__h=[],n.some(function(n){})}catch(n){l.__e(n,u.__v)}})}function z(l,u,t,i,o,r,f,e,s){var a,v,y,d,_,g,b,w=t.props,k=u.props,x=u.type;if("svg"===x&&(o=!0),null!=r)for(a=0;a<r.length;a++)if((_=r[a])&&"setAttribute"in _==!!x&&(x?_.localName===x:3===_.nodeType)){l=_,r[a]=null;break}if(null==l){if(null===x)return document.createTextNode(k);l=o?document.createElementNS("",x):document.createElement(x,,r=null,e=!1}if(null===x)w===k||e&&||(;else{if(r=r&&,w=t.props||preact_module_c,!e&&null!=r)for(w={},a=0;a<l.attributes.length;a++)w[(_=l.attributes[a]).name]=_.value;for(a in w)_=w[a],"children"==a||("dangerouslySetInnerHTML"==a?y=_:"key"===a||a in k||A(l,a,null,_,o));for(a in k)_=k[a],"children"==a?d=_:"dangerouslySetInnerHTML"==a?v=_:"value"==a?g=_:"checked"==a?b=_:"key"===a||e&&"function"!=typeof _||w[a]===_||A(l,a,_,w[a],o);if(v)e||y&&(v.__html===y.__html||v.__html===l.innerHTML)||(l.innerHTML=v.__html),u.__k=[];else if(y&&(l.innerHTML=""),P(l,h(d)?d:[d],u,t,i,o&&"foreignObject"!==x,r,f,r?r[0]:t.__k&&m(t,0),e,s),null!=r)for(a=r.length;a--;)null!=r[a]&&p(r[a]);e||(a="value",void 0!==g&&(g!==l[a]||"progress"===x&&!g||"option"===x&&g!==w[a])&&A(l,a,g,w[a],!1),a="checked",void 0!==b&&b!==l[a]&&A(l,a,b,w[a],!1))}return l}function N(n,u,t){try{"function"==typeof n?n(u):n.current=u}catch(n){l.__e(n,t)}}function O(n,u,t){var i,o;if(l.unmount&&l.unmount(n),(i=n.ref)&&(i.current&&i.current!==n.__e||N(i,null,u)),null!=(i=n.__c)){if(i.componentWillUnmount)try{i.componentWillUnmount()}catch(n){l.__e(n,u)}i.base=i.__P=null,n.__c=void 0}if(i=n.__k)for(o=0;o<i.length;o++)i[o]&&O(i[o],u,t||"function"!=typeof n.type);t||null==n.__e||p(n.__e),n.__=n.__e=n.__d=void 0}function q(n,l,u){return this.constructor(n,u)}function B(u,t,i){var o,r,f,e;l.__&&l.__(u,t),r=(o="function"==typeof i)?null:i&&i.__k||t.__k,f=[],e=[],M(t,u=(!o&&i||t).__k=y(g,null,[u]),r||preact_module_c,preact_module_c,void 0!==t.ownerSVGElement,!o&&i?[i]:r?null:t.firstChild?,f,!o&&i?i:r?r.__e:t.firstChild,o,e),u.__d=void 0,j(f,u,e)}function E(n,l){B(n,l,E)}function F(l,u,t){var i,o,r,f,e=v({},l.props);for(r in l.type&&l.type.defaultProps&&(f=l.type.defaultProps),u)"key"==r?i=u[r]:"ref"==r?o=u[r]:e[r]=void 0===u[r]&&void 0!==f?f[r]:u[r];return arguments.length>2&&(e.children=arguments.length>3?,2):t),d(l.type,e,i||l.key,o||l.ref,null)}function G(n,l){var u={__c:l="__cC"+preact_module_e++,__:n,Consumer:function(n,l){return n.children(l)},Provider:function(n){var u,t;return this.getChildContext||(u=[],(t={})[l]=this,this.getChildContext=function(){return t},this.shouldComponentUpdate=function(n){this.props.value!==n.value&&u.some(function(n){n.__e=!0,x(n)})},this.sub=function(n){u.push(n);var l=n.componentWillUnmount;n.componentWillUnmount=function(){u.splice(u.indexOf(n),1),l&&}}),n.children}};return u.Provider.__=u.Consumer.contextType=u}n=s.slice,l={__e:function(n,l,u,t){for(var i,o,r;l=l.__;)if((i=l.__c)&&!i.__)try{if((o=i.constructor)&&null!=o.getDerivedStateFromError&&(i.setState(o.getDerivedStateFromError(n)),r=i.__d),null!=i.componentDidCatch&&(i.componentDidCatch(n,t||{}),r=i.__d),r)return i.__E=i}catch(l){n=l}throw n}},preact_module_u=0,preact_module_t=function(n){return null!=n&&null==n.constructor},b.prototype.setState=function(n,l){var u;u=null!=this.__s&&this.__s!==this.state?this.__s:this.__s=v({},this.state),"function"==typeof n&&(n=n(v({},u),this.props)),n&&v(u,n),null!=n&&this.__v&&(l&&this._sb.push(l),x(this))},b.prototype.forceUpdate=function(n){this.__v&&(this.__e=!0,n&&this.__h.push(n),x(this))},b.prototype.render=g,i=[],r="function"==typeof Promise?Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()):setTimeout,preact_module_f=function(n,l){return n.__v.__b-l.__v.__b},C.__r=0,preact_module_e=0;
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/preact/hooks/dist/hooks.module.js
-var hooks_module_t,
- hooks_module_r,
- hooks_module_u,
- hooks_module_i,
- hooks_module_o = 0,
- hooks_module_f = [],
- hooks_module_c = [],
- hooks_module_e = preact_module_l.__b,
- hooks_module_a = preact_module_l.__r,
- hooks_module_v = preact_module_l.diffed,
- l = preact_module_l.__c,
- hooks_module_m = preact_module_l.unmount;
-function hooks_module_d(t, u) {
- preact_module_l.__h && preact_module_l.__h(hooks_module_r, t, hooks_module_o || u), hooks_module_o = 0;
- var i = hooks_module_r.__H || (hooks_module_r.__H = {
- __: [],
- __h: []
- });
- return t >= i.__.length && i.__.push({
- __V: hooks_module_c
- }), i.__[t];
-function hooks_module_h(n) {
- return hooks_module_o = 1, hooks_module_s(hooks_module_B, n);
-function hooks_module_s(n, u, i) {
- var o = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 2);
- if (o.t = n, !o.__c && (o.__ = [i ? i(u) : hooks_module_B(void 0, u), function (n) {
- var t = o.__N ? o.__N[0] : o.__[0],
- r = o.t(t, n);
- t !== r && (o.__N = [r, o.__[1]], o.__c.setState({}));
- }], o.__c = hooks_module_r, !hooks_module_r.u)) {
- var f = function (n, t, r) {
- if (!o.__c.__H) return !0;
- var u = o.__c.__H.__.filter(function (n) {
- return n.__c;
- });
- if (u.every(function (n) {
- return !n.__N;
- })) return !c ||, n, t, r);
- var i = !1;
- return u.forEach(function (n) {
- if (n.__N) {
- var t = n.__[0];
- n.__ = n.__N, n.__N = void 0, t !== n.__[0] && (i = !0);
- }
- }), !(!i && o.__c.props === n) && (!c ||, n, t, r));
- };
- hooks_module_r.u = !0;
- var c = hooks_module_r.shouldComponentUpdate,
- e = hooks_module_r.componentWillUpdate;
- hooks_module_r.componentWillUpdate = function (n, t, r) {
- if (this.__e) {
- var u = c;
- c = void 0, f(n, t, r), c = u;
- }
- e &&, n, t, r);
- }, hooks_module_r.shouldComponentUpdate = f;
- }
- return o.__N || o.__;
-function hooks_module_p(u, i) {
- var o = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 3);
- !preact_module_l.__s && hooks_module_z(o.__H, i) && (o.__ = u, o.i = i, hooks_module_r.__H.__h.push(o));
-function hooks_module_y(u, i) {
- var o = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 4);
- !preact_module_l.__s && hooks_module_z(o.__H, i) && (o.__ = u, o.i = i, hooks_module_r.__h.push(o));
-function hooks_module_(n) {
- return hooks_module_o = 5, hooks_module_F(function () {
- return {
- current: n
- };
- }, []);
-function hooks_module_A(n, t, r) {
- hooks_module_o = 6, hooks_module_y(function () {
- return "function" == typeof n ? (n(t()), function () {
- return n(null);
- }) : n ? (n.current = t(), function () {
- return n.current = null;
- }) : void 0;
- }, null == r ? r : r.concat(n));
-function hooks_module_F(n, r) {
- var u = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 7);
- return hooks_module_z(u.__H, r) ? (u.__V = n(), u.i = r, u.__h = n, u.__V) : u.__;
-function hooks_module_T(n, t) {
- return hooks_module_o = 8, hooks_module_F(function () {
- return n;
- }, t);
-function hooks_module_q(n) {
- var u = hooks_module_r.context[n.__c],
- i = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 9);
- return i.c = n, u ? (null == i.__ && (i.__ = !0, u.sub(hooks_module_r)), u.props.value) : n.__;
-function hooks_module_x(t, r) {
- n.useDebugValue && n.useDebugValue(r ? r(t) : t);
-function hooks_module_P(n) {
- var u = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 10),
- i = hooks_module_h();
- return u.__ = n, hooks_module_r.componentDidCatch || (hooks_module_r.componentDidCatch = function (n, t) {
- u.__ && u.__(n, t), i[1](n);
- }), [i[0], function () {
- i[1](void 0);
- }];
-function V() {
- var n = hooks_module_d(hooks_module_t++, 11);
- if (!n.__) {
- for (var u = hooks_module_r.__v; null !== u && !u.__m && null !== u.__;) u = u.__;
- var i = u.__m || (u.__m = [0, 0]);
- n.__ = "P" + i[0] + "-" + i[1]++;
- }
- return n.__;
-function hooks_module_b() {
- for (var t; t = hooks_module_f.shift();) if (t.__P && t.__H) try {
- t.__H.__h.forEach(hooks_module_k), t.__H.__h.forEach(hooks_module_w), t.__H.__h = [];
- } catch (r) {
- t.__H.__h = [], preact_module_l.__e(r, t.__v);
- }
-preact_module_l.__b = function (n) {
- hooks_module_r = null, hooks_module_e && hooks_module_e(n);
-}, preact_module_l.__r = function (n) {
- hooks_module_a && hooks_module_a(n), hooks_module_t = 0;
- var i = (hooks_module_r = n.__c).__H;
- i && (hooks_module_u === hooks_module_r ? (i.__h = [], hooks_module_r.__h = [], i.__.forEach(function (n) {
- n.__N && (n.__ = n.__N), n.__V = hooks_module_c, n.__N = n.i = void 0;
- })) : (i.__h.forEach(hooks_module_k), i.__h.forEach(hooks_module_w), i.__h = [], hooks_module_t = 0)), hooks_module_u = hooks_module_r;
-}, preact_module_l.diffed = function (t) {
- hooks_module_v && hooks_module_v(t);
- var o = t.__c;
- o && o.__H && (o.__H.__h.length && (1 !== hooks_module_f.push(o) && hooks_module_i === preact_module_l.requestAnimationFrame || ((hooks_module_i = preact_module_l.requestAnimationFrame) || hooks_module_j)(hooks_module_b)), o.__H.__.forEach(function (n) {
- n.i && (n.__H = n.i), n.__V !== hooks_module_c && (n.__ = n.__V), n.i = void 0, n.__V = hooks_module_c;
- })), hooks_module_u = hooks_module_r = null;
-}, preact_module_l.__c = function (t, r) {
- r.some(function (t) {
- try {
- t.__h.forEach(hooks_module_k), t.__h = t.__h.filter(function (n) {
- return !n.__ || hooks_module_w(n);
- });
- } catch (u) {
- r.some(function (n) {
- n.__h && (n.__h = []);
- }), r = [], preact_module_l.__e(u, t.__v);
- }
- }), l && l(t, r);
-}, preact_module_l.unmount = function (t) {
- hooks_module_m && hooks_module_m(t);
- var r,
- u = t.__c;
- u && u.__H && (u.__H.__.forEach(function (n) {
- try {
- hooks_module_k(n);
- } catch (n) {
- r = n;
- }
- }), u.__H = void 0, r && preact_module_l.__e(r, u.__v));
-var hooks_module_g = "function" == typeof requestAnimationFrame;
-function hooks_module_j(n) {
- var t,
- r = function () {
- clearTimeout(u), hooks_module_g && cancelAnimationFrame(t), setTimeout(n);
- },
- u = setTimeout(r, 100);
- hooks_module_g && (t = requestAnimationFrame(r));
-function hooks_module_k(n) {
- var t = hooks_module_r,
- u = n.__c;
- "function" == typeof u && (n.__c = void 0, u()), hooks_module_r = t;
-function hooks_module_w(n) {
- var t = hooks_module_r;
- n.__c = n.__(), hooks_module_r = t;
-function hooks_module_z(n, t) {
- return !n || n.length !== t.length || t.some(function (t, r) {
- return t !== n[r];
- });
-function hooks_module_B(n, t) {
- return "function" == typeof t ? t(n) : t;
+var hooks_module_t,hooks_module_r,hooks_module_u,hooks_module_i,hooks_module_o=0,hooks_module_f=[],hooks_module_c=[],hooks_module_e=l,hooks_module_a=hooks_module_e.__b,hooks_module_v=hooks_module_e.__r,hooks_module_l=hooks_module_e.diffed,hooks_module_m=hooks_module_e.__c,hooks_module_s=hooks_module_e.unmount,hooks_module_d=hooks_module_e.__;function hooks_module_h(n,t){hooks_module_e.__h&&hooks_module_e.__h(hooks_module_r,n,hooks_module_o||t),hooks_module_o=0;var u=hooks_module_r.__H||(hooks_module_r.__H={__:[],__h:[]});return n>=u.__.length&&u.__.push({__V:hooks_module_c}),u.__[n]}function hooks_module_p(n){return hooks_module_o=1,hooks_module_y(hooks_module_D,n)}function hooks_module_y(n,u,i){var o=hooks_module_h(hooks_module_t++,2);if(o.t=n,!o.__c&&(o.__=[i?i(u):hooks_module_D(void 0,u),function(n){var t=o.__N?o.__N[0]:o.__[0],r=o.t(t,n);t!==r&&(o.__N=[r,o.__[1]],o.__c.setState({}))}],o.__c=hooks_module_r,!hooks_module_r.u)){var f=function(n,t,r){if(!o.__c.__H)return!0;var u=o.__c.__H.__.filter(function(n){return!!n.__c});if(u.every(function(n){return!n.__N}))return!c||,n,t,r);var i=!1;return u.forEach(function(n){if(n.__N){var t=n.__[0];n.__=n.__N,n.__N=void 0,t!==n.__[0]&&(i=!0)}}),!(!i&&o.__c.props===n)&&(!c||,n,t,r))};hooks_module_r.u=!0;var c=hooks_module_r.shouldComponentUpdate,e=hooks_module_r.componentWillUpdate;hooks_module_r.componentWillUpdate=function(n,t,r){if(this.__e){var u=c;c=void 0,f(n,t,r),c=u}e&&,n,t,r)},hooks_module_r.shouldComponentUpdate=f}return o.__N||o.__}function hooks_module_(n,u){var i=hooks_module_h(hooks_module_t++,3);!hooks_module_e.__s&&hooks_module_C(i.__H,u)&&(i.__=n,i.i=u,hooks_module_r.__H.__h.push(i))}function hooks_module_A(n,u){var i=hooks_module_h(hooks_module_t++,4);!hooks_module_e.__s&&hooks_module_C(i.__H,u)&&(i.__=n,i.i=u,hooks_module_r.__h.push(i))}function hooks_module_F(n){return hooks_module_o=5,hooks_module_q(function(){return{current:n}},[])}function hooks_module_T(n,t,r){hooks_module_o=6,hooks_module_A(function(){return"function"==typeof n?(n(t()),function(){return n(null)}):n?(n.current=t(),function(){return n.current=null}):void 0},null==r?r:r.concat(n))}function hooks_module_q(n,r){var u=hooks_module_h(hooks_module_t++,7);return hooks_module_C(u.__H,r)?(u.__V=n(),u.i=r,u.__h=n,u.__V):u.__}function hooks_module_x(n,t){return hooks_module_o=8,hooks_module_q(function(){return n},t)}function hooks_module_P(n){var u=hooks_module_r.context[n.__c],i=hooks_module_h(hooks_module_t++,9);return i.c=n,u?(null==i.__&&(i.__=!0,u.sub(hooks_module_r)),u.props.value):n.__}function V(n,t){hooks_module_e.useDebugValue&&hooks_module_e.useDebugValue(t?t(n):n)}function hooks_module_b(n){var u=hooks_module_h(hooks_module_t++,10),i=hooks_module_p();return u.__=n,hooks_module_r.componentDidCatch||(hooks_module_r.componentDidCatch=function(n,t){u.__&&u.__(n,t),i[1](n)}),[i[0],function(){i[1](void 0)}]}function hooks_module_g(){var n=hooks_module_h(hooks_module_t++,11);if(!n.__){for(var u=hooks_module_r.__v;null!==u&&!u.__m&&null!==u.__;)u=u.__;var i=u.__m||(u.