path: root/yt_dlp/compat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yt_dlp/compat')
10 files changed, 414 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ad5c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
+from .compat_utils import passthrough_module
+passthrough_module(__name__, '._deprecated')
+del passthrough_module
+# HTMLParseError has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and removed in
+# Python 3.5. Introducing dummy exception for Python >3.5 for compatible
+# and uniform cross-version exception handling
+class compat_HTMLParseError(ValueError):
+ pass
+class _TreeBuilder(etree.TreeBuilder):
+ def doctype(self, name, pubid, system):
+ pass
+def compat_etree_fromstring(text):
+ return etree.XML(text, parser=etree.XMLParser(target=_TreeBuilder()))
+compat_os_name = os._name if == 'java' else
+if compat_os_name == 'nt':
+ def compat_shlex_quote(s):
+ import re
+ return s if re.match(r'^[-_\w./]+$', s) else s.replace('"', '""').join('""')
+ from shlex import quote as compat_shlex_quote # noqa: F401
+def compat_ord(c):
+ return c if isinstance(c, int) else ord(c)
+if compat_os_name == 'nt' and sys.version_info < (3, 8):
+ # os.path.realpath on Windows does not follow symbolic links
+ # prior to Python 3.8 (see
+ def compat_realpath(path):
+ while os.path.islink(path):
+ path = os.path.abspath(os.readlink(path))
+ return os.path.realpath(path)
+ compat_realpath = os.path.realpath
+# Python 3.8+ does not honor %HOME% on windows, but this breaks compatibility with youtube-dl
+# See
+if compat_os_name in ('nt', 'ce'):
+ def compat_expanduser(path):
+ HOME = os.environ.get('HOME')
+ if not HOME:
+ return os.path.expanduser(path)
+ elif not path.startswith('~'):
+ return path
+ i = path.replace('\\', '/', 1).find('/') # ~user
+ if i < 0:
+ i = len(path)
+ userhome = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(HOME), path[1:i]) if i > 1 else HOME
+ return userhome + path[i:]
+ compat_expanduser = os.path.expanduser
+def urllib_req_to_req(urllib_request):
+ """Convert urllib Request to a networking Request"""
+ from ..networking import Request
+ from ..utils.networking import HTTPHeaderDict
+ return Request(
+ urllib_request.get_full_url(),, method=urllib_request.get_method(),
+ headers=HTTPHeaderDict(urllib_request.headers, urllib_request.unredirected_hdrs),
+ extensions={'timeout': urllib_request.timeout} if hasattr(urllib_request, 'timeout') else None)
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..607bae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+"""Deprecated - New code should avoid these"""
+import warnings
+from .compat_utils import passthrough_module
+# XXX: Implement this the same way as other DeprecationWarnings without circular import
+passthrough_module(__name__, '.._legacy', callback=lambda attr: warnings.warn(
+ DeprecationWarning(f'{__name__}.{attr} is deprecated'), stacklevel=6))
+del passthrough_module
+import base64
+import urllib.error
+import urllib.parse
+compat_str = str
+compat_b64decode = base64.b64decode
+compat_urlparse = urllib.parse
+compat_parse_qs = urllib.parse.parse_qs
+compat_urllib_parse_unquote = urllib.parse.unquote
+compat_urllib_parse_urlencode = urllib.parse.urlencode
+compat_urllib_parse_urlparse = urllib.parse.urlparse
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ea5d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+""" Do not use! """
+import base64
+import collections
+import ctypes
+import getpass
+import html.entities
+import html.parser
+import http.client
+import http.cookiejar
+import http.cookies
+import http.server
+import itertools
+import os
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import socket
+import struct
+import subprocess
+import tokenize
+import urllib.error
+import urllib.parse
+import urllib.request
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
+# isort: split
+import asyncio # noqa: F401
+import re # noqa: F401
+from asyncio import run as compat_asyncio_run # noqa: F401
+from re import Pattern as compat_Pattern # noqa: F401
+from re import match as compat_Match # noqa: F401
+from . import compat_expanduser, compat_HTMLParseError, compat_realpath
+from .compat_utils import passthrough_module
+from ..dependencies import brotli as compat_brotli # noqa: F401
+from ..dependencies import websockets as compat_websockets # noqa: F401
+from ..dependencies.Cryptodome import AES as compat_pycrypto_AES # noqa: F401
+from ..networking.exceptions import HTTPError as compat_HTTPError # noqa: F401
+passthrough_module(__name__, '...utils', ('WINDOWS_VT_MODE', 'windows_enable_vt_mode'))
+# compat_ctypes_WINFUNCTYPE = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE
+# will not work since ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE does not exist in UNIX machines