__m=[0,0]);n.__="P"+i[0]+"-"+i[1]++}return n.__}function hooks_module_j(){for(var n;n=hooks_module_f.shift();)if(n.__P&&n.__H)try{n.__H.__h.forEach(hooks_module_z),n.__H.__h.forEach(hooks_module_B),n.__H.__h=[]}catch(t){n.__H.__h=[],hooks_module_e.__e(t,n.__v)}}hooks_module_e.__b=function(n){hooks_module_r=null,hooks_module_a&&hooks_module_a(n)},hooks_module_e.__=function(n,t){n&&t.__k&&t.__k.__m&&(n.__m=t.__k.__m),hooks_module_d&&hooks_module_d(n,t)},hooks_module_e.__r=function(n){hooks_module_v&&hooks_module_v(n),hooks_module_t=0;var i=(hooks_module_r=n.__c).__H;i&&(hooks_module_u===hooks_module_r?(i.__h=[],hooks_module_r.__h=[],i.__.forEach(function(n){n.__N&&(n.__=n.__N),n.__V=hooks_module_c,n.__N=n.i=void 0})):(i.__h.forEach(hooks_module_z),i.__h.forEach(hooks_module_B),i.__h=[],hooks_module_t=0)),hooks_module_u=hooks_module_r},hooks_module_e.diffed=function(n){hooks_module_l&&hooks_module_l(n);var t=n.__c;t&&t.__H&&(t.__H.__h.length&&(1!==hooks_module_f.push(t)&&hooks_module_i===hooks_module_e.requestAnimationFrame||((hooks_module_i=hooks_module_e.requestAnimationFrame)||hooks_module_w)(hooks_module_j)),t.__H.__.forEach(function(n){n.i&&(n.__H=n.i),n.__V!==hooks_module_c&&(n.__=n.__V),n.i=void 0,n.__V=hooks_module_c})),hooks_module_u=hooks_module_r=null},hooks_module_e.__c=function(n,t){t.some(function(n){try{n.__h.forEach(hooks_module_z),n.__h=n.__h.filter(function(n){return!n.__||hooks_module_B(n)})}catch(r){t.some(function(n){n.__h&&(n.__h=[])}),t=[],hooks_module_e.__e(r,n.__v)}}),hooks_module_m&&hooks_module_m(n,t)},hooks_module_e.unmount=function(n){hooks_module_s&&hooks_module_s(n);var t,r=n.__c;r&&r.__H&&(r.__H.__.forEach(function(n){try{hooks_module_z(n)}catch(n){t=n}}),r.__H=void 0,t&&hooks_module_e.__e(t,r.__v))};var hooks_module_k="function"==typeof requestAnimationFrame;function hooks_module_w(n){var t,r=function(){clearTimeout(u),hooks_module_k&&cancelAnimationFrame(t),setTimeout(n)},u=setTimeout(r,100);hooks_module_k&&(t=requestAnimationFrame(r))}function hooks_module_z(n){var t=hooks_module_r,u=n.__c;"function"==typeof u&&(n.__c=void 0,u()),hooks_module_r=t}function hooks_module_B(n){var t=hooks_module_r;n.__c=n.__(),hooks_module_r=t}function hooks_module_C(n,t){return!n||n.length!==t.length||t.some(function(t,r){return t!==n[r]})}function hooks_module_D(n,t){return"function"==typeof t?t(n):t}
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@preact/signals-core/dist/signals-core.module.js
-function signals_core_module_i() {
- throw new Error("Cycle detected");
-var signals_core_module_t = Symbol.for("preact-signals");
-function signals_core_module_r() {
- if (!(signals_core_module_v > 1)) {
- var i,
- t = !1;
- while (void 0 !== signals_core_module_f) {
- var r = signals_core_module_f;
- signals_core_module_f = void 0;
- signals_core_module_e++;
- while (void 0 !== r) {
- var n = r.o;
- r.o = void 0;
- r.f &= -3;
- if (!(8 & r.f) && signals_core_module_l(r)) try {
- r.c();
- } catch (r) {
- if (!t) {
- i = r;
- t = !0;
- }
- }
- r = n;
- }
- }
- signals_core_module_e = 0;
- signals_core_module_v--;
- if (t) throw i;
- } else signals_core_module_v--;
-function signals_core_module_n(i) {
- if (signals_core_module_v > 0) return i();
- signals_core_module_v++;
- try {
- return i();
- } finally {
- signals_core_module_r();
- }
-var signals_core_module_o = void 0,
- signals_core_module_h = 0;
-function signals_core_module_s(i) {
- if (signals_core_module_h > 0) return i();
- var t = signals_core_module_o;
- signals_core_module_o = void 0;
- signals_core_module_h++;
- try {
- return i();
- } finally {
- signals_core_module_h--;
- signals_core_module_o = t;
- }
-var signals_core_module_f = void 0,
- signals_core_module_v = 0,
- signals_core_module_e = 0,
- signals_core_module_u = 0;
-function signals_core_module_c(i) {
- if (void 0 !== signals_core_module_o) {
- var t = i.n;
- if (void 0 === t || t.t !== signals_core_module_o) {
- t = {
- i: 0,
- S: i,
- p: signals_core_module_o.s,
- n: void 0,
- t: signals_core_module_o,
- e: void 0,
- x: void 0,
- r: t
- };
- if (void 0 !== signals_core_module_o.s) signals_core_module_o.s.n = t;
- signals_core_module_o.s = t;
- i.n = t;
- if (32 & signals_core_module_o.f) i.S(t);
- return t;
- } else if (-1 === t.i) {
- t.i = 0;
- if (void 0 !== t.n) {
- t.n.p = t.p;
- if (void 0 !== t.p) t.p.n = t.n;
- t.p = signals_core_module_o.s;
- t.n = void 0;
- signals_core_module_o.s.n = t;
- signals_core_module_o.s = t;
- }
- return t;
- }
- }
-function signals_core_module_d(i) {
- this.v = i;
- this.i = 0;
- this.n = void 0;
- this.t = void 0;
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.brand = signals_core_module_t;
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.h = function () {
- return !0;
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.S = function (i) {
- if (this.t !== i && void 0 === i.e) {
- i.x = this.t;
- if (void 0 !== this.t) this.t.e = i;
- this.t = i;
- }
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.U = function (i) {
- if (void 0 !== this.t) {
- var t = i.e,
- r = i.x;
- if (void 0 !== t) {
- t.x = r;
- i.e = void 0;
- }
- if (void 0 !== r) {
- r.e = t;
- i.x = void 0;
- }
- if (i === this.t) this.t = r;
- }
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.subscribe = function (i) {
- var t = this;
- return signals_core_module_O(function () {
- var r = t.value,
- n = 32 & this.f;
- this.f &= -33;
- try {
- i(r);
- } finally {
- this.f |= n;
- }
- });
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.valueOf = function () {
- return this.value;
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.toString = function () {
- return this.value + "";
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.toJSON = function () {
- return this.value;
-signals_core_module_d.prototype.peek = function () {
- return this.v;
-Object.defineProperty(signals_core_module_d.prototype, "value", {
- get: function () {
- var i = signals_core_module_c(this);
- if (void 0 !== i) i.i = this.i;
- return this.v;
- },
- set: function (t) {
- if (signals_core_module_o instanceof signals_core_module_) !function () {
- throw new Error("Computed cannot have side-effects");
- }();
- if (t !== this.v) {
- if (signals_core_module_e > 100) signals_core_module_i();
- this.v = t;
- this.i++;
- signals_core_module_u++;
- signals_core_module_v++;
- try {
- for (var n = this.t; void 0 !== n; n = n.x) n.t.N();
- } finally {
- signals_core_module_r();
- }
- }
- }
-function signals_core_module_a(i) {
- return new signals_core_module_d(i);
-function signals_core_module_l(i) {
- for (var t = i.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) if (t.S.i !== t.i || !t.S.h() || t.S.i !== t.i) return !0;
- return !1;
-function signals_core_module_y(i) {
- for (var t = i.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) {
- var r = t.S.n;
- if (void 0 !== r) t.r = r;
- t.S.n = t;
- t.i = -1;
- if (void 0 === t.n) {
- i.s = t;
- break;
- }
- }
-function signals_core_module_w(i) {
- var t = i.s,
- r = void 0;
- while (void 0 !== t) {
- var n = t.p;
- if (-1 === t.i) {
- t.S.U(t);
- if (void 0 !== n) n.n = t.n;
- if (void 0 !== t.n) t.n.p = n;
- } else r = t;
- t.S.n = t.r;
- if (void 0 !== t.r) t.r = void 0;
- t = n;
- }
- i.s = r;
-function signals_core_module_(i) {
-, void 0);
- this.x = i;
- this.s = void 0;
- this.g = signals_core_module_u - 1;
- this.f = 4;
-(signals_core_module_.prototype = new signals_core_module_d()).h = function () {
- this.f &= -3;
- if (1 & this.f) return !1;
- if (32 == (36 & this.f)) return !0;
- this.f &= -5;
- if (this.g === signals_core_module_u) return !0;
- this.g = signals_core_module_u;
- this.f |= 1;
- if (this.i > 0 && !signals_core_module_l(this)) {
- this.f &= -2;
- return !0;
- }
- var i = signals_core_module_o;
- try {
- signals_core_module_y(this);
- signals_core_module_o = this;
- var t = this.x();
- if (16 & this.f || this.v !== t || 0 === this.i) {
- this.v = t;
- this.f &= -17;
- this.i++;
- }
- } catch (i) {
- this.v = i;
- this.f |= 16;
- this.i++;
- }
- signals_core_module_o = i;
- signals_core_module_w(this);
- this.f &= -2;
- return !0;
-signals_core_module_.prototype.S = function (i) {
- if (void 0 === this.t) {
- this.f |= 36;
- for (var t = this.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) t.S.S(t);
- }
-, i);
-signals_core_module_.prototype.U = function (i) {
- if (void 0 !== this.t) {
-, i);
- if (void 0 === this.t) {
- this.f &= -33;
- for (var t = this.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) t.S.U(t);
- }
- }
-signals_core_module_.prototype.N = function () {
- if (!(2 & this.f)) {
- this.f |= 6;
- for (var i = this.t; void 0 !== i; i = i.x) i.t.N();
- }
-signals_core_module_.prototype.peek = function () {
- if (!this.h()) signals_core_module_i();
- if (16 & this.f) throw this.v;
- return this.v;
-Object.defineProperty(signals_core_module_.prototype, "value", {
- get: function () {
- if (1 & this.f) signals_core_module_i();
- var t = signals_core_module_c(this);
- this.h();
- if (void 0 !== t) t.i = this.i;
- if (16 & this.f) throw this.v;
- return this.v;
- }
-function signals_core_module_p(i) {
- return new signals_core_module_(i);
-function signals_core_module_g(i) {
- var t = i.u;
- i.u = void 0;
- if ("function" == typeof t) {
- signals_core_module_v++;
- var n = signals_core_module_o;
- signals_core_module_o = void 0;
- try {
- t();
- } catch (t) {
- i.f &= -2;
- i.f |= 8;
- signals_core_module_b(i);
- throw t;
- } finally {
- signals_core_module_o = n;
- signals_core_module_r();
- }
- }
-function signals_core_module_b(i) {
- for (var t = i.s; void 0 !== t; t = t.n) t.S.U(t);
- i.x = void 0;
- i.s = void 0;
- signals_core_module_g(i);
-function signals_core_module_x(i) {
- if (signals_core_module_o !== this) throw new Error("Out-of-order effect");
- signals_core_module_w(this);
- signals_core_module_o = i;
- this.f &= -2;
- if (8 & this.f) signals_core_module_b(this);
- signals_core_module_r();
-function signals_core_module_E(i) {
- this.x = i;
- this.u = void 0;
- this.s = void 0;
- this.o = void 0;
- this.f = 32;
-signals_core_module_E.prototype.c = function () {
- var i = this.S();
- try {
- if (8 & this.f) return;
- if (void 0 === this.x) return;
- var t = this.x();
- if ("function" == typeof t) this.u = t;
- } finally {
- i();
- }
-signals_core_module_E.prototype.S = function () {
- if (1 & this.f) signals_core_module_i();
- this.f |= 1;
- this.f &= -9;
- signals_core_module_g(this);
- signals_core_module_y(this);
- signals_core_module_v++;
- var t = signals_core_module_o;
- signals_core_module_o = this;
- return signals_core_module_x.bind(this, t);
-signals_core_module_E.prototype.N = function () {
- if (!(2 & this.f)) {
- this.f |= 2;
- this.o = signals_core_module_f;
- signals_core_module_f = this;
- }
-signals_core_module_E.prototype.d = function () {
- this.f |= 8;
- if (!(1 & this.f)) signals_core_module_b(this);
-function signals_core_module_O(i) {
- var t = new signals_core_module_E(i);
- try {
- t.c();
- } catch (i) {
- t.d();
- throw i;
- }
- return t.d.bind(t);
+function signals_core_module_i(){throw new Error("Cycle detected")}var signals_core_module_t=Symbol.for("preact-signals");function signals_core_module_r(){if(!(signals_core_module_v>1)){var i,t=!1;while(void 0!==signals_core_module_f){var r=signals_core_module_f;signals_core_module_f=void 0;signals_core_module_e++;while(void 0!==r){var n=r.o;r.o=void 0;r.f&=-3;if(!(8&r.f)&&signals_core_module_l(r))try{r.c()}catch(r){if(!t){i=r;t=!0}}r=n}}signals_core_module_e=0;signals_core_module_v--;if(t)throw i}else signals_core_module_v--}function signals_core_module_n(i){if(signals_core_module_v>0)return i();signals_core_module_v++;try{return i()}finally{signals_core_module_r()}}var signals_core_module_o=void 0,signals_core_module_h=0;function signals_core_module_s(i){if(signals_core_module_h>0)return i();var t=signals_core_module_o;signals_core_module_o=void 0;signals_core_module_h++;try{return i()}finally{signals_core_module_h--;signals_core_module_o=t}}var signals_core_module_f=void 0,signals_core_module_v=0,signals_core_module_e=0,signals_core_module_u=0;function signals_core_module_c(i){if(void 0!==signals_core_module_o){var t=i.n;if(void 0===t||t.t!==signals_core_module_o){t={i:0,S:i,p:signals_core_module_o.s,n:void 0,t:signals_core_module_o,e:void 0,x:void 0,r:t};if(void 0!==signals_core_module_o.s)signals_core_module_o.s.n=t;signals_core_module_o.s=t;i.n=t;if(32&signals_core_module_o.f)i.S(t);return t}else if(-1===t.i){t.i=0;if(void 0!==t.n){t.n.p=t.p;if(void 0!==t.p)t.p.n=t.n;t.p=signals_core_module_o.s;t.n=void 0;signals_core_module_o.s.n=t;signals_core_module_o.s=t}return t}}}function signals_core_module_d(i){this.v=i;this.i=0;this.n=void 0;this.t=void 0}signals_core_module_d.prototype.brand=signals_core_module_t;signals_core_module_d.prototype.h=function(){return!0};signals_core_module_d.prototype.S=function(i){if(this.t!==i&&void 0===i.e){i.x=this.t;if(void 0!==this.t)this.t.e=i;this.t=i}};signals_core_module_d.prototype.U=function(i){if(void 0!==this.t){var t=i.e,r=i.x;if(void 0!==t){t.x=r;i.e=void 0}if(void 0!==r){r.e=t;i.x=void 0}if(i===this.t)this.t=r}};signals_core_module_d.prototype.subscribe=function(i){var t=this;return signals_core_module_O(function(){var r=t.value,n=32&this.f;this.f&=-33;try{i(r)}finally{this.f|=n}})};signals_core_module_d.prototype.valueOf=function(){return this.value};signals_core_module_d.prototype.toString=function(){return this.value+""};signals_core_module_d.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.value};signals_core_module_d.prototype.peek=function(){return this.v};Object.defineProperty(signals_core_module_d.prototype,"value",{get:function(){var i=signals_core_module_c(this);if(void 0!==i)i.i=this.i;return this.v},set:function(t){if(signals_core_module_o instanceof signals_core_module_)!function(){throw new Error("Computed cannot have side-effects")}();if(t!==this.v){if(signals_core_module_e>100)signals_core_module_i();this.v=t;this.i++;signals_core_module_u++;signals_core_module_v++;try{for(var n=this.t;void 0!==n;n=n.x)n.t.N()}finally{signals_core_module_r()}}}});function signals_core_module_a(i){return new signals_core_module_d(i)}function signals_core_module_l(i){for(var t=i.s;void 0!==t;t=t.n)if(t.S.i!==t.i||!t.S.h()||t.S.i!==t.i)return!0;return!1}function signals_core_module_y(i){for(var t=i.s;void 0!==t;t=t.n){var r=t.S.n;if(void 0!==r)t.r=r;t.S.n=t;t.i=-1;if(void 0===t.n){i.s=t;break}}}function signals_core_module_w(i){var t=i.s,r=void 0;while(void 0!==t){var n=t.p;if(-1===t.i){t.S.U(t);if(void 0!==n)n.n=t.n;if(void 0!==t.n)t.n.p=n}else r=t;t.S.n=t.r;if(void 0!==t.r)t.r=void 0;t=n}i.s=r}function signals_core_module_(i){,void 0);this.x=i;this.s=void 0;this.g=signals_core_module_u-1;this.f=4}(signals_core_module_.prototype=new signals_core_module_d).h=function(){this.f&=-3;if(1&this.f)return!1;if(32==(36&this.f))return!0;this.f&=-5;if(this.g===signals_core_module_u)return!0;this.g=signals_core_module_u;this.f|=1;if(this.i>0&&!signals_core_module_l(this)){this.f&=-2;return!0}var i=signals_core_module_o;try{signals_core_module_y(this);signals_core_module_o=this;var t=this.x();if(16&this.f||this.v!==t||0===this.i){this.v=t;this.f&=-17;this.i++}}catch(i){this.v=i;this.f|=16;this.i++}signals_core_module_o=i;signals_core_module_w(this);this.f&=-2;return!0};signals_core_module_.prototype.S=function(i){if(void 0===this.t){this.f|=36;for(var t=this.s;void 0!==t;t=t.n)t.S.S(t)},i)};signals_core_module_.prototype.U=function(i){if(void 0!==this.t){,i);if(void 0===this.t){this.f&=-33;for(var t=this.s;void 0!==t;t=t.n)t.S.U(t)}}};signals_core_module_.prototype.N=function(){if(!(2&this.f)){this.f|=6;for(var i=this.t;void 0!==i;i=i.x)i.t.N()}};signals_core_module_.prototype.peek=function(){if(!this.h())signals_core_module_i();if(16&this.f)throw this.v;return this.v};Object.defineProperty(signals_core_module_.prototype,"value",{get:function(){if(1&this.f)signals_core_module_i();var t=signals_core_module_c(this);this.h();if(void 0!==t)t.i=this.i;if(16&this.f)throw this.v;return this.v}});function signals_core_module_p(i){return new signals_core_module_(i)}function signals_core_module_g(i){var t=i.u;i.u=void 0;if("function"==typeof t){signals_core_module_v++;var n=signals_core_module_o;signals_core_module_o=void 0;try{t()}catch(t){i.f&=-2;i.f|=8;signals_core_module_b(i);throw t}finally{signals_core_module_o=n;signals_core_module_r()}}}function signals_core_module_b(i){for(var t=i.s;void 0!==t;t=t.n)t.S.U(t);i.x=void 0;i.s=void 0;signals_core_module_g(i)}function signals_core_module_x(i){if(signals_core_module_o!==this)throw new Error("Out-of-order effect");signals_core_module_w(this);signals_core_module_o=i;this.f&=-2;if(8&this.f)signals_core_module_b(this);signals_core_module_r()}function signals_core_module_E(i){this.x=i;this.u=void 0;this.s=void 0;this.o=void 0;this.f=32}signals_core_module_E.prototype.c=function(){var i=this.S();try{if(8&this.f)return;if(void 0===this.x)return;var t=this.x();if("function"==typeof t)this.u=t}finally{i()}};signals_core_module_E.prototype.S=function(){if(1&this.f)signals_core_module_i();this.f|=1;this.f&=-9;signals_core_module_g(this);signals_core_module_y(this);signals_core_module_v++;var t=signals_core_module_o;signals_core_module_o=this;return signals_core_module_x.bind(this,t)};signals_core_module_E.prototype.N=function(){if(!(2&this.f)){this.f|=2;this.o=signals_core_module_f;signals_core_module_f=this}};signals_core_module_E.prototype.d=function(){this.f|=8;if(!(1&this.f))signals_core_module_b(this)};function signals_core_module_O(i){var t=new signals_core_module_E(i);try{t.c()}catch(i){t.d();throw i}return t.d.bind(t)}
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@preact/signals/dist/signals.module.js
-var signals_module_v, signals_module_s;
-function signals_module_l(n, i) {
- preact_module_l[n] = i.bind(null, preact_module_l[n] || function () {});
-function signals_module_d(n) {
- if (signals_module_s) signals_module_s();
- signals_module_s = n && n.S();
-function signals_module_p(n) {
- var r = this,
- f =,
- o = useSignal(f);
- o.value = f;
- var e = hooks_module_F(function () {
- var n = r.__v;
- while (n = n.__) if (n.__c) {
- n.__c.__$f |= 4;
- break;
- }
- r.__$u.c = function () {
- var n;
- if (!preact_module_t(e.peek()) && 3 === (null == (n = r.base) ? void 0 : n.nodeType)) = e.peek();else {
- r.__$f |= 1;
- r.setState({});
- }
- };
- return signals_core_module_p(function () {
- var n = o.value.value;
- return 0 === n ? 0 : !0 === n ? "" : n || "";
- });
- }, []);
- return e.value;
-signals_module_p.displayName = "_st";
-Object.defineProperties(signals_core_module_d.prototype, {
- constructor: {
- configurable: !0,
- value: void 0
- },
- type: {
- configurable: !0,
- value: signals_module_p
- },
- props: {
- configurable: !0,
- get: function () {
- return {
- data: this
- };
- }
- },
- __b: {
- configurable: !0,
- value: 1
- }
-signals_module_l("__b", function (n, r) {
- if ("string" == typeof r.type) {
- var i,
- t = r.props;
- for (var f in t) if ("children" !== f) {
- var o = t[f];
- if (o instanceof signals_core_module_d) {
- if (!i) r.__np = i = {};
- i[f] = o;
- t[f] = o.peek();
- }
- }
- }
- n(r);
-signals_module_l("__r", function (n, r) {
- signals_module_d();
- var i,
- t = r.__c;
- if (t) {
- t.__$f &= -2;
- if (void 0 === (i = t.__$u)) t.__$u = i = function (n) {
- var r;
- signals_core_module_O(function () {
- r = this;
- });
- r.c = function () {
- t.__$f |= 1;
- t.setState({});
- };
- return r;
- }();
- }
- signals_module_v = t;
- signals_module_d(i);
- n(r);
-signals_module_l("__e", function (n, r, i, t) {
- signals_module_d();
- signals_module_v = void 0;
- n(r, i, t);
-signals_module_l("diffed", function (n, r) {
- signals_module_d();
- signals_module_v = void 0;
- var i;
- if ("string" == typeof r.type && (i = r.__e)) {
- var t = r.__np,
- f = r.props;
- if (t) {
- var o = i.U;
- if (o) for (var e in o) {
- var u = o[e];
- if (void 0 !== u && !(e in t)) {
- u.d();
- o[e] = void 0;
- }
- } else i.U = o = {};
- for (var a in t) {
- var c = o[a],
- s = t[a];
- if (void 0 === c) {
- c = signals_module_(i, a, s, f);
- o[a] = c;
- } else c.o(s, f);
- }
- }
- }
- n(r);
-function signals_module_(n, r, i, t) {
- var f = r in n && void 0 === n.ownerSVGElement,
- o = signals_core_module_a(i);
- return {
- o: function (n, r) {
- o.value = n;
- t = r;
- },
- d: signals_core_module_O(function () {
- var i = o.value.value;
- if (t[r] !== i) {
- t[r] = i;
- if (f) n[r] = i;else if (i) n.setAttribute(r, i);else n.removeAttribute(r);
- }
- })
- };
-signals_module_l("unmount", function (n, r) {
- if ("string" == typeof r.type) {
- var i = r.__e;
- if (i) {
- var t = i.U;
- if (t) {
- i.U = void 0;
- for (var f in t) {
- var o = t[f];
- if (o) o.d();
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- var e = r.__c;
- if (e) {
- var u = e.__$u;
- if (u) {
- e.__$u = void 0;
- u.d();
- }
- }
- }
- n(r);
-signals_module_l("__h", function (n, r, i, t) {
- if (t < 3 || 9 === t) r.__$f |= 2;
- n(r, i, t);
-b.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function (n, r) {
- var i = this.__$u;
- if (!(i && void 0 !== i.s || 4 & this.__$f)) return !0;
- if (3 & this.__$f) return !0;
- for (var t in r) return !0;
- for (var f in n) if ("__source" !== f && n[f] !== this.props[f]) return !0;
- for (var o in this.props) if (!(o in n)) return !0;
- return !1;
-function useSignal(n) {
- return hooks_module_F(function () {
- return signals_core_module_a(n);
- }, []);
-function useComputed(n) {
- var r = f(n);
- r.current = n;
- signals_module_v.__$f |= 4;
- return t(function () {
- return u(function () {
- return r.current();
- });
- }, []);
-function useSignalEffect(n) {
- var r = f(n);
- r.current = n;
- o(function () {
- return c(function () {
- return r.current();
- });
- }, []);
+var signals_module_v,signals_module_s;function signals_module_l(n,i){l[n]=i.bind(null,l[n]||function(){})}function signals_module_d(n){if(signals_module_s)signals_module_s();signals_module_s=n&&n.S()}function signals_module_p(n){var r=this,,o=useSignal(f);o.value=f;var e=hooks_module_q(function(){var n=r.__v;while(n=n.__)if(n.__c){n.__c.__$f|=4;break}r.__$u.c=function(){var n;if(!preact_module_t(e.peek())&&3===(null==(n=r.base)?void 0:n.nodeType));else{r.__$f|=1;r.setState({})}};return signals_core_module_p(function(){var n=o.value.value;return 0===n?0:!0===n?"":n||""})},[]);return e.value}signals_module_p.displayName="_st";Object.defineProperties(signals_core_module_d.prototype,{constructor:{configurable:!0,value:void 0},type:{configurable:!0,value:signals_module_p},props:{configurable:!0,get:function(){return{data:this}}},__b:{configurable:!0,value:1}});signals_module_l("__b",function(n,r){if("string"==typeof r.type){var i,t=r.props;for(var f in t)if("children"!==f){var o=t[f];if(o instanceof signals_core_module_d){if(!i)r.__np=i={};i[f]=o;t[f]=o.peek()}}}n(r)});signals_module_l("__r",function(n,r){signals_module_d();var i,t=r.__c;if(t){t.__$f&=-2;if(void 0===(i=t.__$u))t.__$u=i=function(n){var r;signals_core_module_O(function(){r=this});r.c=function(){t.__$f|=1;t.setState({})};return r}()}signals_module_v=t;signals_module_d(i);n(r)});signals_module_l("__e",function(n,r,i,t){signals_module_d();signals_module_v=void 0;n(r,i,t)});signals_module_l("diffed",function(n,r){signals_module_d();signals_module_v=void 0;var i;if("string"==typeof r.type&&(i=r.__e)){var t=r.__np,f=r.props;if(t){var o=i.U;if(o)for(var e in o){var u=o[e];if(void 0!==u&&!(e in t)){u.d();o[e]=void 0}}else i.U=o={};for(var a in t){var c=o[a],s=t[a];if(void 0===c){c=signals_module_(i,a,s,f);o[a]=c}else c.o(s,f)}}}n(r)});function signals_module_(n,r,i,t){var f=r in n&&void 0===n.ownerSVGElement,o=signals_core_module_a(i);return{o:function(n,r){o.value=n;t=r},d:signals_core_module_O(function(){var i=o.value.value;if(t[r]!==i){t[r]=i;if(f)n[r]=i;else if(i)n.setAttribute(r,i);else n.removeAttribute(r)}})}}signals_module_l("unmount",function(n,r){if("string"==typeof r.type){var i=r.__e;if(i){var t=i.U;if(t){i.U=void 0;for(var f in t){var o=t[f];if(o)o.d()}}}}else{var e=r.__c;if(e){var u=e.__$u;if(u){e.__$u=void 0;u.d()}}}n(r)});signals_module_l("__h",function(n,r,i,t){if(t<3||9===t)r.__$f|=2;n(r,i,t)});b.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate=function(n,r){var i=this.__$u;if(!(i&&void 0!==i.s||4&this.__$f))return!0;if(3&this.__$f)return!0;for(var t in r)return!0;for(var f in n)if("__source"!==f&&n[f]!==this.props[f])return!0;for(var o in this.props)if(!(o in n))return!0;return!1};function useSignal(n){return hooks_module_q(function(){return signals_core_module_a(n)},[])}function useComputed(n){var r=f(n);r.current=n;signals_module_v.__$f|=4;return t(function(){return u(function(){return r.current()})},[])}function useSignalEffect(n){var r=f(n);r.current=n;o(function(){return c(function(){return r.current()})},[])}
;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/deepsignal/dist/deepsignal.module.js
-var deepsignal_module_a = new WeakMap(),
- deepsignal_module_o = new WeakMap(),
- deepsignal_module_s = new WeakMap(),
- deepsignal_module_c = new WeakSet(),
- deepsignal_module_u = new WeakMap(),
- deepsignal_module_i = /^\$/,
- deepsignal_module_f = !1,
- deepsignal_module_l = function (e) {
- if (!deepsignal_module_d(e)) throw new Error("This object can't be observed.");
- return deepsignal_module_o.has(e) || deepsignal_module_o.set(e, deepsignal_module_h(e, deepsignal_module_v)), deepsignal_module_o.get(e);
- },
- deepsignal_module_g = function (e, t) {
- deepsignal_module_f = !0;
- var r = e[t];
- try {
- deepsignal_module_f = !1;
- } catch (e) {}
- return r;
- },
- deepsignal_module_h = function (e, t) {
- var r = new Proxy(e, t);
- return deepsignal_module_c.add(r), r;
- },
- deepsignal_module_p = function () {
- throw new Error("Don't mutate the signals directly.");
- },
- deepsignal_module_y = function (e) {
- return function (t, c, u) {
- var l;
- if (deepsignal_module_f) return Reflect.get(t, c, u);
- var g = e || "$" === c[0];
- if (!e && g && Array.isArray(t)) {
- if ("$" === c) return deepsignal_module_s.has(t) || deepsignal_module_s.set(t, deepsignal_module_h(t, deepsignal_module_w)), deepsignal_module_s.get(t);
- g = "$length" === c;
- }
- deepsignal_module_a.has(u) || deepsignal_module_a.set(u, new Map());
- var p = deepsignal_module_a.get(u),
- y = g ? c.replace(deepsignal_module_i, "") : c;
- if (p.has(y) || "function" != typeof (null == (l = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, y)) ? void 0 : l.get)) {
- var b = Reflect.get(t, y, u);
- if (g && "function" == typeof b) return;
- if ("symbol" == typeof y && deepsignal_module_m.has(y)) return b;