+def compat_ctypes_WINFUNCTYPE(*args, **kwargs):
+ return ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(*args, **kwargs)
+def compat_setenv(key, value, env=os.environ):
+ env[key] = value
+compat_base64_b64decode = base64.b64decode
+compat_basestring = str
+compat_casefold = str.casefold
+compat_chr = chr
+compat_collections_abc =
+compat_cookiejar = compat_http_cookiejar = http.cookiejar
+compat_cookiejar_Cookie = compat_http_cookiejar_Cookie = http.cookiejar.Cookie
+compat_cookies = compat_http_cookies = http.cookies
+compat_cookies_SimpleCookie = compat_http_cookies_SimpleCookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie
+compat_etree_Element = compat_xml_etree_ElementTree_Element = etree.Element
+compat_etree_register_namespace = compat_xml_etree_register_namespace = etree.register_namespace
+compat_filter = filter
+compat_get_terminal_size = shutil.get_terminal_size
+compat_getenv = os.getenv
+compat_getpass = compat_getpass_getpass = getpass.getpass
+compat_html_entities = html.entities
+compat_html_entities_html5 = html.entities.html5
+compat_html_parser_HTMLParseError = compat_HTMLParseError
+compat_HTMLParser = compat_html_parser_HTMLParser = html.parser.HTMLParser
+compat_http_client = http.client
+compat_http_server = http.server
+compat_input = input
+compat_integer_types = (int, )
+compat_itertools_count = itertools.count
+compat_kwargs = lambda kwargs: kwargs
+compat_map = map
+compat_numeric_types = (int, float, complex)
+compat_os_path_expanduser = compat_expanduser
+compat_os_path_realpath = compat_realpath
+compat_print = print
+compat_shlex_split = shlex.split
+compat_socket_create_connection = socket.create_connection
+compat_Struct = struct.Struct
+compat_struct_pack = struct.pack
+compat_struct_unpack = struct.unpack
+compat_subprocess_get_DEVNULL = lambda: subprocess.DEVNULL
+compat_tokenize_tokenize = tokenize.tokenize
+compat_urllib_error = urllib.error
+compat_urllib_HTTPError = compat_HTTPError
+compat_urllib_parse = urllib.parse
+compat_urllib_parse_parse_qs = urllib.parse.parse_qs
+compat_urllib_parse_quote = urllib.parse.quote
+compat_urllib_parse_quote_plus = urllib.parse.quote_plus
+compat_urllib_parse_unquote_plus = urllib.parse.unquote_plus
+compat_urllib_parse_unquote_to_bytes = urllib.parse.unquote_to_bytes
+compat_urllib_parse_urlunparse = urllib.parse.urlunparse
+compat_urllib_request = urllib.request
+compat_urllib_request_DataHandler = urllib.request.DataHandler
+compat_urllib_response = urllib.response
+compat_urlretrieve = compat_urllib_request_urlretrieve = urllib.request.urlretrieve
+compat_xml_parse_error = compat_xml_etree_ElementTree_ParseError = etree.ParseError
+compat_xpath = lambda xpath: xpath
+compat_zip = zip
+workaround_optparse_bug9161 = lambda: None
+legacy = []
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d62b7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import collections
+import contextlib
+import functools
+import importlib
+import sys
+import types
+_NO_ATTRIBUTE = object()
+_Package = collections.namedtuple('Package', ('name', 'version'))
+def get_package_info(module):
+ return _Package(
+ name=getattr(module, '_yt_dlp__identifier', module.__name__),
+ version=str(next(filter(None, (
+ getattr(module, attr, None)
+ for attr in ('_yt_dlp__version', '__version__', 'version_string', 'version')
+ )), None)))
+def _is_package(module):
+ return '__path__' in vars(module)
+def _is_dunder(name):
+ return name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__')
+class EnhancedModule(types.ModuleType):
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return vars(self).get('__bool__', lambda: True)()
+ def __getattribute__(self, attr):
+ try:
+ ret = super().__getattribute__(attr)
+ except AttributeError:
+ if _is_dunder(attr):
+ raise
+ getter = getattr(self, '__getattr__', None)
+ if not getter:
+ raise
+ ret = getter(attr)
+ return ret.fget() if isinstance(ret, property) else ret
+def passthrough_module(parent, child, allowed_attributes=(..., ), *, callback=lambda _: None):
+ """Passthrough parent module into a child module, creating the parent if necessary"""
+ def __getattr__(attr):
+ if _is_package(parent):
+ with contextlib.suppress(ModuleNotFoundError):
+ return importlib.import_module(f'.{attr}', parent.__name__)
+ ret = from_child(attr)
+ if ret is _NO_ATTRIBUTE:
+ raise AttributeError(f'module {parent.__name__} has no attribute {attr}')
+ callback(attr)
+ return ret
+ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
+ def from_child(attr):
+ nonlocal child
+ if attr not in allowed_attributes:
+ if ... not in allowed_attributes or _is_dunder(attr):
+ return _NO_ATTRIBUTE
+ if isinstance(child, str):
+ child = importlib.import_module(child, parent.__name__)
+ if _is_package(child):
+ with contextlib.suppress(ImportError):
+ return passthrough_module(f'{parent.__name__}.{attr}',
+ importlib.import_module(f'.{attr}', child.__name__))
+ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
+ return getattr(child, attr)
+ return _NO_ATTRIBUTE
+ parent = sys.modules.get(parent, types.ModuleType(parent))
+ parent.__class__ = EnhancedModule
+ parent.__getattr__ = __getattr__
+ return parent
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36c9836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# flake8: noqa: F405
+from functools import * # noqa: F403
+from .compat_utils import passthrough_module
+passthrough_module(__name__, 'functools')
+del passthrough_module
+ cache # >= 3.9
+except NameError:
+ cache = lru_cache(maxsize=None)
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d64ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+tests = {
+ 'webp': lambda h: h[0:4] == b'RIFF' and h[8:] == b'WEBP',
+ 'png': lambda h: h[:8] == b'\211PNG\r\n\032\n',
+ 'jpeg': lambda h: h[6:10] in (b'JFIF', b'Exif'),
+ 'gif': lambda h: h[:6] in (b'GIF87a', b'GIF89a'),
+def what(file=None, h=None):
+ """Detect format of image (Currently supports jpeg, png, webp, gif only)
+ Ref:
+ """
+ if h is None:
+ with open(file, 'rb') as f:
+ h =
+ return next((type_ for type_, test in tests.items() if test(h)), None)
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23239d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# flake8: noqa: F405
+from shutil import * # noqa: F403
+from .compat_utils import passthrough_module
+passthrough_module(__name__, 'shutil')
+del passthrough_module
+import sys
+if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'):
+ import errno
+ import os
+ import shutil
+ # Workaround for PermissionError when using restricted ACL mode on FreeBSD
+ def copy2(src, dst, *args, **kwargs):
+ if os.path.isdir(dst):
+ dst = os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(src))
+ shutil.copyfile(src, dst, *args, **kwargs)
+ try:
+ shutil.copystat(src, dst, *args, **kwargs)
+ except PermissionError as e:
+ if e.errno != getattr(errno, 'EPERM', None):
+ raise
+ return dst
+ def move(*args, copy_function=copy2, **kwargs):
+ return shutil.move(*args, copy_function=copy_function, **kwargs)
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/ b/yt_dlp/compat/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa3b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# flake8: noqa: F405
+from types import * # noqa: F403
+from .compat_utils import passthrough_module
+passthrough_module(__name__, 'types')
+del passthrough_module
+ # NB: pypy has builtin NoneType, so checking NameError won't work
+ from types import NoneType # >= 3.10
+except ImportError:
+ NoneType = type(None)
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/urllib/ b/yt_dlp/compat/urllib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9084b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/urllib/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# flake8: noqa: F405
+from urllib import * # noqa: F403
+del request # noqa: F821
+from . import request # noqa: F401
+from ..compat_utils import passthrough_module
+passthrough_module(__name__, 'urllib')
+del passthrough_module
diff --git a/yt_dlp/compat/urllib/ b/yt_dlp/compat/urllib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad9fa83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/compat/urllib/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# flake8: noqa: F405
+from urllib.request import * # noqa: F403
+from ..compat_utils import passthrough_module
+passthrough_module(__name__, 'urllib.request')
+del passthrough_module
+from .. import compat_os_name
+if compat_os_name == 'nt':
+ # On older Python versions, proxies are extracted from Windows registry erroneously. [1]
+ # If the https proxy in the registry does not have a scheme, urllib will incorrectly add https:// to it. [2]
+ # It is unlikely that the user has actually set it to be https, so we should be fine to safely downgrade
+ # it to http on these older Python versions to avoid issues
+ # This also applies for ftp proxy type, as ftp:// proxy scheme is not supported.
+ # 1:
+ # 2:
+ import sys
+ from urllib.request import getproxies_environment, getproxies_registry
+ def getproxies_registry_patched():
+ proxies = getproxies_registry()
+ if (
+ sys.version_info >= (3, 10, 5) #
+ or (3, 9, 13) <= sys.version_info < (3, 10) #
+ ):
+ return proxies
+ for scheme in ('https', 'ftp'):
+ if scheme in proxies and proxies[scheme].startswith(f'{scheme}://'):
+ proxies[scheme] = 'http' + proxies[scheme][len(scheme):]
+ return proxies
+ def getproxies():
+ return getproxies_environment() or getproxies_registry_patched()
+del compat_os_name