- p.has(y) || (deepsignal_module_d(b) && (deepsignal_module_o.has(b) || deepsignal_module_o.set(b, deepsignal_module_h(b, deepsignal_module_v)), b = deepsignal_module_o.get(b)), p.set(y, signals_core_module_a(b)));
- } else p.set(y, signals_core_module_p(function () {
- return Reflect.get(t, y, u);
- }));
- return g ? p.get(y) : p.get(y).value;
- };
- },
- deepsignal_module_v = {
- get: deepsignal_module_y(!1),
- set: function (e, n, s, c) {
- deepsignal_module_a.has(c) || deepsignal_module_a.set(c, new Map());
- var f = deepsignal_module_a.get(c);
- if ("$" === n[0]) {
- s instanceof signals_core_module_d || deepsignal_module_p();
- var l = n.replace(deepsignal_module_i, "");
- return f.set(l, s), Reflect.set(e, l, s.peek(), c);
- }
- var g = s;
- deepsignal_module_d(s) && (deepsignal_module_o.has(s) || deepsignal_module_o.set(s, deepsignal_module_h(s, deepsignal_module_v)), g = deepsignal_module_o.get(s));
- var y = !(n in e),
- w = Reflect.set(e, n, s, c);
- return f.has(n) ? f.get(n).value = g : f.set(n, signals_core_module_a(g)), y && deepsignal_module_u.has(e) && deepsignal_module_u.get(e).value++, Array.isArray(e) && f.has("length") && (f.get("length").value = e.length), w;
- },
- deleteProperty: function (e, t) {
- "$" === t[0] && deepsignal_module_p();
- var r = deepsignal_module_a.get(deepsignal_module_o.get(e)),
- n = Reflect.deleteProperty(e, t);
- return r && r.has(t) && (r.get(t).value = void 0), deepsignal_module_u.has(e) && deepsignal_module_u.get(e).value++, n;
- },
- ownKeys: function (e) {
- return deepsignal_module_u.has(e) || deepsignal_module_u.set(e, signals_core_module_a(0)), deepsignal_module_u._ = deepsignal_module_u.get(e).value, Reflect.ownKeys(e);
- }
- },
- deepsignal_module_w = {
- get: deepsignal_module_y(!0),
- set: deepsignal_module_p,
- deleteProperty: deepsignal_module_p
- },
- deepsignal_module_m = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).map(function (e) {
- return Symbol[e];
- }).filter(function (e) {
- return "symbol" == typeof e;
- })),
- deepsignal_module_b = new Set([Object, Array]),
- deepsignal_module_d = function (e) {
- return "object" == typeof e && null !== e && (!("function" == typeof e.constructor && in globalThis && globalThis[] === e.constructor) || deepsignal_module_b.has(e.constructor)) && !deepsignal_module_c.has(e);
- },
- deepsignal_module_k = function (t) {
- return e(function () {
- return deepsignal_module_l(t);
- }, []);
- };
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/portals.js
+var deepsignal_module_a=new WeakMap,deepsignal_module_o=new WeakMap,deepsignal_module_s=new WeakMap,deepsignal_module_u=new WeakSet,deepsignal_module_c=new WeakMap,deepsignal_module_f=/^\$/,deepsignal_module_i=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,deepsignal_module_l=!1,deepsignal_module_g=function(e){if(!deepsignal_module_k(e))throw new Error("This object can't be observed.");return deepsignal_module_o.has(e)||deepsignal_module_o.set(e,deepsignal_module_v(e,deepsignal_module_d)),deepsignal_module_o.get(e)},deepsignal_module_p=function(e,t){deepsignal_module_l=!0;var r=e[t];try{deepsignal_module_l=!1}catch(e){}return r};function deepsignal_module_h(e){return deepsignal_module_u.add(e),e}var deepsignal_module_v=function(e,t){var r=new Proxy(e,t);return deepsignal_module_u.add(r),r},deepsignal_module_y=function(){throw new Error("Don't mutate the signals directly.")},deepsignal_module_w=function(e){return function(t,u,c){var g;if(deepsignal_module_l)return Reflect.get(t,u,c);var p=e||"$"===u[0];if(!e&&p&&Array.isArray(t)){if("$"===u)return deepsignal_module_s.has(t)||deepsignal_module_s.set(t,deepsignal_module_v(t,deepsignal_module_m)),deepsignal_module_s.get(t);p="$length"===u}deepsignal_module_a.has(c)||deepsignal_module_a.set(c,new Map);var h=deepsignal_module_a.get(c),y=p?u.replace(deepsignal_module_f,""):u;if(h.has(y)||"function"!=typeof(null==(g=deepsignal_module_i(t,y))?void 0:g.get)){var w=Reflect.get(t,y,c);if(p&&"function"==typeof w)return;if("symbol"==typeof y&&deepsignal_module_b.has(y))return w;h.has(y)||(deepsignal_module_k(w)&&(deepsignal_module_o.has(w)||deepsignal_module_o.set(w,deepsignal_module_v(w,deepsignal_module_d)),w=deepsignal_module_o.get(w)),h.set(y,signals_core_module_a(w)))}else h.set(y,signals_core_module_p(function(){return Reflect.get(t,y,c)}));return p?h.get(y):h.get(y).value}},deepsignal_module_d={get:deepsignal_module_w(!1),set:function(e,n,s,u){var l;if("function"==typeof(null==(l=deepsignal_module_i(e,n))?void 0:l.set))return Reflect.set(e,n,s,u);deepsignal_module_a.has(u)||deepsignal_module_a.set(u,new Map);var g=deepsignal_module_a.get(u);if("$"===n[0]){s instanceof signals_core_module_d||deepsignal_module_y();var p=n.replace(deepsignal_module_f,"");return g.set(p,s),Reflect.set(e,p,s.peek(),u)}var h=s;deepsignal_module_k(s)&&(deepsignal_module_o.has(s)||deepsignal_module_o.set(s,deepsignal_module_v(s,deepsignal_module_d)),h=deepsignal_module_o.get(s));var w=!(n in e),m=Reflect.set(e,n,s,u);return g.has(n)?g.get(n).value=h:g.set(n,signals_core_module_a(h)),w&&deepsignal_module_c.has(e)&&deepsignal_module_c.get(e).value++,Array.isArray(e)&&g.has("length")&&(g.get("length").value=e.length),m},deleteProperty:function(e,t){"$"===t[0]&&deepsignal_module_y();var r=deepsignal_module_a.get(deepsignal_module_o.get(e)),n=Reflect.deleteProperty(e,t);return r&&r.has(t)&&(r.get(t).value=void 0),deepsignal_module_c.has(e)&&deepsignal_module_c.get(e).value++,n},ownKeys:function(e){return deepsignal_module_c.has(e)||deepsignal_module_c.set(e,signals_core_module_a(0)),deepsignal_module_c._=deepsignal_module_c.get(e).value,Reflect.ownKeys(e)}},deepsignal_module_m={get:deepsignal_module_w(!0),set:deepsignal_module_y,deleteProperty:deepsignal_module_y},deepsignal_module_b=new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).map(function(e){return Symbol[e]}).filter(function(e){return"symbol"==typeof e})),R=new Set([Object,Array]),deepsignal_module_k=function(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e&&R.has(e.constructor)&&!deepsignal_module_u.has(e)},deepsignal_module_M=function(t){return e(function(){return deepsignal_module_g(t)},[])};
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/store.js
* External dependencies
- * @param {import('../../src/index').RenderableProps<{ context: any }>} props
- */
-function ContextProvider(props) {
- this.getChildContext = () => props.context;
- return props.children;
- * Portal component
- *
- * @this {import('./internal').Component}
- * @param {object | null | undefined} props
- *
- * TODO: use createRoot() instead of fake root
- */
-function Portal(props) {
- const _this = this;
- const container = props._container;
- _this.componentWillUnmount = function () {
- q(null, _this._temp);
- _this._temp = null;
- _this._container = null;
- };
- // When we change container we should clear our old container and
- // indicate a new mount.
- if (_this._container && _this._container !== container) {
- _this.componentWillUnmount();
- }
- // When props.vnode is undefined/false/null we are dealing with some kind of
- // conditional vnode. This should not trigger a render.
- if (props._vnode) {
- if (!_this._temp) {
- _this._container = container;
- // Create a fake DOM parent node that manages a subset of `container`'s children:
- _this._temp = {
- nodeType: 1,
- parentNode: container,
- childNodes: [],
- appendChild(child) {
- this.childNodes.push(child);
- _this._container.appendChild(child);
- },
- insertBefore(child) {
- this.childNodes.push(child);
- _this._container.appendChild(child);
- },
- removeChild(child) {
- this.childNodes.splice(
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
- this.childNodes.indexOf(child) >>> 1, 1);
- _this._container.removeChild(child);
- }
- };
- }
- // Render our wrapping element into temp.
- q(y(ContextProvider, {
- context: _this.context
- }, props._vnode), _this._temp);
- }
- // When we come from a conditional render, on a mounted
- // portal we should clear the DOM.
- else if (_this._temp) {
- _this.componentWillUnmount();
- }
- * Create a `Portal` to continue rendering the vnode tree at a different DOM node
- *
- * @param {import('./internal').VNode} vnode The vnode to render
- * @param {import('./internal').PreactElement} container The DOM node to continue rendering in to.
- */
-function createPortal(vnode, container) {
- const el = y(Portal, {
- _vnode: vnode,
- _container: container
- });
- el.containerInfo = container;
- return el;
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/utils.js
- * External dependencies
- */
-const afterNextFrame = callback => {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- const done = () => {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- window.cancelAnimationFrame(raf);
- setTimeout(() => {
- callback();
- resolve();
- });
- };
- const timeout = setTimeout(done, 100);
- const raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(done);
- });
-// Using the mangled properties:
-// this.c: this._callback
-// this.x: this._compute
-function createFlusher(compute, notify) {
- let flush;
- const dispose = signals_core_module_O(function () {
- flush = this.c.bind(this);
- this.x = compute;
- this.c = notify;
- return compute();
- });
- return {
- flush,
- dispose
- };
-// Version of `useSignalEffect` with a `useEffect`-like execution. This hook
-// implementation comes from this PR, but we added short-cirtuiting to avoid
-// infinite loops:
-function utils_useSignalEffect(callback) {
- hooks_module_p(() => {
- let eff = null;
- let isExecuting = false;
- const notify = async () => {
- if (eff && !isExecuting) {
- isExecuting = true;
- await afterNextFrame(eff.flush);
- isExecuting = false;
- }
- };
- eff = createFlusher(callback, notify);
- return eff.dispose;
- }, []);
-// For wrapperless hydration.
-// See
-const createRootFragment = (parent, replaceNode) => {
- replaceNode = [].concat(replaceNode);
- const s = replaceNode[replaceNode.length - 1].nextSibling;
- function insert(c, r) {
- parent.insertBefore(c, r || s);
- }
- return parent.__k = {
- nodeType: 1,
- parentNode: parent,
- firstChild: replaceNode[0],
- childNodes: replaceNode,
- insertBefore: insert,
- appendChild: insert,
- removeChild(c) {
- parent.removeChild(c);
- }
- };
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/store.js
- * External dependencies
+ * Internal dependencies
-const isObject = item => item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item);
+const isObject = item => item && typeof item === 'object' && item.constructor === Object;
const deepMerge = (target, source) => {
if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) {
for (const key in source) {
- if (isObject(source[key])) {
- if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, {
- [key]: {}
+ const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)?.get;
+ if (typeof getter === 'function') {
+ Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
+ get: getter
+ } else if (isObject(source[key])) {
+ if (!target[key]) target[key] = {};
deepMerge(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
- Object.assign(target, {
- [key]: source[key]
- });
+ try {
+ target[key] = source[key];
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Assignemnts fail for properties that are only getters.
+ // When that's the case, the assignment is simply ignored.
+ }
-const getSerializedState = () => {
- const storeTag = document.querySelector(`script[type="application/json"]#wp-interactivity-store-data`);
- if (!storeTag) return {};
- try {
- const {
- state
- } = JSON.parse(storeTag.textContent);
- if (isObject(state)) return state;
- throw Error('Parsed state is not an object');
- } catch (e) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- console.log(e);
+const stores = new Map();
+const rawStores = new Map();
+const storeLocks = new Map();
+const storeConfigs = new Map();
+const objToProxy = new WeakMap();
+const proxyToNs = new WeakMap();
+const scopeToGetters = new WeakMap();
+const proxify = (obj, ns) => {
+ if (!objToProxy.has(obj)) {
+ const proxy = new Proxy(obj, handlers);
+ objToProxy.set(obj, proxy);
+ proxyToNs.set(proxy, ns);
- return {};
-const afterLoads = new Set();
-const rawState = getSerializedState();
-const rawStore = {
- state: deepsignal_module_l(rawState)
+ return objToProxy.get(obj);
+const handlers = {
+ get: (target, key, receiver) => {
+ const ns = proxyToNs.get(receiver);
+ // Check if the property is a getter and we are inside an scope. If that is
+ // the case, we clone the getter to avoid overwriting the scoped
+ // dependencies of the computed each time that getter runs.
+ const getter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)?.get;
+ if (getter) {
+ const scope = getScope();
+ if (scope) {
+ const getters = scopeToGetters.get(scope) || scopeToGetters.set(scope, new Map()).get(scope);
+ if (!getters.has(getter)) {
+ getters.set(getter, signals_core_module_p(() => {
+ setNamespace(ns);
+ setScope(scope);
+ try {
+ return;
+ } finally {
+ resetScope();
+ resetNamespace();
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ return getters.get(getter).value;
+ }
+ }
+ const result = Reflect.get(target, key);
+ // Check if the proxy is the store root and no key with that name exist. In
+ // that case, return an empty object for the requested key.
+ if (typeof result === 'undefined' && receiver === stores.get(ns)) {
+ const obj = {};
+ Reflect.set(target, key, obj);
+ return proxify(obj, ns);
+ }
- * @typedef StoreProps Properties object passed to `store`.
- * @property {Object} state State to be added to the global store. All the
- * properties included here become reactive.
- */
+ // Check if the property is a generator. If it is, we turn it into an
+ // asynchronous function where we restore the default namespace and scope
+ // each time it awaits/yields.
+ if (result?.constructor?.name === 'GeneratorFunction') {
+ return async (...args) => {
+ const scope = getScope();
+ const gen = result(...args);
+ let value;
+ let it;
+ while (true) {
+ setNamespace(ns);
+ setScope(scope);
+ try {
+ it =;
+ } finally {
+ resetScope();
+ resetNamespace();
+ }
+ try {
+ value = await it.value;
+ } catch (e) {
+ setNamespace(ns);
+ setScope(scope);
+ gen.throw(e);
+ } finally {
+ resetScope();
+ resetNamespace();
+ }
+ if (it.done) break;
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ }
+ // Check if the property is a synchronous function. If it is, set the
+ // default namespace. Synchronous functions always run in the proper scope,
+ // which is set by the Directives component.
+ if (typeof result === 'function') {
+ return (...args) => {
+ setNamespace(ns);
+ try {
+ return result(...args);
+ } finally {
+ resetNamespace();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ // Check if the property is an object. If it is, proxyify it.
+ if (isObject(result)) return proxify(result, ns);
+ return result;
+ },
+ // Prevents passing the current proxy as the receiver to the deepSignal.
+ set(target, key, value) {
+ return Reflect.set(target, key, value);
+ }
- * @typedef StoreOptions Options object.
- * @property {(store:any) => void} [afterLoad] Callback to be executed after the
- * Interactivity API has been set up
- * and the store is ready. It
- * receives the store as argument.
+ * Get the defined config for the store with the passed namespace.
+ *
+ * @param namespace Store's namespace from which to retrieve the config.
+ * @return Defined config for the given namespace.
+const getConfig = namespace => storeConfigs.get(namespace || getNamespace()) || {};
+const universalUnlock = 'I acknowledge that using a private store means my plugin will inevitably break on the next store release.';
- * Extends the Interactivity API global store with the passed properties.
+ * Extends the Interactivity API global store adding the passed properties to
+ * the given namespace. It also returns stable references to the namespace
+ * content.
- * These props typically consist of `state`, which is reactive, and other
- * properties like `selectors`, `actions`, `effects`, etc. which can store
- * callbacks and derived state. These props can then be referenced by any
- * directive to make the HTML interactive.
+ * These props typically consist of `state`, which is the reactive part of the
+ * store ― which means that any directive referencing a state property will be
+ * re-rendered anytime it changes ― and function properties like `actions` and
+ * `callbacks`, mostly used for event handlers. These props can then be
+ * referenced by any directive to make the HTML interactive.
* @example
* ```js
- * store({
+ * const { state } = store( 'counter', {
* state: {
- * counter: { value: 0 },
+ * value: 0,
+ * get double() { return state.value * 2; },
* },
* actions: {
- * counter: {
- * increment: ({ state }) => {
- * state.counter.value += 1;
- * },
+ * increment() {
+ * state.value += 1;
* },
* },
- * });
+ * } );
* ```
* The code from the example above allows blocks to subscribe and interact with
* the store by using directives in the HTML, e.g.:
* ```html
- * <div data-wp-interactive>
+ * <div data-wp-interactive='{ "namespace": "counter" }'>
* <button
- * data-wp-text="state.counter.value"
- * data-wp-on--click="actions.counter.increment"
+ * data-wp-text="state.double"
+ * data-wp-on--click="actions.increment"
* >
* 0
* </button>
* </div>
* ```
+ * @param namespace The store namespace to interact with.
+ * @param storePart Properties to add to the store namespace.
+ * @param options Options for the given namespace.
- * @param {StoreProps} properties Properties to be added to the global store.
- * @param {StoreOptions} [options] Options passed to the `store` call.
+ * @return A reference to the namespace content.
-const store = ({
- state,
+function store(namespace, {
+ state = {},
-}, {
- afterLoad
-} = {}) => {
- deepMerge(rawStore, block);
- deepMerge(rawState, state);
- if (afterLoad) afterLoads.add(afterLoad);
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/preact/jsx-runtime/dist/jsxRuntime.module.js
-var jsxRuntime_module_t = /["&<]/;
-function jsxRuntime_module_n(r) {
- if (0 === r.length || !1 === jsxRuntime_module_t.test(r)) return r;
- for (var e = 0, n = 0, o = "", f = ""; n < r.length; n++) {
- switch (r.charCodeAt(n)) {
- case 34:
- f = "&quot;";
- break;
- case 38:
- f = "&amp;";
- break;
- case 60:
- f = "&lt;";
- break;
- default:
- continue;
+} = {}, {
+ lock = false
+} = {}) {
+ if (!stores.has(namespace)) {
+ // Lock the store if the passed lock is different from the universal
+ // unlock. Once the lock is set (either false, true, or a given string),
+ // it cannot change.
+ if (lock !== universalUnlock) {
+ storeLocks.set(namespace, lock);
- n !== e && (o += r.slice(e, n)), o += f, e = n + 1;
- }
- return n !== e && (o += r.slice(e, n)), o;
-var jsxRuntime_module_o = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i,
- jsxRuntime_module_f = 0,
- jsxRuntime_module_i = Array.isArray;
-function jsxRuntime_module_u(e, t, n, o, i, u) {
- var a,
- c,
- p = {};
- for (c in t) "ref" == c ? a = t[c] : p[c] = t[c];
- var l = {
- type: e,
- props: p,
- key: n,
- ref: a,
- __k: null,
- __: null,
- __b: 0,
- __e: null,
- __d: void 0,
- __c: null,
- constructor: void 0,
- __v: --jsxRuntime_module_f,
- __i: -1,
- __u: 0,
- __source: i,
- __self: u
- };
- if ("function" == typeof e && (a = e.defaultProps)) for (c in a) void 0 === p[c] && (p[c] = a[c]);
- return preact_module_l.vnode && preact_module_l.vnode(l), l;
-function jsxRuntime_module_a(r) {
- var t = jsxRuntime_module_u(e, {
- tpl: r,
- exprs: [], 1)
- });
- return t.key = t.__v, t;
-var jsxRuntime_module_c = {},
- jsxRuntime_module_p = /[A-Z]/g;
-function jsxRuntime_module_l(e, t) {
- if (r.attr) {
- var f = r.attr(e, t);
- if ("string" == typeof f) return f;
- }
- if ("ref" === e || "key" === e) return "";
- if ("style" === e && "object" == typeof t) {
- var i = "";
- for (var u in t) {
- var a = t[u];
- if (null != a && "" !== a) {
- var l = "-" == u[0] ? u : jsxRuntime_module_c[u] || (jsxRuntime_module_c[u] = u.replace(jsxRuntime_module_p, "-$&").toLowerCase()),
- _ = ";";
- "number" != typeof a || l.startsWith("--") || jsxRuntime_module_o.test(l) || (_ = "px;"), i = i + l + ":" + a + _;
+ const rawStore = {
+ state: deepsignal_module_g(isObject(state) ? state : {}),
+ ...block
+ };
+ const proxiedStore = new Proxy(rawStore, handlers);
+ rawStores.set(namespace, rawStore);
+ stores.set(namespace, proxiedStore);
+ proxyToNs.set(proxiedStore, namespace);
+ } else {
+ // Lock the store if it wasn't locked yet and the passed lock is
+ // different from the universal unlock. If no lock is given, the store
+ // will be public and won't accept any lock from now on.
+ if (lock !== universalUnlock && !storeLocks.has(namespace)) {
+ storeLocks.set(namespace, lock);
+ } else {
+ const storeLock = storeLocks.get(namespace);
+ const isLockValid = lock === universalUnlock || lock !== true && lock === storeLock;
+ if (!isLockValid) {
+ if (!storeLock) {
+ throw Error('Cannot lock a public store');
+ } else {
+ throw Error('Cannot unlock a private store with an invalid lock code');
+ }
- return e + '="' + i + '"';
+ const target = rawStores.get(namespace);
+ deepMerge(target, block);
+ deepMerge(target.state, state);
- return null == t || !1 === t || "function" == typeof t || "object" == typeof t ? "" : !0 === t ? e : e + '="' + jsxRuntime_module_n(t) + '"';
+ return stores.get(namespace);
-function jsxRuntime_module_(r) {
- if (null == r || "boolean" == typeof r || "function" == typeof r) return null;
- if ("object" == typeof r) {
- if (void 0 === r.constructor) return r;
- if (jsxRuntime_module_i(r)) {
- for (var e = 0; e < r.length; e++) r[e] = jsxRuntime_module_(r[e]);
- return r;
+const parseInitialData = (dom = document) => {
+ const storeTag = dom.querySelector(`script[type="application/json"]#wp-interactivity-data`);
+ if (storeTag?.textContent) {
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(storeTag.textContent);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Do nothing.
- return jsxRuntime_module_n("" + r);
+ return {};
+const populateInitialData = data => {
+ if (isObject(data?.state)) {
+ Object.entries(data.state).forEach(([namespace, state]) => {
+ store(namespace, {
+ state
+ }, {
+ lock: universalUnlock
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if (isObject(data?.config)) {
+ Object.entries(data.config).forEach(([namespace, config]) => {
+ storeConfigs.set(namespace, config);
+ });
+ }
+// Parse and populate the initial state and config.
+const data = parseInitialData();
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/hooks.js
+/* @jsx createElement */
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/hooks.js
* External dependencies
@@ -1613,36 +339,77 @@ function jsxRuntime_module_(r) {
* Internal dependencies
+// Main context.
+const context = G({});
-/** @typedef {import('preact').VNode} VNode */
-/** @typedef {typeof context} Context */
-/** @typedef {ReturnType<typeof getEvaluate>} Evaluate */
+// Wrap the element props to prevent modifications.
+const immutableMap = new WeakMap();
+const immutableError = () => {
+ throw new Error('Please use `data-wp-bind` to modify the attributes of an element.');
+const immutableHandlers = {
+ get(target, key, receiver) {
+ const value = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver);
+ return !!value && typeof value === 'object' ? deepImmutable(value) : value;
+ },
+ set: immutableError,
+ deleteProperty: immutableError
+const deepImmutable = target => {
+ if (!immutableMap.has(target)) immutableMap.set(target, new Proxy(target, immutableHandlers));
+ return immutableMap.get(target);
- * @typedef {Object} DirectiveCallbackParams Callback parameters.
- * @property {Object} directives Object map with the defined directives of the element being evaluated.
- * @property {Object} props Props present in the current element.
- * @property {VNode} element Virtual node representing the original element.
- * @property {Context} context The inherited context.
- * @property {Evaluate} evaluate Function that resolves a given path to a value either in the store or the context.
- */
+// Store stacks for the current scope and the default namespaces and export APIs
+// to interact with them.
+const scopeStack = [];
+const namespaceStack = [];
- * @callback DirectiveCallback Callback that runs the directive logic.
- * @param {DirectiveCallbackParams} params Callback parameters.
+ * Retrieves the context inherited by the element evaluating a function from the
+ * store. The returned value depends on the element and the namespace where the
+ * function calling `getContext()` exists.
+ *
+ * @param namespace Store namespace. By default, the namespace where the calling
+ * function exists is used.
+ * @return The context content.
+const getContext = namespace => getScope()?.context[namespace || getNamespace()];
- * @typedef DirectiveOptions Options object.
- * @property {number} [priority=10] Value that specifies the priority to
- * evaluate directives of this type. Lower
- * numbers correspond with earlier execution.
- * Default is `10`.
+ * Retrieves a representation of the element where a function from the store
+ * is being evalutated. Such representation is read-only, and contains a
+ * reference to the DOM element, its props and a local reactive state.
+ *
+ * @return Element representation.
-// Main context.
-const context = F({});
+const getElement = () => {
+ if (!getScope()) {
+ throw Error('Cannot call `getElement()` outside getters and actions used by directives.');
+ }
+ const {
+ ref,
+ attributes
+ } = getScope();
+ return Object.freeze({
+ ref: ref.current,
+ attributes: deepImmutable(attributes)
+ });
+const getScope = () => scopeStack.slice(-1)[0];
+const setScope = scope => {
+ scopeStack.push(scope);
+const resetScope = () => {
+ scopeStack.pop();
+const getNamespace = () => namespaceStack.slice(-1)[0];
+const setNamespace = namespace => {
+ namespaceStack.push(namespace);
+const resetNamespace = () => {
+ namespaceStack.pop();
// WordPress Directives.
const directiveCallbacks = {};
@@ -1655,34 +422,37 @@ const directivePriorities = {};
* ```js
* directive(
* 'alert', // Name without the `data-wp-` prefix.
- * ( { directives: { alert }, element, evaluate }) => {
- * element.props.onclick = () => {
- * alert( evaluate( alert.default ) );
- * }
+ * ( { directives: { alert }, element, evaluate } ) => {
+ * const defaultEntry = alert.find( entry => entry.suffix === 'default' );
+ * element.props.onclick = () => { alert( evaluate( defaultEntry ) ); }
* }
* )
* ```
* The previous code registers a custom directive type for displaying an alert
* message whenever an element using it is clicked. The message text is obtained
- * from the store using `evaluate`.
+ * from the store under the inherited namespace, using `evaluate`.
* When the HTML is processed by the Interactivity API, any element containing
* the `data-wp-alert` directive will have the `onclick` event handler, e.g.,
* ```html
- * <button data-wp-alert="state.messages.alert">Click me!</button>
+ * <div data-wp-interactive='{ "namespace": "messages" }'>
+ * <button data-wp-alert="state.alert">Click me!</button>
+ * </div>
* ```
- * Note that, in the previous example, you access `alert.default` in order to
- * retrieve the `state.messages.alert` value passed to the directive. You can
- * also define custom names by appending `--` to the directive attribute,
- * followed by a suffix, like in the following HTML snippet:
+ * Note that, in the previous example, the directive callback gets the path
+ * value (`state.alert`) from the directive entry with suffix `default`. A
+ * custom suffix can also be specified by appending `--` to the directive
+ * attribute, followed by the suffix, like in the following HTML snippet:
* ```html
- * <button
- * data-wp-color--text="state.theme.text"
- * data-wp-color--background="state.theme.background"
- * >Click me!</button>
+ * <div data-wp-interactive='{ "namespace": "myblock" }'>
+ * <button
+ * data-wp-color--text="state.text"
+ * data-wp-color--background="state.background"
+ * >Click me!</button>
+ * </div>
* ```
* This could be an hypothetical implementation of the custom directive used in
@@ -1692,26 +462,30 @@ const directivePriorities = {};
* ```js
* directive(
* 'color', // Name without prefix and suffix.
- * ( { directives: { color }, ref, evaluate }) => {
- * if ( color.text ) {
- *
- * 'color',
- * evaluate( color.text )
- * );
- * }
- * if ( color.background ) {
- *
- * 'background-color',
- * evaluate( color.background )
- * );
- * }
+ * ( { directives: { color }, ref, evaluate } ) =>
+ * colors.forEach( ( color ) => {
+ * if ( color.suffix = 'text' ) {
+ *
+ * 'color',
+ * evaluate( color.text )
+ * );
+ * }
+ * if ( color.suffix = 'background' ) {
+ *
+ * 'background-color',
+ * evaluate( color.background )
+ * );
+ * }
+ * } );
* }
* )
* ```
- * @param {string} name Directive name, without the `data-wp-` prefix.
- * @param {DirectiveCallback} callback Function that runs the directive logic.
- * @param {DirectiveOptions=} options Options object.
+ * @param name Directive name, without the `data-wp-` prefix.
+ * @param callback Function that runs the directive logic.
+ * @param options Options object.
+ * @param options.priority Option to control the directive execution order. The
+ * lesser, the highest priority. Default is `10`.
const directive = (name, callback, {
priority = 10
@@ -1721,10 +495,16 @@ const directive = (name, callback, {
// Resolve the path to some property of the store object.
-const resolve = (path, ctx) => {
+const resolve = (path, namespace) => {
+ let resolvedStore = stores.get(namespace);
+ if (typeof resolvedStore === 'undefined') {
+ resolvedStore = store(namespace, undefined, {
+ lock: universalUnlock
+ });
+ }
let current = {
- ...rawStore,
- context: ctx
+ ...resolvedStore,
+ context: getScope().context[namespace]
path.split('.').forEach(p => current = current[p]);
return current;
@@ -1732,17 +512,22 @@ const resolve = (path, ctx) => {
// Generate the evaluate function.
const getEvaluate = ({
- ref
-} = {}) => (path, extraArgs = {}) => {
+ scope
+}) => (entry, ...args) => {
+ let {
+ value: path,
+ namespace
+ } = entry;
+ if (typeof path !== 'string') {
+ throw new Error('The `value` prop should be a string path');
+ }
// If path starts with !, remove it and save a flag.
const hasNegationOperator = path[0] === '!' && !!(path = path.slice(1));
- const value = resolve(path, extraArgs.context);
- const returnValue = typeof value === 'function' ? value({
- ref: ref.current,
- ...rawStore,
- ...extraArgs
- }) : value;
- return hasNegationOperator ? !returnValue : returnValue;
+ setScope(scope);
+ const value = resolve(path, namespace);
+ const result = typeof value === 'function' ? value(...args) : value;
+ resetScope();
+ return hasNegationOperator ? !result : result;
// Separate directives by priority. The resulting array contains objects
@@ -1755,41 +540,43 @@ const getPriorityLevels = directives => {
return obj;
}, {});
- return Object.entries(byPriority).sort(([p1], [p2]) => p1 - p2).map(([, arr]) => arr);
+ return Object.entries(byPriority).sort(([p1], [p2]) => parseInt(p1) - parseInt(p2)).map(([, arr]) => arr);
-// Priority level wrapper.
+// Component that wraps each priority level of directives of an element.
const Directives = ({
priorityLevels: [currentPriorityLevel, ...nextPriorityLevels],
- evaluate,
- elemRef
+ previousScope
}) => {
- // Initialize the DOM reference.
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
- elemRef = elemRef || hooks_module_(null);
- // Create a reference to the evaluate function using the DOM reference.
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks, react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- evaluate = evaluate || hooks_module_T(getEvaluate({
- ref: elemRef
+ // Initialize the scope of this element. These scopes are different per each
+ // level because each level has a different context, but they share the same
+ // element ref, state and props.
+ const scope = hooks_module_F({}).current;
+ scope.evaluate = hooks_module_x(getEvaluate({
+ scope
}), []);
- // Create a fresh copy of the vnode element.
- element = E(element, {
- ref: elemRef
+ scope.context = hooks_module_P(context);
+ /* eslint-disable react-hooks/rules-of-hooks */
+ scope.ref = previousScope?.ref || hooks_module_F(null);
+ /* eslint-enable react-hooks/rules-of-hooks */
+ // Create a fresh copy of the vnode element and add the props to the scope,
+ // named as attributes (HTML Attributes).
+ element = F(element, {
+ ref: scope.ref
+ scope.attributes = element.props;
// Recursively render the wrapper for the next priority level.
- const children = nextPriorityLevels.length > 0 ? jsxRuntime_module_u(Directives, {
+ const children = nextPriorityLevels.length > 0 ? y(Directives, {
directives: directives,
priorityLevels: nextPriorityLevels,
element: element,
- evaluate: evaluate,
originalProps: originalProps,
- elemRef: elemRef
+ previousScope: scope
}) : element;
const props = {
@@ -1800,22 +587,26 @@ const Directives = ({
- evaluate
+ evaluate: scope.evaluate
+ setScope(scope);
for (const directiveName of currentPriorityLevel) {
const wrapper = directiveCallbacks[directiveName]?.(directiveArgs);
if (wrapper !== undefined) props.children = wrapper;
+ resetScope();
return props.children;
// Preact Options Hook called each time a vnode is created.
-const old = preact_module_l.vnode;
-preact_module_l.vnode = vnode => {
+const old = l.vnode;
+l.vnode = vnode => {
if (vnode.props.__directives) {
const props = vnode.props;
const directives = props.__directives;
- if (directives.key) vnode.key = directives.key.default;
+ if (directives.key) vnode.key = directives.key.find(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix === 'default').value;
delete props.__directives;
const priorityLevels = getPriorityLevels(directives);
if (priorityLevels.length > 0) {
@@ -1832,62 +623,256 @@ preact_module_l.vnode = vnode => {
if (old) old(vnode);
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/slots.js
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/utils.js
* External dependencies
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
-const slotsContext = F();
-const Fill = ({
- slot,
- children
-}) => {
- const slots = hooks_module_q(slotsContext);
- hooks_module_p(() => {
- if (slot) {
- slots.value = {
- ...slots.value,
- [slot]: children
- };
- return () => {
- slots.value = {
- ...slots.value,
- [slot]: null
- };
- };
- }
- }, [slots, slot, children]);
- return !!slot ? null : children;
+const afterNextFrame = callback => {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ const done = () => {
+ clearTimeout(timeout);
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame(raf);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ callback();
+ resolve();
+ });
+ };
+ const timeout = setTimeout(done, 100);
+ const raf = window.requestAnimationFrame(done);
+ });
-const SlotProvider = ({
- children
-}) => {
- return (
- // TODO: We can change this to use deepsignal once this PR is merged.
- //
- jsxRuntime_module_u(slotsContext.Provider, {
- value: signals_core_module_a({}),
- children: children
- })
- );
+// Using the mangled properties:
+// this.c: this._callback
+// this.x: this._compute
+function createFlusher(compute, notify) {
+ let flush;
+ const dispose = signals_core_module_O(function () {
+ flush = this.c.bind(this);
+ this.x = compute;
+ this.c = notify;
+ return compute();
+ });
+ return {
+ flush,
+ dispose
+ };
+// Version of `useSignalEffect` with a `useEffect`-like execution. This hook
+// implementation comes from this PR, but we added short-cirtuiting to avoid
+// infinite loops:
+function utils_useSignalEffect(callback) {
+ hooks_module_(() => {
+ let eff = null;
+ let isExecuting = false;
+ const notify = async () => {
+ if (eff && !isExecuting) {
+ isExecuting = true;
+ await afterNextFrame(eff.flush);
+ isExecuting = false;
+ }
+ };
+ eff = createFlusher(callback, notify);
+ return eff.dispose;
+ }, []);
+ * Returns the passed function wrapped with the current scope so it is
+ * accessible whenever the function runs. This is primarily to make the scope
+ * available inside hook callbacks.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} func The passed function.
+ * @return {Function} The wrapped function.
+ */
+const withScope = func => {
+ const scope = getScope();
+ const ns = getNamespace();
+ if (func?.constructor?.name === 'GeneratorFunction') {
+ return async (...args) => {
+ const gen = func(...args);
+ let value;
+ let it;
+ while (true) {
+ setNamespace(ns);
+ setScope(scope);
+ try {
+ it =;
+ } finally {
+ resetNamespace();
+ resetScope();
+ }
+ try {
+ value = await it.value;
+ } catch (e) {
+ gen.throw(e);
+ }
+ if (it.done) break;
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ }
+ return (...args) => {
+ setNamespace(ns);
+ setScope(scope);
+ try {
+ return func(...args);
+ } finally {
+ resetNamespace();
+ resetScope();
+ }
+ };
-const Slot = ({
- name,
- children
-}) => {
- const slots = hooks_module_q(slotsContext);
- return slots.value[name] || children;
+ * Accepts a function that contains imperative code which runs whenever any of
+ * the accessed _reactive_ properties (e.g., values from the global state or the
+ * context) is modified.
+ *
+ * This hook makes the element's scope available so functions like
+ * `getElement()` and `getContext()` can be used inside the passed callback.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback The hook callback.
+ */
+function useWatch(callback) {
+ utils_useSignalEffect(withScope(callback));
+ * Accepts a function that contains imperative code which runs only after the
+ * element's first render, mainly useful for intialization logic.
+ *
+ * This hook makes the element's scope available so functions like
+ * `getElement()` and `getContext()` can be used inside the passed callback.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback The hook callback.
+ */
+function useInit(callback) {
+ hooks_module_(withScope(callback), []);
+ * Accepts a function that contains imperative, possibly effectful code. The
+ * effects run after browser paint, without blocking it.
+ *
+ * This hook is equivalent to Preact's `useEffect` and makes the element's scope
+ * available so functions like `getElement()` and `getContext()` can be used
+ * inside the passed callback.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback Imperative function that can return a cleanup
+ * function.
+ * @param {any[]} inputs If present, effect will only activate if the
+ * values in the list change (using `===`).
+ */
+function useEffect(callback, inputs) {
+ hooks_module_(withScope(callback), inputs);
+ * Accepts a function that contains imperative, possibly effectful code. Use
+ * this to read layout from the DOM and synchronously re-render.
+ *
+ * This hook is equivalent to Preact's `useLayoutEffect` and makes the element's
+ * scope available so functions like `getElement()` and `getContext()` can be
+ * used inside the passed callback.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback Imperative function that can return a cleanup
+ * function.
+ * @param {any[]} inputs If present, effect will only activate if the
+ * values in the list change (using `===`).
+ */
+function useLayoutEffect(callback, inputs) {
+ hooks_module_A(withScope(callback), inputs);
+ * Returns a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the
+ * inputs has changed (using `===`).
+ *
+ * This hook is equivalent to Preact's `useCallback` and makes the element's
+ * scope available so functions like `getElement()` and `getContext()` can be
+ * used inside the passed callback.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback Imperative function that can return a cleanup
+ * function.
+ * @param {any[]} inputs If present, effect will only activate if the
+ * values in the list change (using `===`).
+ */
+function useCallback(callback, inputs) {
+ hooks_module_x(withScope(callback), inputs);
+ * Pass a factory function and an array of inputs. `useMemo` will only recompute
+ * the memoized value when one of the inputs has changed.
+ *
+ * This hook is equivalent to Preact's `useMemo` and makes the element's scope
+ * available so functions like `getElement()` and `getContext()` can be used
+ * inside the passed factory function.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} factory Imperative function that can return a cleanup
+ * function.
+ * @param {any[]} inputs If present, effect will only activate if the
+ * values in the list change (using `===`).
+ */
+function useMemo(factory, inputs) {
+ hooks_module_q(withScope(factory), inputs);
+// For wrapperless hydration.
+// See
+const createRootFragment = (parent, replaceNode) => {
+ replaceNode = [].concat(replaceNode);
+ const s = replaceNode[replaceNode.length - 1].nextSibling;
+ function insert(c, r) {
+ parent.insertBefore(c, r || s);
+ }
+ return parent.__k = {
+ nodeType: 1,
+ parentNode: parent,
+ firstChild: replaceNode[0],
+ childNodes: replaceNode,
+ insertBefore: insert,
+ appendChild: insert,
+ removeChild(c) {
+ parent.removeChild(c);
+ }
+ };
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/directives.js
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/utils/kebab-to-camelcase.js
+ * Transforms a kebab-case string to camelCase.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str The kebab-case string to transform to camelCase.
+ * @return {string} The transformed camelCase string.
+ */
+function kebabToCamelCase(str) {
+ return str.replace(/^-+|-+$/g, '').toLowerCase().replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (match, group1) {
+ return group1.toUpperCase();
+ });
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/directives.js
+/* @jsx createElement */
* External dependencies
* Internal dependencies
@@ -1895,26 +880,187 @@ const Slot = ({
+// Assigned objects should be ignore during proxification.
+const contextAssignedObjects = new WeakMap();
+// Store the context proxy and fallback for each object in the context.
+const contextObjectToProxy = new WeakMap();
+const contextProxyToObject = new WeakMap();
+const contextObjectToFallback = new WeakMap();
+const isPlainObject = item => item && typeof item === 'object' && item.constructor === Object;
+const descriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ * Wrap a context object with a proxy to reproduce the context stack. The proxy
+ * uses the passed `inherited` context as a fallback to look up for properties
+ * that don't exist in the given context. Also, updated properties are modified
+ * where they are defined, or added to the main context when they don't exist.
+ *
+ * By default, all plain objects inside the context are wrapped, unless it is
+ * listed in the `ignore` option.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} current Current context.
+ * @param {Object} inherited Inherited context, used as fallback.
+ *
+ * @return {Object} The wrapped context object.
+ */
+const proxifyContext = (current, inherited = {}) => {
+ // Update the fallback object reference when it changes.
+ contextObjectToFallback.set(current, inherited);
+ if (!contextObjectToProxy.has(current)) {
+ const proxy = new Proxy(current, {
+ get: (target, k) => {
+ const fallback = contextObjectToFallback.get(current);
+ // Always subscribe to prop changes in the current context.
+ const currentProp = target[k];
+ // Return the inherited prop when missing in target.
+ if (!(k in target) && k in fallback) {
+ return fallback[k];
+ }
+ // Proxify plain objects that were not directly assigned.
+ if (k in target && !contextAssignedObjects.get(target)?.has(k) && isPlainObject(deepsignal_module_p(target, k))) {
+ return proxifyContext(currentProp, fallback[k]);
+ }
+ // Return the stored proxy for `currentProp` when it exists.
+ if (contextObjectToProxy.has(currentProp)) {
+ return contextObjectToProxy.get(currentProp);
+ }
+ /*
+ * For other cases, return the value from target, also
+ * subscribing to changes in the parent context when the current
+ * prop is not defined.
+ */
+ return k in target ? currentProp : fallback[k];
+ },
+ set: (target, k, value) => {
+ const fallback = contextObjectToFallback.get(current);
+ const obj = k in target || !(k in fallback) ? target : fallback;
+ /*
+ * Assigned object values should not be proxified so they point
+ * to the original object and don't inherit unexpected
+ * properties.
+ */
+ if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
+ if (!contextAssignedObjects.has(obj)) {
+ contextAssignedObjects.set(obj, new Set());
+ }
+ contextAssignedObjects.get(obj).add(k);
+ }
+ /*
+ * When the value is a proxy, it's because it comes from the
+ * context, so the inner value is assigned instead.
+ */
+ if (contextProxyToObject.has(value)) {
+ const innerValue = contextProxyToObject.get(value);
+ obj[k] = innerValue;
+ } else {
+ obj[k] = value;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ ownKeys: target => [ Set([...Object.keys(contextObjectToFallback.get(current)), ...Object.keys(target)])],
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (target, k) => descriptor(target, k) || descriptor(contextObjectToFallback.get(current), k)
+ });
+ contextObjectToProxy.set(current, proxy);
+ contextProxyToObject.set(proxy, current);
+ }
+ return contextObjectToProxy.get(current);
-const directives_isObject = item => item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item);
-const mergeDeepSignals = (target, source, overwrite) => {
+ * Recursively update values within a deepSignal object.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} target A deepSignal instance.
+ * @param {Object} source Object with properties to update in `target`
+ */
+const updateSignals = (target, source) => {
for (const k in source) {
- if (directives_isObject(deepsignal_module_g(target, k)) && directives_isObject(deepsignal_module_g(source, k))) {
- mergeDeepSignals(target[`$${k}`].peek(), source[`$${k}`].peek(), overwrite);
- } else if (overwrite || typeof deepsignal_module_g(target, k) === 'undefined') {
- target[`$${k}`] = source[`$${k}`];
+ if (isPlainObject(deepsignal_module_p(target, k)) && isPlainObject(deepsignal_module_p(source, k))) {
+ updateSignals(target[`$${k}`].peek(), source[k]);
+ } else {
+ target[k] = source[k];
+ }
+ }
+ * Recursively clone the passed object.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} source Source object.
+ * @return {Object} Cloned object.
+ */
+const deepClone = source => {
+ if (isPlainObject(source)) {
+ return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(source).map(([key, value]) => [key, deepClone(value)]));
+ }
+ if (Array.isArray(source)) {
+ return => deepClone(i));
+ }
+ return source;
+const newRule = /(?:([\u0080-\uFFFF\w-%@]+) *:? *([^{;]+?);|([^;}{]*?) *{)|(}\s*)/g;
+const ruleClean = /\/\*[^]*?\*\/| +/g;
+const ruleNewline = /\n+/g;
+const empty = ' ';
+ * Convert a css style string into a object.
+ *
+ * Made by Cristian Bote (@cristianbote) for Goober.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param {string} val CSS string.
+ * @return {Object} CSS object.
+ */
+const cssStringToObject = val => {
+ const tree = [{}];
+ let block, left;
+ while (block = newRule.exec(val.replace(ruleClean, ''))) {
+ if (block[4]) {
+ tree.shift();
+ } else if (block[3]) {
+ left = block[3].replace(ruleNewline, empty).trim();
+ tree.unshift(tree[0][left] = tree[0][left] || {});
+ } else {
+ tree[0][block[1]] = block[2].replace(ruleNewline, empty).trim();
+ return tree[0];
+ * Creates a directive that adds an event listener to the global window or
+ * document object.
+ *
+ * @param {string} type 'window' or 'document'
+ * @return {void}
+ */
+const getGlobalEventDirective = type => ({
+ directives,
+ evaluate
+}) => {
+ directives[`on-${type}`].filter(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix !== 'default').forEach(entry => {
+ useInit(() => {
+ const cb = event => evaluate(entry, event);
+ const globalVar = type === 'window' ? window : document;
+ globalVar.addEventListener(entry.suffix, cb);
+ return () => globalVar.removeEventListener(entry.suffix, cb);
+ }, []);
+ });
-/* harmony default export */ var directives = (() => {
+/* harmony default export */ const directives = (() => {
// data-wp-context
directive('context', ({
directives: {
- context: {
- default: newContext
- }
+ context
props: {
@@ -1924,46 +1070,41 @@ const mergeDeepSignals = (target, source, overwrite) => {
const {
} = inheritedContext;
- const inheritedValue = hooks_module_q(inheritedContext);
- const currentValue = hooks_module_(deepsignal_module_l({}));
- currentValue.current = hooks_module_F(() => {
- const newValue = deepsignal_module_l(newContext);
- mergeDeepSignals(newValue, inheritedValue);
- mergeDeepSignals(currentValue.current, newValue, true);
- return currentValue.current;
- }, [newContext, inheritedValue]);
- return jsxRuntime_module_u(Provider, {
- value: currentValue.current,
- children: children
- });
+ const inheritedValue = hooks_module_P(inheritedContext);
+ const currentValue = hooks_module_F(deepsignal_module_g({}));
+ const defaultEntry = context.find(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix === 'default');
+ // No change should be made if `defaultEntry` does not exist.
+ const contextStack = hooks_module_q(() => {
+ if (defaultEntry) {
+ const {
+ namespace,
+ value
+ } = defaultEntry;
+ updateSignals(currentValue.current, {
+ [namespace]: deepClone(value)
+ });
+ }
+ return proxifyContext(currentValue.current, inheritedValue);
+ }, [defaultEntry, inheritedValue]);
+ return y(Provider, {
+ value: contextStack
+ }, children);
}, {
priority: 5
- // data-wp-body
- directive('body', ({
- props: {
- children
- }
- }) => {
- return createPortal(children, document.body);
- });
- // data-wp-effect--[name]
- directive('effect', ({
+ // data-wp-watch--[name]
+ directive('watch', ({
directives: {
- effect
+ watch
- context,
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- Object.values(effect).forEach(path => {
- utils_useSignalEffect(() => {
- return evaluate(path, {
- context: contextValue
- });
- });
+ watch.forEach(entry => {
+ useWatch(() => evaluate(entry));
@@ -1972,16 +1113,11 @@ const mergeDeepSignals = (target, source, overwrite) => {
directives: {
- context,
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- Object.values(init).forEach(path => {
- hooks_module_p(() => {
- return evaluate(path, {
- context: contextValue
- });
- }, []);
+ init.forEach(entry => {
+ // TODO: Replace with useEffect to prevent unneeded scopes.
+ useInit(() => evaluate(entry));
@@ -1991,108 +1127,81 @@ const mergeDeepSignals = (target, source, overwrite) => {
- evaluate,
- context
+ evaluate
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- Object.entries(on).forEach(([name, path]) => {
- element.props[`on${name}`] = event => {
- evaluate(path, {
- event,
- context: contextValue
- });
+ on.filter(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix !== 'default').forEach(entry => {
+ element.props[`on${entry.suffix}`] = event => {
+ evaluate(entry, event);
+ // data-wp-on-window--[event]
+ directive('on-window', getGlobalEventDirective('window'));
+ // data-wp-on-document--[event]
+ directive('on-document', getGlobalEventDirective('document'));
// data-wp-class--[classname]
directive('class', ({
directives: {
- class: className
+ class: classNames
- evaluate,
- context
+ evaluate
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- Object.keys(className).filter(n => n !== 'default').forEach(name => {
- const result = evaluate(className[name], {
- className: name,
- context: contextValue
- });
+ classNames.filter(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix !== 'default').forEach(entry => {
+ const className = entry.suffix;
+ const result = evaluate(entry);
const currentClass = element.props.class || '';
- const classFinder = new RegExp(`(^|\\s)${name}(\\s|$)`, 'g');
- if (!result) element.props.class = currentClass.replace(classFinder, ' ').trim();else if (!classFinder.test(currentClass)) element.props.class = currentClass ? `${currentClass} ${name}` : name;
- hooks_module_p(() => {
- // This seems necessary because Preact doesn't change the class
- // names on the hydration, so we have to do it manually. It doesn't
- // need deps because it only needs to do it the first time.
+ const classFinder = new RegExp(`(^|\\s)${className}(\\s|$)`, 'g');
+ if (!result) element.props.class = currentClass.replace(classFinder, ' ').trim();else if (!classFinder.test(currentClass)) element.props.class = currentClass ? `${currentClass} ${className}` : className;
+ useInit(() => {
+ /*
+ * This seems necessary because Preact doesn't change the class
+ * names on the hydration, so we have to do it manually. It doesn't
+ * need deps because it only needs to do it the first time.
+ */
if (!result) {
- element.ref.current.classList.remove(name);
+ element.ref.current.classList.remove(className);
} else {
- element.ref.current.classList.add(name);
+ element.ref.current.classList.add(className);
- }, []);
+ });
- const newRule = /(?:([\u0080-\uFFFF\w-%@]+) *:? *([^{;]+?);|([^;}{]*?) *{)|(}\s*)/g;
- const ruleClean = /\/\*[^]*?\*\/| +/g;
- const ruleNewline = /\n+/g;
- const empty = ' ';
- /**
- * Convert a css style string into a object.
- *
- * Made by Cristian Bote (@cristianbote) for Goober.
- *
- *
- * @param {string} val CSS string.
- * @return {Object} CSS object.
- */
- const cssStringToObject = val => {
- const tree = [{}];
- let block, left;
- while (block = newRule.exec(val.replace(ruleClean, ''))) {
- if (block[4]) {
- tree.shift();
- } else if (block[3]) {
- left = block[3].replace(ruleNewline, empty).trim();
- tree.unshift(tree[0][left] = tree[0][left] || {});
- } else {
- tree[0][block[1]] = block[2].replace(ruleNewline, empty).trim();
- }
- }
- return tree[0];
- };
- // data-wp-style--[style-key]
+ // data-wp-style--[style-prop]
directive('style', ({
directives: {
- evaluate,
- context
+ evaluate
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- Object.keys(style).filter(n => n !== 'default').forEach(key => {
- const result = evaluate(style[key], {
- key,
- context: contextValue
- });
+ style.filter(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix !== 'default').forEach(entry => {
+ const styleProp = entry.suffix;
+ const result = evaluate(entry); = || {};
if (typeof === 'string') = cssStringToObject(;
- if (!result) delete[key];else[key] = result;
- hooks_module_p(() => {
- // This seems necessary because Preact doesn't change the styles on
- // the hydration, so we have to do it manually. It doesn't need deps
- // because it only needs to do it the first time.
+ if (!result) delete[styleProp];else[styleProp] = result;
+ useInit(() => {
+ /*
+ * This seems necessary because Preact doesn't change the styles on
+ * the hydration, so we have to do it manually. It doesn't need deps
+ * because it only needs to do it the first time.
+ */
if (!result) {
} else {
-[key] = result;
+[styleProp] = result;
- }, []);
+ });
@@ -2102,53 +1211,61 @@ const mergeDeepSignals = (target, source, overwrite) => {
- context,
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- Object.entries(bind).filter(n => n !== 'default').forEach(([attribute, path]) => {
- const result = evaluate(path, {
- context: contextValue
- });
+ bind.filter(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix !== 'default').forEach(entry => {
+ const attribute = entry.suffix;
+ const result = evaluate(entry);
element.props[attribute] = result;
- // Preact doesn't handle the `role` attribute properly, as it doesn't remove it when `null`.
- // We need this workaround until the following issue is solved:
- //
- hooks_module_y(() => {
- if (attribute === 'role' && (result === null || result === undefined)) {
- element.ref.current.removeAttribute(attribute);
- }
- }, [attribute, result]);
- // This seems necessary because Preact doesn't change the attributes
- // on the hydration, so we have to do it manually. It doesn't need
- // deps because it only needs to do it the first time.
- hooks_module_p(() => {
+ /*
+ * This is necessary because Preact doesn't change the attributes on the
+ * hydration, so we have to do it manually. It only needs to do it the
+ * first time. After that, Preact will handle the changes.
+ */
+ useInit(() => {
const el = element.ref.current;
- // We set the value directly to the corresponding
- // HTMLElement instance property excluding the following
- // special cases.
- // We follow Preact's logic:
- if (attribute !== 'width' && attribute !== 'height' && attribute !== 'href' && attribute !== 'list' && attribute !== 'form' &&
- // Default value in browsers is `-1` and an empty string is
- // cast to `0` instead
+ /*
+ * We set the value directly to the corresponding HTMLElement instance
+ * property excluding the following special cases. We follow Preact's
+ * logic:
+ */
+ if (attribute === 'style') {
+ if (typeof result === 'string') = result;
+ return;
+ } else if (attribute !== 'width' && attribute !== 'height' && attribute !== 'href' && attribute !== 'list' && attribute !== 'form' &&
+ /*
+ * The value for `tabindex` follows the parsing rules for an
+ * integer. If that fails, or if the attribute isn't present, then
+ * the browsers should "follow platform conventions to determine if
+ * the element should be considered as a focusable area",
+ * practically meaning that most elements get a default of `-1` (not
+ * focusable), but several also get a default of `0` (focusable in
+ * order after all elements with a positive `tabindex` value).
+ *
+ * @see
+ */
attribute !== 'tabIndex' && attribute !== 'download' && attribute !== 'rowSpan' && attribute !== 'colSpan' && attribute !== 'role' && attribute in el) {
try {
el[attribute] = result === null || result === undefined ? '' : result;
} catch (err) {}
- // aria- and data- attributes have no boolean representation.
- // A `false` value is different from the attribute not being
- // present, so we can't remove it.
- // We follow Preact's logic:
+ /*
+ * aria- and data- attributes have no boolean representation.
+ * A `false` value is different from the attribute not being
+ * present, so we can't remove it.
+ * We follow Preact's logic:
+ */
if (result !== null && result !== undefined && (result !== false || attribute[4] === '-')) {
el.setAttribute(attribute, result);
} else {
- }, []);
+ });
@@ -2163,8 +1280,8 @@ const mergeDeepSignals = (target, source, overwrite) => {
}) => {
// Preserve the initial inner HTML.
- const cached = hooks_module_F(() => innerHTML, []);
- return jsxRuntime_module_u(Type, {
+ const cached = hooks_module_q(() => innerHTML, []);
+ return y(Type, {
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: cached
@@ -2175,103 +1292,84 @@ const mergeDeepSignals = (target, source, overwrite) => {
// data-wp-text
directive('text', ({
directives: {
- text: {
- default: text
- }
+ text
- evaluate,
- context
+ evaluate
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- element.props.children = evaluate(text, {
- context: contextValue
- });
+ const entry = text.find(({
+ suffix
+ }) => suffix === 'default');
+ try {
+ const result = evaluate(entry);
+ element.props.children = typeof result === 'object' ? null : result.toString();
+ } catch (e) {
+ element.props.children = null;
+ }
- // data-wp-slot
- directive('slot', ({
+ // data-wp-run
+ directive('run', ({
directives: {
- slot: {
- default: slot
- }
- },
- props: {
- children
+ run
- element
+ evaluate
}) => {
- const name = typeof slot === 'string' ? slot :;
- const position = slot.position || 'children';
- if (position === 'before') {
- return jsxRuntime_module_u(g, {
- children: [jsxRuntime_module_u(Slot, {
- name: name
- }), children]
- });
- }
- if (position === 'after') {
- return jsxRuntime_module_u(g, {
- children: [children, jsxRuntime_module_u(Slot, {
- name: name
- })]
- });
- }
- if (position === 'replace') {
- return jsxRuntime_module_u(Slot, {
- name: name,
- children: children
- });
- }
- if (position === 'children') {
- element.props.children = jsxRuntime_module_u(Slot, {
- name: name,
- children: element.props.children
- });
- }
- }, {
- priority: 4
+ run.forEach(entry => evaluate(entry));
- // data-wp-fill
- directive('fill', ({
+ // data-wp-each--[item]
+ directive('each', ({
directives: {
- fill: {
- default: fill
- }
- },
- props: {
- children
+ each,
+ 'each-key': eachKey
- evaluate,
- context
+ context: inheritedContext,
+ element,
+ evaluate
}) => {
- const contextValue = hooks_module_q(context);
- const slot = evaluate(fill, {
- context: contextValue
- });
- return jsxRuntime_module_u(Fill, {
- slot: slot,
- children: children
+ if (element.type !== 'template') return;
+ const {
+ Provider
+ } = inheritedContext;
+ const inheritedValue = hooks_module_P(inheritedContext);
+ const [entry] = each;
+ const {
+ namespace,
+ suffix
+ } = entry;
+ const list = evaluate(entry);
+ return => {
+ const itemProp = suffix === 'default' ? 'item' : kebabToCamelCase(suffix);
+ const itemContext = deepsignal_module_g({
+ [namespace]: {}
+ });
+ const mergedContext = proxifyContext(itemContext, inheritedValue);
+ // Set the item after proxifying the context.
+ mergedContext[namespace][itemProp] = item;
+ const scope = {
+ ...getScope(),
+ context: mergedContext
+ };
+ const key = eachKey ? getEvaluate({
+ scope
+ })(eachKey[0]) : item;
+ return y(Provider, {
+ value: mergedContext,
+ key: key
+ }, element.props.content);
}, {
- priority: 4
- });
- // data-wp-slot-provider
- directive('slot-provider', ({
- props: {
- children
- }
- }) => jsxRuntime_module_u(SlotProvider, {
- children: children
- }), {
- priority: 4
+ priority: 20
+ directive('each-child', () => null);
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/constants.js
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/constants.js
const directivePrefix = 'wp';
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/vdom.js
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/vdom.js
* External dependencies
@@ -2283,6 +1381,11 @@ const directivePrefix = 'wp';
const ignoreAttr = `data-${directivePrefix}-ignore`;
const islandAttr = `data-${directivePrefix}-interactive`;
const fullPrefix = `data-${directivePrefix}-`;
+const namespaces = [];
+const currentNamespace = () => {
+ var _namespaces;
+ return (_namespaces = namespaces[namespaces.length - 1]) !== null && _namespaces !== void 0 ? _namespaces : null;
// Regular expression for directive parsing.
const directiveParser = new RegExp(`^data-${directivePrefix}-` +
@@ -2297,17 +1400,27 @@ const directiveParser = new RegExp(`^data-${directivePrefix}-` +
'(?:--([a-z0-9_-]+))?$', 'i' // Case insensitive.
+// Regular expression for reference parsing. It can contain a namespace before
+// the reference, separated by `::`, like `some-namespace::state.somePath`.
+// Namespaces can contain any alphanumeric characters, hyphens, underscores or
+// forward slashes. References don't have any restrictions.
+const nsPathRegExp = /^([\w-_\/]+)::(.+)$/;
const hydratedIslands = new WeakSet();
-// Recursive function that transforms a DOM tree into vDOM.
+ * Recursive function that transforms a DOM tree into vDOM.
+ *
+ * @param {Node} root The root element or node to start traversing on.
+ * @return {import('preact').VNode[]} The resulting vDOM tree.
+ */
function toVdom(root) {
const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(root, 205 // ELEMENT + TEXT + COMMENT + CDATA_SECTION + PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION
function walk(node) {
const {
- nodeType
+ nodeType,
+ localName
} = node;
if (nodeType === 3) return [];
if (nodeType === 4) {
@@ -2322,8 +1435,7 @@ function toVdom(root) {
const props = {};
const children = [];
- const directives = {};
- let hasDirectives = false;
+ const directives = [];
let ignore = false;
let island = false;
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
@@ -2331,24 +1443,26 @@ function toVdom(root) {
if (n[fullPrefix.length] && n.slice(0, fullPrefix.length) === fullPrefix) {
if (n === ignoreAttr) {
ignore = true;
- } else if (n === islandAttr) {
- island = true;
} else {
- hasDirectives = true;
- let val = attributes[i].value;
+ var _nsPathRegExp$exec$sl;
+ let [ns, value] = (_nsPathRegExp$exec$sl = nsPathRegExp.exec(attributes[i].value)?.slice(1)) !== null && _nsPathRegExp$exec$sl !== void 0 ? _nsPathRegExp$exec$sl : [null, attributes[i].value];
try {
- val = JSON.parse(val);
+ value = JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {}
- const [, prefix, suffix] = directiveParser.exec(n);
- directives[prefix] = directives[prefix] || {};
- directives[prefix][suffix || 'default'] = val;
+ if (n === islandAttr) {
+ var _value$namespace;
+ island = true;
+ namespaces.push(typeof value === 'string' ? value : (_value$namespace = value?.namespace) !== null && _value$namespace !== void 0 ? _value$namespace : null);
+ } else {
+ directives.push([n, ns, value]);
+ }
} else if (n === 'ref') {
props[n] = attributes[i].value;
- if (ignore && !island) return [y(node.localName, {
+ if (ignore && !island) return [y(localName, {
innerHTML: node.innerHTML,
__directives: {
@@ -2356,21 +1470,40 @@ function toVdom(root) {
if (island) hydratedIslands.add(node);
- if (hasDirectives) props.__directives = directives;
- let child = treeWalker.firstChild();
- if (child) {
- while (child) {
- const [vnode, nextChild] = walk(child);
- if (vnode) children.push(vnode);
- child = nextChild || treeWalker.nextSibling();
+ if (directives.length) {
+ props.__directives = directives.reduce((obj, [name, ns, value]) => {
+ const [, prefix, suffix = 'default'] = directiveParser.exec(name);
+ if (!obj[prefix]) obj[prefix] = [];
+ obj[prefix].push({
+ namespace: ns !== null && ns !== void 0 ? ns : currentNamespace(),
+ value,
+ suffix
+ });
+ return obj;
+ }, {});
+ }
+ if (localName === 'template') {
+ props.content = [...node.content.childNodes].map(childNode => toVdom(childNode));
+ } else {
+ let child = treeWalker.firstChild();
+ if (child) {
+ while (child) {
+ const [vnode, nextChild] = walk(child);
+ if (vnode) children.push(vnode);
+ child = nextChild || treeWalker.nextSibling();
+ }
+ treeWalker.parentNode();
- treeWalker.parentNode();
- return [y(node.localName, props, children)];
+ // Restore previous namespace.
+ if (island) namespaces.pop();
+ return [y(localName, props, children)];
return walk(treeWalker.currentNode);
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/router.js
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/init.js
* External dependencies
@@ -2382,9 +1515,6 @@ function toVdom(root) {
-// The cache of visited and prefetched pages.
-const pages = new Map();
// Keep the same root fragment for each interactive region node.
const regionRootFragments = new WeakMap();
const getRegionRootFragment = region => {
@@ -2393,122 +1523,39 @@ const getRegionRootFragment = region => {
return regionRootFragments.get(region);
-// Helper to remove domain and hash from the URL. We are only interesting in
-// caching the path and the query.
-const cleanUrl = url => {
- const u = new URL(url, window.location);
- return u.pathname +;
-// Fetch a new page and convert it to a static virtual DOM.
-const fetchPage = async (url, {
- html
-}) => {
- try {
- if (!html) {
- const res = await window.fetch(url);
- if (res.status !== 200) return false;
- html = await res.text();
- }
- const dom = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html');
- return regionsToVdom(dom);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
-// Return an object with VDOM trees of those HTML regions marked with a
-// `navigation-id` directive.
-const regionsToVdom = dom => {
- const regions = {};
- const attrName = `data-${directivePrefix}-navigation-id`;
- dom.querySelectorAll(`[${attrName}]`).forEach(region => {
- const id = region.getAttribute(attrName);
- regions[id] = toVdom(region);
- });
- const title = dom.querySelector('title')?.innerText;
- return {
- regions,
- title
- };
-// Prefetch a page. We store the promise to avoid triggering a second fetch for
-// a page if a fetching has already started.
-const prefetch = (url, options = {}) => {
- url = cleanUrl(url);
- if (options.force || !pages.has(url)) {
- pages.set(url, fetchPage(url, options));
- }
-// Render all interactive regions contained in the given page.
-const renderRegions = page => {
- const attrName = `data-${directivePrefix}-navigation-id`;
- document.querySelectorAll(`[${attrName}]`).forEach(region => {
- const id = region.getAttribute(attrName);
- const fragment = getRegionRootFragment(region);
- q(page.regions[id], fragment);
+function yieldToMain() {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ // TODO: Use scheduler.yield() when available.
+ setTimeout(resolve, 0);
- if (page.title) {
- document.title = page.title;
- }
-// Variable to store the current navigation.
-let navigatingTo = '';
-// Navigate to a new page.
-const router_navigate = async (href, options = {}) => {
- const url = cleanUrl(href);
- navigatingTo = href;
- prefetch(url, options);
- // Create a promise that resolves when the specified timeout ends. The
- // timeout value is 10 seconds by default.
- const timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, options.timeout ?? 10000));
- const page = await Promise.race([pages.get(url), timeoutPromise]);
- // Once the page is fetched, the destination URL could have changed (e.g.,
- // by clicking another link in the meantime). If so, bail out, and let the
- // newer execution to update the HTML.
- if (navigatingTo !== href) return;
- if (page) {
- renderRegions(page);
- window.history[options.replace ? 'replaceState' : 'pushState']({}, '', href);
- } else {
- window.location.assign(href);
- await new Promise(() => {});
- }
-// Listen to the back and forward buttons and restore the page if it's in the
-// cache.
-window.addEventListener('popstate', async () => {
- const url = cleanUrl(window.location); // Remove hash.
- const page = pages.has(url) && (await pages.get(url));
- if (page) {
- renderRegions(page);
- } else {
- window.location.reload();
- }
+// Initial vDOM regions associated with its DOM element.
+const initialVdom = new WeakMap();
// Initialize the router with the initial DOM.
const init = async () => {
- document.querySelectorAll(`[data-${directivePrefix}-interactive]`).forEach(node => {
+ const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(`[data-${directivePrefix}-interactive]`);
+ for (const node of nodes) {
if (!hydratedIslands.has(node)) {
+ await yieldToMain();
const fragment = getRegionRootFragment(node);
const vdom = toVdom(node);
- B(vdom, fragment);
+ initialVdom.set(node, vdom);
+ await yieldToMain();
+ E(vdom, fragment);
- });
- // Cache the current regions.
- pages.set(cleanUrl(window.location), Promise.resolve(regionsToVdom(document)));
+ }
-;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/src/index.js
+;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@wordpress/interactivity/build-module/index.js
+ * External dependencies
+ */
* Internal dependencies
@@ -2521,152 +1568,45 @@ const init = async () => {
+const requiredConsent = 'I acknowledge that using private APIs means my theme or plugin will inevitably break in the next version of WordPress.';
+const privateApis = lock => {
+ if (lock === requiredConsent) {
+ return {
+ directivePrefix: directivePrefix,
+ getRegionRootFragment: getRegionRootFragment,
+ initialVdom: initialVdom,
+ toVdom: toVdom,
+ directive: directive,
+ getNamespace: getNamespace,
+ h: y,
+ cloneElement: F,
+ render: B,
+ deepSignal: deepsignal_module_g,
+ parseInitialData: parseInitialData,
+ populateInitialData: populateInitialData,
+ batch: signals_core_module_n
+ };
+ }
+ throw new Error('Forbidden access.');
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => {
await init();
- afterLoads.forEach(afterLoad => afterLoad(rawStore));
-/***/ })
-/******/ });
-/******/ // The module cache
-/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
-/******/ // The require function
-/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
-/******/ // Check if module is in cache
-/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
-/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
-/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
-/******/ }
-/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
-/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
-/******/ // no needed
-/******/ // no module.loaded needed
-/******/ exports: {}
-/******/ };
-/******/ // Execute the module function
-/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
-/******/ // Return the exports of the module
-/******/ return module.exports;
-/******/ }
-/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
-/******/ __webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;
-/******/ /* webpack/runtime/chunk loaded */
-/******/ !function() {
-/******/ var deferred = [];
-/******/ __webpack_require__.O = function(result, chunkIds, fn, priority) {
-/******/ if(chunkIds) {
-/******/ priority = priority || 0;
-/******/ for(var i = deferred.length; i > 0 && deferred[i - 1][2] > priority; i--) deferred[i] = deferred[i - 1];
-/******/ deferred[i] = [chunkIds, fn, priority];
-/******/ return;
-/******/ }
-/******/ var notFulfilled = Infinity;
-/******/ for (var i = 0; i < deferred.length; i++) {
-/******/ var chunkIds = deferred[i][0];
-/******/ var fn = deferred[i][1];
-/******/ var priority = deferred[i][2];
-/******/ var fulfilled = true;
-/******/ for (var j = 0; j < chunkIds.length; j++) {
-/******/ if ((priority & 1 === 0 || notFulfilled >= priority) && Object.keys(__webpack_require__.O).every(function(key) { return __webpack_require__.O[key](chunkIds[j]); })) {
-/******/ chunkIds.splice(j--, 1);
-/******/ } else {
-/******/ fulfilled = false;
-/******/ if(priority < notFulfilled) notFulfilled = priority;
-/******/ }
-/******/ }
-/******/ if(fulfilled) {
-/******/ deferred.splice(i--, 1)
-/******/ var r = fn();
-/******/ if (r !== undefined) result = r;
-/******/ }
-/******/ }
-/******/ return result;
-/******/ };
-/******/ }();
-/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
-/******/ !function() {
-/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
-/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, definition) {
-/******/ for(var key in definition) {
-/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
-/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
-/******/ }
-/******/ }
-/******/ };
-/******/ }();
-/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
-/******/ !function() {
-/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(obj, prop) { return, prop); }
-/******/ }();
-/******/ /* webpack/runtime/jsonp chunk loading */
-/******/ !function() {
-/******/ // no baseURI
-/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
-/******/ // undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
-/******/ // [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
-/******/ var installedChunks = {
-/******/ 440: 0
-/******/ };
-/******/ // no chunk on demand loading
-/******/ // no prefetching
-/******/ // no preloaded
-/******/ // no HMR
-/******/ // no HMR manifest
-/******/ __webpack_require__.O.j = function(chunkId) { return installedChunks[chunkId] === 0; };
-/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
-/******/ var webpackJsonpCallback = function(parentChunkLoadingFunction, data) {
-/******/ var chunkIds = data[0];
-/******/ var moreModules = data[1];
-/******/ var runtime = data[2];
-/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
-/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
-/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0;
-/******/ if(chunkIds.some(function(id) { return installedChunks[id] !== 0; })) {
-/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
-/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {
-/******/ __webpack_require__.m[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
-/******/ }
-/******/ }
-/******/ if(runtime) var result = runtime(__webpack_require__);
-/******/ }
-/******/ if(parentChunkLoadingFunction) parentChunkLoadingFunction(data);
-/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
-/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
-/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) && installedChunks[chunkId]) {
-/******/ installedChunks[chunkId][0]();
-/******/ }
-/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
-/******/ }
-/******/ return __webpack_require__.O(result);
-/******/ }
-/******/ var chunkLoadingGlobal = self["__WordPressPrivateInteractivityAPI__"] = self["__WordPressPrivateInteractivityAPI__"] || [];
-/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal.forEach(webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, 0));
-/******/ chunkLoadingGlobal.push = webpackJsonpCallback.bind(null, chunkLoadingGlobal.push.bind(chunkLoadingGlobal));
-/******/ }();
-/******/ })()
-; \ No newline at end of file
+var __webpack_exports__getConfig = __webpack_exports__.zj;
+var __webpack_exports__getContext = __webpack_exports__.SD;
+var __webpack_exports__getElement = __webpack_exports__.V6;
+var __webpack_exports__privateApis = __webpack_exports__.jb;
+var __webpack_exports__store = __webpack_exports__.M_;
+var __webpack_exports__useCallback = __webpack_exports__.hb;
+var __webpack_exports__useEffect = __webpack_exports__.vJ;
+var __webpack_exports__useInit = __webpack_exports__.ip;
+var __webpack_exports__useLayoutEffect = __webpack_exports__.Nf;
+var __webpack_exports__useMemo = __webpack_exports__.Kr;
+var __webpack_exports__useRef =;
+var __webpack_exports__useState = __webpack_exports__.J0;
+var __webpack_exports__useWatch = __webpack_exports__.FH;
+var __webpack_exports__withScope = __webpack_exports__.v4;
+export { __webpack_exports__getConfig as getConfig, __webpack_exports__getContext as getContext, __webpack_exports__getElement as getElement, __webpack_exports__privateApis as privateApis, __webpack_exports__store as store, __webpack_exports__useCallback as useCallback, __webpack_exports__useEffect as useEffect, __webpack_exports__useInit as useInit, __webpack_exports__useLayoutEffect as useLayoutEffect, __webpack_exports__useMemo as useMemo, __webpack_exports__useRef as useRef, __webpack_exports__useState as useState, __webpack_exports__useWatch as useWatch, __webpack_exports__withScope as withScope };